Thursday, April 25, 2013

A to Z Challenge – V for Vendetta and Valley of the Kings, Plus Ninja News and Breaking the Reins

My theme for the A to Z Challenge is Favorite Movies, Bloggers, and Music! I’ll name a favorite movie that corresponds with the letter, and then select a character from the film. I will then name a favorite blogger who reminds me of that character, and then dedicate a song to him. (Also corresponding with the alphabet.) I’ll wrap it all up with trivia and/or fun facts about the movie, the blogger, or the music!

In addition, two lucky commenters this month will receive a review copy of CassaStorm! One comment per day and each is worth one entry except – the first and one hundredth comments on each day will receive ten entries!

V for Vendetta

Based on a graphic novel that is loosely based on a real life event, this film is clever. It contains a great twist in the middle that you don’t see coming. Hugo Weaving is awesome, conveying so much through a mask for the entire film. And one learns a bit about Guy Fawkes in the process!

V is a man with a vision and a purpose. Although his methods are violent and a bit warped, you have to admire that he never wavers. He sticks to his values and convictions.

Who is V?

Mark Koopmans!

(Minus the mask, of course. And the homicidal tendencies. But Mark is a madman.)

Mark has a vision for his family and life. His values are very grounded and he sticks to his Faith. He’s proud of his heritage and his Christian beliefs, and I really admire him for that. He might just be a little crazy as well…

Mark is a writer, devoted father and husband, and resident Irish Madman.

To you I dedicate Valley of the Kings by Blue Murder. (Title leads to YouTube.)

Because you understand… “A thousand souls plead for mercy, A thousand times over, You’ll hear it on the wind, These sinners never sinned…”

Trivia and Facts:

We know Mark is a stay-at-home dad – what does his wife do?

There’s a line in the film about God playing dice with the universe, which originally came from this line – “At any rate, I am convinced that God does not play dice,” an objection to quantum theory. Who said it?

U’s trivia answer – In Geek mythology, “Selene” means the Moon.

Ninja News

Tara Tyler gave me her Ultra Blogger Award for my encouraging attitude and the IWSG. Thank you, Tara! I can’t think of a better person to pass it along to than A to Z Challenge founder, Lee at Tossing it Out!

Boston Charity Book Giveaway!
Check out SA Larson’s SITE for details – lots of great prize packages.

Jackie at Bouquet of Books and Dani at Entertaining Interests are hosting the Heroes & Villains Blogfest on June 6. Visit their sites for details.

Cover Reveal!

Breaking the Reins by Juliana Haygert
Publication date: August 2013
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance

Horses, mansions, tea parties, and lies are twenty-year-old Hannah Taylor’s life. To others, her family and her relationship with Eric is perfect. But she knows the truth. She lives it…

Find it at Goodreads

Have you seen V for Vendetta? Think Mark is a Madman? (In a good way of course.) Remember Blue Murder? Signing up for the charity giveaway? Joining the blogfest? Excited about Juliana’s book? And can you believe we’ve only four letters to go…?


Livia Peterson said...

I love Mark and no, he isn't a madman. Mark has amazed me from Day One and I'm glad I can call him a friend.

Awesome choice, Alex! :)

Stephen Tremp said...

I'm a big Mark Koopman fan! An all around great gut Mark is. Thanks for giving Mark his props.

Let's hops Mark never develops homicidal tendencies hahaha!

Unknown said...

I love Mark! One of my favorite blogs for sure! :) And V for Vendetta was an awesome movie. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for the info. on Dani and Jackie's blogfest. Sounds like fun!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

yay for Mark!
I had a feeling you'd pick this movie. I thought of this one, but it didn't have as much impact on me when I watched it the first time so I didn't include it in the list. said...

It does seem like the alphabet's gone by quickly, but that's easy for me to say as a mere spectator.

Juliana's book has a wonderful cover.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed Vendetta.

Mark is an awesome blogger.

I love the cover reveal.

RaveAir said...

I have seen V for Vendetta. It wasn't bad, but nothing extraordinary. I had expected more, after the first trailers and the promising casts.

