Ninjas vs. Descendants – Why they’re both cool.
Let’s start with the facts.
Facts about ninjas (per Real Ultimate Power)
1. Ninjas are Mammals
2. Ninjas fight all the time
3. The purpose of a ninja is to flip out and kill people (only the bad guys of course)
Facts about Descendants
1. Descendants are also mammals
2. Descendants live 500 years and are descendants of the Greek gods
3. The purpose of a Descendant is to be super badass
Ninjas use swords and ninja stars to fight.
Descendants use their supernatural powers.
My point is, just like ninjas, Elyse and her fellow Descendants are super awesome.
Okay, okay… in all seriousness, one of the best parts about writing a paranormal romance is writing about characters with super powers. Nothing is too impossible, which makes for fun writing. Descendants don’t have your everyday super powers, though. Each ability is derived from the Greek god’s bloodline they’re descendant of. Sometimes it’s a bit of a challenge to come up with abilities for certain “gods.” Whenever I’m feeling uninspired, I do a little digging and try to come up with creative power ideas for my characters. Below is a list of some of my characters and their abilities. The complete reference guide will be published in the back of Uprising.
Thanks for having me on your blog, Alex! Here’s to Ninjas & Descendants joining forces
Name Bloodline Ability
Iosif Metis The ability of
Nics Nix Ability to
manipulate light & create darkness/invisibility
Sam Dionysus The ability to change
liquid to wine
Paul Hermes Messenger—Flight
Rachel Iris Messenger—Flight
(changes form)
Officer Gomez Pasithea The
ability to make others feel relaxed
Cearno Comus The ability to make
food and drink with extraordinary flavor
Christine Hegemone The
ability to conjure plants and trees from the earth
Mr. Williamson Helios The
ability to mimic daylight/sunlight
Unnamed Tethys The
ability to draw water from the ground
Unnamed Astraeus The
ability to create the illusion of stars
Mr. Gransky Hecate The
ability to move objects using telekinesis
(Ms. Stanzic) Chronos The
ability to stop time
Aaron Clotho The ability to revive
the dead before the spirit transcends
Ian Homados The ability to amplify or
impair hearing
Hannah Mnemosyne The ability to erase memories
with her blood
Uprising (Children of the Gods #2)
Paranormal Romance
Elyse has been in hiding for most of her life. Only now she’s hiding with William, and she knows who she’s hiding from. The Council wants a child Elyse and William have yet to conceive, a child who will be the next oracle, and who will provide the final piece to a plan Christoph has been organizing for years…
Find Uprising - Amazon Barnes and Noble Goodreads
Find Jessica - Website-Blog Twitter Facebook Goodreads
Cover Reveal

How to Date a Nerd by Cassie Mae (An awesome nerd herself!)
Zoe has a great pair of legs, perky boobs, and wears exactly what she needs to show it all off. She works hard for the easy sleazy ‘you only wish you were me’ reputation, burying who she really is—an all-out nerd…
Add to Goodreads HERE
Saw this at Jeff Hargett’s site – maps that show the difference in pronounciations and word usage in America at Business Insider. How do you pronounce pajamas or crayons?
The final book in Lyyn Rush’s trilogy is out – Violet Storm. Congratulations, Lynn!
It was suggested that the name Insecure Writer’s Support Group has a negative connotation, and perhaps I could change it to something more positive. The group is almost two years old now, and we’d have to change the logo, hashtag, links, etc. It was established for insecure writers – would it be weird to say Secure Writers? (Like Non-Alcoholics Anonymous?) What does everyone think? Come up with something new or stay the course?
Milo James Fowler is the featured poet in Scifaikuest. Congratulations, Milo!
Chocolate lovers! Saw this over at Edi’s Book Lighthouse - Awesome and Weird Chocolate. Dark chocolate everything, from steampunk to skulls and shoes to clothes!
And thanks for all the supportive and kinds words Friday – you guys rock!
Mini-Alex wanted to show his appreciation to Roland Yeomans for sending the autographed picture of Kate Beckinsale.
He’s in Heaven!
Think Ninjas and Descendants are both cool? Picked up Jessica’s second book? Do you know how to date a nerd? Do you say soda, pop, or Coke? In the mood for chocolate? Or are you just counting down the days to Man of Steel…?
