My two awesome co-hosts this month are Stephen Tremp and Julie Flanders! Please be sure to thank them for their time and effort to make all IWSG members feel welcome.
This week finds me doing final revisions on CassaStorm for my publisher. I think I finally nailed the back cover synopsis as well. And hopefully I’ll get to see the cover by the end of next week! (Guess I need to plan a cover reveal date, don’t I?)
Otherwise, I have made a decision regarding writing. With so much happening in the blogging world, including the A to Z Challenge in two months, and the amount of time I am putting in playing my guitar, I am putting writing on hold until May. Too much pressure otherwise. I do have an idea for another book, but it’s a vague idea at the moment. So I’ll just let it brew for a while (coffee, Rusty?) and focus on other areas of my life. In three months, I’ll reassess.
Who knows? Maybe I’ll write a song for you guys instead!
Be sure to visit other members of the IWSG – the list is on a tabbed page above – and show your support!
Ninja News
Teresa at Journaling Woman has a short piece in the March/April issue of Writer’s Digest! She said: “The challenge was 'In 25 words or fewer, write the opening sentence to a story based on the photo prompt below.' Under the photo are these words, ‘Out of more than 1,300 entries, Writer’s Digest editors and forum members selected the following story openers.’”
Congratulations, Teresa!
Juliana Haygert revealed the cover art for her upcoming book, Destiny Gift. Awesome cover, Juliana!
Mark Koopmans is putting together a retreat in Hawaii! The Writers’ Weekend will be from Friday, Dec. 6 to Sunday, Dec. 8, 2013, which coincides with the 41st Honolulu Marathon. You can also visit the USS Arizona on December 7, the “date which shall live in infamy.” See his site for details – the man needs help!
Thanks to everyone who signed up for the Top Ten Movie Countdown Blogfest, set for March 18, 2013.
Your ten favorite movies – simple and easy!
Wednesday Movie Quote
Today’s favorite movie quote theme is “Crime Thriller.”
My favorite comes from The Usual Suspects:
“The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”
Truer words have never been spoken…
Feel free to post your favorite crime thriller quote here or play along with Wednesday Movie Quotes on your own blog!
Next week’s theme – “Romantic Comedy.”
The Super Bowl
Won’t go into the game except to show you that Mini-Alex was at the party and tried to get in on the action. (Proof that he wasn’t the one who cut the power after halftime!)
And as far as commercials, this year was really lame. Outside of the cool movie trailers (Fast and Furious VI, Star Trek: Into Darkness, and Iron Man III) the best ones were Best Buy with Amy Poehler, Deion Sanders/Leon Sandcastle, and “God made a farmer.” (And yes, the Budweiser Clydesdale was cute.)
What’s your writer insecurity today? Ready for a retreat in Hawaii? Signed up for the Top Ten Movie Countdown Blogfest? What’s your favorite crime thriller movie quote? And do you think Mini-Alex could’ve scored some points?
Yay for nailing that back cover synposis!! Those are never easy to get right. And good luck with your final revisions.
I'm looking forward to seeing that cover!
A song from you would rock! My insecurity today is, will they love my heroine? Yes, I'm ready for the Top Ten Blogfest and you are right, it's getting busy in blogging land!
Congrats on finishing the back cover blurb. I'm nowhere closer to figuring out mine.
I, too, thought the Superbowl commercials were lame. Except for Amy Poehler and Deion Sanders.
Putting off writing until May seems perfectly reasonable to me! Looking forward to seeing the cover!
I grew up in Oirland...What's a Super Bowl? Is it a really big salad spinner?
Thanks for the shout out, O non-hyperlink-needed One.
And yes, I do need help:)
The retreat's goal is that it costs *FREE* to attend - you gotta fly to Hawaii - so the plan is an "all-hands on deck" affair :)
Top ten movie countdown.....on my way and I'm in!
Maybe you can do a short teaser/trailer about the CassaStorm's cover. Maybe the first five pixel of it. ;)
I'd love to hear a Ninja song! Final edit stage is so exciting... light at the end of the tunnel :-)
No real insecurity for me this time around, at least, I'm trying to be positive. Oh, that retreat sounds heavenly, the perfect birthday present, I think! As for the commercials, I loved that taco Bell one. That'll be me in a couple decades! Can't wait to see your next cover, and I have no doubts you'll write again.
I'm in the revision pit at the moment as well, sometimes I think I could be stuck here forever, but then I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck with your music and mulling over that story.
Congrats on that cover blurb, and I can't wait to see the cover itself. I totally understand your break until May. I've been playing with similar ideas... sort of. Life sometimes gets in the way ;)
Would love to hear that song, if you do it!
Congratulations Teresa!
Alex, it's OK to take a break from writing for a while. Dennis McKiernan calls it "letting the well refill."
Hi Alex - great two co-hosts .. so pleased you've another idea lined up for the new book.
Love to hear you playing sometime - the song idea sounds good; cover reveal plan - yes ...