Nancy Thompson said...

Not a fan of the film but I am one of Mark's. He the real deal, as genuine as they come, helpful, honest, forthright, and silly as the Mad Hatter! Most of all, Mark's a great family man. They don't come any better. Cheers to you, Mark! Great tribute, Alex.

Misha Gerrick said...

V for Vendetta is one of my favorite movies. And as for Mark being a madman... Aren't we all?


Empty Nest Insider said...

Congrats to Juliana on her fabulous book cover! Nice tribute to Mark!


Unknown said...

I remember Vendetta, it was quite a good movie!

Good choice highlighting Mark, he is a great guy!

Congrats on receiving Tara's award!

Mark Koopmans said...

Oh, I am sooooo glad you didn't pick "V" the TV series, 'cos I am an alien, but I swear I have my papers, gov'nor.

Seriously though, thanks very much, my non-hyperlinked friend, for honoring me as one of the 26 and look, I'm featured on the 25th, which is great, 'cos it's my birthday tomorrow, the 26th... alas I am no longer 25.

PS... *great* trivia question and I *can't* believe you used SIGGY's picture - wait 'till Morgan sees this:)

ManCard powered hugs >> ((Alex))

Alternative Foodie said...

Happy Birthday to Mark, nice birthday gift from Alex there ;)

Vendetta is one movie with a message and unexpected twist, yet very entertaining. End the end you kind of say - yup, got it.

mooderino said...

I preferred the comic to the movie. Alan Moore never seems to get the adaptation his work deserves.

Moody Writing

Dani said...

V was a good movie. I had to watch it twice cause the first time I missed what was going on and was quite confused. Which is easy to do I'm afraid.
Ha! The tribute to Mark is spot on. That Irish Mad Hatter is a steadfast and amazing guy.
Thanks for the blogfest shout out!
Juliana's book looks like a cute read.

Cynthia said...

I believe Mark might've mentioned on his blog before that his wife is a nurse...I might be wrong though!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Juliana on her book cover, looks very good.
Pleased Mark got the match of the day, lovely write up.


J.L. Murphey said...

I have seen V for Vendetta, but liked the book better.

Einstein quoting Max Born's original German paper on Hidden Variables Theory.

Elise Fallson said...

Madman Mark! He's going to love this. Great pick, Alex. I really enjoyed the movie V for Vendetta.

Gail said...

I have enjoyed the journey through the alphabet.

Unknown said...

I at least know the two main actors for this movie. That's an achievement, right?

The Alphabet has really gone past so fast. i thought it was yesterday I was writing my C post. Where did the letters go?

Leigh Caron said...

Never saw V. And I'll be checking out Mark's blog.

kjmckendry said...

I saw "V" and enjoyed it. Mark is a great choice!

And congratulations to you on the award and Juliana for her great cover!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Never saw the movie. Congrats on the award!

Unknown said...

Have not seen the movie, but I loved your tribute to Mark. He sounds like someone I would like to know.

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

Mark's so awesome. :)
I'll have to check out Breaking the Reins, I love a good horse book. I'm actually working on one myself! :)

Nick Wilford said...

I'd like to see the film. Mark is a maniac in a good way! Congrats to Juliana, very nice.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Someone already posted this, but the quote was from Einstein.

My son is currently obsessed with Egypt, so as soon as I saw "Valley of the Kings," I thought about the real one, not the song.

Melissa said...

Mark is amazing. Great choice. :)

Sarah McCabe said...

I've never heard of Blue Murder, but I've been to the Valley of the Kings. Awesome place. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stephen, good thing he's trapped on an island!

Lynda, I think it's the only V movie I own.

Mark, you're welcome! And happy birthday.

Moody, I've never read it.

Dani, you're welcome.

Cynthia, not a nurse.

JL, very good!

Imogen, it's flown by.

Sandra, very good! And the real one is the subject of the song.

Sarah, that's really cool.

Rusty Carl said...

Blue Murder and Einstein quotes in the same post? I'm freaking out!

