Monday, May 20, 2013

Carol Kilgore Entertains the Ninja Army, Star Trek Into Darkness Review, and Ninja News

Today I have the wonderful Carol Kilgore visiting the Ninja Army!

Thanks for hosting me, Alex. Your blog is such fun!

This visit was initially going to be part of my early April blog tour for Solomon’s Compass, but with scheduling issues and the A to Z, that didn’t happen. So I’m going to pretend it’s still part of the tour and tell you about my new book.

Do you like strong female protagonists? A sexy hero? Sidekicks?
Taylor Campbell – Xena Warrior Princess of the U.S. Coast Guard
Jake Solomon – Former Navy SEAL now working for a global security firm
Dan Blair – Antique dealer and gallery owner
Kelly Wetmore – Uber computer geek

A quest to find buried treasure?
Taylor was certain the buried treasure was all in Uncle Randy’s dementia-riddled mind. The final words of his last email to her were “tell no one.” She had promised to honor his wishes, and a promise was a promise. She was so screwed.

How about a present-day mystery with its origins tied to an incident that occurred in Bangkok during the Vietnam Era?
The Beginning—Summer, 1970: The Patpong bargirl tapped his shoulder. “You go buy my friend drink.” She pointed toward the end of the noisy bar as she wrapped her other arm around Ham Norberg’s neck and let her fingers play with the short hair at the back of his head.

The story is set on the South Texas Gulf Coast, and features a cast of characters that one reviewer says “have the easy familiarity of characters created by Nora Roberts.” I’ll be forever grateful for such a fantastic comment.

If you visited me during the A to Z, you met the characters, visited the places, and caught a glimpse or two of the story.

I hope you’ll give the book a try.

You can find Solomon’s Compass on my author page at Amazon, along with links to everyplace I am on the web, and read the first pages using the Look Inside feature HERE.

Also, Solomon’s Compass is need of a little lovin’ on Goodreads, and I’d appreciate your adding it to your shelves.

Carol Kilgore is an award-winning author with several short stories, essays, and articles to her credit. Solomon’s Compass is her second novel, a blend of mystery, suspense, and romance she calls Crime Fiction with a Kiss. Carol and her Coast Guard husband live in San Antonio, Texas, with two herding dogs whose mission is to keep them safe from all danger, real or imagined.

Ninja News

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Best/Worst Movie Remakes Blogfest! All links on the list go directly to the person’s post, so feel free to continue to explore. Special thanks to my co-hosts, Stephen, Livia, and Al.

Ali Cross just released The Seer (Desolation Diaries #2) – congratulations, Ali!

Randi Lee is putting together a 3-Ups Bloghop. She says it will work like this: Each blogger will pick the blogger listed below them, visit his or her site, read a post or two, and then tell them three things they like about the person or his or her blog. Easy enough, right? And how good will you feel after making someone else’s day? I reckon pretty darn good. Visit her site for details.

Movie Review

Star Trek Into Darkness
One word – awesome!
The reboot has come into its own now. Into Darkness is even better than the first film. It’s non-stop story and action, with a good dose of humor thrown in. It’s as if the movie is winking at the audience and never takes itself too seriously.
The effects are stunning and the 3D very immersive.
The film is just a lot of fun. Highly recommended and better than Iron Man III! Can’t wait for the next Star Trek movie.
SPOILER – Stop reading now if you don’t want to know! This movie echoes the second Star Trek movie because we get Khan again. (And we are introduced to Dr. Carol Marcus.) There are similarities and yet this film goes in its own direction.

Have you picked up Solomon’s Compass yet? Did you have fun with the blogfest? And who else saw Star Trek this weekend?


Fe said...

I can't wait to see Star Trek and am on my way to visit Carol now.

Sadly, due to other pressures, I missed the blogfest.

Best regards

Unknown said...

The Best and Worst Movie Blogfest has been fun. I have still been visiting sites over the weekend, glad to hear it is still open to visit other posts.

Congrats to Ali on her release and I also enjoyed Carol's guest spot.

I went to see the Star Trek movie the week before last, on its release day and really enjoyed it. Also saw Iron Man 3 last week and loved it!

dolorah said...

Nah; I didn't see Star Trek, and probably won't until its out on DVD. (LOL I erased "out on video, showing my age here.) I love Star Trekk, but its been done and done and . .

I read some of the best/worst remakes. Way fun. I didn't post mine though; staying out of blogfests this month for other indulgences.


Sheena-kay Graham said...

I'm glad to have taken part in the fest. The second Star Trek is really that great, gotta see it now! Well, month end to be precise. Glad to see Carol popping by and congrats to Ali on her latest book release (saw it on her blog last week). Haven't watched Iron Man III yet but I won a book in a giveaway last week. *Grins*

Huntress said...

