Monday, September 7, 2015

Too Much NetFlix? The Shannara Chronicles, Hellboy 3, New releases in DVD-music-games, Favorite Job, Mini-Alex and Cicadas, and Ninja News!

Happy Labor Day to my friends here in the States!

Entertainment News

This article caught my eye - New Study Suggests Americans are Watching Too Much NetFlix.

From JoBlo’s site - Right now, the average Netflix subscriber watches about 90 minutes of streaming content per day. (See... viewing habits have changed.) Now that might not seem like a lot until you understand all the things we are doing throughout our day that are consuming far less time - things like eating (only 70 minutes), childcare (25 minutes) and sex (almost 2 minutes).
Now, I do watch NetFlix a lot, but usually it’s while I’m working on my job. (With an occasional movie at home.) So I’ll admit ninety minutes is conservative for me.
However, only two minutes a day for sex? Really? That is sad. Fourteen minutes a week? Now, while I won’t go into details about my sex life, but that statistic boggles my mind. Either a lot of people only do it once a week or there are a lot of women who have mastered her man’s easy button…

This disappointing news about Hellboy 3 came from Blastr. 
Ron Perlman has been trying to stir studio and fan interest in a third Hellboy movie. So far, no studio wants to foot the bill. After the second film, Guillermo del Toro had wanted to do one more, but Perlman had moved on to other things. Now that Perlman is ready to return, and del Toro still interested in directing, the movie has stalled with no backing. Bummer, I’d really like to see a third one.

Metallica, Black Sabbath, and rap fans, you have been slammed!
From the New York Daily News: Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards calls Metallica and Black Sabbath 'great jokes,' says rap is for 'tone-deaf people' in free-wheeling interview.

This is the trailer for The Shannara Chronicles (based on the second book, The Elfstones of Shannara) coming next January on MTV:

The trailer looks very cool, but I still hold reservations. Why start with the second book of the original trilogy? Also, the apocalypse images are wrong – it’s not until the Genesis trilogy that it’s revealed that Shannara is really earth. In the original trilogy (Sword, Elfstones, and Wishsong) you don’t know that. So I’m just really hoping that they do it right and MTV proves it’s not completely useless after all...

New Releases –

Mad Max: Fury Road on DVD
Best movie so far this year! Watched it again this past weekend in 3D and it’s still batshit crazy.
(And if you do a Google search for Mad Max: Fury Road, my review comes up as number nine – is that wild or what?)

Iron Maiden – Book of Souls
It’s their sixteenth studio album and their first double album. It features Eddie (of course) and marks forty years that Maiden has been a band. (That’s impressive!)

Coming soon –

Furious 7 on DVD - September 15.

Avengers: Age of Ultron on DVD – October 2

Fallout 4 PC game – November 10
I am really stoked for this game! I’ve already played and won the teaser Fallout Shelter.

Question of the Month

Hosted by Michael at A Life Examined.

“What’s the best job you’ve ever had?”

I’ve had some great jobs over the years. But since my dream was always to be a rock star, I’d have to say my current gig in a Christian contemporary rock band is the best job ever. And while it’s not my nine-to-five job, I have been paid to perform, so it qualifies as a job. Plus I get to jam while giving praise to God - how awesome is that?

Second would be my ‘job’ as an author, mostly because of the people I’ve met along the way and places it has led me, such as the IWSG.

Ninja News

Don’t forget the IWSG Anthology Contest is open until November 1! The theme is Alternate History/Parallel Universe and any member of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group is encouraged to enter – blogging (must post for the IWSG at least once in September or October) or Facebook member. Winners will be published in a royalty-paying anthology next year.

New Release -
Poison: Wind Dancer Series by Lan Chan
Find on Amazon, Smashwords, and Goodreads
And this week is a book blitz – Poison is on sale for just .99 cents from September 7 – 11!

Contemporary Romance virtual book tour seeking reviewers, bloggers, & non-bloggers to host!
It's Like the Full Moon by Glorie Townson (pen name for Toi Thomas)
Go HERE to sign up.

Mini-Alex and the Cicadas!

Can you see those little things on the ground and tree around Mini-Alex?

Those are the exoskeletons of cicadas. From them came the adult flying cicada. They always seem to emerge around pine trees and only after periods of thirteen to seventeen years. So we don’t see them often.

Right now though, we can hear them in the trees – and they are loud!

Surprised by what Richards said? Think MTV will do right by Chronicles of Shannara? Did you pick up Fury Road? Looking forward to any new releases? Participating in the IWSG anthology contest? What was your best job? Have cicadas where you live? And do you watch too much NetFlix – or have any other comments on those statistics…?

And I will online sporadically on Monday, so will catch up later this week with those I miss.


Murees Dupè said...

I would like to see another Hellboy. My best job is my current job, working as my brother's research/ personal assistant. I get to work from home and get lots of writing done in my spare time. I'm a big Metallica fan and definitely don't think they're a joke. Thanks for the great info, Alex. Have an awesome week.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

90 minutes a day doesn't surprise me. That's only 1 movie in the evenings when the day's over and it's time to wind down. The time when a person would choose to read a book instead. Bad news for book sales!

Elephant's Child said...

The Stones (all of them) have always made a point of being controversial. I don't think they are about to change that habit any time soon.

Lan said...

Thanks so much for posting my book new Alex!! And I'm doing my best to keep that Netflix statistic alive. I think I watch enough tv for four people! Shame about the hellboy movie. You'd think that with all the super hero stuff coming out the studios would jump at the chance.

Leigh Caron said...

2 minutes a day? Who would admit to that? And *sigh* my remote with the Netflix button is kaput. It can't be fixed so I ordered another one but it will take a month to get to me here in Mexico. Sure, I can watch Netflix on my laptop...but not the same enjoyment as the big screen, so for now I anxiously await the remote's arrival. Also, here in Mexico on Netflix, we get shows much later than in the States. *sigh sigh sigh*

Natalie Aguirre said...

I'm not surprised about Netflix because it can almost replace the TV. We hadn't been watching at all since Rudy died, but we just set up streaming. I love it and am able to watch some cool series like Grace and Frankie and Orange is the New Black. Awesome you can watch it at work.

Mark Means said...

I probably watch more on Netflix/Amazon Prime than I do 'regular' t.v. and with good reason.

It's still not all that much t.v.

And, yeah, two minutes just seems a :D

ediFanoB said...

"man's easy button" put a smile on my face.
Netflix is available in Germany but I don't use it. I don't watch much TV - some documentations, few series and news. The main purpose why we have a TV at home is to have a screen for playing video games.

I would like to see Hellboy 3.

I'm not surprised by the Keith Richards statements.
For me it is miracle that he is still alive after all these years with drugs and alcohol. Nobody knows how much of his brain is left intact ...

Sean McLachlan said...

40 years for Maiden? Wow. The Stones hit 50 a couple of years back. Both bands still rock!
I am proud to say that while I haven't been making music history for half a century, at least I spend more than 25 minutes a day taking care of my kid.

The Angry Lurker said...

2 mins for sex, are they doing it twice?

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I don't have Netflix but I have Hulu (commercial free!), and I'm finding I watch less TV than I did with cable but I watch more purposefully.

Didn't know Fury Road was on DVD already! Will make a note. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Murees, I'm sure Metallica laughed at that. All the way to the bank.

Karen, I read right before going to bed still.

Elephant's Child, not likely.

Lan, you're welcome, and you would think!

Em, I'd be going through withdrawls.

Natalie, between NetFlix and DVRs, I rarely watch a show live anymore.

Mark, same here.

Edi, I'm here to amuse! And that you have the television for video games made me smile. Yeah, Richards is so full of drugs that when he does die, people will be able to smoke his ashes and get high.

Sean, good for you!

Fran, just not in a row...

Madeline, pick it up!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I know that I was doing at least an hour a day, but have cut back. I LOVE Netflix.

Cicadas are SOOO noisy. When they hit you in the head while your mowing it hurts. :)

Christine Rains said...

90 minutes of watching something a day isn't much. When I was young, I used to watch like 4 hours of TV a day! And 2 minutes for sex? Clearly someone is unsatisfied! My favorite job has been a writer. We have cicadas too. It isn't the year for one of the big broods here, though. I think that's next year!

Pat Hatt said...

2 minutes? Damn, that is rather sad.

I probably watch at least 90 minutes a day, I have to do something where my lap is free or the cat gets mad haha

The 25 minutes of childcare must be the ones who took 2 minutes to make them, that is rather sad.

I'll be getting fast 7, mad max and ultron on blu ray indeed

Blogoratti said...

Too much Netflix, that's interesting. Thanks for the great reviews!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

The cicadas are noisy.

I blow that NetFlix statistic as I rarely watch any TV.

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

I've never watched Netflix. I know, where have I been, but I haven't.
My favorite job is a tie between my teaching years and now my writing job.
Have a great week.

Misha Gerrick said...

Netflix isn't available in my country. :-(

My favorite job is being a writer. (No one said it has to pay well. :-P)

A Beer for the Shower said...

90 minutes a day is only a lot if they're watching other means of TV on top of that for extended periods of time. I don't have cable, so I stream only. The wife and I usually end up watching about 1-2 hours of TV per day, max. I always thought that was an insanely low amount of time, compared to some people whose TV just never shuts off.

And Fallout 4 comes out on my birthday. Coincidence? I think not.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

The cicadas aren't out around here this year. I forget when they're due again. I'm looking forward to watching Age of Ultron again. I didn't see Fury Road but may rent it. I have no faith that they'll do Shannara right.

Susan Says

Mary Aalgaard said...

That stat on sex v. Netflix is funny. So many people spend time watching, reading about, and talking about sex, but apparently don't actually engage in it. I think most people are too tired to do it. They're probably falling asleep watching Netflix.
Your jobs are terrific. What a gift.
Play off the Page

Anonymous said...

I love being a writer. It's so cool that you're also in a band.

I don't know how I'd feel about the cicadas. I remember staying in the Caribbean where some frog or insect was making super loud noises at night. I got used to it, but it sounded very strange.

I canceled Netflix years ago. I wasn't on it too much.

shelly said...

Hi, Alex! Happy Labor Day!

Ann Bennett said...

Wow, that is alot I didn't know. However, I am finishing up my sixth decade as a woman. Except for the cicadas, I do not compute. I have a netflix account and have watched nothing.

Bish Denham said...

I don't do streaming Netflix, but I do get DVDs. Even with just that, I know how easy it is to waste time watching TV.

I may be the only person who never read the Chronicles of Shannara... It's doesn't surprise me in the least what Richards said. At his age he's entitled to say whatever he wants! :D

Best job ever? Getting to work with abused, neglected and emotionally disturbed kids for 23 years.

Wow! That's A LOT of cicadas.

mshatch said...

Two minutes?! I'm guessing both parties have mastered the easy button.

As for my best job, it's the one I have now working at the pawn shop. It may not pay a ton but it's the most fun I've ever had working plus I get to see the coolest stuff ever.

Stephanie Faris said...

I hardly ever watch Netflix. But I watch shows on Hulu Plus and YouTube daily! So I'm guilty.

I was wondering if the "two minutes for sex" part was part of the study! Wonder where they got that statistic.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - it's the ALMOST 2 minutes a day that really says it all ... poor people! No Netflix here ... People like to be controversial don't they ... the Anthology publication will be great ...

I've had some good jobs ... but I suspect I might put blogging into one of those - opened my eyes to what's available .. cheers Hilary

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Teresa, haven't had that happen yet.

Christine, I probably watched even more than that when I was a kid. And all those unsatisfied people explains why so many are watching NetFlix.

Pat, that is rather sad.

Misha, no they didn't.

Brandon and Bryan, it really isn't a lot when you think about it. And I don't think that's a coincidence at all!

Mary, good point!

Bish, you should read the original trilogy!

Stephanie, I'm guessing that's just spreading one time a week out over the days...

H. R. Sinclair said...

I wonder if more people are turning to Netflix over regular TV.

Those cicadas are super loud. I was in DC once when they emerged and was surprised not only at their volume but the sound itself.

Holy Ghost Writer said...

Do we want to know how they got the sex stat?

Rachna Chhabria said...

I have heard so much about Netflix from all my American blog buddies that I am curious about it now. I will have to check it out now. Wondering how they got the sex stat? I'm sure that no one will admit to two minutes?

Donna K. Weaver said...

About Shanara, I started with Elfstones and, to be honest, I've never gone back to read it.

Shell Flower said...

Sad that we are spending more time watching Netflix than having sex. I guess it takes less energy, but yeah, sad. Two minutes seems a bit low, though... I probably watch my 90 minutes of Netflix a day. Just saw Fury Road on DVD and it rocked. Even my boyfriend liked it, and he is a tough customer. I am hoping to enter the IWSG contest, too.

Suzanne Furness said...

Statistics and survey results often amaze me! Dream job would have to be published author!

cleemckenzie said...

I'm not weighing in on the 2 minutes/week for sex issue, but that is interesting when you consider that most of news is about Trump as well as Hilary's emails. Guess that's enough to put a damper on love.

Anyway, I will weigh in on my best job. It's what I do now. I love to write and I love to discover what others are writing!

Arlee Bird said...

I love listening to the cicadas. When I was in Tennessee I'd spend nearly every evening listening to the symphony of cicadas, crickets, tree frogs, and whatever else was out there. It was an amazing calming sound.

I'd like to have a job playing music on a regular basis. I'm not that good, but once I did get paid to play in a bluegrass band in a dinner theater in Richmond, VA. I loved that job even though it only lasted a couple of months.

No Netflix streaming for me--I just get the DVD's in the mail. One movie a week is what I watch from Netflix.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Charles Gramlich said...

90 minutes a day! Wow. That seems huge to me.I have watched that much TV at one time but not very often.

Joanne said...

I'm going to say I'm proud of my Netflix use (or is it an addiction?). They've put out some quality shows - "must watch one more episode of Orange". I think Keith Richards is just being a cranky old man - he never thought he'd live to be this old. Hellboy - sorry, not interested. Mad Max -fury road - Oh Alex, my friend, we still must disagree. However - I won't buy but I'll rewatch Furious 7 and also Avengers Ultron. Best job - I loved working summers in the factory while in college - great money, easy work in packaging O-rings, and I learned about life from the ladies there. Tough cookies, all of 'em. Happy Labor Day and have a good week.

Chrys Fey said...

I think it's awesome that you're in a rock band. I love Christian rock music. :)

Lydia Kang said...

I think I don't watch enough Netflix, LOL.

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

No one has ever said, "Keith Richards is incredibly brilliant". He is what he is, right?

I could go for a third Hellboy for sure!

I just got back from The Fly, which was a blast. When I got out of the car, the cicadas were in full force in my back yard. I love this serenade of summer.


Anonymous said...

I'd enjoy another Hellboy. Maybe they'll kickstarter it if they can't get a backer. I bet plenty of fans would love that.

Carrie-Anne said...

I actually don't watch as much Netflix as I used to, though I know I need to get back in the swing. I enjoyed watching silents on my parents' Netflix when I housesat for them twice recently, and having their wide-screen TV all to myself. My ex had hijacked my queue for a long time, bumping down the classics I added long before we met and adding all these modern movies I never would've voluntarily watched.

Birgit said...

I don't have netflix-I guess I'm a rarity:) I am not surprised by what Richards said because we forget that he is an old bugger now and most don't like rap..Hell I don't! Why should all musicians like all forms of music anyway? I am a bit surprised by the heavy metal quote though but each to their own. Oh I hear the cicadas and can't wait until it get cooler. I hate the heat. The video of this new series looks good

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

We used to take the shells off the trees and put them on our noses when we were kids! Your best job does sound like an awesome one! I have always worked in an office. Various bookkeeping, accounting and customer service roles. I can honestly say I have liked every job I ever had. The people had a lot to do with that. I also enjoy problem solving and making things line up, balance, etc.

Life & Faith in Caneyhead

The Happy Whisk said...

Words I never thought I'd read on your blog, "the man's easy button."

Bob/Sally said...

Maybe that average is brought down by men who've found their own easy button. :)

I cringed when I heard MTV was making Shannara, but the trailers have me cautiously optimistic. You're right, the post-apocalyptic revelation is a bit too soon, but I figure the evidence was always there, the characters just never remarked upon it in the early books. As for starting with the 2nd book, that is a very weird choice, but it does allow them to dive right in to the heart of the story.

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

Did I say The Fly when I meant Ant Man??? Oh, for Pete's sake!
jean said...

I'm laughing, Alex. I understand you're bewilderment regarding the 2 minutes per day statistic. It's hardly enough time to have sex once. Right? Oy vey, Alex. You've read my book. So it seems I'm not alone. Sex isn't always lasting. In fact, it doesn't always happen. In fact, it rarely happens for some of us. Sad, right? But when it does, even a 2.5 minuter is cause for celebration and pizza with string cheese.

stephen Hayes said...

Question of the month about my favorite job? That would be when I finally quit retail and started my own illustration company, which I ran for ten years before retiring.

Andrew Leon said...

I'm not overly impressed with the trailer, but I'm sure I'll at least try the series out. I didn't like the Sword of Truth books, but the TV show wasn't bad. Maybe this will be the same.

Gail said...

Well, I have a lot cicadas, too. I don't watch NetFlix and I'm not telling my secrets.

Have a blessed week.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I've only watched the series, DAREDEVIL, on Netflix. So my time on it is WAY under the average. The series does look good. GOT fans will probably tune in for the first episodes at least. Jon did a great job with IRON MAN.

I'm currently writing an entry for the INSECURE ANTHOLOGY contest. I never win these things but the very writing of it hopefully will make me grow as a writer.

Two minutes, huh? The ghost of Mark Twain is shaking his head. :-)

Jo said...

I remember all those cicada shells. Used to fascinate me. Best job was my last full time one as a fleet administrator. I tried Netflix for a month, watched a few movies and then couldn't find anything else I liked the look of.

That two minutes of sex made me think of "Bam, Bam, thankyou Madame."

Jemi Fraser said...

We don't own Netflix so I guess we skew that data a bit. And 2 minutes????? Something's wrong with this picture!

The trailer makes me want to go back and reread the Shannara books - love them! I agree with your reservations about it though.

Toi Thomas said...

Thanks Alex for sharing my request. I best being in a Christian Rock band is pretty cool, plus writing is wonderful on so many levels.

I really enjoyed Fury Road and look forward to watching it again.

Still up in the air about the anthology, but have some ideas to work through.

I watch Netflix 30-60 minutes a day with my husband, but that's only on the nights he doesn't work. Otherwise, I don't watch TV unless we have rented a movie. People's sex lives are their business, but 2 minutes a day does sound sad. However, if it's a daily thing, it is at least consistent and hopefully it's not causing any martial strife.

Karen Lange said...

Have been thinking about signing up for Netflix. Will have to check out that article. Have a great week!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Holly, I think NetFlix has taken the place of a lot of television watching.

Holy, they timed people?

Rachna, I'm not that easy...

Donna, for shame...

Shell, it's a great film. Hope you can enter the contest.

Lee, Bluegrass is really popular around here.

Joanne, packaging O-rings? And yeah, I know you didn't like Fury Road.

Chrys, you're awesome!

Jean, it's definitely a serenade!

Patricia, good idea!

Carrie-Anne, sorry!

Birgit, I don't like it either, but it is still music.

Barbara, that is disgusting.

Ivy, glad I can still surprise you.

Bob, good point! And you share my concerns and thoughts on the series.

Jean, both bugs!

Robyn, I don't think I could be that quick...

Stephen, that is a cool job.

Roland, glad you are entering! And bet Twain is shocked by that number.

Jo, it'd be about that fast.

Jemi, you rock!

Toi, you're welcome. And hope you can enter the contest.

Liesel K. Hill said...

Interesting Netflix article. Made me smile. I actually STILL haven't seen Mad Max yet. Need to go pick it up. :D

SpacerGuy said...

Netflix is full of surprises if only I had it, lol. I reckon Mini Alex has his plate full but his mission is clear and we'll follow him to the end of the planet. Phasers everyone, lets go gets these cicadas.

Liz A. said...

At least MTV is trying to do Shannara. This brings it to a whole new generation who might be encouraged to try the books. Hopefully it'll be good.

The best job question makes me giggle. Since I've really only had two jobs (that is, if you don't count my farmers market forays, my online shop, and my writing), and one of those (toy store that you've heard of) really, really sucked.

J E Oneil said...

If someone doesn't like people doing something, than any amount is "too much". I say just let people Netflix and Chill in peace.

Please let there be another Hellboy movie. For once, just let the world be that good a place.

John Wiswell said...

On the days when I use it, I consume about 60-80 minutes of Netflix. I know the specific times because I only watch it when I'm exercising, and since it keeps my mind off the pain of my syndrome to allow me to keep exercising, I sincerely doubt I'm watching "too much." Other people might, but if 90 minutes of binge watching is replacing the four hours a day of TV ten years ago, that's not so bad either.

Nice going on having your Fury Road review SEO so well!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

So...does this mean more people are unplugging from cable, I wonder? And are they watching 90 minutes of Netflix plus television?

Love Mini Alex with the icky cicadas. Ugh.

I'm doing my best job right now. :)

Happy Labor Day!

Tammy Theriault said...

Sex 2 mins?? Pffft.

Theresa Milstein said...

What's the two minutes a day for sex? That seems low. Way too low!

Al Penwasser said...

My best job? Searching for Soviet submarines in the North Atlantic. That was way cool (no pun intended).

Melissa said...

A man's 'easy button.' ROFL xD I write and read romance, and I have never heard THAT before.

Now, if we gals could just find the hard button...

Unknown said...

The sex statistic doesn't really surprise me. Not everyone has sex every day, so it would average out.

Richards' comments annoy me. Sure he made great music, but it wasn't the ONLY good music in history.

I was expecting writing to be number 1 for you, glad I was surprised by that :)

Yolanda Renée said...

Don't have Netflix, and today I didn't even turn the television on, well, until hubby came home to watch his game. Really fet up with all of it. Prefer listening to the quiet or music.

Happy Labor Day!

Tonja Drecker said...

When I get sucked into a series on Netflix, I addicted until I get through all seasons. Luckily, this doesn't happen very often, so I'm lucky to hit 90 mins a week. Yep, we have tons of Cicadas. We live in the middle of nowhere but I think the forest is louder than living next to railroad tracks.

Helena said...

I am SO tired of those noisy cicadas! Same with some crickets, so I'm looki forward to the first frost of autumn.

I had the same reaction about two minute sex! (Seriously? That brief?) This might explain all those complaints in women's forums about, shall we say, the brevity of intimacy in their lives.

I love that you play music in a band and write, Alex. Me? Can't say I've had great jobs, but when I have colleagues whose company I enjoy, that can make work better.

L.G. Keltner said...

I am also surprised that people spend so little time on sex. There have to be some unsatisfied people out there.

I enjoyed Mad Max:Fury Road a lot! I'll definitely have to see it again.

Janie Junebug said...

I think being in a rock band is a great job. I don't watch Netflix everyday, but I watch it 2 - 4 hours per week. However, I don't watch regular TV, other than a few shows on PBS (Downton Abbey XOXO). I don't spend two minutes a day on sex because I usually see Willy Dunne Wooters once a week. I don't want to TMI everybody (Look! I just used TMI as a verb), but if we're together one day a week, more than fourteen minutes is used for sex. Always. Every week.


dolorah said...

Not sure I want to find my man's "easy button" if two minutes is all I'll get from it.

I'm with you about Shanara; I'm afraid they will reveal too much and ruin the early mystic of the series. And yay for Mad Maxx, I'm anxious to see it myself, along with Age of Ultron.

I'm hoping to enter the IWSG anthology contest, but my concept may be a bit too dystopian as opposed to alternate universe. I'll work on it.

Heather R. Holden said...

I don't have Netflix, so I guess that means I have 90 extra minutes in my day than most people. LOL.

That's pretty cool about the Christian rock band! Sounds like you've been having fun with that... :)

Nicola said...

It's difficult to choose just one favourite job. I've learned so much from all the jobs I've had - even if they have been hard lessons. I always enjoy teaching and naturally I love to write. All elements of jobs have good bits and bad bits. The key is to try to enjoy the journey and if something makes you unhappy and you really can't change it then get rid of it. Life is too precious to be miserable.

Really pleased you are loving your music. Keep rockin'!

Mason Canyon said...

Alex, hope you and your family had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. I've seen Road Fury and was surprised I liked it. I'm with you about the 2 minute deal. That just seems unreal.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

The holiday threw me off so much I forgot to stop by yesterday! Hope you had a great Labor Day.

I don't even subscribe to Netflix, so I'm doing my part to drive the average down. (Hey, someone has to do the childcare--and it's more than 25 minutes a day for me.)

Anonymous said...

So many jobs although around related themes. Best would have to be my last one, the one I retired from - equestrian journalist & photographer as got to meet great people, go to beautiful place, and be around horses.

Liza said...

Getting close to canceling our Netflix account. We just don't watch enough.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Spacerguy, set those phasers to kill!

JE, Amen!

John, thanks! And no, it's not so bad.

Elizabeth, I think it's replaced television.

Melissa, and you thought Staples had the corner on easy buttons.

Michael, music will always come first.

Helena, yes it does.

Janie, good for you!

Donna, enter anyway.

Heather, best job on earth.

Sandra, good for you.

Annalisa Crawford said...

I guess when someone like Keith Richards speaks, people listen. But I like Metallica and - to a lesser extent - Black Sabbath, so I think I'll ignore him.

We've just got Netflix. I'm currently only using it to watch Doctor Who repeats. Matt Smith first, then I'll go back to David Tennant :-)

randi lee said...

I'm an offender in that I skew the Netflix viewing polls...I leave the TV on in the background for noise while I'm doing other, while I'm streaming, I'm not really watching. Bad Randina! And batshit crazy, you say? I'm going to have to check that movie out!!!

kaykuala said...

90 mins a day is reasonable if work is tied to it, By extension it means one is forever informed of what's in the industry. But entertainment-wise it might be a wee bit little perhaps!


Michael Abayomi said...

I am pretty stoked about Fallout 4 too, although I am worried my aging computer might not be able to handle it. I guess it is time for another upgrade, or perhaps this might be the game that finally pushes me to put some money down for a PS4.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Hi Alex!
Sorry, I'm late.

I did have Netflix, got rid of it when they jacked up all the prices, but I think what happens is we all binge watch seasons of our favorite shows and it makes it so easy to go from one to the next to the next you don't realize how long you've been in front of the screen. I did try to fold laundry or something while watching. :)

Mr. Richards has his opinion. It's wrong, but it's his.

I've been watching Teen Wolf on MTV and its been going down hill. They spend too much time making it look good and not enough time on content. Character development on serial shows is SO important and they just gloss over it. Maybe they will do better with your show.

I'm behind on movie watching cause I'm watching The X-Files. I'm a few episodes behind the #201Days re-watch. Like 11 episodes behind. Yikes!

I haven't seen the bugs yet. Ewww. Careful out there Mini-Alex!!!


Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Unlimited internet isn't available on the lake, so I try to restrict the amount of time streaming. That was until I discovered True Detective and Mr. Robot. Haven't seen Mad Max yet. Looking forward to it.

Hart Johnson said...

The statistician is going to chime in here... There are MANY people in this world NOT having sex (either too young, widowed, uninvolved, living in Japan (seriously--there is an article about the Japanese not having sex anymore)) and I bet that two minute average includes a LOT of those... if the denominator was "of sexually active people" I bet it would be less disheartening... *cough* Right, Netflix... I watch like you do--just running while I work with me doing other things to the side. There are shows that need more attention (like Sherlock) but for the average show that is just fine. But (putting my statistical hat back on) is that average PER ACCOUNT? Or per VIEWER ON each account? Our Netflix account has 4 viewers, so for all I know, it says we are watching 14 hours a day (4 of which I will claim, as about half my job only needs about half of me)...

Okay, I'll be quiet now...

Dianne K. Salerni said...

I'm watching Bones on Netflix as I write this! So yeah, maybe too much Netflix.

I'm also eating my lunch, which turned out to be a bad move, considering the Ewwwww factor of this particular episode ...

And if I'd really been multi-tasking and having sex at the same time -- my husband would have run from the room by now. I mean, serious Yuck here.

Tyrean Martinson said...

No Cicadas where we live, but we do have frogs and grasshoppers who make a bit of noise. MTV does Shannarra - um, not sure what I can say that works with that. I'm not hopeful. It's just too weird of a mash-up. Anyway . .

Netflix statistics are a little high for our household, and we don't use/have cable tv - not even the basic channels - in our house. Antenna only gets a fuzzy pbs. On the other statistics - way too sad, especially for married couples - I think my hubs and I . . . well, let's just say we have a very happy marriage in many ways. :)

Anonymous said...

Another Hellboy would be pretty awesome, so I'm disappointed nobody wants to fund it *sigh* I've never read the Chronicles of Shannara, but from the MTV preview.. it looks pretty good! I'll have to pick the books up because MTV will undoubtedly butcher it :)

I'm reworking my IWSG anthology idea, but getting there! Also, definitely WAY too much Netflix. haha

Sherry Ellis said...

90 minutes a day on Netflix really doesn't surprise me. Neither does the 14 minutes a week for sex. That's about a movie a night, and sex twice a week. I wonder if they have included snuggle time in the sex time.

I'm working on the anthology project. We'll see if I can crank it out in time. :0)

(As you saw on my post, I love music, too. It's the best job, ever!)

Mina Burrows said...

I go through phases with Netflix- sometimes alot, other times bleh.

I would like another Hellboy too. I hold they get it together.

I'm so glad I got to see Fury Road in the theater. What an awesome flick!

Patricia Stoltey said...

I don't believe there can be too much Netflix.

Two minutes a day for sex? I'd like to see the demographic surveyed for that one...

As for the cicadas, haven't seen any here in Front Range Northern Colorado. I did notice that we have flying grasshoppers this year and I don't remember that happening before. In other years they used to just hop like any normal grasshopper would but these guys with wings can propel themselves a long ways on one jump. Strange, very strange.

diedre Knight said...

I've never seen Netflicks but hear about the cost a lot.
I haven't been to a movie in years but now that I can get out again I know where to start :-)
Not to be rude, but what surprised me most is that Keith Richards is still among the living! (And still being crass, I see)
What an awesome job; playing in a band!

Stephen Tremp said...

Hey, im the 100, storm. Love those large round numbers. Must be my lucky day.

Stephen Tremp said...

that should be 100 comment. stupid cell phone voice recognition.

Cherie Reich said...

If I had Netflix and good Internet, then I could see spending an average of 90 minutes a day at the very least. I hope they find someone to back Hellboy 3. I enjoyed the first two a lot.

Leovi said...

I like Mad Max!
Limbo Delirium
Black & White Abstracts

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Randi Lee, check it out!

Heather! His opinion is his but wrong indeed.

Hart, not sure who all they include. As for the sex thing, I read an article many years ago that said the average couple did it two and a half times - a month! So two minutes doesn't surprise me.

Dianne, that made me laugh!

Tyrean, so are we!

Madilyn, hope you enter your piece in the contest.

Sherry, hope you can!

Patricia, those are some serious grasshoppers.

Stephen, funny!

Cathrina Constantine said...

I'm sitting outside in the dark computing and hearing Cicada's all over the place....Love Netflix's. Watched Mad Max a couple of days ago. It was crazy nuts!!!!

Leslie S. Rose said...

Two minutes! That's a serious skill set. I'm guilty of binge watching Netflix a couple of hours a night until I finish a show (House of Cards), but then I don't watch for a couple of weeks.

Cherdo said...

I used to sing with a Christian band, too - and my son sings in a Praise band for church.

Mad Max is good? I suspected it would be a flop - thanks for the info!

Belle Wong said...

90 minutes of Netflix a day ... why is it I think all the studies on our cable TV watching habits top this by a LOT of hours? These studies are all so funny. Too much time spent doing this, too little time spent doing that. I guess we all just need to wake up to what the inner "us" really needs, and then do it!

Elizabeth said...

When I first signed up for Netflix, I binge watched the Daredevil series, since then I have exercised a little more control and watch a tv episode about every other day, unless there's a cliffhanger. Being in a band sounds like fun, I would be the one playing with the electronic keyboard :)

Rhonda Albom said...

Here in New Zealand we can't get American Netflix, and the version we get just doesn't have as much - so that gives us more times for the other activities on your list. As for cicadas, we get them every summer and they are loud all day, then at dusk they stop and it is quiet. My best job ever - being mum and homeschooling my girls.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cathrina, wasn't it?

Cherdo, that's awesome!

Belle, also makes you wonder how much they spent on that study...

Rhonda, our cicadas have yet to shut up...

Crystal Collier said...

I would LOVE to see a Hellboy 3. The kids are fans too. As far as the Shanarra series... I started reading it years and years ago, and although my brothers loved it, I couldn't get into it. Too slow. After five pages straight of monologue, I put it down and picked up another book. I did read the Magic Kingdom for Sale series though.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

That's kind of cool that you can watch Netflix at work (among other things). Seeing all those cicadas makes me wonder if you eat them over there. Do they taste good?

Julie Flanders said...

We get cicadas every 17 years here and I cringe as their return gets closer and closer. I can't bear them and want to move before they get back again. I feel bad for mini-Alex having to deal with them LOL.

David Powers King said...

I can believe the Netflix ordeal. Been watching one or two episodes of something at night, after the kids are asleep, of course. I'm glad I'm spending more time with this. And dude, I would love a 3rd Hellboy. :)

Fundy Blue said...

Hey, Alex! I think we all have our time-suckers, although NetFlix is not one of mine. But I have watched "The Young and the Restless" since 1973! That's a lot of time! My favorite job ever is a tossup between wellsitting as a geologist on oil rigs and going on paleontological digs with the Denver Museum of Nature and Science! Always, always, anything outdoors! Happy Wednesday to you!

Truedessa said...

Netflix has quite a big following as many are watching that to save money on Cable TV. I don't think 90 minutes is too long especially in colder months. This summer I hardly watched TV at all as I tried to make the most out of the nice weather. Average 2 minutes a day no wonder people are depressed and have health issues. It releases a hormone that puts the body and mind at ease. Just sayin'...we all need to relax and let our bodies sing...

The cicadas are singing their song...and look mini-Alex is playing can you name that tune is 7 notes?

Catherine Stine said...

I've been watching shows mainly on Showtime and HBO Go. By the way, I just saw Van Halen live. Eddie and his brother (On drums) and son (on bass) were amazing, but David Lee Roth wiggled his skinny you-know-what into all of my good EVH video shots. Arghhh.

Karen Peterson said...

Okay, that Netflix statistic is just sad.

M Pax said...

I like Netflix. I usually watch some with lunch and another in the evening. It's better than TV. I work most of the rest of the day.

The best job I've ever had is author. The pay is crap, though.

Michelle Wallace said...

When last have I heard cicadas? Can't remember. They can be quite noisy...
We don't have Netflix but we now have Fox... which I seldom watch anyway.
Keith Richards slamming other bands? Can he even hear properly anymore? He must be about 100 years old by now? LOL

Fundy Blue said...

btw, Alex, I was taking a behind the scenes tour of the etymology department of Royal BC Museum today, after I saw your little ninja by the pine tree. The docent asked if I knew what these things were. The mystery items were exoskeletons from cicadas! I knew they were shed exoskeletons, but not cicadas. They look like something that could be in a scifi movie!

Fundy Blue said...

btw, Alex, I was taking a behind the scenes tour of the etymology department of Royal BC Museum today, after I saw your little ninja by the pine tree. The docent asked if I knew what these things were. The mystery items were exoskeletons from cicadas! I knew they were shed exoskeletons, but not cicadas. They look like something that could be in a scifi movie!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeffrey, so do I.

Michael, not a chance I'm eating a bug!

Fundy, those are cool jobs!

Trudessa, I like that kind of singing.

Catherine, that would give me nightmares.

Michelle, he looks it!

Fundy, don't they? I didn't know what they were when we first moved here.

Melissa Sugar said...

We have cicadas and I remember playing with those nasty shells when I was a kid. Yuck! I never really knew if they were cicadas or locusts. I watch a lot of Netflix also and like you, I'm not going to go into detail about my sex life. But, I just wanted to ask about the overlapping time frame of having sex while watching Netflix, LOL.
Also, just loved your remark about the females who've mastered their man's easy button. That's classic. I think it belongs in a novel.

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Alex
By the time I picked up the Shannara books, I knew so much about writing that I was irritated by the authors need to reiterate and so I didn't like the book. So far, I haven't come up with an idea for the anthology. I have one character in mind but no plot. Thinking hard.

alexia said...

Hmmm, yeah, two minutes of sex is no good :) And agreed - Shannara looks cool! I think I only ever read the first book.

Anonymous said...

I don't watch much TV, so Netflix doesn't take much of my time.
I'm not surprised by anything Richards says.
Can't wait to see Shannara! Stunning settings. I really don't want to be disappointed here.
Looking forward to Avengers on DVD.
I'm trying to make writing my job. That, by far, would be my favorite. My second favorite would have to be the farm work I did growing up. I loved working with the animals and being able to work outside so much of the time.
I agree — cicadas are loud!

Empty Nest Insider said...

Sorry I got here so late. Wow, those are some pretty sad statistics. I definitely watch too much TV, and I loved Orange is the New Black on Netflix!


Denise Covey said...

Those Netflix stats are pretty shocking, but not as shocking as the 2-min sex! Priorities! Thankfully Netflix only just arrived in oz and I haven't subscribed yet.

Leovi said...

More sex and less netflix, it is better for health!

mail4rosey said...

I have heard the Cicadas are loud.

My son and his wife LOVE Netflix.

I am here to wish you a happy rest of the week. :)

Nilanjana Bose said...

I actually love those cicada songs...minority, I know.

And 70 minutes for eating and 2 minutes for sex? No wonder obesity is an issue..

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Melissa, I'll remember that line for my next book!

Alexia, need to read the second one before the series starts. Or not, then you won't be as disappointed.

Lori, hoping we aren't disappointed.

Leovi, that's right!

Rosey, same to you!

Nilanjana, you have a point there.

SK Anthony said...

Rock on, Alex! That is a super awesome side-ish job to have!

Netflix — I'm actually a little jealous. I cannot wait for one day. ONE day to sit down and go all out on Netflix for a couple hours. It's like right there . . . mocking me . . .

farawayeyes said...

About the only TV I watch is Netflhx streaming, but 90 minutes a day, i don't think so. More like 90 minutes a week.

Ha, ha, Richards remark. I bet someone said that about him and or The Stones somewhere in the last 40 years and he has been patiently waiting for his turn to be famous enough to make that wise crack.

farawayeyes said...

Aha! I finally broke the AJC Barrier!

Leovi said...

Excellent double album of the legendary Iron Maiden!
Limbo Delirium
Black & White Abstracts

Cynthia said...

I'm guessing that the parents "studied" for this study must have grown children or live-in nannies. Unless they're not living with their children, I don't know many parents, even parents of teens, who have the luxury of spending less than half an hour on "childcare" each day.

Unknown said...

Getting paid for your music definitely qualifies it for a job. :) Can't believe that about Netflix--and about sex. Hopefully those numbers are backwards.

Shah Wharton said...

14 minutes a week? All I'll say about that is my husband works away two weeks of every month, so that rule doesn't apply in our home. Although every wife needs an 'easy button'. :p

Fave job - author. :) I've had some crazy jobs in my past, but what I do now tops them all. :)

I really do want to try to enter the anthology comp, it's just whether I'll have time to do it justice. I JUST finished a ghostwriting gig and have another to start. Um??

Unknown said...

woo hoo, Mini Alex!! I actually don't watch Netflix at all. I don't have it! And best job ever was working for Conan O'Brien as his much fun!

Lisa said...

I want another Hellboy as well! I love RP in that role. Well, I like him in almost any role! We have cicadas too... For some reason I never got in to the Shannara books, though a lot of my friends did. Could kick myself for not getting to see MM3 on the big screen. Not surprised at anything Keith Richards says! My daughter already has Age of Ultron, from ITunes! Going to check out A Life Examined...

Lisa said...

Oh, and I probably do watch too much Netflix. Oh well!

Mark Koopmans said...

I used to watch HOURS of Netflix a night, but dropped my Internet plan and haven't watched a single episode of anything in nearly four months... Am I missing it... really? No :)

Like your job choices and keep on jammin' for God, that's awesome:)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

SK, don't let it mock you!

Fundy, I bet someone has. And what is the AJC Barrier?

Cynthia, if they do, that's sad.

Shah, you can do it!

Beth, that job would rock!

Mark, jamming for God is the best.

Unknown said...

I'm surprised people are only watching Netflix 90 min a day. But spending 70 minutes eating? Those are some slow eaters! lol

Congrats to Chan on her new release.

I'm disappointed about Hellboy. I hope someone comes up with a great new script and a studio goes for it. But I really wanted a new Riddick one, and the last was a disappointment, so you never know...

Belle said...

My best job was raising my children. I had a great time doing that; the hours are long, the pay is bad but the result is fantastic.

Mason T. Matchak said...

I respect Mr. Richards as an artist, but I don't care one bit what he thinks about other music. *shrug* And that's cool about your Mad Max review having a high Google appearance - I doubt even my own name comes up very high on any search engine. :P

As for the best job I've ever had, I might be in it right now. My new job is at a place that really seems to care about its employees and isn't out to work us to death and/or pay us as little as they can get away with. Maybe I just have crap to compare it to, but I've clearly lucked out with my current job. Making my living as a writer would be better, but at least work probably won't suck while I'm making my way to that. ^_^

Deniz Bevan said...

On, Keith Richards...why would he bother, except to get a rise out of people? Having survived so many young whippersnappers, why can't he say something nice?
Two minutes per day only?! But wait, they didn't even mention reading time!
I love the sound of cicadas since they remind me of spending summers at my grandmother's. Wish they had them in Switzerland!

Nick Wilford said...

What I don't understand about the stats is 25 minutes for childcare - surely if you have kids, you're looking after them all the time (except maybe during school) - so, at least 18 hours a day? That might explain only having 2 minutes for sex!

Richards also slagged off Sgt Pepper's, one of the all time greatest albums, so I wouldn't listen to him!

Bossy Betty said...

Hi Alex! Thanks for your recent support! You are an incredible blogger, man!

A Cuban In London said...

I'm so glad Maiden are still around despite Dickinson's cancer scare.

Greetings from London.

Donna McDine said...

Those statistics shocked me. I agree only 2 minutes for sex a week. Yikes!

Blue Grumpster said...

Two minutes a day... I wish. (Now, ask me what I mean by that.) If Netflix is your thing, people, I'm all for it. Whatever makes you happy and brain-dead. Just kidding, Alex. Have a great weekend.

Now, excuse me while I go and prove once and for all that I'm not a robot. ;)

Unknown said...

I think the Shannara Chronicles trailer was surprisingly good. I had been very fearful of what to expect. But I also have a LOT, I mean a LOT of faith in Terry Brooks making sure the series is done justice. I know he has held out a long time to make sure the right people are involved in bringing it to life. That said, I still am trying to refrain and not have too much hope, because then my standards will be too high, lol. We will know soon (I think it is coming in February right?) I hope it explodes and is very successful on screen, what a great book series :) :) I don't claim official fandoms often because I like so many, but I am defintely claiming this one full force and am so so so hopeful for a good adaptation.

Sandra Cox said...

Oh my gosh, our cicadas were loud, you nearly had to shout to be heard over them. I'm sure they drove the animals crazy.

2 minutes huh? Maybe there was just one person involved.

Congrats to Lan Chan.

Leovi said...

Wonderful, Mini-Alex lucky with these exoskeletons of cicadas, pretty picture!
Limbo Delirium
Black & White Abstract

Nicola said...

Unfortunately, I don't share your enthusiasm for MadMax. I watched it with hubby and I was bored. It was just the story of a road trip with lots of road rage going on :) Hmmm, the most exciting moment of the movie, for me, was the bag of M and M's consumed :)

Again, I'm not a fan of Iron Maiden. But my claim to fame there is that I taught Bruce Dickinson's nephew! An adorable boy. I asked him if he liked his uncle's music and he pretty much summed up my thoughts: "No, I don't like it. It is too loud." What a cutie. The hubby on the other hand, is a huge fan and has seen them live many times over here in Germany.

The Happy Whisk said...

In answer to your comment about my comment: You can and you did and I loved it. Very funny, too.

Have a great week Alex. One more load of dishes and I'm off to sew Halloween dinner napkins. Missed yesterday's because I surprised Tim when he was gone and cleaned out his van.

Then I had to wait all the way until morning because I wanted it to be a surprise before he went to work.

So hard to wait, but I managed. Anyway, good week to you my friend. Cheers and boogie boogie.

Anonymous said...

I may be the only person on the planet who does not subscribe to Netflix. I watch a lot of TCM and, of course, DVR my fave shows. Can't imagine life without a DVR.

Sandra Cox said...

I'd like to see The Martian. I heard that was Weir's first book. Can you imagine?

Kathryn Thornton said...

I've never seen the exoskeletons. My kids would love seeing that. They were throwing cicada bodies at each other in South Carolina last month. The sound is earily industrial for a natural sound. Luckily they stopped when it was bedtime.

I want to be old and say what ever I want. Keith has somehow managed to stay alive so let him have his opinions and voice them. He has a basis of knowledge to speak from on the subject he was opining about. There are some other people out there now spouting off their opinions with no basis in fact, yes I mean the guy with the bad hair, whose name I refuse to say cause I am so sick of him.

J.H. Moncrieff said...

The cicadas in Greece were crazy! They were deafening at times. I even shot some video of them, since I knew no one back home would ever believe how loud they were.

The best job I've ever had was self-employed writer, but tour guide at a museum was a close second.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

You always blow me away with all the info you have to share.

The Read and Review challenge sounds challenging. (Go figure...) I'll definitely have to look into it to learn more.

I'd like to see "The Martian." I heard the book was excellent, so it'd be interesting to see how it translates onto the screen.