Iron Maiden – Run to the Hills – 1982
This became the band’s signature arena anthem. Those old enough to remember Headbanger’s Ball can recall the video being played on an infinite loop. The clips in the video were from old (and very un-PC) cowboys and Indians movies. The band still records and tours (they are HUGE in the UK) with Eddie as their mascot.
1982 fun facts –
*Cost of new house - $82,200. / UK - 23,644 pounds sterling
*Cost of an existing house - $67,800.
*Average income - $21,050.
*USA Today debuted
*The International Whaling Commission ended commercial whaling
*The NFL players went on strike from September 21 to November 21, and the NFL resorted to using scab players (See the movie The Replacement Players)
Movies released –
The Thing
Star Trek II – The Wrath of Khan
Conan the Barbarian
Blade Runner
The Beastmaster
Music released –
Rush – Signals
Scorpions - Blackout
Kansas – Vinyl Confessions
Donkey Kong Junior
And why is 1982 special?
Because that is the year Fanny Barnes Thornton accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior when Billy Graham visited the Winter Gardens in Blackpool, England.
Fanny is an author and lives in England with her husband and lab. She posts on a lot of different topics and features many photos. Fanny is involved in the blogging community and always a joyful spirit. Her blog has a small following but is growing fast and you can find it HERE
Ninja News
Sabrina A. Fish was one of the authors selected to contribute to a miniseries called Shine. The first five installments were written by William Bernhardt, and the second five were from other authors. Sabrina’s novella contribution to Shine, Lost Haven, is available today for purchase at Amazon and through April 15, it’s only 99 cents.
Cover reveal!
Another New Life by Sydney Aaliyah Michelle
New Adult Contemporary Romance
Publication Date: June 2, 2014
LD Masterson sent me this image.
“This little guy was sitting on the counter at my granddaughter’s Tai Kwan Do class and I immediately thought of you.”
I think Mini-Alex has a new friend!
Who’s an Iron Maiden fan? Following Fanny? Think 1982 was a good year for movies? Picking up Sabrina’s installment of Shine? Have you read The Martian? And what do you remember about 1982…?
Headbangers Ball!! One of my favs.
Hey, I watched all those movies as they came out. Wow, that was a weird year for me.
Tell mini Alex to play nice with his new friend.
I LOVE that commercial whaling was ended. And a few weeks ago Japan was ordered to stop its pseudo-scientific whaling in Antarctica.
1982? I am sure things happened, but I have no memory at all. Perhaps I was playing Rip Van Winkle for the year...
I know I'm up late because I'm only the second commenter here!
I remember going to see The Wrath of Khan and E.T. in 1982; enjoyed Khan, since I'd been a Trekkie since childhood, but E.T. was clearly the classic. Remember how it references Star Trek with the line, "Can't he just beam up?", to which Henry Thomas replied, "This is reality!"
I remember ET coming out and going to see it with a friend. I was not impressed - but the hype had been crazy. Soon that new friend will be on the couch!
82 had some real pop culture moments.
After seeing all these house prices you've been posting, I know what I would do if I ever had a time machine...
1982 was definitely a good year for movies. I like mini-Alex's new friend!
Hi Alex - I think I was in a cave in South Africa - completely passed me by. But I do know Fanny and she has a great blog and is a welcome to the Challenge ... and a Mini Alex cousin .. looks good to me .. and I too am glad about the whaling ..
Cheers Hilary
The Beastmaster! Oh my gosh that movie is my childhood, lol. Also the source of my fear of ferrets. ;)
Fanny is a wonderful choice to put in the spotlight! Her witty comments are as enjoyable, as her entertaining blog. I turned 21 in 1982, and it was a very memorable year in college. I also remember seeing ET when it first came out.
1982 was a good year for me. My second wife and I got married early that year and toward the end my oldest daughter was born. It was a happy and wonderful year in every way.
I do like Iron Maiden though haven't heard all their albums.
A Faraway View
An A to Z Co-host blog
I have great musical memories of this year, but it also had it's fair amount of challenges!
Congrats to Sydney and Sabrina!
Full of interesting facts and figures as always Alex. I recall ET.
What I remember about 1982 is my daughter belonged to a disco dancing group and appeared on TV, AH happy memories.
I've seen all but two of the movies and especially liked Blade Runner. I spent that year getting to know my future husband, we married in 1983, and I became a pac-man fiend...
Hi human, Alex,
Ah yes, my human has told me that "Iron Maiden" makes him remember Maggie Thatcher, which is not good. Although he does like their music.
Yay to Fanny and thanks for noting her. Anybody with a name like Fanny shall be checked out.
1982 and my human was listening to The Thompson Twins.
Pawsitive wishes,
Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!
Not an Iron Maiden fan but love the movies you mentioned especially ET and Blade Runner. I do movie reviews occasionally, do check out my blog at thanks :)
I was born later in the '8os so I don't remember anything but, I've seen all the movies released (ET is my favourite). Listened to all the music including Iron Maiden and played some of the games. A very nostalgic post indeed. I want to go listen to some Iron Maiden now but probably not at 10 in the morning! :)
Fanny is awesome. :-D
Sadly, I was only born in '88 so...
I do remember Headbanger's Ball, but from later on. I don't remember much of the pop culture stuff because I wasn't allowed to watch those movies at age 11...ha!
Alex, what can I say? I've become so emotional, I'm crying. This is the first time anyone has featured me on a blog. You were also the first to follow my blog, and since you're so awesome I am overwhelmed. Thank you.
Those were the days when it was easier to buy a house.
I'm not surprised that little Tai Kwan Do fella wants to be your friend.
ET - great film. I have to go my eyes are all blurry!
Great year for movies. Wrath of Khan has to be the best of the Star Trek movies (pre-JJ). Blade Runner has to be one of my top ten movies - Director's cut of course.
oh it was a good year for movies....wrath of khan...awesome....beast master.....awesome....made ferrets a pet of choice...ha
Ha! The Beastmaster! I still remember his little ferret friends. That was such a cheesy fun movie.
I was wondering if we had any similarities from 1982 until I got to the music. I love all four bands. I am still really enjoying your theme, although it seems like an enormous amount of work. Just want to say it's appreciated.
I bought Iron Maiden for my boyfriend (back when BF's were just friends who held our hands) :) Not that years though. A couple of years after - I was only ten in 82. :)
I LOVED ET! Still cry in exactly the same spots every time I watch it, even though I know exactly what's going to happen in the end. I'm a wuss!
I also loved Pac Man and often fought my brother for game. He hogged!
I was in my early 30'a and working as a trainer in a gym. They played easy listening soft rock--no Iron Maiden!
Bladerunner is one of my fave movies!!!
I am very interested in The Martian.
First, I love Matt Damon, and second, I want to know ALL about any and all directors, always!
thanks for a good entry! jean
One of my favorite T-shirts is an Iron Maiden one. It has a big hole under the armpit but I can not bare the thought of throwing it away.
Iron Maiden...still a classic.
My kids play pac man on my ipad. I think it's funny, but often tell them to turn it down it's music. waca waca waca waca.....
I have seen ET. Maybe a little of Bladerunner, all on HBO. Fanny and I met just four days back :)
The only one I recognize is ET. But I am a little uh, young, for some of the others.
Donna, he'll have to be careful with that friend.
Elephant, good to hear Japan finally stopped.
Helena, I remember that line.
Ilima, that made me chuckle...
Lee, good year for you. And you like Iron Maiden?????
Yvonne, wow!
Book Drifter, that's the best time to listen! It will wake you up.
Fanny, you're welcome, and don't cry!! Was I really the first?
Brian, until people realized how badly they smelled.
Rhonda, thanks. It was a lot of work to put it together, but fun.
Jean, will keep you updated on the movie.
Siv, can't throw it away!
I think everyone and his dog had a Iron Maiden T-shirt in the 80s.
Yay for Fanny! In 1982 I turned ten. I remember seeing Tron in the theater. I don't think I was all that impressed! *LOL*
I just met Fanny Barnes Thornton this A to Z challenge! Those quilts of hers are amazing. :)
Sydney Aaliyah Michelle's book cover is gorgeous.