Carol's novel sounded *very* intriguing! I'll give it a look-see.
I love your postings, Alex. It's like a billboard where I can find the latest books (Solomom's Compass and Ali Cross's The Seer), new bloghops, and movie reviews.

This time I'm skipping the review since due to bad scary weather I didn't get to see Star Trek. Don't want to know ANYTHING about it until I do :)

Old Kitty said...

No no don't give away the spoilers!!! Noooooooooooooo!! Erm.. Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!! LOL!!

Awww Carol is utterly lovely and so fabulous but she omitted any firefighters in her Friday list! I am still pouting..! LOL!

Take care

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Trek was a winner, I left knowing I wanted to see it again... right there. Well crafted, visually stunning and well you know spoiler stuff.

Great week ahead, Warp 8.


Lan said...

Oh I'm glad you liked Star Trek. I was beginning to worry I wouldn't enjoy it. Good to hear the reboot is coming into its own.

Unknown said...

I haven't seen Star Trek yet, but I will very soon. The 3-Ups Bloghop sounds easy and fun. I can always do easy and fun. Congrats to Carol and Ali. Carol's right, your blog is fun!

Mark Koopmans said...

Sad to say the last Star Wars... sorry, Star Trek movie I watched was so long ago it starred, you know, the guy who was a lawyer in that Boston show... the old guy from the Priceline commercials...


Li said...

I saw it! It was my first Star Trek movie! The 3D effects alone were worth the price, and while I needed my seatmate to explain a few things the movie worked pretty well as a stand-alone film, even for those of us who aren't devoted fans.

Kyra Lennon said...

Great guest post from Carol!I'm looking forward to reading Solomon's Compass!

Unknown said...

My daughter went to see the new Star Trek and she loved it.

Creepy Query Girl said...

Oh yes, the Star Trek movie is definitely in my to-be-seen list. My dad was an avid watcher of both the original and the next generation and so far I really like what theyve done/are doing with these movies.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I love the buried treasure part of your story, Carol! I've always been fascinated by that stuff. :)

Thanks for the review on Star Trek, Alex!

The Angry Lurker said...

In a word you cracked it, it was awesome!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats to Carol. I've seen Solomon's Compass around and it sounds good.

Sorry, I haven't seen Star Trek. I've been too busy to see many movies these days.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I am a fan of Carol's blog. I even won one of her giveaways for her book and she sent me an autographed copy in the mail. Small world!!

Brinda said...

Hi Carol *internet wave*
I love strong female protagonists! I also am dying to see that new Star Trek movie.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

I haven't been to the movies in a while, but it might be time to find a babysitter and go.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I was kinda eh about seeing "Star Trek" but after reading your review I think I'll put it on my list.

Saw "Mama" - good and creepy, even if the end got a little sappy for my taste.

randi lee said...

Alex--first off: Thank you soooooooooooooooo much for mentioning my chain on your site. It means the world to me! Next--thanks for the review of ST. I was wondering whether or not I should see it, and your opinion hasn't let me down yet, so I know what I'll be seeing this weekend!!

Rhonda Albom said...

Congratulations to Carol, your book sounds great. Speaking of which, I loved the blogfest and actually managed to visit them all. Wow, Alex, what a lot of work to change all the links. Thanks.


Carol Kilgore said...

Hi Alex! Thanks for hosting me. I stopped for donuts - hope I brought enough for everyone. I left them on the table by the door. There's also a box of donut holes for those who want 'just a taste' :)

Glad to know Star Trek is great. Better than Iron Man 3? Must be awesome!

Congrats to Ali!

And I'm going to check out Randi's bloghop.

Jennifer Shirk said...

I haven't picked up Carols new book yet, but I WILL! It's definitely in my sites!

mooderino said...

Better then IM3? Haven't seen either yet. Seems like a big summer for movies.


L. Diane Wolfe said...

That was quite the compliment on your characters, Carol.

I really liked the latest Star Trek.

Brian Miller said...

was reading reviews of star trek this morning and sounds like yours is spot on....i cant wait...iron man has been moved down the list....only 11 days til school is out and i can enjoy a few of these...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Fe, that's all right.

Sheena-kay, that's cool.

Huntress, I am here to inform.

Kitty, fortunately you already knew!

Mark, I really need to take you to a movie...

Katie, they are handling it well.

Optimistic, that's cool.

Randi lee, you're welcome!

Rhonda, I'm just anal about that...

Carol, you're welcome, and thanks for the donuts.

Jennie Bennett said...

AHH!! I want to go see Star Trek now!! Will you watch my kids for me? ;)

Karen Lange said...

Carol, it's great to see you here! Wish you the best with your book. Thanks, Alex, for hosting!

Juliana Haygert said...

Dude, I can't wait to watch the new Star Trek movie. And that spoiler? Not fair! I had to put my hand over the screen so I wouldn't read it!

Carol Kilgore said...

Fe - Great to meet you!

Carolyn - Good to see you here.

Donna - I remember video, too :)

Sheena-kay - Great to see you, too.

Huntress - I'm glad you think Solomon's Compass sounds intriguing!

Old Kitty - Okay, win. Firemen. Sometime this week. On my FB page. Watch for them!

Scribbles from Jen - Thanks for your good wishes!

Mark - Maybe that old guy could make himself a good deal to 'Space. The final frontier.'

Kyra - Cool! Thanks :)

Elizabeth - Perhaps that's my inner pirate coming out!

Robyn Campbell said...

Star Trek is made of AWESOMENESS. Yeah! When it was over, I wanted to watch it again.

Alex, thanks for having Carol. She's a wonderful lady through and through!

Congrads to Ali!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

It was nice to meet Carol and get to know her characters more. I've seen her book around a lot. Great interview!

And WHOOT!!! for Ali!

Luanne G. Smith said...

Congrats to Carol!

Didn't get out to see the Star Trek movie yet. I'll probably hit it mid-week. Can't wait. :)

Donna K. Weaver said...

Can't wait to see Star Trek. Hoping it will be today.

Unknown said...

Carol, I enjoyed your A-Z posts with your book as the theme-- great way to entice readers!

A Beer for the Shower said...

Carol's book sounds pretty awesome. I love a good treasure hunt. So if Taylor is Xena of the US Coast Guard, does that make Jake her Gabrielle?

Oh, and I was going to see Star Trek this weekend but didn't end up having time. This post makes me regret that decision even more than I already do.

Jessica Bell said...

Congrats Carol and Ali! Wow ... so many amazing books coming out of late.

James Garcia Jr said...

Hi, Carole. Congratulations on the book and much success with it...
Alex, my teenagers took their mother and I to see the new Star Trek on Saturday. Of course the 18 year old had already seen it once. :) I thought the film was very good. I was just uneasy by the plot because they were messing around with my beloved Wrath of Khan. In the end, I think Abrams did a great juggling job with loyalists like me, as well as with going his own direction.


Carol Kilgore said...

Natalie - Thanks!

OE - It was my pleasure. I love getting my books out there :)

Brinda - Waving back! I love strong female protagonists, too :)

Rhonda - Thanks. Readers are liking it!

Jennifer - Cool :)

Dianne - I was blown away.

Karen - Great to see you, too! Thanks for the good wishes.

Robyn - *Blushing.* I have plenty of flaws, but you're sweet. Thank you.

SA Larsen - Great to meet you, too.

Luanne - Thanks!

Tina said...

I bought Carole's book right away, and we follow each other. I think she read almost every single story I wrote in April. I was so honored. I'll head over to Goodreads...always forget that part of book-buying.
Didn't read your Star Trek review. Want to see it first.
Tina @ Life is Good
P.S Stat Trek? (In your ending bit...)

mshatch said...

I'm just dying to see Into Darkness and had to stop reading when I saw spoiler alert. It was hard!

Carrie-Anne said...

I like Star Trek, though it's been awhile since I've seen one of the movies. A lot of people I know have seen the movie and liked it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Brian, see Star Trek first.

JA, you'd have to bribe me with a lot of Hot Tamales...

Juliana, I did warn you!

Brandon and Bryan, good question! And now you have to go see Star Trek ASAP.

James, he did handle it well.

Tina, crap! I'll fix that.

Marta Szemik said...

Solomon's Compass sounds intriguing.
I can't wait to see Star Trek Into the Darkness. Sounds like a great one!

Leigh Caron said...

Such fun to see Carol here. I don't yet have a copy of Solomon's Compass, but that will change soon.
Nope, didn't see Star Trek. It's here, and in English, so I don't know what I'm waiting for.

Laura Eno said...

I hadn't marked "to read" on Goodreads yet for some mysterious reason, Carol. My oops is now fixed. :) Yay for such a fantastic comment on a review!

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

The bloghop was a lot of fun. And it made me realize, I need to watch more movies!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Alex, Hi, Carol.

Carol, I really enjoyed meeting your characters through the A-Z... Congrats and all the best with Solomon's Compass!

Glad you enjoyed your Star Trek weekend movie, Alex!

Congrats to ALI....

Really like the sound of Randi Lee's bloghop... I will definitely check it out.

Enjoy your day!

Emily R. King said...

I love the mystery in Carol's story!