Pat Hatt said...

V for Vendetta was a good one to give a run. 4 more and done, it's been fun.

Melissa Sugar said...

I can't remember what his wife does, but I sure would love to be where they are. Hawaii!. Nice recognition for Mark.

Shell Flower said...

Mark is absolutely hilarious and a great guy. Good choice. Lots of good stuff in this post. That heroes and villains blog hop looks fun.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Go MARK! I'll need to check him out.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Mark isn't a madman, but his friends are mad about him -- for good reason: he's a fun, creative man. V FOR VENDETTA is one of my favorite films. How are you holding up towards the end of this race?

Jackie said...

Congrats on the Ultra Blogger Award! And thanks for mentioning the blogfest. :)
Oh, and I voted. Your book is #36 so far. woot woot!

jaybird said...

Mark is awesome! Great pick.

I liked Vendetta, I thought it was pretty good. And it is a solid choice for V in the challenge.

Cassie Mae said...

Mark is one of the coolest people ever! I was hoping to see him as one of your highlights :)

Rachna Chhabria said...

Have gotten to know Mark through you, he is quite sweet, not at all a madman.

A Beer for the Shower said...

Hey, I'm a stay-at-home dad, too! Minus the kids, of course. But hey, if you count books as kids, I'm raising 6 of the little buggers with another on the way. Always another one on the way. We're like the literary Duggars.

(I bet no one's ever said THAT before)

Yolanda Renée said...

Nice Birthday present. Congrats to Mark and yes a mad man in a very nice way!

Enjoyed V but had to watch twice to get it all.

And yes, only 4 more, TG!

L.G. Keltner said...

Mark is cool. As for the trivia, I believe it was Einstein who originally said that line. He really did not like quantum theory.

mshatch said...

Loved V for Vendetta. Both Weaving and Portman were exceptional.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

We can skip the homicidal tendencies.

I did sign up for Jackie and Dani's blogfest.

Christine Rains said...

V for Vendetta is great and Mark definitely is a madman, in a good way! Only four letters left? Yikes!

Unknown said...

I can't believe we only have four letters to go! I do know Mark and I agree with everyone, he is the man!

Congratulations on the award. You are an ultra blogger! Perfect passing it along to Lee.

Arlee Bird said...

Thank you for the award recognition!

Did you know I'm a stay at home dad as well? Except my kids all moved out years ago so I'm here alone all day.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

Tyrean Martinson said...

Mark is awesome!! Love his values and his writing!

Signing up for the blogfest.

And I know that trivia, but I just can't quite remember it.

J.L. Campbell said...

So many awesome bloggers I haven't visited yet during the challenge and as usual, lots going on in the community.

cleemckenzie said...

Of course Mark is a Madman, but in a very wonderful way. I imagine he never sits still for very long or at all!

I'm suppose to see Vendetta with a friend next week.

Anonymous said...

Vendetta sounds like a good movie to check out.

Boston was hard. So many bloggers are expressing heart-felt (heart-wrenching)thoughts about it. I'm a bit more numb than anything else. Has our world really changed that much? I refuse to live in fear!

John Wiswell said...

I enjoyed V for Vendetta more than most people around me. Hugo Weaving makes the movie; I'm still stunned how he and the cinematographer conveyed so much using a static mask.

John at The Bathroom Monologues

Unknown said...

Mark is awesome-- cheers!

ilima said...

V for Vendetta was in my top 10 list for the blogfest not too long ago. LOVE that movie. And congrats to Juliana, her cover is beautiful.

Laura Eno said...

Of course Mark is a madman. He's a writer, primary caretaker for small children, and keeps his head shined.

Unknown said...

I have heard great things about Mark. I wonder what his wife does? Will have to wait until tomorrow to find out, I guess.
I'm watching the Blue Murder music video as I type this. Fabluous hair and clothing choices--totally 80's. I like the guitar solo.

SK Anthony said...

I thought V for Vendetta was an interesting movie. I really like the part where he had a small speech part ALL with V-words.

I have to go check out Mark's blog, haven't had the pleasure yet, and any 'possible' madman that writes will peak my curiosity :D

Jack said...

I shall have to add this movie to my list of to be watched.

I follow Mark, I really enjoy reading his blog.

Mina Burrows said...

Yeah, Mark is the whole enchilada! I really liked V too. I didn't know Hugo played him though. I feel a bit silly not knowing that.

Looking forward to the covergirl's blogfest!

Maurice Mitchell said...

Mark is one amazing guy Alex and V was an amazing film. Not as good as the novel, but I admire Portman's commitment to the character.

Rhonda Albom said...

I love movies with a twist. Another one to add to my list. From what I know of him, yes Mark is a good madman. :) Congrats on your award and great choice with Lee.

Intangible Hearts said...

Hallelujah only 4 letters to go! Is that Geek or Greek mythology? Just wonderin' because there are a lot of nerdy types who love space junk and I might have been pulled into a vortex or something.

Intangible Hearts said...

Hallelujah only 4 letters to go! Is that Geek or Greek mythology? Just wonderin' because there are a lot of nerdy types who love space junk and I might have been pulled into a vortex or something.

Birgit said...

V for vendetta is quite a good movie. I will have to check out mark since he seems to be in a cape in the middle of traffic in that picture-intriguing

Mark said...

Mark Koopmans and V for Vendetta on one post...they both rock:)

Morgan said...


Okay. Not only is V for Vendetta my FAVORITE movie, you put the madman along with it. Today. Is. MADE!!!!!!!

Seriously dying. I don't know why I find the whole SIGGY thing funny, but it seriously cracks me up. Brilliant, Alex. You've put a smile on my face for the rest of the day!

Mark Means said...

I agree...Mark is totally insane..but a good kind of insane :)

I thought Weaving was great in "V" and really made the movie for me.

The "Heroes and Villains" blog hop looks to be a lot of fun...can't wait :)

Andrew Leon said...

I can't believe Rusty is the only one to come up with Einstein so far, unless I missed someone else.

And, just to say, it actually wasn't a graphic novel. It was a pretty long comic series that was later collected as a graphic novel. I may have some of the original issues around somewhere.

Charles Gramlich said...

My wife and I are both big fans of V is for Vendetta, both the movie and the graphic novel.

4 Life said...

My husband's a huge fan of Mark's. I have not seen Vendetta, but now want to see it! yay!

S. L. Hennessy said...

I love both V for Vendetta the movie, and the comic/graphic novel series. And I'm so glad someone else besides me mentioned V. Wonderful and complex character.

Carrie-Anne said...

My little brother loves V for Vendetta. He insisted we all watch it with him one time, and my parents couldn't stop commenting on how they thought it didn't make any sense. My brother gave up trying to explain it to them, and that it's just a movie.

Juliana Haygert said...

Thanks for the shout out!!!!

Matthew MacNish said...

Mark is definitely a madman.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rusty, believe it!

Roland, starting to drag a little...

Jackie, you're welcome, and thanks!

Brandon and Bryan, I think that's an original.

LG, very good!

Lee, that's the best kind.

John, they did!

Laura, that made me chuckle.

Julia, they were a late 80's band.

Maurice, I don't think I would've shaved my head.

Desert - funny!

Morgan, I'm here to amuse!

Andrew, I think there are three of you so far.

Juliana, you're welcome.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

So awesome of you to highlight Mark today!

And I loved V for Vendetta. You are absolutely right! It's a clever movie.

Suze said...


Leovi said...

Magic V, V for Vendetta, it could be nothing!

Jeremy [Retro] said...

i don't remember blue murder... v for vendetta was a movie i saw once, never to see it again... not even in passing. great post.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

V for Vendetta was an amazing film. Mark K. is a cool madman, gotta love him. Congrats on your award from Tara and Juliana's cover looks great.

Robin said...

V for Vendetta was a very cool movie. Congrats to Mark:)

Cherie Reich said...

I need to watch that movie. I bought it a year or so ago, but it's just been sitting in a drawer.

Love Juliana's cover!

Julie Flanders said...

Love V for Vendetta. Curious about the Boston book giveaway, I need to check that out.

D.G. Hudson said...

I really liked Vendetta.

I liked the fact that it has a historical basis, but I don't generally like or trust people in masks, for some reason. I think it's that I can't read their faces.

(I loved the show 'Lie to Me'. Of course, if they happen to be a superhero, the mask doesn't bother me.

Samantha May said...

V for Vendetta is a great movie (Mark is a great choice too)!

Fun fact: Two (obviously distant) relatives of mine was involved in the Gunpowder Plot. John and Christopher Wright. Cool stuff :)

Alexandra Heep said...

4 letters to go. Not too many days ago I could not wait for the end of the challenge, now I don't want it to end ... despite having yet to write my 4 remaining posts. (I did pre-schedule about 3/4)

Mark Koopmans said...

Just wanted to stop by and say thanks again to you, Alejandro, and for all the very sweet and kind comments.

It's been a rough writing/editing week and *your* words have totally cheered me up :)

PS... my wonderful wife is a ...[INSERT 25 CENTS FOR THREE MORE MINUTES...]

Laura Clipson said...

I was introduced to V for Vendetta by a friend a few years ago, and I loved it! It's a great film.

Rebecca Green Gasper said...

Hi! :) Happy Thursday ... I have not seen V is for Vendetta- but will have to check it out. Cheers to Mark! And congrats to Juliana Haygert on her cover reveal...very nice- i love it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Suze, very good!!!!!

Jeremy, Blue Murder was John Sykes' band.

Cherie, be sure to take the wrapping off first!

Samantha, that is cool.

Mark, glad it made your day!

Miranda Hardy said...

Very good movie and I love that picture of Mark!

Carol Kilgore said...

Love Juliana's cover!
And congrats to Mark :)

Shaharizan Perez said...

Loved V for Vendetta. :) I think I'm a rebel at heart. :D

Unknown said...

Mark is a total madman and I am glad you turned me on to him. He's truly wonderful.

So much good news and congrats on the award. And high fives for passing it to Lee, a truly exceptional man.

Sherry Ellis said...

I have seen V is for Vendetta. It's a good movie. And Mark is a good pick!

Jennifer Duggin said...

I have never seen V for Vendetta. But, I'm curious. I'll add it to the Netflix cue tonight. Jennifer a.k.a Urban Gypsy Girl

Tony Laplume said...

He wrote about the Boston explosions. One of the things I was most surprised by recently was that none of the blogs I follow talked about them. So I became an instant follower.

Al Diaz said...

Mark is such an awesome person. He has made me laugh so many times, he's one of my favorites too. And I loved that movie and I think V is a great character.
Already signed for the Hero and Villain Bloghop.

Mel Chesley said...

I have not seen V for Vendetta, but it always looked interesting. I'll have to check it out. And I totally expected you to choose Van Helsing because of Kate Beckinsale. :D

Jo said...

That book looks good, Breaking the Reins.

I nearly missed W, I only discovered I had written it at the weekend.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Melissa, I could think of no other.

Tony, his post was very heartfelt.

Al, your entries should be great.

Mel, love the Kate, didn't like the movie.

Michelle Wallace said...

I've read lots about "Mark The Madman"... he's quite a character!
Juliana's cover is great!

Brandon Ax said...

I loved V for Vendetta. I also thought it was cool that Hugo Weaving did a whole movie without showing his face, says a lot for him as an actor.

M Pax said...

Husband Unit loves V for Vendetta. Mark is a great choice.

SpacerGuy said...

Marks got my vote!

Shannon Lawrence said...

It's been a long time since I saw V for Vendetta. I've been wanting to watch it again. I may just join the blogfest. Will definitely pass it along, though.

Shannon at The Warrior Muse

DiscConnected said...

Vendetta was a good film.

Blue Murder-have not listened to them in a long while!

You could almost make a whole trivia quiz about Blue Murder-that was an example of a successful supergroup!

Gwen Gardner said...

I haven't seen V is for Vendetta, but it's a cool shout out for Mark!

Congrats on your blog award:)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michelle, Mark is unique.

Brandon, he did an amazing job.

Shannon, thanks.

Larry, very true. Had they done more than one album, I'd say GTR did it successfully as well.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

We have V on DVD. My kids like it a lot. Mark is a madman in all the best definitions of the word.

Heather M. Gardner said...

I know I've seen this movie but I don't remember much about it. Must have been doing two things at once.

Beautiful cover.


klahanie said...

Right then, in between tweeting, I shall delight you with one of my eagerly anticipated comments.

I have seen V is for Vendetta. And I have been to the home of Guy Fawkes when he lived in the English city of York. Alas, he wasn't there at the time. Wonder where he was...

Mark is a superb choice. Even though I don't know him that well, my adoring fans have told me about him.

Blogfests...takes deep breath....


David T List said...

Great movie. I watch it every Nov. Vth. :)

Chancelet said...

Can't quite see Mark as a mad man, unless it's during one of those times when he's chasing the kids around the house to gather them for bedtime.

Nope, never saw V for Vendetta. Not yet anyway. Writer’s Mark

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Koopmans rocks. Wonderful bloggie friend and virtual brother.

I need to watch V's been a while.

Stephen Tremp said...

I know I'm late to the party, but Albere Einstein said this in reference to the emerging quantum mechanics view regarding inherent randomness and probability.

And you gotta love Mark! He's a real hoot.

Patricia Stoltey said...

Love the cover art for Juliana's book.

And I wrote the "X" post today....that was a very fun challenge.

Carrie Butler said...

Another great choice! :) Mark rocks!

Helena said...

For once I know a quote -- I think it was Einstein.

As for Mark being a crazy writer: you do realize that saying "crazy writer" is redundant. We're all non compos mentis.

Michael Di Gesu said...

YAY for Mark.... he's a great guy!

And his wife is in the military....

I FINISHED ALEX! Wrote my Z post tonight. I am SOOOOO happy. At least it was a fun one.

Just a few more days... DId you know that MAY Ist is on Wednesday? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That means I have to write another post for IWSG.... THIS IS NOT FAIR! After 26 posts in a month I have to start off the new month with a post! TALK ABOUT INSECURE>.....

LOL.... Only Kidding you!

I will be nice and relaxed next week. I leave for Orlando on Sunday to spend my birthday week there. Beautiful place with waterfall pool... plus I must do DISNEY... The new fantasy land is open and I MUST check it out. Plus I always enjoy Epcot...

Do you know I have to post on my birthday? Bummer. Thank heavens for scheduled posts and iPhones to keep up with everything. LOL.

Mark Koopmans said...

Had to stop by one more time and give Michael "Koopmans Kudos" for guessing what The Better Half does :)

PS... I'm in awe of how many people know of me... isn't that just mad... or is it just me? :)

Kimberly Gabriel said...

A great tribute to Mark! I loved Vendetta too - I'm really intrigued now - what was the event the comic was loosely based on?

randi lee said...

V for Vendetta freaked me out...but also made me think, so I'm glad I saw it!

Deniz Bevan said...

You didn't mention Natalie Portman! I love Natalie :-)
Off to visit Mark!

Lisa said...

I'll watch almost anything with Natalie Portman in it! I liked Vendetta, mainly because it wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I love how much information you hand out on this blog! Thanks so much...

The Happy Whisk said...

Have not seen that movie. Boy, I really gotta start watching ore movies.

ediFanoB said...

V for Vendetta is an impressive movie.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. Mark may be mad .. but he's a huge bundle of energy and the love of his family and of life shines through .. I think she's a nurse.

Cheers Hilary

Unknown said...

It has Natalie Portman in it, it's a great film :)

It's a great film anyways, but she makes it better :)

Anonymous said...

I'll have to watch it again, but I remember V for Vendetta being a little trippy for me.

Kristen said...

Great choice for V! I really liked it too, although it wasn't one of my faves.

#atozchallenge, Kristen's blog: