Science Fiction Movie News
Jo Blo posted that while J.J. Abrams will direct Star Wars VII, the reins are being turned over to Johnson after that. (Johnson directed Looper and Brick.)
Gareth Edwards (Godzilla and Monsters) is directing the first standalone film, which comes out December 16, 2016. Josh Trank (Fantastic Four and Chronicle) will direct the standalone film that comes out in 2018.
This is how recent science fiction films have fared at the overall world-wide box office:
#61 - Captain America: The Winter Soldier - $710.7 million
#64 - The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - $702.8 million
#69 - X-Men: Days of Future Past - $677.8 million
#160 - Godzilla (2014) - $443.2 million
#418 - Edge of Tomorrow - $255.5 million
Book Progress
On the writing front, I’m now on round three of edits. I like editing SO much more than writing the first draft! Anyone else weird that way?
I had to add quite a few scenes after the first draft was finished, beyond just adding description. (I’m a bare bones writer.) The word count is over 70,000, which stuns me because when I hit the midway point of writing in my outline, it looked like I’d be lucky to hit 50,000 words. So I’m really happy with the current word count. I know, most writers have to cut stuff to hit a word count. Just how I roll.
Maybe some of you roll that way as well…
Today’s Themes That Rocked feature at the A to Z Blog is Bob Miline and his speculative fiction book covers.
Pat Hatt’s latest is out - Cassie and The Wild Cat: A Ball At Cat Hall! Buy it on Amazon
Donna Weaver’s Torn Canvas is also available! Pick it up on Amazon
Carrie-Anne Brownian’s Little Ragdoll is out! If you like epic historical fiction, check it out.
Tara Tyler’s Broken Branch Falls comes out June 24!!
Cover reveal –
Effigy by M.J. Fifield
Release date: July 22, 2014
Cover art by Ravven
The survival of a once-mighty kingdom rests in the hands of its young queen, Haleine Coileáin, as it slowly succumbs to an ancient evil fueled by her husband’s cruelty.
Add it on Goodreads now.
Mark Noce’s story at Every Day Fiction got so many hits, they are doing a special feature on him this week. They also accepted another story of his last week at Every Day Fiction. Congratulations, Mark!
Songs of Summer Blogfest
Armchair Squid, Suze, and Cygnus
On Friday July 11, post your top five favorite summer songs – and why.
(I’ll be posting mine on Monday of that week.)
Don’t forget Heroes of PHENOMENA is now available for free at Amazon, Kobo, and Smashwords. It includes my short story, CassaFate, along with stories from a dozen other authors.
And finally, has anyone heard from Fanny Barnes Thornton? She was taking a break at the end of May, but failed to return for the June IWSG as promised. Several bloggers have emailed her with no response. If you’ve heard from her, please let me know!
Quick NetFlix Movie Reviews
The Art of the Steal
Starring Kurt Russell, Matt Dillon, and Jay Baruchel
I’d never heard of this film until it showed up on NetFlix. It turned out to be a surprisingly entertaining film! Good heist caper movie that features twists and turns similar to an episode of Leverage.
Anchorman 2
Sorry to say, I didn’t laugh that much. As a character, Ron Burgundy works best in five minute spurts or less. However, if you liked the first one, you’ll like this one.
Picking up some new books or signing up for the blogfest? Heard from Fanny recently? How’s your writing progressing? Seen either of those movies? And what do you think about the Star Wars VIII director choice?
Don’t forget to visit Charity Bradford!
I'll be sure to visit Charity later today, and can't wait to read your story in Heroes of Phenomena! I'll also be on the lookout for The Art Of The Steal. Great news that you're so far along on your editing! I hope that Fanny sees your post today, and reports that everything is just fine. Thanks for all you do, Alex!
I love editing more too. And am kind of a bare bones writer too. Don't like description much. Sounds like our writing styles are similar.
Wow. This is the highest I've ever been in the comment line! Is there something wrong with blogger? :) Will check out Charity now. Actually, I rather prefer editing too.
What a great interview! And that is one amazing compliment that you received. Thank you for sharing it with us. As soon as I can free myself from school stuff, I need to read your books, I'm so curious about them :)
Uhm, did I miss something? There will be more Star Wars movies? Cool! I'm happy with J.J. Abrams, I don't know the other two though.
Have a wonderful week :)
I have Charity's post bookmarked so I can read it later.
Congrats to everyone with news, including you and M.J.!
I WISH I liked editing more than drafting! I could 1st draft forever!! :)
I didn't care for Anchorman 2, either. I thought it was just me! It seemed like it was trying too hard.
I'm heading over to check out your interview with Charity now. I'm so excited about Tara's book. I'm setting it to download on my Kindle tomorrow.
Congrats MJ! I'm super excited for her and her book. Go Effigy! And congratulations to Pat and Tara, and everyone with reveals / releases - awesome. :)
Thanks, Julie! Hope you enjoy the story in Heroes.
Natalie, sounds like it.
Liza, good for you!
Beate, thanks! Hope you enjoy them. Yes, there are five-six more Star Wars films in the hopper.
Jemi, you can first draft mine then.
Stephanie, wasn't just you.
Thanks for the shout out, Alex.
For me, the real writing happens in the editing, so that's okay by me. My first draft is very rough, essentially a very long and detailed outline.
Congrats to everyone with good news! :)
I tend to be a bare bones writer when it comes to novel mss, too.
Re-watched THE GREEN MILE again - such a good movie! Started watching the series TRUE DETECTIVE - so far, so good. :)
Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption
I'm so happy for my buddy, Mark. He's been cranking out some great work.
Another book by Pat Hatt? That man never takes a break.
Well wishes to them both!
I watched almost all of The Art of the Steal last week. I have about twenty minutes left. It was better than I thought it would be, like you I'd never heard of it.
Also, Anchorman 2 was pretty disappointing. I think because the first one was so funny. Although, Brick had some great lines and stole the show.
Right now, I'm fighting doing an all out binge with Orange is the New Black. Love that show!
My editing is turning out to be fun too. I feel like I'm really molding and shaping it into something good.
Best of luck with your edits!!
Thanks again for checking up on me!!
Morning Alex. The short story book Phenomena isn't free on Amazon. Only 99 cents though. Lots of books again this week. Wish I could read them all.
Aren't these actors for Star Wars all too old these days?
So many good things going on. Congrats to all those with books out or cover reveals. Hope all is well with Fanny. Good to know Kurt Russell has still got what it takes to make a good movie. Afraid I'm not a fan of Anchorman. Off to check out your interview with Charity.
Johnson is an excellent choice to direct. Brick blew me away - it's such a good film. Hopefully he'll bring that kind of gravitas to the later sequels.
Whooo, top 20!
Anyway, someone tweets often about how they like to edit more than actually writing.
I've missed so many of the superhero movies. :( Maybe I'll finally go see X-men this week! Perhaps Wednesday! :D
A third edit already, pretty impressive Alex. Lot's of new and exciting books coming out. I am most excited about Tara's book and will be participating in her blitz. I saw Anchorman 2 and have to agree, its over the top to the point of not being memorable, and I like the first one.
A beautiful interview, thank you very much for putting blogs like because of your dedication!
Best wishes for your editing Alex 70k words to look through! Lots of words. Will be reading your short story in 'Heroes'later. And Pat's new book is out. Lots of good news here. That's just great!
Great news on your edits. Do you have a certain number you do?
I didn't watch anchorman 1 so I won't be watching 2. I'm alone in this, I'm sure, but I do NOT like Will Ferrell. I don't think he's funny at all.
Lots of new books out.
Just as long as Lucas isn't directing, I'm happy.
Hi Alex - gosh the thought of 3 edits appals me .. but I don't write books - so I'm lucky: good luck at finishing though and enjoying that process.
I will be over to see Bob Milne's speculative fiction book covers - and I'm in awe of so many authors with their books out there ..
Good luck to one and all .. cheers Hilary
I am excited to see what project that Gareth Edwards will handle. I hope it is the Boba Fett movie.
Donna, sorry it was so late!
Elsie, I think Pat's goal is a book a month.
Jo, we're still waiting for enough people to tell them it's free elsewhere, and then they will drop the price.
Mason, Russell still has it.
Rhonda, I'm a Ninja on a mission with the edits.
Hank, thanks - hope you enjoy the story.
Teresa, he's all right in very small doses, although I did like Elf.
Thanks for all the news and keeping us up to date. I don't know what we'd do without you!
Hoping to knock out a bunch of writing this week. My publisher has been really patient with me and I need to make better progress. Hopping over to Charity's!
I hate editing. But of course I find a million things to change when I do it, so I realize its importance. Still... My writing's not cool writing though, it's academic and sometimes a tad bit boring (by nature). ;)
Look at Cap! What a lead, and I still haven't seen it, ugh! I want to see it though...and Spidey too.
Well I got it free from Smashwords.
Heroes Of Phenomena looks good. Congratulations on having your story included.
And regarding Hutchence, they suggested in the series that it was suicide instead of an 'accident' ;-)
Wow, lots going on in this post. Loved M.J.'s cover! So perfect.
And congrats on the novel progress. Yeah, I usually have the opposite problem and have to cut thousands of words.
Thank you SO much for including my cover in today's Ninja News! You're the best, Alex!
Normally I don't like editing all that much, but right now I wish I were at that point because that would mean I had actually finished the first draft. Best of luck with your edits.
And thank you again!
I love the editing and revising draft - and I always have to add words to my draft!
saw that news on star wars....woot....trying to temper my excitement though...jupiter ascending looks the short term...
going to go get the book that has your short story... have fun with that...ha
They may be kinda over doing Star Wars, but we shall see. 70,000 words is great. Anchorman 2, sucked, never liked the first one much either. Will Ferrell as a big man child in almost everything gets old after like 5 minutes. A book a month huh? Next month I top that with 2 lol
Star Wars and it's directions... I am okay with the director choices, I mean they cannot screw up something that is all ready to fail. So much energy is spent in the coverage that by the time the film comes out, our opinions will be so burned out... that it better be good. Yes, it will be awesome to see Han, Luke and Leia... but we know this they are coming, check. Directors, Check. Leaking photos, check. Storyline... ch?
Please for the love of Gebbuss... spend a little time on the story, we got the rest... now give us the best. and... and R2D2!
I always have to add in extra scenes in revisions, too, as my drafts often come out quite short. Good luck with the editing! :)
That box office list is awesome. It's just cool to see that science fiction can be popular.
Oh, and great interview. Being able to write about a married couple in a realistic manner is no easy feat. Most people try to write married couples and end up with something like a Brady Bunch reject family.
Let's switch? I love writing, and I HATE editing!
Nice word count!
Yay for M.J.! And you with your writing progress!
I wouldn't say that I like editing more than writing, but at this point I do find it easier. It took me two and a half years to write my first draft, but only 5 months to write the second one. We'll see how the third goes.
Congrats on getting to round three of edits Alex! It does sound like more fun. Sci-fi movies are getting more popular everyday! Have an amazing morning.
David, everything points to the Boba Fett movie.
Vanessa, always wondered about that...
MJ, you're welcome!
Annalisa, you're awesome.
Thanks, Brian!
Pat, go for it!!
Jeremy, the coverage just might outdo the hype.
Brandon and Bryan, no Brady Bunch rejects here!
Juliana, deal.
Maurice, yes they are!
Glad you are enjoying editing and sounds like you are rockin' it. I always have to cut thousands of words and add scenes, so you sound like a much more efficient writer. I hope Fanny is okay. Congrats to all those prolific writers out there with more books out. Gonna check out Charity's blog, too.
I'm so excited about M.J.'s cover and upcoming book. *squeee*
It's interesting about you being a bare bones writer. I'm that way with my Cera Chronicles, because I'm writing with the idea of "keep it quick and snappy" in my mind. My novels, though...they get verbose. But that's because there's 4 POVs instead of just one.
I'll let you enjoy the editing phase. At least one of us does!
Editing is much easier than writing, Alex. Why are you the only other person who's said that? I'm glad I'm in very good company with the sentiment. Cheers.
I feel like Edge of Tomorrow should have been #2 on that list
Star Wars LI written and directed by Honey Boo Boo - will it never end. sorry about that I just couldn't help myself.
Excited to see M.J. Fifield's book finally coming out. Congrats to everyone else also.
I'm the exact same with edits. First drafts can be hard because I'm a perfectionist and I hate having to just "let go" and write--much prefer tightening words up!
Happy editing! Seems you're doing well adding to your 'bare bones' structure.
Congrats to everyone on the new releases!
Off to visit Charity!
I'll be visiting Charity in just a bit. Captain America is certainly raking it in. Love M.J.'s cover.
That's great about the word count. It's much better to have more than less. I like editing better than writing the first draft, too!
Mary Montague Sikes
Off to Charity's in a minute.
I love M.J.'s cover. Simply stunning. As for my writing...slow but steady progress.
Loni, that's a lot of point of views.
Robyn, we rock!
Sarah, it deserves to be higher.
Faraway, that made me chuckle.
Beth, you're in good company.
I totally roll like you...I'm a bare bones writer. I finish somewhere around 50K and then go back to fill in, my books usually ending up in the 70's.
I have not heard from Fanny and was going to ask but didn't know how. I hope she is just deep in the writing trenches. Congrats on the editing part and 70,000 words-wowzers:) I have no desire to see Anchorman 2 as the first one I did not find funny at all. I will think about the summer songs...:)
I think I actually prefer the first draft to editing. Strange I know, but I like a blank canvas.
Keeping my fingers crossed for the new Star Wars series. Nervously crossed.
Um, yeah. The writing. Tried something new today. It was one of those "just write" days...
I do enjoy editing, there's just this pesky thing about having something TO edit. Way to go on yours! You're just cruising along.
Off to see Charity! Good post at the A-Z. Thanks for doing those.
Tina @ Life is Good
On the Open Road! @ Join us for the 4th Annual Post-Challenge Road Trip!
I better go check out your interview. I'm sure it's great.
I'm gld to see that sci-fi movies fare well at the box office. Oftimes, it's the customer's wallet that dictates what gets produced and what doesn't. I do like sci-fi movies.
And I'm thrilled to get a chance to get my hands on Broken Branch Falls.
Congrats to all the author buds with new releases. Wishing you all much success.
I hope Fanny is ok. I'm determined to make this week a writing intensive week, but haven't had a good start this morning - so, now it's on for 10a.m. Pacific time.
Congrats to Mark, MJ, Tara, and so many on their awesome writing news!
And Way to go with that word count! I usually first draft on the shorter side too, but my outline for Champion's Destiny looks long. I'll see where the word count falls by end of July.
That is a lovely compliment, indeed, Alex. Congratulations.
Also, congratulations to all the authors with new books out.
I am the same as you - I HATE the first draft of a book, but I love the editing part!
I've been wondering about Fanny. I hope everything is okay and she is just enjoying a restful summer. I miss her blog.
I am that way too - when people talk about cutting to meet a word count I can't comprehend it. I am always needing to add, add, and add.
Heading over to Charity's now. :)
I prefer writing the first draft over editing, but I am a bare bones writer and often have to add things (mainly details) as I edit.
Lots of great ninja news!
The Art of the Steal looks good. I do love Leverage. :)
Funny, last time I hated editing and rewrites, this time I'm enjoying it. Running over to visit Charity's blog now! :)
The nice thing about editing is that you know you're close to being done!
I saw the Star Wars news...but wasn't familiar with the director. Sounds like most folks are happy with the decision, though?
You like editing? Are you crazy? ;0) That's awesome that you're on round three. I need to get back in gear with my writing. I'll hop over and read your interview.
Did you see the news about Ford's broken ankle and needing 6 months off of filming ep VII for it to heal?
Ilima, that's good to know!
Birgit, hope she's all right.
Angela, almost all of the top movies are either science fiction or fantasy. That says something.
Kyra, you rock.
Julie, it's like they are speaking a foreign language, isn't it?
Elizabeth, exactly!
Sherry, guess I'm crazy.
Congrats to all with new books!
Alex, I'm also an adder of words. However we write, we write the way that works for us.
Hopping over to Charity's blog. I enjoy editing way too much too, but I have to get going to like it. Thinking about it makes me want to run away.
Congrats to Mark and Pat, plus all the other folks with new books out.
I do not like editing! That's a real plus that you do, since it's such an important step. :)
Were they tired of Abrams already?
Most of my life I wrote really long things. I once had to split a novel I was writing in half because it was turning out way too long, and even then the two halves came out at a little over 120,000 words a piece. That's one reason why I started writing a lot of shorter works. I knew I needed to master the art of brevity.
I'm getting better about editing, but I struggle because I never feel like the process is done. I stress out about every choice I make in the story. I think I need someone to take the story away and tell me "It's done now. Let it go."
Good luck with your edits!
I enjoy the editing process too, it's where I'm at right now. Hope yours continues to go well. I haven't heard from Fanny, hope all is ok with her.
First off, thanks for asking about Fanny. I've got my fingers crossed that someone has heard from her recently.
I think editing is easier, too, even if you have to do half a dozen rewrites in the process. Kinda like it's a lot easier to paint and decorate a house than it is to build one from a pile of raw materials.
Alex, I'm with you on writing the first draft. Since I'm such a slow writer I tend to over think and procrastinate on every little thing. Once its complete, I love to edit and polish the whole mess up.
I think that something is going on with JJ Abrams and Hollywood and I would love to know what it is. The guy is seriously talented, yet all of his TV shows are being cancelled. And now this news about the Star Wars movies... It leaves me scratching my head. I KNOW that there is story there, but I have no idea what it is!!!
Congrats on Round 3 of drafting. I think you must be a happy drafter. I don't like it at all and I have yet to make it through Round 1. I think I need to change my attitude!
Funny, I write just that way as well. I'd rather edit than get those first words on the page.
I'm terrible when it comes to directors, so I can't have an opinion on that. I'll just have to go them. Still can't bring myself to go see Captain American. I haven't jumped on that bandwagon yet, but I know I need to.
I like editing better too. Maybe because it's a relief to get to that point. Words counts drive me crazy..I never feel like I have enough words.
I'm way more excited about the upcoming Star Wars movies than I should be.
Andrew, yes I did.
Carol, that works for me!
River, rumor is there were creative differences.
Susan, exactly. And hopefully we hear from Fanny soon.
Cathrina, Amen!
Robin, something about creative differences with Disney. Yeah, like we can't imagine that.
Leigh, go see it!
They're really going to churn out those Star Wars movies. Hope they live up to the hype, but I remember how excited I was about episode 1. Won't make that mistake again.
I prefer first draft writing to editing, but maybe that's because I feel buried in edits right now. Good for you with your word count.
MJ's cover is gorgeous (I'll be sure to tell her that :).
I like editing more than the first draft too though I used to be the opposite.
Didn't care for the first Anchorman and I've never heard of that Kurt Russell movie but Netflix is great for that. How do you find time to watch so many movies?
It depends on the mood I'm in if I like editing more than writing. Sometimes I do find it easier because I don't have to think up words, I just have to polish the ones already there.
I know that your wife is very important to you. And I think that's why your stories reflect that true love between spouses. I've read your books and I totally agree with the emailer's assessment. I'm glad your next book is in the editing process. I personally don't like editing but I know many writers who do. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
So much wonderful news! I'm still trying to catch up on things since my week away from the computer. I like that you keep me on top of things. :)
Lots of news to share, that's always great to see. I had something else to say, but by the time I go through all these comments, well, I can't remember. Oh, I do know I'm off to check out your interview with Charity.
I'll tell you, I'd prefer Rian than JJ. That's me.
I've always liked Kurt Russel. I think this might be a Sunday afternoon movie for us.
Summer songs, huh? Might be able to do that. Like you, mine will have to post on Monday. I'm taking a blog vacation July and August. No guests. I'll do my Monday Musings and that's about it. I need to deal with project Sia this summer.
I don't know that I roll quite like you in editing but I am in the middle of a second edit of a story. We won't say how long ago the first edit was but this one needs to be done and I'm sure there will be a request for edit #3 after that. I'm trying hard to say oh, this fun...hey I'll settle for, oh, I don't hate this as much as I have in the past...doesn't matter, it's getting done. :-)
Sia McKye Over Coffee
It is like sculpting -- once you have the basic figure in front of you, polishing and shaping is easier!
I tell myself it is not the word count, but to make each of my words count.
I'm heading over to Charity now. :-)
I noticed on my blog list that only 1 blog shows up not the usual all bloggers who posted for today. This was on my work computer and home. Would you know what is going on??:)
My youngest just started getting really interested in Star Wars movies. I hope they are able to find a mix that works well for young kids and adults (in a way they did not for the latest three).
Many, many thanks for the bloghop plug, Alex!
Moody, neither will I!
Susan, I watch a lot of them at work.
Clarissa, thank you.
Sia, think you'll enjoy the movie.
Roland, exactly!!
Birgit, the Dashboard is having issues. Everyone has had problems today. I use Feedly, so didn't notice until someone emailed me.
Squid, you're welcome, and looking forward to it.
I think I'm looking forward to the Star Wars movie. Pretty sure. I admit to feeling a little... apprehensive? ::crossing fingers::
*raises hand* I love revisions and editing. I can't stand first drafts. I don't think they like me either.
If the revenue of science fiction films is in a downward trend, maybe it's because Hollywood is not producing any good ones. Maybe they should move away from re-makes and formulaic scripts and try something original!
As for JJ Abrams, I haven't forgiven him for ending LOST so sloppily. I hope Star Wars VII doesn't have an unresolved smoke monster, a lost dog, a mother who walks off into the forest, and a myriad of other unresolved plot lines. (Lets hope that was all Lindelof!)
I like editing the articles I write-that doesn't count for much.
Wow, you are Captain Amazing!
Congrats to all the new book releases~ I am intrigued!
Off to visit Charity!
I hope you enjoyed the cooler air today Captain AC~
I think you're one of the few writers who likes the editing phase as much or more than the initial writing. But hey, that works for you, and it obviously works for your fans. The important thing is that you're still telling great stories.
So good to hear the edits on the current book are going well, Alex. Off to check Every Day Fiction now!
It always amazes me how much money films gross. My brain just can't comprehend...
Thanks for mentioning my release!
I've grown to love editing, revising, and polishing, since it demonstrates how much I've grown and matured as a writer. My old method was just to layer gold on top of dross, instead of culling the dross entirely and adding in better material, or at least significantly rewriting the dross. With my oldest books, it's like getting to write them twice, thrice, or more.
70K is actually on the long side by the standards of my Atlantic City books. They've tended to come out pretty short, though if I combined a few of them each, due to their interlocking nature, they'd be over 100K.
The SW directing news--now *that* captures my interest.
Congratulations on being on your third round of edits! Editing is a very different beast than writing although often they overlap. Onward!
Thanks for mentioning Songs of Summer!
Alex, I roll that way, too! I'm much happier editing my novels than I am writing first drafts, and I write very scant. I usually have to add words to get to a certain word count after the 1st draft. Glad to see we are alike in a way I felt so alone in!
Hi Alex. I'm weird, too. I love editing. I'd do it for a living, but then I'd have no time to write. I hate it when bloggers go incommunicado. We worried about Ellie Garratt for ages, then I was worried about Nancy Williams for a long time, then she pops up to say she'd nearly died and been in hospital. Now I'm worried about Yolanda Renee who has been very ill, but she has been answering my emails. Time for another!!
Enjoy your editing!
To me, editing is much easier than writing the first draft. So in a way I like editing more than writing, but that first draft always gives me a deep satisfaction like nothing else.
I haven't seen any of those movies yet, and I definitely watch to catch the X-Men. As for Star Trek directors, I just hope the next one is as good as the last two J.J. Abrams ones were.
Glad to hear the book is going well! I like both initial composition and editing. I'm editing my next book, Trench Raiders, right now. I'm adding all sorts of little details I didn't think of in the flurry of writing the initial draft.
Keep on writing!
Happy to hear your book is moving right along! As for books I am reading I am getting ready to start reading Confessions of a Shopaholic and after that, Magnolia Wednesdays!
I also just downloaded Shelly's book Secondhand Shoes. :)
You love editing??? You ARE strange.
Personally, I can't stand it.
As usual, I haven't seen a single movie you listed - except for the first 6 Stars Wars. Definitely going to see the upcoming ones, though. LUKE is a special name to me. ;)
Happy editing! That's what I'll be doing the next few months as well.
First, I think, they have to write good story for the Star Wars movies, and then we'll get worried about who will be directing the movies... without Jar-Jar and friends.
Jeff, you're not the only one.
Dianne, if there's a smoke monster, I'm throwing in the towel.
Ella, yes I did!
Carrie-Anne, you're welcome. And it's fun to rewrite a story.
Suze, looking forward to the blogfest.
Cathy, you rock.
Denise, I know! Some never return.
Sean, that's how I do it as well.
Zoltan, a good story would help!
Hi, Alex. I made sure to visit Charity's blog before commenting here. Great interview!
The Songs of Summer Blogfest sounds like fun.
I hope everything is okay with Fanny!
I just don't get the Star Wars thing. It's going to screw it all up. They screwed up the first 3 now they're going to screw up the last 3. Crud!
Great news on your writing. I'm bare bones too. My books are only 50,000 words. I hate fluff in romance so I never write it. :)
Great new books coming out! So happy for everyone, especially Tara and M.J.!
A big congrats to all the authors with new releases. Love the cover MJ.
It sounds like the editing is going well. Good for you!
Round three of edits, that's super fast Alex. 70,000 words is a good count. I am still in the first draft writing phase :( Hopefully by 30th June I will meet my self-imposed deadline.
Definitely love editing. The first draft is pulling teeth.
When you edit you can relax and take the time needed to really write well. I tend to fly through the first draft like there's no tomorrow! I will have to watch The Art of the Steal. I love a good heist. My life is swamped this week!! I'm still on my first draft. Ugh.
I also love editing - it's where the book starts to shine! Lots of great book news in recent days, too. Thanks for the round-up.
Hmm, do you think that replacing JJ bodes poorly for VII? Like, are they not happy with the job he's doing?
I'm a little like you. I enjoy writing the first draft, but the editing is more fun for me.
Congrats to all Ninjas and an extra woot for Broken Branch Falls!!
I think I'll pass on Ron Burgandy. There are so many other really good movies to watch.....and so little time.
Hey Alex, stepping out of my Man Cave to say hello. We say How to Train Your Dragon II, Maleficant, and Alone Yet Not Alone this weekend with the kids, and wifey and I will see Edge of Tomorrow sometime later this week. Summertime is here and its time for more movie marathons!
Yes! I'm weird like you. I'd rather have something to edit than write from scratch. Plus, my first drafts usually suck, but by the time I've edited for the 42 time, it rocks! Well, I think it does, I just haven't convinced an agent or editor.
Don't snorfle too loud, but what!?! There's going to be another Star Wars? I'm so excited and simultaneously feel completely clueless!
I enjoyed the art of the steal.
Those covers look great!
I like editing better than writing the first draft too.
Great variety of books coming out. Your writing sounds like a painting - do the bare outline first then add in all the little brush strokes. Sounds like it's going well!
Yup, I'm one of those "editing" junkies as well. I think this is the real work and story is. It's gets good, better, best in the editing process (or at least I hope so!)But I'm also more of a cutter in the editing, so I do practice non-attachment to my early versions.
Will get to the interview later.
I'm pretty excited about the new Star Wars movie. :)
That word count is great. I am jealous of that word count. haha I am nearing 50,000 now but my goal is 65,000 and I'm not sure if I'll make it or not.
Star wars is an epic.
The Director choice doesn't sound so legit though.
Lets hope things get better.
Effigy looks captivating.
Star wars is an epic.
The Director choice doesn't sound so legit though.
Lets hope things get better.
Effigy looks captivating.
Star wars is an epic.
The Director choice doesn't sound so legit though.
Lets hope things get better.
Effigy looks captivating.
Alex, you're just awesome, you know that? I am still stumped how you ever manage to write, blog (as much as you do), take care of the homefront and job in the non cyberworld. Whoa... xD
I love, love first draft writing. When I go back and edit, it's something I need to get into before it becomes enjoyable.
Am loving the new books, thanks! :D
When imagination overflows, the words increase!
Thanks, Susanne!
Rachna. I bet you do.
Jeff, agreed!
Stephen, you are really cramming them in!
Joyce, I bet they rock.
Chrys, if I got past 40,000, you can hit it.
Thanks, Elizabeth!
Editing is where I think my real writing begins. There's so much to do to make the scenes and the characters more exciting.
Lots of new and interesting books, I see. Tara's stopping in on Friday at my place to leave Gabe her precocious nerdy character off for a few hours. Should be interesting.
Mine is starting to progress very well. Got four pages written so far and surprisingly enough, this re-write will actually be a snap to do.
Father Nature's Corner
A little sad JJ isn't doing the other SW movies, but I understand it's difficult trying to wrap up/promote one huge movie while starting production on another huge movie. More upset about a possible Tom Cruise cameo, lol. Congrats on 70,000 words! <3
Writing is ongoing and WIPs are still that - in progress. Also reading a collection of robot tales that I may review: 'Robot Uprisings'. So far I've read three very good stories in that collection. One by Cory Doctorow, one by Hugh Howey, and others.
Thanks for visiting the Rainforest blog and reading the short fiction, Alex!
Congrats on your writing progress. Very exciting.
I had thought Edge of Tomorrow would do better. I finally went and saw it and loved it (except for the kitch ending)
I don't have much progress on my second book yet but I'm full of great excuses. It seems at 50k I remember thinking 75K would come up fast.
Interesting news on the Star Wars front. Thanks for it. I don't know that I like the initial writing better or worse than editing, but for some reason it's harder for me to edit. I don't have as much drive to do it as I do when I'm first writing. Not sure why that is, especially since I really don't hate the editing. Guess we're all weird in our own ways, though. :D
The Songs of Summer blogfest sounds fun. Will check it out. Even though it's winter here, I think I can strain my brain long enough to remember what I like to listen to when it's hot and gross around here. :P
Well, I loved Looper, so I can't wait to see what Mr. Rian Johnson does with Star Wars!
I met Fanny and got a peek at her beautiful quilts in the A to Z Challenge. I'll be on the look out for her. Hope everything's okay.
I always end up cutting about 10k or more - and for some dumb reason, I kept worrying that my current book wouldn't hit 50k. It reached it and is at a healthy 75k, so I'm trying to keep it there!
I love writing the first draft and hate editing. Oh well, it must be done. I'm glad that your word count was high the first time around. That would make me happy as well since I always have to add. :)
That summer song blogfest sounds like my thing, but I'll probably have to miss it unless I get into a good blogging schedule where I am.
Wrote By Rote
Super interview by Charity!
I am learning to edit my work because I wander around as well otherwise.
I have the diagrams.
I have the run on sentences.
I have the scattered notes to prove it.
Alex, I am always inspired by your work and the way you help people.
jean :)
Great interview at Charity's!
Congratulations to everyone! I can't believe all the books being published by this community! Wow you guys are awesome!
I'm definitely in the editing camp - the draft almost seems bare bones and when I edit it comes to life :) Star Wars? I loved the original 3, but never saw the new first 3, maybe I should?
Suzanne @ Suzannes-Tribe
Effigy looks awesome! Also glad that the WW box office is picking up the slack on Edge of Tomorrow. How come more people aren't seeing the good movies this summer? :)
I like editing, too, except when I have to add extra scenes. I tend to be a bare bones writer as well. Off to discover your biggest writing compliment.
Congrats to all.
Love MJ's cover!
Ooh! I loved Looper. Fingers crossed the new Star Wars will be just as awesome. --And I'm totally with you. I LOVE the editing stages way more than first drafting. Ug.
Never been a big Wil Farrel fan and I skipped the first Anchorman, so I'll probably do the same with the sequel. "The Art of the Steal", though, sounds like it might be interesting....especially if it's akin to Leverage.
I have my fingers crossed for the new Star Wars, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be disappointed in one way or the other.
I'm the same with my writing, my first drafts usually only make it to about 50000 words. I add the meat during revisions.
I edit as I write, so first drafts are a lengthy process for me. Revision goes a lot faster. I'm fighting with myself this week to finish up Initiate and get a big start on BW#6. Don't know why. SQUIRREL! lol
So many good books. I will never catch up in a million years, but I will try.
Cool Star Wars movie.
That's great that your writing is going well. No, I don't prefer editing.
The Art of the Steal sounds cool, so I added it to my Netflix list. Thanks for the heads up!
I ALWAYS have to cut to hit word counts. Well, I first have to FINISH writing whatever I'm writing, which is it's own struggle, but then editing is usually hack 'n' slash to cut it down. :)
I was kind of hoping J.J. Abrams would go back to Star Wars exclusively and leave Star Trek, so it would once again become story-rich and lens-flare-less But that's probably just me.
Lee, I won't miss that!
Lynda, must be the Tom Cruise backlash, because it's an excellent film.
Liesel, weird in a good way though.
Kirsten, Looper was awesome.
Jean, thanks, and that made me chuckle.
Suzanne, you write like I do. And unless you feel compelled, I'd skip the latest three movies.
David, no idea!
Lenni, enjoy it!
Chris, that made me chuckle.
Wonderfully refreshing to hear you say you're happy with it. I grow tired of writers who are always complaining that it's not perfect, it's never done, blah, blah, blah.
Well done you for being actually happy with your work. It's nice this.
I have The Art of the Steal in my queue. Like you, I'd never heard of it before. Glad to hear it's good! I prefer the writing to the editing, but I also end up adding stuff in. I'm not so bare bones, but I tend to work out the plot as I write, rather than outlining, so sometimes I have to add in a thread (or a few) to reinforce the ending.
Oops, late for the festivities, yet again.
I'm getting better at this as I'm somehow interacting with virtually every link you have mentioned.
Being of a charitable nature, I shall visit Charity.
Sign up for a blogfest? Don't make me laugh! I'm amazed you find the time to count your words, good sir.
I wish I liked editing as much as you do. I do like it in that I can see how much better my writing becomes- but I much prefer writing the first draft. Sounds like you are making awesome progress. :)
I, too, enjoy the later editing passes a great deal; not sure if I like them more than writing, but it's great to go through the story and see how it's polished, see that everything does in fact fit together and work how it's supposed to. Weeding out those last few awkward sentences or phrases is oddly fulfilling as well.
As for the new Star Wars movies, I'm withholding judgement until I see a preview. It'll have to be pretty amazing to convince me to go see the Episode VII. But I'm still hoping for the best.
I WISH I had to add more to get to word count! LOL. Not really my problem ;)
I VASTLY prefer editing to drafting.
But drafting I have to do. Right now, I'm writing about 1k a day, so hopefully I finish the draft to Wo6C3 by end September.
Congrats on the interview! I'm getting interviewed myself today:)
Great interview, Alex. I admire you for picking up on an idea you began as a teenager and turning into something years later. As far as your support system goes, I must agree... the blogging community is an amazing place. I've learned a great deal from the other authors and writers I've networked with and I'm sure you have done the same... and vice versa.
I'm looking forward to reading Effigy. I've seen the blurb around several other blogger sites... sounds like a good one!
I'm a bare bones writer, too! I like getting everything out onto the page and then coming in later to tweak and add whatever's needed. Thanks for sharing a bit of your process and good luck with your edits! Off to check out your interview...
I write the exact same way, which is good; I hate cutting things out.
Ivy, and as I edit, I'm still happy with it. Maybe even more so. Blah, blah, blah!
Shannon, you'll enjoy the movie.
Gary, that's why I'm glad Word does it for me...
Mason, it has to be better than the last three films.
Thanks, Gina!
Jamie, that's how I roll...
Nope, I'm the opposite. I LOVE drafting and HATE editing/revising. I love the creative flow of filling the page with a story from a basic premise... and I love how I build on the skeleton thereafter, but the revision of grammar and pacing and all the rest of the technicalities is the only part of writing that feels like work.
Weird how we differ so much on that point. Misha too. But then, I'm always surprised when I read about folks who love editing.
I've seen all but Godzilla of the top Sci-Fi movies and loved them all. I'm not into big gorillas so have given the aforementioned a miss.
Happy weekend Alex. :)
I'm always happy to get to the end of my first draft, knowing that now all I have to do is make it better.
I enjoyed the Charity interview.
Yay for being on the third round of edits! 70k is great. I'm also a bare bones writer and my word count goes up with every revision, adding voice, motivation, and description.
Congrats to Pat, Donna, Carrie-Ann, Tara, and MJ!
See you on the 2nd of July! :)
Wow! Those movies bring in a lot. Tons of great new books out there. And congrats on all of your edits. Edits are my favorite part. As to my writing - ugh! When does school start again???
I see my blog! Thanks so much for adding it last week to your Feedly! :)
Congrats on getting your third round of edits done! I envy those who enjoy editing. I would much rather first draft than edit any day!
Loved Mark Noce's short stories and so excited that he's getting the recognition he deserves! He's a fantastic writer!
Speaking of fantastic writers...I bought CassaStar for my husband for Father's Day. Can't wait for him to read it! :)
It's pretty amazing the talent Star Wars has been attracting. I'm really excited to see what Rian Johnson does with it.
I'd much prefer to see a Rian Johnson standalone Star Wars flick than him picking up the series. As much hate as JJ Abrams has gotten, I think he's the right fit for Episodes 7-9, and breaking up the direction of a trilogy is worrisome. Meanwhile, Looper was so interesting in its deviations that I feel Johnson is best suited to doing something unique in Star Wars rather than batting clean-up.
whoa- lots to review and find if we have here in our little library! Cheers!
What fun, I love these speculative covers!
thanks so much for the shout out - i'm among some other wonderful announcements! MJ's cover is so beautiful and highly anticipated!!
i agree with your summations - i didn't expect much from RB2...
already almost monday again! it's been a whirlwind week!
thanks for all your kindness on my blog blitz and tour posts!
Shah, you missed a good movie though.
Marcy, exactly!
Kristin, thank you!!! I appreciate that. And didn't want to miss anyone in my sidebar.
Tim, so am I.
John, good points. Then again, the first trilogy all had different directors and it worked. It didn't go downhill until Lucas directed the next trilogy.
Tara, you're welcome!
Argh, I wish I could channel some of that edits-loving energy!
I'm heading to Charity Bradford!! :)
Beautiful cover for MJ Fifield's Effigy!
I also enjoy editing. I think it's because it's such a great feeling to have something to work with already instead of writing from scratch.
Saw How to Train Your Dragon 2 a few nights ago and loved it. Off to see Transformers tonight!
I'm so nervous about the Star Wars movies, I can't even tell you! People make the argument that a bad new Star Wars film is better than no new Star Wars films at all but I personally think the world would be a better place without Episode I (save for the Darth Maul fight scene- that can stay, but everything else can go!)
There are days that I like editing better and days I like writing better!
Anchorman 2 was a disappointment for me, too. Loved the first one!
Hey Alex,
I wanted you to know I saw Edge of Tomorrow and really liked it! So thanks for the rec.
I'd much rather draft than edit -- that's where the work comes in for me. The Looper director has major skillz, so I look forward to seeing him put his stamp on the series. Brick and his girlfriend were the best part of Anchorman 2.
Thanks, Alex, husband sees the surgeon for hopefully last time tomorrow, life slowly returning to normal.
Congrats on the writing progress! Wish I could say the same.
Heading over to Charity's blog...
I'm a little concerned about the changing directors for the movies (not so much the spin-off ones) - I'm hoping there'll be a central consistency to the story that all directors will respect.
I was a big fan of the first Anchorman so I'll probably end up seeing this regardless - I hope they haven't overdone Brick's character now they know just how funny he was in the first run.
I'm definitely much happier when I'm editing... that being said, I tend to tear the ms to tiny little shreds and then employ glue and tape to put it back together.... Happy writing
Hmm, I would've thought X-men Days of Future Past would've made more than that.
Hi Alex! I just wanted to stop by and say hello! I'll have to watch 'The Art of the Steal.' You know I've been obsessed with Kurt Russell since 'The Thing.'
Happy Monday, Alex! Charity had a great interview on you! It's so much fun to read your Ninja News because I'm beginning to recognize people. I'm behind on movie watching! :( Congrats on reaching edit #3. I enjoy editing and rewriting! I was sweating bullets Saturday working on my IWSG post for Wed. I got it down to exactly 300 words (LOL), not counting images, captions, and source credits! It was a great mental exercise. Your books pop up when I do anything around books on Amazon which is so fun! Time to order another before I leave for Nova Scotia. Have a great week!
Whoa, so full of info it makes me dizzy! Have you ever seen a movie despite bad reviews and found that you really liked it? I don't like basing my choices off of how it affected others: I love Stardust and it had bad reviews.
Happy Monday, Alex!
I'm just playing catch up here so...
I got my copies of Heroes of PHENOMENA and PHENOMENA. I like listening to the epic music when writing. I haven't started the book yet, but I will.
All news about Star Wars. I try and to overthink things. I'm just waiting to see what happens.
I just saw The Art of the Steal pop up in my List too and watched it. It was pretty good.
Oh, and I enjoyed your interview with Charity Bradford.
I'll check out some of these titles and I'll read your interview.
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