Dream Theater – Images and Words – 1992
This was the first Dream Theater album with lead singer, James LaBrie. Images and Words really established the band as a progressive metal force. It has stood the test of time and remains a brilliant album. *Cost of average house - $122,500.
*Euro Disney opened in France
*First McDonalds opened in Beijing, China
*Washington Redskins beat Buffalo Bills in Super Bowl (The Bills went to four Super Bowls in the 90’s and lost all four times)
*Mall of America was built
*Summer Olympics were held in Barcelona, Spain
Movies released –
A Few Good Men
Music released –
Pantera – Vulgar Display of Power
Megadeth – Countdown to Extinction
Games released –
Mortal Combat
Sonic the Hedgehog II
Alone in the Dark
Wolfenstein 3D
Why is 1992 special?
It was the year Tina and the Engineer got married on June 20!
Tina is one of the Challenge co-hosts and the one who keeps all of us in line. She’s originally from Sweden and moved to the USA when she was a kid. Tina is sharp, smart, and sassy. (She won’t deny that last one!) She’s also the most dedicated friend you will ever have and more fun that a barrel full of monkeys. (Or Swedish meatballs – take your pick.) Tina just rocks and I’m honored she’s my friend. Find her at Life is Good.
Ninja News!
Sean McLachlan’s Toxic World novelette, The Scavenger, will be free from today through April 8. If you enjoyed his book Radio Hope, you’ll dig this story. Pick it up for free HERE
Shah Wharton’s book, Finding Esta, was awarded the indiePENdents’ Seal of approval!
Crystal Collier’s Moonless is on sale for the month of April at $1.99, half its normal price. Buy it HERE
April Movie Preview – Part One
Here is part one of the upcoming theatrical releases for April! (Part two tomorrow.) As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snarky comments by me.
April 4 –
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world and battles a new threat from old history: the Soviet agent known as the Winter Soldier.
Directors: Anthony Russo | Joe Russo | Joss Whedon
Stars: Chris Evans, Frank Grillo, Sebastian Stan, Scarlett Johansson
It’s Captain Flippin’ America – what more do you need to know?
April 11 –
Rio 2
It's a jungle out there for Blu, Jewel and their three kids after they're hurtled Rio de Janeiro to the wilds of the Amazon. As Blu tries to fit in, he goes beak-to-beak with the vengeful Nigel, and meets the most fearsome adversary of all: his father-in-law.
Director: Carlos Saldanha
Stars: Rodrigo Santoro, Anne Hathaway, Leslie Mann, Jesse Eisenberg
I’ve sat through stupid talking rats, cats, dogs, lions, and other critters – I guess I can manage another stupid talking bird film.
Draft Day
The General Manager of the Cleveland Browns struggles to acquire the number one draft pick for his team.
Director: Ivan Reitman
Stars: Jennifer Garner, Kevin Costner, Chadwick Boseman, Tom Welling
Like everything else associated with the Cleveland Browns, this film will probably be a train wreck.
A woman tries to exonerate her brother, who was convicted of murder, by proving that the crime was committed by a supernatural phenomenon.
Director: Mike Flanagan
Stars: Brenton Thwaites, Karen Gillan, Katee Sackhoff, James Lafferty
Possible Katee Sackhoff boob shot. Enough said. (Blood, boobs, and carnage!)
Dream Theater fan? Following the awesome Tina? Picking up Sean’s book? Any April movies strike your fancy? (I’m seeing Captain America tonight!) And what do you remember best from 1992…?
Hi Alex - it was the year I came back from South Africa ... and as you mention - Tina is a great person and does wonders helping out the A-Z .. I don't think I'll be seeing any of those films ...
I went to a film society film on Wednesday .. and a horde of English language students poured into the cinema and I thought oh no don't tell me they'll be at the French film ... but no they went off to see Captain America .. I'm sure you'll enjoy it!
Cheers Hilary
I'm definitely a Dream Theater fan! They're one of my all time favorite bands. In 1992 I turned 7, so I mostly remember running around my backyard having a good time.
Another awesome post full of warmth and generosity. Thank you.
Tina is a wonderful lady!
In 1992, our government held a referendum about changing the constitution, paving the way to end apartheid, which then lead to our first democratic election in 1994. The same year (1992), Mandela was awarded the Peace Prize at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris.
Already watched Mr. Peabody in 3D thank you very much. Captain America 2 is on my list after I see Muppet's Most Wanted. Then there's the new Spiderman movie and Transcendence. Oh and Noah fits in somewhere.
Anyway, Disney forever! Mortal Combat riles and I really hope the plans for a third movie goes through and they learn from past mistakes.
I loved playing Sonic the Hedgehog!
Looking forward to seeing Captain America 2.
I don't remember all that much about 1992 considering that was my first year of primary school and seems like FOREVER ago! But it must have been a really exciting year for Tina ;-)
That poster for Oculus looks creepy cool! And we went to watch Captain America last weekend! Really enjoyed it :-) (I like just about any movie with superheroes ;-) )
I've been to Mall of America once. We were stuck in Minneapolis due to a fuel leakage on a flight from Billings. We had to rebook our flights back to Europe, and while waiting for our flight, we had nothing else to do than visit the huge Mall >:)
Cold As Heaven
I graduated in '92! Other than that not much exciting happened that year.
Let us know how CA was!
Captain America is a must!!
Oh, and A Few Good Men was a great film as well :)
What I remember about 1992 is I had a miscarriage and within the same period of time my cousin and his wife lost their toddler son in a house fire. Time has healed the pain, but both sad events that will always be stuck in my heart.
I have not heard of Jame LaBrie & Dream Theater before this morning. I found a YouTube video with James auditioning for AI. At first I did not understand until I read some of the comments that it was fake. That was pretty good. I am not a metal band person and wouldn't enjoy listening to Dream Theater regularly.
However, I am enjoying learning about Swedish life from Tina. Oh yeah, I can't wait to see the new Captain America film!
i am going to see captain america this weekend...i have been waiting....
symphony of destruction....ha...great song...
hey there's tina
Gosh, it's like being in a time machine, Alex! I'd forgotten all those things happened during 1992. I was studying in London (studying abroad program at school) that year. And then engaged by the end of the year.
Since I am a Buffalo Bills Fan, those were the glory years...but darn it, never won. We're all praying for our Jim Kelly!
I always associate 1992 with Unforgiven, A Few Good Men, and the UK Duke Regionsl final. I still dislike Laettner to this day...
I may have said this before to you Alex, but I'm jealous... You always get to see the movies I want to see as soon as they come out! I have to wait until they come out on DVD, most of the time. Enjoy Capt. America tonight, and think of me!
Tomorrow is my daughters birthday and she and her friends are off to see Captain America. I am really enjoying your theme this year.
Hilary, I'm sure I will as well!
LG, you rock!
Michelle, it was a big year for you country.
Rachel, I'm envious!
Cold, were you impressed?
Cathy, I'm so sorry.
Brian, yes it is!
Elizabeth, I didn't know you went to London!
I have never heard of this band, but I'll check 'em out now.
You HAD to remind me that the Bills lost 4 Super Bowls. As a longtime Bills fan, I'm both impressed they went there four times in a row and sad that Jim Kelly doesn't have at least one ring to wear, especially now.
I hope Michael Offutt is getting some royalties for that movie using his book title, "Oculus."
1992, by the way, was the year I decided to stop knocking around and get serious about going back to school and getting in shape, so I remember it as a pretty good year -- the start of my great life now.
I'm really looking forward to the new Cap'n movie. He's my favorite of the Avengers.
Have a great weekend!
I lived through 1992 but have never heard of Dream Theatre.
Must have slept through 1992. Can only remember Barcelona and The Unforgiven. And by then I'd given up the weed ;-)
I saw all three of those 1992 movies, I do get to the movies now and again. I think the changes in house costs are fascinating/horrifying!
I enjoyed Rio, not sure I would bother to see the second one. Blood and carnage pix maybe, boobs not so much.
Had to laugh at your Browns comment. The only thing that would make this more of a train wreck would be if it was associated with the Bengals instead.
Happy Friday, Alex!
Aladdin was the 1st movie I took my kids to - and my son fell asleep :)
Captain America's out? *sigh* I still have Divergant on my list too. Guess I'll have to spend some quality time in the theater. Tina is great!
John Petrucci did a rather wonderful album of duets with Jordan Rudress shortly after this that's well worth a listen.
Captain Amaerica! Wahoo. My kids can't wait for Rio 2.
In 1992-I lived in Anchorage, Alaska.
We had a guy at work named Robin-I asked him, "How is Batman?" then found out his last name was Hood.
True story...
Ooh, I am going to an Art Walk, but want to see this movie-tell us what you think-please!
Oculus looks intriguing!
Off to play some Dream Theater-I bet it will inspire a poem.
1992 - I lived in Germany. LOVED IT!!!
I also love me some Pantera and Megadeth. In fact, I think I'll listen to some in the car later. W00t!!
So, when I first saw the title of this post, I read Mystery Science Theatre. Umm, I guess not, huh?
AJ's wHooligan in the A-Z Challenge
A Few Good Men is on my top ten list. The greatness of Rob Reiner. April is a crazy movie month. I'm happy I have some free time this month. *That was a joke.
Oh my dragon goodness! You mentioned Wolfstein! That brings so many memories to my head. Never been a fan of playing video games but loved to watch my younger brother to play that thing for hours. It was so much fun! I was his cheer leader. Then I taught the dwarves, hahaha.
You seem to see a lot of movies Alex and good ones at that. April and May are really hot months for us, going out shopping is tortorous, I plan to catch up with my writing.
Will check out Sean's book. Looks good. :-)
The album cover is really great-I miss album covers. I would love to see the Capt. America and was surprised Robert Redford is in this. Oculus...nope not seeing it. I had nightmares of Ulraman(remember him?)
I don't care at all about Katee Sackhoff but I've been wanting to see a good horror movie for awhile now. Will this fit the bill? Hmm, not sure….
My roommate in college was from upstate New York and a huge Bills fan. I remember many of those Superbowls and I am not a football fan. There was a of crying.
Oh 1992 was an interesting year. Looks like the movie scene is going to a very diverse this month. Nice to meet Tina.
I wonder how many Maccas eateries are open now? :P Probably horribly more than just one!
Sorry, Jaybird - I'm just a movie junkie.
Rhonda, happy birthday to your daughter!
Briane, the Bills came so close so many times...
Tonja, they are not radio-friendly, so that doesn't surprise me.
Julie - good point!!
Jemi, that's funny.
Stu, I've heard it!
Robin Hood - Ella, that's too funny. Now, go write some Dream Theater inspired poems.
Elsie, you rock! No MST3K - yet.
Al, proving you can learn from video games.
Birgit, afraid I don't...
Nice learning about Tina and what was special in 1992!
Wow, Dream Theater. We listen to a lot of them in our house. 1992 was a great year for us, since that's when I got pregnant with our oldest son. I've even seen all three movies you mentioned! I feel like I've accomplished a lot here today. :)
1992 seems like just yesterday. That's the year I graduated from college. I find it amazing how much the cost of an average home jumped from 1992 to yesterday's 2010 figure!
Occulus could be interesting...and I do like Katie Sackoff though I don't really have much interest in a boob shot, lol.
Lots of fun facts. I became a mother in 1991. So 1992 was busy for me.
Precious Monsters
I love Dream Theater. They've been a favorite of mine since I was young.
Love Dream Theater! And Vulgur Display of Power is my fav album of all time!!
It there was the Dream Team. It was a good year.
Unforgiven is still one of my favorite movies. "We all got it coming, kid." << said in my best Clint Eastwood voice. :)
All I really remember from 1992 was Aladdin since I was only 5 :)
If you know the hours spent playing Sonic 2 you would just shake your head lol.
I am going to see Captain America today. I can't wait.
As a birthday present I planned to see The Winter Soldier, but hubby's working, on his day off. Such dedication! I hate birthdays anyway!
Tina is a star!
1992 was definitely a good year - it's the same year I got married too :)
MJ, A to Z Challenge Co-Host
Writing Tips
Effectively Human
Lots of Crochet Stitches
Hoping to see Captain America in about ten days - a specific family date!
Lynda, you rock!
SL, good for you!
Rusty, I knew you'd appreciate them.
Brandon, same here. I want those hours back now.
Yolanda, happy birthday anyway.
1992- oh my......we went to Paris for the first time....been back many times since. Amazing that the avg. house cost was $122,000.
I'm enjoying your A-Z posts....cheers!
I hadn't heard of Dream Theater, but there are sure other things I recognize from '92. (I can never read "Mortal Combat" without hearing it in my head bellowed like they did in the movie! lol)
Congrats Sean and Shah!
All the movies look good to me. :)
My significant other is a HUGE Dream Theater fan.
And I'd love to go see Captain America this weekend. Here's hoping I can do just that.
I was a whole 7 then, hmmm playing in the mud might have been fun. Aladdin was a great Disney one. Captain America 2 looks really good too. And not to be one of those people lol but it is Mortal Kombat
It was the year I met my husband, and we've been together ever since. Great year!
I'm a big fan of all those Avengers, including Cap. America.
Unforgiven is a whole different category of movies. One the best ever made in my opinion.
Btw, I'm waiting on your review of Noah before I go see it. Really, really.
Alex! Thank you! How did you remember that little fact?? Thanks for featuring me, and for the really nice things you said about me. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside :-)
At least we got a LITTLE blood, boobs, and carnage joke...but I see how these movies don't really fit that sort of snark, enjoyable though it is...
What I remember most about 1992 was trying to plan a wedding while teaching school without my mother's help (she was in VA, the wedding in CO) and too much help from my future mother-in-law...but we managed it and it turned out just like we wanted. We then spent the whole summer honeymooning. I had it off as a teacher, and The Engineer had it off as a college student (he did go back to school at 25...) We put 7,000 miles on my 1976 Volvo that summer, with two cross-country road trips (Annapolis and Ocean City for our honeymoon, and Ottowa for his best man's wedding). We also went to Mesa Verde here in CO. It was a good year.
Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014
Ah, the elusive year of 1992. That summer (I was 14) I had scoliosis surgery and couldn't walk for 3 months after that, couldn't leave the house for 6. It was definitely the hardest trial I've had to date (and there've been many!) Not a year I want to relive. O_O
Mortal Combat? Mortal Combat? Where art thou, K???
A new Captain America? Woo whoo!
Images and Words & Countdown to Extinction were both stellar albums - I keep them both in regular rotation.
One other 1992 'D' entry for you - that was the year Ronnie James Dio return to Black Sabbath with the Dehumanizer album.
I just met Tina this A to Z challenge, and her blog sure is fun! I think it's so great that you're featuring members of our blogging family. :)
Captain America has his own movie? How cool! Thanks for the heads up. :)
McDonalds... one of the world's worst plagues.
I graduated elementary school in 1992, something I hadn't been expected to ever do when I was finally accepted by an out of district school after being kicked out of several other kindergartens. Our big sixth grade class trip was to West Point, though our chaperone had us traipsing around the city most of the time instead of at the museum or academy. Even her own daughter was complaining about this! My surviving uncle also got married in 1992.
What a fun A to Z theme. I look forward to tomorrow's post!
1992 was a good year. Totally looking forward to Captain A! :)
Hi human, Alex,
Wow, nice one, my human friend. I had a chat with Gary about the year, 1992. He tells me that over here in England, the music of those days was dominated by such bands as Oasis, Happy Mondays and Blur. It was called, "Brit Pop."
I'm delighted to note you kindly made mention of the lovely Tina. My human and I have the great pleasure of interacting with her on a regular basis.
Neither I nor my human has heard of Dream Theater.
Enjoy your weekend and please, good human, look after YOU!
Pawsitive wishes,
Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!
I'm trying to remember where I was in 1992. Strange I can't remember that, but I I do remember the jokes about MacDonald's in China. "There goes that county's cholesterol!"
I think I need to see A Few Good Men again.
Kathe, that was a good year for you!
Lexa, I can't hear it any other way either!
MJ, he is uber cool then.
Carol, sorry, it's off my list. They took God out of the movie. Not cool.
Tina, you're welcome, and the Ninja has his ways... A whole summer to honeymoon sounds awesome.
Ilima, I'm sorry!
Bob, you rock! And yes he did.
Bish, I agree!
Carrie-Anne, I can't picture you getting kicked out.
Tina is definitely a SWEETIE!
Loved your comments on the movies, Alex.... too funny!
I got married in 1992 also!
I've never really listened to heavy metal. Give me some Rod Stewart and I'm a happy girl. When my kids are bad in the car, I make them listen to my playlist. Better than the old, "Don't make me pull this car over!" threat.
Is Captain America out this weekend? Hehe. That's all my hubs has been talking about. He is wearing his fanciest Avengers shirt in honor of the occasion.
The first McDonalds in Beijing was opened...why does that sounds very late? lol
I wanna watch Captain America, hope you like it tonight :)
Can't wait to see Captain America. =)
Aladdin was definitely my favorite Disney movie from that time period. I'm feeling old after reading through your flash back. That was just yesterday...wasn't it? ;)
I'm a big fan of football but I gotta say "Draft Day" sounds incredibly lame.
I watched Captain America! It was awesome!
(Oh, and my brother's a fan of Dream Theatre)
Deeply Shallow
Just dropped by Tina's blog. Thank you for that, Alex.
All that delicious food. Swedish meatballs with dill?
I could do with a friend who cooks like that.
Thanks for the shout out!
I'm shocked how much housing prices went up over my lifetime!
This is a wonderful tribute to Tina! I look forward to more of your fascinating blasts from the past!
I loved Aladdin -- still watch parts of it now and again when down.
I will have to wait until Monday morning to see CAPTAIN AMERICA but what irks me is how some intellectual critics are panning it for not being Hamlet and for having too much CGI when it has the least of all other Marvel movies. Bias. I hate it!
D is damn good, I am going to hobble into Captain America this weekend, my first adventure outside of the doctors.
I am out for the moment, thought I would say hello to the awesome A to Z team.
Jeremy [Retro]
1992 we built our log-stick home out here at Cluculz Lake. Time flies, eh.
There's nothing else we need to know. CAptain America rocks! McDonald's is opening more than 2,000 restaurants in China, more than anywhere else except the U.S. and Japan. So I guess it worked out well for them.
The family would definitely see Captain America tonight if it weren't for the opening night crowd. That wouldn't have been a problem back when I was single, but my wife wants nothing to do the the craziness. Enjoy the movie.
A few Good Men and the Unforgiven are cool movies. You've got to hand it to Eastwood, William Munny is the ultimate prince of darkness.
In 1992 I think I was just beginning to come out of a foggy haze of toddlers, dirty diapers, up all night with sick babies and all of those fun things associated with all things baby, but I do love the movie A Few Good Men.
Great movies came out in 1992. :)
I swear the men of my house can quote over half the lines from A Few Good Men.
Going to see Captain America tonight on a double date with my son and his girlfriend.
Penny, I couldn't leave out Tina.
Michael, I aim for snark!
Elizabeth, that made me chuckle. And you are one cruel mother.
Crystal, seems like it!
Anna, lucky you! And your brother rocks.
Sean, you're welcome!
Roland, if anyone is seeing the film thinking it will be Hamlet, that person is in the wrong theater.
Jeremy, glad you're getting out!
Ken, that's why we hit the afternoon showings.
Susan, enjoy!
I suspected Dream Theater might make your "D" post, Alex.
My album choice would have been Metropolis Part II-Scenes From A Memory, but Images And Words is a good one, too!
I'm thinking I may know the "R" post topic....although you touched on their debut already...
I want to see Captain America ! Love the guy! Let us know how you like it! I was having a son in 1992. So I was fairly cut off from the world that year...he was my fourth and he is a great kid.
xox jean
I'm looking forward to Captain America as well. I was in college in 1992. That was a fun year!
There was some Dream Theater I liked, but I don't remember what.
Going to see Cap, tonight!
My boys are excited for the next Captain America. Might have a movie date, or three!
Play off the Page
My boys are excited for the next Captain America. Might have a movie date, or three!
Play off the Page
1992 was the year I moved to Oakland to go to UC Berkeley (aka bizerkely). It was an exciting, weird year that inspired a few bizerk chapters for my book.
Be well, Alex.
I remember loving Dream Theater, but I haven't listened to them in forever.
The 90s was a good time for movies, Aladdin has always been one of my favorites.
Tonight, it's time for another favorite....Captain America!
Reading this post, I kept saying to myself, it can't really have been that many years since... lol! Fun post, Alex. Thanks :-)
Sadly, as someone who lives just outside of Buffalo, NY, I know their sad tale only too well. :)
1992 I was in college and having a great time. I love Tina, she is very sweet.
I've heard good things about Captain America. Isn't Draft Day just Moneyball with different actors?
I've never heard of Dream Theater actually. I think 1992 was a bit of a dull year for me (or maybe I just spent all that year outside).
I might have to see Occulus just so I can be all fangirl-y about Katee Sackoff :) and I can't believe Aladdin was released in 92. I feel old!
1992 wasn't that special for me. The next ten years though would be a nightmare.
I may see some of the new movies. I haven't seen any of the three older movies.
I don't think I'll see Oculus. I'll keep expecting "The Doctor" to show up and rescue Amy Pond.
As soon as I seen 1992 I thought about Euro Disney opening - I think I'm officially a Disney addict lol! Completely ignoring the fact it was also the year my brother was born! Oops!
Sarah :)
Saloca in Wonderland
As soon as I saw Sean's offer, I did get a free copy. I have begun to read Radio Hope, and I like what I've seen.
Really want to see The Winter Soldier, and just saw another trailer that got hubs interested too.
I think you'll find it's Mortal Kombat (I still have the calloused fingertips from that game).
Moody Writing
I was living in Chicago in 1992. Seems like forever ago.
I'm sad to say the movie i have the most potential to see this month is Rio2 - although it looks cute too.
In 1992, we were doing a lot of travel in the Caribbean. I loved it! Will check out Tina's site next. Thanks.
Mary Montague Sikes
never heard of dream theater, but I always enjoy trivia like this. Lots of good movies to look forward to. I'm not quite sure about Oculus though. I don't generally like scary movies! :D
We just bought a bunch of movie tickets from Costco and will be doing some serious movie binging the next couple weeks.
I can't believe they did a Rio 2--the first one was hard enough to watch.
I turned 12 in 1992, so I must have been in 6th grade, hence the geeky middle-schooler. To be honest, I can't remember anything special about that year!
Larry, I had to match it up with the year - that one didn't come out until 1999.
Jean, it was amazing! Just got back from watching it.
Robyn, you'll have to point out those chapters.
Carol, you need to pick them up again!
Teresa, I know!
Cate, that thought occurred to me as well...
Teresa, I'm sorry.
Stephen, there are a lot of great movies coming!
Very Informative ! I am looking forward for Captain America :D
What I remember best about 1992 is my son being born.
Don't think I listened to any Dream Theater as my music listening speed was commercial radio, which we all know has seriously tight playlists that leave nothing to the imagination.
A-Z Challenge at Father Nature's Corner
Honestly, you turned me on to Dream Theater. I'm enjoying what I've heard so far!
Love A Few Good Men even though I can't always take 2 hours of Tom Cruise in a row. :)
Blood, boobs, and carnage was going to be my A to Z theme but I didn't think Stormy could pull it off. :)
Can't wait for the Cap-sicle!!
I'm seeing Captain America this weekend. I can't wait!! I missed the first one in theaters.
~Patricia Lynne~
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, YA Author
1992 seems so long ago! I do wonder if everyone will adopt "Blood, boobs, and carnage" as your new tagline! *LOL* (And I type books 3 times before I managed boobs somehow.) I watched Ender's Game finally and wasn't terribly impressed. I still need to get my hands on Gravity.
Dream Theater is great! 1992 we built our first house :)
Now that's a huge chunk of stuff in 1992 Congrats to Shah!
Great post and lots of things I enjoyed seeing.
I don't recall ever listening to Dream Theater.
I remember 1992 being the year of Hurricane Andrew and an awkward year of high school for me.
1992 is special to me 'cause that's the year I traveled around the world. And by the way, traveling Pakistan alone as a woman was one hell of an interesting experience.
I might see Captain America, but Occulus sounds intriguing -- hope it's done well.
Never heard of Dream theater!
But I love some of the movies you've listed, A Few Good Men among them.
Damyanti Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2014
Twitter: @damyantig
Woot! Love Tina & her sassy, wine drinking self! And yes, I will be seeing Captain "flippin" America the moment it's out! And Rio 2, because of my offspring and its highly infectious soundtrack!
A to Z #TeamDamyanti
1992 I started my senior year of high school. Not my finest moment, and let's leave it at that! ;p
Altho I want to agree with you on that Cleveland movie, the fact is, I'll see anything with Kevin Costner. He's earned my respect so I'll give it a try. I think he is a fine actor, though I know I stand practically alone in this regard. I'm okay with that.
Hey Alex,
Okay...I've caught up on A-D, which, btw, were awesome. I love nostalgia and your retro theme is the E-ticket. I can't believe the rising cost of houses! WOW! It doubled in five years (69-74). And yeah...I watched the moon landing, too. Looking forward to all your other entries. Oh...GUFFAW on your snarky comment about "Draft Day." Very funny.
Well I was only two in 1992, so I don't remember too much...Some of your posts make me feel very young!
A Few Good Men is in my top 5 of all-time favorite movies. My best friend and I can recite that movie word-for-word. Sometimes we sit on either side of someone, watch the movie, and repeat everything that's said so the person who watches it with us gets to hear the movie in stereo ;)
1992 -- I was living in Boca Raton, Florida, working full-time, and beach-walking early on weekend mornings.
I graduated from high school in 1992. :)
I know Dream Theater by name but couldn't name a song. I'm sure I'd recognize one if I heard it, though.
Tina is awesomesauce- and I need to visit her!
Big congrats to Shah on the award- that's great!
CA is what we want to see. Soon, very soon. Meanwhile, I'm skimming posts, as taking care not to read even a word of reviews.
CA is what we want to see. Soon, very soon. Meanwhile, I'm skimming posts, as taking care not to read even a word of reviews.
I moved from Texas to Virginia in 1992. Great post.
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