I will get across to Teresa - so pleased for her .. she is an excellent writer ..
Aloha! sounds a great invite .. one day I hope to get across there ..
Cheers and good luck to all these plans - Hilary
The super bowl ads seem to get as much attention as the game itself. I guess they're the only ads people don't fast forward through anymore.
Moody Writing
There were some really good super bowl commercials including the one where they said it's not weird/strange if it works and the car commercial with the white men using 'jamaican' accents. Congrats to you reaching final revisions on CassaStorm and Teresa for getting in Writer's Digest. Cool Movie quote and glad to know cut out Alex is an innocent party man. See you around and hope you like my fave movie quote (on blog).
Oh go on, do write us a song!
I admire you being organized enough to schedule a hold on your writing. My holds on writing are totally unintentional and I usually realize how long it's been since I wrote anything only after I've sat down to actually start writing something :) Best of luck with all the pots you've got your hands in!
Pleased you have new ideas for yet another book, I know it will be a success as the others. But when are the movie directors going to take note of them and you will be able to do a movie quote from your own book?
Congrats to you on the revisions and blurb for CassaStorm, and to Teresa for her exciting Writer's Digest news! I also would love to hear a song from you Alex!
Mini Alex is a scream! Love it! Looking forward to the top 10 movies...easy peasy blogfest - the kind I like.
Congrats on nearing completion with CassaStorm...will look for that cover reveal.
I am looking forward to seeing the cover of Cassa Storm as well. Glad to hear it is coming together!
Nice to read that you have another story in the pipeline. Good luck with putting it together.
My insecurity....peeps will think I'm a total idiot after they read Secondhand Shoes, but I didn't discuss that at my blog today.
Hugs and chocolate,
Somebody, please buy me a ticket to Hawaii!!! I didn't watch the Superbowl. I went to see Silver Linings Playbook. That movie is GREAT.
I'm skipping out of this month's IWSG - I'll catch up with everyone again next month. I absolutely love that line from Unusual Suspects - it's one where I have to admire the person who wrote it. I agree - the best commercial was the one with Amy Poehler. I didn't see the Deion Sanders one...must have been during the kids' bath time. ;) Happy Wednesday.
Sometimes we need to take a break from writing. I can't wait to hear your song. My son's band is all over the place now. Even had their music used in a YouTube animation video. I'm a busy mom transporting them to gigs and festivals. Yep, I'm tired. :)
Love the cover for Juliana's book!
What? No mention of the CK commercial? :)
Congrats to all for taking one more step ahead! I;m happy for you guys!
I have no insecurities for today... not after the power of the Overcoming Adversity Bloghop! I'm still trying to recover from the rollercoaster ride... it was something else!
Congrats to Teresa!
Juliana's book cover is lovely!
Mini-Alex is out and about... he sure gets around!
There's no end to your talents, Cap! I think that, with the new book coming out, you deserve a little break ---just a little one now. It's IWSG, I'll be popping round everyone.
Awesome your revisions are going well. I can relate to putting writing on hold. With my busy blog, work, and family, I sadly must do that frequently.
MJ, you have good taste.
Mark, you're welcome. And salad spinner? Think you missed your calling, Mr. Comedian.
Fran, cool!
Zoltan, that made me laugh!
Sean, McKiernan was wise.
Moody, this year they've could've fast-forwarded.
Sheena-kay, he IS innocent!
Yvonne, that would be awesome.
Shelly, no they won't!
Brinda, we'll start a crowd-funder for you.
Kimberly, the quote is just amazing.
Ciara, that's great!!
Thanks, everyone!!!
I'm giving some warm fuzzies today. Encouragement comes in little packages too. Mini-Alex would've won MVP! :)
Congrats on the cover and can't wait for a cover reveal! Mini Me sure looks like he was rock'n the show also!
Congrats, Alex. Sounds like you're making wonderful progress. If you create a Cover Reveal Team, sign me up.
Don't forget to sneak in some time to flex your writing muscles. Even if it's just five minutes once a week, and even if it's something that will never make it past (or is it pass - where's Melissa Maygrove when you need her?) your 'desk'.
And that retreat in Hawaii in December…ah man, if only…
I'm looking forward to the Top Ten Movie Countdown Blogfest. As with books, I'm always curious about what people watch.
Congrats. again on the book!
Song writing is just another form of sharing your heart with us. Good luck, in whichever form you choose!
Congrats on the cover! Let me know if I can help with the reveal. :)
I too need to take a little break after a story to let the next one stew. Seeing as how I'm a total planner, this part of the process for me is super important.
Hope your story reveals itself clearly & that come May you're ready to rock!
Best of luck with the new book!
I love that you have an idea for another book, Alex. *crosses fingers*
I would so be in for a retreat in Honolulu.
A song would be awesome!
Enjoy that break! I keep thinking I might like to take a break, but not until I finish my revisions ... arrggh, they are taking so long.
