Complications I Wish Were Part of my Writing Life
As a writer, life is never complex, right? There’s always plenty of time to do what needs to get done, plenty of opportunity to complete our running list of tasks, plenty of “us” time on top of everything else life throws at us. Right? So, here are some complications I wish I could add to my busy writing life:
1) I wish I didn’t have all day to write. I wish I had to work a day job that would significantly cut into my writing time and complicate my thought processes.
Oh, wait. I do!
2) I wish I didn’t have the ability to isolate myself from the world to write. I wish there were other people, especially children, bursting in, whining, needing things, or just being cute and pulling me away from my work.
Oh, wait. There are!
3) I wish there were other things that needed to be done on top of my writing. You know, errands, housework, food preparation, just the jumble of day to day living to take away from my precious writing time.
Oh, wait. There is!
4) I wish writing didn’t come easily to me. I wish that I often had to slave for hours over the keyboard, then scrap everything and start over. I wish I had to write, re-write, and re-write again so many times it made my head spin.
Oh, wait. I do!
5) I wish publication weren’t such an easy process. I wish it was something I had to work for, honing my craft for years without any real guarantee of traditional success.
Oh, wait. It is!
So, why do we do it? Why do we novelists continue to churn out book after book when most of the world would have quite two pages in?
Because we just. Freakin’. Love it.
Happy writing everyone! May this coming holiday season complicate the heck out of your writing life! :D
I’ve recently put out book 2 of my dystopian series, Quantum Entanglement as well as book 1 of a new crime drama series, entitled Dark Remnants. Both are $0.99 for a limited time!
Ninja News
Thanks to everyone who sent out messages on Facebook and Twitter for W4WS on Monday! I really appreciate it.
Don’t forget to sign up for the How I Miss You blogfest on November 8.
Sean McLachlan won the 2013 Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Competition, taking the gold in the Personal Comment category for his article Video Games with a Refugee, part of his Iraq travel series on the Gadling travel blog. Congratulations, Sean!
Want to see some creepy places? Check out Roland Yeomans’ POST and read about the abandoned amusement park, the Winchester Mystery House, and the Suicide Forest.
CassaStorm is on Goodreads’ Best Space Opera list, feeling lonely at the bottom. Mini-Alex would be really happy to see it closer to CassaStar and CassaFire, which are at the top!
Amazing Pumpkin Carving!
From Urlesque:
Who’s Your Hero Blogfest
JL Campbell is celebrating the release of her novel, Saving Sam, which coincides with National Heroes’ Day celebrations in Jamaica. She’s asked us to write about our source of inspiration.
I’m fortunate to have so many amazing people in my life. My parents are heroes. So is my wife. And so are many of you. All of the struggles you face, and yet you continue to push for your dreams. It’s very inspiring.
If I have to name just one though, I’d choose the person who has given me the most inspiration and peace in my life. As a born-again Christian, my Lord and Savior is my hero, and Jesus sets the most incredible example. I want to display the same loving and servant heart He possesses. I’ll never measure up, but He gives me a standard to aim for.
Who is your hero?
Do you wish for any of those things Liesel listed? Sign up for the blogfest? Check out the creepy places? Dig the pumpkin? And who is your hero?
Once again, I marvel at how you keep up with all this news! I am so happy for Rachel for becoming a champion!
That's an awesome pumpkin. Now just need one of Alderan exploding.
Love that pumpkin! Wow.
And enjoyed the post--it's amazing how writers can cope with distractions and interruptions to write!
Love that glowing pumpkin! It's gorgeous.
There are lots of writers who juggle a job, family (little kiddies) and writing... don't know how on earth they do that... I really take my hat off to them!
Epic pumpkin... O_O
Liesel's post had me giggling. I often find myself not wishing for those things, oddly enough.
Too much info to process! Congrats Rachel, J.L., and especially Sean!!!
A most excellent post Liesel. Checking out Quantum later and Roland's post.
Thanks, Alex for the wealth of info
I really enjoyed Liesel's list. I love that tongue-in-cheek sense of humor. I also love that glowing pumpkin. I am already signed up for the blogfest and oddly one of the bloggers I really miss just started blogging again this week.
Hi, Alex,
I think Liesel is funny and right about the fact that we're all crazy. Will check out that crime drama series.
Congrats to Sean and Rachel. Awesome carving!
Jesus is an excellent choice. We know those are huge sandals to fill, but He's there to help us along the way, so are all our brother and sister on our life journey.
Thanks for participating. :)
Great post, Liesel! And Rachel...geesh, that is made of pure awesomeness! Totally cool.
Kyra, I just try to stay on top of things.
Moody, that would be awesome! And probably a one-shot deal.
Michelle, I don't know how they do it either.
Rhonda, that's good that person started again!
Joy, Amen, and congratulations on your new release!
Great post, Liesel. Life for the writer is full of distractions and hard work. Sometimes we wonder why we do it. But the chsracters keep calling us.
Great post, Liesel. Life for the writer is full of distractions and hard work. Sometimes we wonder why we do it. But the chsracters keep calling us.
That's really awesome news from Rachel! Loved Liesel's guest post too - writers are a special breed :-)
Liesel's quip about the holiday season complicating our writing lives made me laugh out loud :)) LOVE that Death Star pumpkin, wow!
I have all kinds of heroes. Many are for just tiny little things that matter in big ways. And I strongly believe they're all in and out of my life because of THE HERO, Jesus. He looks out for me that way :)
Congrats to everyone, what a list! I need to go check them out....
Liesel's lies made me chuckle. I wonder if people really know how tough it is for those of you who are writers.
Congratulations to Rachel, have already signed up for "Oh! How I Miss You" Blogfest. I have quite a few heros guess you know by now who so won't waste time putting names down.
Have a good day, hope the "Storm" is rages on.
Hahahaha, Moody's comment gave me my first laughter of the day. That pumpkin is really awesome! I've always wanted to have one of those lanterns at the cave, but they can't stand the heat.
Leisel and I have a lot in common. Too many events, jobs, kids...distractions, yet I can't stop writing.
I checked out the rest of those pumpkins - amazing! My husband got me a pumpkin crafted out of paper/pages. It blows my mind the creative things people can do!
I'm like Leisel and Miranda. Too much going on. I'm impressed with how much writing she gets done. And yes, I still want to write too.
Words, yes He does. And He places the right people in our path at the right time.
Al, it make me laugh as well.
Madeline, some of them were just amazing.
That is an amazing pumpkin. Very cool.
And good luck to Liesel and her books! That was a fun post,
That pumpkin too a lot of skill indeed, awesome. lol all of those things do seem to get in the way when writing
Hey Alex,
And hey Liesel! Yep, you writer's n'stuff write because the passion of the written word glows within your hearts and souls. Or something like that. Well done.
I have been a constant good-natured ambassador on Farcebook for y'all.
I will forget to sign up to that blogest because I will give it a miss, thank you very much.
Best Space Opera, watch out.
Nice pumpkin.
Ah yes, another blogfest and my hero is...
I fail to understand how people carve pumpkins like that. We ended up throwing out a pumpkin yesterday because it was too hard to cut at all.
Congratulations to Rachel, something I would love to have done when I was younger.
wonderful q and a... it's true, those who you are my hero mr. ninja, you stay positive and encouraging at every turn. if life throws you lemons, you just blow them up and share the pieces with everyone you know...
I wish there weren't all those extra things to do, too. it's the little detail and routine stuff that drives me nuts.
You picked a good hero, Alex.
dude, the death star pumpkin is so cool...i wish i had all day to write...ha...nah i would miss all the experiences that drive my writing....
I wish I was artistic enough to create such a cool pumpkin/jack-o-lantern. However, I can come up with many ways to roast it and use it for baking. :)
I missed this blogfest. Must do shout out for Joy.
That pumpkin carving is amazing!
Loved the guest post today.
Hugs and chocolate!
Amen on that list of wishes. Wow, exactly!
That's a Great Pumpkin...oops, mixing stories there ;-)
Great hero choice, Alex.
Tina @ Life is Good
Love that pumpkin. Wow, I wonder how long that took to carve?
And congrats to Liesel!
Gary, we appreciate your efforts on Facebook!
Jo, sometimes those shells are way too tough to carve.
Jeremy, thanks!! That means a lot.
Brian, you are a wise man.
I wish I had those complications, too... oh wait, I do! But we power through and power on because we love to write so darn much, even with all the setbacks and distractions. And maybe one day, those will go away (or at least some of them...?).
Ha ha! That's a fun way of looking at it. The only one I don't have - yet - is the kids, so I'd better hoard up that precious writing time while I can!
You're right Liesel, because we freakin' love it!!!
Sorry, Alex I'm only doing a few posts in November - this month has wiped me out and book 3 is calling.
But I'll be around!
The suicide forest in Japan is just terribly, terribly sad. Freaky, but sad.
I've been to the Winchester Mystery House. I'll hop over there again via Roland's blog. Don't worry about Cassa Storm, Alex. It just came out. Most of us just haven't gotten to it yet. Give it a little time to soar to the top.
Lol, I wasn't expecting to see that! You're so sweet, Alex. Thanks! :)
I find I have to ask myself far too often, hmm, should I write or do the dishes?
National champions? Seriously? That's amazing! Rachel, you ROCK!!! And hey Sean, congrats on the Lowell award. WOOT!!!! Everyone's doing so great!
Liesel, I laughed at your post and realized I have absolutely nothing to complain about. Love the cover of Dark Remnants, btw. Trés creepy.
As for heroes? There are many people I admire but it's my husband, Dave, who continues to be my hero in every sense. Not a day goes by that I don't appreciate his importance in my life.
Just voted for CassaStorm on goodreads - good luck!
Congrats, Rachel!
That pumpkin carving is amazing! I think I'll go for a more traditional carving this year, though!
Love Liesl's post, congrats to Rachel, and I like your hero choice! I want to carve a pumpkin like that!
Wow. I think Liesel has got all the answers right there!
Congrats, Rachel!
That is the coolest pumpkin ever!
Glad you're happy, Alex. That's all that matters.
Another great guest post. I like my day job but wouldn't mind checking out.
Leisel, I think you are in very good company with those complications. Very seldom do we get to "just" focus on writing. Although I have to say, as my kids get older and more independent (eventually), that demand is easing up.
And Alex, I'm with you and so thankful I know who my rock is!
Awesome Pumpkin!
And I loved Liesel Hill's post!!! Writing is obviously some form of twisted insanity. To put up with all the challenges and frustrations that Liesel points so well is even more confounding when you look at the payback most writers get. I'm working on a new novel, but also trying to get some short stories submitted. Say a miracle happens and I achieve my goal and have my 5,000 word story accepted by a TOP-PAYING site! Whoo-hoo! The I can get a "pro-level" payment of $0.10 a word. That's a sweet $500.00 right into my pocket! KA-CHING!!!
But then factor in the (at least) 80 hours it took to write, research, re-write, edit, revise, re-write, research markets, and submit, re-write, submit, re-write, and submit again, and that works out to a phenomenal $6.25 per hour for that story. Significantly less than minimum wage...
And I'd consider it a HUGE accomplishment to have that happen!
Yep. Insanity. that's the only way I can explain it.
Julie, those distractions can't all last forever.
Yolanda, no worries. I'll miss several days due to vacation.
Robyn, cool you've been there! And I will employ a little patience...
Rachel, you're welcome - that was very cool.
Cathy, Dave is a wise choice!
Thank you, Juliana!
Heather, I'm almost always happy!
Julie, Amen!
Chris, that is insane when you figure out the profits per hour. Hope your story is accepted though!
Thanks for mentioning my Eerie Places Post ... that dense Japanese Suicide Forest really chills me. It is so large and dense that often people mummify on the tree branches from which they hung themselves. Tourists have stumbled onto many of them swinging silently, chillingly on the breeze. There are pictures of them on the Net, but I didn't post them out of respect for those who would be haunted by the images.
That pumpkin is something else. How do you keep up with all that is going on? I tip my Stetson to you. :-)
Hey Alex, love those creepy places. You should see Victor, Colorado. The ghost walk in Cripple Creek is pretty creepy too. (Had a meltdown on my blog yesterday... my apologies if you witnessed that. I meant what I said, it was just the wrong place to say it.)
Awesome guest post! Yup. That's the reason we keep pushing onwards. That is a great pumpkin! I wish I had the time to cut something as cool as that.
I already have all those things Liesel mentioned, so if anyone wants to borrow one or more of them, just let me know.
The pumpkin is cool. I think we'll be lucky to get our Angry Birds setup done by Halloween!
Jesus. Showed the world how to give all. Good choice, Alex:)
Jesus was a good pick. Somehow I expected this would be your answer.
Wrote By Rote
Thanks so much for hosting me today, Alex. I had fun writing the post. And thanks to all the commenters! Your support is more appreciated than you know! :D
Wowzers on the pumpkin! Will it start to shrivel and shrink until it looks like the Emperor's face?
Hero...hmm. Anybody who keeps trying, pushing against the stream. *sounds like salmon is my hero*
Great post from Liesl. Nice to learn about her work!
And that pumpkin is amazing. I've never seen anything like it, how fun. I so love Halloween. :)
I want a death star pumpkin! I'll see what I can do about getting CassaStorm up there with the rest of them. Glad to see L.K. Hill here today! :)
Roland, you're welcome. I thought that was very cool. And I just make note of things as I find them.
Doralynn, no worries!!
Sandra, thanks, but you can keep the kids.
Robin and Lee, thanks. Only one I could pick.
Liesel, thanks for writing such a great post!
River, your comment really made me laugh!!
I can identify with Liesel - I think all of us can!
Congrats to everyone with good news.
I'm off to check out CassaStorm on Goodreads....
Liesel's post made me giggle, think I can tick most of those! Cool pumpkin.
That is an awesome pumpkin. The one I carved this year is just a simple vampire. ^^'
Ugh, Liesel, I have all those complications. Can I get rid of just a few?
Loved this guest post! Because we freaking love it, indeed! :D
That is THE most epic pumpkin carving I've ever seen!
Hope your W4WS day was a success, sir!
Now that's a Great Pumpkin.
Yay for Liesel! What a great list of the things devoted writers overcome to write!
And yay for you Alex! I was delighted to have had the opportunity to promote the amazing ninja Captain himself! W4WS is the best!
My hero? All the writers yo feature here- those getting published, trying to get published, or just writing cause they have to write. They give me hope to keep going and faith that someday I, too, will be in their ranks!
And yes, that Death Star pumpkin is awesome!
Yes, I love that carved pumpkin, a true work of art!
David, thanks!
Patricia, you should post a photo.
EJ, it was a lot of fun.
Suze - funny!
Beverly, I appreciate that.
Lovely pumpkin. Most writers juggle so many things, I always wonder how we manage to write at all.
Liesel's post made me laugh :)
Congratulations everyone! I wish I weren't filthy rich! Oh, wait, I'm not! boohoo.
Wow, Alex. Congrats!!!
And a huge congrats to Sean and Rachel.
Liesel gave me a good laugh. I can't imagine a world where all those ideal circumstances wait. It's probably hiding in the alternate universe labeled: BORING. Life is about the struggle, and struggle makes for good writing. =)
I love Liesel's wishes. And congratulations to everyone, including the carver of that pumpkin.
My hero has always been my dad, for taking care of my mom all those years when she couldn't care for herself.
Awesome choosing Goad as your hero and L.K.'s feature made me laugh in complete understanding. You have to love writing books to stick with it.
Amazing pumpkin carving!
Absolutely true on the list. Unfortunately, lol
Congratulations, Rachel!
Yes, I wish I had way more time to work on my manuscripts. Probably if I didn't blog, I would. But then I'd miss everybody, and that wouldn't be good!
Writing is also an addiction and there seems to be no cure. Might as well enjoy it.
Liesel's post was very cute! It's amazing how many writers are able to do so much on a daily basis! I just voted for CassaStorm!
I wish for nearly ALL of them. LOL Great post.
You can tell it's October. Creepy is everywhere.
That's an awesome Death Star!
That Death Star pumpkin is pretty epic! And the news about Rachel and her horse winning is incredible - huge congrats to them!
I really liked that article about life complications and writing. If only non-writers and non-readers could see it.
That was a pretty cool pumpkin; oh to have that kind of determination and skill.
I have very few heroes in my life, but the ones I have are very important to me. My Lord and my family,and even a very few precious friends give me the strength to move forward.
Can't help but agree with your hero, Alex. And while my hubby would never compete with our Lord and Savior, he definitely tops the list as one of my favorite heroes.
As for the beginning of this post...
Yes, I do too! And I'm still looking forward to the upcoming holidays :)
Great guest post. I'll have to check out the creepy places. :)
Joylene, that made me chuckle.
Crystal, I keep telling myself that...
Sherry, I know the feeling.
Thanks, Julie!
Thanks, MJ.
I did check out the creepy places and that is a cool pumpkin. I'm feeling pretty good because I already have most of Liesel's wish list.
Congrats to JL and the others, but especially Rachel.... that's awesome news!!!
Oh yes, Leslie, because we love it. Congrats to you!
Congrats to Sean and Rachel.
Great hero, Alex. I got to me my publishing mentor/hero Monday, which was wonderful.
Love Liesel's list!! So true :)
And that Death Star pumpkin is awesome!!!
Now that's a super cool pumpkin!!!
Congrats to Joy and Liesel
I found myself nodding like crazy at Liesel's list...and looking for hidden cameras in my house, it all sounded so familiar!
And - amazing pumpkin!
That is the COOLEST pumpkin ever!!
First I must say that Liesel is a friendly, awesome person. Nice view of life's complications, too. The pumpkin is amazing.
Mary, that's great!
Would anyone care to carve a pumpkin like that?
Joy's book is in my kindle waiting for me to have time to read it along with dozens of others. I love her books...such a great writer and message.
There are just too many heroes to mention. It goes without saying that our loved ones are our heroes, but I decided to go with someone I currently admire to bits!
Wow, that's a really impressive pumpkin. I've seen some good ones, but never a Death Star. Nicely done, carver.
Liesel, I here ya, especially with the job part.
That pumpkin is wicked cool. Sure beat the one I carved last night.
Another great guest post! And that pumpkin . . .just WOW! Also, I think you're everyone's hero . . . and now I want to go listen to that song by Skillet :-)
Liesel you rock!
Wow, is that pumpkin amazing~
Captain you are my hero for all you do! I wish I had superhero powers-I wish I had a job where I could stealth like blog all day and clones~ You rock!
Thank you for the news and more good books to read, Alex. I enjoyed Liesel's list of what to wish for as a writer -- talk about reality!
As for a personal hero, I seem to have many, but since you were profound, Alex, I feel intimidated and can only muster up a silly confession: I seriously admire Modesty Blaise and want to be like her.
I thought that "I wish" section described me, hehe. Well, with the exception of number one - I am lucky enough to write full time.
BTW, I'm addicted to pumpkins (visually). This one here looks awesome.
Yep, I dig the pumpkin :)
So much to wish for up there, lol.
Love that list about the writing life. So very true.
I love that pumpkin. I'll have to show that to my kid when he comes home from school!
Denise, hundreds await me on my iPad.
Jamie, thank you!
Ella, thanks - that's sweet of you. Want a job?
Helena, not silly!
Death Star pumpkin is awesome!
Congrats to Rachel. Wow to the carving! I'd choose to luck up to my mom... she's far from perfect, she has messed up a lot, but she is strong and fights on and despite it all, I love the bones of her. :)
I'm off to Goodreads to vote! X
Good luck to your friend and her book two.
I voted on Goodreads. Can I be your personal hero? Never mind, I think that Jesus fellow beats me out. He's kind of a great guy.
"Oh, wait. I do!" --lol! Loooved that! -If it weren't for raising my niece I wouldn't have the child bursting in, whining, and needing things but hey, she is a blessing and I could never picture life without her.
Initially I thought of my late grandmother as my hero, but considering I've had a tough year and the only way I've made it thus far is by the grace of God, I too have to give Him all the glory. Jesus is simply amazing and I've learned there is nothing that can deter me from my life journey with Him--no matter what the devil throws at me!
Awesome post!
Voted for CassaStorm which is at 34 right now! Congrats on those books already at the top for GoodReads!
I love the list Alex. Very clever. If only...
I thought I carved a pumpkin pretty good, but that Death Star pumpkin is awesome.
Hey Alex, Amen to Jesus Christ being your hero! I admire your witnessing to the whole world! I wrote about my friend, Bernie, who is my hero. This post is packed with news. Thanks for sharing!
Congrats, Rachel!! Heading over to see the creepy places at Roland's...
Cool Pumpkin and so intricate!! The Winchester house is creepy and want to visit it one day. My hero...I have 2-my parents. My dad was a lumberman who worked hard and did not show much fear. he was part of the liberation of Holland and was wounded and let others go to the hospital before him. My hand disaapeared in his and when he passed away, people lined the street as we passed as he commanded so much respect. The other is my mom. She is a true survivor and values freedom which we take for granted. She grew up under Hitler (whom she met and after wish she had a bomb with her). She survived the bombings of Hamburg and Dresden, She almost disappeared into Russia if she did not escape. She survived gang rape (by the initial Russian takeover), starvation, the loss of 2 brothers and escaped into West Germany and later brought food to her parents many times into the east before she brought her farther out ( he was in first german camps and then after Russian Camps). Just recently I found out that, with her brother and some other young people she helped blow up bridges against the German army (she is german) to try to stop the war. She put the TNT under the bridges. She survived a major head trauma and was 9 motnsh in the hospital relearning how to walk and talk. She came to Canada in 1956 with a little over $3.00 in her pocket. She now has dementia which stems from that head injury but she can still recall the past. When we complain of a bad day I just think of my parents and the love they gave me despitye all the hardships they went through and I am humbled
That's a PUMPKIN? Holy cow!
Sarah Allen
(From Sarah, with Joy)
Brandon and Bryan, that made me laugh! Yeah, that Jesus fellow was pretty darn cool.
Thanks, Jen! And my clones don't come cheap...
Clarissa, Amen!
Thanks, Mary.
JQ, I'll never deny it.
Birgit, wow! Your parents went through a lot.
Cool looking pumpkin. AWESOME hero!
Those complications certainly make us appreciate the time we do get to write!
That pumpkin is a work of art. Surreal it's only a week to Halloween.
That pumpkin looks like the Lego Death Star! It must've taken days to finish.
I LOVED Liesel's list. They all resonate!!! Gee, I wish writing was harder and that getting published and being successful was harder, too ;) And yes, that it a totally incredible pumpkin.
Alex, I'm new to all of this blog stuff and after having a look around here I have to say your page (and following) is pretty inspiring. As a gal who fits all of the above complications being a writer in the throes of finally finishing her first novel, I really enjoyed the laughs. Thanks!
Heroes Day. I love it. And that pumpkin is amazing. Pumpkin carving has become an art form and a far cry from what we used to do when I was a kid.
So true. We can't help it because we love writing so darn much!
Susanne, thanks!
Portia, welcome!
That is one amazing pumpkin! Thanks for keeping us up to date!
Congrats to Rachel and Congrats all around!
Jesus is my hero too. :)
How is that pumpkin even possible?!
Jesus is a great hero. Besides him, I'll have to say my Pop-pop was. He raised 7 kids mostly by himself, then went on to take care of 15+ grandkids.
Awesome hero, Alex!
That is one crazy pumpkin. It makes mine look even more inadequate.
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