And thanks for the reminder to read The Martian before the movie comes out!
I just loved the ET movie! I know Fanny, lovely supportive lady.
Fingers crossed my internet seems to be be fixed!
Again, musically we diverge, but yeah, '82 was a pretty good year, especially if we were living on $22K a year!
Iron Maiden, raw musical force, essential!
Run to the hills, run for your lives...thanks all day it will be in my brain! Epic movie year!
I don't own many movies, but Bladerunner is one of them.
Mina, that sound can grate on the nerves after a while.
Lass, I still have mine!
Christine, watch it now and you'll be even less impressed.
Suzanne, that's good!
Dean, that's poverty level now.
David, better than a song that sucks.
I remember Tron, ET, and the Beastmaster. That little ninja has a lot in common with mini Alex. Dont remember much of 82. I think I hibernated that year.
I don't remember Iron Maiden, but I remember Pac-Man, Pitfall and Donkey Kong Junior. Some of the movies from 1982 are classics today.
I sort of figured out (very loose calculations) that in 1982, you could buy a house for three times what you earned in a year (But was that before or after tax, I wonder?). Last year I bought a house (well, a 1-bedroom villa, really) that cost 4x what I earn in a year (before tax...)
I read THE MARTIAN and really enjoyed it! It was too science-y in places for me, but I loved the characters and the survival aspect. I had no idea it was going to be a movie!
So loved DK Jr, Pitfall and Pac Man. Sigh. I miss being a kid.
Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption
Minion, Capt. Alex's Ninja Minion Army
The 2014 Blogging from A-Z Challenge
Some of my favorite movies came out that year! Blade Runner and ST2 are all-time classics!
And I also remember some other great albums that year -- The Clash's "Combat Rock", "Avalon" by Roxy Music, "Offramp" by Pat Metheny, "Lone Rhino" by Adrian Belew, "Love Over Gold" by Dire Straits. And of course -- just for historical inclusion, not personal preference -- "Thriller" by Michael Jackson.
I'm also loving your "Why was the year special" inclusions -- it's great reading those!
1982....lordy lordy I turned forty!
my kisa loved playing Pac-Man and I wasn't very good at it!
and I sure liked the cost of as compared to what I saw yesterday at the pumps! Over $4 a gallon. sheesh!
Congrats to Sabrina and Sydney.
@LD: Good gravy. Mini Alex is everywhere.
I just love Pacman! Used to spend countless hours chasing those damned fruit!
Congrats to Sabrina and Sydney.
Been in Canada 7 years. Bought a house a few years before, didn't pay anything like that for ours. Saw 4 of those movies. Star Trek, Conan, Blade Runner and ET.
I often wonder if that's the only kind of music you like Alex?
by June of 1982, I had two children and had purchased my ranch style home (brand new) five years prior for $23,000. WHAT a bargain.
Oh and I still love pacman.
I would tape Headbanger's ball every week and play it back over and over until the next Saturday. Those were the days.
And I really dig The Martian. Glad it's being developed. I could see it being a disaster if not carefully done.
Also 1982 might be the best year ever for movies.
Everything was good in the 80's. :)
It's so interesting to learn about the different ways that people's hearts were awakened. Nice to meet, ya, Fanny.
I don't really remember it, but 1982 is the year I was born. Pacman is still one of my favorite games. I just played it the other day on my iPad.
Thanks for sharing the news about my novella. I'd like to point out that it does not have to be read with the other Shine stories.
Fanny is sweet as pie and always has a kind word to share. Adore her!
My best friends went to see Maiden at Nassau Coliseum in NY but I wasn't allowed to go to any concerts yet. I was so mad at my parents…treating me like a little baby (I was 12/13).
I played Pitfall obsessively and have looked for the retro game but I don't think it's come out yet.
AJ's wHooligan in the A-Z Challenge
Not a bad year for movies, some off the others were better though so far. Pac man was released, wow that game seems like it has been around forever, I guess 30 years or so isn't too shabby
I am following Fanny, yes. She seems a nice lady.
I just met Fanny recently and was so glad I did. She's awesome and her blog is a delight to read.
Trisha, big difference! And I think that's gross not net.
Madeline, good to know about the book.
Chris, definitely not a personal preference!
Kathe - no way!! You do not over seventy.
Jo, I like lots of music in the rock genre!
Rusty, back in the day when they played music videos.
Sabrina, you're welcome!
Elsie, sorry you didn't see them.
Yep, following Fanny. Met her in last year's A-Z. I totally remember seeing ET with my parents at the theater. It was the first movie to make me cry.
Mini inflatable Alex! LOL Congrats to Sydney and Sabrina! 1982 was the reatest year in film ever!
There was so much amazing music from that time period. Maybe I'm just stuck in the era, but that 80's distortion guitar is heaven.
Yay for Fanny! She's wonderful, isn't she?
Love that balloon ninja!
Have you heard of the Iron Maidens, a female tribute group? I'm going to go and listen to some of their music. I just heard of them yesterday.
1982, I was living in England. Wasn't MTV debuted that year too? I don't remember, as well, I lived in England. :)
As for the movies! I watched every single one of them. I wasn't much of a rocker. I liked the pop scene. It was so sad to come back to the states and have to listen to all the old songs again since they said they were new in the US. Figures, we're always behind the times. :)
Jamie Dement (LadyJai)
My A to Z
Caring for My Veteran
Billy Graham has done such an amazing job of shining God's light! I'm following Fanny. 1982 was a great year! I remember begging quarters off my mom to play Joust at the grocery store - one of my favorite video games at the time. Sometimes, I even brought my own quarters and would try to get out of picking out fruit and veggies to play. :)
I remember that year. I was 10 years old and went to see ET, but it was sold out! I was devastated.
1982 was the year USA Today was born. Interesting that it appears to be thriving while other newspapers are not. Love all the info you are giving on the years you highlight!
Mary Montague Sikes
1982 was special for me because that's the year I was born! :D
I was just a baby in 1982, born in November of '81. Not much I remember then. LOL
~Patricia Lynne~
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, YA Author
I was never a big Maiden fan, but loved Run To The Hills.
Some great movies as well as classic video games came out in 82. Thanks for the trip down memory lane :)
How did I know you loved Headbanger's Ball????
Shell, I think everyone cried at ET.
Crystal, that made me chuckle.
Charles, let me know what you think!
Jamie, MTV began in 1981. I saw the first video.
Mary, they were wise to make it available online.
Robin, is it obvious?
I've heard of Iron Maiden, I just don't listen to them ;)
Yay for Fanny!!! I knew there was something about her that I loved...well, beyond her charm and wonderfulness, that is.
I still re-watch THE THING from time to time. A re-make that excels for once. How are you holding up with this one a day posting, my friend?
I never got into Iron Maiden. But 1982 was sure a good year for classic video games. :)
Not too keen on Iron Maiden, to be honest, though I used to have a boyfriend who loved them.
You know I was born that year, right? An awesome year to be born in (some of the best movies ever were in theaters at the time). :)
1982 was pretty classic! I was two when ET came out, but I got to watch it on Betamax years later! :D
I love those movies. After seeing Beastmaster, I wanted a black tiger.
I love Fanny's A to Z and the amazing quilt patterns. I finally see Rush mentioned:) 1982-I finished High School-Yippeeeee! I was terribly bullied(spit at, tripped, tried to break fingers every year, threatened my life-not kidding) so I was so happy to be done that school. saw almost all the movies to
Pac Man was released in 1982? My brother was totally obsessed with that game!
Loving your A to Z Alex! And 1982 was awesome! Come on... Pac-Man release?? That's too cool. And I'm headed over to visit Fanny now.
Sorry I've been aloof. I hate that my move has been during A to Z... Fortunately I think it's nearing the end of the chaos for me and I'm excited to check out more of the A to Z posts from everyone. What a fun time in the blogsphere =-) Have a great day!
1982? We had little money. Pac Man ate up valuable quarters. The Beastmaster should have died. We loved Tron. The fashions were atrocious, as were the hair-does.
It was actually a fun year in other respects.
Of course I remember Headbanger's Ball, the only show worth watching in MTV. Iron Maiden is classic for the teens of the 1980s. I think my favorite album is Powerslave (from 1984) >:)
Cold As Heaven
Roland, and The Thing still looks awesome. Holding up but getting tired!
David, you young pup!
Nutschell, I remember Beta tapes.
Birgit, I'm sorry. You finished a year before me.
Emilyann, no worries!
Susan, the hair was indeed awful.
Cold, you rock!
1982 I don't remember either. LOL. Shish! Oh, right, I had 5 boys, 2 were teenagers. I remember Pac Man and Rush. Saturdays, I couldn't hear myself think for the stereos blasting. And I played Pac Man after getting the kids off to school.
My favorite year of all time! Although I have no memory of it. It was a great time to be born. About Tron--I love the old movie. I was a little disappointed with the remake. It had so much potential! But to me it fell a little flat. What did you think?
"The Thing" is my second favorite movie of all time (after "Jaws" and before "Aliens")! The 80s were a good time if you exclude the big shoulder pads and bigger hair! LOL
I love the new little buddy for Mini-Alex.
Interesting about The Martian. I hope they choose a good director and it ends up being a good movie...
Records from 1982 in my vinyl collection include Rio, It's Hard, All the Best Cowboys Have Chinese Eyes, Gone Troppo, and Genesis. I only turned three at the end of '82, so I only have one fuzzy memory of the year, my first memory, of my parents walking into E.T. a bit after the movie had started. One of them was carrying me, and I saw him holding up that glowing finger. When I told them about this once, they said that didn't sound like them at all, walking into a movie late.
1982 what a blast from the past.
Pac Man, probably the only 'game' I know.
1982? That's the year I was born! *cough*
I love the picture of Mini-Alex's new friend. :D
This year will forever stick out in my mind because of Blade Runner. One of the strangest and best sci fi movies ever made.
Fanny is a hoot, a dear, and a talent.
And I just read Loni's comment. Haha. Yeah, I was born then too.
Cheers, Alex.
Poltergeist is one of my favorite movies.
The original Wrath of Khan was one of the best Star Trek films ever and a return to the spirit of the original series..
I remember taking my very young stepsons to see ET. It was so wonderful.
Love the mini-ninja. He's just trying to be Alex.
Sounds like a great year for Fanny!
Fanny's blog is lots of fun. It's hard to believe average incomes were ever that low.
M. J. Joachim
A to Z Challenge Co-Host
Writing Tips
Effectively Human
Lots of Crochet Stitches
I wasn't a big Maiden fan until the Husband started playing it. I prefer The Trooper or Wasted years but Run to the hills was pretty epic.
KHAN!!! I was traumatized for years about the bug in the ear thing. Still bothers me.
Nice stroll down memory lane.
Hello Inflatable Mini-Alex!
I am a total Beastmaster geek. Every time it comes on, I have to watch it til the end.
Much love to Mr. Alex for his continued support.
Much thanks to Michelle, Kirsten, Huntress & Maurice for the shout out. I can't wait to share the book.
I did not know Bladerunner and Tron came out the same year! What radically different visions of a future.
I'm always too late for the blogging A-Z challenge. All the blogs I follow are into it but I am forced to watch from afar.Anyway thank you for sharing. Be sure to check out my blog too!
Ah yes, I remember seeing ET and Tron on opening day. I fell asleep during Tron since it was past my bedtime. Good times...
Wow, a lot of big movies that year. They were so good that half of them have already had remakes.
1982 is the year my first born made his entrance into this world. Disabled by any standard of men, he is nonetheless an amazing being.Epilepsy and learning disabilities his challenge, he has something special to give the world.
I wrote Leap Of Faith in his honour. Even though the heroine is the one so affected, her strength to see her way through will hopefully inspire and educate.
Thanks for the '82 retro :)
Little ninth-grade Randi Lee rocking out in her retro Iron Maiden t-shirts...ahh, those were the days!!
1982. I think the picture I have for my post tomorrow is from 1982...I was a junior in high school.
Love that mini-Alex has a friend!
Great choice in Fanny! I just found and started following her blog this week! Hi Fannie!
Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014
1982 doesn't seem like that long ago, my ol man bought a Triumph 2000 MK 2 the last of the great triumphs and made me look after her which I did eagerly.
Star Trek's Wrath of Khans epic lines include: Khan: Kirk? You're still alive, my old friend? which of course makes me chuckle every time.
Alex, do you think I'd forget? You always remember the first!
I've been really emotional all day. I need some sleep now.
Goodnight. God Bless.
I graduated from UCLA with my MFA in Theatre in 1982 and promptly became unemployed because of the crummy economy. Thank goodness for ET and Tron - they saved the year.
Joylene, glad you let those radios blast though.
Tamara, I actually liked Legacy better.
Carrie-Anne, that's funny.
Robyn and Loni, you're both young!
Donna, yes it was!
Susan, like to see him visit a hundred blogs a day...
Heather, that name just might stick! The song isn't my favorite either, but it was so iconic for Maiden.
Sydney, you're welcome!
Christine, that was a cool thing to do for your son.
Randi Lee, you are cool!
Tina, that makes us the same age...
Spacer Guy, my dad had a 1960's Triumph Spitfire.
Fanny, glad it was a good day for you!!
I saw ET and Poltergeist in theaters. Both were good, but ET was my fav. :)
I have about 4 Iron Maiden vinyl albums, including "Number Of The Beast" (which includes Run To The Hills).
I was a junior/senior in high school back '82, so watching movies like E.T. (still haven't seen) and Poltergeist (still haven't seen) weren't my choice of beverage.
A-Z Challenge at Father Nature's Corner
wow, I saw all those movies at the cinema... oh wait. All except Poltergeist. I think I watched that years later on tv.
Ok, Blogger is not my friend today. I swear I left a comment already! Sigh. Anyway, what I wanted to say was that I LOVE the Wrath of Khan! It's a true classic, and one of my faves :)
While I don't remember it, my birth certificate tells me that I was born in 1982...
Thanks for introducing me to Fanny!
Congrats to Sabrina and Sydney!
Pretty good year for movies. I daren't even look at what's big at the box office right now.
What a great year! I love Iron Maiden and Rush~
Whoa-what a day to be Blitzed-my internet went down and the big trucks had to come and dig up and install a new cable-
Now, I have a clue what it feels like to be you ;D
You rock!
1982 was not a good year. I started out with a horrible flu--Bangkok, I think--and it went downhill from there.
Wow...I saw most of the movies and listened to most of the music. Probably because I was a junior in high school in 1982 and had all that free time.
Already following Fanny's blog (as a result of the A to Z!) and have been enjoying it quite a bit.
I have Run to the Hills on my iPod. I was never a very big Iron Maiden fan, but the songs I like, I REALLY like. I'm enjoying your theme. Looking forward to the rest of them.
Chatter from the Mongoose Den
Congrats to Sabrina and Sydney. I think I've seen all of those movies in bits and pieces.
I loved reading this. It really took me back to a happy place.
1982 was definitely a great year for movies, music and it looks like a couple Atari games. Those were the days!
I remember that The Thing scared me out of my skin and I wasted a lot of time n Pac-Man.
Yay, more Rush!
1982 was also the year my sister was born :-)
Headbanger's Ball!! Totally remember that. I saw Maiden on the Powerslave tour. Now that was a tour! None of this 3-4 shows a week stuff. No, sir! You know, Alex, I secretly think you keep posting about music just to get me back every time. I'm onto you, buddy! *laughs*
Seriously: weeks without food, days without water, but I'd curl up and die within hours if I didn't have my music. Rock on, Alex! Keep it comin'.
Donkey Kong Jr. was actually a really fun game. I read the Iron Maiden bit out loud to my husband and he smiled and said, 'That's awesome.' :)
Mini-Alex's friend is so cute! :)
The movie I remember the most from that year was Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
I enjoyed The Thing. Great titled, too.
Alex, here I am, catching up on so many posts I missed.
There are some Iron Maiden songs I really enjoyed, others not so much. 1982 wasn't a spectacular year - I was 'growing up' my two elder littlies and loving the process.
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