And I really need to see Star Trek!

David P. King said...

Now I'm kicking myself for not seeing Star Trek. Maybe I can get to it this weekend, if I'm lucky. :)

L.G. Keltner said...

I have plans to see Star Trek Into Darkness next weekend. I can't wait!

Jack said...

I really, really liked Into Darkness. Much more then I thought I would. Benedict Cumberbach plays a wonderful villain, and I really liked the ending. In the show, Spock shows his true emotions every now and then, mostly when Kirk is in danger, and it was fun to see this Spock do the same.

Hart Johnson said...

A strong female is a MUST- Carol does a great job with these. I am more flexible about my variety of men, but the women need to be some variety of tough, smart, strong, or at least resilient.

Glad Star Trek was awesome!

Laura Clipson said...

I'm seeing Iron Man tonight (can't wait!) and hopefully Star Trek sometime soon, possibly this weekend since I know my mum wants to see it :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Leigh, what are you waiting for?

Jack, I thought the same thing.

ilima said...

We were going to see Star Trek on Saturday but my husband got a search-and-rescue call for a lost hiker and I didn't want to go without him. We'll probably try again this weekend...and now I'm super excited since you loved it so much. I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

A wonderful fun filled packed post, how you cram everything never ceases to amaze me. Loved Carol being here.

Your blog didn't show up on my reads,I had to click on your name.
hence the lateness of my comment.

Cherie Reich said...

Congrats to Carol!

And the new Star Trek movie looks awesome!

Nancy Thompson said...

I'm bummed I missed the movie blogfest. Life had me by the ears that day. Everyone seems to have loved the latest Star Trek. It's great when remakes age to pull it off.

Tyrean Martinson said...

I definitely had fun with the blogfest! Many thanks to you and all the hosts!

Planning to see Star Trek this Tuesday with friends and family on $5 movie night.

Pat Hatt said...

Star Trek is next on my list to see, sounds like I'll enjoy it. And great interview too.

Carol Kilgore said...

Julie - Glad you liked them!

A Beer For The Shower - You'll have to read it to find out!

Jessica - Thank you!

James - Thank you for the kind good wishes.

Tina - I loved reading about your childhood and about Farfar and Farmor and others.

mshatch - Good seeing you here!

Marta - Thanks!

Em-Musing - Cool! Enjoy.

Laura - Much appreciated. Thank you :)

Michael - I'm glad. Thanks for the good wishes.

Leovi said...

Yes, I love the female heroes, I find much more interesting than the men!

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen the Star Trek movie yet. My hubby and I were talking about it just yesterday. He said he's heard only good things about it. Glad to hear you thought it was awesome.

Lydia Kang said...

Hooray for Carol! And I can't wait to see ST!

M.J. Fifield said...

I loved Star Trek. And I can't wait for the next one. Hmmm. Maybe I am a Trekkie.

Congratulations to Carol and Ali!

Michelle Wallace said...

Yay Carol!
Carol is an amazing writer and wonderful bloggy buddy!
I already have Solomon's Compass waiting on my Kindle and I've added some "Goodreads lovin' "...

Mark Means said...

I liked seeing more about Carol's characters. This book is, definitely, on my TBR list!

I haven't seen Star Trek, yet, so I'll bow out here :)

Ella said...

Congrat sounds amazing!

Son came home and said one word... I won't say it..but it goes along with your spoiler view~

I can't wait to have this movie wink at me ;D

Thanks Alex! Nicely done Carol~

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ilima, hope they found the hiker.

Yvonne, several of those I follow haven't been showing up either.

MJ, you are.

Morgan said...

Love Carol!

And Alex, the blogfest was a big hit. I LOVED reading all the fun posts. Everything you touch is gold! ;-)

H. R. Sinclair said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Southpaw said...

Carol! I love your character descriptions. :)

Alex, I have heard such great thing about the new Star Trek movie!

Summer Ross said...

I have yet to see Star Trek. But I did go see Iron Man 3- and it was awesome.
Have a great day, Alex.

Bevimus said...

Thanks so much for introducing us to Carol and that awesome blog hop which I justed signed up for.

I am SO PSYCHED about Into Darkness. We skipped this weekend because a) I had to work during the day and was subsequently dead by the time I got out and b) we almost never do opening weekend because we hate crowds.

But this weekend, one way or another, it's hapening! (Thank you for alerting me to skip the spoiler, by the way!)

SK Anthony said...

Best of luck to Carol, sounds like a great read. Will add it to my Goodreads soon and visit her website.

Star Trek! I saw it. I enjoyed it. I loved it.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Carole's book sounds very interesting. I intend to pick it up when things settle down a bit. Got a lot of things going on that are using up my "reading" time.

