Monday, February 23, 2015

RiffTrax Interview with Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett! Plus What Are the Kargrandes, ColorIQ Challenge, Movie Trivia Answers, and Ninja News

Last week saw the release of RiffTrax Live: Sharknado. I was honored when Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett agreed to answer a few questions. These guys have been my idols since Mystery Science Theater 3000 and have been a source of laughter for over twenty years.

Without further ado, I present RiffTrax’s Bill Corbett and Kevin Murphy!

1. I believe that BBC (Blood, Boobs, and Carnage) is the benchmark for cinematic greatness. What drew you to the greatness that is Sharknado?

BILL: Like you, the British Broadcasting Corporation.

KEVIN: The Three I’s: Inconceivability, Incoherence, and Ian.

2. RiffTrax is so freaking awesome and you riff such a variety of films, both good and bad. Are there any movies you feel are untouchable?

BILL: Of course. We would seem like monsters if we tried to make funny out of SCHINDLER’S LIST, HOTEL RWANDA, etc.

KEVIN: I’d say Schindler’s List is one we’ll never do.

3. Do you derive any perverse pleasure from watching your cast mates screw up their lines at a live show?

KEVIN: I derive even more pleasure in the artful ways that they recover and make the show even funnier for it.

BILL: I am too busy watching myself screw up lines.

4. What’s the strangest cosplay outfit you’ve seen at one of your live shows?

BILL: Someone actually pulled off a strange-but-wonderful version of the sharknado itself at our Sharknado live show. Big funnel cloud with sharks in it. A+!

KEVIN: I don’t think there’s a Torgo costume that doesn’t qualify as strange.

5. Besides Sharknado, are there any other ‘Nados’ you’d like to see the SyFy Channel ruin? Squidnado? Cownado? Scissorsnado?


BILL: NicCageNado.

Thanks, Bill and Kevin! Special thanks to Jeff at RiffTrax who made it happen.

What Are the Kargrandes?

New clue today at What Are the Kargrandes? This is clue number seven – new clues every Monday until the release of Dragon of the Stars on April 7.

Sample Tweets for this week:

What are the Kargrandes? Seventh clue up this week- #whatarethekargrandes #scifi @alexjcavanaugh

Solve the mystery by April 7–what are the Kargrandes? Animals? Weapons? #whatarethekargrandes @alexjcavanaugh

And big thanks to Bob at Beauty in Ruins for his review of Dragon this week - It's still as fun and exciting as his first forays into space opera, but the darker themes and deeper level of introspection absolutely elevate the novel to a new level.

Ninja News

I’m at the A to Z Blog today, talking about the advantages of a theme during the Challenge.

Ella is a very talented artist and writer. She just had two of her hearts published in The Stampers' Sampler.

Julie Dao landed an agent - Tamar Rydzinski of the Laura Dail Literary Agency!

New Releases –

Apocalypse Weird - Immunity by EE Giorgi
When greed, mayhem, and a deadly virus collide on the high deserts of New Mexico, it's Outbreak meets World War Z in the deserts of the Apocalypse Weird. One of five books launching today from Wonderment Media.

Cassie and The Wild Cat: Host A Ghost by Pat Hatt
Find it on Amazon

Love, Lattes, and Mutants by Sandra Cox
Finding love is hard, even when you aren’t a mutant.
Find it on Amazon. Barnes and Noble, and Kobo

A Woman Ignored by TB Markinson
Find it on Amazon

Stephen Hayes has TWO stories in On SEX: 69 Hilarious Stories About Everything SEX.
You can read one of them HERE

Online ColorIQ Challenge

JE O’Neil posted about the Online ColorIQ Challenge. This was my score:

What did you get?

Movie Trivia Answers

Sorry, forgot to post them last week!
1 – Who played Erik in Erik the Viking? (1989) Tim Robbins
2 – What comedian voiced Reepicheep the mouse in The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian? (2008) Eddie Izzard
3 – Who voiced Hiccup’s father, Stoick, in How to Train Your Dragon? (2010) Gerard Butler
4 – Who played Gimli In LOTR: Return of the King? (2003) John Rhys-Davies
5 – Who voiced Draco the dragon in Dragonheart? (1996) Sean Connery

Whoa!!!! Are you a fan of RiffTrax or MST3K? Did you pick up their version of Sharknado? (It’s 8.5 stars on the IMDB – the original version is only 3.3.) Planned your Challenge Theme yet? How’d you do with the Color Challenge? How about the trivia? And have you figured out the Kargrandes yet…?

Be sure to visit the A to Z Blog.


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

The best part of Mystery Science Theater 3000 were these guys. What a great interview! Fun way to start out my Monday. :)

TBM said...

Loved the interview and their sense of humor. Would be fun to run into them in the pub and get them talking. Yeah, Schindler's List might not go over that well.

Thanks for mentioning the release of my novel, Alex. Very kind of you.

Brian Miller said...

love lattes and mutants....i mean, what more do you need? can we make it an eggnog latte?

ha those guys sound fun...
need to see what riff tracks are coming to our theatre soon...

Natalie Aguirre said...

So awesome you got to interview your idols. It was a fun interview.

And so excited Julie has an agent!

Unknown said...

Congrats to all with new releases.I am off to find out my IQ with the colour test....sounds interesting

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

RiffTrax is funny! I should check it out sometime.

Congrats to everyone with new releases.

Christine Rains said...

Fantastic interview! I needed a laugh this Monday morning. Congrats to everyone who is releasing new books. Have a great week!

Donna K. Weaver said...

I'm still undecided about A to Z. Ugh. Decisions!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

TBM, you're welcome. And they would be fun to hang out with.

Brian, they just announced their upcoming events last week.

Suzanne said...

Got to hold my hand up and admit, until I started reading your blog, had never heard of RiffTrax, and haven't seen any films - I think I need to rectify that!

Unknown said...

Cool interview! My son and I both love to watch their stuff. Now I'm going to do the color challenge.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Fantastic interview! Too funny... Nice to meet both Bill and Kevin. As always, so much up-to-date news. Thanks so much, Alex!

shelly said...

Hi, Alex! Funny interview.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

That was a funny interview. I'd watch NicCageNado.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks for the mention, Alex. Much appreciated:)

Lisa said...

I've never seen Riff Trax before and only heard about them from you, so this was really fun to see what you've been raving about! Good luck to all the authors and their new releases! I had a score of 29, worse than yours!

Pat Hatt said...

haha a NicCagenado would have lots of material. Could cut and paste scenes from most of his current movies and make it with ease.

Thanks for the shout.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Suzanne, you need to watch one - you'll be hooked.

Sandra, you're welcome.

Lisa, I'm sorry.

Pat, you're welcome!

Maurice Mitchell said...

Awesome interview Alex and yeah a Torgo costume is perfect.

Unknown said...

ooohhh I love it, I'm off to take the color test now! I think I did one once before and nailed it!

Charles Gramlich said...

And craziness ensues!

John Wiswell said...

I love Kevin's thoughts on watching his peers recover from missteps! That's a real joy of performance art.

Sarah Foster said...

Great interview! Do I have an A to Z theme? Yes! Do I have all my posts planned? comment...

Jay Noel said...

There's a retro channel that runs MST3000 every Saturday night. Me and the kids watch it. Most of the jokes are over their heads, but they love the robots.

Cathrina Constantine said...

Fun interview. Going over to check them out....

A Beer for the Shower said...

What an awesome interview and a great pair of guys. And I have to admit, I'm more horrified at the thought of a NicCage Nado than I am of a Sharknado. As I assume the tornado comes with a swirling cloud of bees.

H. R. Sinclair said...

Awesome interview!

I did the first color test - and did might well but I didn't have the patience to do the other three.

Bish Denham said...

Good thing I wasn't drinking anything when I read you interview. Stuff would have come out my nose. Not a pretty sight.

Bish Denham said...

Good thing I wasn't drinking anything when I read you interview. Stuff would have come out my nose. Not a pretty sight.

Bish Denham said...

Good thing I wasn't drinking anything when I read you interview. Stuff would have come out my nose. Not a pretty sight.

Tonja Drecker said...

Terrific interview! I'm going to ignore my results of the color test...but then I am currently blinded by all the snow ;) A-Z...ugh...can't the day have a couple more hours in it?

Karen Lange said...

Thanks for the interview! Will hop over to A to Z for your post.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Maurice, I've seen someone dressed as Torgo.

John, yes it is.

Sarah, fortunately you still have time.

Jay, that's awesome.

Brandon and Bryan - and bear suits. Don't forget those!

Bish, that made me chuckle.

T, we're working on that...

Julie Flanders said...

How wonderful that you got to interview your idols. Fun read!

Arlee Bird said...

Very funny interview with Corbett and Murphy. Yeah, I'm just not feeling the funny version of Schindler's List, but who knows--I guess stranger things have happened.

Guess I'll need to check out the Color Challenge. I'm such a sucker for things like that.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Dean K Miller said...

RiffTrax and MST3K are awesome. The color challenge is interesting. I guess I can pass on this as I take a color blindness test every year for work. Hate to fail here and get fired there!

Hart Johnson said...

Oh, fun interview! And nice coup for you to meet a couple of your idols--congrats, Alex!

Chrys Fey said...

Cool interview! I still haven't even seen the original Sharknado.

M.J. Fifield said...

I used to love MST3K! I'll definitely have to pick up their version of Sharknado.

Great interview!

Andrew Leon said...

I used to occasionally watch MST3K.

cleemckenzie said...

No wonder these guys are so successful. Great sense of humor.

I knew the answer to Dragonheart. I know anything Sean Connery has done.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Dean, that would be ironic.

Chrys, just watch their version instead.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I still don't know what to think of Sharknado. It's one of those films that straddles the line of ridiculous yet brilliant. It's definitely perfect fodder for Riff Trax. Great interview, Alex.

stephen Hayes said...

I've seen Sharknado I and II, and I'd like to keep it secret that I actually enjoyed them, although it's possible I wasn't enjoying them in the way intended. Thanks for the shout-out for my book and for posting a link. I really appreciate it.

Unknown said...

Haven't seen Sharknado but the idea of a Cownado...LOL I may be inclined.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'm still planning posts for A to Z. I'm so behind. I'm going to do that color test today. Not hopeful for my score.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Went straight up black on the background, thank you for the suggestion. I really digging the interview today, those guys are awesome...

I think the weirdest cos-play I did was the ghost of John Travolta in Grease as Danny... in the early 90's I painted a mask white and wore a 50's leather jacket.. jeans and boots.

Been keeping up with the world, great time at Walker-Stalker Con... details and photos soon.


Ps. I missed the trivia last weeks how did this happen... :)

Robyn Campbell said...

Great interview. I can see why they could never touch Schindler's list. That is pretty much a no-go. LOVE NicCageNado. That made me laugh so hard coffee went spewing.

I've been tweeting but have NOT figured out the Kargrandes. Hmmmm....

~Sia McKye~ said...

Fun interview Alex. I enjoyed it!

Man, that color test made my eyes hurt after a while. I scored a 4.

Sia McKye Over Coffee

Melissa said...

Those guys are a hoot!

Congrats to all with new releases, and to you, too, Alex. What a great review! :)

Suzanne Furness said...

That colour test was quite hard! said...

All fun stuff, and I loved the interview. RalphNado - good stuff!

I'm off to check out Stephen Hayes' book. It looks hilarious.

Unknown said...

What a fun interview! Scissosnado would be freaking awesome, haha :-) Thanks so much for including me in the Ninja news, Alex !!!

DL Hammons said...

I'm doing A-Z this year totally Commando (no theme), like always. For me, its more fun that way.

Leovi said...

Very unique Terrible Sharknado!!

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

Congratulations to Ella, Julie, and all the writers with new releases! Love seeing good news. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stephen, you're welcome.

Jeremy, cool. And that is a really unique costume.

Robyn, thanks, and sorry about your coffee.

Sia, good for you!

EE, you're welcome.

DL, you're a brave man...

nashvillecats2 said...

Great interview and there were some excellent books there......when I got the time to read.
By the way Alex when are we going to hear your guitar playing. ?????????

Anonymous said...

I scored a 0! My 3D Art teacher told me I was a f***ing genius once. I think it's just a level of OCD I have. =D

I have my A to Z Theme planned!

Carrie-Anne said...

I got a 30 on the color test. I might've done a bit better if they'd featured colors I'm more used to working with, like deep blues, greens, oranges, and reds fading to pinks. I see my colored pencils and pastels laid out by hue so often, even if I don't use some of the color groups that often.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Blood, boobs and carnage... LOL.

Congrats to all the new books! Happy Reading!!!

Cherie Reich said...

Love the interview. Had to laugh at Ralph Nado and NicCageNado.

What a fun Online ColorIQ Challenge. I had a perfect score. :)

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Fun interview. I've not heard of them before.
Signed up for the theme and A to Z Hop.
Still no clue on the Kargrandes. Some sort of huge monster?
Congratulations on all the new books.
Have a great week.

Rhonda Albom said...

Fantastic interview. Brilliant questions and answers. Loved it. As for color, that wasn't quite as successful. I got a 27.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Ralph Nado -- great answer. I would love to see them in person. The Ksrgandes? Intergalactic IRS agents. That's my guess, and I'm sticking with it. How do you visit so many blogs? I am in awe!! :-)

SpacerGuy said...

Rifftrax sounds the business considering its been sharknadoing for 20 years plus. I've put on my thinking cap for a to z, 143 is pretty pathetic but then I was only messing around, hehe. Its like I've said before, kargrandes is a interstellar sentient space creature with an appetite for humanoids on M class planets.

Dixie@dcrelief said...

Loved Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Are the Kargandes... alien paciderms?
Congrats to the featured writers and their books. I've checked a couple already.
Will definitely do the color test!

Stephen Tremp said...

I need to get out more. I've totally missed the Rifftrax and they play in theatres close to me.

I'm going to the Website now and pencil in future dates on my calendar and to hell with anything else happening those days. Except maybe the Apocolpyse.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Great interview! I would have loved to see the Sharknado costume. And I would watch NickCageNado.

mooderino said...

I was wondering what that NicCageNado reference meant, now i know. I can't think of anything more awesome (and yet unwatchable).


Empty Nest Insider said...

Great interview with the RiffTrax crew! I also got a kick out of Ralph Nado, and NicCageNado! Congrats to all of the authors! I think I'm becoming color blind in my old age!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yvonne, you'll just have to settle for that one piece I posted last month.

Debra, congratulations!

Joylene, glad that made you chuckle.

Cherie, good for you!

Beverly, glad you're on board. And close...

Roland, watch their site for their next live appearance. They are worth it. And I'm just dedicated to visiting my friends.

Spacerguy, close...

Dixie, that's a close guess!

Stephen, you need to go!

Moody, now you know!

ediFanoB said...

The Online ColorIQ Challenge was an interesting one. I finished with a score of 19 which far away from your score.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

RalphNado...still laughing. I think that is a movie that needs to be made. Nick Cage could be part of the cast- I'm not out to play favorites.

Boobs, blood and carnage? LOL. Much classier than my husband ranking a movie with its T&A factor.

Cherdo said...

Mystery Science Theater 3000 paved the way for smart snark. I love it.

farawayeyes said...

I went and read Stephen Hayes' excerpt and it was hilarious. Thanks.

Looked at the Color blind test, but just do not have the time right now.

I finally decided that I simply can't do A to Z this year, but I will be lurking.

The Happy Whisk said...

I did enjoy Mystery Science, back back back in the day, but confess, I didn't know their names.

Great job on the interview.

Cindy said...

Great interview. The mention of Mystery Science Theater does bring back some memories.

Jo said...

Jo and Kilroy were here.

J E Oneil said...

Oh, a mention. My visitor numbers are going to shoot up. Thanks :). It was a cool test. I'm still impressed by your score.

If I just ask the Kargrandes, will they tell me what they are?

Holy Ghost Writer said...

Would the Cagenado be gone in 60 seconds?

Intangible Hearts said...

I've heard of Sharknado but I'm not sure what it is and I'm going to read what you wrote about themes for A to Z because that sounds interesting!

Unknown said...

It's so fun introducing our own kids to Mystery Science Theater 3000! What a fun interview :-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elizabeth, that's funny.

Faraway, we'll miss you.

JE, you're welcome. And you can ask, but not sure you'll understand the reply...

Holy Ghost, we can only hope...

Jamie, you're a great parent.

Jenni said...

I have fond memories of Mystery Science theater. :) And congrats to Julie! Her story was really inspiring.

Carol Kilgore said...

So Alex ... can I take the Kargrandes out to dinner or do I need to run from them before they have me for dinner?

Stephanie Faris said...

Great interview. Congratulations! You're the MAN!

Liz A. said...

I so miss MST3K. But that's not enough to make me sit through Sharknado. Ever.

Donna McDine said...

Awesome interview! Heading on over to the A-Z challenge post now. I always enjoy your words of wisdom!

Helena said...

I went over to Bob's Beauty in Ruins to read the review--it deeply impressed me. I'd already planned to read all three of your books in a row, but now I especially want to do it this way (in March, I hope) to see Pendar's development. Having a character grow and change over multiple books is pretty difficult, but you've done it! You're obviously a fine writer, Alex.

Heather M. Gardner said...

That is AWESOME! What an incredible opportunity! They are very funny guys! Great questions, Alex!

The BBC is alive and spreading!

Those sound like great new titles. Best of luck to everyone.

I did poorly on the color test. :( Must be getting old. Shhhh. Don't tell anyone!


Botanist said...

Loved the interview. You must have amazing vision. I only scored 27 - way off the mark. Time to put my paintbrushes out to pasture maybe... :)

ilima said...

Loved the RiffTrax interview. There was an awesome Sharknado costume at Salt Lake Comic Con a couple of weeks ago. People are so creative.

Nicole said...

Yay! I got 3 of the trivia right. :)

Saw the great news about Julie last week. Congrats to her!!

dolorah said...

BBC: blood, boobs and carnage. Love it :)

Rachna Chhabria said...

Enjoyed the RiffTrax interview. Congrats to Julie! Missed reading it on her blog as I was out of town.

Michelle Wallace said...

Okay, now I know what RiffTrax is...

Congrats to all the new releases!
Great post over at the AtoZ blog! Yep, having a theme definitely makes it easier...
I already tweeted!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Carol, you can take them out to dinner.

Liz, it's a really bad film.

Donna, I don't know about the wise part.

Thanks, Helena!

Heather, knew that would amuse you.

Donna, we need to make it a thing.

kaykuala said...

Wonderful to be able to interview your idols. They had lots to give! Seen their RiffTrax trailers. Lots of laughter all right! Thanks Alex!


StratPlayerCJF said...

Wow -- great color score. I got 135. ;) I've got some color-blindness, lol! I'm blaming it all on my monitor...

Fun interview with Bill Corbett and Kevin Murphy. And "Yay!" to Julie and the other Ninjas!!!

Shell Flower said...

Hahaha. Great interview. Those guys really are funny. Congrats to all with book releases. And I still haven't figured out what is a Kargrande, but your books sounds awesome and the release is coming right up!

The Armchair Squid said...

Awesome interview. Yet another geek win for AJC!

Jennifer Hawes said...

I bet the Sharknado one is hilarious! I'm set on doing a "Mark Twain" theme for my AtoZ challenge, and I'm including lots of my own pics. My latest ms is off to CP's and Betareaders this weekend, then I'll get busy and blog ahead of time this year:P

Patricia Stoltey said...

Dear Alex -- you must send me a secret message around April 5th to tell me the meaning of the Kargrandes because I will be getting that knee surgery on the 6th and won't be online for a couple of weeks. I might just die of curiosity while I wait. :D

Sherry Ellis said...

I can imagine that the mistakes made in saying the lines would be just as funny as the actual lines themselves. Nice interview!

Gossip_Grl said...

Very cool interviews!!! And now I want to see both!!! With the grand kiddies in their home I can. We weren't able to watch even Jurasic Park with the young'uns here because Lord knows I wouldn't have been able to get a wink of sleep for months if they thought monsters were in the house!!!!

Leovi said...

Delicious hearts in The Stampers' Sampler.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Loved the interview and love their sense of humor! I think I could watch all of Sharknado with their commentary. My family and I almost watched the original on vacation . . . it was very late and we were very tired on a road trip to Georgia last summer.
The color challenge looked time-consuming and I'm not sure I would score well.
Challenge theme halfway planned.
Hope you have an awesome week, Alex!

Birgit said...

That interview was so funny. I know want to see them do a film based on Travolta licking everyone on their face including a shark just before the shark eats him. I have no clue about the Kargrandes but i shall say Aliens. I got 2 of the questions right and I scored an 8! My eyes were going funky after a while and I was seeing black lines everywhere. I screwed up more in the middle than anywhere else

Anonymous said...

How lucky are you? MST?!!?!! I love these guys and used to watch them all the time. I didn't even realize they were responsible for 'nado and for re-energizing Ian's career. (And probably got him on Celebrity App.) Great interview!!

Anonymous said...

How lucky are you? MST?!!?!! I love these guys and used to watch them all the time. I didn't even realize they were responsible for 'nado and for re-energizing Ian's career. (And probably got him on Celebrity App.) Great interview!!

Huntress said...

*still laughing*

Patsy said...

Sharknado is an actual thing? Seriously?

Unknown said...

I took one of those Coulour IQ tests and got a zero. That came as a shock :P

Nigel G Mitchell said...

I've never heard RiffTrax, always thought it could never be as good as MST3K. Awesome cover on the Apocalypse book

Elise Fallson said...

Hi Alex! The kids are back in school after a 2 week long vacation.... oh I thought it'd never end! Anyway, good to be back, loved the color challenge and yikes, no you've got me thinking about a-z!!!!

Cherie Colyer said...

I haven't heard of RiffTrax before now. The interview was fun. =) Congrats to everyone with good news.

Anonymous said...

I have T.B.'s book. The rest look interesting too.

Fun interview.

Scribbles From Jenn said...

Wow! So many new books! Where should I start??? I think I'll check out my color I.Q.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I think Sharknado got robbed for Best Picture :-)

Lux G. said...

This is a fun interview. The BBC. Now I know there's another meaning. :P

Crystal Collier said...

Oh man! MST3K hit up Sharknado? That's got to be gold. (TBW list.)

So many fabulous releases this week! I'm off to check out a few.

LD Masterson said...

Loved the interview and I couldn't resist taking the color test. I scored an 11. My poor eyes are getting old.

Jeff Chapman said...

Enjoyed the interview. So many bad movies that received new life through MST.

L.G. Keltner said...

My color IQ score was in the 30's. I did perfect on the red end of the spectrum, but I've always been a bit color blind when it comes to blues and purples. I can't distinguish them a lot of the time. And it's funny, because blues and purples are my favorite colors.

David P. King said...

I LOVE those guys! Amazing they were willing to interview. Thanks for stopping by the blog of one of my favorite authors, guys! :)

mail4rosey said...

I have not figured out the Kargrandes! I did not know any of the trivia :(, and I enjoyed reading about Sharknado. :)

Sent your Tweets. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jennifer, getting ahead is a good idea.

Patricia, I will do that!

Gossip Girl, that's funny.

Tyrean, almost watched it? You dodged a bullet there.

Birgit, I'd watch that!

Patsy, for real!

Michael, good for you.

Elise, join us.

LG, that's ironic.

Thanks, Rosey!

Susan Kane said...

RiffTrax night about Santa Claus entirely changed my perspective. I will be ready for the sharks.

Susan Kane said...

I must have some color blind issues.

kjmckendry said...

Love the interview!

LynNerdKelley said...

Great interview, Alex. These guys sound like they're tons of fun. I'll be on the lookout for their version of Sharknado and their other movies!

Truedessa said...

Interesting interview these guys sound like fun. I will have to try the color quiz and see how I do. Are you getting excited for the big debut?

Jocelyn Rish said...

"It’s 8.5 stars on the IMDB – the original version is only 3.3." This makes me giggle. I know as a pop culture addict I should watch Sharknado, but I can't bring myself to do it. Maybe I won't feel as bad if I watch the RiffTrax version.

Sandra Cox said...

What a fun interview!

Liz Blocker said...

congratulations, everyone!! Lots of good news today :)

Rick Watson said...

Somebody's been busy:)

klahanie said...

Or as Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar would say, "Ignore the Robot question a just hit pawblish!"

Yes sir and finally, you can now officially relax, I'm getting up to speed with a computer that actually works!

Of course, this BBC requires a licence to watch it. You get interviews with the movie elite, dude. I'm impressed and heck, even the dawg is impressed. Nice one.

Skilfully ignoring any mention of the alphabet, I'm outta' here....


Mason T. Matchak said...

Interview with the Riff Trax guys? Very impressive, I've enjoyed their stuff for a long time. Also kind of jealous. :P Never caught their shows when they came through here, hopefully when I'm up in Washington.

And that peeping tom story was hilarious. ^_^

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

So funny. I loved the interview. Wish we got the live shows here in Oz.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, glad you are now a fan!

Truedessa, yes!

Gary! Good to hear from you.

Mason, you have to go see them.

Lynda, you'll just have to watch one from the site.

Rusty Carl said...

Ralph Nado! I laughed so hard my wife asked me what was up. Thanks for the heads up!

Shannon Lawrence said...

Fantastic that they did an interview with you! I haven't checked that out, but will have to.

Deniz Bevan said...

Just the word sharknado makes me giggle.
I remember that colour test! Wish I remembered my score... It was better than I expected I think, since I never really pay attention to paint shades or whether clothing colours look good or not next to a person's skin.

Kristin Smith said...

Wonderful interview with Bill and Kevin—I can see why they've kept you laughing for years!

Huge congrats to Julie on landing an agent! Woohoo!

Sandra Cox said...

Congrats on the great review, Alex!

Al Penwasser said...

Good thing I didn't try to answer any of the movie trivia because I didn't know any of them.
I am so ashamed.
Which has nothing to do with my looks.
Okay, I'm ashamed about that, too.

SK Anthony said...

That's so cool they did the interview! Love their answers too ;)

Leovi said...

Very entertaining Love, Lattes, and Mutants by Sandra Cox

Lisa said...

your blog looks awesome, as ever, and I'll check you out at A-Z

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rusty, knew you wouldn't want to miss it.

Al, thanks for the laugh.

Thanks, Lisa.

Yolanda Renée said...

I totally failed the art challenge, but suffering with eye problems these last few months may be why - otherwise I'm simply colorblind! :)

Fun interview!

Mark Koopmans said...

Glad to finally read the interview - I knew you were stoked :)

PS: Thanks for the kind words re. Bill - he *will* be missed...

Unknown said...

Bill and Kevin were so funny, especially about the screwed up lines and the costumes!

Congrats for the good review from Bob!

Congrats to Julie for the agent! Congrats to EE, Pat, Sandra, TB, and Stephen for their releases!

I only got 16 on the color chart. Apparently I'm "blinder" to color than I thought.

Shah Wharton said...

Blood, boobs and carnage - hilarious. Great interview guys!

Have a great weekend, Alex :)

Toi Thomas said...

Great interview. I wasn't interested in Snarknado, but maybe I'll check out their version. I took the color challenge, but I don't know what my score means. Is a 60 good or bad?
I only knew two of the trival. Better luck next time.

Olen said...

Hope you did okay with the frigid NC weather!

Enjoyed your A to Z blog. Having a theme is a very good idea!

Olen said...

Am using my husband's computer. I'm "Olen"!

Mary Montague Sikes

SC Author said...

I got 11 on the color test and I'm an artist DDD:

JJ said...

Alex: Good interview. Also, I hope you post something on Leonard Nimoy. I wanted to, but I leave it to you and your specialty.

T.F. Walsh said...

Enjoyed the interview... and I mean, who doesn't love Sharknado:)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - well that was a fun read .. especially for someone who has no idea! Lots of goings on - new books, new ideas and new tempters ... good luck to one and all - now to the colour test ... and your theme ideas - cheers Hilary

Anonymous said...

Mystery Science Theater 3000 was one of the best shows on television. So sad it had to end. Great interview!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mark, you were fortunate to get to know Bill.

Lexa, Bill and Kevin are a riot.

Toi, 60 is not good I'm afraid...

Hey Mary! It was cold and icy here this week.

JJ, I will on Monday.

Liz, it was!

Toi Thomas said...

Well that figures. Guess that's why I see the world in my own special way. :D

Mina Burrows said...

Love that interview and love Sharknado.

Love, Lattes, and Mutants is too cute!Go Sandra

Murees Dupè said...

Congratulations to everyone with new releases! Have a great week Alex.

Nicola said...

Great interview, Alex. Such an upbeat blog, packed with positive vibes and inspiration. Well done to all those who've got new releases out there. Wishing you all the best. Happy World Book Day everyone!! Isn't it great to be part of such an event and if it wasn't for all the fantastically dedicated writers out there, there would be no World Book Day. Congrats to all writers!! Keep up the great work.

Carrie Butler said...

"Ralph Nado. UNSAFE AT ANY SPEED" LOL That was great.

Sandra Cox said...

Apocalypse Weird sounds like a fun read.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nicola, that's true!

Carrie, glad it made you chuckle.

Denise Covey said...

Love the look of Sandra Cox's book. Thanks for the updates!

Trisha said...

Great interview - those guys are so much fun!

Unknown said...

Awesome interview :) Love it!

Sherry Ellis said...

That's really exciting about your new book release. That month will go by quickly! I was wondering, do you sell many books on Kobo and Indigo? I haven't put mine there, and I was wondering if it was worth it.

Sharon Himsl said...

You are one secure guy. Lots of positive energy here!

Kim Van Sickler said...

Ha, ha, mini-Alex would disappear in the mountains of snow in Cleveland right now. I agree about theme for the A to Z; my fellow Swaggers and I just came up with ours.