Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Plus Ayreon Review, Newscaster as Ron Burgundy, and Ninja News

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

My awesome co-hosts today are CD Coffelt, Tina Downey, Isis Rushdan, and Michelle Wallace! Please be sure to thank them for their time and effort to make all IWSG members feel welcome.

Where am I at right now? Haunted by one question – do I continue writing?

I have a basic outline for another space opera. At this stage, it’s very straightforward and will need a lot of twists and some depth. I’m working on characters, arcs, and a deep, resonating theme.

Will I write it though?

If I do, some things will have to change. My life is already full with work, my band, my home life. There is only one area I could adjust at this point. My time online.

The most amazing part of this journey has been getting to know all of you. That was something I never foresaw when I began. The Insecure Writer’s Support Group website is also very important to me, and all of you who post every month for the group. I have an amazing group of admins helping with the site and the Facebook page. They will help me with its upkeep and growth, as we are still adding links to the site.

It’s the time I spend online that I’d have to scale back. Yes, I’m fortunate to do some of that from work. But what if I was writing instead? Especially in the evening? If I do decide to write another book, I will have to scale back the hours I spend here, and of course I’ll have to scale back my blogging days. (Because I refuse to blog when I can’t visit others.)

How would you guys feel if I was only around one day and the others were hit and miss? I don't want to let anyone down. Should I keep writing?

Visit other participants HERE.

Ninja News

Join the YA Revolution! Liz Fichera is seeking unique YA books – see her site for details.

Nutschell announced the release of the anthology she’s been putting together - Story Sprouts: CBW-LA Writing Day Exercises and Anthology 2013. A fresh take on an old classic, the Anthology uncovers the creative process in its raw form, celebrating the seeds of story generation. Framing the authors’ contributions are the 10 writing exercises that guided them along their journey, as well as tips and techniques shared at the workshop. Congratulations, Nutschell!

MJ and Tina are hosting The Holiday Food Drive Blogfest. This is your chance to give back to your local community. See their sites for details.

Kittie Howard’s Louisiana's A-Z Something Extra: Lagniappe is now available. Congratulations, Kittie!

Lydia Kang is holding a pre-order giveaway for her upcoming release, Control. Some cool swag – see her site for details.

Karen’s Annual Blog Awards are now open for nominations! Favorite blog, favorite new blog.. Visit her site to nominate someone!

And it’s not too late to sign up for the How I Miss You Blogfest this Friday!

Hilarious News Clip

For Halloween, Denver’s Channel 6 sports anchor, Paul Gerke, was Ron Burgundy from The Anchorman. Only he didn’t just dress like him – he stayed in character for the entire newscast! The result is hilarious. It’s over five minutes, but very funny, especially the end where they let him do a little of the weather…

Music Review

Ayreon – The Theory of Everything
Arjen Anthony Lucassen has created another progressive rock masterpiece.
If you like Ayreon’s The Human Equation (not only their best, but the most brilliant concept album ever) then you will dig this disc.
The basic storyline (as if anything about Ayreon was basic): a troubled young man with a brilliant mind locked within his head is the central character. His parents take him to a psychologist who suggests an experimental drug, but the mother says no. However, the father is working on the theory of everything and needs to unlock his son’s brilliance if he is to solve the equation. He starts slipping his son the drug, with consequences…
This is a true progressive rock album, so the music is intricate and not easily accessible. However, with every listen, new elements are revealed and the genius behind the concept and music grows. Plus there are so many great guest musicians!
And the Theory of Everything? There are forty-two songs on the disc – major homage to Douglas Adams.
Highly recommended!

What’s your writing insecurity today? Should I try to write another book? Excited about the new books, blogfests, giveaways, and awards? Did you watch a minute of the video? Anyone else an Ayreon or progressive rock fan? And two more days to Thor: The Dark World!!!


L.G. Keltner said...

If you do decide to write a new book, your blogging buddies will support you all the way.

Mark Koopmans said...

Well, Alan... I for one would miss your presents online (ho! ho! ho!)

Seriously though dude, you really are a force of online good, but IF you feel the itch to write, you simply must scratch it.

Sometimes even a Captain has to take a chill pill.

And like the Most Interesting Man in the world says, "I may not drink beer all the time, but when I do, it's because I'm reading the latest book by Alex J. Cavanaugh."

Lan said...

If you feel the urge to write then you should definitely do it even if it means spending less time online. Maybe it might take you a little longer if you only scale back on your online presence a little but in the end everything will balance out.

Anonymous said...

Hi Alex, I think if you want to write a new book then that has to be your focus. I've blogged about this recently myself because usually my posting falls by the wayside when I'm busy writing new stuff (and I'm not even published yet). So go ahead, focus on the fiction and we'll be here waiting patiently when you get back.
Good luck!

Unknown said...

Hard one about writing vs blogging. If you have an awesome idea that you MUST write, then go for it. (And send that mojo my way as I haven't found anything high concept enough to bother with writing in over a year.)

Congrats on the anthology, Nutshell! Yay for the good works of MJ and Tina, Kittie's release, and Lydia's giveaway.

Liz's diversity promotion is PERFECT for me - my mc's Muslim. Thanks so much for the link, Alex. :-)

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Didn't have time to see video. Definitely checking out Unique YA. If you have to scale back being online that would be sad but you have to set priorities and writing does take up a lot of time. Do what you feel is right for you and if that's writing another book, I wish you all the best. Also thank you for IWSG and the incredible team behind you.

Rhonda Albom said...

You know the community will support you what ever you decide. An option: You could write it a little slower than the other books, put less stress on yourself. I joined in the IWSG this month too.

stu said...

The writing is always more important than the blogging. Even for someone like you for whom the blogging seems like a big deal, it must surely be secondary.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Oh, you're probably asking the wrong group of people. :) Yes, you should keep writing (but what else was I going to say? Ha!)

We will certainly understand and support you, no matter what you need to do with your blogging and visiting!

Laura Clipson said...

I think you should do what you can to keep writing for as long as you still have new ideas. We'll understand if you're not around so much :)

Unknown said...

I say keep writing. Fellow writers will understand. And if you're blogging all the time you'll just be thinking about writing and probably not giving it your all, so why not just write?

Natalie Aguirre said...

I can so relate to what you're going through. Because the blogging is totally taking up my writing time too since I work like you. If you want to write, cut back on the blogging. We'll still be just as good friends with you. With all that's going on for me next year, I am planning to cut down to more weeks of one day only blogging and taking more weeks off. And I am hoping it'll help me write more.

Jackie said...

Write, for sure. I think most will understand and will respect your choice. :)

Unknown said...

Keep writing, and don't worry about us. So many times, that's my concern. That with everything else there is to do to really get established in writing, PLUS the writing itself, I never have time to visit the way I'd like. Perhaps this will change, but for now, that's the way it is and I (as well as supporters) have to accept that. I'd MUCH RATHER visit!

WRITE! We'll miss you, but will be cheering you on from the sidelines.

M.L. Swift, Writer

Li said...

I would say, choose that which makes YOU feel more fulfilled. I respect your integrity in wanting to support the blogging community and not "let people down", but the truth is that I would hate to think that someone gave up writing for that reason. Sure we would miss you, but not desert you. Why not take a hiatus from blogging (maybe just post one day a week) and pursue the new book project for a while. See how it goes. It's far easier (I think) to pick up where you left off in the blogging world...than to try and pick up where you left off on a novel/writing project. Sometimes you lose momentum and never get it back. Whatever you decide, we'll support you. :-)

Unknown said...

Hey, the way I see it is if you've got another story in you, then you should write it! You already visit an amazing number of blogs. I'm sure everyone would understand if you scaled back a little :-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mark, I would like it if he really said that!

Lan, that would be my plan.

Lexa, I'll send you some mojo!

Rhonda, that would be easier than attempting NaNo.

Stu, ironically music comes before both.

Natalie, thank you. Hopefully we'll both find balance.

Lisa, thank you for those wise words...

Unknown said...

I completely understand your dilemma, Alex. I have written similar thoughts to yours in my IWSG post.

It is really hard to balance, work, family, writing and life in general.

Christine Rains said...

We'd miss you, but all writers understand that you need to step away from things to take time to write. Plus, that gives us another story by you to read. :) I offer up a helpful tip to help with insecurities today on my blog.

Stina said...

Yes!!! You are human after all, Alex. I was beginning to wonder, considering how much you achieve blogging wise. Most of us can't keep up with you. There's definitely nothing wrong scaling back so you can write. That should always be a writer's first priority, because as much as we would like to believe otherwise, the Book Writing Elves really don't exist.

Christine Danek said...

For a while I thought you were a robot doing all this, working, writing and family. I think you need to do what is right for you. There's nothing wrong with scaling back on the blog. I did and I've written a lot more. It's not that I don't like it, I need a balance and sometimes other things have to take a back seat. Everyone would definitely understand. Stina's right, the Book Writing Elves don't exist. Dang nabit.

mooderino said...

Time management is one of my biggest challenges too. I think you've earned a little time off though. Not too long, mind.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the shout-out, Alex!

Regarding writing/blogging, I'd vote for writing because fans of your series will want to keep reading your stories.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

That clip from the newscast is one of the funniest things I've ever seen LOL. Can't wait for Anchorman II

Elsie Amata said...

I would miss you but I would understand. I'm sure all of your blogging buddies would understand too. If the writing bug strikes, sometimes you have to respond. Blogging is the easiest thing to give up. Plus, we're the most understanding when it comes to "real life" stuff. We've all been there, we get it. Do what's right for your heart and most importantly, your family.

~The Ron Burgandy clip was great!

StratPlayerCJF said...

Well, Alex, I guess it comes down to a simple perspective: Although it's not entirely an either-or situation, would you say you mainly blog to supplement your writing, or write to supplement your blogging? Are you a blogger who also writes, or a writer who also blogs?

I really like the interaction and fun that comes from blogging, but if I were forced to choose only one, I'd write instead of blog. I've let my blog sit idle for months before and certainly would again if I had to.

At the end of your all-too-short time on this planet, when your great-great-great-great-grandchildren ask, "what did you do during your life, Poppy?" do you want to show them your blog, or do you want to show them a stack of books?

Do what's in your heart and I'll support you either way, but I personally think the choice is an easy one to make.

I will miss the ever-present ninja captain, but I'll also be happy to get the opportunity to read more of your work. And it's not like you're NEVER going to be online, right?

And by the way -- I made my very first IWSG post today. I finally took the plunge and signed up. ;)

Peace, my Christian brother!

Brian Miller said...

i dont know that i could stop writing....but, i think we all have to decide our priorities and it may mean that it takes more time to produce and not such a strenuous push to tell the story immediately but let it unfold...or let the outline stay in the desk until its time, you know...

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

You've got to listen to your heart on this one, Alex. And your wife. :)

Did you ever think about writing shorter works instead of novels? Maybe write the space opera as a novella/novellas, linked stories or even separate ones and put them in a collection? It's still writing but maybe it would take up less of your time....

Luanne G. Smith said...

Things can't stay the same forever. If you keep writing or if you don't keep writing. Either way, there's gonna come a time when all this blogging commitment no longer works in your life. Write if you have another story in you, and if you're done, make some darn good music instead. :))

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Alex, you have a whole army of friends who will not only support you but keep things going for you. Continue writing.

Charles Gramlich said...

It's so hard to find time for everything we want and need to do. You have to decide what is best for you.

The Angry Lurker said...

If you want to write another book you go ahead and write a book Alex, the video was quite good too!

Hart Johnson said...

I hope you do keep writing, Alex--I totally respect your policy of only blogging when you can visit and GET that something has to give. The only thing I don't get is your ability to consider not writing... it is my lifeblood...

Lots of great stuff going on!

Maurice Mitchell said...

I'm sure another book is in the works Alex and that newscast is hilarious! They have so much fun on that show.

Charity Bradford said...

*hugs* So many questions that we have to ask ourselves. I think you should keep writing if there is more in you. All of us would love to read it. I think it's admirable that you don't want to post if you can't visit other blogs--this is something I'm horrible at now that google reader is gone (I just couldn't convert to something else).

Most of us would be supportive of you blogging one day and writing the rest. We are readers as well as writers, and we need more good space operas!

Jennifer Lane said...

Love the Ron Burgundy newscast, hee hee.

I say follow your "wise mind" when making your decision about writing! If you have an outline, that sounds like you're itching to create.

Bob/Sally said...

We are very much on the same page this morning, Alex. My post is on time management as well. As a father and a husband with a full-time day job, it sometimes feels like there's never any time to write, and my online life is certainly a challenge.

Hopefully there's a balance to be found somewhere, since I don't think any of us want to see your community disappear, but neither do we want to be denied a new space opera.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Christine, I will read it!

Stina, neither do the clones...

Christine, that made me laugh!

Liz, you're welcome.

Keith, wasn't it hilarious?

Chris, appreciate that! And I wouldn't pull back completely. That was a very good question. What would I like to show them? All the friends I've made through everything I've done...

Madeline, definitely have to listen to the wife! I can always just write slower...

LG, well said!

Hart, remember, I never wanted to be a writer...

Charity, just hope I can write a good one.

River Fairchild said...

You should do what feels right for you. The fact that another story idea is lurking in your head says you would still like to write. We all would understand you portioning your time. It's something the rest of us struggle with in much uglier ways than what you seem to do. :) You're an inspiration to us and we'd like to hear your solutions (and emulate them!)

Laura Pauling said...

I have a feeling you'll get the same answer from everyone! You can always post and close the comments on the ones you know you can't visit others.

You have to decide if you want to write. Is it something you're driven to do? Do you love it? Because it is a huge sacrifice of time. If you decide you want to, then there's nothing wrong with one post a week or every other week. We're all in this together.

Sarah Foster said...

You just have to go with what feels right for you. We'd miss you but it wouldn't be forever and you'll get a great book out of it. I can't imagine myself not writing, even if I was out of ideas. I could never give it up.

Wanda said...

Alex we all have to manage our time and at certain stages of life, it deems that other areas become more of a priority. You are a great support to others and everyone will certainly understand.

Melissa said...

There's nothing wrong with cutting back on your social media time if you need to. A friend of mine said reducing her blog posts to once a week was the best thing she ever did.

I'm going on hiatus later this month, and when I return in the spring, I'm thinning out my blogging schedule to about once a week.

Nicki Elson said...

To make your decision (because it is yours to make, not ours) I think you should settle on one of them - tell yourself that's it, and then see how you feel: does the decision make you happy, like it's right, or do you feel sad and regretful. If it's the former, go with it. If it's the latter, try the other choice on for size.

As always, thanks for hosting my favorite thing on the internet. :)

Cathrina Constantine said...

Alex, writers write. When there's a story ready to explode your brain, you must write it down to get rid of the pressure. And we would all love to read another novel penned by you!

I agree that visiting and reading other blogging sites is very time consuming. And you're everywhere, and we all love to read your comments. However, you must piecemeal your time and that's hard. Writers will understand, and support you!

Family first, work, your band and then---

Write, Alex!

Anonymous said...

You'd be missed, but if you have something you actually want to work on, writing comes before blogging!

PK HREZO said...

Congrats to all the Ninjas!

Of course you'd be missed, but you have to follow your heart. I say do it! You can always comeback to blogging more after your book has been written. It's something all of us writers have to come to terms with--the juggling act. Eventually, something has to give. One day a week is plenty. Many of us are in the same boat.

Pat Hatt said...

Something always has to give, sadly, so if you want to go for another book, go for it. Blogland will still be around. If you want to have an easy post, stick up a cute animal picture, that brings them in lol or just do some guest post thing so you don't have to do much. Or just be like that cat and get 70+ posts ahead, then when you want to write, you can just write away and take a big long blog writing break

Isis Rushdan said...

Balance is the key. If you want to continue writing, then you should.

You have a loyal following. We'll stick with you even if it's only one day a week.

Do whatever makes you happy. The rest of us can handle it :).

ELAdams said...

Definitely write if it's what you really want to do! :) I never have time to be as active online as I'd like to be because I always put writing first, but it's best to do what feels right!

ELAdams said...

Definitely write if it's what you really want to do! :) I never have time to be as active online as I'd like to be because I always put writing first, but it's best to do what feels right!

Annalisa Crawford said...

A new novel idea - that's awesome. Good luck with it :-)

Molly/Cece said...

Love, Thor. Freakishly busy right now. I am afraid of failing. Of dropping the ball, of not working hard enough.

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

Alex, you are more supportive of this community than anyone I know. How could we not support you? You should do what makes you happy, and it sounds like that would be writing another book. (It would make your fans happy, too!) If the thing holding you back is worry that we would feel let down, then let that go. We will still be here when you do have time to stop by. :) said...

We know you're always around, supporting us, Alex. We support you in scaling back.

Happy Wednesday.

Diane Burton said...

When you have the idea for a book and the characters are talking to you, you have to write the story. In a busy life, something has to give. If it's blogging or online time, so be it. You did a great thing starting ISWG. Let others carry the burden for a while. Best of luck.

Shah Wharton said...

You should follow your gut Alex. IF you feel the call to tell another story, one day a week (with the occasional bonus) will be superb. I'm cutting back myself (really need to learn to say no) next year. You're right, it's difficult to find the time to do everything well, but what's the point in spreading ourselves thin?

Whatever you decide, your friends will support you (and your fans will be SUPER chuffed if they hear another book's coming out!) :D X

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you've just got to do what you've got to do, Alex. Trust your heart and everything will fall into place. Thanks for the kudos, btw. Much appreciated.

Julie Dao said...

I think it all comes down to what is your main goal? If it is to publish another series, then limiting time online would be a good way to do that. If it is to keep connecting with blog buddies, then keep doing it. You've always seemed to have a great balance of the two! Whatever you decide, your ninja army's behind you 100%!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

You can't do everything, Alex. If you need to cut back on blogging so you can write, feel free to do so without guilt. We'd hate to see you give up writing if the muse is still calling you.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I've been saying it for a long time. I don't know how you keep up this pace. It's mind-boggling. If you have a story to write, Alex, you need to write it. The rest of us will be here for you. We'll figure a way to make it happen for you. And I'm writing right now, so I knowth wherefore I speakath.

Arlee Bird said...

That online activity can be a real time-killer. I keep thinking some of those same things you mention. I've been posting the same, but making less rounds. It's tough but I'm not sure how else to handle my time.

How about writing something different than the space operas? A rock and roll novel perhaps?

I'll be posting about Nutschell's Story Sprouts launch party tomorrow--with photos! She really started a great writing group and has a great team behind her. I can't say enough good things about CBW-LA without going on longer than I need to here.

Tossing It Out

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Bob, I will keep that in mind.

River, when I have a solution, I will let you know.

Melissa, once a week is what I am contemplating...

Catherine, in that order!

Pat, now that is getting a head!

Rachel, I will consider letting it go...

Shah, I can't go any thinner, that's for sure.

Julie, I still want to do both.

Lee, you got to go to the launch party? How cool!

Unknown said...

That's funny. Mark called you Alan.

Alex, you have to do what's right for you. What's in your best interest? Nobody here will judge you. We all know you're a very loyal, giving, supportive, generous, and dedicated blog buddy. There's no denying the facts. You are amazing. Bottom line. So I think the most important question is, what do you want to do? Reach deep down in your heart and discover your destiny. No worries. Whether you're online once a week or once a month, we're not going anywhere.

I'm sure every one of your followers would agree.

Tonja Drecker said...

If you feel the urge to write, then do it. We'll be here cheering you on.
And yay, Thor!!!

M. R. Buttars said...

You will be missed, but as a writer you must write. In all honesty, I don't mind once a week since that's all the time I have to check blogs. :) Good luck with whatever you decide!

Patricia Stoltey said...

What makes you happy, Alex? If you feel the urge to write another book for your own satisfaction, your friends will still be your friends. I'm signed up to receive a notice of your posts by email, so I'll always know when you have something to say whether it's once a week or every day.

The big difference, I suspect, is that you won't have time to promote everyone else's news, and that might result in a drop in visitors and comments. You need to let that happen without agonizing over it. If you want to write, you should write.

Unknown said...

Your sense of dedication to the online community is admirable, but if you're being called to spend time elsewhere-- whether it be for a book, music, family, faith-- than by all means heed it! God must have plans in store for you yet.

Juliana Haygert said...

If you feel the need to keep writing, then do it!
Online presence is important, but as a writer, your books are more important. ;)

Chrys Fey said...

You need to write your book, Alex! We are all writers here. We all understand the need to write and how writing and life in general can get in the way of blogging. We will all miss you visiting our blogs, but we will all support you tremendously. And I believe we will all be happy for you knowing that you're doing what you love. As long as IWSG continues, and we can talk to you for at least one day, then we will all be just fine. :)

Liz Blocker said...

Yes, yes, yes. I love your blog, and your amazing commitment to supporting other bloggers, but I absolutely support you taking more time to WRITE. That's what all of this is about. Not to mention, I want to read what you create!

One post a week is more than reasonable. Take time for what you love; you so much deserve it!

Sanderella said...

I say write another book, it is what is calling you to do. I wrote a short story, and as soon as I hit the publish button, it called me to try another because I feel it is a good start for me to write other than thinking book....a bit in the distance for me. Best wishes to you Alex, Sandy

Wendy Tyler Ryan said...

Alex, my dear, you have to do what's right for you. Writing is supposed to be what it is all about for us, yet somehow, it has become spreading ourselves thin over an ever expanding online universe.

I have been thinking the very same thing myself - it's time for me. Because of my illness, I feel like I was robbed of the last two years. I have so many projects I am wanting to see to completion and I don't know how to do that and still be what everyone else wants me to be.

Write, Alex. Choose to write.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Alex, you should do what you feel/think is right. But my honest opinion would be that you should write. Its okay if you scale down on your blogging days (its okay if we see you just once a week (we will sacrifice seeing you often), but we will know that you are doing something (writing your books) that you love. We would not like you to stop blogging, or stop writing.

J.Q. Rose said...

No doubt about it, when the story strikes you HAVE to be ready and capture it on paper or screen or note pad or spiral notebook. Whatever works for you. Go for it! But please blog once or twice a month,eh? Best wishes!!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I feel like I've been keeping my blog for a long time and you started way before me. I get tired of posting stuff. I'm taking a break this week. But I definitely understand you wanting to post once a week. I'd be supportive of whatever decision you want to make because believe me, I understand.

Julie Flanders said...

I think it's fantastic that you have new ideas for another space opera. Wonderful! You have done so much for everyone else online that I think you need to do what's best for you right now. If that involves scaling back so be it. Good luck!

Catherine Stine said...

Alex, of COURSE you should keep writing if ideas are popping into your head. I'm sure everyone in the blogosphere will adjust to your new blogging schedule. We are all in the same boat, juggling our writing time and the time we need to allot for everything else. Go for it!

Anonymous said...

Scaling back internet faffing time has done wonders for my head. I don't book promo, tweet or facebook. I just Instagram and blog a bit.


Carrie-Anne said...

You should take all the time you need to outline and plan a potential new book. If a book is meant to be, it doesn't matter how much time it takes between conceiving of the idea to putting the final word on paper. I've carried some books around in my head for about half of my life, before I finally wrote them down, and am still carrying around some old characters and storylines.

Cassie Mae said...

What??? It would be a sad day in writer world if you didn't WRITE. I'm sitting here eagerly awaiting the next Cavanaugh spacer :)

VR Barkowski said...

Alex, if you have another story brewing inside you, you absolutely must share it. Please don't stop writing! We all understand how time consuming blogging is. Scale back to once a week, and let your muse run wild.

VR Barkowski

Intangible Hearts said...

Enjoy Ron Burgundy--even the fake one from Denver and the Theory of Everything sounds intriguing. Should you write another book? Of course--if you know it's in there and it wants to come out.

Heather M. Gardner said...

You are so cute to ask us, your humble followers, if it would be okay for you to scale back your online time to write another bestseller. I'm betting you'd be one of the few authors who ask their readers that.

You have to do what's best for you and of course your family.

And, you know as well as I do that your brain will do what it wants in the end. If it needs you to write stuff down, you will find yourself writing it down.

I support whatever you decide.


cleemckenzie said...

There's only so much time, Alex. (States Obvious) Everyone will understand your needing to cut back your blogging presence.

ilima said...

Yes! By all means scale back and write that book. I don't think anyone will mind or hold it against you. You're such a positive force in the blogosphere, cutting back will NOT diminish your influence one bit.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Candilynn, thanks, and so far they do all agree.

Patricia, I just don't want to miss anyone's success!

Julie, I'm sure He does.

Chrys, the IWSG will always continue!

Thanks, Liz!

Wendy, you need to be true to you, that's who you need to be.

Michael, blog fatigue is very real.

Carrie-Anne, I carried one for thirty years. Don't want that much time to pass again.

Thanks everyone for your encouragement!

Empty Nest Insider said...

I agree with everyone in saying that you have to do whatever works best for you. You have always been extremely supportive, and that won't change if you scale back on your blogging. Congrats to Nutschell and all of the authors! Great parody of Ron Burgundy!


DiscConnected said...


While I don't know if I can agree that The Human Equation is the best concept album ever (it's up there, though), I share your enthusiasm for the new album.

The past few weeks have been a progressive rock early Christmas, with Dream Theater'a new one, Ayreon's opus, live releases from Steven Wilson, Marillion, Steve Hacket and Flying Colours, and a new disc from The Flower Kings.

What to play next...


Michael Abayomi said...

I've always wondered how you manage to balance writing and blogging, not to mention working, and still find time to do music. I definitely think you should continue writing, even if it means posting once a week.

Anonymous said...

If you really want to write that book then scale back on blogging and go for it. I'm sure your fans won't complain. And us writers and bloggers will be behind you as well. =)

Suze said...

Al, I have a very strong sense that if a story took hold of you again, you'd be able to navigate the time allotted to blogging and writing. People are so different, it's incredibly hard to say what would work for any given writer but you have a sterling record of managing the two. I've full faith you'd figure it out as you went along with the same grace and class you've already exhibited for years.

Tonja said...

If you have an idea for a novel, then you should write it. We appreciate your omnipresence here, but, seriously, go write your book. We will still be here.

Cherie Reich said...

I'm excited you have another story idea in the works. Writing is important too, and we all understand how valuable time is and will support you if/when you decide to write that next book. :)

Author A.O. Peart said...

Alex, yes, absolutely - focus on the new story idea. I'm so happy you are considering writing another book.

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Alex
I didn't know we had a channel 6. I predict the other channels will try to up-stage that anchorman to keep their viewers.

In regard to your question, should you write the book. What you need to ask yourself is, do I want to write this book? Are the characters calling me? Does their story need to be told?

As for the blogging thing. Now you understand why I can't spend so much time blogging. However, I don't have a job due to my health. I hope you discover the answer soon.

Ella said...

See Mark agrees with me, "chill"!
My post is late-internet has been on and off all morning-slow and weak!

I think you should do it, Captain!
YOUR presence is a force online, but we want you to be happy! Do it-

I can't wait for THOR! I am not sure I will get there this weekend, but I am going.

J.H. Moncrieff said...

You should definitely keep writing, Alex. That's the whole point of this, right? It's nice to support other writers, but you can't let your own writing suffer because of it. It has to come first, at least as much as possible.

Today I'm insecure about no love from IWSG. ;) Last month was great, but it seems people have forgotten about it today..

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Heather, I don't mind being cute!

Larry, it's that or Operation Mindcrime. And yes, new Dream Theater! So happy...

Suze, you think I have class - that's awesome! Just made my day.

Thanks, guys!

Laura S. said...

Keep up with writing, Alex!! The world needs more of your books! Lots of bloggers have scaled back, including me. I've found that as long as you can visit at least one day a week and maintain good content when you do post, you don't lose any blogger support. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

Tammy Theriault said...

Your time management skills I imagine are impeccable!!! Good luck with your writing. Plus, I am stoked for anchorman!!!

Lisa said...

Only you can say whether or not you go ahead with that new novel, but, you know we're all cheering you on whichever way you go. I'm amazed you do what you do with all you have going on! I watched, mostly listened to the news cast clip, and it was worth waiting to see the end! She couldn't hardly speak at one point she was laughing so hard! Fun! Thanks for sharing...

Suzanne Furness said...

If it's what you want to do write that new book. We will all understand that you will have to cut back on blogging to do it but rest assured we will all be supporting you 100%.

Bevimus said...

I recently told a friend of mine that an honest-to-God published author who had books on best-selling lists all over the place not only posted on a blog regularly but also managed to read and comment on every single post I wrote.
My friends response? "Well, he's gotta be financially supporting himself with his writing so he just stays home all day and blogs." He simply refused to believe that you could have a job, family, band and everything else and still manage to do what you do.
My point? You operate at a literally inhuman level (thus the belief that you have an army of clones helping you). So if you dropped down to a-you know- HUMAN level of blogging would we all panic? No, no I think we'd all be just a tiny bit relieved to know that you are human afterall.
Keep writing. The world needs your books a lot more than it needs you blogging five times a week. And we'll all still be here, cheering you on!

Tyrean Martinson said...

YES!!! Sorry, I'm shouting, but yes, you should keep writing, and although I love all of your posts and all the encouragement you give all of us in the blog-sphere, I vote for writing. :) If I get a vote, that is?

Now, I'll go back and read the rest of your post . . . I couldn't wait to answer.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Absolutely, you need to continue writing books. It was a hidden gift for many years. Now, you are shining. Most people could NEVER do as much online blogging and reading as you do. You have worked hard to build up a following. Now, do what you were born to do, and keep us in the loop!

Jeremy [Retro] said...

I hit this, you can write if you have the inspiration. If you don't then think of what you could write, I was inspired to when watching the news. Something good, something bad would bring me to a story, then the typing would start.

If you decide to cut back on your visiting time, that would be okay if it gives you your life back. I don't mean that like it sounds, you have had great encounters and made many of friends. We would stop here when you post and would enjoy the comments you left, when you can. It would be a different place, but you have a steady plate of friends, fans and followers.

Jo said...

Everyone would miss your regular appearance, but at the same time, everyone loved your first trilogy and if you have ideas buzzing in your mind, you won't be happy until you write it down.

As someone said, your blogging friends will support you whatever you do. Go for it Captain.

Mason T. Matchak said...

I think the answer is always that you should write it. ^_^ Time online is good and fun, but we're not writers if we don't, y'know, write. And I don't think any writer would begrudge you that.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Holli, I'll come visit!

Laura, I will try to do that.

Lisa, that was the best part of the clip!

Beverly, that made me laugh! I really do have a job, wife, and band. And a life. I'm just dedicated to my online friends.

Tyrean, that made me smile.

Thanks, Jeremy.

farawayeyes said...

Write. We'll wait.

Susan Kane said...

I can never be sure when Will Ferrel hits the screen. Will go to the next Burgundy movie...should be intersting.

Unknown said...

You are a gifted storyteller--follow your passion! Your presence online is astonishing as it is--seriously! I would need, like, ten more cups of coffee to do what you do:) But, ultimately your a writer--that's a big part of who you are--don't give that up.


Al Diaz said...

First of all, guess what? I've just returned from watching Thor (beat you to it, hahaha and ha!) It's excellent! And stay through the credits.
Okay, now I see what you meant about not being the only one in a fit. Usually, I would put on my century-distilled wisdom robe and tell you my opinion but I feel deep in my heart I shouldn't do it. Not here, not now. Probably because I wouldn't be sure if I am talking to you or to myself. Probably because I'm not yet ready to hear myself answering the same question I put forward. Is it worth something if I say I'll stay your friend beyond the blogging activity?

I leave you Dragon Hugs, those are always worth.

Cherie Colyer said...

It sounds like you have your next series well thought out. Adding in depth and twist is easy once you have the world and basic story idea. I'd say write your books and visit us when you can. I'd support you no matter what you decide and I think most people will agree.

LD Masterson said...

If you didn't write your next book(s) because all the people you support online wouldn't let you go, then we'd be doing you a great disservice. As much as I'd miss visiting your blog and seeing your comments on mine - if you have a book inside that wants to come out then cut back on whatever you need to and write it.

Loved the video.

SK Anthony said...

Oh my gosh, that video lol

If you take a step back to write, Alex, do it. I think you know that while your online presence will be missed, we will be fully supportive ;)

Emily R. King said...

I say one day of blogging is better than none, Alex. I hope you keep writing. You are very talented and I'm sure you have more stories to tell!

M Pax said...

Trust that your network will remain in place. It will.

I came to the same conclusion, to write more I have to scale back. So after the Faire, I'll be going down to 2x a week or less and taking breaks, especially around the holiday.

With Twitter and FB you can still network with less time. :)

Brandon Ax said...

I think it comes down to passion. If you feel that you have a book in you and it needs to come out then that has to be done. We all will understand your absence. Doing what you love is the secret to a happy life.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I think you should write another one. You have a gift. We would miss you if you weren't here as often but you have to do what's best for you.

Jennie Bennett said...

What a moving post Alex! You have to do what your heart tells you to do. If you need to write this book, then do it! We all have to cut back on blogging now and again :) Keep fighting Alex!

Andrew Leon said...

If you have the idea and it's compelling enough or if you like it enough, it will keep poking you until you have to write it. That's how that kind of thing goes.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

oh my gosh, if you feel the call to write then you should write. Don't worry about us!!! You already do an amazing amount. I don't know how you do it in the first place. Your online friends will understand. I know I do :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, he is hit or miss.

Al, I'll see it in two days! And I will wait for the credits to end. Yes, that is worth a lot.

Mary, hoping Twitter will be enough if I'm only one day a week.

Andrew, it just needs a little more to be really compelling.

Thank you, everyone.

Cate Masters said...

Follow the muse. :)

Toi Thomas said...

Alex we are with you whatever you decide. If you feel a need to write, write. Posting one day a week and better than nothing, if you even decide to do that.

Ever consider getting an intern to help out. You could teach some young person a thing or two about building a social community not just a network of Likes and Shares.

Lots of good and cool books and blog activity happening now. That was an amusing video.

Can't wait to see Thor.

Tara Tyler said...

you are seeing my dilemma! i have majorly scaled back blogging... but i think everyone understands. its how it goes. its up to you! dont worry about offending anyone, we know you by now!

Robin said...

You have become this intrinsic indomitable force in the blogging community. If you scaled back on your blogging, reading, and commenting, would that be felt? Absolutely. I don't know anyone who is more devoted to encouraging others than you.

However, should you not write so that you can continue to cheerlead? Nope. If that means only blogging and reading one day, then do it.

It will mean HUGE changes for you. You won't be able to keep everyone apprised of cover reveals, new books coming out, etc. But you can't be all things to everyone and still be true to you.

Ultimately, only you can decide. If this book decides that it must be written, then you have to answer the call. That's what writers do.

Kittie Howard said...

Thanks for the shout-out, Alex! I'm still in a daze that it popped the stats.

Sorry about the cliché but you can't serve two masters. Write the book! Visit around when you can. We're all time-challenged and understand.

You're right: that clip's hilarious! We looked at the first flick again the other evening . . . eager for the December release!

A Beer for the Shower said...

Wait, Denver? That guy's not from around here. That's a station/newscaster in Idaho. He did a pretty decent job, though. I think his ad libbing at the end was better than the stories, but still a fun video.

Unknown said...

Whatever you feel is best for your future, you do it! Sometimes life needs to be simplified. That is not a bad thing. :)

Huntress said...

ACK! I forgot about my Ninja Captain's IWSG post. Or nearly forgot since I'm here now.

Thx giving me a hosting job. Super great way to meet our family of joggers, I mean bloggers. *its been a long day*

Thumbs up!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

David T List said...

This might be my favorite of your blogs. Not only did I laugh at Paul Burgundy, but you let us in on what's really going on with you AND I discover another concept album!!! It's been a long time since I was gripped by a concept album (last being Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory).
By the time I became passionate about writing, my days of rocking were receding gradually. In the couple of years before my son was born, we were playing 3-5 shows a month, all over the southeast. BUT... somewhere inside, I knew I had too many roots to be a touring musician. And my passions began to transform. I'd always wanted to create. But when I stumbled across writing, everything finally clicked. For the first time in my life.
Regarding you blogging, it would be selfish of me to say, Don't leave! The entire blogosphere would suffer with less of you!! I bet some people's blogs survive largely because of you!
But bro, you gotta do what you were made to do. That's happiness.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Toinette, if only I could get the clones to do more...

Thanks, Robin. I bet I could still keep up with that stuff...

Kittie, you're welcome. And so true about two masters.

Carol, that's all right! Thanks for hosting.

David, thanks! Appreciate that. And Scenes from a Memory was pure genius.

Sherry Ellis said...

If you feel the urge to write, then do so! We'll understand if you only post once a week. Just don't drop off completely! We'll miss you too much!

Nancy Thompson said...

If writing is still a passion, then you should do it. A day a week is fine. I don't even do that anymore. Something had to give & my blog was it. I do miss it, or I should say my bloggy friends. But scaling back is part of the process. I sure you though, Alex!

J E Oneil said...

Best Halloween costume ever. I should do that, except dress up as a best selling writer. Then, you know, write some books.

klahanie said...

Alex, my friend, you know what's written in your heart. Whatever your heart's decision will have the support of all your friends here.

I want to thank the admins on the IWSG page on 'Farcebook' for taking my tongue-in-cheek postings in there in the good natured way intended. The irony is that I actually promote the darned thing.

And now I see my blog list is covered with that IWSG logo. Help!!


Rusty Carl said...

I'd say write if you want to. I'd love to see more from you. As spotty as I am when it comes to blogging/visiting, I'd be a real jerk to be upset if you weren't around as much.

That video was hilarious.

And I didn't post today. I haven't posted all week. Stupid NaNoWriMo is eating my soul.

David T List said...

Dang, dude! Got to track 14 and mouth fell open. Definitely recognized LaBrie!
Freaking good album. (I'm glad YouTube has playlists!)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sherry, I would never do that!

JE, that made me chuckle...

Gary, you are the best spokesperson ever.

Rusty, YOU need to keep writing. You are sheer genius.

David, knew you'd dig it! said...

Definitely write the book! You will be missed if your presence is reduced, but writers write. You've done so much for all of us now it's time to do something for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Ninja Captain, I have only been one of your humble followers for the past 6 months or so. In that time, I've joined your amazing IWSG and become much more confident in myself as a writer and it has boosted my self-esteem immensely. It's a group that you founded because you CARE about us, as writers, as people and as friends. If you need to take time to write another best seller, then by all means, do so. I'm sure that everyone, myself included, will be waiting patiently, until you return. I would be OK with a blog post a week; even every other week. I vote for writing your book. :) Lily

DiscConnected said...

Funny you should have said 'Mindcrime,' Alex, as that was the first that popped into my head!

Horslips' 'Book Of Invasions' and Marillion's 'Brave" are two other favorites.

As is Dream Theater's 'Scenes From A Memory.'

So many to choose from...fortunately we can listen to them all!


DiscConnected said...


I was at work when I left my first comment, so had gone right to the Ayreon review and left a comment. Just read everything else.

Having never completed a novel (have several started drafts in a file drawer), my only "published" works are collections of song lyrics that were essentially self-published (a guy wanted to be a band manager footed the bill, but it was a vanity press).

The fact that you've now got three books under your belt, I'd say you should keep going and let the blogging slip a little.

If you are anything like me, those ideas are going to want to get out of your head....let them go, let them be read.

By the way-if your band has anything recorded, I'd like to hear it.


Anonymous said...

I slipped my IWSG post just under the wire. You have a lot going on Alex so I guess to write or not to write is up to you.

Unknown said...

The video sounds hilarious, but it's crashing for me so I'll have to check it out later. It's great that you're developing a new story. One day when you feel it has to be written, you'll find a way to balance the writing and blogging.

Mel Chesley said...

Alex, buddy, pal o' mine... Lemme just tell you this. It doesn't matter if you are here as much as you are right now, or just one day a week with some hit and miss. We all know you're in our corner and you support ALL of us. (Amazingly!) You've been there, commenting on my blog every single day, even when I've been hit and miss. Whether it is with just life in general, or if I am on a great writing roll. If this book is meant to be written, I don't think anyone will mind if you step back to do it. We all understand. But most importantly, I think we all want a chance to maybe support you in your endeavors for once, to pay back all the support you have given us. Do what you have to. We'll always be here. :)

Helena said...

Alex, my dear, you know I myself have pretty much given up the idea of writing another book. Right now I'm way behind schedule in simply editing my two unpublished manuscripts and getting them into print, but unless they're bestsellers (and we know what the odds are for that), I don't see myself writing another novel. That said, I've promised a friend and myself that I'll write a short nonfiction work, but it will just be something that my brain produces, not my heart and soul; so it's okay, that much I can commit to.

You, on the other hand, sound as if you've got a story growing deep inside you and sooner or later it's going to demand to be born. So if it feels right and good for you, go with it. I'll miss visiting you so often, but considering how creative and informative and time-consuming your blog is, something just has to give. So yeah, maybe you won't blog as much, but you'll give us another wonderful story instead. And just knowing your still in cyberspace will make me happy. Take care.

dolorah said...

Sounds like you've been bitten by the writing bug Alex. Success is hard to give up, lol.

Thanks for the music tips. Looks good.


Shannon Lawrence said...

I think you need to do what's best for you, and what would make you happy. :)

And that news guy was fantastic! What a kick.

Shannon at The Warrior Muse

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kim, thank you.

Lily, thank you. I really appreciate your words.

Larry, thanks. Yes, also Scenes From a Memory. And appreciate the vote to keep writing. Our band covers Christian music, so we can't record any of it. I do have a couple recordings of just me I need to upload to the Sound Cloud some day.

Mel, thanks! You've been a good friend for so long.

Helena, I want everyone to be happy. And here's hoping your next book really take off.

sjp said...

Haha gotta love Ron Burgundy, Will Ferrel said its his favourtie character to play ;) good luck with the space opera

Leovi said...

Yes, you are quite right, the attention of the online blog daily time consuming. I dedicate 3 to 5 hours a day!

jaybird said...

Time management is something I am really struggling with right now myself, so I couldn't possibly presume to give you advice. Just go with your heart and if that story needs to be told, you will find a way to get it on paper. Please know Alex, that your support and encouraging comments have been paramount to keeping my blog afloat during some difficult times! And I thank you for that.

Bossy Betty said...

I love writers helping other writers!

Tina said...

We'd all really miss you if you scaled back your online presence!!!! would be worth it for another book!
Thanks for plugging the food drive blogfest MJ and I are doing, and for putting up Jeremy's great badge.
That album sounds really cool - will have to check it out.
Tina @ Life is Good

Patsy said...

If you're thinking about writing another book, then I expect you'll end up doing it.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Since hubby and I love your books, it's kind of easy for me to say keep writing. I'm good with your easing back on your blogging. I get that because I had to do the same thing. Except when I'm on a blogging hiatus, I try to visit everyone who comments on my blog.

Good luck on your decision. I'll cross my fingers.

Stephen Tremp said...

Now that was worth the five minutes! Who wouldn't want to be Ron Burgandy? At least for a day. I know I would!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Your cyber friends will support (and miss) you as you write. So few of us have the reading audience you do. Your book will do well, and it is worth scaling back on online time. I don't see how you've done what you done for as long as you have. Take care.

Samantha May said...

The heart wants what the heart wants. I think it would be a small sacrifice if writing is something you really want to continue. You'd still have the online support for sure!

Anchorman is one of those movies that I had to watch a few times before I found it funny. Now I think it's great. Can't wait for the next one!

I'm Ron Burgundy?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jaybird, thank you! Glad I made a difference.

Tina, you're welcome!

Jen, appreciate that.

Donna, I would still visit, just not as much.

Roland, sometimes I don't know either.

Catherine Noble said...

You clearly have a large group of devout followers, Alex, so you take all the time you need and enjoy writing :)

Nana Prah said...

Do what you think it's best for you.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Alex, you are the most amazing blogger I know. Thank you for what you've done, and good luck with what you decide. How could anyone not support you?!

Mary Montague Sikes

Unknown said...

Thank you for setting up this blog hop, but I understand the need to cut back on this to have more time to write. I'm enjoying exploring all the blogs on then list. Good luck with your future writing.

Unknown said...

Thank you Alex, my husband sees the surgeon for final discussion on the treatment on the 21st, so hopefully soon completed.

J.L. Campbell said...

Hey, Alex,

I think if you wanna write, you should write, even if it means cutting back on something. As writers, we know the sacrifices that have to be made when we have a piece of writing on the boil.

There are times when you can't handle much more that what's a burning issue in your life. For me that's work this month. If you decide to write, that's what you'll have to put on the front burner - after your wife, family and work, of course. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mary, thank you!

Pray everything goes well, Carole.

Joy, I think everything is vying for the front burner right now..

Cynthia said...

Your time belongs to you, and you should be able to do whatever you want with it, even if it means spending less time online. I perfectly understand that writers/bloggers have lives away from the Internet, and if they need to spend more time pursuing something else, that's fine with me. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

Anonymous said...

Spending less time online to pursue one of your passions is understandable. One of your other passions is blogging, but we write because we can't help it. The stories must come out.

Michelle Wallace said...

Should you try to write another book? Not sure what's the answer to that Alex.
Can you resist the call to write another story? Try answer that question...
It's quite a dilemma.
Maybe blogging will have to take a back seat for a while...?
I say, do what's best for you!
I read the post over at Nutschell's blog. Sounds like a great anthology!

TBM said...

I'm new to your blog, so don't know if my opinion matters, but if you have a story and you want to write, I say write. Your fans and fellow bloggers will understand and support you.

Marta Szemik said...

It's a difficult decision I had to make as well. It hurts, but in the end you need to do what's right for you and your family.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, everyone! I will probably write it...

Kimberly said...

If you want to write, then write. The best advice I can give is to follow the path where your heart takes you and go with that.

I am finally reading your first book (almost half way in) and loving it, can't wait to read the others in the series - so if you want to write a new one, wahoo! and take a break from online and write it! :)

Lydia Kang said...

Thanks again for the shout-out, Alex!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex being 182nd in line ... I think you should write - you'll regret not doing so .. but if somehow you can manage to be around once a week - that's wonderful ..

Choices .. but writing should be first - especially have such an excellent debut - I know it's a trilogy old now .. but even so .. it was a great read - 2nd and 3rd I need to settle into sometime ... Christmas in Cassa world I guess .. cheers Hilary