I too enjoyed the new Star Trek movie. I'm such a huge fan of Zachary Quinto.

Johanna Garth said...

Had to stop reading because I didn't want to know! And now I'm off to add Carol's book on GR.

SC Author said...

I need to watch Star Trek! It looks so cool.

Carol Kilgore said...

Emily - Cool! Makes me happy :)

Hart - Thank you! I agree about the lead.

Yvonne - Love seeing you here, too.

Cherie - Thanks!

Leovi - I think women heroes are so interesting because for the most part we tackle problems in an entirely different way from the way men do. Taylor and Jake follow different paths in Solomon's Compass.

Lydia and M.J. - Thanks!

Michelle - Thank you for the Goodreads lovin' and for your sweet words :)

Karen - Great to see you here!

Mark - Cool! And I'm glad :)

Kittie Howard said...

I loooove spoilers! Yep, I'm one of those who reads the first few chapters of a mystery, thumbs to the back to see if I got it right, then continues reading.

And Congratulations to Carol. Sounds like a great read.

Christine Rains said...

Carol's book is on my TBR list. Her A to Z posts were an excellent teaser! The blogfest was a lot of fun. I'm happy you enjoyed Star Trek, Alex. Makes me more eager to see it. I watched Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World. It was good. All my TV shows have ended for the season, so now I can watch some bad Syfy movies and some good ones for the summer. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ella, I bet I know what word he uttered!

Morgan, thank you.

Beverly, go next weekend - you will enjoy it.

Kittie, you know the villain then.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I'm in the middle of working 12 days straight so STAR TREK will have to wait. Sigh.

SOLOMON'S COMPASS sounds just like the kind of book I like to read!

Wish me luck with the audio release today of THE BEAR WITH TWO SHADOWS. What if Hibbs speaks, and no one cares to listen? Brrrr.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Heard the Star Trek movie is really good. Might get to this one...

Thanks, Alex.

Mary Montague Sikes

Livia Peterson said...

I definitely saw Star Trek into Darkness this weekend! How could I not? The trailer was so dang epic that I had to see it in its opening weekend!

I agree the film was pure awesome. The chemistry between the Enterprise crew shined throughout the film. Also, very good performances and intense action sequences made the film even better. Director J.J Abrams made the second film way BETTER than its first one - it's an major improvement. Plus the film is very exciting and memorable to see in theatres! So glad that I saw it! :)

Awesome film review, Alex!

J.L. Campbell said...

Haven't read Solomon's Compass yet. Congrats to Ali. Good books, but not enough time to read! Haven't seen Star Trek either.

LD Masterson said...

I got In Name Only AND Solomon's Compass for my birthday. They're going on vacation with me.

Loved the movie makeover blogfest.

Arlee Bird said...

All the best to Carol.

Good to hear the good Star Trek report. The previews looked good so I'll want to see this film.

Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog

Andrew Leon said...

I think what I liked most about it was the swap between Kirk and Spock (and I say that as not a fan of Wrath). (and if you want to chastise me for not being a fan of Wrath, you will have to email me, because I won't see the response here (yeah, avoiding all the spam))

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Roland, we'll get people to listen!

Livia, he did make this one even better. Bring on the third.

Andrew, don't want to be beat up by rabid Trekkies?

Unknown said...

Can't wait to read "Solomon's Compass"! Thanks for the heads up!
And I'm ashamed to say I only watch the old Star Treks. I mean...the really old ones. With that guy from priceline...
~Just Jill

Sherry Ellis said...

The 3-Up blogsfest sounds fun. As soon as he gets the signup list up, I'll hop on.

VR Barkowski said...

SOLOMON'S COMPASS is a terrific read. Wishing you congratulations and much-deserved success, Carol!

Alex: you're not the only one talking about Into Darkness today. It's the talk of the internet. Can't wait to see it!!!

VR Barkowski

PK HREZO said...

Oh goody!!! I'm seeing Into Darkness this week and cant wait. So glad to hear it rocks. :D

Ciara said...

We went to see Star Trek this weekend. I was the only one that caught onto Dr. Carol Marcus. I was like, really people? But, there was one thing that I missed something about. When Spock did his mind meld thingy on Pike, what did he learn? Was he just freaked out because he touched death, or was that something that will come up later? Inquiring minds want to know.

Carol Kilgore said...

Ella and Morgan - Thanks! Y'all are great.

Southpaw - Cool!

Hi, Summer!

Beverly - Nice to meet you!

S.K. Anthony - Great to meet you. Thanks for the good wishes. And I appreciate the Goodreads addition!

Michael - Thanks! I think everyone likes Zachary Quinto.

Johanna - Thank you!

