Monday, June 9, 2014

Edge of Tomorrow Review, Phoenix Prophetesses and Ninjas, Then and Now Blogfest, and Major Ninja News!

Edge of Tomorrow Review

Fighting an alien invasion, Tom Cruise is caught in a loop – every time he dies, he returns to the same moment in time.

If you’re looking for a good science fiction story, this is it. The film is extremely entertaining. The battle sequences are nothing short of thrilling. Time travel is always interesting and it’s used to great effect here
There are a LOT of elements from other movies and stories, but they pull them together into a really solid story that’s tense and exciting. Think Saving Private Ryan, Starship Troopers, Groundhog Day, and a pinch of 50 First Dates.

You might not like Cruise as a person, but he’s really good in this film and a bit of a different character than you’ve seen before. Plus Emily Blunt is great – something about her that’s just HOT!

Highly recommended!

Five Ways Phoenix Prophetesses Are Like Ninjas

1. Although Phoenix Prophetesses can really see the future, Ninjas—with their lightning fast reflexes—appear to be able to see the future.

2. Both Phoenix Prophetesses and Ninjas have perfect accuracy. If they throw something, it will hit their target.

3. A Zen-like state can balance Ninjas and Phoenix Prophetesses alike.

4. They can sneak around and hide in the shadows.

5. Last, but definitely not the least, they both look stunning in black.

To save a kingdom, a prophetess must challenge Fate.

Available in Ebook and Print! To purchase Reborn: Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, Nook, OmniLit, Smashwords, Createspace, and Google Play

"The authors of Untethered Realms and I are giving away over $50 worth of books to one lucky winner. The giveaway is open internationally. Go HERE to enter."

A self-proclaimed bookworm, Cherie Reich is a speculative fiction writer and library assistant living in Virginia. Reborn is her debut novel. For more information, please visit her website.

Major Ninja News!

Heroes of PHENOMENA is now available on Amazon, Kobo, and Smashwords!!

Today’s Themes That Rocked feature at the A to Z Blog is Charity Bradford and her Dr. Who theme!

George at Cinemarvellous had one of his quotes included in a DVD trailer!

Jennifer Hillier hit it big time! Jimmy Fallon does a segment every week on The Tonight Show where he picks a hashtag on Tuesdays and invites people to tweet something funny about it. He posts the best ones on the show on Thursdays. Last week it was #WorstSummerJobs – and Jennifer’s was the last one he read!

Talli Roland’s The No Kids Club is out now! You can buy it on and Amazon US and Amazon UK

Nigel Mitchell just released Quantum Tales - Volumes 1 & 2

Botanist fromViews From the Bald Patch just released a new book - Ghosts of Innocence. Find it on Amazon and Smashwords.

T.B. Markinson’s latest, A Woman Lost, is on sale for 99 cents. Find it at Amazon US and Amazon UK.

Maggie at Just Get it Written nominated me for the Lighthouse Award. Check her site for the rules, but I pass this on to Gary at Klahanie.

Eva at My Miracle Life selected me as her Written Acts of Kindness blogger last month. Father Dragon Al has started a special encouragement group, proving he’s one of the most encouraging people I know. (See Eva’s site for rules.)

Then and Now Blogfest

Hosted by The Armchair Squid, Suze, Nicki Elson, and Nancy Mock.

The greatest films stand the test of time, speaking to us in different ways at various life stages. Is there a movie that was a part of your life when you were younger that you see differently now? Like fine wine, has it improved with age or did it die in the bottle? Has maturity brought you new insights you missed in your youth?

I’ve selected two movies:

Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster
Fun movie when I was a kid, as I was big into Godzilla.
Saw it again as an adult courtesy of Mystery Science Theater 3000 – and they brought a whole new level to it, poking fun at the cheesiness, bad acting, and rubber suits.
“They’ve run acrab! It’s kaBob and kaSteve.”

Saw it in the theater when I was a kid and scared the crap out of me. Didn’t go near a bathtub for months.
Have watched it many times as an adult, and despite all the problems they had with Bruce the Shark, it still holds up to this day. Great acting, scary and tense moments, and some of the greatest lines ever.
“You’re going to need a bigger boat.”

Whoa! Anyone else see Edge of Tomorrow? Picked up Reborn yet? Catch that spot on the Tonight Show? Excited about the new books? And what movie do you see differently now than you did as a kid?


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Murees Dupè said...

Thanks for the great review for Edge of Tomorrow. I know my family and i will be checking it out.

Annalisa Crawford said...

I'm glad Edge of Tomorrow is getting good reviews. I like Tom Cruise, but the premise had me thinking Groundhog Day with guns. I might be tempted to see it now!

Huntress said...

Edge of tomorrow looks darn good. But I bet it goes down as a loser because of its competition this last weekend. Too bad.

TB Markinson said...

I saw a preview recently of Edge ot Tomorrow and it looked good. Glad to hear it lives up to the hype. Lots of good book news today. Thanks so much for mentioning my sale. Much appreciated. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Movie has to be 'Jason and The Argonauts' with its great Ray Harryhausen effects. Okay now I'm older I can tell how the effects are done but still great entertainment... as is B&W King Kong (although not around for that quite).

Michelle Wallace said...

Congrats to all authors on the new releases!
I'm off to check out Heroes of Phenomena.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Edge of Tomorrow has gotten good reviews in the Charlotte press...I think that's one we'll end up seeing in a theater. It sounds like a cool twist on Groundhog Day somehow.

I wasn't allowed to watch Jaws when it came out. :( But when I watched it years later, it scared me to death. Which is probably why I hadn't been allowed to watch it...

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you liked Edge of Tomorrow.

Congrats to Cherie with the release of Reborn!

Chemist Ken said...

Okay, thanks for the Edge of Tomorrow reviews. Wasn't sure from the promos whether it would be good or not. Now I'll just have to convince the family.

Liza said...

Lots of great scoops here today. I was scrolling along, reading and clicking and then I got to the end and laughed. We were out on the ocean yesterday and a big wave hit us and the three of us there all said, "We're going to need a bigger boat." Thankfully it was a wave, not a shark.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Alex I saw Edge of Tomorrow in the theater Saturday and was blown away. What an amazing film. Tom Cruise is becoming the kind of Sci-Fi. I loved Oblivion last year and now this.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Not seen Edge of Tomorrow, but I might since you liked it so much. Hoping to read Cherie's book this summer.

Misha Gerrick said...

Super excited for Cherie! (She's my blog buddy on Untethered Realms.)

Congrats to Ian, Talli and all the other people with new releases. :-)

As for movies that changed from when I was small to now: all of them, as I grew up and understood more of the context. :-D

Lynda Dietz said...

What a whole bunch of great stuff! Edge of Tomorrow sounds like something I'd enjoy; I may not be crazy about Cruise, but he can act. The Jimmy Kimmel clip had me laughing and remembering some of my own awful jobs over the years. Ugh! And I'm a sucker for a good/bad Godzilla movie. We have an old VHS tape of Godzilla v. Mechagodzilla, and it's incredibly awful. I love it! There's something to be said for cheesiness.

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

I left my comment way father down on the wrong entry but I do want to let you know that last Saturday I posted the #worstsummerjobs in a thankful post link up. I thought the video was hysterical, and I had no idea Jennifer was the grand finale!
Wow! How cool.
I can't do hashtags!
Jennifer is my new hero, along with you of course.

jean :)

Anonymous said...

So much great book news. I enjoy Tom Cruise's acting. That was cool that Jennifer's tweet was featured.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Congrats to everyone with new books!

mshatch said...

I've heard lots of good things about Edge of Tomorrow and hopefully will be going to see it or Xmen this weekend. I'm not a Cruise fan either but I do like a lot of his movies.

Creepy Query Girl said...

WOW, lots of good stuff for your Ninjas. And this is the first I've heard about the new Cruise flic. Guess it isn't debuting in France at the same time. Love the idea for the blogfest- I've definitely had a couple 'then and now' moments with childhood favorites. 'The Worst Witch' comes immediately to mind.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Annalisa, same idea, but executed so differently.

Carol, that is too bad.

TB, you're welcome!

Roland, that's a fun movie.

Elizabeth, I probably saw a lot of movies I shouldn't have seen as a kid...

Liza, that's funny!

Keith, awesome! I though both movies were great.

Lynda, there is indeed something to be said for cheesiness.

Jean, that's awesome. Yes, that was our Jennifer.

Mason Canyon said...

Good to know that Edge of Tomorrow is as good as the previews show it to be. Congrats to all those with books out, George for his quote being used and to Jennifer for her tweet appearing on The Tonight Show. Congrats to you for your awards too. As for films, Jaws is definitely one that has stood the test of time.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Oh, wow. Jennifer must have flipped when she saw that. Too fun!

After your recommendation, we'll for sure check out Edge of Tomorrow sooner than we would have.

Yeah. Jaws. I saw it in the theater when it was first relieved--I was in college. First time I ever screamed in a movie--but no one heard me because I wasn't alone.

I was so glad I lived inland at the time. It still can startle me, but it's a movie that has the most power in a dark theater, with great sound, and the joint, undistrubed experience.

Bob/Sally said...

Congrats on Heroes of Phenomena - it looks fantastic! Great cause too.

Unknown said...

Glad to know that Edge of Tomorrow is worth the view.
Who doesn't like Godzilla fighting a giant Crayfish!

Juliana Haygert said...

Yeah, not a big fan of Tom Cruise, but he usually works on great movies. I really want to see Edge of Tomorrow.

Pat Hatt said...

Edge of Tomorrow I will see at some point, what about a ninja wannabe and a prophetess being alike? lol

I remember there was a few as a kid, I liked the Ernest movies as a kid, now they are kinda laughable.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Those summer jobs were funny. Love old Godzilla movies. If I had to name one that would be awful now but I enjoyed as a kid it would be Damnation Alley. I watched it so many times and had a thing for Jan Michale Vincent, but I'm sure it looks terrible now.

Tara Tyler said...

congrats on finishing your MS!
and the june movies sound action packed and great review!
love the ninja priestess comparison!
and all the books and the blogfest. thanks for catching me up!

Jay Noel said...

Looking forward to seeing EDGE. The special effects do look amazing, and yes, Emily Blunt is smokin'.

Congrats to Cherie! I loved REBORN, and look forward to others discovering the rich world that she's created.

Luanne G. Smith said...

Ass. Manager. I hope Jennifer adds that to her Twitter profile. LOL.

J.L. Murphey said...

I'm definitely bookmarking this movie as a want to see on netflix. Sounds like a winner loved all the movies you compared it to.

Unknown said...

I haven't seen that movie yet- though I did see Maleficent. Which I really enjoyed. It had some really neat magical effects and I adore Jolie.

Have a great day!

Hart Johnson said...

Oh that Fallon clip is great! And congrats to Cherie and Talli on their books!

I've heard good things on Edge of Tomorrow... I keep thinking that was a soap name in the 70s, wasn't it? Ah well... sounds like a good movie.

Jo said...

Sounds like a good movie. I will probably end up renting it later on.

It's so long since I was a kid I can't really remember any movies. One that comes to mind was the
Song of Bernadette about the miracle at Lourdes, but I have never seen it again. I saw Jaws as an adult and haven't changed my opinion of it over the years. I read the book first and was somewhat disappointed that they concentrated more on the shark than on the town trying to do a cover up which is what the book emphasised. Nowadays I rarely read the book first or it's so long ago that when the movie comes out I don't remember it that well.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mason, I think it's still a great film.

Donna, you said it!

Thanks, Bob!

David, weird people.

Jay, she is really hot. Almost Kate hot.

LG, she should!

Jo, the movie and book are rarely the same thing.

Jennifer Hawes said...

Glad for the positive review of Edge of Tomorrow. Must see.
Watched the Jimmy Fallon clip. Hahahaha! Loved it.

Botanist said...

Thanks for the mention, Alex. And those summer jobs cracked me up - glad Jennifer saw the funny side of it :)

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Congratulations on the awards.

I haven't seen the movie. Sounds good though.

I don't remember a specific movie from my childhood, but I loved the Tarzan movies and the westerns. Roy Rogers. Gene Autry.

kaykuala said...

Good reviews for Edge of tomorrow. Will have to look it up. Sci-fi is always fascinating. Thanks Alex!


Leovi said...

Thrilling Edge of Tomorrow!

Robin said...

Not a Tom Cruise fan. Not so much because of his movies or even his acting. It's HIM. Every time he opens his mouth for interviews... he becomes more and more unlikable to me.

However, every now and then I watch one of his movies. Not for a LONG time at the box office, though, and he is still very good. I will very likely watch this one... if not at the box office... then later.

Unknown said...

Glad to hear good reviews for "Edge." Yeah, I'm personally not a TC fan, but I love Emily Blunt! Love her. Good to hear Tom's not his usual self. And the thing is, I always enjoy his movies, he just rubs me the wrong way personally.

Congrats to Jennifer. Those were some funny ones. I need to get on Twitter more. Once, my opinion was broadcast on "The Daily Buzz" and I was in hog-heaven.

Always good to see you, Alex.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Congratulations to Cherie. I have kind of a funny relationship with Tom Cruise. I don't like the fact that he's all wrapped up in scientology, however, he's in a bunch of my favorite movies. So I've long ago learned to separate the man from the actor.

Julie Flanders said...

I cracked up about the Ninjas and Prophetesses both look stunning in black. Of course they do.

I definitely want to see Edge of Tomorrow, sounds like fun.

A Beer for the Shower said...

This review speaks to me, if only because I can't stand Tom Cruise but I've been quite eager to see this movie. Plus, you know, Emily Blunt. She's a great way to take your mind off of Scientology and glibness for 2 hours.

Gossip_Grl said...

I'm not a big Tom Cruise fan, but your review makes it interesting. Will add this to my list of upcoming Redbox dvd selection. I am usually asleep by the time the Late Shows come on. :/ I am also not a big fan of the remade over movies. I always tend to like the original better!

Carol Kilgore said...

Thanks for the Edge of Darkness review. I thought it was a movie that could go either way. Now I'm adding to my list :)

Way to go, Cherie, on the Five Ways list!

Christine Rains said...

Good review, Alex. And yay for Cherie! I love her guest post. Hehehe! A lot of of my favorite movies as a kid seem so very dated now and I no longer enjoy them. The Amityville Horror was the first scary movie I saw as a kid, and I was so frightened that I had to see more! (Yes, I'm weird.) Now I think the movie isn't scary at all. Yet The Exorcist then and now still unnerves me.

Anonymous said...

I've tried getting on Fallon with my hashtags before . . . soooo cool she got it!! Even though The Edge of Tomorrow looks good, I don't see Tom Cruise movies anymore. I'm THRILLED TFIOS movie, which took a lot less money to make, far surpassed Cruise's movie at the box office this opening weekend. I hope the message to Hollywood was sent :-) I also remember Jaws scaring the crap out of me as a kid, but now when I watch it, I laugh. Still like it, but that shark doesn't scare me even a little anymore.

Shell Flower said...

Glad to hear Tom Cruise is making some good movies. Congrats to Cherie! My friend found this movie I loved as a teen (Tuff Turf) on a German file sharing site and I was so excited. It ended up cheesier than I remembered, with lots of dance scenes, but the music was still good. It's the only movie ever where James Spader plays a nice guy.

M.J. Fifield said...

I've heard some good stuff about Edge of Tomorrow. Someone said it had some humor in it too, which appealed to me. Still, I won't see it until it's out on DVD.

Congrats to Cherie! And to Jennifer...I love Jimmy Fallon!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Botanist, you're welcome!

Robin, most people don't like him, but he's still a good actor.

Mike, that's awesome!

Michael, and with actors, you have to do that.

Brandon and Bryan, and she does just that!

Christine, the first Amityville Horror scared me, but now it looks so lame.

Shell, he doesn't play a nice guy often...

Charles Gramlich said...

I've always enjoyed Cruise as an actor. I know nothing about him as a person and don't imagine we can really know about him given the media silliness that constantly surrounds him.

Unknown said...

Ninjas and Phoenix Prophetesses - they both look stunning in black. <-- I love that!
And how cool for Jennifer to have her tweet read out on TV!
Haven't seen Edge of Tomorrow yet -- it doesn't come out here till next week. But we are FINALLY watching the new X-Men tonight! We had to cancel our plans last time, but tonight it's happening. Tickets booked!

H. R. Sinclair said...

OMG! Poor Jennifer. That was hysterical.

So glad to hear the Edge of Tomorrow was good.

mail4rosey said...

I often like Tom Cruise movies. He is an excellent actor!

I don't care about his personal philosophies much at all. :)

ilima said...

I love Tom Cruise movies and this one rocked! Such a different character for him. The humor was a nice surprise. Rolling under the truck was my favorite. :) And I love how Emily Blunt is totally kick-a**. Maybe they should name her Ass. Manager, haha.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Jaws is one of my all time movies. It's full of quotable quotes like the one you mention, and to me dialogue like this matters more than all the special effects. But even with what they had to work with then, it was an incredibly scary movie. And the shark was utterly believable!

Jeff Chapman said...

That line about the bigger boat from Jaws still cracks me up.

Suzanne Furness said...

Might check out the Tom Cruise film if I get the chance. Watched Dirty Dancing last night which was a blast from my past! Agree Jaws is still a scary movie - only have to hear that music!

D.G. Hudson said...

Yes, signed up for the Then and Now Blogfest. I'm using a film I saw a few decades ago.

I'm not a Tom Cruise fan, but I try to separate the actor from the movie. If he comes across as different from his usual, that is hopeful. I'll go see any good scifi, and sometimes even cheesy ones (I thought Carter on Mars was ok, it did originate in a comic book, after all)

Thanks for all the news, Alex!

farawayeyes said...

Summer jobs were hilarious. Lots if new books on the market, it must have been a very busy winter. AND, Cruise is arbitrages in, huh?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

MJ, it did have some funny lines and situations.

Rachel, go and enjoy - awesome movie!

Rosey, neither do I...

Ilima, that made me laugh!

Karen, I still think it's believable.

DG, John Carter began even earlier as a book series!

Suze said...

Al, this was such a POP! post. Super energetic. I really enjoyed reading it! :)

For some reason, I was thinking Edge of Tomorrow was an M Pax book at first! :D I enjoyed your review. By the time you got to the Emily Blunt part, I was chuckling out loud.

What a great way to kick off the Then and Now blogfest. Smiled when I read about your aversion to bathtubs.

Cool about Jennifer and Jimmy.

Dean K Miller said...

Thought Edge of Tomorrow looked good. We'll go check it out now. Yes, not a huge Cruise fan, but have liked his work in a couple of movies.

Nigel G Mitchell said...

Don't care for Tom Cruise or Emily Blunt. Will probably wait until it goes to home video.

Thanks for the plug!

Arlee Bird said...

Good to hear the positive review for Edge of Tomorrow. I won't be seeing it tomorrow or anytime soon, but probably someday.

I'll be talking about my "Then and Now" films on Friday.

Tossing It Out

cleemckenzie said...

I'm waiting for my kids to go with me to see Edge of Tomorrow. I seem to enjoy those kinds of movies better with them.

I had no idea there were so many similarities between Phoenix Prophetesses and Ninjas. Well, until Cherie's book I didn't know there were Phoenix Prophetesses.

Great to see the Heroes out to such acclaim.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Jaws was a great pick. I'll post my on Friday. I'll probably watch Edge on demand when it comes on. Usually only takes a few months.

Sarah Ahiers said...

Edge of Tomorrow was super fun! It definitey had it's problems, most specifically plot holes, but succeeded magnificently even despite those. And it was so funny too!

Stephanie Faris said...

It bugs me that Tom Cruise Does. Not. Age. Ever. I think he's an alien. Or a robot, built in a "movie star factory."

SpacerGuy said...

Your right Alex, Emily Blunt is a right little cracker. I figure movie producers are using a psychology of sorts on us to charm us out of our cash. Jaws still makes me jump while others like Evil Dead is pure campy slapstick.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Ass Manager -- hahaha.
Could have been worse!

I'm actually a huge TC fan. For his movies. Loved Collateral. Looking forward to this new one.

Thanks, Alex.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Your Edge of Tomorrow review makes me want to see the movie. I like Time Travel! Also, like that title.

Mary Montague Sikes

Sean McLachlan said...

I loved the Godzilla films when I was a kid. I still need to show them to my son. My fave was Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster.

Cherie Reich said...

Alex, thank you so much for hosting me today during my tour! I appreciate it!

Thank you, Carolyn!

I hope you enjoy Reborn when you get a chance to read it, Natalie!

Aww, thank you, Misha!

Not a bad point about the ninja wannabe and prophetess being alike, Pat. Ooo, the ideas! :)

Thank you, Tara!

Aww! Thank you, Jay! Glad you enjoyed Reborn and are looking forward to the other books in the series.

Thank you, Hart! :)

Thank you, Michael!

That they do, Julie!

Thank you, Carol!

Aww, thank you, Christine! :)

Thanks, Shell!

Thank you, M.J.!

That was my favorite too, Rachel, between Ninjas and Phoenix Prophetesses.

Hehe! When I was thinking of a post for Alex's blog, Lee (cleemckenzie), I started realizing the similarities between Ninjas and Phoenix Prophetesses. It was fun. :)

Maurice Mitchell said...

It's so true that a Zen-like state can balance everyone. It sounds like Cruise is balanced in a good film as well. Congrats to George and Jennifer and I hope you have a gr8 rest of the day!

Karen M. Peterson said...

You know what made Emily Blunt hot in that movie? It's the fact that she was a bad ass heroine instead of just a flimsy love interest character.

mooderino said...

I enjoyed Edge of Tomorrow. Cool premise and a good book too. Basically life as a video game character.

Moody Writing

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Plan to see Edge of Tomorrow this month. Thanks for the glowing recommendation. Plan to buy Reborn on Smashwords. $2.99! Jaws all the way. Love Tom Cruise. Did you like EOT of Oblivion better?

Loni Townsend said...

Edge of Tomorrow looks pretty cool. It's one of the contenders for Anniversary day movie with me and my husband. That or X-Men? Hmmm... decisions decisions.

Birgit said...

You are the 2nd to really recommend this film. Tom Cruise is a good actor so i go to see the acting not the control scientology freak :) "It's a Wonderful Life" I would watch this when I was young and laughed and thought it was a good movie but did not see the greatness in it until much later-First indications of his dark character as an actor came out (the scene when he leaves his Ma Bailey's place-the music and he looks crazed and half his face is in shadow-brilliant!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Suze, glad I could pop for you today!

Nigel, you're welcome!

Lee, now you know.

Sarah, yes it was.

Stephanie, maybe he's been cloned...?

Sean, that one was all about the 60's camp.

Cherie, you're welcome!

Karen, I like bad ass women.

Moody, true.

Loni, both a great films.

Unknown said...

"Ass. Manager" and the "Damp $5 bill." Nice!

Now I want to see the Tom Cruise movie. I'm not a fan of Tom but I do love Emily Blunt.

Sherry Ellis said...

I've seen Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster, and even as a kid, I thought it was cheesy. Congrats on the award! (There are a lot of them floating around, aren't there?)

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I really enjoyed EDGE OF TOMORROW, too. That slow-motion bit of Emily Blunt rising up from the floor in her last push-up was definitely sexy.

I hope Tom's religious beliefs do not deter people from seeing this movie -- it is an enjoyable film.

Best of wishes to all those with new books out!

Elephant's Child said...

Congrats to Cherie - and all of the other writers. Thank you - one and all.

Carrie-Anne said...

It's so amazing how we can love a movie in childhood, and yet when we're adults, we suddenly feel horrified we ever loved a movie that much.

Jemi Fraser said...

Yay for Jennifer! That's a really bad summer job! :)

Glad to hear the Cruise film is good - I'm looking forward to it!

Cherie Reich said...

Hope you enjoy Reborn whenever you get a chance to read it, Sheena-kay!

Thank you, Elephant's Child! :) said...

I'm thrilled for Jennifer! That's better than a bunch of five-star reviews. Hilarious!

Thanks for the smiles and encouragement you consistently send in every direction, Alex.

Unknown said...

I was wondering if I should check out that movie with Tom Cruise. It did look interesting and I wondered how they could make it work. Thanks for the recommendation. And I am so glad to learn how Nijas and Prophetesses are alike. Hahaha. As always, lots of great stuff here. Thanks. Maria @ Delight Directed Living

Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

Thanks for your comments on Edge of Tomorrow. An earlier review made is sound too much like Groundhog Day. Now I'm eager to see the movie.

Also, thanks for offering the contest along with Cherie Reich.

Cherie Reich said...

Hehe! Thanks for stopping by, Maria! It was fun figuring out how much they have in common.

You're welcome, Gail. Good luck if you enter!

Leigh Covington said...

I'm excited to see Edge of Tomorrow. Hearing great things. I got to go see Maleficent with my fam and loved it! Thought it was really good. :)

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Some great stuff to be had, really thanking you for sharing. Tom Cruise has become a rent a film kind of actor, he does nice work... just not something we will pay for. We did see Jack Reacher, not a bad film... for a few bucks. Now we waited to see the new RoboCop, glad we did... it did not hold the essence of the original. nice effects and visuals... score.

Ray Rousell said...

I wanna see Edge of Tomorrow, and I was quite amazed when my Mrs said she does as well as she normally hates Sci-fi films!!

Bevimus said...

Edge of Tomorrow sounds exactly like Source Code but with aliens... But you're right- Tom Cruise is amazing in action movies, so I'm sure it'll be entertaining.

Huge congrats to all the authors featured here today!!

J E Oneil said...

I was surprised that a Tom Cruise movie could look so good. And I do love an alien invasion story (I'd really like to know how Groundhog Day works its way in there).

River Fairchild said...

The story premise is interesting enough that I might put aside my antipathy for Cruise and see it. :)

Great comparisons between Cherie's prophetess and ninjas!

Tony Laplume said...

It's hard for me to pick a movie for the blogfest, because the signature movies of my childhood were all Star Wars, John Wayne, and Disney. I still love Star Wars, am always trying to rediscover John Wayne thanks to my dad, and Disney is Disney. What's there to say about that?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sherry, no cheese on my childhood please.

Roland - yes it was!

Robyn, thank you! I try.

Gail, other than repeating time, it's nothing like it.

Jeremy, thanks for the warning on Robocop.

Ray, is she a Cruise fan?

JE, you'll see.

Tony, I bet I remember Star Wars better than it actually is though.

Cherie Reich said...

Thank you, River! :)

Al Diaz said...

First, thank you very much for the award. Although, I am not sure if it's me supporting people or the other way around. I could swear it's the latter.
I wish I had enough time to read all the books I want to read. Cherie is one of my favorite writers.
I think I'll save my popcorn for How to Train Your Dragon 2. Dragon Hugs!

Truedessa said...

Nice review on Cruise's movie but, I am not a big fan of his. I watched the Jimmy Fallon video that was hilarious..this guy just cracks me up.

Gail said...

I am glad to see many people I "know" publishing books. This is great!

Erin L. Funk said...

I really want to see The Edge of Tomorrow soon. I was going to say that it sounds like the sci-fi version of Groundhog Day, but you beat me to it! Tom Cruise may be a bit wackadoo in real life, but I rarely dislike his movies, especially the sci-fi ones!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

lol, congrats to Jennifer. Poor thing having to wear that badge... lol.

I personally think Jaws was better because of the problems with Bruce. Our imaginations are far more scary than a pretend shark.

And woot! I'm so glad you liked Edge. I was a little wary about going to see it. Now I'm not. Yay.

Anonymous said...

Hubby and I were debating seeing Tom Cruise's new movie. I've heard lots of good reviews and it looks like it' be fun to watch.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Al, YOU are the supportive one!

Truedessa, he's great on the Tonight Show. I can finally watch it again.

Lynda, I thought the problems added to the realism. And Edge is great - go!

Susan Kane said...

When we were newly weds, we slept on our sofa bed and watched a marathon of Godzilla movies. this version is better.

Enjoyed Edge of Tomorrow, and I was surprised! With Tom Cruise, I have no expectations.

klahanie said...

Hi Alex,

There was a big fuss over that film when Tom Cruise was in London last week for the British opening of the movie. I'm going to see if my son can take me to see that film. Been years since I went to the movies. I hear they are in colour and they speak now.

Some great news about our writing, blogging friends. I was great to note that Ian, our Botanist friend, has released a book. Awesome stuff and links.

Thanks for passing on that award to me. I shall duly see what I can do with it. Very kind of you to think of me.

I watched the original version of The Blog, sorry, The Blob. It didn't seem as scary as when I was a kid.

Take care. Time for me to get some sleep....


Jennifer Lane said...

Go Jennifer Hillier, Ass Manager! Hehe.

I do like Emily Blunt but Cruise is a TOOL! Maybe I could overlook that for a movie.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Funny, but I DON'T like Cruise and yet I like most of the movies he chooses to do.

Karen Lange said...

So much good news, congrats to everyone! Thanks for the review. :)

Helena said...

The new books sound great, and congrats to Jennifer.

Raiders of the Lost Ark will always be a great film for me, though seeing it for the first time and on a huge screen when it first came out was a true thrill.

Once in a while I catch parts of old Disney movies (the live ones, not the classic animated ones) and much as I loved them as a kid, they really don't hold up for me at all as an adult. So I admire my Dad all the more for sitting through them with us when he took us kids to the movies.

Ella said...

I so want to see this movie! I live for the edge-lol!

I had to get on a boat a ferry-the day after seeing Jaws-not fun!

Congrats, to Jennifer! How cool is that~

Love this post-it makes me happy!
Mmmh, I look good in black-most go back and read that list!

Denise Covey said...

I can't stand Tom Cruise. I stayed away from the Jack Reacher movie because he got the lead - dumb choice - the producers', not mine. Glad to hear he's good in this latest film! I'm more of a Fault in our Stars kind of person tho'.

Denise Covey said...

I can't stand Tom Cruise. I stayed away from the Jack Reacher movie because he got the lead - dumb choice - the producers', not mine. Glad to hear he's good in this latest film! I'm more of a Fault in our Stars kind of person tho'.

Jack said...

My brothers and dad were going to see Edge of Tomorrow but decided to wait for How to Train your Dragon. I am considering seeing it though, I don't really like that genre of movie, but there is something about this one that got my interest.

Kyra Lennon said...

I thought it was super cool that Jennifer's tweet was on the TV!

Empty Nest Insider said...

Congrats to all of the authors, and to Jennifer's Tonight Show tweet! Jaws also scared me silly. Great review of the Tom Cruise movie.


Rhonda Albom said...

Not even 24 hours since you posted and I am way down here in the comments. Good thing I don't have anything too significant to add. Tom Cruise, Groundhog Day and 50 First Dates - sounds like my kind of movie. :) I loved Jennifer's tweet. Thanks for sharing that video clip.

Old Kitty said...

Am very fashionably late! LOL!

I do like me Tom Cruise films! He really is very watchable! Yay!

Awwww big thumbs up for all these new releases and yay for Jennifer Hillier! That's just brilliant!

Take care

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, you are uber-cool!

Gary, you're welcome! And you should go see the movie.

Jennifer, I think you can.

Helena, Raiders is still awesome. And yeah, those live-action Sunday night Disney films are so cheesy now.

Ella, not fun at all.

Jack, it is a good film.

Rhonda, you always have something great to say.

Kitty, you are always on time.

Brian Miller said...

i am glad to read a good review on this has me scared to go see his movies....cause they suck often...ha....the story line sounds appealing.....nice on the release of the audiomachine book...on it....

Melissa said...

My mom wouldn't let me see JAWS. Probably a good thing...

G. B. Miller said...

The Wizard of Oz.

When I'd first watched it as a kid, the scene where the chubby child got sucked up a tube of chocolate scares the daylights out of me. Couldn't watch it for years afterwards.

Father Nature's Corner

Nick Wilford said...

Reborn is a great book! I never thought about all the similarities between ninjas and phoenix prophetesses.

The Happy Whisk said...

The peanut butter one was funny.

Leovi said...

One of my irreplaceable films is Psycho, directed by Alfred Hitchcock!

msmariah said...

I will go see Edge of Tomorrow. I've heard it's quite good so I'm definitely going to check it out.

Oooo Godzilla v. Sea Monster on MST3K! Where can I find this? Is this on Netflix?

Catherine Stine said...

I might just go see Edge... I am curious. And congrats to Cherie!

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

That's so cool for Jennifer! Lots of great ninja news. :)

Kathe W. said...

Wizard of Oz scared me so much that my folks had to remove me from the theater and this was after we had stood in line iin the middle of a snow storm in Boston when it first came out!
But my all time fav as a kid was Auntie Mame- I wanted to be just like her and actually some of the life lessons I learned from that movie I've kept as my own. Such as "Live- Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!"
Have a great day Alex!

Nancy Thompson said...

I'm not a Tom Cruise fan, but the movie looks really good. Thanks for the review. And yeah, Jenny & I were giggling over her Tonight Show tweet for days. I've always told her she's a rockstar.

Chrys Fey said...

Edge of Tomorrow does look like an interesting movie. I think every movie I saw as a kid I see differently now. Sometimes if I watch a movie I haven't seen since my childhood I find myself saying, "I don't remember that." Or "When did this movie get so deep?" Because as a child we don't notice these things or think a certain way to understand the true meaning of a movie.

Unknown said...

I'm really looking forward to seeing the Edge of Tomorrow. Thanks for the review!

Congrats to Cherie on her new book! Congrats to Talli, Nigel, and Ian! Good luck to TB on the sale of her novel - I hope it sells lots! Congrats on your awards, Alex!

I ADORE "Jaws" - everything from the plot to the acting to the FX worked together to make a truly scary classic. It's my all time fav movie. Spielberg rocks!

nutschell said...

Another movie I've been dying to watch! I'm excited to see Emily Blunt in an action role.:)

My Brown Belt test went well. And I do think I passed but I won't know until later. And yes, if you can loan me one of your clones that would be awesome!


Cherie Reich said...

I wish I had more time to read too, Al. Aww! You make me blush. :)

Thank you, Nick! And it was fun finding the similarities between the two.

Thank you, Catherine!

Thank you, Lexa!

Tina said...

I'm one of those people who should never have seen Jaws. Forever changed my swimming life. Could not get over the feeling that someone was watching me from underneath and could see my legs dangling...sigh.

Maybe, just maybe I'll try Tom your recommendation.

Dang, there are a lot of new books...

Tina @ Life is Good
On the Open Road! @ Join us for the 4th Annual Post-Challenge Road Trip!

Angela Brown said...

I'm very excited about Reborn plus extra thrilled for so many wonderful stories coming out. Time to swell my TBR list and get some reading done too :-)

Cherie Reich said...

Thank you, Angela! There certainly are a lot of good looking books coming out. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

MaMariah, sadly they only had license to use it for five years, so it's no longer in circulation.

Kathe, that's why I've never liked the Wizard of Oz.

Chrys, so much of it goes over our heads as kids.

Lexa, yes he does!

Nutschell, I'll send one over.

Tina, I'm sure that cramped your swimming.

Miranda Hardy said...

Alright, you convinced me...I need to see Edge of Tomorrow. I was debating, but it does sound like it'll be good.

Loved that Fallon clip. Made me laugh. Ass. Manager. Love it!

Liesel K. Hill said...

Glad you liked Edge of Darkness. Really want to see it. :D

L.G. Keltner said...

I intend to see Edge of Tomorrow, but I'm not sure when I'll get the chance. Glad to hear it's a good movie! I trust your opinion. :)

David T List said...

Re Jaws: Don't forget "Smile, you son of a -"
I want to see that Tom Cruise film. Looks like if they made Gears of War a movie. Especially considering he respawns!

Tess Julia said...

Now I really have to see Edge of Tomorrow. I like the previews and your review just convinced me it's a must-see.
Good to see your awesome blog again! Not sure if you remember me- it's been awhile.

Shah Wharton said...

Edge of Tomorrow sounds great. I'm not a huge fan of the Cruise, but he is usually great in movie roles.

Congrats to Cherie - REBORN sounds awesome, may have to add it to my reading list

Movies then and now - ET. Loved it so much when it came out, still cry in exactly the same moments.

Same with a bunch of other movies: Star Wars included.

I still love The Lost Boys, but that has dated a little bit over the years.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Aw ... really? I'm one of those 'Not Cruise' fans. Hmm... I'll think about watching. Maybe it would make a good family movie night flick. I could drown myself in popcorn.

ELAdams said...

I've been hearing good things about The Edge of Tomorrow. Might have to check it out.

Congrats to Cherie Reich on her book release! I really enjoyed Reborn, and my review's going up next week.

Bryan Russell said...

Definitely looking forward to Edge of Tomorrow. And I definitely like Emily Blunt. Seems like sort of a different role for her, so I'm curious.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Alex, you are so great to post all this amazing info! We are so lucky to have you around.


Heather M. Gardner said...

Alex, you are so great to post all this amazing info! We are so lucky to have you around.


Cherie Reich said...

Thank you, Shah!

Looking forward to seeing your review, Emma! Glad you enjoyed it!

David P. King said...

I had a blast at Edge of Tomorrow. It needs way more money than it's earning right now. Come on, good word of mouth, don't fail us now!

As always, what a great stash of books on display here! :)

Crystal Collier said...

You weren't kidding about the major ninja news!

They both look stunning in black... *snort*

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

David, it is similar in that respect.

Rose, I definitely remember you!

Shah, I think ET makes everyone cry.

Bryan, she rocks in the role.

Thanks, Heather!

David, yes it does! I'm surprised it didn't do better opening weekend.

M Pax said...

I hope to see Edge of Tomorrow sometime soon. Maybe next week. Either that or Godzilla if it's still out.

Reborn is a great read. Cherie created the most incredible world. Can't wait for the next book.

I loved the Aristocats when I was a kid. I mean, obsessed on it. Now I wonder what I was thinking. lol Although, Winnie the Pooh is still funny.

Tiana Smith said...

Thanks for all the links :) Man, some of those summer jobs sounded horrible...

Tyrean Martinson said...

Thanks for the review for Edge of Tomorrow. I'm more interested to see it now although Maleficent and How to Train Your Dragon 2 are movies that my family and I plan to watch first . . . somehow in this busy month.

Love the intro for Reborn - and I definitely have it!
Congrats to all newly published!

Mason T. Matchak said...

This is a random thought, but I'm now inspired to create an order of Phoenix Ninjas for a story. I have no idea how to mix fire and rebirth with sneakiness and espionage, but I will find a way. ^_^

Liz Blocker said...

Congratulations, everyone!! And extra congrats to Jennifer! I LURVE Jimmy Fallon. That's so exciting!

Morgan said...

My hubby saw the Tom Cruise movie and said it was AWESOME. Now I'm intrigued---it does look like a good premise…

And I love Jimmy Fallon. Seriously, so funny…

And you rock, Alex. Thanks for all of the good you do here in blogosphere. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mary, see both!

Mason, make it so!

Morgan, thanks!

Julie Musil said...

Ass. Manager! OMG that was so funny. I'm so glad you posted that clip, because I rarely see that show. I should DVR it, really.

And thanks for the review of Cruise's movie. I actually like his films. Unrealistic, but that's what's fun about them.

I tried replying to your blog comment, but it bounced back to me a couple of times. Not sure why?? Anyway, thanks for stopping by. I also loved the quote about standing before God.

Thanks, Alex!

S. L. Hennessy said...

I'm DYING to see Edge of Tomorrow. I'm going to try and get to it this weekend. So many movies, so little time.

Johanna Garth said...

I love this round up and it looks like there's so much good summer reading to be had just in my small corner of the blogosphere!!

Cherie Reich said...

That line was the first one I came up with when I was thinking of how Ninjas and Phoenix Prophetesses were alike, Crystal. :)

Thanks, Mary! And I'm working on the next ones in the series. Slowly but surely.

Thank you, Tyrean!

Ooo, that would be awesome, Mason! :D

Tonja said...

I'm really tired of Tom Cruise. I would probably see it if anyone else was in it.

Stephsco said...

I actually like Tom Cruise Movie Star and can set aside his personal life to enjoy his films. I love the Mission Impossible series and somehow end up seeing most of his movies. My husband is geeked about this one so I'll let him know more people have been thumbs-up for it. Even if it recycles some common sci-fi themes, at least it's not another sequel or a remake, right?

And I watched that Tonight Show--all of those summer job stories cracked me up. How cool we have a small connection there with one of the tweeters :)

Stephsco said...

I actually like Tom Cruise Movie Star and can set aside his personal life to enjoy his films. I love the Mission Impossible series and somehow end up seeing most of his movies. My husband is geeked about this one so I'll let him know more people have been thumbs-up for it. Even if it recycles some common sci-fi themes, at least it's not another sequel or a remake, right?

And I watched that Tonight Show--all of those summer job stories cracked me up. How cool we have a small connection there with one of the tweeters :)

Unknown said...

I was in two minds about Edge of Tomorrow (felt like a Sci fi ripoff of Groundhog Day) - I'll give it a proper shot :)

Leovi said...

Jaws was the big scary movie from the 70's!

Searching for the Story said...

I was on the fence about this movie, but now I may just go see it. We literary agents have to keep up on trends! That's my excuse, anyway.

Mina Burrows said...

I want to see Edge of Tomorrow so bad, but I have to see How to Train your Dragon 2 first. :)

Jocelyn Rish said...

I'm glad to hear that Edge of Tomorrow is good - the commercials looked interesting. That's awesome that Jennifer's tweet made The Tonight Show.

I watch the movie The Stuff when I was probably too young and it scared the crap out of me. For years I believed it was one of the scariest movies ever. I recently rewatched it and spent the whole time cackling - it's horrible, it's cheesy, it's even horribly cheesy.

Trisha said...

I think I missed out on the cheap sessions for EDGE OF TOMORROW. darn.

I think Tom Cruise is a weirdo, but I still love a lot of his movies, and am not ashamed of that!

Yssa is definitely like a ninja in many ways. :D

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hey, Alex,

Congrats on the award!

Yup, Jaws scared me, too. It did everyone at that time...

Never much into Godzilla though. LOL.

Congrats to all new releases all the best guys!

Michael Di Gesu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer Lane said...

I love Mystery Science Theater. That would be a perfect way to rewatch a movie from childhood!

Nicki Elson said...

That's awesome Jennifer's Tweet was chosen! Very funny clip. Love Jimmy Fallon.

Jaws totally holds up. :)

Rachna Chhabria said...

Thanks for the amazing review of the Edge of Tomorrow. I am a big Tom Cruise fan. I like both Ninjas and Phoenix Prophetesses :) Both are way too talented.

Stephanie Faris said...

Just had to add that I must be the only 70s/80s kid to not see Jaws. My parents wouldn't let me watch it and by the time I could, it was no longer airing on TV or available in video stores. (Back when video stores were VHS!) I was in my 30s before I saw it...and I wasn't impressed. I think you had to see it when it first came out to appreciate it.

The Armchair Squid said...

Haha! Love your movie choices. I recently saw Jaws for the first time and enjoyed it for the artful building of suspense. I believe I saw the Godzilla movie, too - also courtesy of MST3K.

Thanks for playing, Alex!

TaMara Sloan said...

Edge of Tomorrow sounds like a movie my oldest would love.

I'm still afraid when I watch Jaws, all these years later. :)

TaMara @ Tales of a Pee Dee Mama

Brinda said...

That movie with Cruise sounds great. If you give it two thumbs up, I'll watch it. :)

angryparsnip said...

I wrote about Godzilla today too !
Love love love MST3K.
I want to see Edge of Tomorrow but Tom Cruise ruins this movie for me.
It took me a few years of off and on viewing of the movie Minority Report to finish it. And I really wanted to see that movie.
Goodness !

cheers, parsnip

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Julie, I never miss the show now. And sorry your comment bounced.

Stephsco, he does do good films. And yes, at least it's not another tired remake.

Searching, any excuse will do!

Jocelyn, that is a cheesy film.

Jennifer, it's often the ONLY way.

Stephanie, sorry!

Squid, MST3K is the only way to watch it. Thanks again for hosting the blogfest.

Parsnip, that's cool!

Cherie Reich said...

She really is, Trisha! More than I realized.

Hehe! They are both pretty talented, Rachna!

Janie Junebug said...

Great post. I was in high school when Jaws came out. I saw it with a very cool guy named Mike. When the shark suddenly reared up at the boat, Mike feel out of his seat and landed on the floor. I'm surprised he was able to escape the stickiness. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mike looking my way. I stared at the screen as hard as I could to avoid embarrassing him.


Krista McLaughlin said...

That spot about worst jobs was hilarious! I don't think I've had any jobs like that yet, but I did get pooped once. But it was by a 6 week old baby. Still really gross though.

I'm glad Edge of Tomorrow is doing well. It's on my list to see, but I went to see TFiOS last weekend. I cried like the world ran out of chocolate peanut butter cups. It was a great book to movie representation.

I've yet to see Jaws, but I used to have nightmares about Casper when I was a kid. Yeah, the friendly ghost. His uncles terrified me. Ironically, now that I'm older I really like the movie and I have it on my shelf. :)

Kristin Smith said...

My husband and two oldest boys saw Edge of Tomorrow last weekend and LOVED it! I guess I'll wait 'til it comes out on Blu-Ray.

The blog hop sounds interesting...too bad I missed it! Jaws is a classic and makes me hesitant to go near an ocean every time I see it, which is probably why my boys won't be able to watch it until they are MUCH older. :)

The Armchair Squid said...

My pleasure, sir. Thanks for sending folks our way, too.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Janie, that's hysterical. Didn't matter if you looked at him or not though - he knew he lost man points.

Krista, you have to watch Jaws!!!

Kristen, I prefer not to go into the ocean to this very day...

Deniz Bevan said...

Congratulations to all the ninjas, and to you for finishing your manuscript!
I wish it weren't so, but I can't watch The Fox and The Hound anymore. It was the first movie I ever cried at, at the age of 6, and I loved it to pieces. Saw it again a few years ago, and wow, is it dorky and silly or what? Too bad :-(

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

You were singing my song... ever since he started doing so many weird things offscreen, I haven't been a Tom Cruise fan, but that new movie does sound terrific. A little bit of everything in it.

HA! Ass Manager. Too funny!

Unknown said...

Based on your recommendation, I shall watch this movie :)-- my husband has been asking for us to go.

Lorena said...

"You’re going to need a bigger boat.”

That IS a great line! I didn't see JAWS when I was a kid but only a few years ago. I'm actually glad because I don't think I could have slept after that bloody scene at the end. :)

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