I'm excited to see CassaStorm coming out! Congratulations and great work. :)
I'm glad to hear you have another story percolating! Let it simmer for a while.
The goat in the Dorritos commercial was good...but I'm partial to mad goats. :)
Yes, write a song for us....with a dragon in it, hahaha.
I'd love to see write something new! New stuff has all the potential in the world to be anything! That's exciting.
I've got an idea for something, not a story, but something creative.
And I'm signed up for the blogfest. Ready to go!
Sometimes a step back/away is what we need. Hope you find yours restful (like you ever rest.) Wouldn't mind hearing a ninja song though.
I didn't actually see this commercial during the Superbowl but my husband sent me the link for it later - The Walking Dead and Time Warner. It was hilarious! :)
Oh, and the teaser for Stephen King's Under the Dome - looks interesting!
We don't see a lot of SB ads here in Canada (at least not right away) but I was glad to see the trailer for the new Star Trek! :)
Congrats on getting that back cover done - they're tricky! Taking time off the writing to reduce the pressure is very smart! Enjoy the break and let that story simmer around :)
Nifty new top image. :) Top 10 Movies - awesome, I can handle that. And ohhhh how I'd love to go to the writer's retreat in Hawaii!
Congratulations on making an interim decision regarding writing. You've got plenty of other things clambering for your attention 'till May.
Enjoy your break—sounds like you need one! Hopefully you'll come back with a thirst for writing, ready to tear up the world.
A retreat in Hawai'i sounds awesome! I'm getting ready for the Top Ten Movie countdown, and I forgot my quote for today . . .sigh. Best of wishes on your revisions, and I totally get waiting until May. I'll even drink coffee to hear your book ideas . . . or song ideas. Either way, I'm sure that they'll rock!
Alex, do share the tips for nailing the back cover synopsis. I just can't get them right.
Looking forward to the cover reveal. I am unable to believe that you will be on a three month writing break. Knowing you, you will probably write the first draft of another book in that period ;)
I'm very curious to hear what you might write after the Cassan trilogy is done!
Now I get it! Mini-Alex is responsible for the power outage. Thanks, Mini A. It ALMOST worked!
It sounds like you made a reasonable decision regarding balancing writing and music, Alex. Hope you'll share your music at some point.
10 top movies isn't that easy Alex. I wrote my blog and then I have been rethinking and rethinking. I have a lot of years to cover.
Sometimes a break is good! I don't know if I have my quote right because I saw the movie and read the book so they're jumbled, but: "What if there never was a Roy?" Primal Fear
I liked the Superbowl commercials this year! I missed some once the power went out, because I stopped watching the game. XD And I teared up during the Budweiser Clydesdale commercial.
I agree that the commercials overall were a letdown, but you're right about the Budweiser Clydesdale - that was awesome.
LOL, I love Mini-Alex and his antics. Glad he enjoyed the Super Bowl. I did love the Clydesdale ad, very sweet.
Can't wait to see your cover! Thanks for having me as a co-host, I'm excited about it! :)
Couldn't agree more, the blogging world is hopping these days! It sure is fun too, though.
Kudos and Congrutulations to Teresa!
Making time to revisit movies for the blogfest...a worthy excuse, in my book:)Love that movie quote, btw.
Super Bowl - wish my 9ers showed up and actually acted like they were at the FINAL game of the season! Ugh!
That is all.
Christine, he should've!
Natasha, blog writing will help as well.
Terri, you understand then.
Laura, I'm going to remember that...
Nicki, it will be busy.
Tyrean, that's all right.
Rachna, just keep at it until it doesn't suck.
Robyn, he wanted the 49ers to win...
Debra, no - that's perfect!!
Thanks everyone! Off to stupid meetings now...
That's a good idea to take a break.
I actually participated (kind of) in the IWSG for the first time today.
As for crime film quotes, I went with SEVEN: "Ernest Hemingway once wrote, 'The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.' I agree with the second part."
Would love to hear your song, Alex. I'm glad you decided to let things percolate for a while, instead of saying you were going to stop writing for good. I'll bet there is another book in there yet!
I hope it feels freeing and peaceful to have reached this decision. Happy strumming (or jamming, as the case may be).
Well, it's probably going to take me till May to get that stuff to you that I need to get to you anyway. :P
My insecurity is that one day I'll wake up and realize that so far I have been lucky and my writing sucks lol I'm serious!
Thanks for the shoutout!
Hey ALex! Somtimes writing has to take a backseat and that's ok. I haven't written anything for a month until yesterday and BAM! a new story hit me.
Gosh darn I love that movie quote! I didn't remember it but it's smashing.
First of all, thanks for the mention. You are the King of Support for writers. I appreciate you much.
"Release the fear" (in the blurb for ISW) should be a T-shirt for Insecure Wednesdays.
I have to say when you said final revisions on CassaStorm, I felt sad. But then I felt better when you said you have a new idea in mind for another book AND that you're playing your music big time.
Final revision time?? Exciting news indeed!
