Today I am visiting Susan Gourley and helping her with the letter U – Utothiaz. Who are the Utothiaz? (Not to be confused with What Are the Kargrandes?) Hop on over to find out!
A to Z Challenge
– Cult Classics – U
Movies-Music-Sci-fi Book-Bloggers-Dragon Term
Movie –
Universal Soldier
This 1992 film spawned three film sequels and two made-for-television sequels. Directed by Roland Emmerich, it was one of Jean-Claude Van Damme’s most notable roles.
Music –
U2 – Achtung Baby
This 1991 album debuted at number one and went on to sell eighteen million copies. It re-launched U2’s career, spawned many singles, and won a Grammy.
Science Fiction Book –
Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld
The first book was released in 2005 and followed by three sequels. While the series has received mixed reviews, it has a huge following and is in development for film.
Blogger –
Carol Kilgore at Under the Tiki Hut
Do you like crime fiction with a kiss? Want to learn more about the author journey and about Texas? Do you like the beach? Then hang out with the awesome Carol under the Tiki Hut!
Dragon of the Stars Term –
One of the eight races, they are aggressive and stealthy… To learn more, visit Susan Gourley today!
Dragon of the Stars is out now!
Check out the site What Are the Kargrandes? for clues as to how they tie into the story.
New Releases!
Pat Hatt has been a busy man! He has three new Tarsier Man releases this month:
Foes in Rows
Food with Attitude
Pick of the Sidekick
Ghost of Death by Chrys Fey
Amazon, Amazon UK, and Nook
Movie News
Daredevil season two is coming! Actor Charlie Cox, who plays the lead, talks about the Defenders and what to expect at JoBlo
The lineup for Captain America: Civil War continues to grow. Scarlet Witch will also be joining the film alongside the Captain, Iron Man, Black Widow, Falcon, Hawkeye, and Black Panther. Read more at Blastr
Production begins on Ash vs. Evil Dead! Read more about it at JoBlo
And how much money has Furious 7 made now worldwide? 1.1584 billion dollars! It’s now the seventh highest grossing film ever, and with the pace it’s setting, will likely be number four when it’s over. (Behind Avatar, Titanic, and The Avengers.)
Seen Universal Soldier? Fan of U2? Have you visited the Tiki Hut? Confused by Kargrandes and Utothiaz and Dragons? Picking up some new books? And what movie news excites you…?
Don’t forget to visit Susan Gourley!
Yes, I am that guy!
Universal Soldier was a great concept that was cool, then you add Dolph... u2 for me still was not on the listening radar, that didn't hit for another couple of albums.
On my way to visit your book tour stop... and then Under the Tiki Hut... it's going to be a great day.
I well remeber Carol Kilmore, used to be followers.
Good luck to all the new books that are being publishred Oh yes well recall U2.
Good "U" Post Alex.
I *have* visited the Tiki Hut! Fun blog and Carol is great.
Loved the U2 album.
Didn't realize Uglies and series was in film development.
U2! I can't wait to see the new Avengers.
I am a fan of U2 and haven't been to the Tiki Hut, but I do love the name of her blog. $1.158 billion. Wow.
Actung Baby is a great album!
Still love U2. Looking forward to Avengers, and also going to see the Water Diviner.
Great U picks! I still have to find time to watch Daredevil on Netflix. I've been hearing good things. I'm off to Susan's. Have a terrific weekend! :)
I love U2 and I have the Uglies series. I'm glad you liked my review. I noticed some typos and errors in it and corrected it--that's what happens when I read and review late at night.
I think I saw Universal Soldier at the theater with my ex-husband while we were dating. I can't remember all the bad 90s action movies I saw at this point!
You are that guy, Jeremy!
Yvonne, Carol is posting less now because she is writing.
Elizabeth, I didn't realize until I was desperately looking for a U book!
Rhonda, yeah - wow.
Christine, it's an excellent series.
Medeia, I didn't even notice the typos. Thanks again!
I remember when those movies actually were good to watch. Nowadays it just seems silly.
Who doesn't love U2?
I could write an autobiography on Ugly!
2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador
Hi Alex - I'll be over to see you with Susan and Kargrandes, and Carol's Under the Tiki Hut is full of life and colour ..
U2 I enjoy .. cheers Hilary
It has been so long since last I saw Universal soldier I no longer remember what the movie is about or if I liked it. I remember I still like U2! And way to go for Furious 7.
Omg I am so happy to hear that there is a season 2 of Daredevil coming. I've never read the comics, not my thing, but I loved the show. I watched the whole season over two days.
U2, Love them! Trying to get my 14 year old son into them. He at least likes most of the music I listened to back in my high school days, some 25 years ago now.
The start of grad school and U2's Achtung Baby. Two things that are forever tied together in my mind.
Tim Brannan, The Other Side Blog
2015 A to Z of Vampires
I'm not a huge U2 fan but I do like a few of their songs. I think I have Uglies somewhere. I should probably read it at some point!
Awesome "U" picks; I enjoyed Universal Soldier and I am indeed a fan of U2. I came this close to highlighting them for my own A to Z Challenge "U" post, but I decided to shake things up a bit and highlight someone who was just as deserving. Can you guess who?
Started reading Dragon to hubby a couple of days ago, and we're loving it.
*heading to Susan's*
Actung Baby! Yes! Fantastic album. So many good songs. I love, love, love Even Better Than The Real Thing--the guitar playing on that one is so dang good.
Jeff, don't be so hard on yourself.
Al, Furious 7 is unstoppable.
Heather, the series is one of the best out there.
Michael, on my way to find out!
Donna, thanks! Glad you're enjoying it.
Thanks for the shout. If you were to shout out my may 11 release, you may umm need more room lmao
Universal Soldier was okay, I still laugh at Goldberg in the sequel, rather bad.
I'd like to see the punisher show up like he talked about. Would fit with the whole I won't kill thing, where as the Punisher will just kill them all and be done with it.
Cap 3 is pretty much avengers 3 it sounds like. Fast 8 in 2 years.
Thank you so much for featuring Ghost of Death!!! :D
I can't believe how many books Pat house available. He is a very busy man!
I've always wanted to read the Uglies series.
I need to read the Uglies series. I'm interested.
Of course I know (the author) Carol. She's awesome. And Pat is a writing machine. So creative.
I saw Universal Soldier although I don't remember a lot about it. My favourite van Damme movie is Blood Sport.
The Utothiaz were not a very friendly bunch either.
Who doesn't know U2? U2 is friends with a retired record promoter here. He's been very generous when a terrible tragedy struck their family. (My daughters close friend)
I love U2. Saw them live on the Joshua Tree tour in Indianapolis and also heard their very loud concert from home years later in Eugene OR (they got a big fine for playing too loud, but it was awesome). Uglies is a great book, too. I read them all.
Ha! I knew I 'd find Carol mentioned for bloggers. Under the Tiki hut is a cool blog. :-)
Son and I had quite a discussion, the other day, on Civil War and the comics storyline. He went to see Furious 7, I haven't yet. I will. Enjoyed Universal Soldier.
Sia McKye Over Coffee
Pat hats ghost with the dollar sign on it is so funny and I don't know why. That dude just knows what buttons to push. Chrys Fey told me she isn't much of a "treky." I burst into tears when she broke the news to me. I'm all fired up over Star Trek Beyond! Its official!
Hey, Alex, I can't believe Furious 7 has grossed that much money. EGAD. Unbelievable. I mean it is good, but that's a lot of money. YaY, Chrys. Wahoo. I am thrilled for her. Carol is a great gal. I need to stop by and tell her that.
Woohoo for Captain America: Civil War. YEAH, you gotta love Scarlet Witch.
Have a great day, Alex.
U2 are good but have never been among my favorites!
Used to love U2 back in the day. About 20 years ago.
Off to Susan's now.
U2 rocks, and I think Uglies is a modern classic along the lines of 1984 for today's era. I think it's a more politically/socially important read than some of the other YA books out there and gives a serious look at our society's craving for beauty and order. Would we be willing to have our brains cauterized and undergo major reconstructive surgery for a chance to live among the "Pretties" in a "carefree" but ordered society?
Going to visit . . .
Pat, you're welcome. And I think a sequel to Furious is inevitable.
Chrys, you're welcome!
Jo, most weren't, were they?
Shell, I've never seen them. Tickets too expensive.
Sia, not too many U blogs!
Spacerguy, that makes me want to cry...
Robyn, it blew my mind when I saw the total.
Tyrean, my answer would be no.
Great picks for U!
I haven't read the Uglies series yet, but I'm sure I'll get around to it eventually.
Fast 8 won't make as much I don't think. But we'll see come Apr 14, 2017.
Pat has to be a machine with all those books.
Yes. I love Carol. I enjoy Susan's blog, too.
Hang in there--you're almost done! :)
I think Universal Soldier and Timecop are my favorites of JCVD's movies. Yay for Carol Kilgore - I always love her posts! Utothiaz sounds creepy! Congrats to Pat and Chrys on their new releases! I really like Vin Diesel, but only in the SF moves. I don't get the popularity of the F&F ones...
I kept seeing the Ugly book series, and considered picking it up, but always passed it over. Something about it just didn't click with me enough to make me HAVE to grab it.
Congrats to Pat and Chrys!
And I thought U would be a tough letter. Not so!
In fact, I've read the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. Really liked it. The fourth book not as much as the rest, but still really good.
Since Captain America is one of the Avengers I think I can say this... Yesterday I heard them announcing free tix on the radio for the new Avengers film. It'll be here before we know it. Ultron. As in Age of... You totally could've used it for the U. ha!
Pat has been unbelievably busy cranking out those books! I really like Chry Fey's cover. I'll hop over and check out Susan's blog.
Love U2 and just cannot wait for Captain America Civli War!
That album was huge right when I graduated high school. I remembering hearing She Moves in Mysterious Ways in the college dorms on move-in day.
Universal Soldier was SO awesome!
1.15+ billion for a movie series? That kinda money is incomprehensible to me. Then again .00115 million for anything is incomprehensible to me.
I am a huge U2 fan, but mostly of their earlier stuff, like War.
I remember being so pumped up to see Universal Soldier with a bunch of my friends when it first came out. Here's a little secret about Jaybird, before Wolverine came along, I had a little obsession with Jean Claud Van-Damme. But then I heard rumors about how he treated his wife and women in general, and that completely diluted my affection for him.
Ash vs The Evil Dead sounds intriguing. U is a hard letter for these things, isn't it?
Universal Soldier is one of my guilty pleasures Alex and if Furious 7 becomes the highest grossing film ever I'll be glad to see it knock Titanic out of the list. That was fueled by teenage girls.
My sister really enjoyed the Uglies series. I need to read it.
I love Carol's catchy phrase: Crime fiction with a kiss. Excellent.
I'm going to visit Carol and Susan right now!
Holy Ghost, I don't think it will either.
Melissa, one more week!
Lexa, he's just badass in those films.
Patricia, you know I'll probably never read the series.
Robyn, a classic even before its release?
Robyn, that made me chuckle.
Jaybird, reality ruined it. Just like with Mel Gibson.
Maurice, doubt it will touch either Titanic (1.8 billion) or Avatar (2.7 billion) though.
I wouldn't say Achtung Baby relaunched their careers. They were still soaring from Joshua Tree at the time, hence the #1 debut.
My wife and I like Van Damme a lot and enjoyed the entire Universal Soldier series--even the darker ones that came more recently.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
I'm going to suggest the "Up" series by Michael Apted - 7-UP, etc following British kids every 7 years. Excellent documentary. Or UP, the Pixar movie. anything but Universal Soldier. Oh well. Happy Friday
How cool! Thanks for including me and Under the Tiki Hut, Alex!
Everyone is invited over to hang out - it is Friday, ya know! It's been stormy and the power's been out, but the Margarita machine is up and running now :)
I FINALLY saw Captain America last night. Loved it. Now, I want to see Winter Soldier and, of course, will head to the theater when Civil War comes out.
My ex loves U2. I seem to remember him setting his alarm clock to play Achtung Baby at one point, so he could wake up slowly and not have to get up immediately. He played a few U2 albums in his alarm clock, including the horrid Zooropa and Pop.
I fricking love Achtung Baby! I'm a big U2 fan in case you didn't guess:)
I still think The Joshua Tree is the best album U2 ever made. I couldn't get into their other ones as much.
Under the Tiki Hut sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out!
We're in the home stretch, Alex. :)
I'm shaking my head in awe of all you've done to promote your book in an intriguing way, Alex. All those interviews, clues, definitions. I'm sure this has all been more work than writing the book!
Congrats to Pat Hatt! I sure wish I had my classroom with third grade boys in it now ~ because I for would be sharing some of his picture books to reel in some of m,y reluctant reader boys.
All your Us are news to me except for Utothiaz. I'm not totally hopeless. I do know U2 - just haven't heard the album Achtung Baby. Have a good one!
When I watch them, I don't expect to like Captain America movies, but I always end up liking them.
Joanne, the 7UP one is more likely - didn't like the Pixar film.
Carol, you're welcome! Hey, as long as we have drinks, we are good to go.
Al, you're hooked now.
Carrie-Anne, didn't like pop. Too disco.
JH - thank God!
Fundy, thanks. It has, but well worth the effort.
I watched a few of Van Damme's movies with my dad but not sure which ones. I always thought they were cool especially his famous splits suspended between two chairs!
Love U2!
I can't believe Furious 7 is such a hit!
Finally, books I know. Yes, I read the Uglies series. Great stories.
Happy Friday, Alex!
I do like U2, but the earlier stuff is my favorite. Joshua Tree / Unforgettable Fire. Those are awesome.
Carol is so cool!
So much talk about Marvel this week. It's hard to keep up!
Also, "Achtung Baby" is the best name of a rock album ever.
I have not seen that movie but I have that CD from U2 since I love that band:) I am looking forward to the next Avengers movie (did you hear Robert Downey (rightfully) walked out on an interviewer?). I also want to see the next Russell Crowe film.
I knew there was a good reason I didn't come by until today. ^_^ U2 is one of my favorite bands, and I've probably written more to them than anyone else. "Achtung Baby" is still excellent, even all these years later.
I've read "Uglies" and the second book in the series; haven't yet picked up the next two. They're good reading though, and beneath the very YA-appropriate premise is one of the creepiest backstories I've ever read. O_o
I loved very early U2--War is the only one I ever owned. I like their sound but it doesn't fit all that well with other stuff I like, so I sort of lost track of them after that.
love love U2!!!
Fan of U2, and haven't read the Uglies, but would like to now.
I'm finally digging into the summer movie preview issue of Entertainment Weekly. I'll have to see what movies are coming out before I can say what I'm excited for.
Great to have you at my place today. I love Universal Soldier when it first came out. My daughter liked those Uglies books. I really enjoyed Daredevil on Netflix. Can't wait for Avengers next week.
Congrats on Dragon of the Stars coming out.
Fast 7 was a great movie- though it seems anyone who didn't see the others in the series have no idea why people like it.
I liked Universal Soldier, but it's been years so I've forgotten the plot. ;) I am still impressed how you are able to squeeze your work into the entire alphabet!
Elizabeth Mueller
AtoZ 2015
My Little Pony
U2 - Can't get any better than that.
The Uglies is one I've always wanted to read but never gotten around to. Hopefully some day. And I still haven't seen Fast 7. :(
Roland Emmerich and Jean-Claude Van Damme...I think I'll pass. And I haven't forgiven U2 for forcing their songs on my iPod. The Uglies was good, though.
Have not seen Universal Soldier, though perhaps Hubby has. I like U2, but only to a point then they kind of get on my nerves.
Carol Kilgore is a great blogger friend!
I don't own any U2 albums but I have fond memories of listening to my brother's copy of that album. Really amazed by Furious 7, the series might have really tailed off by this point but it's the other way.
Oh yes, I'm definitely interested in learnign about those Uto..things. See ya there.
Universal Soldier was painful. Did wonders for his career, though. Certainly no pain in his bank account!
I did like the Universal Soldier film, when it first came out. I watched it again a couple of months ago........what a load of old tosh!!!!
Every visit to the Tiki Hut is awesome!
Loved the Uglies series too. Have a great weekend!
