Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Retro A to Z Challenge: G – Groundhog Day 1993

Groundhog Day – 1993

Bill Murray is the cynic reporter trapped in Punxsutawney, reliving Groundhog Day over and over again. At first he takes advantage of the situation, something I’m sure we’ve all wished we could do at some point – a day without repercussions – before becoming a changed man and finally escaping the loop. One of Murray’s funniest movies and a sweet romantic comedy to boot.

1993 fun facts –
*Cost of a house - $113,200 / UK - 67,856 pounds sterling
*Harley Davidson celebrated ninety years
*The first Dyson vacuum debuted
*The NFL awarded two new teams, the Carolina Panthers and the Jacksonville Jaguars (Their first season was 1995)

Movies released –
Jurassic Park
The Fugitive

Music released –
Anthrax – Sound of White Noise
Def Leppard – Retro Active
Type O Negative – Bloody Kisses

Games released –
Magic the Gathering

And why is 1993 special?
Because that’s when PK Hrezo was twenty and she remembers a life full of friends, music, and possibilities!

And she still looks twenty, doesn’t she? PK is an author, a mom, and an airline agent. She’s incredibly creative and very generous with her blog and her time. She’s very involved in this blogging community, and her observations are honest and wise. PK is one of those happy friends you’d want to hang out with! You can find her blog HERE

Ninja News

I’m at the Insecure Writer’s Support Group website today, posting about genres. There have been some great topics there for the Challenge – if you’re a writer, I recommend following the site.

I also need a couple more co-hosts for the IWSG in May, and for the months following. If you would like to co-host, let me know what month(s) you are available. Thanks!

Available now – Boom Town by Milo James Fowler. Buy it on Amazon HERE

Coming soon – Secret of the Souls by Terri Rochenski!

And over at Blastr, they have a dozen images and posters from X-Men: Days of Future Past that blend the past with the present.

Seen Groundhog Day? (Over and over and over…?) Following the wonderful PK Hrezo? Picking up some new reads? Excited about the upcoming X-Men movie? And what do you remember best about 1993…?


ilima said...

Groundhog Day is the best! Can never get enough of that movie.

I don't think I've ever been excited to see a movie as much as I was to see Jurassic Park. It was the first time I'd see a film adaptation of a book I read and loved. My nerdy HS reader self was sooo thrilled for that experience. (And it didn't disappoint) :)

Elephant's Child said...

Two A to Z's in rapid succession! Are you ahead of yourself, or am I behind?
I do follow PK Hrezo, and think I found her first through you.
And I love my Dyson - though it wasn't one of the first.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Groundhog Day was a great movie! It's one of writer/director Harold Ramis' best films, and it's so sad that he recently passed away. I love hearing the back stories on your featured bloggers, and it was nice learning more about PK!


Sharon Himsl said...

My husband and I watch Groundhog Day every February. It's our favorite movie. We're kind of nerdy that way...we can even quote lines.

dolorah said...

In 1993 I remember thinking I have too many kids, lol.

I do remember seeing all three your movies though. And yes, I saw groundhogs day over and over - not that I like the movie so much, but all my family does. Uck, what we do for the love of family.


Lynda Dietz said...

As a PA resident who grew up not overly far from Punxy, I can completely sympathize with Bill Murray's character in Groundhog Day. One of my favorite of his movies.

1993 was a great year for our family: our oldest son was born.

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

I don't think I appreciated Ground Hog Day as much as I should've when it came out. I probably need to watch it again (and again). I'm not excited about XMen, but excited to meet PK, because I don't think I have. Thanks, Alex.


Unknown said...

This post was on my blogroll all day yesterday, but it didn't actually post.

The prices of homes were insane in the 90's. The Boom was big, but the bust was bigger. The nineties were good for me as that's when my kids were still young and thought I was cool.

Anonymous said...

Didn't remember much from Groundhog Day although I can imagine how annoying it'd be to run into the same guy everyday and have him go: Phil, is that you?!? (Or something like that).

Another one who's looking forward to X-Men here. Lots of superhero movies coming out. More mindless entertainment, yay! (I may be being sarcastic, IDK. I enjoy them anyway. LOL)

Sheena-kay Graham said...

I'm excited about the new X-Men movie. PK Hero looks amazing, end of story. Ground Hog Day's premise might seem great on the outset but eventually it must get scary for the person experiencing it.

Unknown said...

Groundhog day! The hubs favorite day of the year. No lie. No clue WHY, but there it is.

Magic the gathering - LOVED it!

You brought about some great memories today, Alex. :)

Thanks, too, for sharing in my cover reveal today. You're the best!!

Anonymous said...

I adore this movie so much. It's so clever.

I love looking at the lives of bloggers and where they were during these years.

Huntress said...

1993 was a good year for movies. And yes, I could watch Groundhog Day over and over and over and over…
Congrats to Milo and Terri.

Anonymous said...

Good day Alex re-done F and also done G.
enjoyed your post, saw my blood group mentioned O Negative,
Have a good day.

Brian Miller said...

def geeking over xmen...
i remember Magic coming out...i still have a deck somewhere...i never really caught on with the card games....

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ilima, it didn't disappoint!

Elephant, I got ahead of myself...

Lynda, is Phil overrated?

Anne, because it accidentally went early...

Caffe, you remember the movie better than you think you do!

Terri, that is really odd. But funny! And you're welcome.

Brian, we still have several decks somewhere.

Unknown said...

I could watch Groundhog Day over and over again. No pun intended!

Unknown said...

Ground hound day is a great movie, one that can be watched over and over again. Actually I want to watch it now :) 1993 we had Marines living in our motel and I got to ride in a military helicopter to a battleship, where I got a tour. Pretty amazing.

mshatch said...

Groundhog day is one of my most favorite movies - and I have watched it over and over and...well, you get the idea :)

Loved Myst! That game was so cool when it came out.

Cathrina Constantine said...

Ground Hog Day, my husbands favorite movie, and I don't know why. He says it reminds him of his monotonous life...

Anonymous said...

Yep, PK looks fantastic!

I saw Groundhog day in theatre in Germany. They let you drink beer in fine mugs there. So awesome. As a result, I had to see it again because I drank a little too much the first time around.

I used to love playing Myst. Ahhh, memories.

I can co-host IWSG in May, June or July.

AJ's wHooligan in the A-Z Challenge

Cathrina Constantine said...

Alex, I have a technical question, since you're computer savvy. Google Chrome is hating me. I can't Join or Follow any new Blogs. Even though I'm logged in, when I press the Join button it wants me to login again and the little box keeps refreshing after I put in my password. Any quick answers?

Pickleope said...

RIP Harold Ramis. This, to me, is the perfect movie. Groundhog Day is infinitely watchable. I still say "it's a doozy" whenever someone steps in a puddle.

Pickleope said...

RIP Harold Ramis. This, to me, is the perfect movie. Groundhog Day is infinitely watchable. I still say "it's a doozy" whenever someone steps in a puddle.

Mason Canyon said...

There is just something about Bill Murray that makes you laugh, despite yourself. To me Groundhog Day is one of those movies you love to hate. You start watching telling yourself you're not going to watch it again and before you know it, the movie ends. Another great year remembered.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I don't usually watch movies more than once, but I watch that one! Great movie. I was trying to encourage my son to watch it the other day.

Didn't realize 93 was when we were awarded the Panthers here in NC...very cool!

Haneen Ibrahim said...

I never saw Groundhog Day. My brother did though, he told me it it's a good and funny movie so I'll give it a shot if it comes on tv again.

klahanie said...

Hi human, Alex,

I've seen Groundhog Day and Groundblog Day, several times.

I've seen Groundhog Day and Groundblog Day, several times.

I've seen Groundhog Day and Groundblog Day, several times.

Yes, I follow PK all over the place. "X" is "X-Men."

Penny, the pawsitive host of the Alphabark Challenge, 2014!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Ned? Ned Ryerson?
Love that movie.
Don't drive angry!

Huh. I can't believe I missed this one. I just noticed that Bobby/Iceman is the guy that I really enjoy watching on The Following. I never put it together until I saw that movie poster. He must be a really good actor!

HI PK! She's awesome.

I can't do IWSG in May but if you need me in the summer, just let me know.


Julie Flanders said...

What a great year for movies. Loved Groundhog Day and the Fugitive and Jurassic Park is one of my all-time faves.

Al Diaz said...

Jurassic Park was such a hit. I loved that movie. Have not seen grounhog day, though. Your post makes me feel a deja vu as I think I saw it yesterday on my feedly.

Jack said...

I saw Groundhog day once, I am certain. If it is the movie I am thinking of, then I really liked it. It has been one I've wanted to see again but haven't gotten around to.

Excited for the new X-Men movie. I need to get caught up on the old ones first though.

PK HREZO said...

Aw shucks, thanks Alex. What a nice surprise to be featured here today.
'93 was such a great year for music and movies. Pretty sure I had a flannel and Docs on thru it all. lol

Groundhog Day is one of our faves too. We quote it all the time. Bill Murray is hard not to love. I met him at a party once and he was so down to earth and fun. He was taking out the trash. Apparently there's a whole website dedicated to people's random stories meeting him and he's always doing some kind of house work. How funny is that?? Makes me love him even more.
Seeing Jurassic Park in the theatre even beat out Avatar. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time!
Thanks again for being a stellar blogging buddy! :D

L.G. Keltner said...

I saw Jurassic Park in the theater with my parents. I was 7 years old at the time, and that movie kickstarted and intense love of dinosaurs that still persists to this day.

I can help co-host IWSG any month, so just let me know!

Pat Hatt said...

Jurassic Park and the Fugitive were two awesome movies, Groundhog day I've watched many times too. Wish Murray would pull the stick from his arse and make some fun movies again.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I remember two of my aunts taking me and my little sister to see Jurassic Park in the theater. It was thrilling and scary at the same time. :)

And my husband loves that Groundhog Day movie!

Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption
Minion, Capt. Alex's Ninja Minion Army
The 2014 Blogging from A-Z Challenge

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Siv, that's cool.

Elsie, some films could benefit from drinking.

Cathrina, other than dump Google Chrome? Sorry, no quick answer for you.

Elizabeth, over twenty years now!

Thanks, Heather. Don't blog angry.

PK, you're welcome, and awesome you met Murray.

Thanks, LG!

Tamara Narayan said...

In 1993, I was a new college grad and zookeeper wearing penguin-poo stained overalls and flinging fish to my wattling wards. Needless to say, I was not dating anyone at the time.

Groundhog Day--loved it. Bill Murray rocks.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Aww Groundhog Day. How many times have I watched it? Great movie.

Jo said...

Your blog was hiding from me this morning.

I actually saw all those movies, Groundhog Day and the one's you listed. How about that?

Trisha said...

Groundhog Day - a classic. And maaaan I love Jurassic Park. It still looks amazing to this day.

TYPE O NEGATIVE. one of my fave bands of all time :)

Leovi said...

I think Bill Murray is an actor who has modeled Jack Lemmon, but always far from over it!

Anonymous said...

Groundhog Day + Bill Murray x 10 = warm buzz x 80 = broad grin.

Bossy Betty said...

Fun Stuff! I remember loving Groundhog Day!

David P. King said...

That is among my favorite comedies of all time. Forever a classic! :)

Rachna Chhabria said...

Loved your post at the IWSG site on genre. Jurassic Park is one of my favourites.

Rek Sesh said...

I don't remember seeing GD... too bad - loved Jurassic Park and Cliffhanger, back then, but find them a little over-the-top nowadays- getting old and cynical.
DL was one of my fav bands (although they have fewer fans compared to the heavyweights in their genre).

I've had enough of XMen, especially after the first prequel.

Lisa said...

Hey Captain Alex! I can perhaps co-host in May if you tell me what to do? I liked Jurassic Park right up until they decided to go ultra violent with it and then nothing else. So the storyline was lost and it became a T-Rex free for all... Yep, loved Ground Hog Day! Love Bill Murray! I'll wait to see the X-men on DVD. Too much fighting anymore and not enough story... 1993 our daughter turned 3 and she was so adorable, lovely and blessing to our lives...still is twenty years later!

jaybird said...

Uh, I think it goes without saying I'm excited about the new X-men movie...ha ha.

Groundhog's Day is a classic. We watch that all the time when it comes on tv. Jurassic Park is another classic that channels like FX likes to play and we always watch if it's on. Again and again, kind of like Groundhog's Day!

Unknown said...

Can't wait for X-men. Groundhog was an interesting movie, but it's one of those that you can only watch once. I'll help co-host ISWG whenever you need it.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Groundhog Day is sweet and funny - great movie! PK rocks!!! Congrats to Milo! And yes looking forward to the X-men movie!
And 1993 was the year I went to my first fencing tournament. En Guarde!

Rusty Carl said...

Groundhog Day - and Jurassic Park - is one of May favorite movies of all time. Must have seen it so many times that I, well, let's just say someone dropped a tray at the restaurant was at a few weeks ago. I shouted, 'Just put that anywhere, Pal' and not a single person clapped. I felt the whole world got just a little lamer.

That was a good year.

cleemckenzie said...

I saw Ground Hog Day over and over. I kept thinking, it will be different. Slow learner.

As to co-hosting the IWSG, yes. June works best for me, but could also do July.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jo, that's damn good! Sorry, probably hiding because this post went live a day early.

Trisha, that's cool. Ever seen them in concert? I did almost twenty years ago.

Rekha, Def Leppard were master song crafters though.

Lisa, thanks!!

Melanie, thank you.

Rusty, I would've laughed!

Unknown said...

I can remember going to see Groundhog day at the cinema. Did I just give away how old I am! Anyway, it's a nice film, but I also loved Jurassic park, much more action :)

J.L. Campbell said...

Yup, PK doesn't look much older than 20. Groundhog Day is one of those movies I've caught bits and pieces of, but haven't actually watched.

Christine Rains said...

LOVE Groundhog Day! It's one of those movies I've watched again and again. Yay for PK! 1993 was my first year of university and the building of a student loan debt which I'm still paying off today!

kjmckendry said...

I loved Jurassic Park and Ground Hog Day!

Great choice to highlight PK, she's the best. :)

Sherry Ellis said...

I didn't know PK was a flight attendant! I bet she has some good stories to tell!

Crystal Collier said...

I should probably just email you, but I'd be happy to help co-host in June.

I LOVE Pk. She's my launch buddy, and honestly, if you search my book, hers usually pops up too. Haven't check the reverse, but it makes me chuckle.

Sarah Allen said...

Groundhogs day is one of my favorite movies :) Great g word!

Sarah Allen
(From Sarah, With Joy)

Unknown said...

I adore Groundhog day and was sad when Harold Ramis died earlier this year. What a talent he was. :(

PK definitely still looks 20. She's the sweetest! <3

Congrats to Milo!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

I've never seen Groundhog Day, but saw and liked Jurassic Park and the Fugitive.I'll check out PK's blog.

Mary Montague Sikes

Kyra Lennon said...

The Dyson is literally my favourite invention ever - I am a weirdo who loves vacuuming lol!

Mina Burrows said...

Wow some classic films released in 93, huh? I loved Ground Hog Day. Loving these retro posts Alex!

Gossip_Grl said...

WOW your post made me appreciate just how good 1993 was! And love the movie Ground Hog day in fact I think I live it each day. It has been a big part of Hell Week around here.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I slip in GROUNDHOG DAY whenever my day has been grim. A great movie.

I just got back from CAPTAIN AMERICA:TWS -- and I truly enjoyed it. I hope they divert from the storyline in the comics and do not kill Steve in the next movie to make Bucky the new Cap. If they do, I will be really upset!

The previews for the new X-MEN movie look great, too.

And you are right: PK still looks 20. :-)

Michelle Wallace said...

Groundhog Day? Hey, I've seen that movie!
Ha! ... amazing (cause you know I haven't seen too many movies)...
PK is my sistah from anothah mistah...

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I love Groundhog Day. Excellent movie. I remember going to see Jurassic Park with my dad. He had read the book and just kept saying, "I don't know how they plan to make this a kid's movie." Ah, good times.

Kathe W. said...

one of my all time fav movies! Have a super day over and over!

randi lee said...

Hi Alex! Groundhog Day is one of my all time, and I seriously mean all time--favorite movies. I can probably recite that one word for word! "Are you drunk?" "No, drunk is better."

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I love Groundhog Day. So cute.

We played Magic the Gathering when it first came out. My husband always beat me. Probably explains why we don't play anymore.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I remember seeing Jurassic Park in the theater with my very small boys. It was incredible. Am looking forward the Xmen movie.

Carrie-Anne said...

I started my first Russian historical at the end of January 1993. I probably had no idea I'd take a bit over 8.5 years to finish it, another three years for editing and rewriting a decade after finally finishing, or that my female protagonist was really in love with the guy who started out as supposedly just a friend. The computer I started it on is long gone, but the disks have had a longer life than the computer.

Kim Van Sickler said...

Harold Ramis movies are feel good entertainment. But the movie I really remember from that year was Jurassic Park. The concept of recreating dinosaurs from trapped DNA was a fascinating one to ponder.

Liz Blocker said...

I loved Jurassic Park, of course! And Myst - my brother and I tore our hair out over that one for weeks, and loved it :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lee, thanks!

Sherry, I bet she does!

Crystal, thanks!

Kyra, you are welcome to come vacuum my house.

Roland, I heard Bucky took on the role in the comics. I hope that doesn't happen either.

Elizabeth, it had dinosaurs, that's how!

Carrie-Anne, I'm stunned you still have the disks!

Luanne G. Smith said...

Can we please go back to those 1993 home prices please.

Unknown said...

93 was a good year. I was majoring in Intramural Flag Football instead of whatever it was I was supposed to be majoring in. IFF apparently wasn't a degree, who knew?

Danielle L Zecher said...

I've never seen Groundhog Day. I didn't see Jurassic Park until a few years later; my parents were convinced I'd be too scared. 1993was the year our dog had puppies. I was 11, so I think that was the highlight of my year.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I love Groundhog Day. In fact, millions love it. Author Alex Sokoloff does a thorough scene breakdown of GD on her blog. It's an excellent learning tool, or for those of us stuck in a WIP.

Alex writes for TV mostly.


Dean K Miller said...

One of Murray's fines movies (IMHO)and a wonderful story as well.

I'm pretty sure that we'd have significant iPod wars if we were traveling together. Just saying.

Checking out PK's stuff soon.

1997: That was the year an event took place that grew into a story that was accepted by Chicken Soup books last year.

Great as always...thanks.

Frankie Miller said...

I tried earlier and the comment form didn't come up. Thanks for advising to join IWSG. Already a follower of PK., but reminded me to comment there since I hadn't been over for some time.
Groundhog Day - good film. The Fugitive has to be one of my favourites.
Fantastic blog as usual, Alex.

Anonymous said...

Jurassic Park and the Fugitive were both really good movies. Bill Murray is hilarious!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

David, that made me chuckle.

Joylene, she's a screenwriter? Cool.

Dean, that's cool. And I can battle with either my iPad or my iTouch!

Fanny, sorry you had trouble earlier.

Robin said...

I love Groundhog Day. Looking forward to the new X-Men movie and I agree about Pk. She is a wonderful blogger friend.

Tracy Jo said...

Love Groundhog Day. So fun looking back on what happened in the year. I could co-host for IWSG for June!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Love Groundhog Day. Hubby gets impatient with it, but love his growth as a character.

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

I cannot stand Groundhog Day... and I LOVE Bill Murray! I don't want to relive a single day over and over. It gives me claustrophobia.
If forced to relive something in a film, I far prefer Jake Gwyllenhal in his great turn as a soldier, who must return to a disastrous train accident over and over...until he saves the train. It is called Source Code, and it is pretty intense.
1993 was when I was pregnant with our son Robert who was born in 1994. He loved calendars, so he would have loved what you are doing using dates and jumping around in time! jean

SpacerGuy said...

Gosh I must watch Groundhog Day and the Fugitive again. These movies are totally epic. I'm looking forward to catching X-Men. I wonder will Patrick Stewart be in it?

Fe said...

I love Groundhog Day although I can't for the life of me think why. I love Groundhog Day although I can't for the life of me think why. I love Groundhog Day although I can't for the life of me think why.

Probably because I love the idea of a reset button if something hasn't quite gone the way it should. It makes me think of the expression "Life isn't a dress rehearsal" but it may actually be, mayn't (if there isn't such a word, there is now)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tracy Jo, thank you!

Jean, I saw Source Code in the theater - very underrated film.

Spacerguy, yes he will!

Fe, I like that idea.

Liesel K. Hill said...

It's so crazy that it's been that long since Jurassic Park and The Fugitive. Can't wait for the new X-Men film. It looks crazy good! :D

Patricia Stoltey said...

It makes me nervous to even think abut the Groundhog Day movie. Not sure why....

Susan Kane said...

Oh yes. Say "X-Men" and I start to drool.

Groundhog Day is my favorite movie (well, one of them). Bill Murray was and still is awesome.

S. L. Hennessy said...

Groundhog Day is still my go to happy movie.

S. L. Hennessy said...

Groundhog Day is still my go to happy movie.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, you're drooling on my blog...

Everyone, I won't be able to visit all who left comments tonight, but I will visit tomorrow!!!!

Nicki Elson said...

Groundhog's Day is an awesome, timeless flick. I live less than 2 hours from the little town where they filmed it.

Hooray for PK!

Mary Aalgaard said...

I remember when Jurassic Park came out. I was pregnant with my first baby. I love Ground Hog Day, and I have seen it over and over and over.
Play off the Page

Kristin Smith said...

Ahh, Groundhog Day. Classic movie. So glad Bill Murray finally figures out how to make the most of his day!

Yay for the Panthers! (sorry, I'm a little biased!)

Did not realize Dyson came out with their vacuum in '93. For some reason I thought it was more recent than that-just goes to show, I'm a little behind with the times!

Yep, following PK--she's great! Looking forward to getting to know her better.

I can co-host the IWSG in June. Not sure what to do though, so just let me know. Thanks!

Ella said...

Bill Murray is so fun! PK looks great-a kind and generous soul!

I have a Dyson-love it!

1993-I was in Maine fighting to get my son into school-birth date issues, in other states.

Where were you Alex?! At the movies or rocking out?!

Wendy Tyler Ryan said...

I have seen Groundhog Day over and over and over... It is a favorite in our house.

Sharon Bayliss said...

Love your 90s themed A-Z! Groundhog Day was definitely a favorite.

Birgit said...

I missed you yesterday. LOVE Groundhog Day-very funny and gentle at the end too. Love the X-Men series (and Patrick Stewart). In 1993 went to Europe and had a beautiful time visiting mostly Austria and falling in love with the beauty of it all over again.

Tina said...

Love Groundhog Day! It's one of my watch over and over movies (and yes, that is ironic.)
PK is great! Another awesome choice!
We went to see Jurassic Park for our first anniversary and were blown away with the special effects. They've stood the test of time, too. Also a great movie.
Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014

Mel Chesley said...

"It's Groundhog Day!" I can't get enough of that movie. Love it!

Stephen Tremp said...

Ground Hog Day is one of my all time favorites. Hey, that's a way to become immortal. Purposely screw up the same thing every day. Forever.

Arlee Bird said...

Groundhog Day is a great film. 1993 was a tough year. I think I was divorced from my second wife that year but I don't remember for sure.

A Faraway View
An A to Z Co-host blog

Rhonda Albom said...

How did I miss this one? Groundhog day is one of my favorite comedies. Actually all the movies today are amongst my favorites.

Tonja said...

Groundhog Day is my all-time favorite movie.

Deniz Bevan said...

Love this movie!
Hmm, Def Leppard, eh... I think 92 or 93 was the year I almost missed a school bus home from a class trip because I was busy in a music shop buying Def Leppard tapes!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to the new X-Men -- and thanks for the "Boom Town" plug, Alex.

The Happy Whisk said...

I'm excited about Wolverine on screen again. That's my favorite treat.