Would love to see/hear your music :)
I like your plan to take some time off to concentrate on other things. Burnout is a problem. It's really healthy to pursue other interests and recharge those batteries.
And I think I'm signed up for three blogfests in March. Ack!
Sounds like CassaStorm is getting very close to done. Congrats on nailing the back cover synopsis. That is not easy to do. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your new idea later this year. :)
Congrats on the progress with your third book! That's gotta feel good.
LOVE the photo bomb of Mini-Alex. Maybe he was standing in for you so YOU could sneak away and pull the plug. Hmm...
Goo Alex.d luck with your revisions
Hawaii? That would be lovely.
Mini-Alex looks like he's having fun at least.
Yeah, the commercials were pretty lame.
Congrats on getting the back description done! Can't wait to see the cover. :)
And I'm so happy you have another book idea.
Always a pleasure stopping by for one of your parties, Alex.
You're out of dip.
~Just Jill
I agree about taking a break. I tend to have to do that myself just to think things through. I hope you do continue.
I think I've narrowed my choices down for A-Z too.
Juliana's book cover is gorgeous!
Not to be selfish, but I'm glad you're putting the writing on hold and not the blogging world. You would be missed too much if it were the other way around, I'm sure ;)
Sometimes, letting an idea brew (like a good coffee) is the best solution, so good luck with that.
Looking forward to the Top Ten bloghop as well as A to Z....both should be a lot of fun.
Joshua, good for you!
Liza, we'll find out.
Juliana, never! And you're welcome.
Teresa, you area welcome. And I don't want anyone sad.
LG, I think I signed up for four...
Thanks, Mark!
Thanks, guys! Back to my meetings...
Hawaii retreat!!!!!! Now I need to go check out Madman's blog... Sweeeet.
And I'm so sad I'm not doing IWSG today---I had to come check out your post, Alex, before I dove into revisions for the day. When I'm writing, I've got to stay away from blogger world or I don't get anything done! It's a mental thing.
And I think we would ALL enjoy your music. Get composing! :D
The Super Bowl wasn't too super for me. I picked the Niners. That quarterback they have made me do it. He's made of AWESOME! My team wasn't any where close to the super game. (Dolphins) Shh. Don't tell anyone. I've had a bag over my head while watching them for a few years. Although now we might have a pretty good quarterback, but we need help IN ALL OTHER AREAS! :( Plus, I've always thought my all time fav Dolphin player was a SUPER guy. Turns out he's not. Lovechild. Double :( :(
The God made the farmer was THE BEST! Some of the commercials were trash.
I wanna go to Mark's place. *sob* A ticket to H costs how much??
Happy Day Alex my friend!
I think mini-Alex was out on the field creating havoc!
My fav SB ad was the Clydesdale, M&M and Taco Bell. Calvin Klein wasn't bad either ;)
Another Fast and Furious movie? There better be another hottie added to the mix or hubby will have to watch alone in Afghanistan, lol. They get all the movies bootleg out there.
Loved the Ususal Suspects. Hmmm...will it make my blogfest list?
Oh, KUDOS on getting the back cover blurb done!!
Wow! Mark's retreat sounds awesome! *brain wheels spinning* The hubster and his sisters run marathons, wonder if I could convince him and his siblings to do this one...hmmm.
Way to go on your back blurb, and yes! it sounds like you will be planning a cover reveal soon. :)
'I am putting writing on hold until May. Too much pressure otherwise. I do have an idea for another book, but it’s a vague idea at the moment. So I’ll just let it brew for a while (coffee, Rusty?) and focus on other areas of my life. In three months, I’ll reassess.'
Fallow periods are vital. There is wisdom in this, Alex. I hope at the end of the three months, that idea will have taken a more definite shape in your head as you've let it move around a bit without your full focus on it.
Super Bowl Sunday was way fun. We went to a party and I didn't watch any of the game but had fun at the table of, yep, people who go to Super Bowl parties and don't watch the game! :D
I have my quote lined up for the Rom-Com. Or at least, I have my movie chosen. I'll give you three guesses. Modern classic.
I like your decision about writing. It's a maybe. . .
Signed up, yes. Don't watch football, but like seeing mini-Alex there. (are you sure he didn't have anything to do with that power failure? He didn't plug in his guitar?)
I see and happy you made it to the super bowl... in spirit...
did you get a package yet?
So many things going on... you are the ninja who should be promoted to king ninja.
Nothing wrong with taking a break with how hard you've been working! I bet you that idea you have will solidify by then :)
I made it...finally...into the IWSG bandwagon again.
Look forward to buying the last one in the trilogy, have yet to read the second. Time, time, captain, would you have a time turner or re-calibrator by any chance?
Oh man, I really want to visit Hawaii. I'd love to go to this writer retreat thing in December. Meeting Mark would just be a bonus, provided we don't ever discuss certain issues that cause arguments.
yep; I'm thinking mini Alex could have scored a point or two; might have made a difference in the 49ers to win!
