Friday, June 21, 2013

Ready to Rumble with WRiTE CLUB? Plus Movie Trivia and Ninja News

What is WRiTE CLUB? Are we allowed to talk about it? The awesome DL Hammons is here to explain!

When Alex approached me about doing a segment for his uber-popular blog I knew right away I wanted to talk about WRiTE CLUB, but wasn’t sure how to go about it in a fresh way. I thought about it for a good long while, and then finally decided to ask for help. What I did was ask our 2011 WRiTE CLUB Champion -- Tiana Smith, and the 2012 Champion – Mark Hough, to interview me so I made sure to cover the things that really stood out in their minds. Here is the result.

Tiana - I know things have changed a lot since I won the first WRiTE CLUB competition. Could you explain a few of the changes and how you think they'll make it a better experience for everyone all around?

DL - Well, I’m completely bald now and the acid my stomach produces could probably qualify as industrial strength. Oh, you mean changes in the actual contest. WRiTE CLUB was a hit right out of the gate, but last year the interest was so great that I had to put measures in place this year to keep things manageable but fair. The preliminary rounds will last just 8 weeks (shorter than last year) with two bouts per week (three last year), but the biggest change is that this year the submissions will be pre-screened by a panel of ten judges so that the best 32 make it to the ring. Another change is that every vote cast will have the voters name thrown into a hat for the chance at a $75 Amazon Gift card or a ten page critique by each of the submission judges.

Mark - I'm sure you've received a ton of emails or comments about the WRiTE CLUB competition, and it's easy to see how it's surged in popularity since it began. What do you think makes WRiTE CLUB so different from other writing competitions?

DL - One thing is that you can participate at whatever level makes you feel the most comfortable. You can simply vote for your favorite submission...or you can vote and leave a brief critique...or you can go whole hog and send in an anonymous writing sample to compete. Everything is done in a very low-key fashion, which makes the whole contest a lot of fun whichever way you choose to participate.
The second thing is the anonymity. We have had participants who are published authors pitted against aspiring wannabe's, and the wannabe's have won. Persona's have no place in WRiTE CLUB, and people love that!

Tiana - I'm incredibly excited to help judge the final round! Who are some of the other industry professionals you have lined up for judging the final showdown?

DL - I’m really pumped about this year’s stable of judges, and it really demonstrates how popular WRiTE CLUB has become. Besides you and Mark, there’ s Kendare Blake, the author of the highly acclaimed Anna Dressed in Blood and Girl of Nightmares teen horror series. Then there’s Katie Grimm, agent for Don Congdon Associates since 2007, where in addition to maintaining her own client list she also acts as business manager. Next is Alice Speilburg -- founder of the Speilburg Literary Agency. And finally there’s this certain science fiction writer on a journey of discovery...who’s a blogger extraordinaire! Online he is known as Captain Ninja Alex – our own Alex J. Cavanaugh! Oh yeah, I’ll be announcing more celebrity judges as the contest goes on.

Mark - Obviously my win last year was a huge confidence boost to my writing, but I found that the best thing about WRiTE CLUB for me was the practice of regularly critiquing other writers' entries. As the moderator, have you noticed any certain aspects of WRiTE CLUB which help you most as a writer?

DL - Absolutely! Working with 500 word submissions forces you to realize the value of every single word and helped me learn about word economy. It's also a lesson that needs to be continually reinforced, and critiquing is an ideal way to accomplish that.

Tiana - Since the first WRiTE CLUB competition, things have grown a lot. How big has this thing become? How much participation (views/comments/etc.) do you anticipate for this year?

DL – To give you a sense of scale, last year the first couple of bouts drew over 2,100 site hits and garnered almost 100 votes apiece. Over the course of the entire contest my blog received 30,000 hits. I’d be satisfied if we were able to maintain that level of participation again this year. It’s really gratifying to see our submissions receiving that much attention and feedback.

Mark - Since I only hopped aboard the bandwagon last year, I'm curious: how did you come up with the idea for WRiTE CLUB?