Kittie - Thanks. You and my sister read the same way :)

Christine - Yay! Glad you liked the A-Z posts :)

M Pax said...

Woot woot for Carol! And congrats to Ali.

Did you catch the Harry Mudd references? I loved it, too. Just awesome. It was so jam packed I'm not sure I remember everything that happened.

Annalisa Crawford said...

I've heard mixed things about Star Trek, but I'm still keen to see it. Maybe next week...

Lisa said...

Can't wait to see ST! Thanks for the spoiler alert. I stopped in time! Will check out the blog hop. Sounds like a super idea...

Unknown said...

I LOVED Star Trek and was so excited when they revealed Khan. Benedict did a terrific job as the psychotic engineered human. And I want more, more, more!!!

Loved the blogfest, too. I had a great time writing that post and visiting so many others, who shared my opinion of The Ring. LOL

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Had fun with the blogfest, didn't see Trek yet and I have Compass on my list of books I'm going to read this summer.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jill, that's funny.

Ciara, not sure if that will show up later or not.

Mary, yes I did!

Melissa, but we have to wait three years...

Jennifer Lane said...

Glad you enjoyed Star Trek! Looks like a great flick. I saw "Mud" and it was a good character study.

Al Diaz said...

Stealing two minutes to visit you and thank you for the experience. It was a pleasure to co-host with you. My first time co-hosting anything, didn't come out bad. I read them all.
I'm watching StarTrek this week for sure. Be well. :)

The Words Crafter said...

Carol's book sounds interesting!

Glad to see you liked Star Trek. I'm hoping we get to go this week. I didn't read the spoilers :) Better than Iron Man 3, huh? Wow!

Yolanda Renée said...

I didn't do the blog fest, I'd promised so many with book announcements! It's quite a spring for that. But did get to visit a few, and realized I've similar taste to lots of folks, or is it that awful movies, are just simply, awful movies! :)

Almost went to see Star Trek today, sadly did not. Would love to see it on the big screen. Although had a wonderful afternoon with hubby, and that means a lot!

DiscConnected said...


Alex-I loved the nod to STII with the scene in engineering towards the end (although I pegged what the remedy would be)

I told someone that the ship sinks in the movie....they did not believe me.

I loved the film-thought it blew away Iron Man.

Abrams loves having his characters jump off of high places, though...

Anonymous said...

LOL, so many on my blog roll writing about Star Trek - I thought it was awesome too.

Anonymous said...

Going to see the new TREK tomorrow with the Mrs. -- can't wait!

Carol Kilgore said...

Roland - Cool!

Joy - I know how hard you've been working.

LD - Yay! Enjoy :)

Arlee - Thank you.

Jill - Cool. You're welcome!

VR - Thanks! You're a sweetheart :)

Ciara - Fun to see you here!

Mary - Thanks!

The Words Crafter - I hope you'll find it so.

DMS said...

Congrats to Carol! It was so much fun to learn more about her book. Wishing her the best of luck!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Al, you did great!

Yolanda, sometimes an afternoon like that is more important.

Larry, I pegged the remedy as well!

Milo, you will enjoy.

Suze said...

Okay, Mr. Cavanaugh. The husband is playing hooky on Wednesday and we're going to see Star Trek Into Darkness!!

Jeff Hargett said...

I agree that this one was better than the first. They truly are coming into their own. Quinto was beyond awesome. I like the direction they took Khan, but felt like they almost overdid the reverse play towards the end: radiation, glass barrier, the scream, the "Better get down here. Better hurry." etc. I would have preferred a more subtle echo. But then, I've only seen it once--so far. :-)

Jemi Fraser said...

Ah! I closed my eyes at spoiler alert and scrolled to the bottom! Phew! Still working on talking the hubby into going with me to ST!

Yay for Carol - I loved her first book and have S's Compass waiting on my Kindle!!

Chuck said...

Carol's book sounds like it might be intriguing...I may have to check it out.

Can't wait to see Star Trek!!! Everybody I know who has seen it, echos your sentiment. The trailers are amazing. 3-D it is!!

Dana said...

Glad you enjoyed Star Trek! I probably won't see it, but I'm sure my husband will, and he'll tell me all about it. :)

Thanks for dropping by my blog today. You all made my day!

Helena said...

When it comes to buried treasure, Carol Kilgore IS the treasure. Besides the fact that she's scary talented, funny and super supportive, she's been doing an awesome job helping me rewrite my next book's blurb. Of course I've already bought Solomon's Compass (hard copy) and I'm eager to start it. Currently there's just one book ahead of hers, and soon I'll FINALLY read your first Cassa book, Alex.

Patricia Stoltey said...

Can't wait to read Solomon's Compass. I plan to give up TV all summer and just read, read, read.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I had to switch off my brain to fully enjoy Into Darkness. There were a few plot holes that bothered me a little, but I still enjoyed it. And I loved the surprise!

Yay for Carol and writing strong female characters!

Catherine Stine said...

"Crime fiction with a kiss", what a great way to describe your work, Carol!!!

Belle said...

I'm so glad you liked the new Star Trek movie! Yeah! I'll be going in a week or so when there are some empty seats.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Suze, you will enjoy it!!

Jeff, I liked the echo. And now they can do whatever they want with the series!

Chuck, 3D a must!

Dana, hope you had a fun Blitz day!

Helena, thank you.

John Wiswell said...

I had a blast at Star Trek Into Darkness! So glad you enjoyed it, too. The hate it's been getting seems so unfair.

Unknown said...

I love the intro to your book, Carol, and was delighted to give it some lovin' on GR.
Congrats to Ali Cross on her book release! (I'm falling behind as her trilogy is still in my tbr pile. Uh-oh!)
The new Star Trek movie sounds wonderful. I can't wait! :-)

Kirsten said...

It's awesome that Star Trek rules at the box office once more! Hoping to check it out this weekend, so I skipped the spoiler -thanks for the heads up!
3-up sounds fun! I'll have to see if my schedule permits. :)

Jo said...

I finally got here, will you even notice? I am so damned tired lately, have been neglecting my visits.

Love the sound of the book Solomon's Compass, hope Carol does well with it.

No not seen any movies, I would love to see the Star Trek one as I am a Trekkie from way back.


The Armchair Squid said...

Ricardo v. Benedict. Who was the better Khan? Let the debate begin!

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Yep, I read Carol's book, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I still need to leave a review on Goodreads, though, and show it a little more love.

I didn't participate in the blogfest, but did visit quite a few bloggers who were. Fun stuff!

Nope, didn't see the movie, but have heard an awful lot of good things about it.

Tammy Theriault said...

carol's book is on my list because she!!!

Heather M. Gardner said...

I'll be getting Carol's book very soon! It's sounds very exciting.

I'm so glad you liked the movie. I'm hoping to get to see it this weekend.

Great blogfest!


dolorah said...

Can't wait to see Star Trek.

Congrats to Carol and the others on their releases.


Jay Paoloni said...

I enjoyed Iron Man III. I'll go see Star Trek too! Thanks for the review, I was hoping to find it here!

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed Star Trek Into Darkness - I think Cumberbatch makes for a really sinister villain because you don't know whether or not to sympathise with him before he goes off and does something completely cruel/insane.

I think the 2009 movie just beats it for awesomeness because it was such a surprise that Abrams was able to pull it out of the bag so well.

Elephant's Child said...

Carol whetted my appetite for Solomon's Compass during the A to Z challenge and has added to the anticipation today. Soon.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kristen, go and enjoy.

Jo, I always notice!

Squid, Benedict did a great job, but Ricardo will always be Khan.

Jay, I always try to see the big films first weekend.

Rusty Carl said...

Ack! I haven't seen Star Trek yet! Totally not my fault. I blame society. I'll go this week. Maybe tonight.

Unknown said...

I love Solomon's Compass. For all who haven't read it, pick it up now! I also saw Star Trek and loved it. I love Benedict Cumberbatch as an actor.

Mary Aalgaard said...

My boys also loved the new Star Trek. I think I'll go next weekend!

Stephen Tremp said...

Best wishes to Carol and Solomon's Compass! Carol is one of the most supportive people in the blogging community and I wish her well!

We'll see Star Trek at the IMAX this weekend as the crowds are finally dying down.

And that was a fun Blogfest. Thanks again for putting it together.

Carol Kilgore said...

Jess - Thank you. I gladly accept all good luck wishes!

Jemi - Thanks. Those words make me smile :)

Chuck - Please do! Intriguing is one of my favorite words.

Helena - You're super sweet! I'm OK with being a treasure as long as I'm not buried. Not quite ready to go there yet. I hope.

Patricia - Cool! I'm planning on a lot more reading this summer, too.

Lynda - Thank you! Here's to Girl Power!

Catherine - Thanks! Great to meet you.

Lexa - Great! And thanks for the Goodreads lovin' :)

Jo - I'm glad you like the sound of my book. I, too, hope it does well.

Susan - I'm happy you liked it :)

Sarah Ahiers said...

absolutely LOVED Star Trek! I immediately wanted to see it again

Unknown said...

Yay! Everyone whose comments I've seen have said Stark Trek Into Darkness was amazing! Husband and I are excited to go and see it. Think it comes out this weekend. (We're often a little behind the US with movie releases...)

