Monday, August 19, 2013

Murder and Madness but no Flirting! Plus Starship Troopers via Rifftrax, Spaceship Trivia Answers, and Ninja News

Today we have a little Murder, Madness, & Love from Yolanda Renee!


Thank you, Alex, for allowing me to guest post on your awesome blog. As some of you know my first novel Murder, Madness & Love was self-published in 2008, and this year picked up by Curiosity Quills Press and today is the re-release date, which makes it super exciting to be here on Alex's Blog to celebrate!

What the re-release means, is that I've already held a book launch and have attended a number of books signings. I thought some of you might like to hear a few of my experiences – sort of a do's and don'ts when selling your books, and since Alex likes humorous posts, I hope you see the humor in what happened to me.

First, the do's – talk to the people, even those that don't walk directly over to your table. Make eye contact, and smile. Many readers are shy, just as shy if not more so than the writer is, so catch their eye and start a conversation. It helps if you have a flyer to hand out, if you have something to greet them with, something to get their attention. Many of them will take it and walk away, but if it peaks their interest, they will come back – and if there is ordering information – you may hear from them later!

Many of my sales happened at flea markets and craft fairs and always with another author. Together we brought the folks to the table and 8 times out of 10, both of us sold a book. We always had a decorative table, giveaways, and free candy—free candy always helps!

The don'ts – Don't express political opinions. I made the mistake of agreeing with one customer's expressed opinion on a candidate and another customer walked away, but not before letting me know my opinion was vastly different from hers. So be careful, and be neutral – you never want to lose a customer because of politics.

But watch the flirting – I had a man stop by and yes, he flirted, and I was amused. My partner (the other author) had stepped away from the table and this guy sat down in the chair beside me to look at my book. During the conversation, it was clear he was more interested in me, than the book, despite the fact that he talked about buying it for his wife. However, he was all talk and didn't buy the book. His wife soon found him, and she was not happy. She did a cursory flip of the pages, gave me the evil eye, and quickly walked away with him in tow. I lost another customer.

My partner got a real kick out of it, which isn't fair because he flirted constantly, and never lost a sale. He was amazing.

Never, ever, just sit behind a table and ignore the folks around you – they want to know that you want to talk to them, so have fun, just remember no politics and no flirting, well, unless it really works for you!

So writers what do you think – is flirting fair? Or is it all fair when it comes to selling books?

After a gritty detective becomes involved with a beautiful widow suspected of murder, rumor and obsession obstruct his quest for justice.

Visite Yolanda Renée at her BLOG and find her book at Curiosity Quills Press.

Ninja News

Michelle Wallace just experienced her first e-Zine publication! Her flash fiction piece, Blast From The Past, is in Pure Slush. Read it HERE.
Congratulations, Michelle! You are the flash fiction master.

Summer Ross signed a contract with Breathless Press for her series The Trouble with Elves, Book 1, Ribbon of Darkness. Because it’s erotica, she’s chosen to go with a pen name, and you can find her on Facebook under Decadent Kane. Congratulaions, Summer!

Donna Weaver and her publisher are offering a chance to win A Change of Plans in audiobook. See her site for details.

Cheers to the ladies with new book releases:

Laura Pauling’s latest is now available – Heist!

Cate Masters’ latest was just released, a historical romance novella from Decadent Publishing – Betting it All!

Juliana Haygert’s new NA contemporary romance was released last week – Breaking the Reins!

For laughs:

John Wiswell posted 7 Ways Writing a Book is Not Like Raising a Child.

Fran at The Angry Lurker posted another classic – If Facebook Existed During the American Revoluion.

And my POST last week that kicked off with the Star Trek movies made top story over at Suvudu!

Spaceship Trivia Answers!

Several of you named the movie, but what we were after was the spaceship – here are the answers:
1 - Alex Durant, Harry Booth, V.I.N.C.E.N.T. - Palomino
2 - Captain Dallas, Warrant Officer Ripley, Science Officer Ash - Nostromo
3 - Pres. Skroob, Dark Helmet, Col. Sandurz - Spaceball One
4 - Fry, Bender, Leela, Amy - Planet Express Ship
5 - Mal Reynolds, Zoe Washburne, Simon Tam - Serenity
6 - Don West, John Robinson, Dr. Zachary Smith - Jupiter 2
7 - Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect, Zaphod Beeblebrox - Heart of Gold
8 - Charlie Bucket, Grandma Josephine, Willy Wonka - Great Glass Elevator
9 - Jim Lovell, Fred Haise, Jack Swigert - Apollo 13

Riffed Movie Review

Any of you familiar with Mystery Science Theater 3000 know that not long after the show was cancelled (damn you SyFy!) Mike, Kevin, and Bill formed Rifftrax. You can purchase and download a riff track for just about any movie. And on occasion, they do a live riff track in front of a movie theater audience and it’s broadcast across the nation to other theaters. Thus last week, I got to enjoy a Rifftrax screening of Starship Troopers.