Kathryn, that hurts me to just think about those splits.
Heather, I actually like the later U2 stuff. Weird, huh?
Birgit, yes I did.
Mason, that album still sounds fresh.
Liz, I will be previewing some here next week.
Susan, thanks again! And Daredevil is awesome.
J, thanks, and very true.
Elizabeth, it was indeed a challenge.
Bish, that made me chuckle.
Nick, I know! What series keeps gaining with each one? Only the Harry Potter series has done that.
Ray, I didn't say it was great, just cult.
I am looking forward to the next Captain America movie. I liked the first Fast and Furious, but thought the others got a tad repetitive. Still good though.
I always thought - and still believe - that U2 sold out once Actung Baby came out...
But that's just me... the guy who normally has no clue about the daily music letter choice!
Like it that you have developed Utothiaz and others for your book. Bet that was fun! Visited Susan and read your post there as well. Good luck with all of this!
Lots on this post that I know little about. . .
I can see why the other three are highest grossing movies, but because I grew up around cars, corvettes of dad, brother and uncle, and dad used to make choppers too, I'm not that impressed with the 'Furious' series. I was the only non-car person in the family. Just give me an old TR3 British sports car or an old Bugatti and I'll be happy. I did like going to Grand Prix and Formula 1 races, though.
Carol Kilgore at Tiki Hut is great! I'm reading her book Secrets of Honor now and really enjoying it.
I totally did not see that coming with Fast & Furious 7. It's amazing to think that each decimal point in that figure is worth an extra million dollars.
Tough job picking which U2 album to feature :P
Three cheers--heck, six cheers!--for Dragon of the Stars being launched into the world!!
You know, the U2 album that isn't so well-known that I really enjoyed was Zooropa. It had a different spirit about it than a lot of their other stuff but I dug it, at the time and still.
I've been on a Lenten breather from social media but am back on Twitter. I wanted to send you a DM but can't until you follow me back. I was just afraid you might not recognize my new handle. Check out your recent followers! :)
Chrys Fey will be on my blog in May!
I liked some of U2. Read your bit at Susan Gourley's - love those names.
I like Pat's stuff - must really get his books - thanks, Alex.
u or you,
which is powerful for ya.
U2 rocks and so do you! I will visit Susan tomorrow. I went to Prom-ok,not really. I took photos and have been editing all evening~
Furious 7 is the seventh highest-whoa!
I just bought Uglies, thank you for listing!
You can find me here:
It's been so long since I watched Universal Soldier... I think it was filmed in Australia.
It was nice seeing Carol here! She's always full of fun, and surprises. Congrats to Chrys and Pat!
So funny that Pat's name rhymes. ;) We like his books. That U2 album was my favorite of their lot.
I've seen a few Daredevils so far. Not great. Not terrible.
Monster album from U2!
I don't think I've seen Universal Soldier. I do tend to like action movies though, but haven't seen most of JCVD's movies.
I have had UGLIES etc. on my list for a year or two now, but haven't got around to reading them yet.
U2 is a band I never got into.
My wife and I hope to see Avengers: Age of Ultron next week.
Ghost of death sounds intriguing.. but "Dragon of the Stars" sounds even more intriguing.. I swear I have to buy one of your books here real soon. Being disabled I have to live by the check so to speak... hahaha Every 3rd Wednesday is a busy day for me. Pay the bills first and I always get a little something for me. hehehe I mean what's life without spoiling yourself a tad, right? Hmmm I have a Kindle too... woo Hoo Santa loves me that's why hehehehe Thanks for the idea Alex and many thanks for stopping by... my ABC Friend! :)
I know Carol, and The Tiki Hut is such a cool place to hang out...
Off to Susan's blog---------
I remember digging Universal Soldier when I was younger, but can barely remember anything about it now. Wasn't Bill Goldberg a villain in one of the sequels?
Hope everybody enjoys Ultron...
A huge fan of U2, who's coming to NYC soon by the way. I remember Arnold in Universal Soldier when I was at school...time flies!
Congratulations Pat and Chrys!
Love that U2 album.
I read the first book in the Uglies series and didn't like it as much as I thought I would. It just sort of fell flat for me.
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