Patsy said...

You trying to trick me into admitting I'm a bit of a trekkie? I'm no falling for that!

Jai Joshi said...

Solomon's Compass looks like a fun read!

I haven't seen Into Darkness yet. I'm waiting for things to calm down a bit on my end so when I do watch it I can sit down and savour every moment! Can't wait!


Brandon Ax said...

I still have not gone to see this movie I will have to wait to read said spoiler.

I will go add Solomon's Compass to my goodreads shelf.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rusty, go!!!

Jen, that made me laugh.

Stephen, thanks for co-hosting. And it may be just as busy this weekend.

Rachel, anymore the US is behind as well...

Patsy, I tried!

Leovi said...

We go up to see those special effects in Star Trek Into Darkness!

Anonymous said...

Carol is cool. 3 Ups sounds fun. And I'm looking forward to seeing Star Trek, but haven't seen it yet. Best of the day to you, Alex:)

Susan Oloier said...

Carol's book is on my TBR list. Congrats to Ali! She is so awesome! Great cover, BTW.

The Happy Whisk said...

Haven't seen the movie, but love the Spock commercial. And in answer to your creamer question, I sent you an email and then did a little more digging.

Looks like there's a way to make it fat-free (or lighter), and when I get that down I'll send you the formula.

Until then, have an oogie boogie weekend. Cheers.

RaShelle Workman said...

Congrats to Carol. I've added her book to my GoodReads "pile."

And I'm so excited to see the new Star Trek. YAY!!!

klahanie said...

A delight to see Carol featured on here.

Oh yes, another blogfest! I had such fun commenting on that blogfest along with the blogfests that the 'Blogger's Information Hotline', when I finally got through, provided me with.

I wish I could afford to see movies. I've got a son to feed. Never mind, someday soon.

Take care,


Melissa Sugar said...

Jesus, what is wrong with me? I totally blanked on the best/worst movie make over. I feel terrible. I was really looking forward to it. I can still enjoy hopping around and reading all of the other entires.

Melissa Sugar said...

PS. Thank yo so much for the shout out & for promoting my give a way on your blog- the most read blog in the blogosphere.

Carol Kilgore said...

Tammy - Thank you. I just deposited the money in your account :)

Heather - Enjoy. Book and movie :)

Donna - Thanks!

EC - I like "soon" :)

Clarissa - Thanks for such a cool plug!

Jen - I like "fascinating" too :)

Stephen - All good wishes gratefully accepted. You're so sweet :) Thanks.

Jai Joshi - Thanks. I hope it's a fun read :)

Brandon - Thanks for the Goodreads add :)

M.J. - You're cool, too :)

Charles Gramlich said...

I liked Into Darkness quite a bit myself, although the casting of Khan left a bit to be desired. A few small holes here and there but nothing I couldn't ignore. I certainly enjoyed it.

Cate Masters said...

Your book sounds great, Carol! Congrats on your release.

Anonymous said...

I added Carol's book on Goodreads.

I didn't participate in the blogfest, but I enjoyed reading everyone's entries.

Brian Miller said...

thanks for the intro to carol's book as well....the premise sounds cool...have a great rest of the week...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ivy, thanks!

Gary, real life is more important. And your Blogger's Hotline was hilarious.

Melissa, that's all right. And you are most welcome!

Carol Kilgore said...

Susan - I'm happy about that!

RaShelle - Thanks for the Goodreads add!

Gary - Thank you!

Cate - Thanks so much. I'm glad you think so.

Medeia - I appreciate the add at Goodreads!

Brian - Glad you like the premise.

Cynthia said...

Yay for Carole's book. Although I didn't participate in the movies remakes blogfest, I enjoyed going through the posts of those who participated.

Tonja Drecker said...

My husband and I are still discussing who will watch the little ones first while the other sees Star Trek ;) Randi-Lee has a great idea for a blog hop. Warm, fuzzy feelings are always (well, in most cases) good.

nutschell said...

ooh lovely to see Carol on here! I haven't seen INto Darkness but I am definitely going to this weekend. Can't wait!

Carol Kilgore said...

Cynthia and Nutschell - Thank you!

Denise Covey said...

I hope Carol does so well with Solomon's Compass!

Tara Tyler said...

love carol! and her book sounds excellent! cant wait to read it (high on the tbr lst)

and looking forward to star trek, lots of good sci fi coming out this summer!

Unknown said...

Woot! For Carol! :D I'm a big fan... and not just because she's a good Texan. :)

I loved the new Star Trek as well. Really everything I want in a BIG summer movie. And I love the way J.J. Abrams tells a story.

Carol Kilgore said...

Thanks for stopping by, guys!