Friday, February 22, 2013

CassaStorm Cover Reveal! And Ninja News, Cover Reveals and Releases, and Celebrating the Small Things

CassaStorm cover reveal today! But first...

I am visiting Allison at Geek Banter today! Signed up for the A to Z Challenge but don’t have a topic yet? Want a geeky topic? Then head on over to Allison’s site when you finish here.

Ninja News

A to Z Challenge co-hosts, Nicole and Tina, were interviewed over at Curiosity Quills. If you want to learn a little more about the Challenge, check it out – the ladies did a fantastic job.

MJ Joachim had a great post about making it easy to find and follow one’s blog.

There was so much happening on Wednesday, I completely forgot the Wednesday Movie Quote!! Epic Ninja fail. (Thank you Robin for pointing it out.) Third time’s a charm – next Wednesday, romantic comedy quotes for sure. It’s in my calendar.

And found out yesterday that CassatStar is on Goodreads’ top Space Jocks books. If you have the time, would appreciate your vote! And thanks to the person who got it on the list.

Cover Reveals and Releases!

Several today!

A couple break up on a rainy night; a runaway longs to go home; a woman finds comfort from eating lunch as her best friend lies in hospital; a teenager feels oppressed by her father. All of the characters in these stories are trying to find their place in the world, attempting to find connections that matter with the people around them.

This collection brings together prize-winning and published stories from the past twenty years: the ‘greatest hits’.

That Sadie Thing and other stories will be available on
Kindle Monday 25th February 2013.

Annalisa Crawford lives and writes in Cornwall with a good supply of beaches and moorland to keep her inspired. She finds endless possibilities in the relationships between people. As this collection testifies, she has been writing for twenty years - but doesn't feel a day over twenty-one.

Find her on her blog, Twitter, Facebook and Goodreads.

The Truth About Letting Go 
by Leigh Talbert Moore

Purchase here: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iBookstore.

Find Leigh: Blog, Twitter, Goodreads, and Facebook.

Unleashing the CassaStorm!

Are you ready?

CassaStorm by Alex J. Cavanaugh

A storm gathers across the galaxy…

Byron thought he’d put the days of battle behind him. Commanding the Cassan base on Tgren, his only struggles are occasional rogue pirate raids and endless government bureaucracies. As a galaxy-wide war encroaches upon the desert planet, Byron’s ideal life is threatened and he’s caught between the Tgrens and the Cassans.

After enemy ships attack the desert planet, Byron discovers another battle within his own family. The declaration of war between all ten races triggers nightmares in his son, shaking Bassan to the core and threatening to destroy the boy’s mind.

Meanwhile the ancient alien ship is transmitting a code that might signal the end of all life in the galaxy. And the mysterious probe that almost destroyed Tgren twenty years ago could be on its way back. As his world begins to crumble, Byron suspects a connection. The storm is about to break, and Byron is caught in the middle…

Release date: September 17, 2013
Science Fiction - Space Opera/Adventure
Print ISBN 9781939844002
E-book ISBN 9781939844019

Yes, I am very stoked!!!!! That cover rocks.

Celebrating the Small Things

VikLit’s weekly meme.

Sharing my cover was a big thing, but something else cool is happening today.

Yes, sex and controversy sell. But I have never (nor will ever) put sex, foul language, or anything immoral in my books. I wanted my books to be accessible to everyone, just as I enjoyed reading the genre as a kid.

And I’m really glad I made that decision, because Kimberly Gabriel shared my books with her seventh grade class and they were very excited to read them. Now, not only did they order several copies and received bookmarks, the kids put together some questions for me. And today, Kimberly is sharing my answers with her class, along with the cover for CassaStorm.


Hope the kids enjoyed it, Kimberly.

(And if any of you are teachers, let me know – I’d love to do that again!)

Ready for the A to Z Challenge? Excited about the upcoming books? What small thing are you celebrating? And what do think of CassaStorm’s cover? (It’s been tough to sit on this for a whole week!)

Don’t forget to visit Geek Banter for some geeky A to Z Challenge topic suggestions.


Jeff Hargett said...