I agree; the commercials were a bit lame this year; I personally thought the M&M one was the funniest :)
Good for you for knowing when to take a writing break. I think you'll come back refreshed and ready to kill it. I was in Hawaii this past December...I don't think I can swing it again this year, though that sounds awesome!
Good to hear the ideas are flowing and best of luck with the latest book.
Hey Alex - You know you can count me in for a cover reveal. How exciting.
And, yes!!! Write a song. That'd be cool.
My writing insecurity is letting go. Knowing I can't please everyone and need to stay true to the story. Oye, it's giving me fits.
By the time you come back to writing, you'll be raring to go.
Congrats on the new cover and your decision Alex... I knew you would figure it out.
Thanks for the caring comment on my blog. I appreciate it. February is always a hard month for me because on the 3rd was my parents anniversary, my mom's death, birthday, and grandmother's death. So not a fun month. That is why I try to keep busy and run to Florida... Not this year though. Today, I'm baking 144 cupcakes for a free lance job I took. One must be creative these days to make ends meet... LOL.
Off to read more IWSG posts! I am between mixes right now, so a good time for a break... LOL.
So, do you have a critique group to brainstorm ideas with while your writing is on hold? I'm so glad I kept searching until I got a group of local children's writers together through SCBWI because my book has changed so much more for the better than it did with my first group. We brainstorm whenever somebody doesn't send pages, and it works great. Of course that first group is how I learned most of my editing skills, so the time wasn't wasted. Now I have a way to earn a little money while I'm rewriting my book.
Enjoy your time away from writing. It's really wise of you to know that you'll need a break from it. Come back refreshed and then you'll really be able to think clearly.
I'm signing up for the movie fest! Sounds like fun :)
I had to work on Sunday so I missed the superbowl. I heard Beyonce won.
I think a break from writing to let stuff brew and take care of other business can be a great thing. Best of luck with it. Write lots of music!!
And, to throw my two cents in-I do NOT agree that the Clydesdale commercial was merely cute but the others were better!! Haha...such an adorable colt!! I thought that commercial left all the others in the dust.
Since you love the guitar, and it hasn't been getting any quality time, putting some guilt-free time into it sounds like a wonderful thing. I don't know how many opportunities you will get in your life. A writer's life tends to be one deadline after another. So, that sounds like a fantastic plan:)
THE USUAL SUSPECTS... ah, I haven't seen that movie in forever. Great choice. Your posting this makes me realize that I have forgotten many of the plot points of that movie. I just remember that it was soooo good. And now I have to put it on Must Watch Again List.
Recharging your batteries will be a good thing, you'll see.
Recharging your batteries will be a good thing, you'll see.
Revisions are tough, but glad you're in the final stages. Can't wait for CassaStorm! If you do end up writing a song, I'm sure we'd all love to hear it!
Sometimes, Alex, life is. If putting writing on hold is whatcha gotta do, it's whatcha gotta do. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate, after all; no need to burn yourself out on writing and possibly come to resent it (which I have almost done in the past!) Happy IWSG day :D
Exciting news for some lucky writers.
Yeah, I don't blame you for not going into the Super Bowl game... no words from me, either.
Happy ISWG day.
I'm signed up for the A to Z challenge and wanted to stop by and say hi!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the Super Bowl commercials were lame. I honestly stopped paying attention to them. I just feel like they've lost their luster the past few years.
I'm doing revisions on an MS in preparation to query, so I guess my writerly insecurity right now is, Will this be good enough?
I hope your time off from writing is productive!
My insecurity today ... I'm almost spoiled for choice ... that I will never be organized to get to point "B".
A retreat in Hawaii? I am SO there!
I am signed up for the Top Ten Movie Blogfest, and letting my blog readers know about it too.
Yes, a song would be nice :)
Morgan, working on it!
Robyn, over a thousand?
Isis, it will make mine.
Suze, sounds like...?
DG, he might've plugged in his guitar...
Jeremy, not yet!
Rekha, glad you're back!
Michael, only if you guys choose to argue...
Michael, you are welcome.
Sher, I do have two people I bounce ideas off of...
Tamara, maybe cute isn't my thing...
Robin, it's an awesome movie.
I think you should definitely write a song for your Ninja Army :)
Time off always seems productive. Especially this time of year. I feel like my brain is sort of shutting down lately.
I'm always ready for Hawaii. Especially since it's cold and snowing here in NJ. Again!
I'd love to hear a song and/or some lyrics written and performed by the Ninja Captain- that would be awesome.
The Superbowl commercials fell flat on me this year too. Some were just plain stupid or wicked gross.
I'm a bit late posting my IWSG today but I promise to catch up and comment with everyone over the next couple of days. -Jaybird
A song would do nicely, thank you. As to the Hawaii Writers' Retreat, that would go a long way to helping any Insecure Writer. Sounds wonderful.
I'm dealing with my insecurity in the only way I know how--chocolate and wine, wine and chocolate, then, of course, chocolate and wine again.
Congrats on the synopsis and the upcoming release! And enjoy your writing break- at some point we all need one! Best of luck:) I've been checking out everyone's IWSG posts today-they are all great. Have a wonderful day :) Best
I saw Mark's invite last week - sounds like a blast!
Enjoy your break. Once I'm through with my latest round of edits, I'll be doing the same. :)
I'd love to hear a song!
Boy, I guess I don't know many movie lines until after I read what others have posted! I did really enjoy The Usual Suspects.
Congrats on finishing your synposis and enjoy your break.
If you're anything like me, that niggling little idea in the back of your brain will continue to build, throwing snippets at you during random moments. If we're all lucky, that idea will throw so much at you that you are compelled to sit at the keyboard. :)
Congrats on the synopsis and enjoy the break. You'll return refreshed with an ace idea I bet.
Retreat in Hawaii? Wish I could!
Congrats on the synopsis and enjoy the break. You'll return refreshed with an ace idea I bet.
Retreat in Hawaii? Wish I could!
Congratulations on your synopsis - that is always the hardest part for me. Weird how I can write a full size novel and stumble on the synopsis :-)
Awesome cover, Juliana. Congrats!
I would love to do the retreat in Hawaii, but I'll be in California (most likely) at that time. Hawaii possibly next summer though.
Definitely write a song! That would be cool.
Love that movie...was already a fan of the quote.
I take writing breaks. Sometimes not because I want to, but because I simply can't get everything done. The good part of that is, I am itching to get back to it after a break.
So want to go to Hawaii! What fun, have to wonder though if any writing would get done.
Now you'll have to write that song, you let the cat out of the bag!
Hawaii in December would really be cool. Congrats on the synopsis :)
Stephanie, glad you're on board for the Challenge!
LuAnn, thank you!
Jaybird, one in particular was gross beyond imagination.
Kim, I'm sure it will happen.
Angela, glad I don't have to rewrite my entire novel twenty times like I do the synopsis!
I'm not so sure what my next book is going to be either. I'm in final edits and formatting. I don't have a cover yet, but the gal who did Stopover is quick, so I'm not worried. I should still get it out by March 4.
I have until mid Marchish to figure out what i want to write next, too. The right answer and project will materialize. It always does.
You stop writing until May? Yeah right. Okay I'm ready for a retreat in Hawaii because that's where my novel takes place and it's coming out soon!
Thank you so much for starting this blog! I've already met several authors who are amazing! Just when I needed a little you are! I don't think you'll regret taking off a little time. I truly believe we all need to do that from time to time, and not feel guilty. Take care my friend, and again THANKS!
LOVE that quote and movie!!! I'm sooo ready for a retreat to Hawaii, but I'm afraid my budget isn't. And that "God Made A Farmer" was my favorite commercial, along with the Clydesdale and the Wheat Thins and Taco Bell:-)
Woah... How did I miss that blogfest announcement? I was totally planning on doing my top ten movies on my blog anyway! Huzzah! I'm in. I love making lists.
Allison (Geek Banter)
Congratulations on getting your synopsis right! That must have been hard.
Hope you have a good break from writing.
A cover synopsis/ blurb is so hard to write! I'm glad yours is ready to go.
My own insecurity is that my writing and stories are never good enough, so I keep making them better and better. And then I still want to fix them.
And Alex, I really understand why you're giving up writing for a couple months. It really can interfere with other parts of your life, can't it?
I would love to attend a retreat in Hawaii. Haven't been there for over 30 years.
If you're going to take a writing break then maybe I need to get off mine and start back to writing things other than blog posts and comments. But darn it, I sure like writing the blog posts and comments.
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
Awesome job on the synop! And yes, I'm ready for a retreat in Hawaii! :)
Thank you for hosting... and best of luck with your writing, whatever form it takes.
Mary, it does!
Desert Rocks, blog posts don't count.
Katt, so glad you are benefiting!
Allison, great minds think alike.
Helena, it sure can.
Lee, I'm still blogging and playing music thought...
May??? I'd suffer from major withdrawal symptoms if I had to wait that long to write. It sure wouldn't be pretty. Just ask my family. lol
Love Juliana's cover. I've seen it a lot of places today.
Writing a song for us would be cool! If you do, we would wanna hear it ;)
Good luck on your revisions! And I still have to read your books yet Alex :( I visit and comment on your blog and never get a chance to read those awesome books.
And I CANNOT wait until your next blogfest on March 18! It's gonna be EPIC, as always! The writing community comes together and parties at your place! :D
The Ten Favorite Movies blogathan is a terrific concept, Alex. It has been too long since I partook in one of those and this may be the perfect re-entry.
A song would be awesome. Good work, congratulations on getting your back cover blurb nailed. I think my favorite quite is the one you used, but here is my second favorite: ""I didn't kill my wife." "I don't care."
A writers retreat in Hawaii means that I'd be lounging at the beach more than I'd be writing!
While you're putting off writing until May, I'm trying to cram in as much as I can get done before A to Z in April. Let's see how that plays out...
YEAH! I'm excited about CassaStorm and I'm glad to hear you have another idea. Time off is a good refresher and you never know what else you will come across in that time too. Enjoy!
I would love to share your cover reveal for you on my blog..let me know!
Yes I would love to go to Hawaii, not sure I can do it in December but if you go and visit the memorial bring plenty of tissues. It is very powerful.
I agree with you the commercials were just lame this year. I did enjoy the game, its easy when you have no emotional connection to either team!
Enjoy your break from writing...
I love that movie quote! One of my favorites. :)
I think the Amy Poehler commercial was my favorite. :) She always makes me laugh.
Glad you are brewing another book idea...very excited to see the cover reveal for CassaStorm.
Playing post a vid of you playing a song you THAT would be cool!
I really liked the same commercials you listed (wasn't Amy hot in that Best Buy shoot)? But my coolest one I still replay in the Gangnam Pistachios starring PSY. That just really made me laugh. But the Niners still lost.
You deserve a break, but I'm glad you have another story on the horizon. A song would be awesome, too!
Good luck with the final edits, and I can't wait to see the cover.
Finally made making my rounds... Great job on nailing that synop!!! Now getting those dates down!!! So do you get knots in stomach at this stage???
A retreat in HI sounds wonderful!
I signed up for the blogfest!
Livia, that's all right. And yes, the blogfest will be epic!
Matthew, please join us!
Melissa, the Fugitive!
Cynthia, we'll see who wins.
Doreen, thank you!
Chuck, don't think anyone needs to SEE me playing...
Dani, too tired for knots!
Thanks everyone! If I haven't visited you yet, I will tomorrow. Only hit half the list...
Mini-Alex should play halftime next year. That would be awesome. I love your choice of movie quotes, too. Good one.
I would love to hear a song you wrote for us.
Dani and I were emailing earlier and I didn't realize that the retreat was for real. I thought it was a "wish" kind of thing. After talking to her, and then clicking on the link, I saw that it was real. So... even though I'm ready for a retreat to Hawaii like I mentioned in my previous comment, I'm not going. I wish I was! Such a great idea!
Love to hear what your new book idea is! Taking a break from writing is a good idea now that you've got that trilogy under your belt. You deserve a break, man!
If mark's Writers Weekend was during Christmas Break I would definitley go and make a family vacation out of it.
Congrats! to Teresa and her short piece being published.
And I'm signed up and ready to go for Top Ten Movie Countdown Blogfest!
"God made a Farmer" takes the cake in my book.
Yes, "God made a Farmer" was great!
Mini Alex always scores points ;D
Fun to see him enjoying a time out!
Oh, write us a song! YOU deserve a break, you do-in Hawaii. I have been on the USS Arizona-I had dinner on that ship-Navy style. Big wig civilians and the Navy crew from the USS O'Kane!
Yes, Congrats Teresa...WOW!
I am still pondering my 10 movie picks ;D
A writer's retreat in Hawaii sounds beautiful - I wish I could. Stupid teaching salary. Oh well - I'm sure it will be great!
I am still trying to pick my top 10 movies, there are so many good choices!! :)
You should definitely write a song for us - that's my vote!
Taking a break is a good idea - you've got a hell of a lot going on, Alex, so you deserve some down time :)
I've not seen The Usual Suspects in ages; though my favourite line(s) is the diner scene from Reservoir Dogs :)
Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom
Sounds like revisions (including of that synopsis) are going well! Congrats.
And sometimes it's really good to let those ideas stew for a while.
I'd so love to attend that Hawaiian retreat. Maybe someday!
My favorite quote: From The Maltese Falcon.
Joel Cairo: You always have a very smooth explanation...
Sam Spade: What do you want me to do, learn to stutter?
I can't wait for the cover reveal.
Juliana's book looks awesome.
I didn't watch the Superbowl, but I caught some of the commercials on Youtube.
i will "allow" you to take a break from writing, as long as you "allow" me to tackle your ninja!! booo-yah! touch down!!
i will "allow" you to take a break from writing, as long as you "allow" me to tackle your ninja!! booo-yah! touch down!!
Sorry to respond so late but I'm glad I took part in IWSG. Got so much support for the novels I'm currently writing. Your favourite movie quote today carries so much deeper meaning. Mini-Alex looks pretty good.Final revisions? Look who's come a long way mister.
Sorry to respond so late but I'm glad I took part in IWSG. Got so much support for the novels I'm currently writing. Your favourite movie quote today carries so much deeper meaning. Mini-Alex looks pretty good.Final revisions? Look who's come a long way mister.
Ah, Hawaii. I used to have no interest whatsoever in going there, but now that I'm into photography, I want to go there for that reason. But I have an irrational fear of tsunamis (considering I live in Colorado...). Anyway, quite a cool idea! I'll have to go check it out. And gorgeous book cover! I like the dash of purple.
Shannon at The Warrior Muse
Brewing is good! That's what I'm doing now, too.