DL - First and foremost I wanted to come up with something that would shine the spotlight on other writers and provide them a way to get their work in front of a lot of people in a non-threatening way. That's actually the reason for the small i in WRiTE CLUB, because it wasn't about me (or I). So I thought, some sort of contest would do the trick. As coincidence would have it, while I was trying to come up with the rules for this yet to be named contest a TV commercial for FIGHT CLUB hit the screen...and the rest (as they say) is history!

Tiana - I know when I participated, I was a little scared to submit my writing sample, but the fact that I'd be using a pen name gave me confidence to put myself out there. Was that what made you decide to keep things anonymous?

DL – Believe it or not, there are other versions of WRiTE CLUB out there and while I was researching them I discovered that all of the others involved regular LIVE readings in gathering spots like bars or coffee shops. I knew that there was no way I could get up in front of a group of relative strangers and read my work, and a lot of people felt the same way, so why not do an internet version where submissions accepted anonymously? All of our submissions go to my wife first; she logs them in and removes the real names, so she’s the only person who knows the real names. I don’t even know them. The anonymity of it all is what makes our contest so special. All of the concentration is on the writing alone!

I want to thank Mark and Tiana for helping me out today. Hopefully the three of us tweaked the interest of some of you, and if that's so, HERE is where you should go to find out more.

On July 8th..."Let's Get Ready To RUMMMMBBBBLLLEEE!!"

Ninja News

Crystal Collier is featuring book releases/cover reveals for YA fatansy-esk genres every Wednesday on her blog and is looking for people to fill the calendar. Get details HERE.

Patsy Collins’ latest book is available, Up the Garden Path. Congratulations, Patsy! You can purchase it at Amazon. And if you want to check out the funny trailer for it, go to You Tube. Patsy really can run!

Cover reveal –

Heist by Laura Pauling
Genre: YA Psychological Thriller

Can one decision change the past?

Coming later this year – find it now on Goodreads.
Find Laura here: Blog, Goodreads, Goodreads, and Twitter

And this is really cool! One of my most awesome blogging buddies, Chuck at Apocalypse Now, surprised his wife with something really unique. He’d met Mary Montagues Sikes (whom I featured earlier this month at the A to Z Blog) and was impressed with her daily paintings for the Challenge. He sent a photo his wife had taken of a sea turtle and Mary created the amazing painting you see here. Now, is that not just awesome?

If you are looking for writing competitions with no entry fees, check out WritersViews.

Movie Trivia!

Name the director:

1 – The Untouchables 1987

2 – Groundhog Day 1993

3 – The Usual Suspects 1995

4 – Hugo 2011

5 – The 13th Warrior 1999

6 – Rango 2011

Answers on Monday!

Are you ready for WRiTE CLUB? Participating this year with an entry? Ready for some new books? Want Mary to paint a picture for you? Know the directors? And who else is seeing World War Z this weekend?


Jeremy [Retro] said...


Rachna Chhabria said...

I will go and check out Write Club, it sounds super. And for me the bonus is that one of my favourite bloggers is judging :)

Unknown said...

Getting into a competition can be scary for an artist. I can do it with my painting, but not with music nor with writing. Those areas are too close to the bone.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

wow, I love that turtle painting! Beautiful!

I'd never be able to name directors. Um-ah! ;)
Oh wait, isn't one Quentin T? oh wait agai, I'm getting confused with Drango, hahahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

As I only write poetry I don't think The Write Club is my forte,
I do wish I can answer your trivial one day......who knows next time?????

Thanks for your comment and advice just things getting too much again.

Enjoy your week-end.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Chuck outdid himself... his wife is lucky or the other way around. Not seeing any films this weekend, unless it's on the tube...

I don't know any of those directors, in my defense I am being attack by the Dream Police... Oh No! [you started to sing it]

I hope you and every has a great day and happy up and coming week...

It's almost time for my "TOUR BUS" to head out on the blogger-highway... I just need a cool name, which could be another giveaway... hmm.

Lisa said...

exciting things at your shore Alex and the painting is way awesome because they met on the Challenge. great stuff at a great blog Alex. I know only the Untouchables and Groundhog Day, OMG I know the actors but their names don't come out, OMG Alex I'm getting old.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

DL Hammond has a great competition going, best of luck to all entrants and thanks for the interview. Nice cover Laura and Mary has talent. Congrats Patsy and nice feature idea Crystal. Have a great weekend Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

First, Jeremy!

Rachna, which one??

Anne, I don't do competitions either. And good to hear from you!

Lynda, I don't think Rango would've been PG if Tarantino had directed!

Yvonne, deep breath! It will be all right.

Jeremy, where is the tour bus headed? And yes, I started singing.

Lisa, no you're not!

Leigh Caron said...

I'm still contemplating Write Club. Fun to see Hammond on your blog. You two guys rock. Have no clue on the directors...but The 13th Warrior is one of my favorite movies. Finally you mentioned a movie I like. Have a great weekend.

The Angry Lurker said...

1 – The Untouchables 1987: DePalma

2 – Groundhog Day 1993: ?

3 – The Usual Suspects 1995: ?

4 – Hugo 2011 : Speilberg

5 – The 13th Warrior 1999: McTiernan

6 – Rango 2011: Verbinski

Huntress said...

Write Club is awesome!Congrats to Laura and Patsy.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Good to meet Mr. Hammons!! And yes I am most defiitely giong to see World War Z this weekend.

DL Hammons said...

Thank you for hosting me today, Alex! It's rare to get this amount of exposure.

Tagging onto Francis Lee above...Groundhog Day (Harold Ramis)...The Usual Suspects (Bryan Singer)...Hugo (actually it was Martin Scorsese).

And World War Z is definitely on the docket for this weekend! :)

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Cool painting!

I think I've voted in Write Club before, but I haven't submitted anything to it yet. It's not like I have nothing else on my plate....

Ted Cross said...

Write Club sounds cool, but I don't think I have the word economy to get a 500 word piece up to snuff. I always worry more about the chapter length quality and not so much about any particular word or sentence, so my smaller pieces wouldn't be competitive, I think.

Suze said...

Thanks for the heads up on Write Club, Al. Cool that you'll be a judge. :)

Michelle Wallace said...

Write Club is such a great concept!
And that painting is ultra-cool... what a talent!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Leigh, I had to at some point!!

Fran, you got three right.

DL, happy to host you and you are correct!

Ted, you never know.

Nick Wilford said...

I haven't got it together to submit to Write Club yet. Going to see what I can come up with.

Very cool painting!

mshatch said...

Write Club is awesome. I submitted the first two years and offered my two cents on the entries and while I'm not offering anything of my own this year I will definitely be checking out the other entries.

As for those movies...I only know Hugo - Martin Scorsese. Have a fabulous weekend!

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Love that sea turtle painting! :)

I want to see WWZ but I'm hesitant since early reviews haven't been so great. Might give it a few weeks and see what you all say about it. :)

Heather M. Gardner said...

Hi Alex!!!

DL is doing a fantastic job with Write Club! No doubt about it.

I'm always ready for new books but I have to work first to scape my pennies together! It's my only vice!!

I can't say I know any of these trivia questions. Actors I'm good at, directors? Not so much.

Have a great weekend!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

WORLD WAR Z is on my list to see. Perhaps Monday. WRiTE CLUB seems a neat idea and other-oriented. Have a great weekend.

Shah Wharton said...

I meant to do Write Club last year and promptly forgot! I never seem to have the time for 'extra's' outside of my trilogy and critiquing (for other's). If I had more organisational skills I'd make time, but that's another story.

We are going to see WORLD Z next week I believe. Can't wait. I'm also looking forward to MAN OF STEEL. :)

I stopped by to Celebrate the Small Things with you, but you're not participating this week. No matter. Always a treat. :D

Shah X

Crystal Collier said...

Woot, woot! Write Club is going to be awesome this year. Can't wait to see all the amazing entries.

Luanne G. Smith said...

Write Club sounds intense! Have fun judging.

And I LOVE that sea turtle. Beautiful. :)

Al Diaz said...

I love the colors on that turtle. I would like that painting on my cave. The Write Club sounds like something I would love to do IF I could convince myself I can write a 500 word story.
I'm at a loss with directors.
Have not seen Superman yet but no chance to watch Z movie. Not fan of zombies, really.

Cate Masters said...

Write Club sounds very cool! I'll have to check it out.
Love that turtle painting!
Happy weekend - and summer (supposedly?)

Bossy Betty said...

Love this idea! Have a great day, Alex!

Unknown said...

I have to go and Check DL's Write Club now. Sounds challenging as well as fascinating!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Marcy, you are correct.

Madeline, I will let you know!

Roland, I am hitting it today.

Shah, I asked Vik to take me off the list as I always forget.

Al, you should write one! Write one about the dwarves.

Laura Clipson said...

I've got a couple of possible Write Club entries drafted, I just need to edit them and decide which one to use.

Tiana Smith said...

Hey look, that's my name up there! Thanks for spreading the word about Write Club!

Unknown said...

Write Club is a great idea and LOVE the turtle painting.

SK Anthony said...

WRiTE CLUB sounds really cool, congrats to Laura, and great paining of the turtle!

The only one I think I know is ..
Hugo- Martin Scorsese ;)

Andrew Leon said...

Is there a first rule of write club? Did I miss that somewhere?

Leovi said...

Wonderful creations Montagues Mary Sikes, lovely colors on that turtle!

Carol Kilgore said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Mary's turtle!!!

Congrats to those with new books and covers!

Write Club sounds cool.

Directors? Not a clue.

Happy Weekend!

ilima said...

Write Club sounds awesome!

My husband helped my daughter paint a scene from my book and gave it to me for my birthday. Best. Present. Ever.

Brian Miller said...

write club sounds really cool...i think you promo-ed it or a link previously and i followed and read about it...will check it out again as i really like what they were saying in the interview...

have a great weekend alex...

Cherie Reich said...

Great learning more about Write Club! And that painting Mary did is fantastic!

Unknown said...

Got my Write Club submission ready to go - I hope Edward Norton and Brad Pitt will make an appearance as celebrity judges:) No chance am I seeing Z, the trailer alone gives me the creeps *It's against zombie convention for them to move that fast - eerily unnatural, even by undead standards* Mary's turtle is gorgeous, love the color scheme!

Liesel K. Hill said...

I'm excited for Write Club. I did some voting last year, but hope to be able to participate a bit more this year. Thanks for featuring this as a reminder/announcement for it. :D

Summer Ross said...

I'm hoping to participate more in Write club this year.
Not planning on seeing World War Z. It has a bad vibe for me already, not really sure why though.

Reading? I have 13 authors lined up for my editing job- I'm reading a whole slew of new stuff and can't talk about it. All I can say is there are some great upcoming books for next year.
Have a great day Alex.

Old Kitty said...

Will there be naked mud wrestling!?!

Ooops sorry, wrong rumble. Ahem.

Anyways!!! Good luck to all your brave souls joining in the write club comp!! Yikes!!! I have a spare first aid kit and a nurse's uniform if y'all need any assistance...

Oh it's Friday!! Take care

Patsy said...

Thanks so much for the mention, Alex. I appreciate it x

Pat Hatt said...

Hmmmmm I think the cat would be a little obvious so the anonymity would not play well with write club for him. Plus not afraid to say or put up anything anyway, tmi is checked at the door at my sea.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

DL has to be the master of organization. I can't imagine hosting such a challenge.

Love Patsy's new cover. Very happy. Love the idea of making one little change and seeing the concept.