Very cool cover indeed. Thanks for letting me be part of the reveal. Wishing you much success with it. (You've earned it.)

And congrats to all the others as well. It's exciting to see so much good news.

Unknown said...

That is one awesome cover Alex! So excited to see it at last. And so much good news about your books. Congratulations!

Suze said...

Al, I love that Byron's son is essential to CassaStorm's storyline.

Yolanda Renée said...

Thanks for letting me participate!

I love that the children are reading your book, that is beyond cool!

Great cover! Happy Friday!

Rachna Chhabria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachna Chhabria said...

I love the cover and also the story line. You have captured all the important elements of the story and left the readers thirsting for more.

Its super cool that kids are reading your book.

Carrie Butler said...

Congratulations, Alex! :) That's so cool you were able to share your work with an entire class. I bet they were so excited!

Andrew Leon said...

The plot sounds intriguing.
And the cover rocks.

Trisha said...

Love your cover art! I've just posted the reveal on my blog too - I checked that it was the right time :) Time zones can be so wacky can't they?! said...

The cover is fabulous - the best of the trilogy, and I have no doubt the story is too. Congratulations! I'm excited to share it too.


Unknown said...

That cover is gorgeous! 'tis my favourite of the three, and I like how each cover has become more epic with each installment :) Congrats, Alex!

Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

Belle said...

It's a wonderful and exciting cover, Alex. I copied it and posted what you wrote about it on my blog.

What am I celebrating lately? My oldest daughter's birthday (she is 44). The first day they laid her in my arms is the first day I asked God into my life. I knew I needed his help to raise a precious life.

Sean McLachlan said...

Nice cover! Blends well with the previous two. It's good to have a consistent style throughout a series. Who is the cover artist, btw?

M.J. Fifield said...

Very cool covers all. Congratulations to all of you!

Anonymous said...

The cover looks great Alex! I don't know if we were meant to be asked to do a reveal, but I did it anyway :)

Kyra Lennon said...

Happy Cover Reveal Day! It looks awesome!

Annalisa Crawford said...

Such a cool cover, Alex. And thanks for revealing my cover too :-)

Ted Cross said...

I'm glad you got that class excited for your books. Personally, though, I feel we aren't teaching kids enough about sex at an early enough age. Only my opinion, I suppose, but I see how fantastic my kids have turned out (they are teens now) after my wife and I never held back on teaching them everything about anything.

Suzanne Furness said...

It's looking great, Alex huge congrats. What fun too, your book shared with a whole class that's something to celebrate!

Elise Fallson said...

Love the cover Alex, congratulations!

Unknown said...

Great cover, Alex!
Just stopped by to see it and ended up by clicking on more than other 5 blogs. you always do that to me!

Empty Nest Insider said...

Extraordinary cover Alex! Congrats on being featured in a classroom, and in Space Jocks!


A.J. Walker said...

Looking good! I like the cover for "That Sadie Thing" as well. It reminds me of the replicant Pris when she was in her freaky ballerina makeup.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - have to come out of my cave - to say "wonderful cover" .. I saw it on Ciara's blog - where for some reason (or may be purposefully) only half the cover shows ... where the detail is exposed - and it's great ... excellent cover and reveal ...

Congratulations .. all round .. Julie I see has some added info - you're in the class room and in Space Jocks - a States thing I guess .. but so good you're getting so much coverage ...

Cheers - back to my snowy cave! Hilary

mooderino said...

Love the cover. Voted for Cassastar!

Moody Writing

VikLit said...

Your cover is AWESOME and how cool that the kids in KG's class had questions for you. Ace! Congrats.

Old Kitty said...


Take care

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeff, thank you for revealing it!

Suze, he's one of the point-of-views.

Yolanda, I thought it was cool!

Rachna and Carrie, sharing with her class was fun.

Trisha, you did good though.

Jamie, thanks.

Belle, thank you - I meant to email you!!

Sean, it's my publisher's illustrator who did all three.

Rebecca, thanks!!!

Adriana, that's my style.

AJ, it does.

Hilary, it's all there - just slow to load.

Thanks Moody!

Everyone, thanks!!

