Monday, March 21, 2016

The Great A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal! Plus News on Daredevil, Kingsman 2, Indiana Jones 5, and Ninja News

Today is the Great A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal! But first…

Entertainment News

Daredevil – Season Two is now available on NetFlix!
It was tempting to binge-watch the whole season, but I’m going to spread it out a couple weeks and enjoy it.
The first episode kicked off with a bang as The Punisher entered Daredevil’s world. It also has the same flavor as season one, which bodes well to yet another awesome season.

A sequel to Kingsman: The Secret Service is in the works.
From JoBlo:
Matthew Vaughn's upcoming KINGSMAN sequel is set to kick off production next month with Taron Egerton reprising his role as Gary "Eggsy" Unwin. News of other cast members, both new and old, have been trickling in and now Deadline is reporting that Edward Holcroft, who played smarmy turncoat Charlie Hesketh in the first film, will be returning for the sequel as well.

From Blastr, we find that yes, they are making Indiana Jones 5.
Steven Spielberg re-teaming with Harrison Ford and they are bringing on writer David Koepp. Now, Koepp did write the screenplay for the amazing Jurassic Park, but he also wrote Indiana Jones 4. Not good…

Ninja News

New Releases:

Under a Purple Moon by Beverly Stowe McClure
No love in the Garden of Eden...
Find it at iTunes, Nook, Amazon and Amazon UK

Deb’s Daily Drivel by Deb Church
Find it on Amazon

Mage, Maze, Demon by Charles Gramlich
This publication is by David Cranmer’s Beat to a Pulp.
This is book #3 in their Veridical Dreams series.
Find it on Amazon

Witch of the Cards by Catherine Stine
Find it at iTunes, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble

Can You Catch My Flow? By Lidy Wilks
Find it at Amazon

The Great Theme Reveal!

Today is the A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal. Those of us with themes are revealing them today.

Most of you know my themes tend to be simple yet complex. As a co-host, I usually go all out. This year, I scaled it back a bit. One theme – three items.

And my theme is…

Origins of Science Fiction Terms and More!

The term, its meaning, and its first book appearance – a movie that features this term – and a featured blogger buddy who reminds me of that term!

Yes, that is scaling it back a little bit… And had to feature a blogger buddy for each letter, as that’s now a Challenge staple.

So join me on April 1 as we take a fascinating look into where those odd science fiction terms originated. Who knows? You just might learn something…

Visit others who are revealing their theme today, including the Insecure Writer’s Support Group!

Did you start watching Daredevil this past weekend? Does an Indiana Jones 5 worry you? Picking up some new books? Curious where some of those science fiction terms came from? And what is your theme for the Challenge?


ediFanoB said...

I really like your A to Z theme.

Indiana Jones = Harrison Ford.
Therefore I look forward to Indiana Jones 5.
There is only one worry for me. Indiana Jones is immortal but Harrison Ford not.

Jamie said...

Witch of the Cards has a great cover. Very eye catching.

Your theme sounds interesting. I look forward to learning about the sci-fi stuff.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Well, heck it's going to be a great A TO Z CHALLENGE this year... I have a couple of hidden things I have been working on and it will be revealed on the first... fingers-crossed.

Happy Indiana Jones, hopefully Han Solo will not share the same story...

Also, SuperGirl, was just adorable... :)


RaveAir said...

Your A to Z theme sounds good. The participation in this challange was tempting, but I don't see enough time to achive daily blogging. :(

First season of Daredevil was good, however Jessica Jones was better. Wilson Fisk was very annoying and I think the actor of it overplayed his role.

Jemima Pett said...

Oh boy - now there's a theme! Looking forward to absorbing all your wisdom (and that of your blogger buddies, of course)

As for Indie 5. Noooooooooooooooo!

Jemima Pett

Misha Gerrick said...

I really need to watch Daredevil sometime soon.

Your Challenge theme sounds interesting. :-)

Cathrina Constantine said...

So many great books to add to my TBR.

Great Theme Alex!

Just Keepin It Real, Folks! said...

Great theme Alex. I'm sure I will learn quite a bit. WOW 432 motivated and inspired bloggers taking the challenge. Now I really feel like a lazy bum.

Ann V Friend said...

Looking forward to reading your posts Alex. Good theme. Blessings! (smile)

Stephanie Faris said...

Great theme! I love it!!!

I've already read two of the books on your "new releases" list, which makes me feel pretty accomplished for a Monday morning.

The Cynical Sailor said...

What a fantastic theme! I'm a big sci-fi fan so am really looking forward to your A to Z posts Cheers - Ellen @

Yolanda Renée said...

I've actually seen a few of the Daredevil on Net Flix, my son set it up for me. So addictive!
I don't mind an old Indiana Jones, I'm getting there too! Got to support the elderly! LOL
Love your theme! Mine's all about Alaska and Murder & Obsession!

Sophie Duncan said...

I look forward to reading more on your theme and learning something :)

Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles | Wittegen Press | FB3X

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Edi, I thought you would dig it. Yeah, Ford's age worries me.

Jeremy, she is cute!

Zoltan, sorry you don't have time to join us this year.

Deb, and that's just the theme reveal - over 1200 on the Challenge list.

Stephanie, you are way ahead of me.

Ellen, awesome!

Karen Lange said...

Wow, another Indie movie- should be interesting. Sounds like a great A to Z theme. Have a great week!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Looking forward to your theme! I didn't come up with one for this year, so I'll be sitting out the A-Z Challenge this year. I need to focus on getting the next books ready for publication anyway.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I like the idea of an Indiana Jones 5, but I am a little worried....

Cool A-Z theme!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Yaaaay on a new Indiana Jones movie. I'm sure it won't measure up to the others, but I'm willing. I like your theme and can't wait.

Tamara Narayan said...

I started watching season 5 of Game of Thrones yesterday. So far, so good. Indiana Jones 5? Well, maybe it will be a good time to introduce my kids to the series. Maybe. I'll have to think about the gory scenes a little first. My youngest finds the Goosebumps TV series terrifying. Maybe I'll start with Ghostbusters instead.

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

Hah! A cool theme as usual :) And I like the blogging buddy system too. :) Cheers!

@TarkabarkaHolgy from
The Multicolored Diary

L. Diane Wolfe said...

That's a fun theme.

It's so wonderful that Beverly's book is finally out in the world. It's such a sweet story.

Sylvia Ney said...

I always get excited about the A to Z challenge, and enjoy participating every year. I'm not as excited about a fifth Indiana Jones - too disappointed in the last one.

Tonja Drecker said...

Lol! And you call that scaling back for A-Z? Guess I'm going to have to pop by every day and learn those terms :) Indiana Jones 5, huh? I have my serious doubts on that one. As to Daredevil...I haven't peeked yet because I lack the self-control not to bing-view and know what will happen the moment I watch that first episode.

Shell Flower said...

It will be fun to learn some Sci-Fi terms and see who they remind you of. Indiana Jones 5 might be okay, but I tend to worry when the number after a movie title gets higher than 3. Most people will go just for Harrison Ford.

Pat Hatt said...

Will be a fun theme indeed at your feed. Daredevil season 2 is awesome. Maybe if Lucas has nothing to do with it Indy 5 may turn out good. Don't have high hopes though.

Joanne said...

I did not start new Daredevil yet but I'm psyched for it. Did see 10 Cloverfield Lane - very intense, loved John Goodman and the girl, did not like the end, but that's okay.
Your theme sounds very fun and will no doubt be "scaled " back to a Spinal Tap 11.......looking forward to it. How can I work today with so many reveals to see. I'm cheating now at my job.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Sounds like you've got a great theme that was quite challenging to find all the blogger friends for. That's awesome how you included other bloggers in your challenge. Not surprised knowing you.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - that may well help my understanding ... thanks for thinking of me! Cheers Hilary said...

Your theme is going to be really interesting and fun, Alex. I know I'll learn a lot.
Shoutout to Deb Church! Congratulations! I can't wait to have her book in my hands.

Have a great, safe week, Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sandra, sometimes that's best.

Tamara, all depends on which direction they go with the movie I guess.

Sylvia, I was disappointed...

T, it is scaling back!

Pat, good point!

Joanne, this one goes to eleven...

Ann Bennett said...

I like your theme. You are also in the hotseat. Back in the day, 40 years ago, I read so much science fiction and Asimov's mag. For you that is prehistoric experience. lol

Lucky for you, I don't have the memory I used to. Cheers.

Sandra Cox said...

Happy Monday, Alex! I like your theme. Your posts will be interesting....Of course, they always are.

tawnya said...

Awesome Theme! I look forward to it!

mail4rosey said...

We just did a Netflix binge not long ago. My first time. I liked it. :)
Here to wish you a happy Monday!

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Alex!

Mrs. Shady and I are working our way through season one of Daredevil. It has become our favorite Marvel series. Your A to Z theme "Origins of Science Fiction Terms and More!" is imaginative and I look forward to learning a lot from it.

Have a great week, good buddy Alex!

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched Daredevil yet because I know I'll binge watch it. Maybe I should suggest to hubby we watch it because he's a lot better at watching only a couple episodes at a time so I can watch but still get writing done.

That's a fun theme! I look forward to it.

Stephen Tremp said...

I still need to binge watch Season 1 of Daredevil. I can do that next week as kids are on spring break.

J.H. Moncrieff said...

Hmm...I am concerned about Indy 5, but I love the franchise so much, I'll probably still watch it.

That's scaling back? It seems like a pretty ambitious theme to me!

Nilanjana Bose said...

Your A-Z theme is beyond neat. I am going to visit and get myself a much-needed education in sci-fi. Congrats on the antho, glad to see you don't have a book release in the middle of A-Zing like last year :)

kaykuala said...

Indiana Jones 5 in the works! That should be a good balance to the super-heroes Batman vs Superman for instance, that we have lately. Congrats on your theme Alex. Sci-fi is going to be technical perhaps, but it certainly will be an education for Hank.


Debra Renée Byrd said...

Nice! Can't wait to see the terms. :D

I don't think I'll be watching Daredevil. I know people are raving it about on Twitter, though.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Sounds like a perfect theme! I am wondering how you'll tie the terms in with certain bloggers? Life & Faith in Caneyhead

Mary Aalgaard said...

Wow. Look at all the people who are ready for the Great Theme Reveal! Yours are always great. Looking forward to learning more about sci-fi and your favorite bloggers. My theme is lame, simply to share stories throughout April, posts about family, fun, reviews, and whatever fits the letter!

Chrys Fey said...

Science-fiction terms will be a fun theme. And if you consider three items and a blogger feature scaling it back, I wonder what it would be like if you really scaled back. ;)

Sarah Foster said...

Your theme sounds awesome! Looking forward to the posts!

Michelle Wallace said...

Your theme sounds very educational.
Sci-fi challenged people (like me) will be able to learn a thing or two....
...and you call that preparation scaling back? Well I suppose it IS, when one considers past A to Z challenges where you had triple the amount of preparation for the posts! I can remember one year where you mentioned that it took you more-or-less three hours to prepare each post.

randi lee said...

Hiya Alex! Love your theme. I'm excited to learn more about Science Fiction from the SciFi master himself! And thanks so much for the anthology mention. Greatly appreciated, and glad to have your entry as part of it!! :-)

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Sounds like a great theme to help those like me who know little about Sci-fi writing. Thanks for following my painting which should be a fun project.

Christine Rains said...

That's an awesome theme! Can't wait. And yes, Indiana Jones 5 really worries me. The original trilogy is one of my all-time favorite series. Give us some of that old pulp adventure! I have to repeat to myself that I will not binge on Daredevil. :) Have a great week!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Your theme will be amazing! But, you're crazy. Just sayin'.

Hi Alex!

I'm a little worried about Indie 5, but I will probably watch it anyway.

Best of luck to all the new stories!


Sheena-kay Graham said...

I did one of my rare binges over the weekend with Daredevil Season 2 Alex and it was worth it. Kingsman 2 is on the way! You have a really nice theme this year.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Robyn, we downloaded the eBook last week.

Ann, I was reading science fiction about that long ago!

Shady, you're hooked now, aren't you?

JH, it's usually five or six things!

Hank, I'll keep it simple. Believe me, I don't do high tech when it comes to science fiction.

Barbara, my posts are all done and I managed to do it!

Chrys, Mark Koopmans said I should blow people's minds and post one word...

Michelle, last two years it took me more than five hours per post.

Randi lee, thanks to you!

Heather, you already knew I was crazy though...

Michele at Angels Bark said...

That is a great theme Alex! I need some SciFi education! I know I'll learn a lot from you. Looking forward to checking it all out next month...

Michele at Angels Bark

L.G. Keltner said...

Your A to Z Theme is going to be great! I look forward to reading your posts.

I've been watching season 2 of Daredevil, but I can't binge watch because life still unreasonably demands that I do certain things. Sigh. I keep thinking if I had a TARDIS or DeLorean or any other time travel device, I'd use it for things like this. I could meet deadlines, binge watch shows, and read all the books I want. Hey, messing with timelines is dangerous. Watching TV in my TARDIS would be the responsible thing to do.

cleemckenzie said...

I loo k forward to your theme. I know nothing about terms having to do with SFi . Super idea.

Carrie-Anne said...

That's a really original theme! Though my first love is historical, one of my secondary loves is sci-fi.

Jeffrey Scott said...

I'm so stoked to be a part of the whole A-Z circuit.
I love, Love, LOVE your theme!
I can't wait to read it!
As you know I am a big Sci.Fi. nerd myself. I even had my own Doctor Who blog for awhile. Well, I still do but have not posted to it. in a few years. But almost any TV show or film, I'm sure to see at one point or another. To find out where some of the great sci fi terminology is going to be cool.
I shall switch my Interocitor on and await the transmissions.

Unknown said...

Looking forward to you schooling us on Sci Fi terms!!

Unknown said...

Love your theme this year; can't wait to see what you come up with!

Birgit said...

Your A to Z theme sounds big but i am so looking forward to it. I am hoping Forbidden Planet is on the list:) I am happy about The Kingsmen but Indiana Jones 5? Is Harrison going to be in a motorized wheelchair? Don't get me wrong, I like this actor but hopefully it won't be as stupid as the last one. I kept thinking Cate Blanchett watched tons of Rocky and Bullwinkle to get the accent down pat from Natasha

A Beer for the Shower said...

I'm looking forward to your A to Z. My inner sci-fi nerd just tingled after realizing I know a ton of sci-fi terms and scenarios and creatures but don't really know where a lot of them originated.

I'm not nearly as patient as you. I binge-watched Daredevil and finished it yesterday. All I have to say - very worth it. And the Punisher, such a cool character. You will not be disappointed.

M.J. Fifield said...

Love the theme! That's awesome!

I haven't started Daredevil's second season yet. I think I watched the first season over the course of a couple of weeks. Can't wait until my revisions are finally finished and I dive right into that second season. I imagine I'll be binge watching the entire show.

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Fantastic! This will be a must read blog for me in April!

Tim Brannan
The Other Side: The A to Z of Adventure!

Sharon Himsl said...

Odd sci fi terms. That could be really interesting! I'm doing Pioneer women in Aviation.

Bish Denham said...

I haven't seen Indi 4 so I'm not concerned by Indi 5. :)

LOVE your A to Z theme! I'm not saying anything about mine as I want it to be a surprise. All I'll say is that I hope my posts will help people smile, something we all need in these strange times.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Despite not having time for it, I'm on episode 10 of Daredevil. It's so good. The Punisher is great.
love your theme idea and I have mixed feelings about Indiana Jones but I'll hope for the best.

Liz A. said...

I liked Indiana Jones 4. Perhaps I was the only one...

I'm looking forward to your theme. You'll probably have terms I've never heard of, and I'll have to turn in my geek card, but I'll learn something. Cool.

Mason Canyon said...

As long as Harrison Ford is in the Indiana Jones movie, I'll probably watch it (no matter what number it is). :) Looking forward to your A to Z posts with this theme. Congrats to all those with recent releases.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I can't wait to watch Daredevil. I've been getting caught up on House of Cards. It's not quite as exciting this season. I can't stand either Underwood and hope they both fail.

JazzFeathers said...

This is a very differetn theme. Especially the way you're organising it.
Have a fantastic challenge month :-)

The Old Shelter - Jazz Age Jazz

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Your theme sounds great. Looking forward to it and the others too. I forgot to post mine. Maybe a day late won't hurt. It's the Fabulous Fifties.

Thank you so much for posting about Under a Purple Moon. I appreciate your support. Adding new books to my TBR stack. It just keeps growing and growing.

Congratulations on the anthology

SpacerGuy said...

A kingsman sequel sounds like a winning idea to me. I look forward to reading your Science fiction A to Z posts. I'm writing about lifeforms this year, Star trek ones - this is going to be fun.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I have hopes that Indy 5 will be better: George Lucas is not involved and everyone involved will want to make up for Indy 4. THE THING THAT TURNED ME will be a great anthology: it contains a short story that features Lucanus, who is the Xanadu's ship physician in my THE NOT SO INNOCENTS ABROAD (cross-pollinating). DAREDEVIL 2 lacked the focus of a central villain but benefited by two knockout performances by the actors who portrayed the Punisher and Elektra. Looking forward to your A TO Z posts. Roland

Elephant's Child said...

As always congratulations (and thanks) to all the writers with new work out.
Your theme sounds intriguing. Lots of work for you, but definitely intriguing.

Suzanne Furness said...

Wishing all doing the A-Z lots of fun. Not long to go now ...

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

The A-Z theme sounds really interesting, but I'm not sure you're letting yourself off easy! I'll enjoy seeing all the entries. :)

Not so sure about Harrison Ford as an action hero again...

Ann Carbine Best said...

Such a fascinating A to Z, Alex. I will be stopping by to learn a lot, since I know very little about the genre.

I always enjoying "seeing" you at my place. Thanks for stopping by and reading my true life, sometimes sad stories.

Rachel Pattinson said...

Your theme sounds awesome! I can't wait to read your posts! Me and my fiancé are currently struggled not to binge watch all of Daredevil at once, but we did power through three episodes on Saturday night...whoops. Now we're trying to limit ourselves to one a night/every other night...but it's so hard!

J E Oneil said...

I can't believe how good Daredevil is. I think my mind might still be a little poisoned from the movie... Anyway, your theme sounds cool. I can't wait to see the terms you look at.

John Wiswell said...

I binged Daredevil Season 2 over the first two days of release. My computer was broken and I spent the time cleaning the mess. It's not as strong as the first season, but it definitely helped the time pass!

Cherie Reich said...

I wish I had Netflix so I could watch Daredevil. Maybe one day I'll have unlimited internet where I can stream shows. *sighs*

Your theme sounds like a fun one, Alex!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Great A to Z theme for you, Alex! I'm not joining this year but will definitely be visiting and enjoying all the fabulous themes of my favorite bloggers.

kjmckendry said...

Indiana Jones 5, I love Harrison Ford and Indiana Jones but I'm wondering how they'll pull it off, I hate to put age limitations on anyone but Indy Jones is an action/adventure movie!

Love your theme! It's so great that you always link it to our fellow blogger buddies! I did that one year and it was so much work!!!

Li said...

Love your theme - especially since sci-fi terminology is a gaping hole in my knowledge.
I'm pretty excited about Indiana Jones - I wouldn't care if Harrison Ford was 100! I'd rather watch an old actor in the role that they originally played than a re-boot with some other person. I always find that so jarring.

mshatch said...

I love your theme! I can't wait to see your posts :)

Andrew Leon said...

I'm still working on Jessica Jones.

Random Musings said...

Wow, if that's scaling it back, going all out must be hard work! Sounds like a good one :)

stephen Hayes said...

I don't think we need another Indiana Jones movie and wish they'd come up with something new.

Andrea said...

Wow, you really scaled back! ;) lol Have fun!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

LG, that made me chuckle.

Jeffrey, hope I satisfy the geek in you.

Birgit, that made me chuckle.

Brandon and Bryan, prepared to learn. And I doubt I will be disappointed.

Timothy, awesome!

Liz, they are pretty common terms, so no worries.

Beverly, you're welcome!

Spacerguy, that will be awesome.

Roland, good to know Lucas is not involved.

Elizabeth, it was still challenging.

Ann, always!

Rachel, almost impossible to only watch one...

Kathryn, exactly.

Andrew, I gave up.

Truedessa said...

Alex, That theme will work nicely for you and I know I will learn some new terms. Wow, a lot of participants in the A to Z challenge. I don't know how you are going to keep up with over 500 blogs but, you are a ninja.

Congrats on having your story in "The Thing That Turned Me"

Under a Purple Moon looks interesting...

G. B. Miller said...

Intriguing theme.

Yes, #5 for Indiana Jones worries me. I'm always worried when an over the hill actor (Harrison Ford or Sylvester Stallone) attempts to carry on with a series that should be better left untouched. Why ruin what you got by doing a movie that you can't possible do good in?

Father Nature's Corner

Botanist said...

That is one heck of an interesting theme, Alex. Will love to see what terms you decide to put under the microscope.

And, I groaned when I heard they were making Indiana Jones 5, after that disastrous #4 :(

Libby said...

Don't judge me, but I've never watched Daredevil. Nooooo!

Denise Covey said...

Origins of Science Fiction terms. Perfect choice for you Alex. Another Indiana Jones!! Those early movies were amazing, but they didn't improve.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Holy sciencifi, there's a lot of participants. You aren't going to visit every single one, right? Please don't try. You are human, even though the rest of us act like you aren't.

Great covers. Nice being surrounded by this much talent.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Alex,

A terrific choice for your theme! We bloggers who are not really into your genre can learn much more about it!

Congrats to everyone who is having a book released. All the best!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful theme. Yay for the anthology and I'm eyeing a lot of those new books.

Bevimus said...

Looking forward to Daredevil and another Kingsmen, nervous about Indy 5 (due to how terrible Indy 4 was).

Yay for your theme- I have no doubt it'll be a blast!

Vidya Sury said...

I know I will definitely learn a thing or few, Alex! Very interesting theme and of course I love it! Looking forward to April A to Z fun with you!

Elizabeth said...

I'm taking it slow with season 2 of Daredevil, too...of course, that's mainly due to lack of time :) I like you A to Z theme, it sounds like I probably will learn something new!

Rhonda Albom said...

LOL - Alex, I scaled back this year, you are still in this deep. (Of course I tried to scale back last year and failed). Great theme. Interesting and fun. But my big surprise from this read was Indiana Jones 5. Do I live under a rock, I missed number four.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Hello Alex! Long time no see. I am going to binge watch season 1 of Daredevil on Netflix very soon. I am quite excited to see if it lives up to the hype. By the way, havE you seen season tWo of Fargo yet? AMAZING.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

p.s. sorry for the typos with the caps :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Truedessa, right now we have 1300 signed up for the Challenge itself. Massive.

GB, I worry about that as well.

Ian, the fourth one was bad.

Joylene, I'm not going to try.

Rhonda, you didn't miss much.

Hey Keith! Yes I have - Fargo is awesome.

Annalisa Crawford said...

Looking forward to the second Kingsman film, but they'll have to do Indy very well. The last one was a bit of a let down.

Congrats to all the authors and their new books - what a great selection!

Unknown said...

This should be interesting and informative: love your theme, Alex!

Damyanti, AZ cohost 2016

Roland Clarke said...

Theme will be interesting/educational/inspiring as usual.

Looking forward to reading The Thing That Turned Me when the anthology comes out. Byron is one of my heroes.

Dean K Miller said...

An awesome and original theme idea. I'm opting out of A-Z again this year. April is a busy month for me with two releases and a few other fun things happening, and a writer's conference. Good luck with the challenge.

Melissa Sugar said...

Scaling back, huh? I hate to see you in your retirement years. You will not go easily into retirement, but hey that's a good thing. I love the staple of your theme and always look forward to seeing which blogger friend you've picked to go with the daily letter. That's my favorite part of your theme.

I'm not familar with any of the books you've featured so thanks for the into. The cover art for Debs Daily Drivel really captured my attention so I think I will check that book out now. I'm really psyched about the challenge. See you in April.

Cindy said...

Just in case you wonder someday, I'm not blogging anymore, but will still visit. Best of luck to all A to Zers.

Arlee Bird said...

Your theme sounds like one that requires some extensive research. I'll be interested to see what you have to offer.

No movies worry me anymore. I'm usually disappointed when I go into a film with any sort of expectations.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Lidy said...

Oh no, an Indiana Jones 5 movie? I grew up watching Indie so was excited to watch the 4th movie. Wouldn’t say it was heinous but even I have to say enough is enough. I loved watching Ghostbusters growing up but even I’m on the fence for the new movie. They must’ve stopped at two movies for a reason. Just because something was much loved doesn’t mean you keep doing it. Have to know when to stop and go no further.

Now Kingsman the sequel, I can’t wait to see. And what I really want to know is if that smarmy turncoat will be Eggy’s Blofeld?

Never got into Daredevil but did watch a few episodes when my husband binge watched the first season.

Thanks for featuring my chapbook Alex! :-D
And are you excited about the new Batman v Superman movie coming out this Friday?

Patsy said...

I'm sure I'll learn a lot during A-Z. I'm not ddoing it myself - which gives me more reading time. Clever eh?

Sherry Ellis said...

Your theme sounds fascinating! Looking forward to learning about where sci-fi terms came from.

Al Penwasser said...

Wait. Another Indiana Jones movie? Will Spock die in this one? I was disappointed that I didn't see him in Star Wars.

Tasha Duncan-Drake said...

What a brilliant theme - I will definitely be coming around often to find out what SciFi terms you have to tell us about.
Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

Sandra Cox said...

Many congrats on the anthology, Alex. I love anything on Byron.

JEN Garrett said...

That is a totally awesome theme! I can't wait to see what terms you use, and can't wait to learn more about sci-fi.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Roland, thanks!

Dean, you have your plate full.

Melissa, believe me, I'll know how to retire in style!

Cindy, I did see your post this morning but couldn't comment.

Lidy, exactly! And sorry I didn't feature your book sooner. I am very excited about the movie Friday!

Al, so was I.

Sandra, thanks!

Julie Flanders said...

Sure to be a fun and interesting theme. Congrats on that anthology - I'm looking forward to reading your story and all the others.

Juneta key said...

Like that theme. I know I'll learn something.

Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

Anonymous said...

That is a super cool theme! I will definitely be back for this one! A-to-Z-er Jetgirl visiting via Forty, c'est Fantastique

nashvillecats2 said...

Sounds a good an interesting theme Alex.

Jo said...

That does sound like a good theme Alex although I am not sure you have really scaled it back, sounds like a lot of work to me.

Looks like there are a lot of very good themes being planned. Sorry I am so predictable LOL

Jemi Fraser said...

Sounds like a terrific theme! Looking forward to the terms :)

Cynthia said...

I have always been interested in how things originate, so I very much look forward to you sharing where sci-fi terms come from.

betty said...

I think it is a great theme; science fiction is not usually in my usual things I like to follow, but can be interesting to learn about :)


Fundy Blue said...

Hey Alex! I didn't forget that you posted yesterday! A bunch of musicians and hula dancers took over our lobby last night, and by the time the show was over, I was too tuckered to go on line. Love the idea for your A to Z Challenge. And look at all the entrants ~ Wow! I can't wait to read about the young Byron; you'll keep us posted, I hope! Have a good one! Rest up for April!

Sean McLachlan said...

Sadly I won't have time for A to Z this year. My April is looking a bit crazy. Congrats on getting into the anthology!

Anonymous said...

Sci Fi! Waiting to read more from you! :)

EEGiorgi said...

Oooh, I'm looking forward to learning more about the history of science fiction through your April A-Z challenge !!! :D

Patricia Stoltey said...

So many theme reveals indicates a lot of advance planning is going on for this year's A to Z. I'm looking forward to being a challenge reader this year instead of a challenge participant. Lots less pressure and tons more fun.

Loni Townsend said...

Dude, another Indiana Jones?? I hope this one is better than the last one. That's cool about the next Kingsman. I'll be watching that when it comes out!

Sandra Cox said...

I am so excited about another Indiana Jones. I'm in the minority but I liked Crystal Skulls. Anything Harrison Ford:)

Chemist Ken said...

Looking forward to the new Kingsman movie. My teenage daughter is binge watching the first season of DareDevil. Now if I could only get her to watch something from the DC Universe.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jo, this will be only three hours per letter as opposed to five...

Fundy, that must've been quite a sight!

Ken, keep working on her!

Shannon Lawrence said...

I'm hesitantly excited about Indie coming back. Better him than Shia Labeouf (or however his name is spelled). Congratulations on the antho release! And congrats to all the featured folks. Your theme sounds interesting. I really thought maybe I could participate this year, but it's not going to happen. Next year!?

Laura Roberts @ Buttontapper Press said...

Sounds like a fun theme! I'm writing about my hometown, Chicago, this year... and yes, I'm worried about Indiana Jones 5 after the flop-worthy 4. Can you say "cash grab"?

Tyrean Martinson said...

My hubs and I are trying to find time to watch Daredevil on our own - home date night style . . . sorry, TMI.
Basically, our kids don't like the show and we do. Really, that's mainly the reason.

Anyway . . . I like Indie, but I like the first and third movie best. 2 and 4 . . . not so much, so #5 could get the odd number goodness in a patterned chance kind of way, but I don't really believe in that kind of thing.
And yes, I'm curious about those science fiction terms.

DMS said...

Such a great A-Z theme! And look at all those A-Zers. :) Awesome!

Love seeing some of the books my blogger buddies! Congrats to all the authors on their new releases.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Hi Alex, I really like your A to Z theme: origin of science fiction terms is a great idea, I will be making a note of the Science Fiction terms as I plan to write a Scifi story in future, I hope your posts inspire a few story ideas.

J Lenni Dorner said...

J here, stopping by from the #atozchallenge - where I am part of Arlee Bird's A to Z Ambassador Team.
Excellent choice for an A to Z challenge theme. Good job. My theme is the craft of fiction writing. Tips, lessons, and prompts from various writing reference books. I follow it up with a sample of my work.
Your theme intrigues me because I don't know much about sci-fi terms. Sweet!
April should be exciting. I'm looking forward to the event. Best of luck to us both on meeting our goals of posting and hopping to other blogs.
My blog has a giveaway. There's a bonus a to z challenge each day to encourage people to visit more stops.

Nicola said...

Some awesome themes going on in the A to Z. How exciting. I'm not quite sure what to make of another Indiana... but I'll probably watch it just because... Have a great weekend. Happy Easter.

Sandra Cox said...

I have not seen Daredevil.
Have a good one. Are you off tomorrow?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Shannon, very true! I'd rather have Ford.

Laura, I can say that!

Tyrean, watching Daredevil actually sounds like a good way to get rid of the kids and enjoy some time together.

Rachna, hope so!

Sandra, taking off early to go see Batman v Superman!

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

Happy Easter to you! I have been thinking about joining the hop--I missed it, last year. I have explored three themes. Do you suppose it is possible to be "Tripolar". If that's the case, I think I have it nailed!



Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

Ah, it is closed. Well that solves that!!! I overthought myself on that one.


The Happy Whisk said...

I've not seen Daredevil aside from walking past the NetFlix screen if Tim had it on. Not sure if he started series two or not.

Happy Almost Weekend :-)

The Angry Lurker said...

A damn good version of The Punisher!

Anonymous said...

I just told Devin that there's a sequel to Kingsman and he's thrilled. Even I have to admit, it was a good flick. It had a great plot and lots of action.

You're doing science fiction as your theme for the A-Z?? Shocker! hehe Good luck to you and to all the other participants. I remember what a blast it was, exhausting but lots of fun too.

Unknown said...

Congrats on getting into Stay Classy's anthology, Alex!

Congrats to Beverly, Deb, Charles, Catherine, and Lidy on their new releases! :)

The term's first book appearance? That sounds like it would need quite a bit of research (or an amazing memory.) Have a great weekend! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Fran, yes it was!

Lexa, I lucked out and found a website that listed those!

Anonymous said...

Great list of new books! Congrats to all the authors!

Indiana Jones 5 does worry me. It's time to let things go.

Unknown said...

That's an interesting theme, I like it!

Ah well, there'll always be the original 3 Indiana Jones films.

Fundy Blue said...

Wishing you and your wife a lovely Easter, Alex! I know this is a special day for you!

Leovi said...

Yes, joy for all participants in this new challenge. Sorry to lose this year, but I can not participate this time.

Anonymous said...

Interesting theme...look forward to your posts!

Did the Kingsman really need a sequel?? Ah, but that's just moi.

T.F. Walsh said...

Hope you're having a nice Easter weekend:) I've started watching Daredevil 2... just not sure I can space it out since I have them available, waiting to be watched:)

Mason T. Matchak said...

Your challenge idea sounds interesting - I'll definitely have to check your blog more often during April, as I'm a big fan of learning where fiction terms and tropes come from. Looking forward to it. ^_^ As for Indiana Jones 5, I really don't care. The fourth one made it very hard for me to believe that Harrison Ford could still be Indy at his age, so I doubt I'll even bother with the fifth.

Kala Ravi said...

What a fascinating theme! Going to visit all your posts through April! Hey I watched The Batty Vs Supey movie too and read your review of the same, cool! ;)

The Solitary Writer said...

I liked the theme very much... Will be back here to read your blogs :)

The Solitary Writer - A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

Donna McDine said...

Hmmm, what's my favorite thing that starts with C.... Cookie Monster and of course Chocolate Chip Cookies!