Funded by a Kickstarter project and with the blessings of the cast, it was one of the first times they’d riffed a recent R rated film. Starship Troopers is cheesy, dated, and poorly acted, so it was an easy target. (Denise Richards in particular.) Yes, 80% of the film was epic ship scenes, mass bug shootings, and the word ‘Move!’ (In its defense, the bug effects hold up well. Everything else – not so much.) All in all, it was hilarious.

Before the film begins, they warm up the audience with a humorous slide show. I thought I’d share some my wife caught on her cell phone:

Is flirting fair when selling books? (Do you remember how to flirt? Because it’s been so long, I don’t!) See some new books you want? Find something amusing? Get any of the spaceships right? And has anyone else ever downloaded Rifftraxs or gone to a live event?

My next post will be on Thursday instead of Wednesday, and I’ll have another awesome guest, plus some cool CassaStorm news.


Cynthia said...

Yolanda, congratulations on having your book re-released! That's really great news, and I think a lot of writers would appreciate your tips.

To answer Alex's question: When I attend book talks and approach authors, I do appreciate it when an author is engaging and shows a little interest in what I'm doing. I don't equate being engaging and showing polite interest as necessarily "flirting."

Vanessa Morgan said...

I'm usually quite good at your quizzes but this one was a disaster. I hope Memories Of Murder will be as good as the film with the same name. Have a lovely week.

Old Kitty said...

Flirting is oxygen! Ahem!

Awww yay for gorgeous Summer Ross - I didn't know until now so thank you, Capn!!!

I haven't a clue about riffing a film (ahem!) but I totally have a girl crush on Denise Richards!

Off I go to find a bucket of cold water! Take care

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Can't wait for CassaStorm news Alex and congrats on getting top billings over at Suvudu. Yolanda's post made me laugh and thanks for tips. Flirting huh, maybe if you're careful not to attract creepy weirdos. Congrats Summer, I mean Decadent Kane, thanks Donna, Laura for Heist, Cate Masters and Juliana on Breaking the Reins. See you Thursday Alex.

Misha Gerrick said...

Mmm... Flirting can be fair, but it's hard to know where the line lies. Some people just don't like it.

Hope your book does well, Yolanda! And I enjoyed your tips. :-)

T.F. Walsh said...

Congrats on your re-release, Yolanda:) Flirting could be harmless if it's not taken too far:)

Empty Nest Insider said...

Yolanda - Congrats on the re-release of your book! Fun story about flirting! Great news for Michelle! Alex, I'm also excited about your upcoming announcement for CassaStorm!


Ash-Matic said...

If I ever release an autobiography, I'll probably call it Failure to Flirt, because I'm that bad at it.
I'm also immuse to flirtation, because I just don't notice it. Which makes me sad.

I would totally watch World War ZZ Top

Shah Wharton said...

Congrats to Yolanda and thanks for those tips. If I ever make it to a book fair, I'll be sure to follow them. :)

Alex, nope, I was always useless at flirting. If anyone looked at me my reaction was ALWAYS to look away, whether I liked them looking or not. How I ever got married is a mystery. But I'm hugely grateful for it. :D

Loved those screen shots - I giggled!

Shah X

Cally Jackson said...

Awesome advice, Yolanda. Particularly the part about no politics. We're in the middle of an election campaign in Australia right now so that really resonates. Congrats on having your book re-released. That's fantastic!

I'm actually a good flirt, in a cheeky, fun way - just ask my husband! ;-)

Brinda said...

No flirting, huh...That's hilarious. Great advice for book signings.

Al Diaz said...

Don't flirt at fairs, checked. I'll remember that one if I ever get to publish anything and IF the dragon makes public appearances, which is highly unlikely. Best of lucks, Yolanda!!

So it was the Great Glass Elevator, uh? So creative I couldn't guess it. Not fan of chocolate anyway. Now Jupiter 2, that was a shame on my part. This memory of mine...

I finished reading CassaStar yesterday night. One week is a record time, you know? Only the most privileged books are read by the dragon in less than one month, hahaha. I liked it very much although it shocked me how many strings Byron pulled in me. Still stunned.

Yolanda Renée said...

Alex, thanks again!

I found my book on Kindle and I'm thrilled to see it live - it's been a long time coming to this day.

Appreciate the post today, makes it even more exciting!

Thanks Cynthis, Vanessa, Kitty, Sheena, Misha, T.F., ENInsider,Ash, Shah, Cally, Brinda!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Yeah, I've forgotten how to flirt too.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cynthia, as I said, I wouldn't even know how to flirt now. So out of practice.