Matthew MacNish said...

That's an awesome illustration.

Unknown said...

Love the cover, Alex!

Mina Burrows said...

Amazing cover! Congrats, Alex!

Unknown said...

Goodness! Took forever for this comment box to load. I began the process when there were 20 comments. Now there's 31. But I stuck around because I HAD to let you know how thrilled I am for you and the cover reveal! KUDOS! Man...I'm proud to know you. :)

Brinda said...

It sounds like you've had a great week. Also, the is very cool about the 7th graders. :) Go, Alex!

Kimberly Gabriel said...

Love your cover Alex! It's perfect! I'm so excited to share your cover and your answers with my kids today! They've been so enthused about CassaStar. It's been very fun to watch. So glad we made your celebrating the small things post. ;)

Laura Eno said...

Love CassaStorm's cover! I'll bet it was hard to sit on. ;)

That Sadie Thing cover is spooky! It really draws you in.

It's nice having so much advanced info on the A to Z - especially for newcomers. :)

Unknown said...

Great helpful tips on Allison's "Geek Banter" site... I am still lost on what I need to do. I think I need to lock down something and get that darn ball rolling. Like a cat and a ball of string... it keeps spinning and spinning and spinning!

Alex, CONGRATULATIONS on the cover... very, very cool!

All the Best!


Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats on your awesome cover, Alex!

Jemi Fraser said...

YAY for the cover - love it!!! :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

The cover is beautiful. Those kids are in for a treat.

Susan Fields said...

Awesome cover - you must be so excited!

Today I'm celebrating a snow day at home with my kids (and that I don't have to drive anywhere today!)

Heather M. Gardner said...

You are amazing, sir.

Today is your big day and you are still sharing other people's news at the same time!

Good for you. You're a seriously good man.

Your cover looks amazing. I hope that today goes really well for you!


Melissa said...

Awesome cover!

And, gah. You never emailed it to me. Good thing I visited your site early. LOL

Rusty Carl said...

I love the cover! Analisa's is pretty awesome too. And having your book used in a schoolroom is amazing. I hope they don't tease out the secrets of teleporter technology from the text. You know how kids are, they tend to figure things out you don't want them to.


Michelle Wallace said...

Congratulations Alex! The cover is great!
I've just completed reading Cassastar. It's a wonderful story!
I'm off to Space Jocks books-------

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Great cover! And how awesome that a whole classroom of kids is reading your work! A huge congratulations, Alex. :)

Cindy said...

I'm having fun being in on your cover reveal. That's great how your book was shared with a 7th grade class.

I know what I'm doing for A to Z..I just hope I can get it done in time.

DL Hammons said...

I saw your cover at least a half dozen times on Facebook before I even made it here. IT ROCKS...and probably is my favorite of the three! Congrats!!

CBame13 said...

Awesome cover! Definitely going to have to get the books!

Robyn Campbell said...

How cool Captain Alex. Those seventh graders have excellent taste. With all the bad stuff that authors add to their books, I'm thankful for the ones who write so the kids can read their stories. This is a GREAT one for boys who NEED MORE BOOKS! *hint* *hint* :-)

Thanks for helping me get on the list. *feeling brainless*

The cover rocks, my friend!

RaveAir said...

Great cover, Alex! Congratulations!

... and the also sounds interesting! 207 days to go...

Jess said...

Wow, that is so awesome!! What an honor!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks for hanging in there, ML!

Kimberly, I hope they enjoy the cover and my answers today.

Laura, I couldn't show anyone!!

Jeremy, something will stop spinning for you.

Susan, wish we'd had one of those.

Heather, sharing for others is the real joy.

Melissa, sorry! I emailed everyone on the list but forgot to check comments.

Rusty, if they do figure it out, I want to know!

Michelle, glad you enjoyed it.

Cindy, you have a whole month. You can do it.

DL, on Facebook? Whoa!

CBame, thank you.

Robyn, I wanted the kids to be able to read it as well.

Thanks, everyone!! I am blown away this morning.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Alex that cover is EPIC!!

Luanne G. Smith said...