Shell, that would rock!
Jackie, no worries - I think everyone wishes they were going.
Ella, a break in Hawaii would be good.
Jamie, that's an awesome movie as well.
Belle, that's a funny line.
Tammy, no! Not Mini-Alex.
Roe, that's why I picked that line.
Shannon, you would have a field day taking pictures.
Good to see you, Talli!
I love the movie and the quote! Great writing!
I'm trying to nail my synopsis, and although I have several okay ones, none are great. So kudos to you. And I think it's great you've assessed your writing in real terms and decided to put it on hold. Often, we try to do too much, and come unstuck (I so know this myself).
Have a great week. I so have to sign up (if it's still open) for the top ten. I've been slacking on the blogging lately... sometimes other things get in the way - like a crisis or two.
Every year I'm promised spectacular Super Bowl commercials, and every year I'm disappointed. When will I ever learn?
My current insecurities were waned by a great review on Amazon from a complete stranger. Thank you, random person! Tell everyone you know! (No, really...)
It's good to take a little writing break. Lord knows I've done quite a few of those, unintentionally.
I'm up for a trip to Hawaii!!!!
My other favorite commercial was the Oreo in the library one. Thought that was pretty funny.
Hi Alex! Yes, the superbowl commercials this year were very lame. I especially hated the Godaddy commercial. Ick!
I left a superbowl party when the lights went out. When I got home the game was still going on. So I guess they were out for a while.
My insecurity for today is not being able to collect my writing cohesively. I feel like I'm all over the place.
That sounds like a reasonable plan. With as much as you've got on your plate, something has to give to make life work for you. You've always got my back. :)
I think breaks are good. I bet you come back refreshed and excited with tons of ideas. Enjoy your break. :)
Looking forward to next weeks Romantic comedy theme :)
I know what you mean about a writing break. I've been going through that too. Hoping to hop back in soon though.
Insecurities? I've had some at work. The two new jobs have been a bit overwhelming. Fortunately everyone is really kind and today has been an up day =)
Sometimes a writing break is exactly what writers need. It's an exhausting process. Personally, I'm ready to take a retreat anywhere - Hawaii would be nice, but I wouldn't say no to Northern Canada if it meant a break from school. :)
Yes, indeed, free your mind, expect a song of yours.
I'd love to go on a retreat in Hawaii, but the airfare is probably really expensive from the East Coast.
Taking a break from writing is a good thing when you're just not feeling the spark, have more important priorities, or just want some time away to refresh.
I have the flu so I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself and wanting to lie down, but I've been lying down for days it seems. So, what do I do instead? Read your post and think about all you do for writers. I'm also wondering what happens when you're sick. Bet you don't wallow in self-pity like I'm doing.
Seriously dude, I don't know how you keep up with all of this. I know how much time can be spent just putting in links and the effort to bring such awareness. You really have to try and take it easy. For like you state, too much pressure, otherwise.
I want "Mini-Alex" at next year's Grey Cup and hopefully, the Stanley Cup finals in Vancouver.
Insecurity is not about my writing.
All the best and relax.
Sha, Top Ten Movie Countdown will be open until the day of the blogfest.
Beer, those reviews are always a big boos to the ego.
MsMariah, may I never see that commercial again...
Joylene, I just try not to get sick. Hope you feel better soon.
Gary, just trying to do my best for everyone. And someone else suggested that Mini-Alex should travel...
With so much to do, trying to write would probably stretch you too thin.
Congratulations to all the success stories!
Enjoy your break. We all need them from time to time especially with how much you have going on. I'm sure your new idea will pour out of you once you sit down to it!
Nigel, and I'm already thin.
Nick, things are already perking...
A retreat in Hawaii would be awesome, right after my Alaskan Writers Workshop Cruise! :)
Mini-Alex definitely would have scored some points even if they were just supercool points. The Hawaii trip sounds amazing. What a fun idea.
Thanks for being awesome, Sir Alex. :)
That's great to hear about CassaStorm. Reassessing your priorities is always important, but it's neat to hear another idea for a book is looming in your mind :)
A writer's retreat in Hawaii? Dang, that would be awesome.
My biggest writing insecurity is...that I'm completely lame. There, I said it.
Enjoy your writing break! You reminded me of that Friends episode. Do you know the one? "WE WERE ON A BREAK!!"
I'd love to help in a cover reveal if you're offering! Best of luck with your final edits. I usually kick around story ideas for a long time before executing. If it's been brewing for months, then I know I won't get bored with it while I'm writing.
Speaking of the Super Bowl, did you watch the Puppy Bowl?
Dianne made some excellent points - although I had no idea that replying to individual comments was considered "padding" the comments and I'm terribly guilty of it!
Alex, I have no idea how you get ANY writing done with your amazing presence in the blogosphere. Sounds like a good idea to take a break. Great news that you've nailed the blurb for your novel! Always difficult to write that puppy. Thanks for another month of IWSG!
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