Zombieland – 2009
Funniest zombie movie ever! Columbus has his rules for living in Zombieland (remember to double-tap) and Tallahassee is on a quest for Twinkies. Add trouble in the form of two women, Wichita and Little Rock, and you’re set for a hilarious adventure. Also briefly featuring Bill Murray as himself. (Shame about that double-tap rule.)
2009 fun facts –
*Average income - $39,423.
*Cost of a movie ticket - $7.50
*Captain Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger made a successful crash landing In the Hudson River after US Airways Flight 1549 is struck by a flock of geese shortly after takeoff
*The longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century occurred - 6:38.8 minutes long
*The top selling DVDs were Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
*It’s the year I started blogging!
Movies released –
Star Trek
Sherlock Holmes
Inglorious Basterds
The Blind Side
Fast and Furious
Music released –
Chevelle – Sci-Fi Crimes
TSO – Night Castle
Games released –
Assassin’s Creed II
Dragon Age: Origins
And why is 2009 special?
It was the year Pat Hatt got his cat Orlin, started his foray into Internet ventures, and won huge money gambling! It’s also the year Cherie Reich decided to write with publication in mind instead of just writing for the sake of writing.
Pat hails from Nova Scotia and is owned by two cats, Orlin and Cassie. He’s the master of rhyme and offers both poems and videos on his site. He’s the author of over thirty books, a blogging machine, and possesses an awesome sense of humor. Pat blogs at It’s Rhyme Time
Cherie is the author of many books and an assistant librarian. (Which means she also reads a lot of books!) She is also the master of novelettes and short stories, writing everything from fantasy to horror to science fiction. Cherie is super-friendly, relaxed, and a great friend. Find Cherie HERE
And we’ve finally reached the end of the 2014 A to Z Challenge!
May Movie Preview Part Two
Here is part two of the upcoming theatrical releases for May! (Part one was yesterday.) As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snarky comments by me.
23 –
X-Men: Days of Future Past
The X-Men send Wolverine to the past in a desperate effort to change history and prevent an event that results in doom for both humans and mutants.
Director: Bryan Singer
Stars: Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy
So many X-Men – the movie just might explode.
30 –
A vindictive fairy is driven to curse an infant princess only to realize the child may be the only one who can restore peace.
Director: Robert Stromberg
Stars: Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning, Sharlto Copley, Imelda Staunton
She’s evil. No, she’s good. I’m so confused…
Ninja News
Author Jack Lewis Baillot is hosting a video contest! See her site for details.
I have the honor of wrapping up with Z at both the Insecure Writer’s Support Group and the A to Z Challenge Blog today!
Don’t forget to score my Lord of the Clones performance at Father Dragon Al’s site! The dwarves are conspiring against me and I need your help.
And my big surprise yesterday –
My publisher let me know that CassaStorm has won the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award!
I am just blown away…
Seen Zombieland? Following the awesome Pat and Cherie? Did you survive the Challenge? Excited for either movie? Did you cast your vote for Lord of the Clones? Going to take a long nap now that the Challenge is over? And what do you remember best about 2009…?
Congrats on the award. Woohoo!
Congratulations on the well-deserved award!
In July and August 2009, I lived in the same apartment complex my family lived at during our first few years back in Albany in the Eighties, late 1984-87. It was such a nice experience to be back there as an adult, even though I never got around to going back to the community pool. As a child, it seemed a lot bigger, though it's still pretty spacious for a two-bedroom apartment. I would've stayed and renewed the lease on my own after my departing roommate left, and found a new roommate, if my stupid ex-"fiancé" hadn't managed to convince me to move back with my parents because he supposedly would move out of his own parents' house so we could live together somewhere else.
I thoroughly enjoyed the Challenge as a lurker. Know and like both Pat and Cherie. A big ole congratulations to you on the award.
Congrats on the award Alex.
Zombieland was the worst Zombie movie ever, until Warm Bodies. With all the warm-fuzzy feel for monsters though, I'm sure others will be worse, lol.
Can't wait to see X-men though.
Congratulations Alex on the award. I am thrilled for you. I can't believe it that we have reached the last letter of the alphabet. The month has flown past.
I love Zombieland! Congratulations on the award as well! You definitely deserve the recognition.
Huge congratulations on your award. How truly wonderful.
And thank you so much for all the work you have put into making all of these posts educational, inspirational and fun. And I am still awed at the number of places you comment as well. I know you have said you sleep - but I don't see how.
I became a mom for the first time in 2009. I meant to put that in my first comment, but somehow failed to do so. So now I get to look silly as I make a second comment. Oh well. I'll blame my silliness on it being the last day of A to Z!
Congrats on the Award!
If 2009 was the year Pat got Orlin, then it was a good one indeed. They make quite the pair.
Zombieland is one of the few zombiemovie I liked and enjoyed very much.
2009 was a really great year of movies!
Congratulations on the award!
And well done on such brilliant A-Z posts throughout the challenge!
The Pinnacle Book Achievement Award! Congratulations, Alex! That's awesome!
And thank you so much for the A to Z Challenge!
Zombieland rocks, funniest zombie horror ever. Not so fun fact: Movie Ticket November 2009 - $600. Today $1000. Beginning of 2013 $800. Jamaica is going to hell. Financially. Oh and 3D movies are $300 extra. Only saw Muppets Most Wanted in April. Got sick and didn't see Captain America 2 or Transcendence. Might try again with the former. May I have Spectacular Spiderman 2, Godzilla and X:Men Days of Future Past on my movie list this month.
I loved Zombieland.
Congrats on the award. That's awesome.
That is awesome, Alex. Congratulations!
I have yet to watch Zombieland, and I'm excited for X-Men & Maleficent!
Congrats on the award. That's so awesome.
And 2009 was a very special year since you started blogging then.
Congrats on the award!!! I have the first of your novels on my to read list... I live about ten miles from where they filmed Zombieland!!!! It was so awesome. I have friends who were in the movie! Woody was everywhere on the campus of Valdosta State University and blew the students out of the water with his friendliness. He played soccer on the front lawn (which is huge), worked out at the VSU gym, went to local bars and restaurants. He was great! I've already voted at Father Dragon Al's for the first round. Waiting on the second... Can't wait to see some of these new movies...
Hi Alex
Congratulations on having won the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award for CassaStorm - brill - just like you and Retro A-Z.
Pat and Cherie are both great bloggers.
We're all in Zombieland now. Enjoy your nap.
Congrats on your award!!
What a great year for movies - Star Trek & Sherlock especially. LOVE.
Another A-Z has passed. Congrats to you & everyone who strove to post every day. I'm impressed. :)
Now take a few minutes to breathe & relax.
Zombieland was wicked funny and woohoo! I finished the challenge!
Inglorious Basterds is easily in my personal top ten movies of all-time!
Congrats on your Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, Alex! This is such fantastic news that couldn't happen to a more deserving writer! Yay for Pat and Cherie! Congrats on also completing another amazing A to Z! Hope you get some much needed rest, and I'll see you at the IWSG!
Wow. Congrats on the award! What a great way to cap off the challenge. :)
Congrats on the award and for finishing the A-Z!
I visited Japan (for work) in 2009.
Carrie-Anne, sorry you didn't get to stay.
Elephant, believe me - I do like my sleep. Thanks.
LG, not silly at all!
Sheena-kay, that's quite a jump in prices.
Lisa, that is really cool.
Terri, believe me - I'm going to relax this weekend.
Thanks, everyone!
Huge congrats on the Pinnacle Book Achievement! Great job. :)
And your A-Z posts were one of my favorite stops on the A-Z circuit. It will be nice to get a full night's sleep now that it's over, but I will miss all the fun. :)
Your comment about X-men made me chuckle. How many X-men movies have there been so far?
Kirsten @ A Scenic Route
I am so happy about the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, which CassaStorm completely deserves! It is an AWESOME book!
Dear Alex, Thank you for being the incredibly gracious person you are!
Happy A-Z 2014!!!
Congratulations on such a Wonderful Award, Alex!!
Good Morning Alex,
A lot of news here today. First, congratulations on your award. I
still have to purchase book #2. I heard there might be a bit of romance flying in that adventure.
A nod to the rhyming cat as well, I'm sure he will enjoy that especially, since he had help with his friend Pat.
Avatar - what can I say that movie was layered with fantasy so much to
to enjoy.
Now, I will have to go over to see about this vote and the Ninja's dancing moves..haha
what a great year for movies....zombieland was def a trip....the new xmen looks good too...and congrats on making it through alex by also on the award...
It's congratulations day. first on the completion of another A to Z. AND YOUR BOOK AWARD
Well deserved, couldn't happen to a nicer person.
I want to see Maleficent.
We've got a few Pat Hatt books in our collection. All good stuff. :)
Congrats on the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award!
WOW, Alex! Congratulations on the award!
Maleficent's horns look like those Tim Curry wore in the movie Legend, only pointing to the back rather than to the front. Have you seen Legend? With a young Tom Cruise?
And here's to another A to Z Challenge coming to a close!
Oh I want to see Zombieland so I must rent it (I am still old school). Love most of the movies that came out...except for Avatar-don't kill me-lol Absolutely amazing special effects but take that away and the writing and plot is simplistic-cowboys & Indians but Indians are blue and taller. Rhyme Tome man is funny and I have visited him before but kept forgetting his blog name so thanks! Can't wait for the movies but they are making the evil fairy good?? What??? As for 2009-my husband lost his job but I don't think of that as a bad thing now. In review it was the beginning of a journey we took and he would not be working anyway since he has Rheumatoid Arthritis. Losing his job helped him towards schooling and finding out he has ADHD which was also great to know. It gave him knowledge. It was also the year we went to Europe on a beautiful trip and one neither of us could ever forget. 2009 was wonderful and an awakening. Great way to end the A to Z and I did vote for you! Love the splits you did::)
Yeh, Alex! Well done on the award. :)
I had such a good time this A-Z Challenge. Thank you for taking me on as a Ninja Minion. :)
I just can't seem to get into anything with zombies. Since Zombieland is funny, maybe I should start with that one. Waves to Pat and Cherie.
Congratulations on surviving the A to Z Challenge, but most of congratulations on receiving the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award!!! Well deserved.
Congrats on the award! Very exciting.
In the What Disney Character Are You? quiz at Disney World, I got...Maleficent, hehe. So I'm extra looking forward to that movie.
Whoop whoop for Pat & Cherie! And congrats to you on being master of your A to Z domain.
Kirsten, thanks! Six so far, number seven out soon.
Thank you, Jean.
Truedessa, there is a bit of romance.
Bish, I've watched Legend many times! A flawed but fascinating film.
Birgit, that year was a turning point for you.
Madeline, thanks for helping!
Thanks, everyone!
Congrats on the award! Well deserved! Zombieland was a great movie. There should be more.
And I don't get that Maleficent movie at all, but the way my wife squeed when she saw the trailer made me think I'm not the target audience.
Congrats on the book award!
Nothing like a chick holding a bloodied chain saw to sell movie tickets. Who needs Twinkies if you've got that going for you?
Some greats movies in 2009.
Oh, X-Men and Maleficent! Can't wait!
5 years blogging? Wow!
Zombieland is up there with Shaun of the Dead.
A great challenge! Glad I hung in to the end. Just hope it's not "The End" for new-found blogger-friendships.
Who can forget Zombieland? And the Star Trek re-boot is one of my absolute favorites.
Major Congrats on the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award!! Confetti all around!
Scooting on over the video contest after I hit 'publish' :D
Wow, congratulations on your award!! That's awesome and well-deserved. What a fantastic way to wind up another great A-Z.
This post is packed with so much happy goodness IT might explode too!
Great job on the award, Alex!
I can't wait for the new X-Men, even though they are giving Mystique way too much screen time (like Black Widow) only because they cast Jennifer Lawrence. There are plenty of other rockin' characters.
Your theme was brilliant and a great reminder of all things awesome. RUSH rules! You RULE!
Thanks for all your support!
Oh my goodness a Pinnacle Award. Congratulations! I'm so proud of you.
I have to say Blindsided is the only one I saw off that list. Sometimes movies sound good to me, sometimes not.
Yay, we finished the A-Z.
Hi Alex - many congratulations on the award - that's such good news .. and on to higher things with your books ...
I remember the plane crash - incredible piloting skills ..
Solar eclipses are incredible to experience ... I think we had one in the 90s ... Movies etc - all passed me by.
Pat I see around, Cherie I touch sides with ... and looks like I'll be over the A-Z wrap ups Zs and to Father Dragon ..
Enjoy some rest - brief I'm sure .. cheers Hilary
Congrats on the award indeed, and saved the best for last right? lol thanks for the shout. Can't wait to see X-men, did you here they were thinking on making it into a live action TV show too, might work, can't be worse than Mutant X.
Many congratulations on your award, Alex. Very cool.
Did you have to mention the cat? He's so mean to me. Pat's a great guy though. I like him well enough. hehehe
Zombieland is the best! Well, no, I take that back. Shaun of the Dead is the best zombie comedy. Let me start over.
Zombieland is the second best zombie comedy. Love it. I saw it three times in the theatre and I just don't spend that kind of money at the movies but it was well worth it. I watch it often. And, Bill was awesome in it.
Getting stoked for the IWSG too.
Congratulations, Alex! That is fantastic. Yay for Pat and Cherie! Cherie's new fantasy novel will be out next month. Wait until everyone reads this magnificent story! 2009, hmm, my husband and I bought our first house, and I got pregnant.
Oh wow! Congrats on the award! :-)
Saw Zombieland so many times when it first came out it was so good! And really looking forward to Maleficent the trailer seemed so dark and interesting :) Also yay Cherie!
Wow. Congrats on the award. I am looking forward to X-men. Pat is hilarious and works super hard on his blog. Cherie is super nice.
Tossing confetti for you! ******** Congrats on your award.
I've never seen Zombieland. I know; I'm bad. But Malicifent is a definite!
Double congratulations, Alex, on the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award and finishing the A-Z Challenge. Your posts rose to a new level of Ninja fun.
The price of movie tix has always shocked me, whatever the year.
Pat keeps us all on our toes.
Congratulations on the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, and you thought about not writing any more, tut tut.
What staggers me is the average income, it is NOT very large especially bearing in mind the price of houses.
Avatar was my all time favourite movie. Never got to see it in 3D, would like to have done so.
Because of the bribes you are sending me (not arrived yet,hope I didn't jump the gun)and because I had been chatting to Jezebel, I awarded you an 11.
Thanks for all the work you do for the A to Z, I find being a minion is hard enough.
Congratulations on the award!!! That's fantastic!
So glad you started blogging in 2009, this writing community wouldn't be the same without you!
I loved your performance over at the Dragon's cave yesterday!
Muchas felicidades! I wanted to say something different to congratulations. This further proves you arebetter writer than you think you are. Slow but good. I am very happy for you.
And I didnt participate in the A to Z this year but I feel as if I did. The preparations for the Showdown made the life at the cave quite intense. Between us, I dont think dwarves know what they're doing. Drinking and dancing,,, bad idea.
Congratulations, Alex!!!! So happy for you! And so well deserved!! *dances around*
You're right, Zombieland is one of the funniest movies ever. I could watch it again and again!
And, hey, I didn't know Monsieur Hat was a fellow Canuck ... or maybe I did and I forgot.. sigh... anyway, must say hi.
Congratulations on getting through another A to Z. I saw Faith's comment about you visiting every single day and, honestly, I don't know how you do it. Amazing.
Congratulations on your award!!!That rocks!!!
I'm excited for both movies! And I'm not sure how I'll have time to get to see them both. Somehow . . .
And yay for Cherie and Pat!!!
I'm going to go check out Jack's contest now.
Thanks so much for hosting, helping, visiting, lurking, busting the ninja dance moves, and just being awesome, Alex! Way to rock, A to Z!!!
Congratulations on the award! It's definitely much deserved. And congratulations on getting through A to Z, which is almost as equally impressive.
I love Zombieland. I remember that we wrote our zombie story in 2008, and an agent said she loved it but it would never sell because 'funny zombie stories just aren't a thing.' Zombieland came out the next year, and it felt like a great boost of confidence, not just because it was truly funny, but because people loved it and it became a hit.
Wow, congrats on the award Alex! It's well deserved :)
Great theme this year and I'm very impressed with the amount of time I'm sure it took.
Thanks for all your comments and support and...that's a wrap! :)
Congratulations Alex! That is wonderful news. I would be blown away, too. I am so happy for you!!!!
Congrats on finishing the challenge and the Pinnacle award. Awesome. Pat Hatt is hilarious and Cherie is a writing machine. 2009 was the year I started writing again after an almost 20 year hiatus.
Funnier than Shaun of the Dead??? Well, maybe Bill Murray...
Big congrats on the award, Alex. Way to go!
Congratulations on the award. That's awesome! Pat and Cherie are both terrific blog buddies! I can't believe how many books Pat cranks out. Zombieland is one of my husband's favorite movies. I can't even tell you how many times he's watched it.
Inglorious Bastard was my favorite from this year and the best Tarantino movie in my opinion.
Congrats to another successful A to Z. So happy we made it. :-)
I bet that just brightened your day! Congrats! The Sherlock movies are gold to me. Haven't seen Zombieland. I love movies with humor.
Zombieland was indeed a good movie. the only misstep I thought was bringing Bill Murray in.
Ah, Dragonage... I never did finish that. I just couldn't bring myself to start back over at the beginning after my old computer died. :(
Okay, off to look at this award you won...
I adored Zombieland! Congrats to Pat and Cherie - they are indeed awesome people.
I can't wait for X-Men, and Maleficent looks intriguing.
Huge congrats on your award! Woohoo!!!
Wow, congrats on the Achievement Award!! That is so awesome!
Yay, I survived the challenge although I kind of fizzled out at the end. I wasn't as good at visiting blogs as I would have liked, but I've met some great people, so it has been worth it!
Thanks for all the comments you've left throughout the month!! :)
Inglorious Bastards is such a great film.
Another award! Congrats, Alex!
Congratulations Alex on the well deserved award! And thanks for all your nice comments! Cheers!
Beautiful baby and unforgettable Avatar!
Congrats on the well-deserved award, Alex!
I have Zombieland on DVD, but I haven't watched it yet. Oops!
Pat's a rhyming machine!
Thank you so much for featuring me today! 2009 was definitely a great year, and I would've missed out on knowing so many great people if I hadn't decided to become serious about writing.
ZOMBIELAND was such a fun film. I often re-watch parts of it to lift my spirits. :-)
I look forward to the latest X-MEN film.
Congrats for that award!
Congratulations on the Pinnacle Book Ward!!
Award. My keys get stuck. Congrats.
Not in order- but one item deserves more attention than others: CONGRATULATIONS ON THE AWARD! That is utterly fantastic!
Now, back to the post: Loved Zombieland, am in awe of Sully, Pat rocks and Cherie is super nice.
Super excited about the new X-Men movie and now I'm off to visit the A to z!
Rusty, we're probably not...
Dean, exactly!
Heather, thanks, and that made me laugh!
Pat, you're welcome, and I did save the best for last.
Elsie, I bet he never buried you in kitty litter though!!
Robyn, I tried to make the posts good.
Jo, appreciate the eleven!
Al, I am a slow writer. And you had enough trying to prepare that video.
Cathy, now you know, and thanks for being a Minion.
Brandon and Bryan, that is really ironic, isn't it?
Kristin, making friends is what matters.
Cherie, you are so welcome.
Thanks, everyone! Now off to catch up on posts...
Congrats on the Pinnacle Award!
Congrats on the award!
But to give a shout to Pat and the rhyming cat? That cat's ego will fly through the roof! lol Nah, he's a good guy! His rhyming is contagious though. Drive me nuts when I find myself matching his rhyming butt. <see what I mean!
Congrats, Alex. For the award and for making it to the end of the A to Z challenge. :D
You won an award! That is so kewl, Alex. Makes it all worth it, eh!!!
Congratulations on the award and for finishing A-Z!
Although it's not my genre, I did really enjoy "Zombieland." :)
Congratulations, Alex, on winning the Pinnacle Award. It sounds very prestigious. It couldn't happen to a better author.
And Cherie reads an insane amount of books. I'm blown away with her abilities. They are almost super human.
Average income in 2009, $40,000. That's just wrong. Especially given the salaries passed out in Congress. Wages should have kept pace with inflation or inflation should have stagnated with wages.
Sleeping Beauty is my favorite fairy tale, so I can't wait to see Maleficent! :)
Congratulations to everyone for completing the Challenge!
You only have to say Bill Murray and I start laughing.
Huge congrats on the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. That's wonderful.
ZOMBIELAND!!! I had to get my hubby a Double Tap shirt. That's how much we love Zombie land...which reminds me, we should really watch that again. Maybe this weekend.
True Heroes from A to Z
Ah, ha-ha...I knew this movie would rear its undead head somewhere in the challenge! I'm ashamed to say I still haven't seen it though I very much want to, so thanks for the reminder.
Congratulations on a great finish, Alex. 2009 was a great year for movies and so much more. A huge applause too for the Pinnacle Book...award! A dream come true, I would think :)
THAT is the perfect movie to end the month! Pat is the king of cat! Cherie's an awesome author:) CONGRATS on CassaStorm's award!! Cheers to a highly entertaining theme & zombie-filled finale:)
Echoes of Olympus
A to Z #TeamDamyanti
Congrats on the award and on making it through the challenge. *does a little ninja dance*
~Patricia Lynne~
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, YA Author
Dan, it is contagious.
Michael, helps she works in a library.
Crystal, I want a double-tap shirt!
Thanks, guys!
It's Over! I'm not sure if I'm sad or glad, but it was fun while it lasted. And congrats on the award- well deserved.
Hey I'm at 100! Star Trek
Sherlock Holmes
Inglorious Basterds
The Blind Side
Fast and Furious are all great picks for 2009. For tongue and cheek humor, I'd have to say Sherlock Holmes wins. Congratulations on your Pinnacle Book Achievement award, Alex.
Congratulations on the award, Alex!
Congrats on the award Alex! I saw a movie preview on Screen Rant. I think X-Men will be the best movie of May.
Congratulations on your award. The book is on my iPad to read, whenever I finish edits, edits, edits.
We did it! *air-punches*
Congrats on reaching the AtoZ finishing line!
Congrats too, on the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award Alex!
That IS mind-blowing...
Pat has an amazing blog! He's the master of rhyme.
I also follow Cherie - you can pick up some great new reads from her monthly Bookworm News posts.
How great is that! Congrats and well done. So all that finger typing was worth it. . .
Good karma in action.
That Zombie movie might be fun to watch. Not so into the whole zombie thing, but you make it sound like fun.
Made it. I used the Dine off the Page category this year, and we ate our way through the alphabet. Yum. And, yes, I'm ready for a nap.
Thanks for all your efforts in the challenge and beyond!
Play off the Page
Hi Alex! Thanks for dropping by this morning!
Congratulations on your award! Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy (who also happens to work hard at being a stellar writer).
Zombieland is a terrific movie! I just saw it not even six months ago when my oldest son brought it home. One of Bill Murray's best roles, I think.
I can't believe you've been blogging five years already. You've accomplished so much in that time.
Congratulations on a terrific A to Z!
I've never seen Zombieland, although it does look pretty funny.
Congrats on making it to Z!
Alex!!! Congratulations! That is SO great and I'm super happy for you! AND congrats on finishing A to Z! So double-congrats :D
Wow, how do you maintain three awesome blogs? :)
Congratulations on the book award!!
I definitely want to see both movies. When I think of 2009 the first thing that enters my mind is my first summer visit to Boston - I fell in love with New England and ever since I try to return every year :)
2009 is the year I got my telescope. :) Congrats on finishing the challenge!
Hey, that's wonderful! Congratulations on the award! What a great thing to celebrate on the last day of the challenge :)
A hefty congratulations on your Pinnacle Book Achievement Award! A hefty congratulations on the dazzling scores from Father Dragon's cave too. And yet another congrats on a successful A-to-Z this year. (shhh, don't tell Gary.)
Maurice, that's a tall order with Godzilla coming out.
Beverly, thank you!
Mary, I think you will like that one.
Lynda, just a dude with a blog...
Beate, I am co-admin with two of them. But it's still a challenge.
Jeff, won't say a thing to Gary...
Thanks, everyone!!
Awesome news on the award! A heartfelt congrats to you, it's well deserved and a great bonus to wrap up the A to Z Challenge :-)
Congrats on the award for CassaStorm! Woot!
I really enjoyed your ninja dancing over at Father Dragon's place. :)
Cherie was a wonderful member of the Untethered Realms group and a fantastic book formatter as well.
Maleficent? That looks like it might be good!
Congrats on the award!
Zombieland was fun. And I loved Avatar.
shame i never saw Zombiland! I'll keep it on mind for the future. Congrats on finishing :)
shame i never saw Zombiland! I'll keep it on mind for the future. Congrats on finishing :)
A well deserved award! Congrats also for a great Challenge. I'm definitely going to throw myself back in the fray next year!
Congrats on winning another AZ challenge, and also for the pinnacle award.
Moody Writing
Woohoo on the award!!! And on finishing the challenge in style! :) Lots of good movies that year :)
Yay! We survived the challenge.
One of my favorites to end the challenge with. 2009 was indeed a great year.
Congrats on the Pinnacle Award and the A-Z Challenge!
I'll never forget 2009, because it was when I finally decided to write the books I like to read. :)
I just love this movie. Action, comedy, zombies...it's a win.
River, not bad consider I can't dance, huh?
Nick, please do!
Jenni, good for you!
Not a big zombie fan, though I haven't seen this movie and I did like Warm Bodies. Fun way to finish out the challenge!
Congrats on your award!!!!!
I loved Zombieland. Might be time for me to rewatch it!
Congrats on the book award! That's awesome news! I enjoyed your A to Z theme and your fun facts about each year. This was my first year doing A-Z and it was a great experience. I'll definitely be back next year.
Great news on the Pinnacle Award! You deserve it.
I saw every single one of those movies in the theater...the last year I went to the cinemas like that.
So glad I'm friends with Cherie too. She's the best.
Zombieland, right up there with Shawn of the Dead.
Pat in the Hatt, eh!
Cherie has the perfect job to keep her inspirational writing going.
Congrats on finishing the alternative to Penny's Alphabark Challenge, 2014! A to Z, RIP, I state optimistically.
In the Pinnacle of progress, you are a worthy winner of that illustrious award, Well done, good sir.
I wasn't even part of that A to Z and I'm exhausted supporting you guys in a challenge I have a real problem with.
All the best and have that rest, I do not jest.
I did thoroughly enjoy Zombieland, but I think I have to give the nod of funniest zombie movie to Shaun of the Dead.
Congrats on the award!
2009 was my blogging start. Congratulations, Alex, on your great A-Z and thank you for introducing so many great folks.
Ah, 2009... hard to believe that was five years ago. O_o I definitely remember Avatar, never saw Zombieland, though it looks hilarious.
And I'm looking forward to Days of Future Past like you wouldn't believe. Looks like it's going to be sooooooo good. Bwa ha ha.
Zombieland was pretty funny (remember- always two in the head!), but I have to say that I think Shaun of Dead was just slightly funnier (it's close... but... dun ah na dun dun ah na dun ARRRRRR -- lol). Very close. Maybe 1% difference in humor value.
Yup, I survived the A to Z challenge for the third time. Woooo hooo!
Very excited for both movies.
Highlights of 2009 - My cousin graduated high school. My friend met the physicist that would later become husband her husband. (He was playing a dwarf online at the time... Yes, even Mr. Wizard has funny hobbies.)
Stopping by from the #atozchallenge !
Christ, glad you participated.
Gary, I am just as exhausted....
Congrats on your award, buddy! Well deserved :-)2009 was the year I started writing!
Wonderful to walk from A to Z, very interesting, congratulations!
CONGRATS on the Pinnacle - that's super cool. My kids have been really putting on the pressure for me to watch Zombieland. They are seldom wrong in their recommendations. Off to vote.
Congrats on the Pinnacle award! That is awesome! And it's been a fabulous year for the A-Z challenged. Have love seeing what everyone has posted!
Congratulations on your well-deserved award, Alex my dear!
While channel surfing I've sometimes stumbled across Zombieland, but the movie is always half over so I can't watch it. One of these days I'll catch the beginning and see the whole flick.
Congrats on your Pinnacle Science Fiction award Alex. That's just fantastic. My first tryout for an A to Z challenge, thoroughly enjoyed it! Thanks!
Nice job winning that award... that's like, awesome man.
(It doesn't mean, however, that Lord Baldernot is going to give you any kudos, but you can have a few of mine. They're a little dusty, but they've never been used :)
Nice job winning that award... that's like, awesome man.
(It doesn't mean, however, that Lord Baldernot is going to give you any kudos, but you can have a few of mine. They're a little dusty, but they've never been used :)
Loved the movie Zombieland so much that when I borrowed the dvd from the library, I watched the director's cut (with commentary, etc.). An exceptionally fascinating way to have questions answered that you thought of while watching the movie to begin with.
Father Nature's Corner
Congrats on the award! Zombieland is a wonderful, fun movie.
Leslie, watch and enjoy!
Hank, hope you'll be back for it next year!
Mark, as long as they aren't crusty...
Congrats on the award! That's awesome :) And congrats on another fantastic A-Z Challenge :D
I'll visit Cherie; I already follow Pat and his rhyming cat!
Totally awesome job on winning that book award! Congrats, Alex! :)
I am definitely followers of Pat and Cherie's blogs - great blogs, both!
Of those movies released, I've only seen Avatar.
Congrats on finishing the A to Z, Alex! You did it in real style and as usual were an excellent visitor and comment-leaver - with help from your clones, no doubt, but still, good job, and thanks! :)
YAAYYY!!! Congratulations on the award. I assume you guys will have a tiny party ;)
YAAYYY!!! Congratulations on the award. I assume you guys will have a tiny party ;)
Well I had planned on a few things to comment on but excuse me - my brains fell out at your awesome announcement slyly tagged on at the end!
Blown away! Congrats Alex. Feel the force, you certainly have it! :) X
Wow. Congratulations on the Pinnacle Award. That's great.
I'm waiting to see part two over at the Dragon's Cave. Got to give the bald guy a chance.
Well done with the challenge, Alex, it gives people a great deal of pleasure.
Well done with the challenge, Alex, it gives people a great deal of pleasure.
Zombieland is one of my favorites. Also the dragon Age series is truly magnificent a new one comes out in august.
I have my hopes for X-men, but I have been burned so many times.
Brandon Ax: Writer's Storm
Congratulations on the award. April was crazy, but I'm looking forward to visiting your blog more often again from now on. At least until the Cannes Film Festival starts ;-)
Grats on the award!!! That is fantastic!
Zombieland was a fun one. My husband and his friends were avid players of Left 4 Dead at the time, which made it even more entertaining.
Rule 1: Cardio
Great movies, and neat stats from back in the day;)
CONGRATS on the award, Alex! You deserve it. You and your books rock!!!
yay, it's over! now what? (ha ha)
yay for Cherie!
yay for you with 2009 your first year of blogging and what a sweet a award!
i'm not sure i like the spins on the classic fairy tales...
happy may!
2009 is the year I started blogging as well.
Congratulations on the book award.
We made it through another Challenge! Nice job, Alex.
An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Congratulations!!! That's awesome!
Love Zombieland... though that one scene did not help with my fear of bathrooms.
Can't wait to see X-Men!!!
Trisha, I did my best.
T, already did!
LD, just a small chance.
Lori, you are correct!
RaShelle, you rock!!
Lee, another awesome year.
Thanks everyone!
Congratulations on your award.
For the record, it took me nearly a full minute to scroll to the bottom of your comments to get to the message box, but it was worth it to say CONGRATULATIONS on the award!! That is awesome.
I loved Zombieland. Excellent movie.
And Pat and Cherie are pretty amazing at what they do.
Huge congrats on the award:) I still love Zombie land:)
"Alex J. Cavanaugh" has been included in Friday's Sites To See for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.
Congratulations on your book award. WOW!! You rock.
Congratulations on your book award. WOW!! You rock.
Thanks for the challenge. I'm continuing to blog a-z in May. I remember watching the Fast and Furious...lots of cars racing?
Sandy at Traveling Suitcase
Thanks, Elizabeth, and that made me chuckle.
Jerry, thanks!
Sandy, yes! Lots of racing.
Congratulations on the Pinnacle book achievement award Alex!!
VERY nice award to receive, Alex. Bet it made your heart go pitty-pat.
2009? Started my blog. Got a handful of rejection letters. Went to my first writing conference which was fun b/c I met up with quite a few writing friends there.
I saw and enjoyed all the movies you listed except The Blind Side. Love Chevelle.
Have a great week Alex!
Sia McKye Over Coffee
Congrats on the award, Alex! :) You've worked hard to get where you are. Congrats also on a successful A to Z!
First things first: CONGRATULATIONS on your award!
And congratulations to you for crossing yet another A-Z finish line. Quite an achievement. Maybe not as big as winning that award, but still... pretty cool. Time to take a nap now.
I really enjoyed Zombieland - though the Amazon pilot TV episode wasn't as good.
Can't wait for Days of Future Past - it's gonna be a hell of a ride :)
Oh my gosh… congrats on your award, Alex! Of course I'm not surprised ;-)
You've got to be BRAIN DEAD with the end of the A-Z. I'm in awe. Really. :)
Awesome facts about 2009 there haha my memory from '09 is being quarantined in China during the swine flu pandemic. :p
I'm excited for Maleficent! :) But I have not seen Zombieland (it looks good though).
Hi Alex! Wanted to come back and leave you one more comment. Thank you SO much for all of your comments and support this month. Your words truly mean the world to me and I think you for sticking with me from A to Z!
And, once again, major, major congrats on the award! Having read through the entire Cassa series now, I can say without a doubt that you deserve it so very much!
Sia, I was excited! And you like Chevelle? That is awesome.
Susan, I have been napping!
Jamie, I didn't think it would be as good.
Morgan, took a couple days to recover. Ready to rock again this weekend!
Bonnee, that's terrible!
Randi Lee, thank you! I enjoyed your posts.
We loved ZOMBIELAND!! That's one of the few movies we'd see more than once.
Congratulations on the award. That's awesome Alex!
Congrats and we'll deserved, Alex!!!
Great year for movies! I love The Blind Side, Inglorious Bastards, and Fast and Furious *sigh Vin Diesel*
Entertaining film Inglorious Basterds Tarantino !
"Sully" Sullenberger is an old-fashioned hero.
Congrats on CassaStorm. What an honor!
CONGRATS on the award.... that is AWESOME!!!!!
I BARELY survived the challenge. With the problems with my eyes in the beginning of the month, I wasn't sure I'd make it... BUT, thanks to YOU and so many wonderful blogger buddies praying for me, I did make it!
Follow both Pat and Cherie!
I'll never forget 2009.... Two monumental things happened....
My business collapsed because of the economy, AND I WROTE my first NOVEL! INSANE YEAR!
Yay for your first blogging year!
I didn't think I'd like Zombieland but I quite enjoyed it.
Way to go on that award, Alex. I'm looking forward to the new X-men -- big fan of Wolverine. May the 4th be with you!
Thanks, Michael. Glad prayers were answered. Bummer about your business, but it did motivate you to write.
Thanks Deniz and Milo!
A bunch of us were talking about hype the other day. Avatar is a great example of that. Did they ever do a poll to see how many were disappointed after all the hype? It was an okay movie, but not close to the level of Matrix, for example. Course, that's just my opinion, which around my cats doesn't mean squat! Go figure.
Congratulations, Alex! You made it through A-Z and won an award. Time to take a break with some Hot Tamales. :D
Hi Alex. I'm just dropping by to say thanks for all the hard work you put into the A to Z.
I'm just getting into my other writing projects now, but I'll be back for a proper visit later.
First Congrats on the publisher award! I didn't realize until reading your post that the crash in Hudson was that many years ago. It just doesn't seem that long ago.
5 years since Avatar? Since the miracle landing in the Hudson? It all feels so recent, but five years?
2009...I had just retired for public school teaching and started helping a Christian school that was failing. Rewrote curriculum, worked with teachers to become accredited, discovered I loved quilting, and was writing more.
A busy year.
That Zombieland movie is going on our short list. You had me at search for twinkies (always an amusing plot device) but you reeled me in for good with Bill Murray. Love me some Bill Murray. In anything.
Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014
congratulations my friend!! xi P.S. I love the movie Zombieland!
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