Knew my sidebar would be lit up with Cassastorm today. Best cover of the series. Now, off to add more sex and cussing to my novel. LOL.

farawayeyes said...

Cover is great, so are the other new releases you mentioned. Being in the classroom 'Priceless'.

kjmckendry said...

Congrats! It looks awesome!! So exciting that it's being read in classrooms!

Julie Dao said...

ALEX. That is so EPIC!!! Congratulations, Captain!

Unknown said...

Good for you on keeping your books smut free. If more people thought like you, the children of today would have some morals.

Unknown said...

Awesome covers! Congrats, everyone!

Tonja said...

Great cover!

Cate Masters said...

Wow, very dynamic cover. Congrats!
I'm all about celebrating the small things - any unexpected joy.

Summer Ross said...

You have a beautiful cover, Alex and look at you pimping everyone elses too- you got style. :)
Congrats on the share in the classroom!
Have a terrific Friday.

Shell Flower said...

Your cover is awesomely fascinating. I love it. Thanks for letting me participate in the reveal. Good luck with sales. I voted for CassaStar on the Goodreads list :)

Al Diaz said...

So many good news for today! Success to all of you. I've enjoyed being part of your party, Alex. Keep the good news coming.

Robin said...

Well, now I feel TERRIBLE about pointing out the lack of Movie Quote Wednesday. I don't want to be the person who points out Epic Ninja Failure:(

Congratulations on your cover. I have seen it on several other blogs. I thought it was pretty amazing there until I saw it here. It is HUGE here. The detailing here is so much better. Wow. Eye-popping. So much going on in that picture. The graphic design is VERY COOL. I am sure you must be over-the-moon thrilled!!! And so relieved that it has all come together. So happy for you:)

Misha Gerrick said...

Oh wow! I adore the cover. Can't wait for the release. :-D

Unknown said...

That's an awesome cover!

Unknown said...

Yay! horray for your cover! It's scary-beautiful. Good insights on keeping books clean and readable.
~Just Jill

LynnRush said...

Yay. Great cover!! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

LG, that made me laugh!

Anne, thank you!

Shell, appreciate the vote!

Robin, I needed to know I missed it! And thanks - I was really excited to see the cover last Friday.

Thank you, everyone! I am overwhelmed today.

Unknown said...

Go, Alex!! Waiting for this book :)

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Yay! So super excited to participate in your cover reveal! It's spectacular! Congrats. :))

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Cover for CassaStorm looks great! So does the synopsis. Good luck with everything.

And great the seventh graders are reading your book. How cool is that!

A Beer for the Shower said...

I love the cover. It's very sharp, with some great artwork! Congrats!

Now that release date... that's a long time. If 1 week for the cover was killing you, I can't imagine having to wait 7 more months to release the book!

Unknown said...

Great artistry on the cover-- especially this big of a picture. You can really see the details.

Patsy said...

Great cover, Alex.

Southpaw said...

That is so cool that your book was received so well with kids! And how awesome that they had questions!

All the covers are pretty nice today.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I'm here! We are ice and snow covered but I'm not without power. Some are though. KC, north of me, had 10+ inches of now. It's been horrible.

I love the cover. I think it's so exciting that kids are reading your books. So exciting.


jaybird said...

Congrats on the cover reveal-glad I could help in some small way.

Best of luck to Annalisa with her short story compilation-looks really good.

I love Allison over at Geek Banter. I still have no theme for A-Z. I think I'm going to go at it fast and loose, like I usually attack these things. I'm a pantser, through and through.

Have a great weekend Alex!!

Maurice Mitchell said...

All your covers have a ship coming at the reader, but this is the first one focusing on the space battle. Sweet cover Alex.

Juliana Haygert said...

Great cover, Alex, congrats!

Natasha Hanova said...

Congrats on a great cover, Alex! Wishing you the best of luck, but I know you won't need it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stephen, it is really cool!

Bryan and Brandon, but there is so much I need to do before then! I'll need that time. And thanks.

Holly, I can't wait to hear what they said in response.

Teresa, glad you still have power.

Thanks, everyone!!!!!!!!!!

SC Author said...

Awesome cover!!!! So happy to be part of the reveal :)

Laura Clipson said...

That's a great cover, certainly draws you in! Also, it must be exciting that a whole class is reading your books! :)

Morgan said...

Yaaaaaay! Alex, it looks fantastic!!!! Really--it goes with the series well, but brings its own originality. Totally digging it. I've already got book I and plan on reading as soon as my revisions are done. :D

ilima said...

Awesome covers today. And CassaStorm looks fantastic. I had some technical difficulties, but I finally have it up on my blog. Thanks for letting me participate in the reveal and big congrats!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mshatch said...

Congrats on your gorgeous cover :)

Gwen Gardner said...

It is an awesome cover, Alex! And how cool that your books are on the syllabus for a 7th grade class. I can totally see your books being on the required reading list!

Tyrean Martinson said...

Your cover looks awesome!!! Thanks for letting me help out with the reveal! I'm really excited to read CassaStorm - is their going to be a pre-sale option?
Congrats on the cool 7th grade class chat! And the Space Jocks spot at Goodreads! I'll be headed over to Geek Banter soon.

LTM said...

Hey! Thanks for slipping me in there, Alex! :D And WOW--CassaStorm looks amazing. PERFECT for Scifi lovers!

Good luck with it~ <3

SK Anthony said...

Love it! It's a fantastic cover ;)

It's also awesome that you are answering questions for those kids, it must be very exciting for them to receive bookmarks and share in the reveal of the cover!

David P. King said...

Oh, Man! That is a wicked cover! nice way to end the series. Can't want to pick it up and plunge right in! :)

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Congratulations, Alex. The new cover is awesome. Bet it'll do very well too. Cheers.

Nancy Thompson said...

I am SO not ready for the A to Z. Guess I should start thinking about it. I do have a small thing to celebrate, though. I made 13k words of progress on my sequel this week! And it feels so good! But today's big celebration is your cover reveal. I LOVE IT! It's so pretty! I think it's great that a 7th grade teacher could share it & your other books with her class. Mine could never be considered "accessible" to younger audiences, especially book 2. But I love that yours are! Have a great weekend, Alex, and congrats on your awesome new cover!

Anonymous said...

Alex, you shared a link to my post! Thank you!

And your moral compass...SCORE, SCORE, SCORE again!!! Kudos to you on influencing our kids in such a positive way like that!!! Speaking of which, your cover is AWESOME!!!

On a side note, I used your name in my latest flash fiction story, Devoted Wife. Okay, so he's a paraplegic, and there's no real reference to you...but you were on my mind, running into you so much in the blogosphere, so your name was used in one of my stories...

Happy Friday to you, and thanks again:)

cleemckenzie said...

Major score with 7th grade fans, Alex. Congratulations. Love the cover. and the story line.

Nice to tie in Small Things with cover release.

Anonymous said...

Alex, CONGRATS on the book cover reveal! Cool news about your books being shared with Kimberly Gabriel's seventh grade class. : )

Misha Gerrick said...

Hi Alex,

You were nominated twice for the Paying Forward Awards!

Your categories are: Best Commenter and Most Supportive/Helpful Blogger.



Christine Rains said...

Congratulations, Alex! That is an awesome cover. You're everywhere today. That is really great about Kimberly sharing your books with her class. Have a fantastic weekend!

Mark said...

Cover looks great man!!!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

I bet the kids loved it Alex. Congrats for all your success. I'm getting there with my A-Z challenge posts.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Laura, it is!

Morgan, thank you! I hope you enjoy it.

Ilima, thank YOU for helping me!

Gwen, that would be an awesome thing for all schools.

Tyrean, eventually there will be.

Leigh, you're welcome, and thank you.

SK, Kimberly already emailed me about the first class and they were excited.

Nancy, that's a lot of words - good stuff.

MJ, thank you! For all of that. Wow, you used my name...

Misha, wow!! I'm stunned.

Thanks, guys!!

Ella said...

Congrats Alex-the cover rocks! :D
I enjoyed spreading the word~

Congrats also to Annalisa and Leigh!!

Happy Friday!!!

Leovi said...

A wonderful cover, I've read some of the good things that are being written about your new novel.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Oooo I love it! It's so very cool sci fi and how exciting that you are on book #3!!!

Tara Tyler said...

a whole class!? so awesome!!

all that news is great!
and your cover is fabulous!!

big congrats! you have to be on clouds! enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Awesome cover, Alex!

Angela Brown said...

Love seeing your cover explode all over the blogosphere. And when it's released, it'll be another Ninja Winner :-)

Wonderful that you had your books in front of school children. Reading is fundamental and to be a part of that is awesome! Way to go!!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Love the cover, Alex! And the cover copy, too. Looks like a great story. :)

dolorah said...

Your cover looks awesome Alex. And thats great news about the class reading your book. My stories are geared towards adults - rarely family friendly - but we all have our chosen audience.

I'll visit Geek Banter too. Have a great weekend.


Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Intriguing cover. Voted for your book. Best of luck.

Nigel G Mitchell said...

Great cover. Awesome book

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Congrats to all you guys with new covers. They are so exciting!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tara, several classes!

Angela, yes it is.

Beverly, thank you!

Thanks, everyone!

Julie Flanders said...

Wow, how wonderful that Kimberly's students enjoyed your books. What a thrill for you, but certainly not a surprise to anyone who has read them.

Congratulations on another fantastic cover!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Your cover is great. What an exciting start to the weekend.
I completely forgot about the Wednesday quote too.

Catherine Stine said...

Woot! Your big cover reveal!
That cover for Sadie looks pretty scary--which of course, looks like a good read. hahahhaha.
Have fun today!

Sherry Ellis said...

Love the cover! I've seen it all over the blogosphere today. Congratulations!

Sharon Himsl said...

Wow, this is a popular site. Congrats on your new book. Just ordered on my Nook. It's been awhile since I've read any science fiction, but have always been a fan :)

Karen Lange said...

The cover looks great! I respect and applaud you for taking the stand to make your books accessible to everyone. Congrats on the upcoming book!

Nick Wilford said...

The cover tells us we are in for some top action. Congrats!!

And kudos for reaching out to the kids, I'm glad they enjoyed your stuff!

Carol Kilgore said...

Congrats on a great cover reveal, Alex! You have another hit :)

Livia Peterson said...

That's an awesome cover, Alex! And CassaStorm has an intriguing premise - one that would keep me on the edge of my seat which I love reading those kind. Congrats to our Ninja Captain Alex!

Another congrats to Annalisa! Lots of accomplishment going around the blogosphere! :D

Have a great weekend, Alex!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Julie, and from what I heard, they enjoyed my answers and the cover today as well.

Sharon, thank you! My books are light science fiction and easily accessible.

Thank you, Karen.

Nick, I'm just glad they're enjoying my books.

Powdered Toast Man said...

That is an awesome cover. I am still not done reading CassaStar. I am a slow reader.

Yay books.

Sanderella said...

Many congrats to you Alex, love the cover and I am certain your very excited!!

I haven't read any of your work, I have the names of them now, and I should start with the first one I believe!

Much success!

Helena said...

You cover does indeed rock. Congratulations, Alex!

And no doubt the story will be just as memorable.

Unknown said...

Amazing Cover!!! How exciting to have your very own book be shared in the 7th grade classroom.

Thanks for holding firm on creating safe books for kids. They have enough sex everywhere else. What can't more books be a safe haven for them?

L.G. Keltner said...

That's a great cover!

M Pax said...

Awesome new cover, Alex! Congrats!

Congrats to Annnalisa and Leigh!

Murees Dupè said...

Congratulations Alex! Your book sounds really amazing and your cover is fantastic as well.

Rebecca Green Gasper said...

Yay for the cover! :) Congrats. And congrats to Leigh and Annalisa- what great covers all around.

Mark Koopmans said...

Hey Alex,

Super job on the cover - really like it!

Whomever is your cover designer has done a *great* job for you and wishing you all the very best with the release :)

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Your cover is spectacular. I can't wait to read it :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

PTM, so am I!

Jenn, exactly!

Mark, all three have rocked!

Cassie Mae said...

Love it! The cover will look great next to my other Cassa books :) But I have to wait till September? Sad, i want it now, lol.

And I think it's so awesome that kids are reading your book and being excited, and I think they'll really like this one because of Bassan.

Shaharizan Perez said...

That is a lovely cover for your new sci fi novel. Congrats!

Now, I'm off to visit the blogs you recommended in your post. Have a great weekend. :)

Diana Wilder said...

Great cover! And even greater about the schoolkids loving your book - what a smile-maker! Congratulations.

Golden Eagle said...

That's a terrific cover! Congratulations. :)

Not quite ready for the A-Z Challenge . . . I'm wavering on my posts' subject. I'd mentioned doing an international culture-based one, but I'm thinking about doing science instead. Again.

Mel Kinnel (@TizMellyMel) said...

I had to stop by to see what all the excitement was about because the blogosphere was abuzz about you. Ok, ok, I already knew about it. LOL! Congrats, Alex, on your cool cover!

Pat Hatt said...

Figured I'd make you lucky number 7, as the 7th time I've seen it here, quite the cover too, awesome job.

Author A.O. Peart said...

This is a one fantastic cover, Alex. It fits perfectly with the series. And I love the fact that it feels dynamic - when I look at it, I see so much happening right in front of my eyes. Okay, maybe that is my vivid imagination going out-of-control, but nevertheless I love this cover. And I'm sorry I'm not the part of the cover release. Somehow I've missed it :-(

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

A HUGE congrats, Alex. I'm thrilled for you!! The cover of CassaStorm looks fantastic as does the story! I'm so looking forward to reading it.

Intangible Hearts said...

You have been unleashed on my blog too. Congratulations again. It does rock.

Cathy Keaton said...

Great cover for you 3rd book, Alex! Congrats. :)

Chuck said...

Alex, another info packed post! I really like the school teacher using your book in class. You should feel great about that.

Ready to rock the Storm!!

Kelly Polark said...

Hurray for cool covers and new books! Congrats Alex!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cassie, I'm sorry you have to wait!

Golden, whatever works for you.

Thanks, Pat!

Angela, thank you!!

Chuck, I do!

Thanks, everyone! This has been an awesome day.

Jeff Beesler said...

That is one heck of a cover you got there, dude! Looking forward to September 17th for sure!

Jackie said...

Congrats on your cover reveal and the news with the seventh grade class. Very cool!

Deniz Bevan said...

Congratulations Alex!! And for all the book releases as well. You've always got such exciting news about fellow bloggers.
I've done three A to Z posts so far!

Anonymous said...

LOVED seeing your cover all over the place today:-) Today I'm celebrating being at a local writer's conference . . . enjoy your weekend! Are you watching the Oscars?

Anonymous said...

LOVED seeing your cover all over the place today:-) Today I'm celebrating being at a local writer's conference . . . enjoy your weekend! Are you watching the Oscars?

Unknown said...

Woohoo! The cover is finally here! HUGE congrats, Alex! All three covers of your series are riveting and very professional looking. You should be proud. :-)

Anonymous said...

I love your cover and congrats to Leigh and Annalisa.

Tracy Jo said...

Love the CassaStorm cover! Congratulations, Alex! It is so fun seeing all these cover reveals. They say so much without any words. I am getting pumped for A-Z! Hope you're having a great weekend....

klahanie said...

Okay, your wait is over, yes I've arrived.

Going to have to keep this comment mercifully brief. A fantastic reveal and the book cover is great also, Alex.

I'm ready for the alternative A to Z Challenge. Yes, that tongue-in-cheek, almost cynical alternative. Blogfest? You jest?

Have a peaceful weekend and very well done.


Unknown said...

Your new cover is awesome and you had great suggestions on Allison's blog! That's so cool that your books are being read in a 7th grade class.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeffrey, you made it happen.

Jamie, enjoy the conference.

Lexa, thanks!

Gary, ready for your snark.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

The cover is stunning, Alex!!! I'm glad you are keeping your books "kid friendly". It's important to have work that is okay for children to read and discuss in the classroom. It's outstanding to have teachers who admire and work with contemporary authors.

