Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Movie Reviews, Movie Trivia, Ninja News, and Cosmic Knighthood!

Something cool is happening at David Powers King’s blog today – the Ninja is now a Cosmic Knight! Check it out as we discuss teleporters, blogging, and Hot Tamales.

Movie Reviews

The Croods - 2012
A caveman family trying to survive as their world falls apart.
It was better than expected and had a good heart. Beautiful visuals, humor, and a good story about being willing to try new things. Probably the best film Nicolas Cage has done in the past ten years.

The Sorcerer and the While Snake - 2011
A monk (played by Jet Li) tries to protect a young man from a thousand year old snake demon.
While the sets are colorful and lavish, the special effects fall short. So does the story, which is all over the map, following several characters. The movie isn’t sure what it wants to be – it’s too intense for kids and yet the dialogue and action are too childish for adults. I’ve seen worse, but I’ve seen a lot better!
Not recommended

Movie Trivia

Location, location, location! In what city or town does most of the action in these films take place?

1 – Rango 2011
2 – Tremors 1990
3 – Ocean’s Eleven 2001
4 – Doc Hollywood 1991
5 – Ghostbusters 1984
6 – Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 1986
7 – Ratatouille 2007

Ninja News

Sarah Ahiers has an agent!!! Congratulations, Sarah.

Michelle Wallace is celebrating three years of blogging with THE UBUNTU BLOGHOP February 18-21.
What is ubuntu? "In Africa, there is a concept known as UBUNTU – the profound sense that we are human only through the humanity of others; that if we are to accomplish anything in this world, it will in equal measure be due to the work and achievement of others." – Nelson Mandela. Any form of creativity that captures the spirit of ubuntu is welcome!
See her site for details and to sign up.

On February 28, Kyra and Rachel are hosting the WIP Movie Bloghop. See their sites for details.

Julie Musil’s book, The Boy Who Loved Fire, was released this week!

This Friday is the release of Decadent Kane’s second book in The Trouble With Elves series, Tempting Clover!

Ali Cross announced the dates for IndieReCon 2014 - February 25-27. See her site for details.

The A to Z Challenge list is open and filling fast! You don’t want to miss the biggest blogging event of the year. And if you need ideas for your Challenge theme, Lisa at Flash Fiction posted a great list.

Don’t forget the Insecure Writer’s Support Group post date is next Wednesday!

And the Epic 2000 Followers Giveaway continues!

Who will be GFC follower number 2000?

Have you seen either movie? Know the trivia answers? Excited about the new books and blogfests? Did you sign up for the A to Z Challenge? You know resistance is futile…

Don’t forget to visit David Powers King!


Anonymous said...

Hey I'm first!!!!!
Great post Alex, you never fail to give us something for everyone.


Jeremy [Retro] said...

The Sorcerer and the While Snake, it was a visual film of fun... some crazy creatures.

Great set of covers today, congrats to everyone... you are 25 from being 2000, awesome.

been working in the background on the minions/main/art... for the a to challenge... it's going to be great. i need to coordinate a time to work on the "minion" thing.

have a great day, some early morning freelance came in... first priority.


The Angry Lurker said...

It's one thing that confuses me but does an animation movie count as acting for an actor, there's the voice recognition but little else, easy money?

Michelle Wallace said...

I love those covers! Congrats to the ladies on the new releases... and to Sarah on landing an agent!
And a BIG thank you for mentioning my blogfest, Alex!
I'm all signed up for the A to Z Challenge... ready to rock 'n roll!

Trisha said...

Only 25 new followers needed!! WOW, you're nearly there!

thanks for this news round-up - I now have a zillion or so links to visit, so I better get around to that. :D

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats on becoming a Cosmic Knight. And congrats to everyone on their great news.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Congrats, Sir David!

Rhonda Albom said...

I haven't seen either movies, but I am signed up for AtoZ :) As for trivia, I know only three.

Jo said...

Only 8 comments??? I would enjoy The Croods, will watch out for it.

Did you know there is a place in Okinawa, Japan (I think) where there are white snakes which are welcomed into the houses of the locals in the belief that they are lucky spirits.

#3 is Vegas. The remaining ones I have seen I can't remember. 7 is Paris maybe?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yvonne, you are first!

Jeremy, cool about the Minion art. And awesome about the freelance work.

Fran, considering Cage's acting skills, he really needs to count this one.

Michelle, I'm sorry I didn't sooner!

