Monday, January 12, 2015

What Are the Kargrandes? Plus Ignore the Captcha, Movie Reviews, A to Z Challenge, Dragon News, and Ninja News

The special site for Dragon of the Stars is open -

The site is just one page with two images that rotate every seven seconds. Every Monday morning, a new clue will appear, and a piece of the puzzle will fall into place, all the way up until the day before Dragon’s release.

This is where I need your help – spreading the word about the site on social media. For Twitter, the hashtag is #whatarethekargrandes. I’ll be sending out Tweets and posting on Google+ - please feel free to share there and elsewhere.

What are the Kargrandes? You’ll find out on April 7!

Dragon of the Stars is now available for preorder on Amazon! It will soon be available for pre-order at other book sites, so keep watching. Today is also the last day of the Goodreads giveaway.

Thanks for all of the amazing comments last week for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! And the introductions were awesome. It was cool to read a little bit about each member. (If you missed it, add your introduction to February’s post.) It’s always so amazing to hear how many of you find IWSG your favorite post day. You guys rock!

And thanks to everyone who visited my interview with Chrys Fey - AND went back to comment on my very first blog post! It doesn’t look so lonely and unloved now.

Ignore the Captcha!

Did you know you don’t have to fill out the Captcha letters OR check the box saying you are not a robot?

That’s right – you can just ignore them and hit publish comment!

Thanks to The Happy Whisk and Father Dragon Al for pointing out that trick.

I will be going back to the pop up box soon!

Movie reviews

The Wolf of Wall Street
I’m not sure of the purpose of this film. Don’t do a ton of drugs without expecting something to go wrong eventually? If you are looking for a movie with redeeming values, this is NOT it.

Latest Schwarzenegger film and it’s really violent. Certainly one of the bloodiest films I’ve seen in a long time. Plot was disjointed and odd. It’s passable if you just want mindless gore.

Favorite Album and Book of 2014

You got my favorite movies last week – this time, I’ll just give you one of each.

Favorite album was Voyager – V.
Every time I listen to it, the music sounds fresh.

And these books didn’t come out this past year, but that’s when I began reading the series – Joe Abercrombie’s The First Law. The man is a master with character development. Excellent fantasy series!

Ninja News

At the A to Z Blog today is Sharon Arthur Moore with her theme of all things food related.

The 2015 A to Z Challenge sign up list opens in two weeks! Are you ready for the sixth Challenge? I have my theme and the basics for each letter already picked out.

Available now!
Loose Corset by Christine Rains
Her blog tour is already in progress and you can win some cool, custom geeky dice.
Check it out!

SC gave me the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Thank you! I’ve received it before, so I won’t list my seven things.

Rocking Ninja


I hope to have a recording of me playing guitar next Monday. I have selected Marillion’s song Easter, a favorite of mine.

Because yes, I do intend to simply rock into Mordor!

Can you help with the #whatarethekargrandes campaign? Did you know you could ignore the Captcha? Seen either of those movies? Ready for the A to Z Challenge? And who’s ready to see me rock into Mordor..?


ediFanoB said...

Thanks a lot for the Captcha info which is really usefull!!

Of course I will help to spread word about the Kargrandes.

Joe Abercrombie’s The First Law is an excellent trilogy. I have had the pleasure to read the German translation back in 2007/2008.

Rhonda Albom said...

Happy to help spread the word and learn whatarethekargrandes!
Thrilled to be able to skip the captcha, great tip. Thanks. And, I will steer clear of both of those films.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

What a cool teaser! Nice idea.

Didn't realize that about the Captchas...thanks for passing it along.

Pat Hatt said...

Tweeted away at my bay. I figured it out by accident as I hit publish without checking and it worked. A to Z all ready to go, but that you know. Sabotage was okay, never watched wolf of wall street yet, sounds skippable.

Truedessa said...

Good Morning Alex,

I did figure out the captcha thing as I forgot to check it and my post went anyway. So, now I don't bother with it.
I haven't seen either of these movies and I probably won't. I am looking for a good fantasy romance book or movie to read. Any suggestions? I am actually going to try the A to Z this year. What will be my theme? Care to take a guess?

I would love hearing your rock out "Easter" a time of rebirth. I have been having a lot of dreams about birth.

I hope you have a great week!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

One does not simply rock into must also roll as well.

Good to know about the captcha!

Liza said...

Can't wait for the guitar! Rock on, Alex!

Cathrina Constantine said...

Happy Monday! I had the misfortune of seeing Wolf of Wall Street!!! Not my cup of tea!

Jemi Fraser said...

Gary & Penny let me in on the Captcha trick last week - very handy!
Will definitely help you out!! :)

Unknown said...

I've heard this A to Z blog challenge mentioned so many times, but I've never found out what it is.

Christine Rains said...

Ooh, what a wonderful trick for that annoying captcha! My movie for the weekend was Ragnarok. It was pretty good. Tweeted for the kargrandes. ;) Thanks so much for the shout-out. Have an awesome week!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for the tip on captcha. I'll help you spread the word.

Jo said...

I already know what the kargrandes are, nanananana. I will certainly help spread the word. Useful information about the Captcha. With everything going on in our lives right now I haven't even thought about the A to Z. Maybe do much the same as last year.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Edi! And glad I picked up the series.

Thanks, Elizabeth.

Patt, I bet you have your Challenge posts already scheduled.

Sandra, that made me chuckle.

Catherine, it wasn't mine either.

Michael, visit the site - we have a page that describes it.

Christine, you're welcome, and glad you enjoyed it.

Jo, you know!

Thanks everyone!!!

J.L. Murphey said...

I love the Voyager-V too! One of my all-time favs.
Going to grab Dragon when it comes out to add to my Alex Cavanaugh collection.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Thanks for letting us know about that stupid CAPTCHA thing. What a pain! I'll be happy to help with #whatarethekargrandes

Unknown said...

I must admit, at first glace I thought the title of the post was "What are the Kindergarteners?"
Just say no to the CAPTCHA!

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Good luck with the Dragon of the Stars campaign!

Not sure I'll be participating in A-Z this year, what with moving houses and novel work. I'm still considering it though.... :) said...

Will Mini-Alex be your back-up, or your opening act? Can't wait.
Always ready to help you too, Alex.
Geeze, wasn't it just the A-Z? It's back. Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like our friend, Gary. Smiles.
Love to you, Mini and Gary (in case he's reading this, or even if not).

M.J. Fifield said...

Hey, congrats on the new book! That's exciting.

And I think if anyone can simply rock into Mordor, it would be you.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

i will Tweet about the site.

I really want to hear you rock into Mordor.

Sarah Foster said...

Can't wait to hear the music! Thanks for sharing the Captcha info. That will save a lot of time.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

That's a great idea. I wish I tweeted. I feel the excitement over Dragon. Can't wait.

I don't think I want to see either of those movies, but I'm going to check out Joe Abercrombie's books. I know a Joe Abercrombie, just not that one. :)

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Congrats on the release of Dragon -- and wow! I don't have to declare my non-robot-ness with every comment? I did think that was an invasion of my privacy. I mean, why can't I be a robot and still comment? Prejudice is everywhere.

Off to ignore Captcha everywhere I can!

Charles Gramlich said...

Lana and I watched Transcendence the other night and liked it quite well. We watched the third Riddick movie last night. Enjoyed it, although it broke no new ground.

shelly said...

I so want see you playing your guitar.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

JL, you are awesome!!!

David, that made me chuckle.

Robyn, I'll probably need him as backup. And hopefully Gary sees your comment.

Karen, that would be just as great.

Teresa, awesome. Do you know Abercrombie and Finch?

Dianne, that made me laugh out loud!

Charles, no new ground, but it was enjoyable.

Thanks everyone!!

Shell Flower said...

Can't wait to check out your Dragon website. Very exciting. Lovin' that Mordor LOL, too. If anyone can rock into Mordor, it's you!

Unknown said...

since I'm still semi new to the blogging world I must say, I know nothing about the A-Z challenge and can't wait to see what it's all about

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - great website - love it .... and April 7th gets ever closer. Looking forward to hearing you play ... (that will be anon ... see tomorrow) ... I was going to see Wolf ,, but am now glad I didn't. Christine's cover is just amazing .. and good luck to all blog-novellers .. cheers Hilary

Annalisa Crawford said...

Looking forward to hearing you play, Alex!

Chrys Fey said...

The outcome of your interview on my blog was amazing. I'm so happy that people went back to comment on your first blog post. That was awesome! :D

I canNOT wait for A to Z. I want to sign up now! haha

Li said...

Of course I'll help with tweeting, etc. Thanks for the review of Wolf Of Wall Street...a friend of mine keeps suggesting it and I keep telling her no it's a waste of time. Now I have something else to show her as back-up. :)

Jeremy [Retro] said...

I will have to kill my "Hate the Captcha" site... but it's for a good alternative.... I am glad for that. I hope the world is treating you right, so much going on, it's a shame it would not filled with only cool stuff.

Arlee Bird said...

Interesting new website.

Wasn't aware of that Captcha trick. I'll have to try it because the WV can be really annoying.

I agree about that Wall Street film and said pretty much the same thing in my Amazon review of it. The movie left me feeling pretty empty and disgusted. Di Caprio has done far better work.

Tossing It Out

StratPlayerCJF said...

First off and foremost: Whoo-Hoo! Alex whipping out the guitar!!! I'm stoked about hearing it!!!

I've never heard your favorite album nor read your favorite book -- I will have to remedy those omissions!

Looking forward to finding out about the Kargrandes! I hope they're not as bad as the Khardashians!

Murees Dupè said...

I can't wait to hear you play. I'll definitely help spread the word, no worries.

Hart Johnson said...

Ignore the captcha? That's BRILLIANT! Who knew? And I love the idea of a puzzle/mystery leading up to your book release! I think it's a good excuse for me to reinvest some time in Twitter and try to get the hang of it, so I'll help!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Beth, we'll let you know soon!

Chrys, thanks again, and a ton of people commented on that first post. Hope you can join us for the Challenge.

Lisa, glad I could help.

Lee, yes he has.

Chris, doubt it will really impress someone as good as you, but I'll give it a try. And NOTHING like Khardashians!

Thanks, everyone!

Cherie Reich said...

The site looks so cool. Looking forward to finding our more about the kargrandes!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I agree with Cherie. The site is very intriguing and I want to know more about the kargrandes. Good job with the marketing on that. I'll try to spread the word. Also I didn't know I could ignore the captcha. I might go back to pop up but I'm lazy and don't like to change my blog all that much.

A Beer for the Shower said...

We can ignore Captcha? Yes! Now I can go back to being a comment robot.

Looking forward to hearing the guitar work, and to getting one step closer to reading Dragon.

Also, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one that thought that about Wolf of Wall Street. All we learned is that after being a terrible person who does a lot of drugs and cheats on his wife and scams people that he's a motivational speaker and is still rich? So... reach for the stars, kids?

cleemckenzie said...

Thanks for the captcha info. I didn't know I could ignore it. Annoying thing that it is. I saw the Wolf of Wall Street. Very boring is all I had to say about it. Interesting release, Alex. Congrats on the idea.

~Sia McKye~ said...

I noticed the new captcha stuff as I got back into blogging this month. Sheesh. Nice to know you can just ignore it.

I like the Kargrandes. They offered a few surprises I enjoyed. I wonder if I can sign up to study them?

Haven't seen or want to see either movie. You know one of my favorites of Schwartseneger--aside from Terminator movies--was the one he did with Jamie Lee Curtis. I think it was True Lies, or something like that.

Sia McKye Over Coffee

Stephanie Faris said...

How exciting!!! I wondered if someday they'd figure out we were ignoring the captcha and make it mandatory (fix the bug), at which point I will have typed out a long comment on a blog that will just vanish! When do we announce our A to Z theme? You'll probably let us know... I have my topic all ready, but I'm still trying to come up with posts for those tough letters like Q and X! X is just impossible.

Bish Denham said...

YEAH! I'll do what I can to help tweet. And I'm looking forward to hearing you rock into Mordor! :)

stephen Hayes said...

I recently learned that you can ignore the captcha, and I was extremely glad to know this.

Heather M. Gardner said...

There is so much good news in this post! SO MUCH!
I'm excited for DRAGON!
I'll be spreading the word! I think your publisher started following me this morning after I retweeted!
Off to work I go!
I can't wait to hear you play!

Angela Brown said...

I would be happy to help spread the word. I'll be on the look out for your tweets and for your hashtag.

And getting a chance to hear you rip it on your guitar would be so awesome!

kaykuala said...

Sure, we'll do for the sharing when the time comes! Thanks for the captcha info! They must have given up trying to make it difficult for us. Looking forward for your rocking times, Alex!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hart, thanks!

Michael and Cherie, thanks. Just trying something new.

Brandon and Bryan, yes - robot commenters again! And that guy is not a good role model for kids, that's for sure.

Sia, that's great to hear! There are a lot of you who would like to study them. And yes, that film was True Lies.

Stephanie, awesome you are joining us! We will do a theme reveal in March - I will let you know.

Heather!!! You are awesome. Thanks!

Thanks all! Hope my guitar playing doesn't disappoint.

Tonja Drecker said...

Yay! Can't wait to see/hear that guitar! Great tip on Captcha (thanks Father Dragon too!) And I'll see what I can do to spread the word on the rest.

Suzanne Furness said...

Didn't know that about the captcha, thanks for the info! Will look forward to hearing you play and to finding out all about #whatthekargrandes are!

Nigel G Mitchell said...

CAPTCHA is quickly becoming useless. It serves a purpose, but it's getting too complicated for humans and easier for robots to get past.

I'll share the campaign, looking forward to the book

H. R. Sinclair said...

Very cool site! Fun, fun, fun.

After your post last week I was reading about the captcha glitch. Supposedly it was really bad when it first surfaced, people couldn't post on their own blogs! I did read you could ignore that stuff for now. What a mess! Google announced that they are getting rid of captcha in November in favor of the robot button. I think they are still working out the kinks. ;)

Melissa said...

I tweeted. Very cool, btw. :)

I did not know that about CAPTCHA. Neat!

Anonymous said...

But if we ignore the Captcha how do we tell the robots apart from the humans????????????????? ;)

That's a fun idea for you book. Should build lots of hype.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I did figure out that you can ignore the Captcha though I don't know if I'll go back to the popup box or not for comments. Are we going to 'see' you rock into Morder or 'hear' you rock into Mordor. Funny timing because my daughter and I are watching Return of the King as I read your blog.
Another great promotion idea and will help out.

Jenni said...

Your Kargrades site is fun. I shared it on Google. Good luck with your upcoming release! Looking forward to hearing you rock into Mordor.

Empty Nest Insider said...

I can't wait to hear you play the guitar! Your Kargrades promo is a great idea! Sorry I'm not on Twitter. Thanks for the Captcha reminder.


Empty Nest Insider said...

Oops....that's Kargrandes.

Elephant's Child said...

Excellent teaser. Sorry, I don't play twitter of FB. I am sure your legion of other fans will be able to spread the word though. And I am looking forward to seeing the musical maestro next week.

Al Diaz said...

YEEEAH!!! Finally the time to Rock into Mordor has come! All my dwarves will be there! Also S.A.M. Maybe you will want to assign some clones as your bodyguards to keep the Ninja Muse from jumping on you, like during that surprise bd party.
I've shared about the new site on Tweeter and Google+. Will mention it again in my next post.

Fundy Blue said...

Loved the Kargrandes site, Alex. I'm a big fan of puzzles. I don't tweet (no cell phone of my own), and I don't get Google+ ~ but for sure I'll do a review when your book comes out. Will it come out in paperback as well as on kindle? I like the feel of a book in my hand. Thanks for the Captcha info and the shot of Faramir ~ I'm looking forward to hearing your guitar clip! Have a good week!

EEGiorgi said...

Cool, Alex, I just tweeted and will post on FB, too. I'll have a new book out on April 7, too, we'll have to cheer one another that day! :-)

Mark said...

I am intrigued...and will be eagerly awaiting April 7th. Also, love the Boromir pic:)

Karen Lange said...

I didn't know you could ignore the Captcha. Good to know, thanks. Congrats on the new book!

Sherry Ellis said...

I didn't know about the Captcha, either. Thanks for sharing that info. I'd love to hear your recording. Definitely looking forward to that, and your new book.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Holly, they still have a lot of kinks to go...

Patricia, or the cyborgs.

Susan, that's funny. And you will HEAR me rock into Mordor.

Al, I will definitely need security from SAM Muse!

Fundy, thanks! Yes, it will be available in paperback.

EE, yes we will!

Thanks to all who have shared the new site!

Jay Noel said...

I've never been a fan of Captcha. It used to be even worse a few years ago. Blogger tends to change how all of that works every couple of years. I'll skip it from now on!

Wolf of Wall Street was shocking. Good, but not for the faint of heart. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Rock into Mordor! What a thought. Of course I will help to spread word about the Kargrandes. What a "novel" idea! Have fun with this.

Susan Kane said...

May I please just watch you rock in Mordor? We all have colds and are wrapped in blankets, with boxes of tissue tucked under our arms. The most we can do in nod our heads to the beat.

Liz A. said...

I did know you can ignore the Captcha. Or however that's spelled.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I like the new captcha as it only requires a click of the button, but I had no idea it could be bypassed! Totally agree with you on Wolf of Wall Street. How this became an Oscar nominated film is a sick mystery to me. The sex in it is absolutely horrendous and graphic. I couldn't get past it to see the drug use. I about vomited in the first 5 minutes and couldn't get off Netflix fast enough. So Arnold has a new movie out? That's interesting, because he's getting too old imho to be an action hero. Good luck with your new release, Alex!

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Whatever the Kargrandes are they must be pretty powerful to tear apart a space ship.
Yes, ready to see you rock into Mordor.
Haven't seen the movies.
Have a great week.

Andrew Leon said...

Just to say it again, I didn't go into the first Hobbit movie expecting to hate it. I was very hopeful and, actually, the first one didn't totally suck. That happened in the second one.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jay a really bad train wreck.

Susan, I'm sorry!

Karen, he is getting too old. And I'm glad my wife didn't watch Wolf.

Beverly, very powerful!

Leovi said...

I wish good luck to Dragon of the Stars, and reach number 1 on Amazon!

Birgit said...

I don't have twitter otherwise i would salute you! I have not seen either film but watched Boyhood(Zzzzzz), Expendables 3 (fun and frolic with explosives and shooting) and will watch another this eve. I will be doing the A to Z challenge:) and it must be exciting about your book:)

mooderino said...

Seems odd you can just ignore captcha,makes it seem even more pointless than it already is. Oh well, good to know. 2015, the year of no captcha!


Jeff Chapman said...

I hope the Kargrandes have nothing to do with the Kardashians. Best of luck with your new book!

Maurice Mitchell said...

Your Blog tour sounds cool Alex and the Loose Corset by Christine Rains has an intriguing premise.

Sean McLachlan said...

So all this time I've been slavishly following captcha rules and I didn't have to? How many minutes of my life have I wasted???

i'm erin. said...

I'm so glad you explained the whole captcha thing. It has been my nemesis. I hope I win the goodreads contest! And yes, I'll spread the word. I would say I'm your number one lurker fan...but maybe thats taking it a little too I'm your number 2 lurking fan.

Unknown said...

What an unusual and clever idea for a promo. What are the Kargrandes? I want to know! Thanks for the Capcha info. Those movies? Meh. Probably not.

Congrats to Christine on her new release, and to you for your award. Good luck on rocking Mordor! lol

Sheila Siler said...

1. I did not know you could ignore the capcha - thanks for the tip.
2. I have not seen either of those movies - though my eldest son saw The Wolf of Wall Street and said it was good though too long and of course the vulgarity is a force to be reckoned with.
3. I will be signing up for the A to Z Challenge, I skipped it last year and missed it. I have not picked a theme yet.
4. I have entered the Goodreads Giveaway contest.
5. I will see what I can do to tweet #wherearetheKargrandes - but I don't tweet much.

Thanks for everything you do and share with us Alex!

Ava Quinn said...

I'm ready for you to rock into Mordor! I'll be sure to retweet the heck out of the Kargrandes!

J E Oneil said...

The piece-by-piece thing is such a cool idea for a site. It was loading a little slow, but I'm not sure if that's just my internet or a high number of visitors.

Wait. So they stick that annoying CAPTCHA thing on there, and it doesn't even do anything?

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Fab tip about the Captchas!! Such a silly thing, really.

mshatch said...

Love your fave book pick. I read that series a year or so ago and was completely hooked, despite the fact that there were a lot of characters who weren't exactly the 'hero' type.

Holy Ghost Writer said...

The wolf of wall street will sadly inspire more idiots to get rich and be scumbags. The American dream

Anonymous said...

I retweeted you and pre-ordered your book.

I didn't know about ignoring the captchas. They've been real annoying.

Carol Kilgore said...

Congrats to Christine on her new book! Thank you, Alex, for passing on the news about the ROBOT. Very good to know and much appreciated.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Leovi, thanks!

Birgit, glad you're on board. I'll pass on Boyhood.

Jeff, nothing whatsoever!

Sean, at least an hour I bet.

Erin, thank you! I'll take number two lurker fan.

Sheila, thanks - glad you're doing the Challenge this year.

JE, it does nothing!

Marcy, made it all the more real.

Medeia, thank!!!

Thank you everyone - I really appreciate the help.

Sandra Cox said...

I tweeted. Looking forward to the recording.

Sandra Cox said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Cool mystery! Gonna check out the site. I notice the Captcha thing too when I forgot to check the box.

Dixie@dcrelief said...

I'll check out your site. Not sure if A-Z is for me. Two weeks...hmm.
I bet you're getting all excited about the release date!(smile)

Steven said...

I'd rather see you rock into Mordor than skank your way into there, that's for sure!

Helena said...

I so want to see you rock into Mordor! And of course I'll be happy to spread the word, Tweet, and whatever else to spread the good news. Oh, and I'll be ordering Dragon.

S. L. Hennessy said...

Heading over to Amazon to get my pre-order!

Meradeth Houston said...

Thanks for the tip about captcha! And for the book series--going to have to check that out. And Wolf of Wallstreet, yeah, pretty much makes me never trust a banker again :)

farawayeyes said...

I've been ignoring captcha for awhile now. I did it once and found out it worked, so I have never turned back.

Love your analysis of 'The Wolf of Wall Street'. I admit to renting the movie, but at the end, I thought; 'Carp, I just contributed to this guys corruption'. What a sleezy, miserable story of a sleezy miserable human being who obviously has no remorse.

Looking forward to your new book, as usual.

Unknown said...

Coo! Dragon of the Stars looks awesome :) I will help share.

I am glad to see your reaction to The Wolf on Wallstreet. Everyone says such good things about it, but based on the trailer I excpect more what you described.

Also, love the LOTRs pic! Loved The Hobbit and have noe startes rewatching all of the movies, lol.

Tammy Theriault said...

I can ignore them? Dang I should have come here first!!! Great dragon of the stars!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Dixie, thanks! And the A to Z Challenge is fun.

Steven, no skanking

Helena and SL, thanks!

Faraway, what you said.

Thanks, everyone!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Wow seeing you ask about the A to Z challenge really makes it hit home just how fast the time goes!!!

Chemist Ken said...

It's time for the A to Z challenge already? Life is moving too quickly!

mail4rosey said...

My husband wanted Wolf on Wall Street for Christmas. I couldn't bring myself to spend hard earned money on it, and I've never seen anything but the previews. I'm happy to share #whatarethekargrandes on Twitter. Is there something specific you wanted tweeted? If so, lemme know and I'll copy paste it.

Shah Wharton said...

Never knew that about Captcha. The time I've wasted on those things! Grr. Thanks for the heads up.

I'll Tweet about #whatarethekargrandes, no problemo! :)

Michelle Wallace said...

I've wasted lots of time on Captcha. Good to know I can now ignore it!!
With regards to the Kargrandes... I'll help. Have you heard of the Thunderclap Campaign? For book promos. You should check it out. Both Joy Campbell and C.Lee Mackenzie have used it... quite successfully (I think)

A recording of you playing guitar next Monday? Can't wait!!
A TO Z? Bring it on!!!

Patsy said...

I did know about the CAPTCHA thing. Actually, I think it was Happy Whisk who told me.

Elana Johnson said...

I didn't know about ANY of this stuff! I think I've fallen off a truck, oh, about 3 years ago! I am never going to click that robot button again! Take that!

kjmckendry said...

I can't wait to see you rockin'! I didn't know I could ignore proving myself human, thanks for the tip. I can't believe A-Z sign up is approaching already! Unfortunately, I saw Wolf of Wall Street. I know I'm naive but I can't believe people actually do that kind of stuff!

Dean K Miller said...

Of course I'll be spreading the word about #whatarethekargrande. Sounds cool. Haven't seen those movies.Not clicking that pesky box anymore either. Who knew?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rosey, I should've provided that! Will send something to you in a Direct Message.

Thanks, Shah!

Michelle, I have - thanks for the reminder.

Kathryn, sad huh?

Thanks everyone!

Tyrean Martinson said...

Rock on, Alex!
I'll help with twitter. :)

Stephen Tremp said...

I'll be stopping by Twitter and ReTweet throughout the day up to the release. Glad to help!

I'll put Joe Abercrombie’s boks on my TBR list. I deleted a bunch of free downloads I never go to from my Kindle library and can focus on downloading books I will actually read.

I didn;t watch either of those movies. I do need some redeeming value in a story.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

my copy pre-ordered- can't wait to read it.

I'll pass on the blood and gore. But I can assure you my guys won't...I'll be sure to have a good book ready for that movie. Wolf of Wall Street made me want to fire my financial adviser and stick my money safely in a bank. What a creep that guy was.

Unknown said...

I can't wait to start reading Dragon of the Stars and Sabotage sounds like a great action movie with a weak plot. one you toss on and bust out a sixer. :D Matt @ JC's Book Haven

The Happy Whisk said...

Anytime, Alex. It's great that you posted about it because you get soooo many hits, now those people can tell other people and so on and so on.

Cheers and Happy New Week.

Leovi said...

I can not explain why, but I could not finish watching full The Wolf of Wall Street!

Denise Covey said...

I was getting sick of ticking that silly box for captcha! Gah! Thanks for the news that I no longer have to. The Wolf of Wall Street made me sick to my stomach, especially knowing it was based on a true story. But Leonardo de Caprio did a stellar job as always.

Thanks for visiting me at last, Alex!

Denise :-)

Unknown said...

That's exciting about the recording :D I know a LOT of people who have been asking (i.e. begging/threatening you) for it. I'd love to help out! I'll keep an eye out on Twitter and send a bit out on Facebook and on my blog! Sounds exciting!!! I'm off to read the interview now!


Unknown said...

Oh, and the Rock into Mordor picture is fantastic!

Kittie Howard said...

Didn't know about that captcha thing; thanks for the tip! Denise was also spot on about The Wolf of Wall Street.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely I'll help . . . anything for our Head Ninja Captain :-) And nope, didn't know about the captcha deny!!

Catch My Words said...

I'll have to try ignoring captcha. I didn't think you could get around those annoying letters.

Brian Miller said...

nice...congrats on having the book on pre-order....
yep figured out that captcha sucks with their changes
the last couple years....and will check out the site man

Mason Canyon said...

Looking forward to hearing you rock. Will tweet.

DMS said...

Awesome to know about Captcha!

Also, I can't wait to hear you playing!

I am curious about the Kargrandes and will try to help spread the word (I am learning more about Twitter daily). :)

All the best!

Deniz Bevan said...

Looking forward to hearing that recording!
And I'll have to tweet that hashtag a few times :-)
I still haven't read any Abercrombie. But my TBR pile is so high.......

SK Anthony said...

What an awesome idea for a promo! I want to know about the Kargrandes!

Not interested in those movies, glad I wont be missing out. Good luck on rocking Mordor :D lol

Crystal Collier said...

April 7 isn't that far away. I'll be out on baby leave by then for sure, but I'll definitely give a shout out on the day of. Super cool promotion stunt.

I can't wait to see your video! (Talk about building up suspense.)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stephen, thanks and you'll enjoy his books.

Matt, thanks - and you nailed it.

Leovi, not sure why I did finish...

Thanks Jen, and yes, everyone has been asking.

Thank you everyone for Tweeting and pre-ordering my book! You guys rock.

David P. King said...

The site looks great. And what f I want to say I'm a robot? I mean ... :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info about ignoring the captcha. I'll have to try it out later. I tried out the hash tag #whatarethekargrandes on Twitter a few minutes ago. I can't believe there is only a couple of weeks until we can start signing up for the 6th A - Z Challenge! I've been working on some ideas for both of my blogs.

Kristin Smith said...

So excited to hear you play the guitar! It will be the highlight of my week for sure! :)

Scribbles From Jenn said...

I tweeted! Thanks for posting the tip from The Happy Whisk and Father Dragon Al. I will no longer be proving I'm not a robot. Since some days, with all the repetitiveness in my life, I'm not sure I'm not one.

M Pax said...

I'm always happy to tweet :) Will look for the posts. Congrats on your book up for pre order. Glad we can ignore the captcha. That's good to know.

Catherine Stine said...

Who knew you could ignore the Capcha?!
Yay, for Christine's Loose Corset, and like Mary, I am happy to tweet about your news. Just put up some pre-written ones and I will tweet 'em. (Or make my own).

Huntress said...

I heard a funny story about Wolf of Wall street. Father Jonathan of Fox News wanted to see it with his family. After the opening scenes, his sisters and parents slid down their seats until he could see only the top of their heads. He said it was...enlightening. LOL.
Anyway...I am highlight Dragon next week on Unicorn Bell. Probably Friday. Anything you want me to include other than the blurb, links, etc?

Liz Blocker said...

I will totally help with your campaign! It's such a cool idea.

Sandra Cox said...

Happy Wednesday, Alex.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

So in and the website is awesome. I love the puzzle tactic. I will rock my way into Modor with you.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Suzanne, thanks, and glad you are excited about the Challenge!

Kristin, no pressure!

Catherine, next week I will.

Huntress, wow! Thank you! I will email you.

Thanks, guys!!

LD Masterson said...

I did figure out the capcha thing after it showed up on my blog uninvited.

I'll be happy to spread the word on What are the Kargrandes?

JJ said...

Alex: I've been away for a while, but I see you still have the most interesting website in cyberspace!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I'm late. I'm sick. Gads, I hate saying that. But I'm late, and I hate that more. The spam is getting out of control on my blog. I had trouble trying to see those little numbers and letters they used before captcha. Does this mean I'm stuck with spam? I hope not. It's making my head spin. On another note I watched The Last Stand on the late show last night because I couldn't sleep and it was the only thing on. Honestly, his acting hasn't improved but the movie kept me from thinking how lousy I felt. I suppose that's good. Huh? I still love the Conan movies, tho. Hope your new year's off to a great start, Alex.

Miranda Hardy said...

I just watched The Wolf of Wall Street for the first time a couple weeks ago and I wished I hadn't. It was awful.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

LD, thanks!

JJ - appreciate that!

Joylene, sorry about the spam. And you being sick. The Last Stand was just a little bit more enjoyable than Sabotage. Not by much though.

Miranda, you wish you could have those two hours back, don't you?

Unknown said...

I'll be happy to spread the word anyway I can--and I can't wait to (finally) hear you play the guitar.

Al Penwasser said...

Even though I skipped the challenge last year, I may do so this year. I have a potential theme picked out which won't result in a crazy amount of work. So, maybe...

Loni Townsend said...

Thanks for the tip on ignoring captcha!

I love your site! Do you have any pre-formed tweets? I will happily spam the world for you!

dolorah said...

Ignore the captcha!? Oh cool, I can't wait to get my pop-up box back. And finally, all my begging for your guitar playing is about to pay off. Sweet.

I watched both movies. Sabbotage wasn't THAT gorey, comparatively to say, Walking Dead or Braveheart. Yeah, it was kinda so-so plot, but passable. I could have passed on Wolf though, but it was a boring Sunday, nothing else on any better.

See you Monday, have a great weekend.

Nicola said...

Thanks for the tip and best of luck with the recording. Have loads of fun and 'let the music play'.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Alex, you have the theme and the basics for each letter already picked out for 2015 A to Z Challenge in the second week of January?! You are lightning fast. Happy to spread the word about whatarethekargrandes. I am super curious to know what they are or what it is :)

Rachna Chhabria said...

Read your interview on Chrys Fey's blog and left a comment that will make you blush :) Liked your first blog post. I just had to comment there too.

J.L. Campbell said...

Neat trick with Captcha. Definitely will help with the kargrandes!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Al, please join us!

Loni, I will send you some. I didn't even think about posting any. Epic Ninja Fail.

Donna, you must've been really bored.

Rachna, as complicated as my Challenge posts are, I have to plan in advance. Plus I'm preparing for the release of my book the same month. And Dear Lord, what did you say???

Thanks everyone!

Mary Aalgaard said...

I've never tried to ignore Captcha. I thought it was all powerful. I will ignore it to the max in the future! Thanks. Hope you enjoy all your adventures in the new year!

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

Huh. That's interesting that it will post even if you don't click the box. Of course, clicking the box is so much easier than the old type in all these random, barely legible letters already.
Good luck with the new book! I'll head to Twitter now. :)

Sandra Cox said...

Just visited the site. Very cool.

alexia said...

Happy Friday! What a cool idea! I'll help spread the word on Twitter. Ha, and that LOTR pic is awesome :)

T.F. Walsh said...

Congrats on Dragon of the Stars... and I can't wait to hear your recording:)

Mason T. Matchak said...

I'll be rocking into Mordor right along with you. ^_^ And I enjoyed Abercrombie's "First Law" series a few years back - darker than I usually like my fantasy, and there are a few parts I have issues with, but overall very well done. Best of luck with "Dragon"'s release, and I like the idea of the changing banner and hashtag mystery. Hmm...

Ella said...

Preorder-wow! Congrats, Alex-I am so excited for you! I hope you have a lovely weekend-I have some catching up to do~ Your game sounds fab :D You are so clever~

The Armchair Squid said...

Rocking into Mordor? Maybe that's what the Beatles were planning with their movie concept. said...

Congrats on the release! Rocking into Mordor sounds like a great drinking game to play while watching the movies. :)

Leovi said...

Please advise to ignore the Captcha! I'm sick of writing!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Mason. Yeah, it was gritty. I was hoping some of that would rub off into my upcoming release. Sadly, it didn't...

Squid - funny!

Kim, that's a great idea.

Thanks, everyone!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Alex for the kind support, now having further problems with the blog - will sort it!!

Trisha said...

I'm definitely no prude, but I really did not like THE WOLF OF WALL STREET. I thought they were really trying to glorify what he did, even though they weren't afraid to make him look like a total jerk. I just had no sympathy for him, even in the parts where he was all sad realising he might go to jail. I was like, "I hope you do, jerk!"

Shannon Lawrence said...

Just RT'd you on Twitter.

I had no idea we could skip the robot thing. I'm actually okay with checking that, but hate entering the captcha stuff.

Toi Thomas said...

Thanks for finding out and sharing about the captcha and robot thing.
I'm so excited about this #whatarethekargrandes campaign.
I wish you had included a link for Joe Abercrombie’s The First Law, but I guess I could stop being lazy and just search it myself.
Looking forward to your release.

Unknown said...

Oooh, great news about the captcha! Thanks Alex. I'm going to see if it works right now :)