Mary Montague Sikes

Liza said...

Congrats Alex! It looks amazing!

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Alex, the cover is amazing. It's as simple as that.

It's probably my favorite out of the three. :)

Patricia Stoltey said...

Super cover art, Alex. It's definitely one that would make me pick up the book and take a look at the synopsis and first page. And that's big because people like me still go to the library and bookstore and browse for their next good read.

Julie Musil said...

LOVE the cover, Alex!

Lydia Kang said...

Love your cover! I've always thought they were so nicely done. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Alex! You must be thrilled!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Monti, I wouldn't write them any other way.

Thanks, George - think it's my favorite!

Patricia, that is good to know.

Thanks, everyone!!

Marta Szemik said...

The cover suits the series so well! Great Job! You should be stoked and Congratulations Alex!

Leovi said...

Stunning Sadie That Thing.

colbymarshall said...

What a great cover. Congratulations! September will be here before you know it. Small thing I'm celebrating- tomorrow, I have a whole day at home with my family! yay!

As for the A to Z challenge, I'm trying to prepare, but so far, I have a list of topics only. Let's hope I can keep up!

Saumya said...

Holy crap, that cover is incredible. I wasn't expecting that at all and it definitely grabs anyone's attention. Can't wait to read it! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

Laura said...

Wow Alex- your cover is gorgeous! I can't wait to read it- it sounds awesome!
I love that you're stories are being read in school- imagine all those young minds that you're inspiring- maybe in about 10-15 years, one of those youngsters will be siting you as their inspiration to start writing. So cool!
Laura x

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Marta, I am stoked!

Colby, thanks, and glad you are on board for the Challenge. You'll be ready.

Saumya, thanks!!!!

Laura, that would just be mind-boggling...

Elsie Amata said...

Your cover is simply amazing, Alex! I mean, wow! I love that the kids were just as excited to read your books and ask questions about it. Do you know how cool it was for them to be able to have you answer them? I mean seriously, Alex? You are a published author who took time to answer their questions on a book they read. I have a 13 year old who reads like a fiend and she would LOVE that chance. I guarantee you inspired a few of them to write! Congrats!!

Anonymous said...

I'm liking the cover, Alex -- and that's so cool about the kids! I tell my students they can read my stuff when they're in high school...

randi lee said...

Man am I behind the times this month! Sorry for not being around that much, Alex. Life has been in the way big time for me these past few weeks. ANYWAY. I simply ADORE that cover. The graphics are amazing and paint a very vivid picture of what the book is going to be about. Super professional and I love it!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the cover!! I can't wait to get my hands on this book. And that is so wonderful about the kids. I think it's terrific that they are reading and enjoying your stories. It is so hard to get kids to read sometimes.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elsie, thank you! I was happy to answer their questions and share a little of my journey. Hopefully it inspired them.

Thanks, Milo.

Thank you, Randi - and we've missed you.

Melissa, if they are reading and enjoying, then that is just awesome.

Charmaine Clancy said...

Congrats on the cover reveal Alex. I also love that cover for 'The Truth about Letting Go', gorgeous.

Chancelet said...

It's been a crazy busy week, but I've finally finished the rounds for Celebrate the Small things. (I was also late at putting up your cover reveal, but was glad to be a part of that!)

So congrats on your reveal, it is awesome, as well as sticking to your morals with regard to sex and language. Got to stay true to yourself. So glad the class enjoyed the book and are getting so involved with it. I'm sure your heart swelled as big as your smile when you heard about it.

The Armchair Squid said...

Looking forward to the romanic comedy quotes!

I'm mostly ready for A-Z. Post A-H are set to go. How about you?

Nicole said...

Catching up on things - that cover rocks! Congrats!

Unknown said...

Great cover, Alex! Congrats!

Unknown said...

Great cover, Alex. Follows suit with the other two covers very well. Congrats!

Christopher Hudson said...

Cap'n Alex, my big insecurity today is that I made a fatal mistake changing the URL of blog ... it was Moran Mandel's post at BRP that inspired me, so if it fails, it's all her fault! Anyway, the new URL is: