Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Plus Reviews of Kingsman, Night at the Museum III, and Muppets; The Listing Hop; and Ninja News.

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

My awesome co-hosts today are TB Markinson, Tamara Narayan, Shannon Lawrence, Stephanie Faris, and Eva E. Solar!

Don’t forget the IWSG Anthology Contest is open until November 1! The theme is Alternate History/Parallel Universe and any member of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group is encouraged to enter – blogging (must post for the IWSG at least once in September or October) or Facebook member. Winners will be published in a royalty-paying anthology next year.
If you write speculative fiction, you need to enter!

We are still trying to get the IWSG site listed as one of Writers’ Digest’s Top 100 Best Websites for Writers! Please email them at, subject line 101 Websites, and suggest the IWSG -

Now, from the guy who thought he was done writing…

Last month, I wrote and edited not one, but two short stories for publication! And both are due at the end of this month.

One is for an anthology with the theme of ‘turning points.’ I decided going back to a point before CassaStar began would be a good place for a turning point. That one is over four thousand words and just came back from my critique partners this week.

The second one was an invite from Geekdom House. At their core, they aim to bring together Christians and geeks. This one was to be much shorter, under a thousand words, and involving Christmas. I decided on a contemporary theme with humor and it was a lot of fun to write. I’m polishing it now and will be bugging my critique partners soon.

After writing CassaFate and Dragon’s Destiny, I’m starting to wonder if I shouldn’t focus more on short stories. At least I can crank them out faster than my novels, which is about every eighteen months.

I’ve also been trying an experiment. Randi Lee posted about her success with images for her novel, and I decided to try something along those lines. Since I already had the thirteen graphics for my WhatAreTheKargrandes site, I used those to create images I could Tweet. I started almost two weeks ago and it has made a difference in sales.

Today is this one, if anyone cares to Tweet it for me! Find out in Dragon of the Stars! #scifi #spaceopera


Kingsman: The Secret Service
It plays like those old Matt Helm 60’s spy movies, except with gratuitous violence and language.
The whole movie is over the top, which makes it fun because you can’t take any of it seriously.
It is a bit dark and mean spirited, though. And it moved a little slow at times.
Worth a rental if you can stomach the extreme violence.

Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb
The Tablet of Ahkmenrah is corroding, taking away the magic that brings the museum to life, and the group travels to London to stop it.
The third installment is probably the smallest of the stories, but it’s still a lot of fun.
In addition to the regulars (including Robin Williams in his last onscreen role), there are appearances from Ben Kingsley, Dick Van Dyke, Mickey Rooney, and Hugh Jackman.
If you enjoyed the first two, you’ll enjoy this one. Worth a rental.

The Muppets
I think Jim Henson is rolling over in his grave right now.
The whole shtick of the Muppets was their wholesome, light-hearted family fun. This show has lost that innocence though. Let me give you some examples. I don’t remember much from the first episode outside of the fact it was dark and depressing. So, let’s look at last week’s episode. This is what you got:
Pot smoking Muppets.
Fozzie bear is a kleptomaniac.
Josh Grobin is sleeping with Miss Piggy. (Yeah, just try to get that one out of your head.)
One Muppet drew a penis on a card and then claimed he could make it a saxophone instead.
Gonzo has a mother. (He has no mother here on earth – he’s an alien, remember?)
The show is trying to be edgy and relative and it lost everything the Muppets stood for in my eyes. Remember, those are some of the same Muppets your kids watch on Sesame Street. Imagine how they will view them now?
This show is a big fail in my book.

Ninja News

Toi Thomas had the most amazing review of CassaStar – she loved it! And she got it. That’s so satisfying for an author.

Despite the rain lately, Dragon and Ninja remain best friends:

If you’ve been thinking about buying Dragon of the Stars but you’re not sure, you can take a sneak peek at the first chapter at Jessica Therrien’s site!

And thanks to everyone for checking in on me. My area received a lot of rain, but unfortunately I was further south due to a band commitment on Sunday. And was there ever flooding! They say this was a thousand year flood for most of South Carolina and I believe it. Prayers for those affected by the flooding.

New Releases:

I’m a Little Green Witch by Kelly Polark
Find it at Amazon and Barnes and Noble

Childhood Fears
Featuring the story The Bear Who Wouldn’t Leave by J.H. Moncrieff

The Christmas Pets and Kisses Boxed Set
Featuring The Vet’s Christmas Pet by J.L. Campbell

The Listing Hop!

The brainchild of Bish Denham to celebrate eight years of blogging. I am helping co-host this blogfest – and it’s beyond simple!

The rules are:
Sign up, grab the banner and make a list.
Keep your list to between 5 and 25 items. You can list whatever you feel like (except for adult type content.)
Post on October 26 and visit fellow participants.
That’s it!

Sign up below:

What are your writer insecurities this month? Submitting to the Anthology Contest? Can you help us make the Best list? Seen either movie or the Muppets? And what list would you create for the Listing Hop?


TBM said...

It's an honor to be co-host this month. Thanks so much for the opportunity. I've been leaning towards short stories and novellas lately. I enjoy the challenge of making every word count.

Wow, the Muppets sounds horrible. I rolled my eyes when I heard they were revamping the show, but I didn't think it could be that bad. Why mess with a good thing?

Angela Wooldridge said...

I'm in awe of the judges for the anthology - what a lineup!
(I won't be submitting though - I'm too easily sidetracked from my WIP so have set myself some rules to try to avoid that... sometimes I even follow them).
Look forward to seeing the results though :)

Rhonda Albom said...

Congratulations on your two new short publications, and doing the graphics for tweeter (I tweeted and scheduled it). Kingsman is out for me as I am not into violence, but the Night at the Museum movie sounds fun. Thinking about a list and did post my insecurities this month.

Gail said...

Transport some of your rain please. My hearts go out to those that have been affected so horribly with the flood. Water is a very powerful force.

Congratulations on your new publications. I am very pleased to say I know a famous author.

I am insecure about most of what I write. I guess that is why I don't take the next step. I enjoy conversational writing but when it comes to writing for, GASP, scrutiny for publication I crawl under my rock. I do learn a lot when I read these series and know I am not alone. Thank you and all your helpers for that encouragement.

I have not seen the Muppets but know for sure I won't watch it now. That's just almost sacrilegious!

Have a very blessed week and keep writing!

Michael Abayomi said...

Kingsman had some of the best action I'd seen in a movie this year, although I must agree about the over-the-top violence. Definitely not for the squeamish or the easily offended.

Cathrina Constantine said...

I love the picture for Dragon's Destiny! I like writing short stories too. A novel takes me forever, and a short story seems to give me gratification quicker! Sometimes it helps break up the monotony of a long least it does for me. Good Luck Alex.

Elise Fallson said...

Great to be back!
Can't wait to read your 'turning point' story. :D
You can add pictures to twitter? :P

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Two short stories! That's awesome! For me, it's so hard to write short like hat's off to you!

Sorry to hear about The Muppet Show. :( I'd entertained the idea of tuning in, but I think I'd rather hang onto my childhood memories.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Wow. What were they thinking to do that to the Muppets? I haven't seen it but I've wanted to. Now I don't.

Arlee Bird said...

Sounds like you're hooked by the writing.

I just did a list on Monday and have done many in the past. Maybe I could do another one? I think I've got a commitment on Oct 26th, but maybe I could squeeze something in.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

mshatch said...

The Muppets sounds stupid and Jim Henson would probably be very disappointed. Too bad, I used to really love the show when they had the two old guys in the balcony...and Beaker.

cheerfuloptimistic said...

Saw part of the Muppets, not the grosser bits, but they did go overboard on the pop culture references.

H. R. Sinclair said...

Congrats on the short stories and the great reviews.

Unknown said...

I've been in the short story mood, too. It's nice having something accomplished so quickly, isn't it?

L.G. Keltner said...

Sometimes the urge to write just won't go away. Congratulations on the short stories! And I'm sure I can come up with some kind of list.

Jan Morrison said...

I'm trying to ignore the Robot. why does he get a capital letter? Is his name Robot? Is he a he? My insecurity? I'm easily distracted.
Love Jim Henson - so won't bother with this. I think he will be known as the Michelangelo of our times - truly brilliant. I'm also not reading the book supposedly made out of the notes for To Kill a Mockingbird. Why do we do this? Horrible humans need a spanking.

Chemist Ken said...

Glad you survived the rain. And I loved The Kingsman. So over the top it's great.

So you're part of yet another blogfest? How do you do it?

Tonja Drecker said...

Shorts are a little refreshing after the trudge of novel writing - glad you're enjoying it! Don't the dragon and ninja have an umbrella? And have fun with the pictures!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I love short stories. Your story idea looks interesting. I also love your little Ninja and the Dragon. How cute.

Shah Wharton said...

I prefer writing shorts, hands down. It's a different art form and can be more of a difficult challenge, but because my interest wanes quickly, it's my preference.

Love the picture of Dragon and Ninja in the rain. Lol

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

As someone who enjoys writing flash fiction/short stories, I say go for it, Alex! :)

And so glad i did not watch that new Muppets show. Ugh.

Cherie Colyer said...

I've never written a short, but it sounds like a great break (and challenge) from novels. It's great that you were able to write two so quickly.

I saw Kingsman. I think the over-the-top works for this one. It is worth the rental.

Jay Noel said...

Tweeting those graphics is a good promo idea!

We just saw the Night at the Museum, and it was a lot of fun. Sad to see Robin Williams in his last role, however. And I had no idea Hugh Jackman was in it!

I've tried to watch The Muppets, and I've given it three full episodes. But I just can't do it anymore. It's terrible. Maybe if they used another whole set of Muppets for this dark comedy, but it's a bastardization of The Muppets I have known all my life.

Anonymous said...

That's great that you're writing more stories! I've been wanting to check out the Cassa series, so I'll head over to Jessica's site next. I don't do that well with short stories. They always seem to turn into novels, but I may submit something for the anthology if I can get something that short.
The Kingsman is out for me. I don't like that much violence. I've seen the first two Night of the Museum movies, so I'll probably rent the third. I read about what they'd done to the Muppets ahead of time so haven't watched the new shows. The whole thing just makes me sick. How could they ruin such a wonderful thing?
Love the dragon and the ninja. The flooding down that way has been terrible. Prayers to all who've had to deal with it.

Tamara Narayan said...

Happy to cohost again. I'll never run out of insecurities. I am thinking hard about a good story to enter for the Anthology Contest. The question is whether or not I can get it done in time.

I spent about ten years living in Columbia, SC. It's where I worked in the zoo, where I got my Ph.D. in math, and where we spent my husband's first sabbatical. Hearing about the disaster is truly heartbreaking.

kaykuala said...

Well done on your short stories, Alex. I thought short stories would be a good warm-up to writing longer pieces such as novella or novels. I would have wanted to try my hand at short stories sometime later.


Dean K Miller said...

Nice work on the "shorts" for the anthologies. Listing hop...that could be fun.

Shell Flower said...

That is awesome that you just keep writing. I hope to see your short stories out there. Both anthologies sound interesting. Glad to hear you haven't been too troubled by the rains. Must be quite rough for those getting flooded out. It's raining here today, but we've hardly had any rain in over a year.

Brandon Ax said...

I tweeted that out for you. I wish I could master the short story alas I fear I am too long winded. lol.

Crystal Collier said...

My goodness, I hear you about deadlines and writing short stories. I have 4 deadlines. 4 before the end of the year! Most of them come due at the end of this month, so I'm a total stress case. But hey, who can pass up a publishing credit?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

TBM, exactly? What was wrong with the original formula that has worked for years?

Rhonda, thanks!

Gail, it is sacrilegious! And a famous author - who?

Cathrina, so far I'm really enjoying it.

Elise, you can! Who knew?

Elizabeth, don't ruin your childhood.

Lee, you are a juggler you know.

Melanie, yes!

Jan, ignore that Robot dude. And Henson was brilliant.

Ken, I have no idea...

T, no they don't, which is why they didn't venture past the safety of the garage.

Karen, it is really graphic.

Jay, yes it is!! I did not watch last night.

Lori, thanks! And they did ruin a wonderful thing.

Tamara, the videos are so sad.

Jen, you need to enter the contest!

Tanya Miranda said...

I can't believe the Muppets have gone south. Their goofiness and innocence is what made them special. I still watch Muppets From Space with my son. It's one of his favorite movies! Oh, the times are a-changing...

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

The listing hop sounds like fun. Saw the Kingsmen with my son in the theater. It wasn't what either of us expected. We just looked at each other laughed sometimes at the absurdity at times. Getting invited to be in an anthology is pretty cool.

Susan Says

Tamara Narayan said...

Hey Alex, me again. It seems that Eva's link in your blog isn't correct. It's sending me to a site with a linked list for chemistry.

Compare to:

I think the word "wordpress" is missing.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

As writers, authors, and bloggers, I think challenging ourselves is a great idea. Meanwhile, I can certainly help make us the best list ever. Happy IWSG Day, Alex.

SK Anthony said...

The Muppets . . . no thanks. But I'm definitely interested in Kingsman and even NaTM: Secret of the Tomb, but The Muppets are just too different from what was intended. Sad.

Glad you found you like writing short stories!

I shall email Writer's Digest! Sir, yes, sir! ;)

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

I will write to Writer's Digest. Great idea.
Congratulations on your short stories.
Haven't seen the movies.

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

It should be listed as one of the top sites! It's such a wonderful, helpful group. :)
Good luck with the writing! Short stories can be a lot of fun. :)

Natalie Aguirre said...

That's awesome you enjoy writing short stories. I've never tried it.

And I'm glad you liked the new Night at the Museum movie. I liked the first two so may check it out.

Sylvia Ney said...

Congratulations on the short stories! I look forward to reading them.

Laura Clipson said...

I love a good list, they are definitely a writer's friend! It's an interesting idea for a blog hop, I'll definitely consider joining :)

Jeffrey Scott said...

One of the things I absolutely love about your blog. There is always something for everyone.

IWSG - Have my edition done already. Looking forward to visiting a few new sits, and the sites of bloggers I've come to appreciate and love.
Twitter - Posted a tweet for you and started following. I thought I was already.

Night at the Museum - Still have to watch the second one. Believe it or not, I have seen the first.

Muppets - Wow! That's really sad. I've not gotten around to watching this series, now I think I'll give it a miss. So sad. I'll watch the older Muppet films and TV show and avoid this like the plague.

Listing Hop - Is this a one time blog hop? If so, I'm in. I love lists for various reasons.
1. They are fun.
2. Lists are a great way of organizing what you enjoy.
3. It opens up discussion with others as they either agree or disagree with your list.
4. In reverse order, it's a great countdown. And who doesn't love countdowns?

Jennifer Hawes said...

I don't think I will ever stop writing! Even as crazy as this industry can be, this is the best "job" I have ever had:) Thanks for telling us about the Muppets. How disappointing. Glad I didn't have my little girl watch any of it.

Just Keepin It Real, Folks! said...

You are busy, busy! Congrats to you. I'm a huge Night at the Museum fan so I loved the third one.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Two short stories in a month is pretty good Alex. I too loved writing short stories, a long time back. Right now I am so down with a viral that I can't even think or concentrate on my reading :(

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Wonderful you've been working on two stories.

It sounds like all the Muppet show needs now is a gay Muppet, one with a cutting fetish, and one who is a serial killer.

Huntress said...

Ugh. I agree with your assessment of The Muppets. I recorded it but stopped in the middle and hit delete. Total yuk.

congrats on your short story sales!! Way cool!!!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - two more stories .. that's great: and I suspect shorter stories might be easier to write - yet one long book with lots of nitty gritty makes a great read.

So many super things going on with the IWSGroup and blogging buddies - cheers Hilary

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Bother - what I meant to add was - the Tweeting out photos is such a great idea to bring sales to you .. clever! Cheers H said...

That "adult type content" gets me every time. Smiles.

Blasphemy - what they did to the Muppets. I would've walked out of that movie. It's just wrong.

Glad you're all safe over there, Alex. I've been thinking about you.

Juneta key said...

Glad to hear you are still writing. I have been reading that there is a market for short stories. I also read it is a great way to build audience, especially if you have a back list, which you do. I think you will have a lot of success with it.
Juneta Writer's Gambit

J.L. Campbell said...

Hi, Alex,
Glad you weren't affected by the flooding.
Sad commentary on the Muppets for those of us who have fond memories of that show. I used to love it!
Thanks so much for the shout out!

Unknown said...

Not submitting to the anthology because I have so much other work on my plate right now, but good luck to everyone!

cleemckenzie said...

How great that you're back at it! You can't stop writing altogether. You just need a break once in a while. Will send my email re: the ISWG website.

Loni Townsend said...

That picture idea sounds like a good one! I might have to make some pictures of my own. :)

Suzanne Furness said...

It's good to try new things, glad you are enjoying your short story writing. I post a tweet for you later too.

Juneta key said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gwen Gardner said...

I'm with you on the short story angle. I'm thinking of doing more of it also, since novels do take so long to get out.

I emailed Writers Digest on the 101 Website and tweeted your tweet.

Thanks for all you do, Alex! <3

Juneta key said...

PS I emailed Writer's Digest and signed up for the list blog hop. Thanks for suggesting it all. tweeted too

Unknown said...

What a terrific post this week, so full of interesting things! I think it's great that you're writing short stories. Novel-writing is exhausting. It's more satisfying to write shorter pieces and actually finish in a month. After my novel, I'm planning on writing novellas. Just can't take a year+ working on one dang project. Good luck with your stories!

I RT your plugs for your books whenever I see them. Images make all the difference in catching someone's attention. Keep it up!

Movies: I had no idea Mickey Rooney was still alive. Terrible what they've done to the Muppets...

Congrats to Kelly, JH, and JL on their releases!

Pat Hatt said...

Short stories can be pumped out a lot easier and with less editing needed, due to length. The muppets I haven't even bothered with having heard such stupid things about it like the Miss Piggy one. Not going to either. I think I liked night at the museum 3 more than the other two, but the whole moonlight thing was a bit umm, they went all that way and all they needed was the moon lol

Birgit said...

If you can write novels then you can write short stories and congrats to you! I enjoyed The Kingmen and found it quite fun even with the exploding heads because it's not meant to be taken seriously. You may hate me for this but I love the new Muppets:) I think it's fresh and inventive and even in the old show I knew the band was smoking up and Jerry Garcia was their God. Fozzie is still innocent even though he liked the bowl from Leno's house. I guess my humour can be on the sick side. I have seen some older Muppets back from the 50's and there was a dark edge even then it's just sesame Street made them kiddie happy.

David Powers King said...

I told you you weren't done writing! And I hear shorter stories are the books of the future, so you might be on to something, sir. :)

Kai Strand, Author said...

Congrats on the shorts. I'm sad to hear about the Muppets. Makes you wonder what the round table was like, "Let's target the twenty-somethings. We'll make it real current with joints and phallic symbols. They'll love that!"

Heather M. Gardner said...

Alex! Alex! Alex!


So. How's all that writing you were NOT going to do, huh?
Nothing wrong with short stories/novelettes. Readers like all sizes!

I'd heard about the Muppets going south. I didn't watch it because of that and I won't let my son watch it either. I don't know why they have to screw with everything.

Lists? I have more lists then I know what to do with! That should be fun!

Thank you for all your support, Alex!


Holy Ghost Writer said...

We don't write our next story until we do. The muppet show is horrible.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Brandon!

Crystal, not a smart writer.

Thanks, Tamara! I'll fix that.

SK and Beverly, thanks!

Natalie, never thought I would.

Jeffrey, that's why I toss out a variety. Appreciate the Tweet. And yes, it's a one day deal with the bloghop.

Huntress, it was yuk.

Hilary, it was all Randi lee's idea.

Juneta, thanks, I'm going to give it a try.

Joy, you're welcome!

Megan! Good to hear from you.

Gwen, appreciate it!

Juneta, thanks!

Lexa, thank you. I didn't know he was alive either.

Kai, I don't think even twenty-somethings are into it.

Heather! Yeah, I know...

ELAdams said...

Congratulations on the short stories! Oddly, short stories seem to take me longer to write than novels do. I think it's because most of my ideas fit easier into novel-length fiction.

Mason Canyon said...

Congrats on the short stories, Alex and to those with new releases. Sad to see how the floods have destroyed so much in the Carolinas and taken so many lives.

Lisa said...

Not seeing any of those movies! So sorry you got caught by the rain. Terrible for those in SC and southern NC... Signed up for the Listing blog hop. Been awhile since I've done one, and this one sounds fun!

Cherie Reich said...

Writing short stories is fun, and they are much quicker than novels. There was a lot of rain. We had some flooding in Virginia, but nothing like what they got in South Carolina. Those poor people!

Empty Nest Insider said...

Congrats on your new short stories, Alex! It's sad that the Muppets have sunk so low. I still remember singing songs like "Put Down the Duckie" with my kids. Thanks for hosting another great IWSG!


Unknown said...

oh, do NOT get me started on the muppet disaster! lol I agree, I am SO upset that they're sullying the good name of the muppets...I mean it's just too creepy for my tastes!

Tyrean Martinson said...

I went to see the violent one and was disappointed at how far they took it because my kids wanted to see it. I told them no, no, and no.
It's sad that the new muppets are not so family friendly anymore. I don't think I'll be checking it out anytime soon and I appreciate your review!
I can do the list blog hop. :)
BTW - I fixed my post - what I meant by "missing" people is that I didn't have the space to include every blogger who has inspired me, so I missed mentioning them. I tried to clear it up. Oy. For a writer, sometimes I struggle to puts together in a clear fashion.

Diane Burton said...

Hey, Alex. Good luck with those short stories. They are a lot more satisfying (more instant gratification) and a 100k story. I agree about Kingsman and the Muppets. I was disgusted with the latter. Re: The Kingsman. That's what I thought of when offered Windows 10 for free. Now I know what the catch was. :(

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the two short stories, Alex. As soon as I have a free moment, I'll definitely tweet-tweet for you and email WD. If any site deserves to be in the top 101, it's the IWSG.

Night at the Museum is a movie I certainly want to see and I can't get over what they've done to the Muppets. Thank goodness I haven't seen any of them. I'll stick to the Muppets I remember. Hensen would be beside himself. Hugs. Eva

Patsy said...

Indecision is my current insecurity. Well, one of them anyway.

Chrys Fey said...

See? I knew you wouldn't be able to stop writing. Never say never. ;) Congrats on your short stories!

Kristin Smith said...

Sounds like you're killing all these short stories—that's awesome!

We got a lot of rain here over the weekend, but no flooding, but I feel for the poor people in SC. My parent's cottage on the Cheseapeake Bay in Virginia flooded but I haven't heard how bad the damage is. What a crazy storm.

Yolanda Renée said...

I am submitting to the anthology, and doing the blog hop on lists. I write them all the time! Love lists, especially checking the items off one at a time! :)

Not seen any of the movies, but it's Halloween and time to pull out the scary ones!

J.Q. Rose said...

Congrats on the success with short stories. I agree. After writing and editing over 50,000 words, I'm ready for a break. Then into writing short, quirky stories. Hate to hear about the Muppets losing their good fun. I tried watching the new show, but couldn't get interested.

Andrew Leon said...

I haven't seen the new Muppets, yet, but I agree with you about Night at the Museum 3.
Does that mean, since I'm agreeing with you about another movie, that some huge catastrophe is going to happen somewhere?

Carrie-Anne said...

I have vague memories of watching reruns of the old Muppet Show when I was very young, what would've been only a few years after the series ended. "Updating" them to see more hip and edgy reminds me of these "updated" versions of classic youth literature, with terrible new cover art and replacing references to things like cassette tapes, Atari, and now-old TV shows with modern equivalents.

Cynthia said...

I signed up for the blogfest. And I will most certainly email Writers Digest to see about getting IWSG that special honor. I know that list you are referring to.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Emma, I'm a man of few words, so it works for me.

Mason, it is.

Lisa, awesome!

Beth - creepy! Perfect word for it.

Tyrean, say no to the Muppets. And now your post makes sense.

Diane, don't download Windows 10!

Eva, just go back and watch the old Muppet Show.

Chrys, I know!

Kristin, I'm sorry.

Yolanda, awsome!

Andrew, possibly.

Cynthia, thanks!

Sandra Cox said...

Nomination: done and done.

Murees Dupè said...

I think it's wonderful that you're writing more stories. Good for you! I have found that short stories are harder for me to write, but I won't stop trying:) Sorry to hear about the flooding. Please be safe. I will be tweeting your image for you. Congratulations to the authors with new releases! The mini Alex and Dragon photo is cute!

Fundy Blue said...

Hi Awesome, Alex! I can't tweet because I don't have a smart phone ~ but maybe by next week! I will contact Writer's Digest when I get home. Way to go on your writing! Take care!

Liza said...

I'm pretty horrified by your description of the Muppets! How could they!

J E Oneil said...

I heard some people say that the Muppets show is a little better in the second episode. Although I don't think there's less off-color stuff. But this isn't supposed to be a show for young kids. It's more for people my age who grew up with them. I think it just fails because it's not very good.

Elephant's Child said...

Love that you aren't done writing yet. And hope you never will be.

Julie Flanders said...

Congratulations on your short stories, Alex. Very exciting! And this hop sounds like fun. I haven't participated in one in ages so I think I am going to join in.

It was depressing to read about the Muppets. What a terrible idea.

M Pax said...

Awesome news on your short story writing. Keep at it!

Glad you weren't in the flooding. I feel sorry for all those people. We're finally getting some rain today but will take some of yours if you want to ship it out west.

shelly said...

The Muppets has totally lost its cuteness for me. You know America is in trouble when debauchery becomes the story-line for something once wholesome.

stephen Hayes said...

I saw The Kingsmen on a plane and thought it was okay, not great or groundbreaking, but a pleasant enough diversion. I don't recall it being uber violent.

Toi Thomas said...

It was a sad and difficult decision to make, but my biggest insecurity lately has been trying to find time to develop an idea for the IWSG anthology. With so much else going on, I decided I had to pass on this opportunity and hope another presents itself in the future.
I'm excited about this new List blog hop. Totally into that.
I like the new Muppets show, but you're right it's not the same. I was just telling someone that these aren't the Muppets I grew up with and can only appreciate it because of my maturity. I'd like to think parents won't let their kids watch it, but I know that's silly. Parents let their kids watch Family guy. Just because it's a cartoon or has puppets, doesn't mean it's for kids. I also get why you don't like it.

Sarah Foster said...

I had a feeling you'd write again :)
I'm looking forward to the List blog hop! I have a few ideas but still haven't quite figured out what to do for it yet.

Nilanjana Bose said...

Congrats on the short stories!!! Writing is addictive :)

Night at the Museum - definitely.

Best always,

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sandra, thanks!

Murees, appreciate it.

Fundy, thanks!

Liza, yeah, how could they?

JE, what I reviewed was the second episode and it really sucked.

Julie, glad you're on board.

Toi, sorry you won't be able to contribute. And yeah, parents should not let kids watch Family Guy.

Ann Bennett said...

101 comments, I wanted to be 101 not 102. The list blogging looks cool.

Joanne said...

first - glad you survived all the rain. Indeed, feel very bad for South Carolina folks. Second - sounds like you are having a blast with your writing, and short stories are proving fun. That's great. Third - Kingsman was a hoot. And Ray and I are howling at the Muppets. Not a kid show, but we are enjoying Kermit, Miss Piggy, and the guests. We must be the target audience -it's a quick 20 minutes and I don't have to think. All in all - I have to think about the List Link - not sure what I'd do. Hmmm. Have a good rest of the week. I have to catch up at work after being away.......dang!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I really enjoy writing short stories because at least they don't take as long to complete. At the moment I've taken on far too many long-term projects, so short stories are a create respite from the endless unfinished work.

And ew re the new muppets. I'm rather upset at what they've done to them.

Anonymous said...

You've discovered there is no escape from writing. One story is never enough! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ;)

Hart Johnson said...

Well done with the short stories and awesome to be getting invites! Also, wanted to thank you for suggesting the IWSG resources for what I should be learning on the publishing and promoting stuff--I will definitely check them out. I always prefer a sort of menu and figuring out what might work for me, so that sounds like a perfect place to start.

Unknown said...

Yay for short stories! They're tons of fun to write and a great way to hone one's craft when every word counts! Will try to churn out something special for the anthology *with a soundtrack, of course--it drowns out the voices in my head:)

Stephanie Faris said...

It's been a blast co-hosting--I've met quite a few new people. That's disappointing about The Muppets. Edgy? They must be going for the nostalgic adult audience?

Stephen Tremp said...

Alex, great idea for the Twitter images. Just signed up for the Listing Hop.

A lot of people are upset with the new Muppet format. I think it's only going to get ruder and cruder as the series progresses. What networks won;t do for ratings and money.

Liz A. said...

Thanks for the review of Kingsman. Sounds like something I should miss.

I like the concept for the Muppets, but I'm really not into modern humor, so the show kind of fell flat for me. I ended up fast forwarding through the 2nd episode, and I'm not sure if I'm going to tune in to the 3rd.

I tried to tweet the pic, but I couldn't get it to come up. I'm sure I could figure it out if I wasn't wiped from a day battling 8th graders.

Donna McDine said...

Glad you are getting back in the groove. Thanks for the tip of tweeting with photos. I always seem to forget to do that and must concentrate on that. I've tweeted for you!

Angela Brown said...

Things have been fairly busy around the Brown place. I haven't had a chance to get into a lot of the blog hop type things but I hope to rectify that soon.

Glad you were safe. I saw there was lots of rain but goodness was it pouring.

I've only seen the Museum movie and enjoyed it mainly b/c it's just kinda cute.

Congrats to all the new releases! Wishing them all the very best.

Unknown said...

Sent a tweet! And I totally agree about The Muppets . . . if this was their first show, I actually would think it's funny, but right now they're destroying my childhood! I miss the Muppets that I used to know :-(

The Happy Whisk said...

Congrats, Alex. Very cool that you got two due for publication. Also, you made me laugh at the bit about the guy who thought he was done writing.

I got news, writers are never really done.

Have a great week and boogie boogie.

Lan said...

Kingsmen is on my list of movies to watch. I'll see how I like it compared to you.

I'd love to be able to write a whole bunch of short stories as well but I'm a very verbose writer so everything I touch turns into a full length novel!

dolorah said...

I think its good writing exercise for novelists to write short stories once in a while. It helps keep an author concise, and organize their plots in a smaller venue. And, lets the other stories simmer for that away-time without losing interest in writing. Writing something new is good.

That's so sad about the muppets show. It used to be good clean fun, promoting morality, diversity within family values, and a love of learning and experimentating. I still think the world needs that for kids. Too many "cartoons" are geared towards arm-chair men's values. Wish they would have left the muppets alone.

I am writing my anthology submission, and hoping to get it submitted to my crit group by the weekend. I haven't written anything worth submitting in so long I've forgotten how much time it takes. I'm thinking I lost the ability to be a writer now. That would be sad; I'd be bored.

Have a good week Alex. Good luck with the writing and bloghop.

Jo said...

Never seen any of the Night at the Museum movies but have often wanted to. Must check and see if my library has them.

I knew you couldn't stop writing. It's a bug and you've caught it. I hope you write more full length novels, I have enjoyed the first 4.

Shannon Lawrence said...

I really enjoy writing short stories. I get to explore more story lines in a shorter amount of time. True for characters, as well. Happy writing! Glad you were safe after the flooding.

Botanist said...

Sad to hear about The Muppets. I think I'll give that a miss and preserve my happy memories. I still love their take on the Christmas Carol theme too... said...

Shorts can provide a nice payoff for the work. They may also help you work a variety of writing muscles without the head banging that is novel writing.

Belle Unruh said...

I was sorry to hear about the Muppet Show. They have made a stupid mistake; parents won't let their kids watch it. I was half watching Kingsman with my husband. I thought it was too violent too. An interesting premise though. I read about the flooding. I'm so sorry for the people there.

Alex, what is a List Fest? I signed up and I thought I could find out, but I am clueless.

Sher A. Hart said...

Tweeted but I think I did it wrong. No picture.

Lost so much time being sick that I'm not submitting to the anthology. But my surgery was successful, and I'm happy not throwing up all the time!

Sad about the muppets...

Glad to be alive and helping other writers. Got my second response from a writer who actually reviewed another book listed in my kid lit review queue. Wondering if the list of books in the queue (a linky list slightly longer than 25) would qualify for the hop.

N. R. Williams said...

I have several friends in South Carolina, they are safe and thankfully, so are you. Congratulations on all your success. My anthology submission is about a half-elf girl who weaves magic into her tapestries.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Josh Groban sleeping with Miss Piggy? No wonder the ratings are so bad. I haven't watched it.

If Colin Firth's character had survived, I would have liked KINGSMEN better -- but it was too cruel for me.

I have submitted EDISON'S MANSION to the anthology, but the odds are against me -- but as Victor Standish says: "The odds against me? That's how legends are born." :-)

And speaking of Victor, his homage to SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES is out just in time for Halloween and my birthday.

May this Halloween be all treats and no tricks for you!

J.H. Moncrieff said...

Wow, thanks for featuring my book, Alex! You are the kindest person. Lots of good karma coming your way.

I'd love to tweet that link for you, but I'm not sure how to do it so your picture would it just the tiny url link I'd use, or the whole thing?

I can't believe they made another Night at the Museum movie! I liked the first two, so thanks for letting me know.

Annalisa Crawford said...

Once you're a writer, you're always a writer - you can't deny it :-) I really wanted to see Kingsman in the cinema, but missed it, so that's on my list to watch. And I do want to see Night at the Museum, mostly for Robin Williams. It's a shame about the Muppets. I loved the original series, and Fozzie is my favourite.

Heather R. Holden said...

How exciting about those short stories! Not surprised you feel like focusing on something of that length right now. Seems less time-consuming, for sure!