And I’ll be gone the middle of this week on business. (Yeah! No, not really.) Since my Internet time will be limited, I’ve elected not to post on Wednesday since I won’t be able to visit everyone who would visit me. Friday it will be business as usual though. And you won’t want to miss my guest – she’s sold 300,000 of her self-published books!
Like the Kate Beckinsale pic Alex, You will be sorely missed on Wednesday, enjoy the break.
Awww but Ninjas wear super sexy black outfits and masks and their Capn wears invisible underwear!!!! Sorry Descendants - super amazing though you all are!! But INVISIBLE UNDERWEAR!!! Ahem.
Take care
I'm afraid I say the word Coke....and I'm an addict!
Thanks for popping by Jessica and both ninjas and descendants rock. But remember even without their weapons ninjas have awesome but deadly ninja moves. The list of powers connected with both the gods and their descendants is amazing, I love Greek Mythology and immediately recognized several names. Writing paranormal rocks in so many ways add romance and it's spin time! Ok I'm just nuts. Uprising sounds exciting, congrats and best of luck.
Congrats Cassie on your great cover. Thanks Jeff though I pronounce crayons one way, Jamaican. Congrats Lynn and that cover is eye catching girl!
Keep IWSG as it is the name rocks and tells the truth. I don't want. The Secure Writing Hop because that means instead of writing you've always ran off to the movies or the mall. Just saying, if you do something you get doubts or negative little inklings at some point.
And the biggest congrats must go to Mini-Alex. Now that's an awesome get my man. I'm a girl and that Kate pick makes me jealous.
Will miss you on Wednesday Alex. Enjoy your week.
Jessica's book sounds very interesting. I'd have to read the first one first though.
I've been playing with the Business Insider link all week. Handy reference guide for writers.
I'm always in the mood for chocolate! My six ax handle lengths across the butt proves it. lol
I do agree, Ninjas and Descendants are both cool. Can't wait to read your guest on Friday. Have a good week.
Mini-Alex looks very pleased with the signed photo!
Jessica's cover is lovely.
Kitty, I'm wearing invisible underwear right now...
Fran, I say soda or Coke.
Sheena-kay, Ninjas do have the deadly moves. Thanks for your thoughts on the IWSG. And Mini-Alex is happy he found a girl his size.
It is "pop" in my world.
Ninjas and Descendants are both way cool! Thanks for bringing my attention to Jessica's books--they sound like my kind of read!
And I say Coke, or fizzy drink for other brands.
Enjoyed reading your blog post today! Great start to the week. I think you should leave your monthly group with the same title idk thats my opinion. Give it a theme song like the Coke Song "I'd Like To Teach the World to Sing" maybe! :)There is nothing really positive about Alcoholics Anonymous either. They just shortened it to A.A. :) I am always in the mood for chocolate, but it's the enemy!
Congrats to Jessica. Her book sounds awesome.
As to the group, maybe leave the name or call it insecure and secure. Maybe open it up to talking about secure as well as insecure feelings. I can imagine it gets hard to focus on the insecure after two years of posting on the subject and we all have learned and felt things as a writer that make us feel good.
Mmmm... They're both so cool sounding that I don't know how to decide who's cooler.
Have a good and successful time away. :-)
I'm not actually in the Insecure Writer’s Support Group but I never felt the name has a negative connotation. I don't think it's negative to admit your insecurities. Besides, if you changed it, it would be a whole lot of work for everybody and it would kill the SEO you've built up.
I say keep it, unless it's making you insecure. . .
Looks like a great book! It would definitely be fun to have a protagonist who had super powers.
Enjoy your break!
one word today... Kate!
heh. heaven for sure...smiles...
cool premise on the book...i like the elevator pitch you give of it...and i was just lamenting last night that i am at the bottom of my book stack...and summer is just beginning to order....
happy monday
So, what happens if two Descendants from different bloodlines have a baby? It sounds as though you'd be able to creates some cool new powers that way.
We'll miss you for Indie Life, Alex! Have a safe trip!
Oh boy, I'm pissed.
Please don't change the name of IWSG.
It's taken me nearly two years to put the four letters in the correct order.
But, in *all* seriousness... good grief, we *are* all insecure writers.
If you are not - well then you need to start attending "I'm Not Ready To Admit That I'm An Insecure Writer - Yet.. or "INRTATIAIW-Y."
(Rolls off the tongue, huh.)
Leave IWSG alone - you naysayers!!!
I really don't want to participate in a monthly forum called "Sure, Here It's Terrific."
I would feel like crap.
I say "pop" - I was raised in Illinois, and I firmly refuse to say "soda" or call it all "coke."
I am always in the mood for chocolate.
CANNOT WAIT for Man of Steel... hoping, hoping, hoping it is as good as I hope it is!!!!
300,000 self-published books sold?!?!? I shall definitely be back. (I lurk here occasionally, but always feel intimidated by the sheer volume of comments you get... what is your secret?
What better purpose could there be than to be bad-ass??? Descendants sound way cool!
300,000 books? Wow. I'll definitely be back.
Congratulations to Jessica and Cassie. I must say both books have intrigued me.
Now I'm off to practice being a ninja-in-training!
Having powers sure can let one go anywhere with characters. Of course greek god descendants may crush ninjas haha 300,000 you say? damn.
Mini-Alex is a kind guy.
My wife and I try to avoid to have chocolate at home because both of us know that we will not stop eating before all chocolate is gone.
I neither say soda, pop, or Coke because I drink tea, mineral water or spritzer (e.g. apple spritzer).
Yesterday (Sunday) I received an urgent request which forced me to work eight and a half hours ... and I wanted to write a review ....
Those facts sound like they came from a really high guy, and I love it. Like, that guy that's just so baked out of his mind that he randomly looks at you and says, "Dude, ninjas are just mammals that are really hard to see."
Blew. My. Mind.
I love the idea of the Descendants having superpowers based on the Greek gods. That would be fun to write about.
And we wouldn't need a support group if we were secure...
Hi Alex .. Jessica and you have much in common .. How to Date A Nerd - think I'm past that stage .. but can quite see you being chuffed with the autographed picture sent by Mini Alex ...
I do Coke .. can't stand any of it!
The IWSG produces some very interesting takes .. and posts - many adapt it to being a positive take .. leave as is!
Cheers Hilary
Ooooo, I like Jessica's characters and their powers, very interesting! And since I am a bit of a nerd... no, I don't know how to date one! :D
So much here! My head is spinning. Congrats to all, love the map thingie from Jeff and Cassie's cover :)
JC - fizzy drink. I'll have to remember that one.
Gossip Girl, I'll start working on a theme song...
Natalie, I do invite participants to post something positive, and last week there were many positive posts.
Sean, good point about the SEO.
Mark, that made me laugh! I don't want to mess you up.
Jenelle, thanks for commenting! I have no idea what the secret is.
Pat, not crushing THIS Ninja!
Edi, we never have chocolate in the house either. Sorry you had to work on a Sunday.
Brandon and Bryan, that made me chuckle.
Karen, I'm happy with it.
LG, very true!
Thanks for helping with the reveal, Alex!
And I love Jessica's books!
I love the cover of Cassie Mae's book! So fun!
Congrats to Lynn for finishing another trilogy!
Oh, Mini-Alex must be way too happy!
Love Cassie's cover. So cute!
Jessica, that's really cool how you came up with all their powers. Love the list. :)
Alex, I think the IWSG has worked just fine the way it is. Writers have insecurities, it's not negative it's just real. Wasn't that part of the point? We all have insecurities, and that's okay. ;)
I love that cover and blurb on Cassie Mae's book.
The IWSG was the most awesome discovery for me. I thought I was the only doubter in the world. Don't change what works. It's like pretending we never feel bad. Besides, what's wrong with it?
It's not negative, it's awesomely positive! Always! Support is wonderful.
I'm glad there are some who never feel the nagging, soul sucking feelings of doubt, really - good for you, but some of us do. And sharing it is the best way to move past it.
Just my two cents!
Wonderful Post - news all the way around, thanks for all the updates! So much to check out as usual!
Lots of great stuff to start our week, Alex! Thanks!
I tend to say pop these days, in honor of my southwestern Pennsylvania roots. I also use a few other Pittsburghese words and grammar, but not all of it. I do try to pronounce creek properly in mixed company, instead of saying "crick."
How to Date a Nerd is a great title.
Mini Alex looks quite happy where he is:)
Hilary, thanks for the input.
Cassie, you're welcome!
Rachel, that is the point.
Yolanda, I'm glad it has meant so much to you! That's why I started it.
Carrie-Anne, I've heard it pronounced crick here more than once.
Five minutes of stolen wide band and using them to give my vote about the IWSG. Although I do struggle A LOT to get those four letters right (and I use the "I Was Seeking Gary" trick to actually get type them right) I wouldn't change it unless you come up with an easier acronym to remember. The group is for insecure writers and is a support group. It's only logical (but yeah, I wish the acronym would stick in my messy mind.)
Ninjas are mammals...but of course! ;) Mini Alex does look thrilled. I hope mini Alex's wife doesn't mind!
Oh and about Friday, I will support my writer friends and keep posting cover reveals (or guesting them) just because it's my blog and it makes me happy to help my friends and the dragon can do in the cave whatever pleases the dragon. Unless the Internet fails, of course. Then I'll post nothing, like now but even dragons can't go against Internet gods.
IWSG is perfect just the way it is. Don't change a single thing. ;)
Congrats, Jessica. :D
Jessica, I love a good paranormal story! This one sounds good and I like your list of superpowers. There not always huge powers but they are fun to write for characters.
Nice cover Cassie.
Personally, I like the title insecure writers because it's apt. Most writers have insecurities regardless of their level of success. :-)
Congrats, Cassie! As a child, I thought people only said 'pop' in the movies. And I like the insecure part of IWSG.
Love Greek mythology!
And I'm so ready for Man of Steel. Hoping it will breathe new life into that franchise.
I got hung up mulling over those superpowers, trying to choose which one I'd want. I'm opting for stopping time - assuming I'd be able to get things done while the rest of the world was on hold.
I'm not part of the IWSG but I follow a number of bloggers who are and I've never thought the name was too negative.
I think changing the IWSG name would be too much of a pain. Of course, i'm really lazy so my default setting is don't change it unless you have to
Definitely a nice list of Ninjas in your I exercise, I love the teachers of light!
Autographed Kate Beckinsale. Wow, man. tres cool.
I love that list comparing ninjas and descendants! No wonder you guys became friends!
Great list of comparisons between Ninjas and Descendants.
Love Cassie Mae's cover and have seen her around the blogosphere a lot today. Congrats to her.
Al, use the I Was Seeking Gary if it helps you to remember! Great attitude towards your fellow writers. And thanks for sneaking by during your five minutes.
Sherry, fortunately Mini-Alex is single. (And the real Alex's wife doesn't mind.)
Jay, so do I!
Sarah, if it's not broke, don't fix it?
Charles, yes it is!
on changing the name of IWSG - if we're honest, most humans are insecure, and creative types can be more insecure than others because when we offer our art/writing, we're offering our souls to the world. that can be a scary thing to do. i'd keep the name. just my 2 cents.
Is only mini Alex thrilled with that picture?
I love those maps. My daughter and I enjoyed them together.
Looking forward to Friday's guest.
I think those rules change if you are a nerd.
I can't wait to read Jessica's next book! And Yay for Cassie's cover. Wow on the autographed picture.
I like Insecure Writer's Support Group - writers are insecure, or at least I know I am!
I think descendants definitely sound cool, and ninjas are awesome :)
Also I like the sound of Cassie Mae's new release, it sounds like a good read.
I'm surprised mini Alex is faced away from that picture! LOL!
Hm. I would be opposed to a name change for IWSG. I think it's great as is. I like the Lighthouse picture too.
Jessica's book sounds brilliant. I love the list of superpowers and how they are tied to bloodlines. It's very creative.
You are right, I don't want to miss anyone who has sold 300,000 books! Self-published or not.
My girl and I were just talking about a group her friend is in called the Nerd-Herd. Nerdiness Rocks!
I think the IWSG is probably just fine as it is.
Congratulations to everyone with a new release!
Congratulations to Jessica and everyone with a book coming out! Awesome news, keep it coming. And LOL, Mini-Alex does look like he's in Heaven! IWSG sounds fine to me. You could make a badge using a brighter colored lighthouse to fancy it up a bit (I like the symbolism behind the lighthouse btw), but honestly, I don't think it even needs that. Just my 2c.
A comprehensive round up, as always. Hope all those with books out see some awesome sales.
What about the Ninja Writers Support Group or simply Writers Support Group? Not terribly original, I know. :)
Michelle, duly noted!
Susan, I might be a little thrilled as well...
Melanie, he's covering up the naked parts.
Michael, noted!
Elise, I might adjust the badge one day. No time soon though.
JL, if only Ninja began with an I!
Love that mini-Alex got a picture of his favorite girl!
Love the superpowers she invented - I need to turn water into wine, that would really help my budget ;-)
I've been wondering about the IWSG also. A friend, who is not a writer or blogger asked my why I'd want advice from a bunch of insecure writers...she didn't get it no matter how much I there may be something there...
Have a good trip!
Tina @ Life is Good
Wow! Excited for Friday! And Uprising's cover looks AMAZING, and the research behind it sounds fascinating as well.
Congrats to Jessica and all of the authors! The IWSG is still going strong, and I wouldn't change anything about it. Although it might be nice to take breaks for holidays.
I think that the IWSG name is fine as is!
And mini-Alex sure looks comfy...
I think Ninjas and Descendants should team up. And yes, it's true, I know from personal experience that nerds make the best husbands! :)
Ninja's and Descendants are both awesome! And congrats to Cassie!
Mini-Alex really gets around.
There's nothing wrong with admitting we're insecure. It's like saying "We're human."
Next stop: Edi's Lighthouse.
Thanks for a fun-packed post, Alex.
Be well.
Mini-Alex is havin' fun! This is why I don't have a Mini-Mel, it'd go places I want to go and I'd be jealous... as for IWSG... don't know what everyone else has said, but don't change the name! We're writers! We're insecure (sometimes... okay a lot of the time) and I don't feel it has any negative connotations. Looking forward to your Friday post and have a safe trip!
June 10th, 2013
Dear Alex,
Sorry I'm late. But I have posted a short post for June here:
Anna's iwsg for June
Tina, it's more encouragement or concerns than advice.
Julie, I do try to work around holidays. At least we never have to worry about Christmas!
Robyn, I knew you'd go straight for the chocolate!
Mel, thanks, and doubt the name will change.
That's all right Anna.
Ninjas and the descendents are both pretty awesome! Love Cassie Mae's cover!
Whoa...that ninja sure gets around!!
Congrats to Jessica and Cassie Mae. Your books sound awesome and I wish you much success with them :)
Well done, Milo, as well!!!
I say stay the course with the Insecure Writer's Support Group name - it's exactly what it says it is. It doesn't hold a negative connotation for me. I look forward to it every month.
Excited about Jessica AND Cassie's books! Both are totally awesome!
Go Descendants and Ninjas!
Fun guest post!
Hope you have a great week this week Alex! See you Friday!
Congrats to Jessica and Cassie Mae - go girls!
I agree with others, keep IWSG as it is, we all know what it stands for and I don't think it is negative.
Catch you Friday.
Mini-Alex is really living the rock and roll lifestyle.
Hey, I got a smoking idea! What about Society that Helps Insecure Literate Dudes, S.H.I.L.D for short. I would remember that. No? Ah, well. I tried. :P
Very cool guest post, Jessica! Your series sounds awesome. Good luck! I not only dated a nerd, I married one. I say pop. And yes, I'm always in the mood for chocolate. I like the name Insecure Writers, and I don't take it as something negative. It's been inspirational.
As someone who has only just gotten a handle on IWSG, I am not sure that my opinion matters BUT here goes... I think if you changed it to Secure Writers (or something like that) it would make people who felt insecure or unpublished or whatever feel like the group wasn't for them. It was strictly a group for Established Writers to share things that they know. And anyone who wasn't published should just shut up and read. That is my take. I know I would never join a Secure Writers Support Group. I would read the posts, but it is clearly for Better Writers Than Me. A name like that is a great way to make people Not Join.
Just my two cents.
Descendents do sound super cool, I am intrigued.
As for IWSG I say keep it! I love that name, I think it captures the theme perfectly and I personally have no problem admitting my insecurities.
I saw something similar (in terms of soda/coke/pop) on the show “How The States Got Their Shapes” which drew lines across the country for accents, where they say “Y’all”, where they elongate their vowels- very interesting stuff.
And yay for Mini Alex basking in the glow of his crush!
I hear in New Zealand they call cokes fizzies or fizzy drinks. I really want to go to NZ -- and not just to see if that is true!
The only secure writer is one who is not growing -- and the writer who is not growing better is growing stale. Keep the title.
Mini-Alex just emailed me saying he does want the badge for the Insecure Writers Support Group changed to be Kate's autographed picture. But you know Mini-Alex!