And artists amaze me. I can't even do good stick people, so I am awed.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Ready to Rumble! (except I keep forgetting to post/talk about Write Club . . . must fix that.

Mark Means said...

I've always thought the idea of Write Club was cool...I'm just not ready for it...yet! :)

Julie Flanders said...

Oh wow, I love Mary's painting of the turtle. I so enjoyed her A-Z paintings.
I hope the upcoming Write Club is another big success. :)

Miranda Hardy said...

I love WRiTE CLUB. The best part is discovering some truly amazing writing.

Laura Eno said...

Mary is so talented!
Congrats on another upcoming Write Club. :)
I want to see World War Z but it'll have to wait until Netflix gets it.

Unknown said...

Holy moly! I never imagined DL would get such superstars as judges for his competition. That's so exciting! Good luck DL and all who enter.
Congrats on new releases, Crystal and Patsy.
Mary's painting is lovely.
Have a great weekend! :-)

~Sia McKye~ said...

Contests, like this one, also involves a commitment of time, both for contestants, judges/admin, and voters. It's a good idea and no entry fees is fabulous, though. Enjoyed the interview.

Wow. That is a lovely picture Mary did. I love it. What a great idea for a unique gift.


Joylene Nowell Butler said...

My other life, the one that doesn't include writing, has finally caught up with me. I hope I can follow along, but I don't dare sign up for WRITE CLUB. It does sound like a wonderful experience.

Alex, honestly, you know the most interesting people!

Michael Di Gesu said...

I LOVE Mary's work! She is so incredibly talented.

SO much going on in the blogophere. I can't keep up. And getting exhausted trying. LOL.

I hope to do my own work this weekend. We shall see. Something always pulls me away and I tend to let it. Bad Michael. LOL.

ALL THE BEST to DL and WRITE CLUB.... It should be an amazing challenge this year!

Have a great weekend Alex!

Charles Gramlich said...

I feel some multiple personalities coming on!

Chancelet said...

Thanks for the reminder - I need to grab the button and do a blurb about Write Club. :) Something to truly be excited about. Congrats to all those new reveals and releases. Writer’s Mark

farawayeyes said...

WRiTE CLUB - Yea!!!

That turtle is absolutely awesome.

Trivia - Ha, ha, ha.

World War Z - looks more interesting than I thought, but I think I'll wait to see what you think.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Damy, you could really rock Write Club.

Tiana, you're welcome!

SK, you are correct.

Leovi, she really captured the photo.

Ilima, that was sweet.

Brian, you really should enter!

Samantha, if they do show up, they can take my place on the panel.

Summer, that's funny.

Kitty, there might be...

Pat, your style would be rather apparent.

Elizabeth, and he's a co-host for the Challenge!

Lexa, several superstars... and me.

Joylene, good to hear from you! Everyone I know is interesting.

Michael, no distractions this weekend!

Charles - funny! said...

I'm glad you posted the painting Mary made for Chuck, Alex. The story is a great one too. And it's a beautiful piece of work. I told Chuck I like it better than the original.

Be well, and happy Friday, Alex.

Brinda said...

A live reading version of Write Club? Whoa.

I enjoyed reading the Q & A.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

That is a very nice sea turtle drawing. I wonder if she used oil paints or acrylics and what kind of canvas she got and whether or not she primed it with gesso. I'd like to get better at painting. I need to take a class or ask for some pointers. I'll definitely go and hit her up for some.

Empty Nest Insider said...

It was nice learning more about the Write Club. Congrats to all of the authors! Beautiful sea turtle.


Mark said...

Wow, Write Club, how cool is that? Sounds awesome:)

Matthew MacNish said...

Geez I don't know any of those directors!

StratPlayerCJF said...

WRiTE Club is awesome -- I was thrilled to make it to the finals against Mark last year -- his work was excellent!

To any writers sitting on the fence about throwing in a submission, let me encourage you to do so!

Or at least visit often and take part in the voting once it starts.