Kitty, you are a master flirt.

Sheena-kay, don't want the weirdos.

Ash, I'm with you on that.

Shah, I guess I managed to stumble through flirting with my wife. Maybe she felt sorry for me...

Al, thanks! Wow, that is fast. Glad it sucked you in.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

That ZZ Top screen was hilarious! :)

Saw "Olympus Has Fallen" - pretty good overall, even if my husband kept saying "That would never happen" over and over. :)

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Congrats on the re-release!

I personally wouldn't feel comfortable letting someone sit behind the table and take over the other author's spot. To me, that's one line a customer shouldn't cross.

Rifftrax looks great! At last, a movie experience I might enjoy. ;)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Nice to meet you Yolanda and congratulations on the re-release!

Elsie Amata said...

Gosh, I'd like to think flirting is fair but I think I'd mess it up so badly I'd scare the person away.

Your book looks great...spiders scare me!! Good luck with the re-release!!!

Unknown said...

I recently watched Star Ship Troopers for the second time and even though I know it was created to be a chuck off, it really was quite well done. The special effects and science fiction details were quite elaborate!

Just a little reminder, I hope you don't mind Alex, today for #W4Ws, we are hosting Carrie Butler and C. Lee McKenzie! So drop on by to their site and wish them well and post a tweet or two! Thanks!

Melissa said...

Forgot how to flirt?! Alex, I'm shocked. What about your wife? You should be flirting with your wife! :P LOL

Congrats to all the authors with news and new books! I'm definitely checking those out. (Already got a copy of Breaking the Reins. ;) And Carrie Butler's Strength, too. It re-re;eased today. :)

Jo said...

Delighted to hear about the re-release Yolanda. Don't see any harm in flirting so long as there is nothing serious. Alex, don't you ever flirt with your wife?

Congratulations to everyone with a new book out. So many books, so little time.

Hart Johnson said...

Wait, Yolanda, so you're saying sex DOESN'T sell? teehee... got it. No politics or flirting!

Brian Miller said...

ha i like those screen war zztop....ha...flirting, eh, i think it def could get you in trouble---people already get hung up on semi famous people and it could make you an easy target....just saying...

Denise Covey said...

So excited to see Yolanda s book on the shelves. Apparently I was the first sale. It's awesome so far. So many new book s out!

Unknown said...

Congrats to Yolanda and some great tips from her...I don't remember how to flirt! As always, some valuable information Alex!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Congrats to Yolanda--that cover is creepy! lol

Thanks for the shout out, Alex.

Don't even get me going about the film adaptation for Starship Troopers which is one of my favorite books ever. And a Hugo winner!

That film is a travesty, and the fact that they made sequels to it just infuriates me.

Pat Hatt said...

I still know how to flirt, no sure I'd do it without scaring them away though lol fun quotes too your wife caught.

A Beer for the Shower said...

Hey now, as two young guys who are not ugly, flirting with the lady customers is a fair way to help sales. But if we do it'll be subtle, harmless flirting, of course, and not the kind that's likely to get us in trouble with our ladies.

Also, that political opinion thing made me laugh. We have an author friend whose official Facebook page is seriously nothing but "(POLITICAL CANDIDATE) IS AN IDIOT AND ANYONE WHO VOTES FOR HIM IS AN A**H**E" or "I AM AN ATHEIST AND ANYONE WHO BELIEVES IN ANY KIND OF RELIGION IS STUPID." And yet, she wonders why she never sells any books. Maybe it's because you just called your readers idiots and a**h**es...?

Luanne G. Smith said...

I wouldn't sell many books if I had to rely on my flirting skills. :)

Jemi Fraser said...

I can write pretty good flirting scenes but that's about it! :)

Leovi said...

Very funny, I love this interesting contribution of Yolanda Renee!

Juliana Haygert said...

Yay, thanks for the shout-out!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Madeline, that one is in my NetFlix queue.

Sandra, it was awesome! Something about being in a room full of MST3K fans...

Elsie, I know I'd scare people.

Carolyn, the effects were really good. And yes, I've sent Tweets out for both ladies already!

Melissa, she's the only one I know how to flirt with.

Jo, I think it would be called heavy flirting...

Brian, good point.

Denise, that's cool.

Donna, two sequels! I know, I need to go back and read the book again.

Brandon and Bryan - now that's going out of one's way to alienate readers!!

Juliana, you're welcome.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I ever mastered flirting, but that guy was a jerk, and his wife kind of was, too.

Maybe once they say they're married, tone it down? lol Sorry about your bad experiences.

Stephen Tremp said...

I think a engaging and laughing personality is kosher to sell books. But flirting? Maybe a small percentage of people can get away with it so I'll say no.

And Congrats! to everyone, too many to mention, with their milestones. Best wishes for a smashing success to all!