Natalie and Sandra, I am now Sir Alex!

Li said...

Thanks for the link Alex :-) The WIP blogfest sounds like fun! Headed there now.

Patsy said...

I'm not posting for A-Z but I will be reading.

Julie Flanders said...

Michelle's blogfest is so cool. What a great idea!

It's exciting to see your march towards 2000! :D

S.A. Larsenッ said...

All signed up! (Check!)

2 Movies: nope. But I almost watched the first one the other night with my youngest. I'll definitely watch it now.

Trivia: I swear I ALWAYS draw a blank with this stuff. Seriously! I've seen all of those and can't tell you. #duh

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Ferris Bueller took place in Chicago.

Congrats on being a Cosmic Knight.

Kim Van Sickler said...

Thanks for the reminder to sign up for the A to Z Challenge! So many folks have signed up already!!!

Liz Blocker said...

I saw a preview for the Sorcerer and the White Snake, and after the dust cleared and I blinked away the stunning visuals, I remember thinking, "wait...what was that actually about??" Thanks for confirming it's not worth it!

And congrats to all on agents and releases!!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. I love the ethical concept "Ubuntu" and Michelle's artwork for it .. should be a good blogfest.

Signed up for the A-Z .. along with hundreds of others already - such a great idea Lee had ..

Cheers and off to see you as the Cosmic Knight .. Hilary

Al Diaz said...

Congratulations on the knighthood! It was about time also. Now you're a ninja and a knight. Most unusual combination but not as rare as a dragon and a knight.
I must warn you now that you revealed you have a Cosbolt, dwarves will want to infiltrate your place to see it. If you're wise, you'll reject any offer for additional minions for the Challenge and any invitation to dinner, even if they bring tamales. You've been warned.

Heather M. Gardner said...


You've sent me to like 20 sites today! Hey, thanks!

I didn't see either movie but I'm sure the 8yr old will want to see the cavemen.

Congrats on everyone's good news!

Movie trivia
1. ?
2. The desert :)
3. Vegas
4. Tombstone
5. NYC
6. Chicago
7. Paris

So close to 2000!

Unknown said...

I've wanted to see The Sorcerer and the White Snake, but thought it was a Bio on David Coverdale and the 80's Rock band by the same name!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jo, it's a quiet Wednesday morning. And you got two right. Will pass on snakes in the house though.

Sheri, you need to watch it.

Diane, correct.

Liz, I'm still not sure what it was about.

Al, thank you! And I will heed your warning...

Heather, you got four right. And watch the movie - you'll dig it.

David, thanks for my first laugh of the morning!

Vanessa Morgan said...

Congratulations on the almost 2000 followers. That's a big achievement. Now see if you can double that number :-)

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Signed up for A-Z, and I'm a Minion! :)

Got my IWSG post ready for next week…unless new insecurities emerge and then I'll write a new one. Chance for that are pretty good.

Cathrina Constantine said...

Trivia:Mojave Desert, Perfection, Nevada, Vegas, NYC, Chicago, Paris. Congrats to everyone with book releases and Sarah acquiring an agent!

Shell Flower said...

You definitely deserve the cosmic knight-ship. Congrats to Sarah and glad to hear Nicholas Cage did something good.

Luanne G. Smith said...

Congrats to Sarah on her agent news!

Sarah Ahiers said...

Aww! Thanks Alex!

And i did see the Croods in theaters and i agree with you. Way better than i thought it would be, with a lot of heart and humor. I wouldn't mind owning it

Cherie Reich said...

The Croods looks like a fun movie.

Congrats to everyone in the News section!

S. L. Hennessy said...

Not going to lie, I didn't love the Croods. But I agree - a definite step up for Mr. Cage. Although Wicker Man lives on in it's terrible, terrible glory.

Crystal Collier said...

The kids watched The Kroods. We kind of couldn't get into it. *shrugs*

I'm so excited for Julie, and my goodness there's some amazing stuff happening around the blogosphere today. Time to get hopping. =)

Leovi said...

Yes, really excellent, I take my son to see The Croods!

Anonymous said...

Lots of good stuff happening here, Alex. Sharing the love as usual :) Off to go visit David now.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Vanessa, not likely. No one uses GFC anymore.

Madeline, you are MY Minion!

Cathrina, you got five!

Thank you, Shell.

Sarah, you're welcome. Yes, it had a lot of heart.

SL, that was him at his worst!!

Christine Rains said...

