Monday, February 24, 2014

House of Cards Review, Game of Thrones in Legos, Mini-Alex, IWSG, Movie Trivia, and Ninja News!

The IWSG is all over today!

The wonderful Karen Lang asked several questions about the IWSG, and I am a guest on her blog today.

For those of you who want to know more about the IWSG and what it can offer to writers, I am also a guest of Lori’s at How to Write Shop. This site is one of the many great resources listed at the IWSG, so come for my guest post and stay for the valuable information Lori offers!

House of Cards – Season Two

The next season of the NetFlix original series is available now and it did not take me long to devour it.
Season two follow’s Kevin Spacey’s character, Francis Underwood, as he maneuvers his way through DC, crushing everything in his path.
Just when you don’t think the show can get any darker or more twisted, House of Cards finds new ways to unsettle you. It’s like a train wreck – fascinating to watch.
By the end of the second season, I had just one thought – the only way this will all ultimately make sense is if Underwood’s revealed to be the antichrist.
And I really hope and pray DC really doesn’t operate like this!


On the copier!

I wouldn’t let him use the clone machine, so he tried to improvise.

Didn’t really work though.

And now I have all these copies of his butt…

Real Alex News

I’m still making progress on my current manuscript, although not at the speed I would like. I really am a slow and lazy writer. Will take part of this week off to work on the story. I might actually finish the first draft by the first week of March!

I’ve also prepared almost all of my A to Z Challenge posts! I’ll continue to add to them, but the Challenge portion is ready. (When you see the first one, you’ll understand.) I always prepare them before the Challenge begins, but I’ve never been this far ahead of the game! (And if you haven’t signed up yet, please join us!)

Haven’t been to a movie in a while, but excited that Thor: The Dark World and Gravity come out on Tuesday. Both will be available in 3D Blu-ray, which is just awesome!

The Epic 2000 Followers Giveaway is just a few followers away from ending! If you’ve never clicked the Google Friends Connect, now is a great time to do so.

And sad to see the Olympics come to an end. Always a lot of fun to watch.

Ninja News

Available now - Confessions of a Sex Fiend: A View to Ecstasy by Rayven Godchild, a.k.a. Angela Brown.

Available now – Pale Moonlight by Tony Laplume, an epic vision of vampire literature.

Cover reveal – Bloodlust by Nicole Zoltack

Bloodlust is a NA epic fantasy with a hint of forbidden love when Barbarian-Princess Ivy makes an alliance with the despicable Lukor the goliath in a desperate attempt to save her race from extinction.

Cover reveal – Vampire Lies by RaShelle Workman

Eyes like violet sapphires. Wings of smoldering fire.
Consume your true love's blood.
Become the Eternal Vampire.

Cover reveal – Blood Crown by Ali Cross.

WormFest is in a couple weeks!

And for those of you who are fans of Game of Thrones – The Red Wedding in Legos, courtesy of MsMariah at A Space Blogyssey.
Don’t look if you haven’t seen this insane scene from season three yet!

(From the Huffington Post. )

Movie Trivia

Name the actor/actress who provides the voice!

1 – Title character from The Iron Giant, 1999

2 – Z from Antz, 1998

3 – Title character from Puss in Boots, 2011

4 – Moses from Prince of Egypt, 1998

5 – Sulley from Monsters, Inc., 2001

6 – Rocky from Chicken Run, 2000

7 – Fozzie Bear from Muppets From Space, 1999

8 – Emperor Kuzco from The Emperor’s New Groove, 2000

Answers next Monday!

Anyone else watching House of Cards? Working on a manuscript? (Hopefully writing faster than me!) Working on your A to Z Challenge posts? Ready for some new books? Know any of the trivia? And where should Mini-Alex go next…?

Be sure to visit Karen Lang today!


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I watched the second season of House of Cards, too (in less time than I should have!) Found it fascinating, although definitely--as you mentioned--more dark and twisted. A bit troubling, actually. But I couldn't look away! Nice season finale, too.

Good luck with your book! Glad it's coming along.

Anonymous said...

My A to Z is all done and dusted and waiting for the big day, Hope you enjoy your movie.

Have a good week

Old Kitty said...

Please may I have a copy of mini-alex's butt?


Take care

Heather Musk said...

I'm getting there with my A-Z theme. I need to get organised, we're moving house on 4th April so I won't have much time to do them then!

I'm still traumatised about the Red Wedding scene, the Lego depiction is great though.

Good luck with your manuscript!

Frankie Miller said...

Pleased you're making progress on your manuscript. It doesn't matter if it's slow, as long as it's progressing.
I really must prepare for Wormfest. Thanks for the reminder, Alex.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I'm a slow writer too. Wish I was close to done with my first draft like you.

I saw an ad for House of Cards. It sounds good. I just don't have time to watch much TV.

Brinda said...

We just finished the Netflix seasons of Breaking Bad and hear another one is coming up soon. After those, I plan to begin House of Cards. Oh...the addiction.

Annalisa Crawford said...

Good luck with your WIP. At least you're writing, so it's moving forwards :-)

Not even going to try to answer those questions!!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I watched season one of House of Cards a few months back. Watched it in two days! it was amazing. I am so eager to watch season 2. I want to set aside a weekend for it, as it's one of those shows that's "binge-worthy".

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Mini Alex cracks me up!

OMGosh...I am so jealous. You've written all your A to Z posts??? #grumbles I'm still unsure of my topic. I keep wavering between four different ideas. Maybe I should take a pole and see what folks would like?

Truedessa said...

Hmm..working on a book of poetry but, it seems like I've been working on it forever.

Where does mini Alex want to go next? Just let your imagination take you somewhere new.

A to Z wonder if I could tackle that one? A poem for each letter how long would it have to be?

Have a great day Ninja as you walk the other side...

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Copiers make poor cloning machines. I hope mini-Alex doesn't get hold of a 3D-printer!

Congrats to all of those with book news!

Elsie Amata said...

I started watching House of Cards a few months ago then got caught up in another show on Netflix. I need to get back to it. I love how Spacey's character works everybody in it. Scary because we all know fiction is based on some fact.

You scared me there for a second when you said the IWSG was everywhere. I though, "oh, no! It's Wednesday??" ha

I'm excited to see Gravity. Sandra Bullock is very talented.

Oh, and I'm about halfway through with my A-Z posts. Yay!

AJ's wHooligan in the A-Z Challenge

Vanessa Morgan said...

I also prepared almost all of my A to Z posts (even have the X already). This is going to be fun.

Stina said...

I was just thinking about IWSG this morning. Looking forward to it next month.

Looks like a lot of my writer friends have been busy. I didn't realize so many of them are releasing books soon (and that Angela has a pen name).

TBM said...

I recently heard of house of cards and requested the DVDs. This one hasn't been promoted in London yet, which is surprising since they show a ton of US shows here. I was surprised by that when I first moved here.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elizabeth, it's both fascinating and horrifying all at once.

Kitty, I'll save one for you!

Heather, I watched that scene with my jaw open!

Fanny, I still need to prepare...

Brinda, if you've been watching Breaking Bad, you'll be prepared for House of Cards.

Keith, I plowed through it in two days.

Sheri, that's an idea!

Truedessa, you should join us! Don't let Pat have all the rhyming alphabet fun.

Sandra, that would be scary!

Elsie, no panic! Next Wednesday.

Vanessa, good for you!

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Ack! Need to get going on those A-Z posts!

I've heard good things about House of Cards but haven't seen it yet. Saw "Captain Phillips" on DVD and liked it a lot more than I thought I would. Tried to watch "All is Lost" on DVD and just could not get into it at all.

Good luck with finishing the draft!

Sean McLachlan said...

You've finished your A to Z? I just thought up a subject only last week!

Laura Pauling said...

I'm sure that writing all the A to Z posts beforehand is the way to do it! But, wow. Overwhelms me just to think about it. :)

Sometimes first drafting seems slow, but a finish by march 1st? That's great. Have fun with it!

Julie Flanders said...

LOVE the Game of Thrones Legos! I really need to get busy on my A-Z posts, can't believe March is right around the corner.

Cathrina Constantine said...

I just watched Ender's Games this past weekend and looking forward to the release of Thor and Gravity, also. Congrats to all the new releases.

Brian Miller said...

love the lego game of thrones...the lego movie was def cool...saw it with my boys last week....bloodlust looks good...i have needed a bit of fantasy in my life for a while, so will check it out....

Leigh Caron said...

I just started watching House of Cards. LOve it. I am currently working on a rewrite of a manuscript. Tedious because I'm plotting now instead of being a panzer. I feel growing pains. And Lego Game of Thrones? He, he...that's funny.

Jo said...

Remind Mini Alex I have a cloning machine franchise.

Thought I was good with my A to Z posts, but I haven't finished them by any means.

I have read the Game of Thrones, never seen the programmes though.

shelly said...

I finally signed up for the A to Z. I'll be posting clues. One word a d a pic as to what everyone can expect from Killer Stilettos.

Karen Lange said...

Wow, lots of good news to start the week. Our writer friends have been busy! So glad to have you stop by the blog today. It's always a pleasure! Great to learn more about IWSG. :)

Heather M. Gardner said...

You have made me feel extremely lazy this morning! So much info bursting from your blog!

Look at all those great books!

You know me, I wait till the last minute to write up my A to Z posts. I'm not even sure what I'm doing yet!

1. ?
2. Woody Allen
3. Antonio Badass!
4. ?
5. John Goodman
6. ?
7. Frank OZ?
8. David Spade

Mini-Alex butt. He said butt. I think Mini-Alex needs to go on a tour of Mr. Alex's writing space!


Pat Hatt said...

If Washington runs like house of cards, no wonder there is so much debt. Season 2 was great, I predict the show will end with him getting his due and being assassinated.

A to z all done, look at you, ahead of the game indeed.


Vin Diesel
Woody Allen
John Goodman
Don't know
David Spade

L. Diane Wolfe said...

You'll have to keep Mini-Alex away from the copier from now on.

And Fozzie is voiced by Frank Oz.

Tony Laplume said...

Thanks for the plug!

A Beer for the Shower said...

We binge watched House of Cards season 2 in a single weekend and loved every moment of it. Dark, twisted, manipulative... good thing the real US government isn't like that, right? (Hi NSA!)

And you may write slow, but at least you're writing. We have a friend who won the Colorado book award in 2010 and STILL hasn't written a follow up. Crushes my soul every time we talk to him and he says, "Uh, I kinda started one, but I'm not sure where it's going so I stopped."

Stephen Tremp said...

I love House of Cards. One of the best shows in a long time. Kevin Spacey is great. And there is probably a lot of truth to DC being run like this.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Madeline, I still need to watch Captain Phillips.

Sean, it was complicated, so I knew I had to get a head start on it.

Brian, I still need to see it.

Leigh, don't fear the plotting...

Jo, he doesn't need any help...

Shelly, glad you're on board!

Karen, thank you!

Heather, you got five right, and he just might need to do that tour.

Pat, I'm sure it can only end with him dying. And you got seven - well done.

Diane, correct.

Tony, you're welcome.

Brandon and Bryan, that's terrible!

Elise Fallson said...

Good luck finishing that first draft. And LOL at photocopies of mini Alex's butt!

Kyra Lennon said...

Keep plugging away at the WIP! I'm a pretty slow first drafter, too!

Arlee Bird said...

I'm slowly getting to my A to Z posts. In fact I'm slowly doing a lot of things.

Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog

Gossip_Grl said...

Gosh I wish I could say that all my posts were ready for A-Z. I am working on them and hoping that on a wing and prayer they are ready by April 1st. At least A is finished. Hopping over to visit your guest post.

Leovi said...

Nice Mini-Alex!

Robin said...

You are not that slow and lazy of a writer. I do believe I started my current WiP before you and we will finish about the same time. In fact, you might beat me. I guess I am REALLY SLOW AND LAZY writer.

I just watched all three seasons of Game of Thrones. Holy cow! That red wedding scene took me completely by surprise. It was a horror scene. Although, I have come to expect lead characters to die on that show... after the end of Season 1, which I must say also shocked me right to the core. No one expects a series to kill off the main character end of Season 1. I watched the Behind The Scenes clips from Seasons 1 and 3 and the directors likened the end of Season 1 to killing Tony Soprano of The Sopranos at the end of the first season. No one would see that or expect it. The same was true of that Red Wedding. Yikes. It was painful to watch.

Unknown said...

Loved the LEGO Red Wedding!

Unknown said...

Lots of good books out there. Go writers! I keep hearing good things about House Of Cards and see it on Netflix. Sounds like it's time to start a new series.

Ella said...

I just start watching it! I fear I will get so hooked.

Lazy, but all your posts are done?!
I want to be lazy like you-lol

Mini Alex has cabin fever-he needs to go see The Lego movie~

Happy Monday Captain!

Ella said...

I just start watching it! I fear I will get so hooked.

Lazy, but all your posts are done?!
I want to be lazy like you-lol

Mini Alex has cabin fever-he needs to go see The Lego movie~

Happy Monday Captain!

Sarah Ahiers said...

I actually know all the answers to the trivia this week! Except for #7. Never seen it.

How awesome is that lego red wedding? And man, i'm gonna miss the olympics. I watched a LOT

Bish Denham said...

I wasn't going to do the Challenge, but I've been hornswoggled into participating yet again! :D I must be a glutton for punishment. I'm scheduled through "P" and feeling pretty good about it.

Juliana Haygert said...

Ah, look at Mini-Alex! If only we could make some clones ... or stretch time would work too ;)

Oh, I haven't seen season 3 of Game of Thrones! Kinda hard not to look at it lol

M.J. Fifield said...

I haven't watched House of Cards. I watched the first two episodes, and then got distracted and haven't gone back to it yet. But I hear it's insane, so I definitely want to.

And I'm laughing about the Game of Thrones legos. While crying over the scene it depicts.

Suzanne Furness said...

As I keep reminding myself constantly at the moment progress is progress however small! Glad you are nearing completion of the first draft.

Jennifer Hillier said...

I haven't watched House of Cards but it sounds awesome! I love finding a new series.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Karen, you do have me beat.

Robin, wasn't that shocking? I watched it with my jaw wide open.

Ella, let's both be lazy! Maybe I should take Mini-Alex to the movies.

Bish, resistance is futile!

MJ, that was a shocker of a scene.

Charles Gramlich said...

Legos Game of Thrones stuff. I've gotta get that for Lana.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I haven't watched House of Cards. Too many bad politicians in real life.
I hoped to have my newest ready to send to my editor by the end of this week but now I'm hoping next week.
I would love to see Mini Alex outside beside any sign of spring. Green grass, bulbs pushing out of the ground...anything.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Fozzy and Yoda ... Frank Oz is the man. :-) Best of luck with your WIP. Thanks for all you do for the blogging community!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

H Alex - I see Roland is back .. I have his books and must now read them, let alone yours you sent me!

Congratulations on keeping writing - then the A-Z posts .. I decided on my theme last year, appropriate now .. but more difficult to write - I'm sort of on it - but not like Mini-Alex ...

Love seeing him .. cheers to one and all for their books and the A-Z ... Hilary

Carrie Butler said...

Oo, I've been meaning to start House of Cards. Now I really have to!

Empty Nest Insider said...

We love House of Cards too. Robin Wright's character is almost as evil as her husband. Our son went to school with Rachel, the hooker on the run. Great review, Alex! Looking forward to your A to Z posts!


Suze said...

'I’ve also prepared almost all of my A to Z Challenge posts!'


And I know I know who did Rocky in Chicken Run ... my daughter loved that movie when she was small. Was it Mel Gibson? Ah! That sounds crazy and I'm not sure but I know the female lead was Julia Swalhala (sp?) !

Godspeed on your draft, Al.

msmariah said...

Alex-- Thanks for the shoutout! I hope you're well. I couldn't agree w/ you more on 'House of Cards.' Oh my goodness, I think I watched all of season 2 in one week. Which makes me sad as now I have to wait a full year to see Season 3. I'm watching the British version in the meanwhile. It's not as good and it's much more condensed, as their seasons are only 3 or 4 episode total. It doesn't give them an opportunity to flesh out the characters properly, but the bloke who plays Francis is really great. I think 12 - 13 episodes per season is a good number of episodes. Sometimes the traditional 22 episode season is much too long.

David P. King said...

Everything is better in Lego. Awesome news all around! :)

Cherie Reich said...

Good luck finishing that first draft, Alex!

Intangible Hearts said...

I think I'm becoming slow and lazy too. Wasn't Antonio Banderas Puss?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jennifer, you would dig it!

Susan, that can be arranged...

Roland, you are correct, and thanks.

Julie, that's wild!

Suze, I've been busy. And you are correct.

MsMariah, you're welcome! I'll have to look for the British version.

Laura Clipson said...

Oh man, that lego scene is amazing!
I really need to get a move on with my A to Z posts, but I'm still torn between themes.

Nicole said...

Mini-Alex is such a troublemaker. :) I'm excited for A-to-Z too. I have about 95% of my post topics nailed, but still need to expand on the actual posts.

Shell Flower said...

LOL to mini-Alex's butt copies. That little imp! Some lovely book covers and books coming out. Manuscripts are like the ocean, the work ebbs and flows. Keep on rocking. I can't answer any of the trivia, but must say The Iron Giant is such a great movie. I used to watch it with my son when he was little.

Elephant's Child said...

Slow? Lazy? You?
Surely you jest.

Jay Noel said...

Oh boy, I haven't started my A-Z posts yet. YIKES! I'm pretty lazy too.

Lovin' Mini-Alex's Doctor Who scarf!

Mary Aalgaard said...

Those are some interesting book titles and covers. Wow! on being so far ahead in prep for the A to Z. I'll be posting on my new website and blog Dine off the Page. All three blogs are now at Thanks for being the first commenter. You rock AND roll!

S. L. Hennessy said...

I'm so jealous of your A to Z progress. Still working on mine. And I can't wait to watch House of Cards.

Carrie-Anne said...

I've finished my A-Z posts for my main blog, though I'm going to edit some of them a bit before they go live. I still have to work on all the posts for my names blog, though I've already created the templates for all 26.

ilima said...

Mini Alex butt-copies...he's so naughty, haha. And I don't know what you're talking about writing slow...seems like you just started this book. Way to go, and congrats on almost finishing that first draft!

Angela Brown said...

Mini Alex has been active lol!!

Even if it is slow going, progress on your writing is definitely important. So keep at it.

I haven't seen House of Cards yet and I will just say this, only b/c I am aware of someone that dove into politics for a bit, reality tends to be worse than what can be fictionalized -_- Just putting that out there.

Thank you for the spotlight *eek!* And I loved having Nicole at my blog and Ali's Blood Crown sounds so awesome!

As for the trivia, I think Puss n Boots is Antonia Banderas, Sully is John Goodman (? maybe, maybe not lol!!) and Emperor Kuzco is David Spade, I think lol!!!

Christine Rains said...

House of Cards is another show I want to watch, but I just don't have time. Everyone's telling me to watch True Detective too. Lots of great new books out there! And you're on top of it when it comes to your A to Z posts. Love that Lego rendition of the Red Wedding! Hehehe!

Cate Masters said...

The Red Wedding reminded me of Monty Python without the humor!

Andrew Leon said...

I haven't watched HoC, yet. I'll probably get to it at some point.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Eve, you are correct!

Laura, you could do a double theme.

Shell, we purchased it on reviews alone and really enjoyed it.

Elephant's Child, I don't. And stop calling me Shirley...

Mary, I do my best!

Carrie-Anne, glad you're ahead of the game.

Angela, you're welcome! And you got three.

Cate, you're right! said...

Oh, Mini-Alex, I also suspected he was a little bit frat boy.

My guess for trivi 1-8: James Earl Jones. He's gotta be at least one of those voices.

Be well, Alex.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Blood Crown looks amazing, got Rayven's Confession on Smashwords, Mini-Alex is a genius and IWSG is such a great help to authors. Congrats to all featured and enjoy your day Alex.

Michelle Wallace said...

Just come back from Lori's website... some great stuff there...

I wanted to sign up for the Wormfest, but my brain's a blank... I need some ideas... (I remember doing the fest last year, but it was straightforward...)

And I've hit on a theme for the A to Z Challenge... it's going to be short, fun and interactive (that combo worked well last year...)

Congrats to all the authors with new covers/releases... it's always so exciting to see a batch of new books!

Carol Kilgore said...

You may want to keep a closer eye on Mini-Alex. Just sayin' :)

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Thank you for not spoiling House of Cards season 2. I just finished season 1 and am looking forward to it.

SC Author said...

I really really need to start watching Game of Thrones.

Karen M. Peterson said...

I really need to start watching House of Cards, don't I?

G. B. Miller said...

I'm up to the letter "Q" in mine, although it will be interesting to see how long I'll be allowed to play once it starts.

I may have to go rouge in order to completely post it.

farawayeyes said...

I actually know some of the trivia, but I believe Pat Hatt beat me to it.

Game of Thrones - I read the books, so no big surprises for me. After watching season 2, I'm a little bit Leary of 3, but I'm sure my curiosity will get the better of me.

mooderino said...

I haven't even watched season one of HoC yet, although I do have fond memories of the original British series. And I'm pretty sure DC is far, far worse.

Moody Writing

Maurice Mitchell said...

Vin Diesel, Sylvester Stallone, Antonino Banderas, Cal Kilmer, John Goodman, Mel Gibson, Frank Oz and David Spade. Good trivia Alex.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Love the Legos.
And LOVE House of Cards. Looking forward to seeing season 2.

J E Oneil said...

Thankfully, the one thing I managed to do this month is finish my A-to-Z posts.

Most of those movies I've at least heard of (and can name the voice actors for), but Prince of Egypt isn't familiar in the least.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Robyn, and I almost chose the Lion King! Then you would've been correct.

Michelle, your theme was fun last year. And don't worry - I have no idea what I'm posting for Wormfest.

Carol, he needs to go face Sir Baldernot!

Karen, yes!

GB, pre-schedule what you need to.

Moody, that's scary...

Maurice, perfect sweep!

Trisha said...

I haven't seen any of House of Cards yet. But your description, at least of s2, has me intrigued! Must investigate.

Morgan said...

My hubby LOVES House of Cards... he just finished the second season and has been raving about it... how fun...

I'm a slow writer too... well, compared to most. I'm seriously in awe with how fast some people can pop out books.

And keep pushing, Alex! A first draft by the end of March is FABULOUS... :)

cleemckenzie said...

I'll wait for House of Cards to come out on Netflix. I saw the last season that way, sort of binging, but enjoying.

You've got your A to Z almost done? I've got to get cracking.

I'll stop by Karen's and say hi.

cleemckenzie said...

p.s. Saw Gravity on a friend's immense 3-D screen. It was quite spectacular.

Jemi Fraser said...

Lots of goodies available today! Glad to see mini Alex is working on making new friends :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Morgan, I'm writing, I'm writing!

Lee, it's available now! And isn't Gravity amazing?

Jemi, yeah by literally making them!

Anonymous said...

I'm working on my A to Z posts too. A is already written and ready to go. Last year, I did all my posts ahead of time for the first time and it made such a difference!

Sarah Foster said...

I think if you're planning on having your first draft done in March, you've got a pretty good pace, even if it's a bit slow at times. Congrats on having most of your A to Z posts done! I still don't have a theme...

dolorah said...

Well, everyone has to try the butt copying at some point I guess. Welcome to the club mini Alex. I guess that's better than butt clones though.


Kirsten said...

I'm really looking forward to Gravity!
As for Mini-Alex, I bet he'd look real cool on a surfboard--and I know just the guy who might have a way to get that done. ;)
I'm actually a pretty fast writer (NaNoWriMo trained me well) except that I need to do lots of revision when I'm done. Your slow way works for you, so don't feel pressured to change a thing!
Okay, that's enough for now, I'm off to visit Karen Lang ...

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

I haven't seen anything. I'm so out of touch. Talk about slow writing. Mine is slower than a three-toed sloth. I will get there. In time. :)

Tammy Theriault said...

I want to see the lego movie so bad!!! off to see Karen!

Tammy Theriault said...

I want to see the lego movie so bad!!! off to see Karen!

The Happy Whisk said...

Congrats on almost reaching your two grand goal.

Helena said...

Funny Legos scene.

Sorry, Alex, but I'm the champion of slow writing. Not something I'm proud of, but it's a fact.

I want to see House of Cards, but I also kinda dread it because I've heard it can be a reflection of the real Washington.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Dangerous copying habits of mini-alex - lol!
I haven't watched House of Cards yet, but maybe eventually . . .
And I just finally watched the new Amazing Spiderman . . . and actually liked it - I liked the Raimi version so I wasn't sure, but I liked the mix of tech and genetics.
It's late -there's no way I'll get any of that trivia right even though it's at the back of my brain somewhere.
Have a great writing week, Alex!

Rachna Chhabria said...

Mini Alex is sure keeping himself busy. He is a cool guy. I have seen a little bit of Game of Thrones on Youtube. Need to see more to get a hang of the story. Will hop over to Karen now.

Unknown said...

I'm lagging behind on AZ and have entered two blogs. Urgh.

Shall go and check out your IWSG posts.

Unknown said...

Good for you, for completing you A-Z posts. I am still tossing around ideas!

Mini-Alex is just too cool!

Yolanda Renée said...

I've been completely single minded lately - writing. I thought it would be a simple rewrite but it's become a MAJOR REWRITE! LOL
And the A to Z - not even on the radar - I don't know what's happening this year but I'm so far behind I'll never catch up!

I don't think the word lazy describes you at all!

Unknown said...

Sadly, I won't be doing the A-Z this year. Too busy! I can't even get to the movies myself. Pooh.

Movie trivia - I think Puss in Boots was Banderas, wasn't it? Kuzco is Spade. That's all I've got.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Patricia, it does!

Donna, by a long shot it's better...

Kirsten, will see what I can do about that surfboard.

Helena, hopefully not all of it!

Tyrean, I was surprised how much I liked the new Spiderman.

Terri, you got two!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Alex, I'm watching House of Cards too, glued to the screen. The other night it finally dawned on me what I was seeing... MacBeth in modern times.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I have House of Cards on my Netflex. Haven't seen it yet. I guess it doesn't matter if your a slow writer, the outcome is great.

Tina said...

I can't remember the last time I watched TV...maybe when I was in Virginia. Oh yeah, Olympics. Haven't seen House of Cards, but it does look interesting.

Great shot of Mini-Alex! You know, most of us will do anything to figure out how you get your I'm proud of mini-Alex for trying!

Too brain dead for trivia, though I do know at least three, the others like I said would require my brain...

Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014

Liesel K. Hill said...

I love Mini-Alex! My brother keeps telling me to watch House of Cards, but I haven't gotten to it yet. Like you, I'm kind of fighting for writing time right now. I always have a thousand things to do and rarely can get any one thing done in a single sitting, which means my writing suffers. My sister recently ordered and set up Roku, and we were able to buy Thor: Dark World. That was fun, not only because I got to watch it again, but my sister had never seen it. Girls night! Hmm, the only trivia answers I know are: 3)Antonio Bandaras, 5)John Goodman, and 8)David Spade.

Unknown said...

Just visited Karne's blog post about the IWSG. Loved it!

Susan Oloier said...

We're in the middle of the second season of HOC right now. Didn't see that huge twist coming. We very much like the show, but so many of the characters are so easily manipulated by Underwood that I get a little angry at times. Underwood and Claire remind me very much of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.

Anonymous said...

I'm really eager to start watching House of Cards again, and you know how I feel about the Challenge! Lots of great stuff here as usual, Alex :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Joylene, you're right.

Tina, he gets an E for effort.

Liesel, great movie. And you got three right.

Thanks, Candilynn!

Susan, they do. And the twist in the first episode really surprised me.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I am a total fan of term limits for the Senate. Evil is drawn to power and we have morphed into a system that is run by life time politicians, keep them there long enough and they accrue power. Fresh blood would keep them honest.

I was on the fence about A-Z, but if you say so...

Copies of his butt...thanks for the giggle BTW!

Rusty Carl said...

I'm working on one too! I'm so slow, I feel bad comparing myself to other 'slow' writers, I take it to a whole new level. And I'm picking up Thor today (in 3d) Not sure about Gravity yet. I'll play that one by ear.

Mason Canyon said...

I had wondered about House of Cards after seeing several commercials for it. Now you really have me curious. Good luck with your new book and congratulations to all new books you featured.

Unknown said...

Oh no! Not butt copies. The worst, lol.

And I actually know a movie trivia today... John Goodman plays Sulley from Monsters Inc., right? =-)

Have a great week. I'm headed to Karen's.

Rhonda Albom said...

Thanks for the laughs today. First from mini Alex on the copier, and next on the idea of you being a lazy writer - and then going on to say first draft by the end of March and the challenge portion of AtoZ being done already. LOL - doesn't sound lazy to me!

Patricia Stoltey said...

I'm looking forward to season 2 of House of Cards. Spacey is great!

Anyone who has all or most of their A to Z posts done is an overachiever. I find underachieving more exhilarating....I'm still undecided on theme.

Sherry Ellis said...

I didn't have much time to watch the Olympics. I usually enjoy the figure skating, but I didn't see any of that - just one evening of snow boarding, which was pretty amazing. I'll hop over to Karen's blog to check out your interview.

Lynda Dietz said...

Mini-Alex seems to know how to use a copier just fine.

Normally, I would never say this, but take your time writing; I need to catch up with the Cassa books and don't have enough pleasure-reading time right now. I'd hate to have something new come out and not be able to be on top of it.

Good job on A to Z being prepped! I'm partly done with mine and hope my first experience with it is a fun one.

Silvia Writes said...

Hi Alex. Nice to finally and officially be here. Very nice, easy to read and follow post. And wow, already finished -- or almost finished -- all A-Z posts! I can't get past letter I quite yet. Also thanks for all the great info here. A treasure chest.
Silvia @

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elizabeth, there should be term limits! And join us. Resistance is futile...

Rusty, getting both!

Emilyann, you are correct!

Rhonda, ambitiously lazy maybe?

Patricia, actually I'm just paranoid I won't finish in time...

Lynda, thank you! Don't worry, it won't appear anytime soon.

Silvia, that comes from five years of doing the Challenge.

Deniz Bevan said...

I love Lego!
Ha ha on photocopying Mini Alex's butt!

Confession: I am so used to, and love, visiting here, that I only just now (2 seconds ago!) realised that I wasn't an official follower! What on earth??

So now I've upped your count by one :-)

Susan Kane said...

I know the movies, but the people? 3. Antonio Banderas
6. Mel Gibson

House of Cards scares me, like Exorcist scary.

Unknown said...

The LEGO Game of Thrones is brilliant; I love that Waterstones are doing a competition for other literary LEGO scenes too (Moby Dick and 50 shades of grey are quite funny)

Unknown said...

The LEGO Game of Thrones is brilliant; I love that Waterstones are doing a competition for other literary LEGO scenes too (Moby Dick and 50 shades of grey are quite funny)

Leovi said...

A View to Ecstasy promises high temperatures!

Anonymous said...

I love having my A to Z posts done ahead of time. One less thing to worry about while I'm busy commenting.

I've never seen a butt copy in real life.

PK HREZO said...

Wow that's fantastic you did all your A-Z posts already! I'm still trying to decide if I can do it. Got a lot on my plate this year with 2 diff projects. Something has to give.
Hubby keeps telling me to watch House of Cards, but politics make me so sick anyway, I don't know if I want to put myself thru it. lol

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Deniz, that's all right - now you have extra entries in the giveaway!

Susan, correct, and my wife compared it to the Omen III.

Jamie, I need to look for those!

Medeia, fortunately I haven't either...

PK, it's like a train wreck - you will watch in utter horror and fascination.

Anonymous said...

It's been slow going on my latest WIP too. I've been busy with promo and school and glued to my TV watching the winter Olympics :-)

DMS said...

Awesome post on Karen's blog. :) You can't be too lazy of a writer if you got most of your A-Z posts done- that's writing! Best of luck with the ms.

Kimberly said...

Great covers and books!

Oh wow on almost being done with your first draft! I think we started about the same time and you are waaaaayyyyy ahead of me so I don't think you are slow or lazy at all!! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I'm the only one on the planet who isn't watching GAME OF THRONES.

Love Legos!

Liz Blocker said...

Alex, whenever you call yourself lazy, I just laugh out loud. Seriously. You are one of the hardest working men on the internet! There's no way that qualifies as lazy. If you're slow - and I am, too - maybe it's just about quality vs quantity :)

Melissa said...

Ha! Mini Alex on a copier.
Reminds me of Multiplicity...
"You know how when you make a copy of a copy, it's not as sharp as... well... the original." xD

I'm busy gearing up for the release of my debut. *bites nails*

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jamie, now that the Olympics are over, we can write more.

Kimberly, still feels slow.

Liz, I wasn't watching for a long time.

Liz, thanks!

Melissa, it will be all right.

Laura S. said...

I saw that Lego article with the literature scenes. Love it! Literature and Lego are two of my favorite L-word things, so putting them together is genius! :)

Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

LD Masterson said...

Great covers.

I know a couple of the trivia questions. Puss in Boots was Antonio Banderas, Sully was John Goodman, and Rocky was Mel Gibson.

And thanks for not showing us the photocopies of Mini-Alex's butt.

Unknown said...

That Lego GoT set is amazing! LOL I'm still on the fence about A-Z. I really want to do it again this year, but I also don't want to bite off more (way more!) than I can chew. Next week is my deadline to decide. (I'll still have time to pre-write my posts at that point. After that, no chance. :)

Crystal Collier said...

Wow, Alex. You're all ready for the A-Z? Yikes! I had this epic plan about being ready and how I was going to be skating by this year...and then I mangled a deadline by getting wrapped up in a release, and now, well, I'm only a month behind. But hey, there's still time. =)

Johanna Garth said...

We're devouring season 2 as well. We just finished the episode with Claire's shocking interview ;) Hard to stop watching.

And that naught mini-Alex!!

M Pax said...

I like Kevin Spacy a lot, but House of Cards stresses me out so I don't watch. I started watching The Killing, which is excellent.

Fundy Blue said...

Another enjoyable post, Alex! I visited Karen's and Lori's blogs, and it was interesting to hear about how the IWSG started. I'll be checking it out because I've certainly heard about the blog from others. I'm a big Game of Thrones fan, and I'm barely ahead of the series on TV with my reading of the books. Still deep into Hyperion. I'm working on a manuscript, but I am oh so slow! I'll get there! Have a happy evening!

Birgit said...

I tried to post earlier but i kept getting locked:) I think you rock and you will get your writing done! I'd love to see Mini Alex conquer a snow drift as then this weather might turn a tad warmer:) I am still shy about the a to z post and I have no idea about the movie trivia answers. I think Woody Allen was the ant in Antz. Canadians rocked this Olympics and loved the Hockey and I never watch Hockey:) Watching the Oscars? I alwsy make guesses but my questions are a little different like-Who has the worst face lift? and Can you guess what drug that person was on? Who was so dull in the speech that you wanted Godzilla's foot to come crunching down and hear Splat!?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Laura, and your name begins with L!

LD, you're correct. And I have to keep this blog PG you know...

EJ, just do it! Resistance is futile.

Crystal, still time!

Fundy, please join us.

Birgit, interesting questions! Correct about Antz. And Mini-Alex did tackle a snow drift last week.

Mason T. Matchak said...

Best of luck getting your first draft finished by March's end! Nothing quite like giving yourself a goal and hitting it. ^_^

Unknown said...

I hear such great things of House of Cards. I need to get Netflix back at some point so I can watch it. The Red Wedding lego scene is spectacular! Very creative. I know Sulley is John Goodman because Monster's Inc is one of like five movies that's in my daughter's regular rotation.

Unknown said...

I know the feeling, I tend to be a painfully slow writer, too. Which is probably why I should follow your example and start my A to Z posts now so I'm not pulling my hair out in April. :)

Shah Wharton said...

HOC is incredible! Loving season two and if he isn't the antichrist, who is? His wife perhaps.

I've seen Thor and Gravity - both very entertaining! You'll love them for different reasons. It's brilliant to think most of Gravity is CGI!

Hope your writing picks up. I'm fine with the first drafts, it's the revision stage where my laziness kicks in. *Groan.

Z from ANTZ is played by a hero of mine - Woody Allen - Aweosmely! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michael, you need to watch it. And you are correct.

Melanie, start now! Or you'll be one stressed Ninja Minion.

Shah, correct! And his wife is just as evil.

Kittie Howard said...

I seem to be watching paint dry these days. :)

Jack said...

I've heard of House of Cards but haven't seen it.

Hope your manuscript goes well, sometimes, certain ones just don't like to come out quickly.

I should know The Iron Giant trivia, I used to watch that movie a lot, but I never paid enough attention to the names at the end. I never cared.

Z...wasn't he Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Puss in Boots, Antonio Bandareus. (Or however his name is spelled.)
Prince of Egypt, another I should know but don't.
Sully...THAT one I know for sure, but can't think of it.
Chicken Run, nope.
Muppets from Space, love that movie, but have no idea who voices in it.
And, I should know Kuzco because I quote that movie non-stop, but again, no clue

SK Anthony said...

Oh that Red Wedding in Legos... sigh lol

Glad you're making progress with your manuscript, and woohoo on the A to Z challenge! I have yet to start. I have my ideas down but haven't started, I'm busy fighting with my MS...ah well.

And, and, and LOL @ Mini Alex :D

Al Penwasser said...

I bet I would really like House of Cards, but I'll resist. I only just got into Game of Thrones and I'm hooked! Don't need another show to do me in. I have writing to do, you know.

klahanie said...

Hey ninja dude,

I was duly informed by one of your starstruck fans about you being over at Karen's site. Time permitting, I shall try to visit.

Glad you're making progress on your manuscript. Not surprised you are not doing it at the pace you desire. After all, you seem to be all over the place.

Another 10 and you reach 2000.

Mini-Alex can come and visit Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

I shall perhaps do my good natured A to Z detox postings to produce some light-hearted relief for those who might be struggling. As for actually doing the darned thing. Thanks, but no thanks!!!

Mark said...

Totally digging the mini-Alex:) Also, that Bloodlust book actually looks pretty rad, I may just have to check it out.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kittie, that's funny!

Jack, you got one, and you'll kick yourself when you see the other answers.

Al, I'm trying to limit shows as well, but I need something to watch while I'm at work.

Gary, I think they would get into a lot of trouble together. Looking forward to your detoxing!

Misha Gerrick said...

I'm working on more than one manuscript, but I'm focusing on the one I'm drafting again.

I freaking know most of your answers, but I can't remember any except three and won't google. Sigh.

Kelly Polark said...

Mini Alex is AWESOME!

And you are so darn organized already preparing your A to Z posts so far ahead of time!

And I only know #3 and 5!

Sarah Allen said...

I keep hearing about this show. I might need to give in and watch.

Sarah Allen
(From Sarah, with Joy)

dolorah said...

I'm so far behind on everything it will take me at least two years to catch up.


Donna K. Weaver said...

I've heard my sons refer to the Red Wedding. Doesn't look like things turned out well for the attendees.

Lydia Kang said...

Rocky is Mel Gibson. I know this because it's been in my minivan DVD player for ages!

That mini-Alex is adorable!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the heads up on "House of Cards." More and more of American TV series have me scratching my head wondering who watches this stuff??

Copies of mini-Alex's butt! Hahaha!

Congrats on almost being dow with your WIP! I'll be done with my WIP in March, but I'm not sure I'll have time to pre-write my A-Z posts. Oh no!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kelly, because I know how insanely busy I will be soon.

Donna, or for those in the wedding.

Lydia, correct!

Lexa, I'm sure you'll be able to prep a few.

John Wiswell said...

There's nothing shameful about being a slow writer! Take it at your pace. A good book that is late is late. A bad book that is early is bad forever.

Nicki Elson said...

Oh I lourve reenactments in Legos.

Good job on the A to Z posts! I'm a planner aheader too but I barely got started...then got slightly derailed...but this weekend I hope to jump back on it.

Have a great weekend and THANK YOU for the prayers.

Tara Tyler said...

totally awesome lego scene! ah!!!
can't wait for the series to start up and finish that book! so much awesome - and if they cliff hanger it again, i'm gonna be p/o'd!

congrats to the newsies!

and i'm gonna try my hand/memory at the trivia
1 – Title character from The Iron Giant, 1999 - forgot (not a good start)
2 – Z from Antz, 1998 (Woody Allen plus Sharon Stone and Sylvester Stallone!)
3 – Title character from Puss in Boots, 2011 (Antonio Banderas)
4 – Moses from Prince of Egypt, 1998 (didn't see it)
5 – Sulley from Monsters, Inc., 2001 (John Goodman)
6 – Rocky from Chicken Run, 2000 (Mel Gibson)
7 – Fozzie Bear from Muppets From Space, 1999 (Frank Oz)
8 – Emperor Kuzco from The Emperor’s New Groove, 2000 (David Spade)

woot woot!
have a great weekend!

cleemckenzie said...

I have to start making up my mind about which movie is going to win best picture. There's a lot a stake around our house--dinner out, for example.

Getting ready to sub a manuscript, so I'll be kind of snarly for a few weeks.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

John, good point!

Nicki, will put in a prayer request at church as well.

Tara, six out of eight - very good!

Lee, it's a tough choice. Hope you win.

Nigel G Mitchell said...

Lot of cover reveals! Congratulations! Haven't watched "House of Cards" even though I hear good things

Cathy said...

Wow, you're organized! A-Z posts done and it doesn't start for another month. Good for you!

mshatch said...

Not watching House of Cards (tho I do love Kevin Spacey) but I am working on a manuscript - slowly!

Brandon Ax said...

Lol, I remember watching The Red Wedding with my wife. She had not read the books like me and watching her reaction was priceless.

Good luck on writing.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nigel, you should watch it.

Cathy, I didn't want to wait until the last moment.

Marcy, let's hear it for slow!

Brandon, I've not read the books, so I know how she felt!

Jeremy [Retro] said...

chi chi chi cha cha cha... so much to catch up on!

Toi Thomas said...

I still need to watch the first season, but who has time when you're working on three manuscripts, and looking for betas for one.
I never saw Chicken Run, but I think I got the other trivia.
Does Mini-Alex ever go shopping?

Anonymous said...

Funny -- we just started watching House of Cards last night. Great to see Buttercup again after so many years.

JJ said...

I believe I stopped going to the movies in 1989. I do admire all those book covers, however. It gives me some real cause to think.

Vicki Rocho said...

Visiting your blog is like the Cliff's Notes of the blogosphere. Easy way to catch up on all that I've been missing.

LOVE the Ninja! He's awesome!

Unknown said...

Ha about Ninja Alex on the copier and now you have all these copies of his butt! Still working on my AZ stuff...lots going on. But then again, isn't it always?

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

Alex, I love that I can count on your blog to catch up on all the Ninja news! Lots of cool stuff happening!

Stephsco said...

Haha to the Lego scene. I just watched the red wedding scene for the first time now that season 3 is on DVD. It was mostly spoiled for me, as far as who didn't make it, but I didn't know the context. I was actually a little disappointed, but I blame spoilers, which ... I guess it's not fair because people who pay to watch HBO deserve to be able to enjoy those moments. I think we might order HBO for 3 months to watch the next season live.

D.G. Hudson said...

Am signed up for the A to Z and the Wormfest, and I've been doing my research, so I've got the planning out of the way and the theme (not to be revealed until the Challenge begins).

Maybe if you gave mini-Alex a mini-Kate, he wouldn't play with the copier. . .then again, he's not trying to take over your blog is he?

I'm working on 2 manuscripts, in two different time spans. Lots of fun, and keeps me busy. One is scifi and the other an alternate history novel.