J.L. Murphey said...

Flirting is not a good way to sell books. You tend to alienate spouses that way.

I loved the slides.

Karen Lange said...

Thanks Yolanda, for the great tips! Thanks to you too, Alex, for hosting. Happy Monday! :)

Karen Lange said...

P.S. Congratulations on your book, Yolanda! :)

Jackie said...

Congrats to all those with book releases! So awesome!

jaybird said...

Thanks for those great tips on how to handle the author signings. (And sorry about the creepy guy) Maybe flirting works for some people, but I am too inept to ever try it. It would not end well, I am sure. Better, for me, to just stear clear.

Yolanda Renée said...

I knew I'd never keep up with all the comments on Alex's blog! So I'll say thanks everyone, and I'll try to visit your blogs and comment there. There is some much going on today - I'll never keep up with it, but then again - how awesome is this!

Also, just bought Carrie's book, and I still have Maryann's Stalking Season to review. Time to go to work! :)

Jay Noel said...

Awesome guest post by Yolanda. That flirting story was hilarious. I don't think I've seen any authors selling books at any kind of craft fairs, but then again, it's been at least 10 years since I was dragged to one of those.

Missed Rifftrax on the 15th. Bummed out about that. I miss MST3000.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I admit I've used subtle flirting at signings before. It usually works. Shame on that guy for taking you away from making a real sale though.

LOL - love the saying from Fast and Furious 6!

Mark Means said...

I was never a great flirt, even back in my single days but I've been to many conventions where it was used with reckless abandon!

Is it fair or not? I guess it depends on whether you're the buyer or the seller :)

Congrats to Yolanda and best of luck with the re-release.

Summer Ross said...

WOW Alex! I was super shocked that you spread the word for me- Thank you so fairy much! I got all teary eyed. :)

Those did you know quotes rock! LOL made my day!
You're amazing!

Theresa Milstein said...

Yolanda, thanks for sharing what you've learned. If my readers check me on Facebook, they'll know my political views. I'm in trouble!

Bish Denham said...

Men probably could probably get away with flirting more easily than women. As it is, I'm now to old to flirt - except with my husband. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jaybird, I know I'm inept.

Yolanda, sorry!

Jay, it was epic! They are doing the original Night of the Living Dead in October.

Mark, same here.

Summer, of course! It's a big deal. Congratulations.

Leigh Caron said...

Is flirting fair? I guess if you think your book's subject matter isn't worthy enough for a sale. There's a fine line between flirting and really being excited and engaged with someone. No matter where I am when talking with a man I don't know, I always assume his woman is around. I behave accordingly.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Yolanda on the re-release and thank you for the tips. I'd never even thought of flirting to sell books (probably because I'm not anywhere near there at all!), but I find it funny that your partner was able to flirt whenever necessary but the one time you tried, bad news!

Carrie Butler said...

Gotta love busy Mondays. :) Congratulations to Yolanda, Michelle, Summer, Donna, Laura, Cate, and Juliana!

The guest post was great. I've never been to a conference or signing, so my book-flirting skills are probably weak. I'll have to practice in the mirror or something. LOL

P.S. Those movie slides were hilarious.

SK Anthony said...

Congratulations to Yolanda and the re-release! Flirting... I say a little bit doesn't hurt but go with your gut, not all are okay lol thanks for the tips :D

Laura Clipson said...

I'm terrible at flirting, so I think I'd better cross that off my list of selling strategies right now.

Yolanda Renée said...

Flirting seems to work for the guys because lots of the women go to these things together, and it's fun then, and safe. Just beware, sometimes the husbands come along too.

As far as craft fairs, they are awesome opportunities - during Christmas - for the opportunity to hit the gift market and during the spring and summer to hit the summer reading market - it's a good thing!

I've even done book signings at gun shows, and believe me that's a whole other blog topic!

Thanks everyone! Today is so exciting - I'm having a blast!

Julie Flanders said...

I don't think I remember how to flirt either. And truthfully I've never been any good at it LOL. Fun to hear more about Yolanda's experiences, I can't wait to read her book.

Also looking forward to more CassaStorm news.

cleemckenzie said...

Anything is fair at a book signing, especially flirting.

Have to go read Michelle's short story. Congrats to her.

PK HREZO said...

Too funny! I spent many a college night watching MST with the neighbors and cracking up. Good times.
Lots of great books coming out! And I appreciate Yolanda's advice for sure!
Thanks for sharing!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Heck, I think it's kinda cute that he flirted. Too bad he hadn't bought a copy. You could have written something motherly in the signing. Haha. I dislike book signings, so it was a nice reprieve hearing about yours, Yolanda. Best of luck with your book. Here's hoping someone in Hollywood discovers it and asks you to write the screenplay.

Liesel K. Hill said...

Great guest post by Yolanda. I've had a few similar experience, though I think sharing a table with a fellow author is a great idea! (Probably easier when it's your hubby, though. :D)Also loved all your "Did you knows". Too funny! :D

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

Lol. I'm with you, Alex. I don't think I'd be any good at flirting any more. It's been too long. :)

Sherry Ellis said...

Great tips, Yolanda! I don't dare flirt. I'm nice, but that's it - nothing over the top. I've encountered too many strange characters!

Julie Dao said...

GREAT tips! Maybe next time you need a disclaimer saying "Purchase required with flirting."

mooderino said...

Flirt, hmm... some kind of laser weapon for killing bugs?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Carrie, glad you found them funny.

PK, you just elevated yourself to uber-cool status!!

Rachel, I was bad at it when I was single...

Samantha May said...

I don't flirt, I just use my natural charm and good looks ;) (KIDDING).

I'm one of those people still trying to figure out Prometheus, though I have left that theater seat!

Ah, it was the glass elevator!

Cherie Reich said...

Congrats, Yolanda! And, hey, if flirting works, then I see nothing wrong with it. Great do and don't tips!

Al Penwasser said...

LOVE those 'Did You Know?'s!
Damn. ANOTHER career I let slip by.

~Sia McKye~ said...

Yolanda, I don't think of it as flirting. Or, let me put it this way, I'm not flirtatious but I am charming and friendly with everyone, lol!

Some good pointers ma'am.

Alex, I knew only two of your spaceship names. I suck. Your first slide cracked me up.

I wanna read Breaking the Reins. Sounds good.

Sia McKye Over Coffee

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Congratulations to Yolanda.

Unknown said...

Ships Ahoy! Great post on folks doing some wonderful things... thank you for the solid. I read Don West and I think about the time I irked him at a convention in Motor City, I really did have some weird times.

Johanna Garth said...

Congratulations Yolanda!

As to flirting and politics, very, very light flirting (maybe just being friendly) and zero politics!

Author A.O. Peart said...

Congrats to everyone with new books and/or new book contracts. I love the book signing advices from Yolanda - thank you for sharing your experience. As for flirting, my characters do it much better that I ever would. I'm way too shy!

Rifftrax is hilarious! Awesome screen shots, BTW :)

Carrie-Anne said...

Congratulations to all the writers with new releases, and to Yolanda on her rerelease!

I agree about not talking politics, or other sensitive, potentially hot-button issues at a book signing. I don't care how you swing; it's really presumptuous and self-centered to break out with strong opinions if you don't know if you might be in mixed company.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Samantha, glad you're not still in the theater!

Al, you would've rocked.

Angela, that makes you uber-cool!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I probably wouldn't even notice someone flirting with me since it's been so long.
That was funny about Prometheus. When it was over I wondered why I had wasted the time.

Arlee Bird said...

I like your marketing strategy, Yolanda--definitely some good tips. I probably wouldn't get far with the flirting, especially if my wife were around, and I'd probably open my big mouth about some controversial issue if given the prompt--I'd have to be careful with that one.

Tossing It Out

Andrew Leon said...

I fail at flirting. Always have.

RaShelle Workman said...

Hahahahahaha - what's flirting? Kidding. Sort of. I still flirt with my husband via text once in a while.

Love the Vin/Rock quote. So funny.

Michelle Wallace said...

Thanks for the shout out Alex.
Congrats to all those with new books and other awesome writerly achievements!
Flirting? I'm useless... depending on the nature of the flirtatious conduct, it can actually make me feel uncomfortable...

Charles Gramlich said...

I have such a hard time with the fear of putting pressure on people.

Unknown said...

I love Yolanda's advice... it is good to have thought about potential flirting or politics issues ahead of time. And it's nice to hear she enjoyed the Flea market sales option. I'm looking into that as well and feel encouraged now :)

Great post.

J.L. Campbell said...

Def. interested in reading Yolanda's book. Not sure I'd do so well at a book fair, especially if it's a situation where I'd have to compete for buyers' attention.

Rusty Carl said...

I have downloaded a director's commentary for a movie that was still in new release. The beginning of the track tells you exactly when to sync it and then it's off to the races.

I think Rifftrax are brilliant.Best way to watch a movie.

Yolanda Renée said...

Love the different takes on whether to flirt or not to flirt! I think some do it naturally, like my husband, and others like me struggle, and fail. Because if I'd been any good at it I'd have sold that book to him before his wife showed up! :)

But you've gotta do what you do and sell, sell, sell! Besides it's fun just talking to folks - minus the evil eye of course!

Robin said...

Great advice Yolanda what To Do and To Not Do when trying to sell your book(s). I know that I never thought about how all things cut both ways (specifically flirting and politics), but that makes sense! Thank you for sharing your experiences!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, I thought the same thing...

Michelle, you're welcome!

Rusty, Rifftrax is awesome.

SC Author said...

I loved Yolanda's advice. It's something we know wayyyyyy too little about - book selling etiquette!

Patricia Stoltey said...

Yolanda's book signing tips are fun and so true -- Finding ways to engage shoppers and get them to chat for a second (and laugh) lures others to investigate.

I liked handing out bookmarks because they fit in pockets and purses and they're less likely to immediately end up in the trash

Heather M. Gardner said...

Great post, Yolanda! So awesome!

So nice of you to share so much book love!

I haven't seen MST3000 in years. I forgot all about it! Pretty funny screen shots though!

Have a good one!

Unknown said...

Flirting is fair when selling if you and the other person aren't married or involved. But a woman has to be careful and aware of how that may be seen by other people. Men can get away with it as other women will compete for his attention and he'll sale more.

Christine Rains said...

Great guest post! Hm, fun flirting is okay as long as it's not deceptive. I'm terrible at it, so it wouldn't be a tactic that would work for me! Congrats to all the writers, and I can't wait to see what you have for us on Thursday, Alex. :)

Anonymous said...

Just checked my answers from Friday's post. I knew the first one was a horse. And as for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I almost said Wonkavator, but I knew that wasn't right.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Congrats to Yolanda. Nice tips, too! I rarely go to in-person appearances now, but you're right...have to be careful.

Michael Di Gesu said...

HI, Yolanda, Hi, Alex...

Yolanda.... Oh, definitely yes, a bit of flirting works for me.. LOL.. Flashing a smile, put everyone at ease.


Alex, congrats to you on YOUR article. YAY!!!

And congrats to all of you who have books coming out. SO MANY... LOVE to see authors' careers still going strong!

Huntress said...

Love Yolanda's post but, wait. I'm supposed to 'talk' at book signings? Holy cats. nooooooooo.


Maybe I'll bring the hubby along. He's the talker in the fam.
Yeah. That's the ticket.

Good info as usual, Alex. Thanks for doing this bulletin board for us writers.

David T List said...

I'm dumb. I only knew two of the space ship answers. :P
I think flirting is absolutely fair when selling books. No less fair than any other form of marketing!

ilima said...

I've never thought about flirting being an issue as a interesting.

Ray Rousell said...

I always liked Starship Troopers, did you ever see Starship Troopers 2, now that's a film not to miss, its so bad, infact truly awful!!! And what the hell did happen in Prometheus?

Cate Masters said...

Congrats on your re-release, Yolanda! Great tips.
Thanks so much for sharing my cover, Alex! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Heather, you need to watch it again.

Joshua, you did better than anyone else.

Thanks, Michael.

Huntress, good plan.

Ray, I saw part of it. Riffing it would be too easy. What happened in Prometheus was a poorly written script.

Cate, you're welcome!

Mark Koopmans said...

Gosh I can't imagine flirting if I was selling my books one day! I think I would be too stressed to even relax - for at least a while.

And definitely no politics :)

Congrats to Yvonne and thanks for the tips :)

PS... Cheers, Alex, for supporting me mates in Dublin - Appreciate ye :)

Anonymous said...

Gone past the flirting stage Alex, I would be arrested for cradle snatching.......unless it was Daniel of course.

Thanks for your kind comment yesterday, have a busy week with hospital appointments so may not be around much,

Yvonne. said...

It's all fair game, including flirting. But if a prospective buyer is going to flirt with me, and I'm friendly in return, I expect him to buy the book.

Be well, Alex.

Rhonda Albom said...

Yolanda, congratulations on your re-release. I am wondering if your advice is no flirting, or no flirting for women since it is so successful for your partner. LOL great story.

As for the game, I actually did worse than I thought. I need to brush up on my sci-fi.

Maurice Mitchell said...

What a great time Alex. Glad you didn't get arrested for piracy. The old adage about religion and politics holds Yolanda.

Helena said...

Congratulations on your re-released book, Yolanda! As for flirting, if it's done right it strokes the ego but is ultimately harmless. That guy wasn't just flirting, it sounds like he was really hitting on you. Kind of a relief that his wife came and got him, huh?

The Words Crafter said...

Wow, congratulations going out all over the place!!!

My husband loved MST3000, so I watched more often than I wanted to. I didn't know about the Rifftrax, though. I'll be sure to tell him.

I loved reading Yolanda's experiences and yes, they did make me chuckle.

I got 2 of the ships right, yay :)

kjmckendry said...

Thanks for sharing your tips Yolanda! That's funny about the flirting, I can see how that could cause some trouble!

Congrats Alex on you post making top story! Cool!

Nicole said...

Wow, lots of congrats to go around this week. The opening guest post made me chuckle.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mark, no problem!

Yvonne, just glad you are still with us.

Maurice, I hope not! I'm sure they wouldn't mind me sharing the slides.

Words, tell him about Rifftrax! He'll dig it.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Some people think making eye contact and smiling is flirting, so I guess it depends on your definition of flirting ;)

Cathrina Constantine said...

Yolanda, love the cover and your book sounds intriguing. Good Luck on the re-release!!

klahanie said...

Ninja type dude!

Have you any idea how difficult it is for me to scroll down using my poor paws. Think of yourself scrolling down with mittens on.

Anyhow, human and your human type friends, I'm delighted to note the re-release of the lovely Yolanda's book. Also, from reading the do's and don't's, my human and I both know of her brave challenge. Many kudos to her. Flirting is fine. My human thinks he's a bit of a charmer. I think he's deluded.

Congrats to everybody else here. That slide show is a laugh. Now then, human Alex, go and practice your flirting skills.

Pawsitive wishes,

Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

Tina said...

I actually enjoyed Starship Troopers when it first came out, in that "it's a cheesy sci-fi and I haven't seen a decent cheesy sci-fi in a long time". As a fellow sci-fi fan, you know there's good cheese and stinky cheese. We unfortunately got stuck with stinky cheese last night. Stay away from "Stranded" have been warned.
Tina @ Life is Good

Yolanda Renée said...

Thanks again Alex, I've been hoping to and fro today trying to reach all the wonderful folks who commented. This was a fantastically fun day - Thanks to everyone for the lovely response and great comments. I think the vote is in and flirting, if harmless, and can sell a book is okay. Just do it, as all things, safely and in moderation! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Yolanda . . . another CQ sister :-) The story was too funny--I agree that standing up and interacting with people is the best way to sell books! When I did a local book festival, the other authors in my writing group informed me that I wouldn't sell a single book, but then I sold 18books of 18 Things that day (I call that poetic justice).

Unknown said...

Yay for Yolanda!!! That is super thrilling news. Congrats.

Flirting is fun, so why not. haha Perhaps I don't know how to flirt, though...

Congrats on your post being the top story. You rock and roll!

Rifftrax are gr-8!!!

Pat Tillett said...

World War ZZTop. That is a classic.
Love the covers on Yolanda's books.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Congratulations to Yolanda!

Flirting, huh? I don't think that's a viable option for me any more. Once upon a time, I could persuade my hubby by batting my eyelashes, but if I tried to do it now, he'd probably think I was having a seizure, and would haul my butt off to the emergency room.

Ella said...

Great advice Yolanda! Congrats-so excited for you! Yes, flirting is fair ;D
Rifftrax sounds fun! :D I remember that show~

Susan is funny!
Alex happy you and Mrs. AC are keeping your cool-

Anonymous said...

I only knew #8.

A little harmless flirting to sell a book doesn't hurt.

Unspoken said...

Hmmm, all is fair when it comes to dealing with a writer! One must know the writer is sure to flirt and tell :)! This post is just such an example!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lynda, true!

Penny, he may be deluded, but I bet that delusion works in your favor. Sorry about the scrolling. I'll find some mittens and blog that way for a while.

Tina, won't go near it. I enjoyed the film when it came out as well, as in good cheese.

Jamie, good for you!

Susan, that made me chuckle.

Ella, you would've enjoyed the Rifftrax live show.

Libby said...

I can think of nothing more awkward then being behind a table at a craft fair trying to sell books. You are brave.

Unknown said...

Those are good do's and dont's :-) I think I'll avoid the flirting, though! (I'd probably make an idiot of myself if I tried!)

And congratulations to all the authors of new releases :)

The Happy Whisk said...

The first movie one made me smile. I so did not enjoy that movie.

Cheers to you Alex.

Jennie Bennett said...

That's so funny that he flirted with you the whole time. I would've died!

Tyrean Martinson said...

Yolanda - congrats on having your book re-released! I appreciate the tips you shared about selling books at fairs and such - definitely no flirting or politics allowed. (or at least I hope I could avoid them)

Alex - I can't believe I was so tired that I couldn't answer the question about Firefly last week! And congrats on your top story!

(those pics of the screen are funny!)

Congrats to Michelle, and everyone with publications!!!

Cindy R. Wilson said...

Thanks for the tips, Yolanda! Book signings sound like an intimidating thing but it helps to remember that readers are human, too.

I am SO going to have to check out Rifftrax. I miss Mystery Science Theater!!

Mary Aalgaard said...

I say flirt if it works, but hold back if it gets weird. I think doing a book signing with another author or artist would be fun and a chance for more success.

Kathe W. said...

Flirting? I think if a person is sitting at a book sale and chit chats with potential buyers- how can that be considered "flirting"- I think being friendly and happy to talk with folks(no be considered flirting.....just what is flirting anyhow?
Some people read too much into someone just being nice.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rachel, I could probably out-idiot you.

Thanks, Tyrean.

Cindy, you will really dig Rifftrax.

Kathe, that's true.

Rebecca Green Gasper said...

Love Yolanda's advice! Will always keep that in mind! :) And congrats to all the authors on their new releases. I will have to head on over and check them all out. Hope things have been well on your end. Best to you :)

Unknown said...

The spider on the cover of Murder Madness and Love reminds me so much of the Seventh Wonder album, The Great Escape :)

Nicely done on the Suvudu top post too!

Yolanda Renée said...

The spider sits at the head of every chapter too - very awesome! I've been trying to get some earrings designed to match the one on the cover. I think they'd make great giveaways. I've worn spiders before, for Halloween once - in my hair. Sometimes I'm so brave! Love the comments about flirting - I think I did make an idiot of myself - I didn't recognize what was happening until it was too late - and then, still didn't sell a book! Thanks everyone, especially you Alex!

mshatch said...

I knew some of the spaceships but not all and sadly, it's been a while since I got to flirt with anyone. Starship Troopers was fun, but not what I'd call good, and oh yeah, the acting was pretty bad, lol.

Unknown said...

no flirting feels to much like being a salesman. I'd rather just be myself.

Morgan said...

LOL! Yolanda, that's a funny flirting story...

And gosh, remembering how to flirt? I think I'm a natural flirt, and I have to double think how I'm coming across. I don't want to unconsciously get myself in trouble!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. congratulations to Summer and then to Yolanda - and the other authors ..

Star Trek et al .. well I can't comment! Flirting .. not much any more!

Mysteries - love them .. cheers Hilary

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Jamie!

Yolanda, that's cool the spider starts the chapter as well. And you are very welcome!

Tonja Drecker said...

Congratulations, Yolanda! Here's wishing you tons of sales :)
As to the flirting - I wouldn't even know where to start.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Congratulations Yolanda!.

Alex, flirting is something not all of us can do or are good at. So flirting is not fair while selling books. I would never be able to sell a single book if I were to depend on my flirting skills.

Unknown said...

Alex...what a fun-filled post. Congrats to Yolanda for the re-release, and thanks to her for the tidbits of book signing etiquette that you don't hear much about.

Politics...yes...stay out of them, unless the books are politically inclined.

Flirting...some people just ooze a little flirt. I do without even meaning to. It's not sexual, just familiar and friendly., I haven't watched that since...since...can't remember. But I LOVED that show. I had no idea of the rifftrax. That's in movie theaters?

Thanks for a wonderful post, Alex, and for spotlighting Y's re-release.

M.L. Swift, Writer

Unknown said...

Standing up and getting out from behind the safety of the table or booth is a big takeaway for me because that is what I would likely hide behind. The screen shots are pretty funny. Looking forward to your exciting news!

Susan Oloier said...

That guest post was awesome...and funny! How wonderful is that to have a re-release!
And congrats to Summer!!! So happy for her.

Emily R. King said...

I'd flirt to sell my books! I'm a bit rusty at it, so I doubt I'd sell many. Ha!

Unknown said...

Look forward to all the publishing excitement ! I always spend so much time reading your posts, Alex-- they're so full of many things, fair makes my head spin !

Unknown said...

Yay, Yolanda!!!

Funny, Alex! I was reading your Monday post when your comment came in on my blog.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rachna, I'd be doomed as well!

Mike, visit the Rifftrax site - you are in for a treat!!!

Damy, I like to give you the most bang for your buck.

Candilynn, great minds think alike...

M Pax said...

Some of my uber fans get too flirty online. That makes me really uncomfortable.

Friendly is great, but there's a line.

Intangible Hearts said...

Flirting sells but here in the desert it's not the optimum way of doing things. :)

Leigh Covington said...

I don't think I remember how to flirt either, which is weird cause I always won "the biggest flirt" award in school. O-well.
And... I think I've uncovered your identity! ;) Do you care if I share on my blog? (All in good fun!)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mary, that would be weird.

Leigh, sure!

Shell Flower said...

Flirting is totally legal as long as it stays there. If it sells a book, helps break the ice (it is an act after all), or otherwise gets you talking to people, by all means flirt! I love the point that readers are as shy as writers. I'm definitely a lot more shy in real life, so I know this is true. Book signings, etc. can be awkward. Yay for Michelle, too.

Morgan said...

Oh gosh... this next month will be madness, Alex! And the twitter party sounds waaay fun. And mini Alex as a host??? Haha... pretty please??? You just need to have some of your music in the movie too!

Morgan said...

Woops... that comment was meant for your current post, lol...