And wow, your review of The Muppets makes me glad I haven't had time to check the show out. It's mind-boggling to hear about them being portrayed that way!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Joanne, glad someone can enjoy the show. I guess I'm just not the target.

Hart, excellent!

Samantha, no doubt with a soundtrack.

Stephanie, glad you had fun.

Stephen, that's why I'm going to pass on it.

Liz, that's all right.

Donna, thanks!

Jamie, thanks, and exactly!

Donna, the original show had values - this has none. And glad you are working on a piece for the anthology.

Ian, that's one of their best movies.

Belle, you just post a list of anything you want that day - your favorite movies, books, whatever.

Sher, no worries. And that sounds like a good idea for the Listing Hop.

Roland, glad you submitted!

JH, you're welcome. Just download the image and when you post the tweet, click on 'media' and add the photo.

Annalisa, Fozzie will steal more than your heart now.

Heather, just avoid it.

Ellie Garratt said...

I love to both read and write short stories. In fact, short reads such as novellas or novelettes appeal to me more as a reader. The only advice I would offer is to write what you want to. If it feels right, go for it!

Zan Marie said...

Congrats on the short stories! I can't seem to write fiction in short form. And you gave me another reason Not to watch The Muppets. Yeck!

Charles Gramlich said...

Glad to hear that more stories are forthcoming!

nashvillecats2 said...

Enjoyed your post as usual Alex. congrats on the short stories.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Shoot! I can't tweet for you. That was yesterday and I'm here today. (Confused yet?) So awesome you've been writing and editing so much. Very productive of you. And all the luck in the world to you and all who partake in the IWSG anthology. I have too much on my plate to participate. Can't wait to see the final product!

A. B. Keuser said...

Thank you, again for building this community.

Ink in the Book said...

Congratulations on the two short stories!! Awesome job:)
I'm looking forward to to watching Night of the Museum!

H.R. Bennett said...

I've actually been debating seeing Kingsmen for a while now. Everyone says it's fantastic but for some reason I haven't been able to get myself to watch it.

H.R. Bennett said...

I've actually been debating seeing Kingsmen for a while now. Everyone says it's fantastic but for some reason I haven't been able to get myself to watch it.

Raquel Byrnes said...

Congrats on finishing your two...TWO different works this month. You are insane. :) I will have to check out Geekdom House. I had no idea they existed. The only other Christian and fantasy/scifi group I know of is Realm Makers. Thanks for that!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Congratulations on the short stories for two anthologies! I did the tweet!

Sherry Ellis said...

Cute picture of the dragon and mini ninja!

I saw the Night at the Museum movie. I enjoyed it.

Sandra Cox said...

Interesting about the images and tweets. Thanks for sharing.

Elizabeth said...

A list bloghop, nice! I could make a list of reasons why I should enter the anthology contest, but hopefully by October 26 I'll be just about finished with my story :) It is sad about the Muppets. I couldn't even make it through one episode, why ruin my childhood memories?

Elizabeth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Zan, save yourself!

AB, thanks for being a part of it.

Raquel, I didn't know about Realm Makers - thanks!

Thank you, Mary.

Elizabeth, the show was a train wreck.

Leovi said...

Dragon Ninja wonderful friendship

Limbo Delirium
Black & White Abstracts

Melissa Sugar said...

I'm super psyched about seeing the Martian but it will have to wait. I just tweeted for you, but I don't think I did it right because my tweet didn't include your photo. I'll do it again. I didn't even know you had a new site for images. Great idea. Congrats on the short stories. I've never written a short story. I don't think I could even do it. I know it seems like it should be an easier task than a full length novel, but it scares the hell out of me. I have a hard enough time chopping and cutting words from full length manuscripts. I don't think I have the talent to write concise enough for a short story.

I will definitely email WD and suggest that IWSG be added to the list of top 100 resources for writers. I don't know why it hasn't already been include on the list.

Anonymous said...

I like stretching my writing muscle with short stories. It's also great that I can write quite a few in a year if my mind is set on them. Oh no, they've ruined The Muppets.

Tanya Reimer said...

I'm glad I read your review of The Muppets before I went! Geesh. I might have been a little surprised! Congrats, too, on a cool review! Like those ones. ;)

Tara Tyler said...

Thanks so much for my honorable mention a few weeks ago! And for visiting all my blog tour posts! you're the best!

I can't believe Kingsman was so violent - like Kick Ass? Unexpected from the Brits??

And I might just try that blog hop - i'm totally a list person!

happy october!

D.G. Hudson said...

I liked the first Night at the Museum, since I've always wanted to be able to tour one by myself without crowds. . .I don't know how I'd feel about things coming alive though.

I'm already participating in the WEP Halloween Challenge, so will have to give my support by reading the lists. I am definitely a list person, it's the only way I can remember everything. . .

Jennifer Lane said...

I hear you on The Kingsmen being mean-spirited. My sister and I thought the ending was gross.

Congrats on TWO short stories!

Helena said...

I'm so glad you're safe from the flooding, Alex - my thoughts and prayers are with you and so many.

And like you, I thought I'd given up writing too. But at least I'm only doing what I want and not pressuring myself to be more successful at it.Somehow you've learned the magic of doing what you want AND being successful--good for you!

Ray Rousell said...

Kingmaker, what a great film!

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Very cool about you writing short stories. True, they don't take as much time as a novel, but cranking out a good novel every eighteen months is doggone impressive.

Too bad about "The Muppets." We haven't watched it, but I keep meaning to ask our daughter about it. She was Muppet-crazy as a kid... still is... so I'll be interested in seeing what she thinks of the new show.

Ava Quinn said...

Yay for writing and short stories! Congrats!! I agree with all your reviews.

Al Penwasser said...

Night at the Museum? I suspect it's jumped the shark. But, I could be wrong.
I thought the Yankees were going to beat the Astros.

Michelle Wallace said...

Two short stories for publication? Congrats!
I tweeted!
The Listing Bloghop looks interesting - now I'm thinking of types of lists that could be used... this lends itself to so many possibilities...

Lidy said...

I'm a bit wary when they bring back the cartoons I loved when I was a kid, because you never know what creative horrorsolutions they'll do to it. So yeah, I haven't seen The Muppets yet and don't really want to.

Lidy said...

I'm a bit wary when they bring back the cartoons I loved when I was a kid, because you never know what creative horrorsolutions they'll do to it. So yeah, I haven't seen The Muppets yet and don't really want to.

The Armchair Squid said...

I haven't watched the new Muppet show. I can't say I'm encouraged by your review!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Melissa, many thanks! I'm a bare bones writer, so the short stories have been easier than I thought.

Medeia, yes they did!

Tara, I'm sure I missed a few, but I tried. And hope you join the Listing Hop.

Jennifer, I had to rewind to be sure I heard that woman say what I thought she said...

Susan, and yet I still feel slow...

Thanks, Michelle!

Lidy, just skip it.

Squid, I think you might be a bit afraid...

Jeff Beesler said...

Congratulations on carrying on with the writing, Alex! Sorry I haven't been around in a long time. Been busy with my own stuff. But it pleases me how you've carried on long after CassaStorm. Looking forward to seeing what comes from you next!

alexia said...

Lots of good info! I'll have to try tweeting with pics. I really hated Kingsman. Haven't seen Muppets.

Anonymous said...

Reading a good short story is so much fun. Writing them is also a lot of fun. They definitely take less time to write than novels. And if you write enough of them, you can publish a whole bunch into a single book. It's not a bad idea, Alex, and I'm sure you'll enjoy exploring it further.

Erika Beebe said...

Congratulations on your writing successes. I loved your reviews. I will have to brainstorm some list ideas and see what I can come up with. :)

Leslie S. Rose said...

Insecurities - how much time do you have? :) I just started down query road for the first time in a few years. My insecurity is to keep my skin thick and my toes pointed true north.

Unknown said...

That is good to know that tweeting the images helps sales. For sure in my experience images on Pinterest help as well.

p.s. I tweeted your pic today. :)

Unknown said...

That is good to know that tweeting the images helps sales. For sure in my experience images on Pinterest help as well.

p.s. I tweeted your pic today. :)

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Alex,

Congrats on the short stories.... I wish I had your organizational and time skills. You do so much in a day....I never seem to have a free minute..

Hoping to enter SOMETHING for the anthology. Thankfully I have a few weeks....

The blog hop sounds fun. This one I MAY be able to do. I really miss the "old" days when I first started blogging and had such fun during all the blogfests and hops....

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

Congratulations on your two short stories--that is wonderful. What scope your interests and abilities have, too!
Jean :)

Sandra Cox said...

Good for you on the twos short stories!

Blue Grumpster said...

Ah.... Kingsman: The Secret Service... I was pleasantly surprised by the final show of that movie. I didn't think they'd have the guts, but I was wrong. Remember?

Leovi said...

I love science fiction short stories and began to love this genre!

Leovi said...

I love spy movies of the 60s!
Limbo Delirium
Black & White Abstract

Christine Rains said...

Yay that you're writing more stories! Love that you're writing geeky stuff too. :) I watched the Kingsman the other night. It was good. The best part was a kick-butt Colin Firth. Who knew?

Mark Means said...

Best of luck with the short stories. I know what you mean, they're much easier to do than novels and nice when you only have a bare bones idea going.

I liked Kingsman...up until the church scene. I'm not prude, but that was way to violent for me.

I figured the Muppets would be nothing like the old show, so I haven't even bothered to watch it. Thanks for the confirmation, so I don't feel like I've missed anything.

klahanie said...

Hey Alex,

Great to see the continuance of IWSG aka "I Was Seeking Gary." Thank you, thank you!

I know a number of your co-hosts. I wouldn't dare mention they are starstruck fans of mine, um, starstruck fans of Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

I shall email in regards to the IWSG site.

What I want to know is how do you find the time to write? Don't tell me your clones do this blog!

I tweet your stuff every time, dude.

I shall give The Muppets a big miss.

Thanks for all the links.

Congrats to Bish and to eight years of blogging. Bish, get some sleep!

I don't have writing insecurities. Whatever happens, happens.

Enjoy your Sunday.


Mason T. Matchak said...

Congratulations on getting those short stories published! ^_^ Good to know that writing short stories is working out well for you; I tried to focus on that instead of writing novels, but it worked out very badly and I lost a lot of what could have been good writing time trying to plot and write short stories that never went anywhere.

Kelly Polark said...

I'm joining you all in the List Blog hop! I miss being connected in the blog world!

I agree with you on the Muppet show. It's for KIDS! Keep the innuendos out!

And THANK YOU for the I'm a Little Green Witch shout out!! xo

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the short stories, Alex. They're a lot of fun. I'm not sure about the new Muppets. Seems like they're targeting the audience that grew up with them.

Nicola said...

Glad to hear you are having a productive time, Alex. I love writing short stories. Wishing you success with those submitted.

Just some feedback on IWSG - really enjoyed my first post and had lots of fun sharing thoughts with others on their blogs. Great forum. Thanks!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

You never cease to amaze me. You are always so busy with projects. I need to take whatever vitamins you take. :)

Deniz Bevan said...

Congratulations on your short stories!!

I submitted an email to writers digest. Hope IWSG makes it!

Anonymous said...

Weirdly, I find it easier to write a novel than a short story. Writing short stories is another art form altogether.

I agree with you on The Kingsman. Good rental, though glad I didn't pay big $$ at the movie theatre.

Allison Barron said...

I'm pretty excited to read your Christmas story for Geekdom House :)

Sandra Cox said...

Congrats to EE Giorgi and Karen Helene Walker on their releases.