I think Cassie's cover is a hoot. I am glad that both you and Mini-Alex enjoyed the picture.
Congrats to Jessica, Cassie Mae, and Lynn!
Mini Alex appears in bliss. Nice.
I grew up saying pop [WNY], but now usually say soda [NYC]. But I rarely drink it, so I rarely call it anything, and if I do drink some it's a ginger ale.
I'll be seeing Man of Steel next week. I hope it's good.
Enjoyed your guest's post and learning the difference between descendants and ninjas! Looking forward to Friday and the guest who's sold 300,000 self-published books. That's amazing!
Mary Montague Sikes
Fun post! Thanks to you and Jessica! Have a great week! :)
Tammy, yes he does.
Gwen, will probably stay the course.
Moody, yes, now he has a groupie!
Al, you did try!
Christine, that's good to hear.
Robin, you have a very valid point!
Beverly, I bet I know where that line resides.
Roland, I think that picture has gone to his head!
I like the name Insecure Writer's Support Group- because that is what it is- a group for people who sometimes lack confidence in their writing (otherwise known as writers). :) It doesn't sound negative to me.
I can't wait to check out the pronunciation guide- I find things like that fascinating.
Jessica, with Alex's ninja love, you've posted at the perfect place. I like your list of characters. Good luck with the book!
How about Alex's Ninja Writer's Group...should be easy enough to come up with a logo for that. Other than many good books to read out there...Keep 'em comin' because I for one, sure enjoy reading them! Nice post, Alex:)
I want to have super powers. Mine would be the ability to clean the house with a single breath. :D
I can't wait to see who your special guest is, Aex!
'How To Date a Nerd' sounds like fun. As soon as Goodreads will let me in I'll mark it to read and I will read it.
I'll have a Coke. My vote - don't change a thing.
See you on Friday.
As promised on Twitter, I'm now here to um grace you with one of my eagerly anticipated comments.
Most enlightening musings by Jessica and what a pleasant coincidence you both had a book released the same day. My book is still waiting probation.
Thanks Cassie, maybe I might get a date.
IWSG, has been mentioned to me by millions of my adoring fans, okay Al Diaz and a confused hedgehog, that "I Was Seeking Gary" has helped them remember the name. Me thinks it's just fine the way it is.
See you Friday. Bet you can hardly wait.
Well, I am counting the days to Man of Steel. Can't lie about that, as much as I'd like to. I'm on the hook for it.
But I call it "soda." I love when someone unironically calls it "pop."
Mini Alex looks very happy!! :)
So much good news - off to check out some links :)
Congrats to Jessica and Cassie Mae. So much good news! Congrats to mini-Alex, too. Sure looks like he's in heaven. Lol
My husband would be so jealous of the signed KB! Wow, all these books look great :)
For the record, I AM a nerd and I was really intrigued by the map. There were a few instances where I differed from my region. Wouldn't it be neat to do a poll?
It's soda and I'll take a Reese's cup anytime. Looking forward the the guest!
Wowzers...SO many comments, lol :) Thanks for having me on your blog today, Alex! So much fun. Congrats to Cassie Mae, too! How exciting.
...And, apparently mini-Alex is a babe magnet. Good for him, haha!
Thanks to everyone who commented about my series/post :) Glad you enjoyed it!
Just finished reading an interesting book that suggests the various mythical "gods" of yore may have a factual basis and it does not come from a benevolent power. I may be doing a post on this in the near future.
Wrote By Rote
You will be missed. I don't think you should change the Insecure Writers Group, especially after two years.
Like the comparison between Ninjas and Descendants. Sounds like a good book.
Sorry I'm so late! Just got back home.
Personally, I don't think the IWSG is a negative name at all. I've always thought it was the perfect name for writers. We have good days and bad. We share both.
Nice pic w/ Mini-Alex and Kate!
Hope your business trip goes well!
renaming the IWSG? Whoa. Any alternate name I'd come up with would be way more lame... I get very alliterative when I try to do things like that... You know, something like: Nerds, Ninjas, Neurosis... AND YOU!
That was a pretty cool flow of questions, and I love the list.
Ninja A, you've been a busy boy!
And congrats to Cassie Mae!
Love that Ninja list-- eager for more on Ninjas :)
Yay for Cassie's Nerd! I like it! I used to say pop when I was a little kid, but it became soda when I moved out west. And I'm always in the mood for chocolate! Have a good day "off".
Nice going on the Beckinsale photo, Alex! Well done to Cassie too; I've seen her book crop up in quite a few places now :)
I'd love to be a cross between a ninja and a descendant.
As a kid I loved chocolate, but now just a little bit of dark chocolate and I'm good. What's weird is that I'm always in the mood for cheese.
Descendents with super-powers, sounds like a great combination.
I haven't read what other commenters have said, but you could always just call the group, "The Writers' Support Group"
Ooooh mini-Alex looks VERY happy!
And yay for Jessica! The book sounds awesome.
Gary, the I Was Seeking Gary works for me!
John, I sometimes say soda pop - is that weird?
Words, I've lived all over, although I fell more in with the western half of the US.
Jessica, you're welcome, and at least one of us is a babe magnet.
Heather, I like that it's a mixture of insecurities and encouragement.
Rusty, that made me chuckle.
Helena, no chocolate and cheese?
Mini Alex does look very happy! lol
Congrats to Jessica, Cassie Mae and Lynn :D
I have always said, soda, cousins from NH called it tonic and down here I think it is pop?! tee,hee
Be safe! Ninjas can't be too careful ;D
LOL at Mini-Alex and Kate. I'm always so interested in regional differences in language, definitely checking that link out.
Congrats to all the ninjas on their great news!
I like the Descendent Sam who can change liquid to wine and Ms. Stanzic who can stop time. How cool would that be!
Best wishes to Jessica ans Cassie Mae with their releases!
Hi Alex, the name of the group does have some negative connotations, but like you said, it's two years old... there's a lot involved in changing it. Plus, it's working, and I don't believe in changing things that are working. (I think Netflix could back me up on that one.) However, I trust your blogging instincts. You'll know the right thing to do.
Sounds like a fab read, Jessica!
I say pop and Coke, never soda, which drives my sister crazy. I am the nerd on a date. I`m so nervous I can`t talk, so my two husbands are talkers! I love chocolate at any time. Have a good work trip. Make tons of money.
Ella, never heard tonic before.
Doralynn, NetFlix learned the hard way.
Belle, I'll make tons of money, just not for me!
Ninjas and descendants. Who knew? Sounds great, Jessica! *waves to Alex*
I'd never even considered writing anything paranormal until I read Jessica's comments. I'm now going to have to give it a try as I soooo want to create a character with a super power.
300K? Holy moley, that's great!
Negative connotations? I've never thought so. That Roland--he's the best!
Allison (Geek Banter)
Hey, Alex,
First congrats to Jess, Cassie, and Lynn!
As for the IWSG... Why fix what isn't broken? I NEVER thought this as negative in ANY way!
The name says it all. It's a SUPPORT GROUP for writers who are troubled and need support from our community. I've always thought it wonderful and so incredibly special. An exclusive club for writers.
Oh, and Congrats to Milo, too!
I say SODA, coming from NYC...
Oh, yeah, chocolate!
And I love the idea of the nerd book. Gotta check that one out for sure.
Patsy, you should.
Michael, it is all about support.
Keep the name, it's all about being insecure, if we were secure we wouldn't need a group, duh! Oh and I think I'm going to read the nerd book! Cheers!
In Pittsburgh we said "pop." In California, we say "soda." I still prefer calling it "pop" but Californians don't know what I mean, so I usually say Coke or Pepsi or Dr. Pepper. In Pittsburgh I learned "gumbands" instead of "rubberbands." Gave up the "gumbands" lingo long ago!
Thanks for all the updates on blogger news, Alex. Have a safe trip.
Allergic to chocolate, so I have to skip on that. I say soda, sometimes pop, but never coke. The books look great- will go check them out. Congrats to all- I love the covers. Will miss you Wednesday- but look forward to your guest on Friday. Have a great week :)
Soda. And I never turn down chocolate.
Does your business trip involve meeting Kate?? ;-)
Oh, the Descendents sound cool. I love Greek mythology. And I like that different characters would have different gifts.
Lots of great stuff about Ninjas! And some lovely book covers, too.
Jessica's cover is awesome, and I think both ninjas and Descendants rock! I really liked Lynn's cover too.
I don't think "insecure" needs to be changed. People don't need to take it so literally The key word is "support" and that's what we do for each other! :-)
Can't wait to read Cassie Mae's book! Funny thing . . . I was going over old writing notes from an author talk like over 2 years ago and had written down the name of your book that the speaker said I should read . . . Linnea Sinclair. You ever read her books? She's awesome!
Never heard of Jessica and Uprising but oh boy it sounds like a great story! I hope you have an awesome trip Alex, even if it is on business. :)
Sorry I'm late Alex! I've been sick. I hope all goes well on your trip and I can't wait to see who you have on Friday. Love that Kate and Mini Alex pic BTW. Awesome!!
Keep the name. Don't change for anybody.
Ninjas are awesome and Descendants sound just as cool. I would have fun coming up with different powers.
I like the group name. And besides, people aren't joining because of the name, but because of the people and posts...the support, which is and has been great! I'm intrigued by your Friday guest (taking out notepad).
I can understand the negative connotation for the IWSG name, but I also feel that it's the best description and really fits what the group is about. If you're taking votes, mine is to keep it as is :)
And, yes, I'm just counting down to Man of Steel....
The group name is okay. I describes the group well. Would be nothing wrong with keeping it the same. Yet, I can't help, but experiment.
Maybe a more positive spin could be something like.. "Writers Facing Their Fears (Support Group)."
Hmm..that sounds tougher, like we're all so brave. :)
Cool! Excited to see who the guest is Friday! And congrats on your Kate pic! That must've made your day. :)
That was neat, Jessica - it's fun exploring different paranormal abilities!
Hmm, dating a nerd... well, I guess I'd just talk about stuff sometimes-nerd-me is interested in!
Love that Mini Alex photo! Kate Beckinsale's dad was kinda cute too :-)
And oh yes, ISWG - I don't mind it at all. Of course we're confident, but once a month we need that extra boost to tamp down our insecurities!
Love the cover for UPRISING. Sounds great. And that pic of Kate is hot! =) LOL
Hey guys! Sorry, first chance I've had to look at my own blog all day.
Lynn, I've never heard gumbands before.
Liz, I wish!!
Lexa, exactly!
Jamie, I haven't!
Michael, good point.
Mark, two more days...
Cindy, which most of us aren't.
Deniz, can't comment on that.
That descendants list involved an amazing amount of work, wow!
Congrats to Cassie!
I didn't join ISWG because I think there's a difference between being insecure and learning one's crafts. Ups and downs are to be expected.
Congrats to Jessica, and to you for nabbing the Kate B poster.
Loved the post from Jessica... congrats. I don't mind the name of the Insecure Writers Support Group because there are always times every writer feels insecure and it's great to have a support group:)
I said Coke as a kid, but switched to soda at some unknown time. Puh-jaw-muhs. Cray-yawns. :)
Congratulations to Milo and Jessica!
Shannon at The Warrior Muse
TF, that's why the group exists!
Shannon, I pronounce the a differently in pajamas.
Seriously, it took me half an hour to scroll down this list. Awesome. So much cuteness here. It's a wonder you can still talk, getting that autographed picture of Kate. I wonder how Roland go it? So much news. All good. Thanks Alex.
Yes, I'm alive and here. I was without internet at home for two weeks then I was traveling. I'm catching up now, but won't be on full work load until the end of the month. I vote to keep the name for Insecure Writer's support group. I'm insecure this month because I couldn't post! Great cover reveals and post. Oh, and mini-Alex is one lucky guy.
Really cool character list from Jessica! The mini-Alex pic is hilarious - a perfect match for Kate.
Will definitely have to check out Jessica's books!
Ever since reading Percy Jackson I have been interested in all the old Greek myths. I will have to see if I can find those new books.
Mini Alex is sweet, now if only Kate B really met him, I am sure she would find him adorable like the rest of us :)
Good luck, Jessica!!
It was interesting reading about ninjas and descendants.
Thanks for the book news.
That was very cool of Roland.
Denise, fortunately I don't need to talk...
Ciara, so glad you are back!
Rachna, meanwhile she'd think I was a geek.
Medeia, yes it was.
Wish I had an answer for the IWSG question. A rose by any other name...
Wishing Jessica and all the others the best. And something tells me Mini-Alex will never be the same.
I think my mum has the Cearno ability. Her food is amazing. I judge everything I cook on whether it nears my mother's standards.
Personally, I say stick with "Insecure WSG" - I think it's important to admit your frailties. :-)
Congrats on Uprising, Jessica!
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