I haven't seen either movie, but I'm not too interested. I watched Kick-Ass 2 on the weekend. It's not as good as the first one. So much great news! I do appreciate you post all the news of the community here since I haven't gotten much of a chance to keep on top of things so far this year.

Bossy Betty said...

You make ME want to watch movies.

Juliana Haygert said...

My husband made me watch The Sorcerer and the While Snake ... so terrible LOL

Ella said...

Cosmic Knight! I am intrigued.

How much snow did you get Captain Cool?! Ten inches of heavy white powder here-so crazy to see!
I am loving the A-Z button~
Happy to have electricity-so I can still teleport! Hope you are functioning well in this white portal mess!

ilima said...

Congrats on being knighted! I'm ready for IWSG and A to Z, yay! Ocean's is Vegas and Ferris is Chicago, I think. I assume Ratatouille is Paris though I've never seen it. For all the, the desert?

Julie Musil said...

Alex, thanks so much for mentioning my book! I truly appreciate it :)

Trivia: I'm clueless (hmmm, what was the location of Clueless? I'm clueless about that too)

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

How is it IWSG day next Wednesday already? This month went quickly.
Thanks for sharing about the Movie blog hop! :)

D.G. Hudson said...

Congrats, Alex, but you already were a Knight and a Ninja in my estimation!

I added my name to the A to Z list, and now am looking and slotting in ideas for the letters. (only a few left to assign) I like a theme, so I can collect them under a tab on my blog, after the challenge.
I did check out the list though!

David P. King said...

It was great having you over, Alex! Seriously, I don't know why I didn't have you over sooner! A WIP movie? I better look into that! :)

Tony Laplume said...

I know we've gone over this before. You don't have a high opinion of recent Nic Cage. But I find it incredibly hard to believe The Croods could be better than World Trade Center, or even either of the National Treasure movies.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I haven't seen either of those movies. I've very excited about A to Z and I'll be over at David's.

L.G. Keltner said...

1. ?
2. Perfection
3. Las Vegas
4. ?
5. New York City
6. Chicago
7. Paris

Tremors was one of my favorite movies growing up, so that was easy.

Frankie Miller said...

Alex, I've noticed that some bloggers introduce you as "Ninja Captain" - does this mean that you'll be known as "Cosmic Knight Captain"? You know how confused I am already, and I'm not sure now how to address you - and next week is IWSG.

Robin said...

Location Location Location. It took me a moment to figure out where I have heard that phrase before. And then it hit me... HGTV. My mom loves that channel and since it's about real estate... well, location is mentioned rather frequently.

I see that everyone already knows the trivia that I know. That first one is giving everyone fits.

Brian Miller said...

ha, see with a name like the sorceror and the white snake i probably would have left it alone anyway...i enjoyed the was a nice story and i def appreciate the end...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Christine, I don't catch everything, but I do try.

Juliana, I'm sorry!!!

Ella, we only got about two inches of ice and snow. Enough to keep me home for the day, which is cool!

Ilima, you got three.

Julie, you're welcome, and that would be Beverly Hills.

Rachel, you're welcome.

DG, thank you, and that's a smart idea.

Karen, you can always pre-schedule.

David, thanks again!

Tony, National Treasure was maybe a little better, but - it was ten years ago!

LG, very good! Knew Tremors would be a tough one.

Fanny, I think it will be Ninja Captain and Cosmic Knight now. Or I'll just stick to Ninja Captain.

Robin, you'll find out Monday.

Rachna Chhabria said...

The Croods sounds like something I would enjoy. I will have to get the DVD. Congrats to Sarah.Is the ninja a cosmic knight or cosmic ninja or captain knight. Wait, I am thoroughly confused (sigh, head feels heavy).

Pat Hatt said...

Only 24 more until 2000 at your shore and knew them all but #1 and maybe 4.

Wild West
New York

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Best film for Cage, hehe. I'll have to check out Melissa's hop. As for the trivia...hmm the first two just going with the desert. Oceans 11, the ocean? Maybe Vegas? Never saw it. Doc Holiday, Tombstone. Ghostbusters, Philadelphia. Ferris, Chicago. Rat (not even trying to spell that!) movie, Paris.

Suzanne Furness said...

Haven't seen any of those movies.
Won't be posting for A-Z but sure I'll be hopping around a few when I can.
Is it really IWSG next week, that must mean it's nearly February!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Nearly at 2000 followers! Way to go. Have a great A to Z Challenge.

The Happy Whisk said...

Good luck reaching two grand.

mooderino said...

I'm a big fan of Jet Li, even his more dodgy flicks (usually a couple of good fight scenes at least) but decided to give this one a miss.

Congrats on the knighthood!

Moody Writing

nutschell said...

I've been wanting to see Sorcerer and the White Snake for some time now. I guess I'll just have to give it a try!

I do love your Ninja news!Congrats to everyone!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rachna, so am I!

Pat, you got four easy.

Elizabeth, you got four.

Moody, wise to skip this one.

Nutschell, you have been warned...

~Sia McKye~ said...

I don't watch enough movies, lol! At least these are older ones and I've seen most of them....

Tremors was in Perfection, Nevada. I remember telling my husband any town called Perfection is forever a miss on my map.
Ocean Eleven-- Las Vegas
Doc Hollywood--Beverly Hills
Ghostbusters--New York
Ferris Bueller--Chicago. I think.

A-Z...mmm...maybe. Depends upon a few things and those things won't be clear until February.

Sia McKye Over Coffee

Jessie Humphries said...

Resistance is futile?! Haha, what if I just sleep through the month of April? THat sounds more fun. Huge congrats to DPK, I love that dude. said...

Resistance IS futile. Smiles. In that case, here I go...attempting to answer your trivia, knowing I don't know any of the answers:

1) Jersey Shore, NJ
2) D.C., Maryland (Oval Office)
3) Gilligan's Island
4) Los Angeles
5) NYC
6) Santa Monica Beach, CA
7) Rome, Italy

Stay safe and warm, Alex.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Congrats to Sarah on her new agent, and to all of the new authors! Looking forward to Michelle's blogfest! I'm glad that the A to Z list is growing by leaps and bounds! I'll head over to David's later, Sir Alex!


Arlee Bird said...

Haven't seen either movie and it's unlikely that I will.

Some bloggers still need convincing about joining us with the A to Z Challenge. Maybe some good posts from the co-hosts and others will confront the argument against A to Z. Converting Gary Pennick will be the ultimate challenge.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

Samantha May said...

I don't know, "Kick Ass" was a pretty good movie and Nic Cage was in that one.

I'm pretty sure Ratatouille is in Paris, right?

And yay for more blog hops and 2000 followers!

Tonja said...

I watch more than my fair share of children's movies. The Croods was definitely not one of my favorites. I wanted it to be better than it was.

I can't believe it's anywhere close to time to think about A-Z. I'm definitely out this year.

Truedessa said...

A cosmic knight now, that sounds like fun..I'm sure I could weave
a story to that theme. Congrats hope you enjoy your knighthood.

Soon you will have your 2000 followers then let the mayhem

Nicholas Cage has had some flops..

Enjoy your Day...

Birgit said...

I finally saw LOTR-Smaug Dragon_OKOK it is not called that but Smaug was excellent!! I love LOTR and this was excellent and had to see it before it left and a must see on the bog screen. The caveman movie sounds good and at least only doesn;t have to look at Nicholas Cage:)Poor guy well poor schmoor-he is rich:) I believe Tremors takes place in Purgatory-is that supposed to be in Nevada or New Mexico?? Oceans 11 is in Las Vegas, Ghost Busters is in New York and is ferris Bueller in LA?? I don;t know the others. Still thinking about the A to Z challenge...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sia, you got four right. And agree with you on missing that town.

Robyn, you got one!!!

Lee, I think that is a lost cause.

Yes, it was! And it was good because he wasn't the star.

Trudessa, I bet you could!

Birgit, glad you enjoyed Smaug. Purgatory is a great name, but that wasn't it. You did get two right. And hope you can join us for the A to Z.

farawayeyes said...

Ha! I actually know ONE of the Trivia questions - Ferris Bueller takes place in Chicago.

J.L. Campbell said...

Thanks for the round-up, Alex. Lots happening for us writers. Congrats to those with new books out.

Unknown said...

Wouldn't miss the chance to help Michelle celebrate--one of my favorite peeps!! I'll be Damyanti's house-elf for the A to Z season, putting my bar-tending skills to good use:)

Johanna Garth said...

I've never heard of Ubuntu, but its such a nice concept!

Sherry Ellis said...

I haven't seen the Croods. Maybe I'll check it out. I'll hop over to see David's blog.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

So mucyh going on in the writing worlde. Ali Cross is working like a bat out of hell! Go girl. Epic giveaway indeed Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Faraway, you are correct!

Samantha, she'll be happy to have you help her.

mshatch said...

I'm so excited for Julie, I just bought my kindle edition :)

M Pax said...

Congrats to Julie and Sarah!

How did it get to be February already? Will mark indierecon on my calendar. Thanks for that heads up.

J E Oneil said...

All I know is 2 and 5. I've never seen any of the others. I signed up for the A-to-Z challenge today! My first year. Man, it's going to be a busy April.

Rusty Carl said...

I think Ghostbusters is NYC and Ratatouille is Paris... Um, Ferris Bueller is Chicago... not sure about the rest. Even though I've seen them all.

And man, you are really spreading the news today. I can barely keep up with all the announcements.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Congratulations good sir! Thou art a cosmic knight!

cleemckenzie said...

Great to see all those new books out! I haven't seen those flicks. Guess I'm way behind in the movie sector, but I'm trying to keep ahead in the books.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Of the trivia, the only one I know for sure is Paris. Otherwise it's 'somewhere in America' lol.

I definitely want to see the Croods.

Andrew Leon said...

I liked the Croods.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your Knighthood. And finally, the teleportation and clone tricks have been revealed! Knew there had to be some special tactic up your sleeve for showing up everywhere ;)

Ray Rousell said...

I felt a little let down with the Croods, it could/should have been so much more.

Jeff Hargett said...

Enjoyed the interview over at DPK's. Sir Alex. Has a nice ring to it.

DMS said...

I have been wanting to see The Croods, so I am glad to hear that it is better than you had expected. :)

I think Ocean's Eleven takes place in Vegas...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

JE, you won't regret it!

Rusty, that's three. And yeah, there was a lot...

Lynda, that made me chuckle.

Emilyann, now you know.

Jess, correct!

Nicole said...

Congrats on the knighthood!! I haven't seen either of those movies yet.

Maurice Mitchell said...

Congrats. Croods was much better than it needed to be and my son liked it too.

Denise Covey said...

Saw The Wolf of Wall Street last night. Still amazed at how full on it was!
Congrats to Sarah. Great news. I think I've signed for Michelle's blogfest, but I will double check. The A-Z is not for me this year!

Sharon Bayliss said...

Exciting stuff coming up! I'm not brave enough for the A-Z challenge, but I always enjoy watching everyone else go crazy. :)

Helena said...

Congratulations on your cosmic knighthood! I will check it out.

The trailers for The Croods looked funny, but now that it has your blessing I will try to catch it.

Elise Fallson said...

You're a Cosmic Ninja Knight?!
Awesome. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Denise, haven't seen it yet.

Gossip_Grl said...

I have signed up for the A-Z, but I'm not really into it, yet. I have a theme to write about. I think I am still haunted by last April when I had to work and played catch up with reading and commenting in the evenings and on weekends. Towards the end it got harder keeping up to because I hadn't prewritten posts for the ending. I do hope this year is better. I'm also thinking I need to join that Insecure Group because right now I am so insecure I'm not sure if Dr. Phil can even help!

Unknown said...

Just love the cover of Decadent Kane!
Also,congrats to all those who have new releases!

Great post, Alex!

Leovi said...

Beautiful, I like the concept of UBUNTU!

A Beer for the Shower said...

Sir, I must respectfully disagree. We all know that the best film Nicolas Cage has done in the past 10 years is The Wicker Man.

Kyra Lennon said...

Thanks for the bloghop shoutout!

I didn't enjoy The Croods as much as I thought I would. :(

Shah Wharton said...

Hey Alex (waves)

Oh I've missed this one-stop catchup and info gathering. Congrats to all who are celebrating and launching books!

Nope, not seen either movie, but loved that Nic is doing better, even if it was animation (chuckle).

Gottta look into UBUNTU - what a great idea! I just need someone to organise my brain to fit it in.

Krista McLaughlin said...

Congratulations on becoming a Ninja Cosmic Knight! You must be the only one in existence. :)

I will have to check out some of those new things going on. I haven't decided if I will do the A-Z again this year, but I probably will. :)

Bish Denham said...

Haven't seen either movie though I've got The Croods on my list.

Wow so many blogfests, so many new books out. Wonderful stuff. Congratulations everyone!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gossip Girl, don't let last year traumatize you. And we'd love to have you join the IWSG.

Brandon and Bryan, ah yes, Cage in a bear suit. Cinema at its finest.

Kyra, you're welcome!

Shah, glad I could make you chuckle.

Krista, I guess I am...

Susan Oloier said...

My son (usually a huge fan of all things animated) gave me the luke warm response to The Croods. He's riding the fence between younger kid and tween.
Is it already A to Z sign up time? I think I'll have to pass this year. Too many writing projects. Off to visit David now.

Suze said...

7 is Paris. I love the film Ratatouille. I can't believe I don't know 6! Some town in Illinois is my guess. Sherman Oaks? No, that was Breakfast Club ...

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I'm usually not a fan of cartoons but I did enjoy The Croods.

Mark said...

Very groovy for mentioning Ubuntu! Also, loving David's blog too:)

LD Masterson said...

Wow, this is sad. I've seen more than half the trivia question movies and I still don't know the answers. Here's a couple feeble attempts.

Ocean's Eleven - Vegas, Doc Hollywood - Grady (no idea why I remembered this), Ghostbusters - NYC?, Ferris - Minneapolis?, Ratatouille - Paris?

Fundy Blue said...

Hi Alex! I'm starting to get the hang of your blog! You are a busy guy! Tremors is one of my all-time favorite movies! I'm lousy at Trivia, but when I need a good laugh I watch Tremors. As for "ubuntu," it's a concept that needs to be acknowledged in our country! Love it! Have a great day!

Unknown said...

I was surprised to see Clover in your post today- Thank you.

Also I adore The Croods. Saw it in the theater and laughed so hard.

Misha Gerrick said...

Congrats on the knighthood!

I loved the Croods. It's a touching story. :-)

Karen Lange said...

Ocean's Eleven was in Vegas and Ferris Bueller was in a suburb of Chicago. I think. :)

Morgan said...

You're a Knight??? Sweeeet. Welcome to the table! I'm heading over right now...

But not without saying 2000? So, so, SO VERY awesome, Alex. What a weird thought... does it freak you out? That 2000 people love you? I'm not sure many people can say that!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Suze, correct on number seven.

LD, you got four!! I say you did good.

Fundy, I am indeed busy! And Tremors is a great film.

Decadent, of course!

Karen, correct.

Morgan, thanks! Add Google+ and other followers, and yes, it freaks me out a little.

Patricia Stoltey said...

I've signed up for A to Z and already have my theme picked out. This year I hope to have several of the posts (short, of course) written and scheduled in advance.

Anonymous said...

Lots of great updates around here!!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news here and I'll check out your knighthood.

msmariah said...

I wish I could be your 2,000 follower, but I'm following you already!

dolorah said...

I saw David's post yesterday. Congrats Ninja Knight :)

Lots of stuff today. I only know where Ghost Busters, Oceans 11 and Ratatouille were set. Good trivia questions.


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

No, haven't seen either of those movies...and I don't think they're on my list, either. Ha! Thanks for the reviews.

And thanks for the newsy updates, too!

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

We watched "The Croods" with some of our grandchildren over the Christmas holiday, and I loved it. Some of the lines really cracked me up. Of course, it could have been the company that made the movie so enjoyable.

I read Juli's book last night, and thoroughly enjoyed it. (Will write the review today!)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Patricia, that's a smart move.

MsMariah, that's all right!

Donna, thanks, and I was trying to think of something unique for the trivia.

Susan, she'll be happy to know you liked it.

Leovi said...

I like the IndieReCon 2014!

Tyrean Martinson said...

Great news!!! And I'll check out that post at David's site.
A to Z . . . so tempting, but how will I find the time in this crazy life . . . hmm. I'm thinking about it.

Nicki Elson said...

Thanks for all the blogworld scoopage. I don't know what the internet would do without you.

Tina said...

Um, yeah, I signed up for the A-Z Challenge...

Will have to check out The Croods. I think my boys saw it. Love me some Nicolas Cage, in whatever form you give him to me. My favorite though will forever be "Honeymoon In Vegas" - it's one of my watch over and over movies.

Have a great, relaxing weekend and be sure to cheer FOR THE BRONCOS!

Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Chemist Ken said...

Haven't seen either movie, although we'll probably rent the Croods at some point.

Congratulations on your nomination.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tyrean, resistance is futile...

Thank you, Nicki.

Tina, I will be cheering for Manning and the Broncos. But it's anyone's game...

Susan Kane said...

I do know some of the answers, but I love Rawkrobin's answers the best.

Unknown said...

April's going to be here in no time! I'm really looking forward to Indie ReCon, there were so many informative posts last year. Congrats to Sarah on getting an agent!

Anonymous said...




Ah, here we are! =P

Thankfully, my IWSG post is all done and scheduled to post. You may have changed my mind about The Croods. I was going to dismiss it but now...maybe not.

Kirsten said...

LOL, the A to Z challenge will assimilate us all!
Got my IWSG post drafted and on the editing block. Being insecure and all, it makes getting posts up so much more difficult. ;)

Shannon Lawrence said...

So much good news; congrats to all on new agents and new releases.

Funny, I never realized how little I paid to setting in movies (unless I think I recognize it, I guess). I only know a couple of them.

The Warrior Muse

Tracy Jo said...

The A-Z challenge is coming fast! I need to hop over and sign up. Can't believe it is close to that time again. Have an awesome weekend!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much, Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, her random answers were good and one was actually right.

Elsie, you and your kids might enjoy it.

Shannon, I understand!

Anonymous said...

Alright, Alex, I'm taking the leap. Not with Croods, but with the A-Z Challenge. Thank you for inspiring me. Have a great weekend!

Vanessa Morgan said...

Thanks for all those ideas. Just subscribed for the WIP and A To Z Challenge. Have a lovely weekend.

Brandon Ax said...

I really liked the Croods. My daughter even more, we rented it and she watched it six times before we took it back.

Mary Aalgaard said...

I have exciting plans for the A to Z. I'll be starting a new blog with the Biker Chef.
It's about time you were knighted!
Michelle's bloghop looks great.

klahanie said...

Arise Sir Cosmic Knight. I shall, when I can, check you out. It's you and not one of your clones, I assume.

Thanks for all the notations and links, Alex.

Once again, I state, my friend, I wish the A to Z would just go away. Resistance is not a problem.

Wishing you a peaceful remainder of your weekend.


Marta Szemik said...

Oh my goodness, lots going on. I've watched Ferris so many times, yet I don't remember the city. If I had to guess, I'd say it's NY.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elsie, glad you are on board!!

Vanessa, you won't regret it.

Brandon, that's a lot.

Mary, cool, and thank you.

Gary, it's really me.

Marta, you'll find out on Monday.

T.F. Walsh said...

Always find cool new things on your blog to check out:) I've been sitting on the fence about seeing Croods... might have to watch it.

PK HREZO said...

Wow so much going on while I'm locked away in my writing cave.
Let's see:
1. Somewhere in the west
2. Somewhere in the west
3. Las Vegas
4. LA then a small town somewhere
5. New york
6. Chicago
7. Paris

Ah, piece of cake. lol

ediFanoB said...

It seems to get 22 more followers to reach 2000 is as challenging as to get the first 50 followers.

But sooner or later it will happen....

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your cosmic knighthood! Heading over to see what exactly that entails...

Jemi Fraser said...

Lots of exciting news! Congrats to all!
I never (EVER!) know the trivia, but Ocean's 11 has to be in Las Vegas ... doesn't it? :)

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Amazing, Alex, how much ground you can cover in your blog posts! Is there a limit to the number of participants in this year's A to Z. I thought I would wait to sign up until later. Don't know yet what I want to do. Thank you for keeping it fun!

Mary Montague Sikes

John Wiswell said...

Cosmic Knight? That's a heck of a step up! Your weekend just got cooler.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

PK, you got four right!

Edi, that made me chuckle. Thanks.

Milo, it entails my name growing even longer...

Jemi, it does!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the movie recommendations. Your trivia quiz is great but too hard for me this week.

Big congrats to Sarah for getting an agent! Congrats to the book releases of Julie and Decadent!

Yes, resistance IS futile, so I've signed up for the A-Z Challenge. ;)

Yolanda Renée said...

Resistance is futile? We'll see! LOL

Cosmic Knights - okay!

The Croods were cute!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing about the movies...

Unknown said...

I've signed up to the A to Z challenge - what have I let myself in for again!!

Tony Laplume said...

A final word on Nicolas Cage, I don't know if you've ever watched Community, but Abed recently figured out what the actor is really all about. It's pretty mind-blowing. And it will lead to a classic Nicolas Cage freak out.

Johanna Garth said...

Despite being the 160th commenter...I want to say congratulations on the warm reception for the newest in the Cassa series...even though you might be tired of hearing it by now. ;)