And Alex, I hereby decree that I suck at director-naming. I couldn't even tell you one of those....

RaShelle Workman said...

Rock on, Write Club!!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Faraway, I'll let you know on Monday.

Robyn, I thought it was just too good not to share.

Michael, you can take a class from Mary.

Chris, you almost won last year.

Jai Joshi said...

Write Club sounds so cool!


Kathe W. said...

thanks Alex for the book reviews- I am always looking for the good read! Cheers!

Julie Dao said...

WRiTE Club is awesome and so is this interview!!! June 30th is coming right up. I can't wait to start voting :D

Suzanne Furness said...

Looking forward to Write Club! Congrats on the new releases and what a great painting.

SC Author said...

Write Club sounds awesome! But I need to get my MS finished before then :(((

Kristi said...

This is such a cool thing to do! I've been hearing a ton about WRiTE CLUB, but this is my first time really reading all about it. Have to say, the anonymity of it all is kind of magic!

Thanks for giving us the low-down!

Nicki Elson said...

Oh, what a wonderful gift!

Hi D.L., Tiana & Mark. I think WRiTE Club is going to be off the charts this year. Thanks for having them over, Alex.

Ray Rousell said...

I'm scratching my head at who directed the 13th warrior, I'm gonna have to google it!!!

mooderino said...

That's a really beautiful painting.


Christine Rains said...

WRiTE CLUB is awesome. (Should we be talking about it?! ;) ) No movies for me this weekend. I need to finish my book!

D.G. Hudson said...

Tis a good thing you do, DL! Sounds like a growing enterprise when you need to put in a panel of judges. (But get something for that acid stomach)

I want to see World War Z! Not sure when though. And Superman, my first superhero crush.

M Pax said...

I have to sign up so I can vote. I helped somoene else polish a story for it :)

Awesome painting by Mary. Wish I had talent like that.

Have a great weekend, Alex. Have some fun with Mrs. Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Julie, just over a week!

Kristi, that aspect is what makes it fun.

Ray, it's killing you, isn't it?

DG, it was a decent entry into the zombie genre.

Mary, I always do! Wait, does that sound bad...?

Sherry Ellis said...

The WRiTE Club sounds pretty cool. I'll check it out, but I don't know how much I'll be able to participate. I'm ridiculously busy in my part of the world, trying to prepare for our move!

Liza said...

Love the idea of the WRiTE Club! Don't think I could keep up the pace, but I'll have fun watching those who do!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

That's an incredible painting. I'll be interested to hear what you say about "Z" since I've heard it's getting bad reviews. I don't go by them, only what my friends say.

The Armchair Squid said...

Hi, Alex! I hope summer is beginning well for you.

Might you be interested in joining a bloggers' book club? Here's the link:

Tina said...

Thanks for featuring our buddy and WRiTE CLUB! He's got a great thing going there. That painting is amazing. I loved the piece you did on her at the A-Z.
Tina @ Life is Good

Carrie-Anne said...

That's a beautiful painting! I love turtles and have four stuffed turtles, half at home and half in the car.

Dafeenah said...

Write Club is one of my favorites. Although I haven't been able to follow it regularly lately.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Wish I had something for Write Club.

The sea turtle is gorgeous.

Kelly Polark said...

That turtle illustration is amazing!

Write Club sounds cool! Thanks for all the info!

Robin said...

This is the first I have heard of Write Club. Jury is still very much out on whether I actually want to participate, but I think the IDEA is fabulous!!!

The Words Crafter said...

*nibbling nails* my gut is telling me to check out this Write Club. My head is saying uh uh. I do tend to write better under pressure...I'll look into it.

The painting is gorgeous! Congrats to the reveals and releases. I've seen all but one of the movies and can't think of any of the directors!

Looking forward to the Z review. I kind of want to see it...

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Alex, thank you so much for including the painting for Chuck on your blog today. It was fun, and I loved the way it turned out. Thanks for your support for so many!

Mary Montague Sikes

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

I just read over all those cool comments and was flattered to be included in so many. Thanks to your amazing followers! Michael asked about the medium. I used acrylic paints (Golden is my favorite brand) on a pre-stretched gallery wrap canvas (11" x 14").

Have a lovely weekend!

Jemi Fraser said...

YAY for Write Club! I hadn't seen Laura's cover yet - awesome! :)

Brandon Ax said...

Write club sounds really fun. I will have to check it out.

That painting is beautiful. Makes me want to break out the brushes.

Jo said...

I rarely know who any directors are. I have trouble remembering who the actors are. I am not really 'up' on modern day films at all.

Wish I was a writer, WRiTE CLUB sounds fun.

Mark Koopmans said...

I love the idea of WRiTE Club and will be participating much more this year.

PS... Yo, DL, I love Alex's new nickname of The Blogfather.

Too funny :)

Cynthia said...

That's one awesome looking sea turtle. I like how it's going up, as if it's striving upward for something big.

Thanks for the comment on my blog today. I just want you to know that I added an update to my post, because I think some readers might've misinterpreted what my message was. Just thought you'd like to know in case you visit again!

Lauren said...

Hugo - Martin Scorsese.

That's all I can remember, unfortunately. :)

WRiTE CLUB (gotta capitaliz it all I guess) sounds fun. I think I've heard of it before but never knew what it was about. I'll check it out but probably won't participate.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the Write Club... always so much fun:)

DL Hammons said...

I want to thank everyone for showing an interest in WRiTE Club today...and thank Alex once again for giving me time on his blog. It means a lot!! :)

Helena said...

I'll be eager to read some of the submissions, but I'm so crazy busy I won't be able to participate. Still I'm glad there's a competition like this to promote writers, especially since there are some very worthy ones around.

Livia Peterson said...

WORLD WAR Z is on my list of movies to see! I plan on seeing it next weekend. Can't wait to read your review, Alex! Was the film awesome? I am hoping so... :)

Rek Sesh said...

No write clubs for me...fiction has taken a back seat. That's an awesome talent that Mary realistic.

Superman seems to have learned to wear his outfit properly, but I miss the bright red cape...

The Untouchables was one of my fav movies and directed by Brian De Palma.

The Usual Suspects wasn't my cup of coffee and had Bryan Singer at the helm.

The Thirteenth Warrior was better than the short book by Micheal Crichton and directed by John MacTiernan.

I pass on the other two...

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex ... love DL's interview with Tiana and Mark, also learning more about the WRiTE CLUB .. gives everyone such a great opportunity.

Also helps all participants check out other work and appreciate aspects perhaps they don't use themselves ..

I would think being a participant is hugely informative and helpful -

Good luck to all participants .. and DL what a great idea ..

Cheers to all - Hilary

Unknown said...

What a lovely painting Mary did. The colors are gorgeous. WWZ, here we come (today) woot!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, it was decent but not great.

Thanks, Squid - I'll check it out.

Carrie-Anne - turtles on the go!

Robin, you should give it a try.

Words, go with your gut.

mary, you're welcome, and everyone loves your sea turtle.

Mark, I think PK gave me that title.

Cynthia, you're welcome and I will go read the update.

Lauren, you're correct.

DL, anything for a friend!

Livia, it was decent. Full review Monday.

Rekha, very good! He does sport his cape in Man of Steel, so it's still there.

Hilary, it would be very helpful!

Patricia Stoltey said...

Mary's painting is stunning. I love her work.

Rhonda Albom said...

Somehow I hadn't heard of Write Club, but now I am excited about it. I am off to check it out and see how I can participate with my upcoming travel plans. Thanks. And Chuck is my new hero.

randi lee said...

I've never heard of WC, but it seems like a rockin' idea! I'm going to check it out just as soon as I've finished with this comment. And thanks for the warm welcome back, Alex! It's good to return to the net and catch up with all my bloggin' buds :-)

DMS said...

This is my first time hearing of the Write Club and it sounds so interesting. I will definitely check it out to learn more about it. Thanks for sharing and this interview was SO helpful!


Ella said...

I am fascinated and fearful of The Writer's Club-I will have to check it out~

Thanks for show casing those involved-it inspires us to know and get involved in some facet!

Happy weekend Captain...I was going to see World War Z, but hubby wants to wait till tomorrow!

Hope you and Mrs are keeping cool ;D

Nancy Thompson said...

I'm not entering WC myself, but I have edited a few entries for other writers. It's a very cool idea. Wish I had the time. But right now, I'm reading a certain someone's third book!

Author A.O. Peart said...

Congratulations to Crystal, Patsy, and Laura on their new releases!

Oh, I love the turtle painting. I watercolor paint myself and often from the photographs or images in the magazines, so seeing Mary's creation is a real treat for me :-)

The concept of The Writer's Club sounds great. I won't be participating because of time restrains but I wish all the best to those who will!

Elise Fallson said...

That painting is really nice, love the subject and color combination. Good luck to everyone participating in WX, I'll be cheering from the sidelines this year. (:

klahanie said...

Hi Alex,

Right then, DL, my good buddy, I'd rather be whipped to death with a wet noodle than participate in yet another competition. I like doing my own thing. Still, all the best who participate in this and blog hops and blogfests and blog parties and the alphabet challenge and..Argggghhhh!

Sorry about that. I feel better now.

Yay to everybody mentioned in this article. World War "Zed"! :)

I'm going now....

writing and living by Richard P Hughes said...

Nice painting.

Sandra Cox said...

I'd like to find out more about Write Club.

Leovi said...

Change the past ... historians are doing at every moment!

Samantha May said...

I remember hearing about WRiTE CLUB last year and being really interested...maybe this is the year I do it!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rhonda, Chuck will be happy to hear that!

Randi Lee, it's good to have you back.

Ella, we were keeping wet yesterday.

Nancy, yes, that's important!!! Thanks so much.

Angela, that's cool you paint as well.

Gary, you always make me laugh.

Samantha, you still have time.

Anonymous said...

I love reading and voting on Write Club entries.

Thanks for the book and blogger news.

Survivormama said...

Hey buddy, that write club sounds great and a good way for writers to get their stuff out there and get feedback as well! I don't know the directors, love the painting of the sea turtle and don't think World War Z is in the cards for me...just not into, blessings my friend!

Shannon at I Survived and Now I Run

Chuck said...

I just now got on the internet for the first time this weekend. This is such a great post.

Write Club sounds very cool and interesting. I might even try a 500 word effort.

Can't say who directed any of those movies as I really don't track directors all that much.

Thanks, Alex for sharing the super painting that Mary did for me. I had to do a double take when I saw that comment from we have a friend of ours named Rhonda staying with us for a while!!

Did I detect that Nancy T. may possibly be reading your third book?? I do have mad skills that way.

Chuck at Apocalypse Now

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Chuck, she is indeed reading a review copy of CassaStorm!

Melissa said...

I like the idea of an anonymous writing contest. Write Club sounds cool.

Congrats to those with reveals and releases.

Love the turtle. :)

Anonymous said...

The Write Club sounds like a great challenge. Won't be able to participate due to other commitments, but I wish them well! I wonder if they're familiar with Write1Sub1...

Gossip_Grl said...

Great post and interview of DL and The Write Club! Congrats on your judging job with The Write Club also!

mshatch said...

Very interesting clone facts. That stuff fascinates me.

Jeff Hargett said...

WRiTE CLUB should be a lot of fun. Looking forward to reading the submissions.

Unknown said...

Write Club sounds awesome. I love the way DL answers questions. He's so funny.

I LOVE that painting. I'm huge into turtles and that pic is gorgeous. What a huge talent!

The Happy Whisk said...

I like that writers band together and do stuff like this. Always very cool. And I laughed at the bald and acid part. That was funny.