Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Kyra and Christmas Movies, Ninja News, Author Book Page, and Awesome News – CassaStorm is a Go!

Today I welcome the wonderful Kyra Lennon! She’s going to talk to you about Christmas movies. (We’re past Thanksgiving now, so bring it on!)

So … Christmas movies. There are so many out there, it can be hard to pinpoint a favourite. I know I have a list a mile long, but I want to talk about Christmas movie memories. Those movies that remind you of being a kid, or the ones that make you think of a particular Christmas. Ones that, when you see them, take you back to another time.

For me, it’s The BFG. I know that sounds ridiculous because it’s not even a Christmas movie. I can’t recall why it makes me think of Christmas, all I know is that whenever it’s on TV, I see myself surrounded by coloured wrapping paper, gifts, and … just feeling excited. My guess is that The BFG was on TV one Christmas, and that’s what makes my brain go to that happy place. Even if it doesn’t make any real sense to me, I love the feeling I get from that film.

The other movie that sparks Christmas memories for me is Elf. It had been out for quite a few years before I saw it for the first time, and I stumbled over it by chance one evening when there was nothing on TV. I clearly remember crying with laughter over Elf’s antics, and saying out loud, “I think everyone should have an Elf in their life!” It’s the one Christmas movie I MUST watch every year, just because it brings a smile to my face. Who wouldn’t love a movie that gets even the most cynical people believing in Santa?

So tell me, what are your favourite Christmas movie memories?

Blindsided Synopsis:
After a successful first soccer season in L.A, Jesse Shaw heads to London with his best buddy, Hunter, but his world is turned upside down when a dangerous prank threatens his career and his blossoming relationship with Hunter’s cousin, Isabelle.
Isabelle Mills lives in Notting Hill with her parents and her twin sister, Georgia. When she finds out her cousin is coming to stay, along with his famous soccer player friend, her first instinct is to hibernate until they’ve gone. However, once she meets Jesse, everything changes. He’s everything she ever wanted, but with so many obstacles in their path, can she really risk putting her heart on the line?

Author Bio:
Kyra Lennon was born on the South coast of England, and to this day, still lives by the sea. After years spent working in retail, where she met enough versatile characters to write hundreds of books, she finally took the plunge and quit her day job. Kyra's debut novel, Game On, was released in July 2012. While fiction writing has always been her passion, she also has numerous articles on a variety of topics published on prolific websites.

Find Kyra’s books on Amazon US and Amazon UK
Find Kyra here: Blog, Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads.

Thanks, Kyra – you rock!

Ninja News

Today’s Special Challenge Participant Feature at the A to Z Blog is Sydney Aaliyah! Her Challenge theme was “Traveling in Australia.” So if you’ve ever wanted to explore the land down under, check out the highlights from Sydney.

Karen announced the 2012 Blog Award Semi-Finalists - and I’m up for Blog of the Year! And quite a few of my blogger buddies are nominated as well. Be sure to stop by and vote.

Laura Pauling has TWO new releases – a children’s book and the sequel to A Spy Like Me. Congratulations, Laura!

Hildie McQueen’s latest is now available – Highlander’s Captive – and she’s holding a giveaway for five copies at her blog. Congratulations, Hildie!

Stephen Tremp just launched E. T. Registry where you can Own A Piece Of The Universe! You can buy extra-terrestrial real estate for a friend, family member, or that certain person you are not quite sure what to buy for Christmas. E. T. Registry gives fully fifty percent of all proceeds to four organizations that benefit the youth of today in math and science so they can develop into our leaders of tomorrow.

Lynn Rush is just one of twenty authors who contributed to Christmas Lites II – and all proceeds are donated to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. That’s awesome, Lynn!

HM Sinclair has a new cookbook – 365 Nights: Menus & Recipes for Every Night of the Year. Congratulations, Holly!

Patsy Collins’ book, Escape to the Country, is a free download Wednesday and Thursday! Find it on Amazon US and Amazon UK.

Author Books!

I updated my Awesome Authors and Books page this week. If you are one of my blogger buddies, one of your books should be listed on that page. Please check to be sure yours is listed, as I’m sure I forgot someone!

The Awesome News!!!!!

Yes, I’m going to overuse the exclamation point! I got a call from my publisher yesterday afternoon – CassaStorm is a go!!!!

They’d asked me to change one thing Monday morning and I’d worked on it that night, sending the new version the moment I was finished. Tuesday afternoon the call came – they were emailing me the contract and wanted to publish CassaStorm. There was even a signing bonus. (Is that what it’s called? Sorry, resorting to sports terms here.) Of course I signed that bad boy!

Projected release date – September 2013.


My third book is coming out next year. I never envisioned any of this when I wrote the first one. NEVER! One book – what the hell, let’s see what happens. I never even wanted to be a writer…

Thanks to everyone who has supported me and purchased my books. I am truly blessed.

So what is your favorite Christmas movie? See any new books to add to your collection? Did you vote for the 2012 Blog Awards? Ready to buy some space real estate through E. T. Registry? Blogger buddies, did you find your book on my Authors and Books page? And how many think September is a long ways away…?

Don’t forget to visit Sydney at the A to Z Blog!


Kyra Lennon said...

Hey Alex, thanks for being part of the blog tour!

Congratulations on your new upcoming book - this is awesome!

Sean McLachlan said...

Fave Xmas movie? The old classic Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Actually I liked all those old movies with the marionettes. Do they still show those on TV (I live in Spain with no TV, so I'm out of touch).
Congrats on Cassastorm!

Unknown said...

Nice piece on Xmas movies, Kyra. Thanks for enlightening us.

Just went and voted for the blog of the year! I wonder who I voted for?

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

First of all, congrats o CassaStar. I knew it would be published.

My favorite Christmas flick has to be A Christmas Story.

I also love Love Actually, which is more of a romantic film, but still a Christmas one. :)

Mark Koopmans said...

I'm with George, (well, I'm not *with* him, but I agree with him:)

CassaStorm was always going to be a GO! :)

Well done, mate and sincere congrats - there are people chanting your name in the Islands tonight :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the interview and the mention. It looks great. Off to spread the word.

A.J. Walker said...

The final installment of the trilogy! So what's next from the Ninja?


Wonderful blog full of news of this and that, loved the review of Christmas movies and CONGRATS on your third book which is due to be published Well done Alex.

I have altered my blog and am starting again collecting followers from scratch if you still want to follow me and you sign please.
Have a great day.



mooderino said...

Awesome news about the new book. Plenty of time for you to start the next trilogy.

Moody Writing

Patsy said...

Thanks for the mention, Alex!

PK HREZO said...

Excellent! Congrats on CassaStorm!

And congrats to all the other authors mentioned!

Elf is a fave in our house too. Matter of fact, we pretty much quote Elf lines all year long. But my all time classic fave that reminds me of being a kid more than anything else is A Christmas Story. Nowadays it's a bit of an overkill, but many years ago, it was a holiday treat that had us in stitches every year. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kyra, happy to host you, and thanks!

Sean, thanks, and yes they do.

Carolyn, thank you!!

Thanks, George, and that movie is one of my favorites as well.

Mark, that's a scary thought!

Sydney, thank YOU!

Yvonne, I wlll! And I don't know - wish soon.

Moody, no pressure...

Patsy, you're welcome.

Pk, thanks, and that's still a favorite of mine.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

As I kid, I mostly remember animation like "Charlie Brown Christmas" and "Frosty," and stop-motion puppetry like "Rudolph." Haven't seen "Elf" yet!

Gossip_Grl said...

Congrats on the book news! My Favorite Christmas Movie is The Polar Express. Definitely voted on the Blog Awards page, and going to check out the book suggestion, Blindsided. The way this year has flown by, September will be here before you know it! Great Post and News!

Tonja said...

Congrats on your book!

I agree, Elf is the best Christmas movie.

kjmckendry said...

My favorite Christmas movie is still Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase.

Congrats on CassaStorm! That's so exciting!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Good luck with your book Kyra.

So excited for all the good news, especially for Laura.

And a huge CONGRATS Alex on your book having a publication date. How awesome!

Unknown said...

Favorite christmas movie that I watch every year is National Lampons Christmas Vacation. Congrats on the get go for your 3rd book! You get my vote always :)

Nick Wilford said...

Great post Kyra! Christmas isn't Christmas without the short films The Snowman and Father Christmas, even now.

I remember my time in Australia fondly, so I must check out Sydney's post.

And huge congrats on CassaStorm! September will be here before you know it!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elizabeth, you haven't seen Elf?

Thanks, Gossip Girl!

Natalie, at least I know the month!

Siv, appreciate that.

Nick, I know.

Thanks everyone!!

M.J. Fifield said...

Elf has become one of my all time favorite holiday movies and the only one I'd consider watching year round.

And just the other day, I was talking with my family about how awesome the He-Man/ She-ra Christmas special is. Yep, we're a generation of 80's children and we're proud of it.

Congrats on CassaStorm, Alex!

Unspoken said...

What is BFG?? Blog of the year? NICE :)!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the next book (and the bonus, of course).

Favorite Christmas movie? Hmm... LOVE ACTUALLY is fast becoming a favorite. However, A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS tops the list. Always.

Annalisa Crawford said...

Congratulations on the contract, great news.

As for favourite Christmas films: Love Actually (obviously) although I watch that at all times of the year. It's a Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th Street are the 2 films I have to watch so I know it's Christmas!

Powdered Toast Man said...

Alex you are a pimp. I don't mean in the sell woman for sex meaning but in the 'you are a cool figure' type way. I want a signing bonus dammit!!

I think everyone would agree that A Christmas Story is the best xmas movie. I watch the 24 hour rerun every year.

Melissa said...

Wow! Congrats on the pub deal!!! :D

My favorite Christmas shows are the ones that used to come on every year when I was a kid - Rudolph, Charlie Brown, How The Grinch Stole Christmas (the old one). With the exception of a few, I can't seem to get into the modern Christmas movies.

I did enjoy The Santa Clause, Polar Express, and Home Alone. :)

jaybird said...

Kyra- Elf is a MUST see in our house too!! The fam and I also absolutely have to watch March of The Wooden Soldiers, every year. It's an old black and white, but it's a classic and we still lurrve it.

Alex- Congrats on CassaStorm!! That is wonderful news. Although you were a reluctant author, you are now an author all the same. Being creative must be in your blood!!

baygirl32 said...


(already voted)

Laura Eno said...

A huge congrats on signing CassaStorm!!!!! You deserve extra exclamation points. ;)

Thanks to Kyra for mentioning Elf. I haven't seen it yet.

Talli Roland said...

Whoop whoop! Congrats on CassaStar!

And yay for Kyra. I'm a huge fan of Love Actually. said...

Woohoo, great news all around. Congratulations, Alex. Just one little change and you'll hit the publishing world by storm with Storm. Yay!

I generally dislike Xmas movies, but I have fond memories of seeing them with my family every year. It's what the Jewish folks do on Xmas, before going for Chinese food.

Congrats to Stephen, too, and he's a saint.

Leigh Caron said...

Congrats on CassaStorm. And my favorite Christmas movie is The Godfather. Yeah, I know...not a Christmas movie, but I like the part when Kay and Michael are walking around NYC with all the store Christmas displays.

farawayeyes said...

Three books published in how many years? You go guy! They don't call you the Ninja Captain for nothing.

Favorite Christmas movie - the sentimental old version of 'Miracle on 34th Street'. I love the part when the skeptical mom sees Santa's cane in the corner of the 'dream house'.

Fun guest post to get the brain cells rubbing against each other. Thanks Kyra.

Now I must go and download Patsy's book.

Anonymous said...

I have loved reading about Kyra's book and wish her the very best of luck! My favorite Christmas movie? Oh I'm a sucker for Bing n' Kaye in White Christmas. Sigh-- music, dancing, romance and white mountains.

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

Congratulations Alex!! That's awesome!
Kyra, one that brings back memories for me is Prancer. It's my mom's favorite and we watched it every year. :)

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Congratulations, Alex!

One of my favorite Christmas movies is National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, mostly because it makes my husband laugh so hard he cries and that makes me happy. :)

Also, every year between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I catch bits and pieces of two of my all time favorite movies - GONE WITH THE WIND and THE SOUND OF MUSIC. What can I say, I'm sappy. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

She Writes, I have no idea...

PTM, thanks, I think...

Melissa, yes, the old Grinch!

Jaybird, that's why I also play guitar.

Robyn, that's funny.

Thanks, everyone!

Charles Gramlich said...

Glad to hear about CassaStorm! Hurray.

Andrew Leon said...

Congrats on the green light.

Scrooged is our traditional Christmas movie in our house.

Personally, I'd have to go with a classic, though, and say Star Wars. Oh, no, wait, I meant Lord of the Rings. Actually, we do kind of view those as Christmas movies. Seriously, it's all about It's a Wonderful Life.

Susan Oloier said...

Awesome, awesome news about the book, Alex!!! That is cause for celebration.
Christmas movies: Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas and Rudolph, for sure. They remind me of my oh-so-distant childhood.

Sarah Ahiers said...

Elf is hilarious. But for me, it's Love Actually that really gets me in the christmas mood.

And yay for Cassastorm!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I'm so excited for you, Alex. And so dang proud to know you!

My favourite Christmas movies are Scrooge and The Polar Express. One reminds me to be nice, and the other makes me feel the magic of Christmas.

Again, congratulations!

Matthew MacNish said...

Really looking forward to the CassaStorm cover and trailer.

Esther Jones said...

I watch The Muppet Christmas Carol every year on Christmas Eve. It's definitely my favourite.

Tasha Seegmiller said...

I love The Polar Express. The kids and husband love Elf but it's not a deal breaker for me.

And Alex, congrats on CassaStorm. And the blog award. Both are highly deserving.

Budd said...

congrats, isn't it called an advance in the publishing world.

Carol Kilgore said...

All kinds of great news here! So congrats to everyone :)

And huge congrats to you, Alex, for CassaStorm!

Morgan said...

Life is so strange where it takes us... I love those moments when you can stop, look back at your path, and just marvel.

I hope you take a moment to really enjoy, Alex. It's so important to absorb and celebrate each of the victories along the way!

Rusty Carl said...

Congrats! I never had a doubt they'd want it.

And Elf is in my top 3 Christmas movies. Christmas Vacation has been a yearly tradition for me since its release though. What memories.

Julie Dao said...

YEAH!!! Congratulations, what fantastic ninja news today!!!

Nickie said...

I love 'Elf', but 'Home Alone' is still my all-time favorite Christmas movie, and I quote it on a daily basis.

Second best Christmas movie? 'Die Hard'. Yippee-ki-yay indeed.

~Sia McKye~ said...

Congrats on the third book. Sooo, whats the 4th one about? *ducks as Alex growls and throws things

Santa Clause with Tim Allen--elves with attitude.

Suze said...

'Yes, I’m going to overuse the exclamation point! I got a call from my publisher yesterday afternoon – CassaStorm is a go!!!!'


Al, I'm blowin' all kindsa horns and tossin' all kindsa confetti, here!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

What a great day!! Congratulations on both!
And hi Kyra...Elf is wonderful...never saw the other one, I'll have to check it out.

Jack said...

My favourite Christmas movie is the Muppets. I've only seen it once, but my family has always liked the Muppets and we had a lot of fun laughing over the two grumpy old men. "It was short!" "It was stupid!" "We loved it!" (Also, I love the Charlie Brown Christmas. We watch that every year.

I was finally able to get enough money to buy your first book. So the release of the third makes me happy as I am hoping to have the first two read by then. I am VERY excited to start it. I am even planning on passing word along to my mum as she loves space stories.

Emily R. King said...

"Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?"

I say this randomly when I pick up the phone...but only when I know the person calling.

Congrats to Kyra!

Tyrean Martinson said...

Favorite Christmas movies . . .too many - The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, the animated version, Santa Clause - all 3, Elf, It's a Wonderful Life . . .and all those old Rudolph movies that showed up on tv.

Congratulations Alex! I never doubted that CassaStorm would be published in 2013 . . .I just didn't know when. September is definitely a long ways away!

That E.T. registry sounds cool! and Congrats to all the authors of all the books! Wow!

Kittie Howard said...

Congrats, Alex, on so much - yep, just voted - and, yep, it's a signing bonus - you rock!

Got those Christmas movies in the chute for the holiday routine.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Glad to see Kyra on tour. Best of luck with Blindised. Will vote for you Alex, your blog rocks. I too enjoy Elf and it's nearly December everybody!

Jeff Beesler said...

The fact that people keep wanting to read your stuff just proves how much of an author you are. Sometimes we fall into these lots in life by design, and other times by accident. But I really do hope you keep writing after CassaStorm. The audience is there for you!

Nancy Thompson said...

Congrats on the nominations (you got my vote) & for CassaStorm, and to all the new authors, as well! Thanks for including The Mistaken on your list! I am honored. As for Christmas movies, I don't typically care for them but Elf still makes me laugh.

Kyra Lennon said...

@Sean McLachlan - I don't think I've ever seen Rudolph! *blushes*

@CM Brown - Thanks for stopping by!

@George Beremov - Love Actually is one I have to watch every year! :D

@PK Hrezo - I just watched Elf yesterday, it is so brilliant!

@Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley Adams - You must watch Elf, it's so funny! :D

@Gossip_Grl - Ooh yes, The Polar Express is excellent! Thanks for checking ou tmy book!

@Tonja - Yay for Elf fans!

@kmckendry - I haven't seen that movie!

@Natalie Aguierre - Thank you!

@Siv Ottem - A great choice!

@Nick Wilford - I love The Snowman, too!

@M.J Fifield - I try not to watch Elf all year round, but I totally could!

@She Writes - LOL - The Big Friendly GIant!

@Joshua - Lots of Love Actually fans here! It's a great one!

@Annalisa Crawford - I've never seen It's A Wonderful Life (I know, shocking!) I adore Miracle on 34th Street and Love Actually!

@Powdered Toast Man - Never seen it! *hides*

@Melissa - Great picks, especially Home Alone!

@jaybird - Awesome! I'll have to check out March of the Wooden Soldiers!

@Laura Eno - Try it, you won't regret it! :D

@Talli Roland - Yay! There are so many amazing scenes in that movie!

@Rawknrobyn - Chinese food is always good! :D

@Em-Musing - That totally counts!

@farawayeyes - I really must watch the old version sometime!

@Julie Luek - Thank you! The old ones are the best, aren't they? :D

@Rachel Schieffelbein - I've never seen that, I'll have to look out for it!

I'll be back later ;)

Murees Dupè said...

Congratulations with CassaStorm! You must be so happy right now. Good for you Alex.

Juliana Haygert said...

While I like Xmas movies, I don't like Xmas songs. Ugh. Really.

Congrats, Alex, on finishing a trilogy! Can't wait to celebrate when it's released!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

First off, congratulations on CassaStorm. But we all knew that was gonna be like an instant "go"! I would have also been surprised had you not got a signing bonus. You sell tens of thousands of books. If they aren't falling all over themselves to shower you with praise then they'd not be a good publisher. You are what people call "the gravy train."

Second, favorite Christmas movie. I'm kind of an oldie when it comes to this stuff and cannot resist anything "The Christmas Carol" including remakes, plays, movies, and television specials. I just really like the story.

Third: Thank you for the mention on your author page. It means a lot to me.

Have a great day, Alex.

David P. King said...

#1 seller, here we come (calendar date set in stone)! Looking forward the wrapping up f your trilogy, sir. :)

Christine Rains said...

Congratulations, Alex! That's awesome. The internet will be filled with CassaStorm come September! Great guest post by Kyra. My favorite holiday movies are Scrooged, Christmas Story, and Home Alone.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Congrats on CassaStorm and for your nominations! Kyra's book sounds like a good read, and I always look forward to holiday movies.

Isis Rushdan said...

Great post, Kyra!

My favorite Christmas movie is It's a Wonderful Life. Love it!

Can't wait for CassaStorm.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

you hit this out of the outer-space park today!!!!!!!!! awesome news about your book. also great stuff for all that you posted....

and to Kyra... Christmas movies, gar... i like the silly but cool ones like "Scrooged" and the Scrooge original one with that guy... and of course the Henry Winkler version... so I say Bah Humbug a lot I guess.


Ella said...

Congrats Alex! Tossing virtual confetti at your Ninja suit, lol!

Kyra, your book sounds great! I love Elf, It's a Wonderful Life and Silver Bells-a kid fighting for his dream! ;D

I never want to be a writer, never ever. I never want to be on the cover of my favorite magazine and I never want to be rich ;D lol

September is a great month to be published~

Congrats to all...more confetti, look out...

Author A.O. Peart said...

Yay for CassaStorm! And congrats about your nomination to the Blig if the Year. I'm off to vote for you, Alex.

Kyra, nice to meet you. Congratulations to everyone listed here with new releases. I need to check some of them out, especially the cookbook :-)

Miranda Hardy said...

Congrats on Cassastorm! That's awesome!!!!

I was watching Christmas Vacation last night. It's an oldie, but a goodie. I love Chevy Chase.

Johanna Garth said...

Hooray for Cassastorm!

As for Elf, just saw it for the first time and we laughed so hard we fell off the couch...well some of us did anyway.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! on the great news for CassaStorm! September will come before you know it.

And thanks for the shout out for ETRegistry!

Unknown said...

Spectacular news about CassaStorm!!! I overused the punctuation, but you deserve it. I believe I spilled quite a few when I announced Little A.'s publication. :) Wow, you must be soaring high right about now! For me, I love all the short Christmas movies like Frosty, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and Santa Claus is Comin' to Town.

cleemckenzie said...

Enjoyed Kyra's post. I guess I'm kind of sappy because I love Miracle on 34th Street. I need popcorn and big blankie, then I'm set!

Congrats to you on Cassa Fire! Great news.

Unknown said...

Okay, voted. Best of luck!

Gail said...

May I say I told you so?

Congratulations! Write on.

Sherry Ellis said...

Congratulations on CassStorm!

I've never seen Elf. I will have to make a point of checking it out.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Andrew, thanks, and you watch a lot of movies around Christmas, don't you?

Susan, I remember Emmet Otter!

Matthew, so am I!!

Esther, we do as well.

Budd, thanks!

Morgan, I will!

Nickie, that made me laugh.

Thanks, Suze, and still overusing the exclamation point!!!!

Jack, thank you - I appreciate that.

Emily, that's funny.

Kittie, now I know.

Jeffrey, we shall see...

Nancy, of course your book is there!!

Michael, I like the gravy train. And of course your book is there.

David, I accept that!

Thanks, Jeremy!

Ella - liar!

Johanna, hope no one got hurt.

Stephen, you're welcome.

Gail, yes you may.

Thank you, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SC Author said...

WOOOOOOOOOOOO CONGRATS IN THE NEW BOOK! That is awesome awesome news! And I voted for you as well :)

D.G. Hudson said...

Congrats, Alex! Went and voted at Karen's, although in one category I wanted to vote for two.

A signing bonus, too. Sigh. Lucky you. Hope you have celebrated or plan to.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Congrats on the release date and contract, Alex. I never doubted. :)

VikLit said...

Congrats Alex on Cassastorm - good news!

Robyn Campbell said...

CONGRADS Ninja Captain Alex! *party* I'm thrilled for you.

I thoroughly LOVED Kyra's post. Elf was awesome. But I cry every year at Miracle on 34th Street. *wipes tear* And I always watch Rudolph, Frosty, and all the other cartoon movies.

September will be here before we know it, Alex. Trust me. :-)

I voted for you. *waving and smiling*

Now back to my writing.

Bryan Russell said...

Favorite Christmas movie?

Toss up:

The original animaated How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Charlie Brown's Christmas

The George C. Scott version of A Christmas Carol

The Angry Lurker said...

Congrats my famous author blogging friend!

The Angry Lurker said...

...and voted!

Cherie Reich said...

Elf is definitely a fun Christmas movie. I always enjoyed watching Home Alone at Christmastime.

And, Alex, in the publishing industry, getting some money upfront for your book is called an advance. ;) Congratulations!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

SC, thanks!!

DG, we did last night. And thanks.

Robyn, I know - it will sneak up on me.

Bryan, can't beat the original Grinch.

Lurker, thanks!

Cherie, now I know - and thank you!

Unknown said...

Congrats on CassaStorm!!!!!!!! Nice guest post by Kyra. My favorite Christmas movie is The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Off to Google 'The BFG.' ??

Gwen Gardner said...

Congratulations on your 3rd book and signing bonus, Alex! That's so awesome.

Congrats to all the authors with new releases.

My favorite Christmas movie is A Christmas Carol - the one with George C. Scott. The hubs and I went to where it was filmed, and even saw Scrooge's headstone they used in the movie :)

ediFanoB said...

So far today has not been a good day.

I came down with a cold and one of my favorite book blogger said good-bye after six years - I talk about Graeme the great guy behind Graeme's Fantasy Book Review.

The good news is that we will get CassaStorm in September 2013 !

Congratulations! And a bonus sounds good.

Suzanne Furness said...

Congratulations on CassaStorm that's great news.

Fav Christmas movies, well maybe it's not a conventional movie but I love to watch 'The Snowman' and I usually sit down and watch 'Love Actually' the week before Christmas. Last year I found 'The Nativity' which I found hilarious so will give that a go and try and catch the sequel also.

Livia Peterson said...

Congratulations to Kyra!

SUPER CONGRATULATIONS to you, Alex on CassaStorm is a go! I knew it had to be good news because you're awesome. You go Ninja Captain Alex!!!

Even though I haven't read any of your books, you've taught writers in this community to make connections matter and cherish them. You've taught me to appreciate this writing community from a different perspective - LOVING your fellow writers. I do love them! I don't know what I would do without them, mainly YOU.

It's an HONOR to be nominated on Karen's blog awards! I was so suprised and speechless at the same time! Don't know what I'm doing right to deserve these BIG-TIME awards!

I just want to have a voice being heard ONLINE! It seems like people are listening to me!

All I know is this: I belong to an awesome online writing community! I've seen successes and they keep inspiring me to write fiction (even though I haven't all along).

I know this is one of my long comments on your blog, but you've done so much for this community that I gotta keep doing my thank yous.

Thank you so much for what you've done for this writing community - connecting writers as ONE and as a FAMILY!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (There I outdid you on the exclamation points)

SpacerGuy said...

You're totally on fire with the new third book. Time will fly. Congratulations Alex.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Huge Congrats on Cassastorm. Sept will be here in a rush.
Thanks for putting me on your Author page. I'm surprised how many of the books I own that are on that page.
Not a fan of the movie, ELF, though my daughter loves it.

Samantha May said...

Congratulations! That's awesome :)

My favorite would have to be It's A Wonderful Life. It's such a classic!

A close second is the live action version of The Grinch. It never fails to make me laugh, even after watching it so many times :P

M Pax said...

Awesome news on Cassastorm, Alex. Woot!

I like Love Actually as a new christmas tradition, Kyra. It's such a great movie.

Jemi Fraser said...

Wooohoooooooo! Can't wait for CassaStorm! :)

I love Christmas movies too - Elf is fun, but my all time favourite is the original How The Grinch stole Christmas :)

Charity Bradford said...

Congratulations! September is a good month, but it is FOREVER away. LOL, sorry, couldn't resist. I still feel like February is NEVER going to get here.

Well, it isn't Christmas until we watch "White Christmas" with Bing Crosby. It's a family tradition here, and we aren't allowed to watch it until after Thanksgiving.

Leovi said...

At the moment I have no money to buy goods on earth. The space will have to wait.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nicole, that's one of mine as well.

Gwen, that's cool!

Edi, that's sad. I know his blog. Hope the good news helps.

Thanks, Livia! And yes, you were there. (I know who nominated you as well.) And you DO have a voice and it's being heard loud and clear.

Spacerguy, I fear the flying time...

Susan, of course you are there!

Jemi, I agree with your choice.

Charity, but we both know how that time can slip by...

Thanks, guys!

Elise Fallson said...

Congratulations Alex. You've worked really hard, you're a good person/blogger/friend and so deserve this success. Hope you've got another story idea tickling your brain....

Congratulations to Kyra, and everyone else that have finished their book and getting it out into the world. Rock on people, eh, I mean, write on! (:

Livia Peterson said...

Alex, who nominated me? I'm curious!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Congrats, Alex! Was there ever any doubt?

Blindsided sounds really sweet, Kyra.

And my favorite Christmas movie is The Muppet Christmas Carol. We've watched it every Christmas Eve for almost 20 years now.

Cate Masters said...

Woo hoo! Congrats on the contract! But we never doubted. :)

Anonymous said...

OMG! Forget Christmas movies, you've just signed for CassaStorm! That is fantastic news, Congratulations Alex! Really thrilled for you. September will be here before you know it :)

Tara Tyler said...

what the heck is bfg?

classic b&w fave, christmas in connecticut
new classic fave, the holiday (jude law! cameron diaz!)

congrats to the authors and

wow! that was fast! you are a pro! way to go!!

Maurice Mitchell said...

Congrats to Laura, Hildie, HM Sinclair and you Alex! Stephen has a very cool registry. I wonder if I'm too late to buy Vulcan? September 2013 feels like a lifetime, but that just gives you more time to build an awesome blog tour around it's release Alex.

Helena said...

What did I tell ya, Alex? That OF COURSE Cassa Storm would be a go! Congratulations big time.

Kyra - My favorite Christmas movie is the old version (Cary Grant) of The Bishop's Wife. Your book BLINDSIDED sounds very good, too. I'll bear it in mind.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Leovi, that's funny!

Thank you, Elise.

Diane, I doubted!

Cate, thanks.

Rebecca, thanks for the enthusiasm!!

Tara, I'm something. Not sure what.

Hope so, Maurice. And I have dibs on Cassa.

Thank you, Helena.

mshatch said...

Congrats on #3! Yay!!!

My favorite Christmas movies are Rudolph and the Grinch, but I like Elf, too. I think it's the only Will Ferrel movie I like. Oh, and The Santa Clause with Tim the Toolman is pretty funny :)

Peaches Ledwidge said...

Congrats on receiving the nomination, Alex. I have a feeling that you'll win.

What about How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

Love the title - Blindsided.

Chuck said...

Alex, you are soon going to have to hire A BLOG COMMENT ANSWERER. 118 and ahead of me is just crazy cool!!!

Probably not a movie you would consider in the spirit of Christmas but I love Billy Bob Thornton in "Bad Santa". It is naughty not nice but I learned to never eat and watch this movie...almost choked to death the first time I watched it while eating popcorn. totally irreverent.

Very excited to hear a release date on CassaStorm. And September is very far away.

Brinda said...

Congrats to Kyra, Lynn, and all the other authors (including YOU) who are rocking the publishing world. :)

Shannon Lawrence said...

I have to watch A Christmas Story every year. Also, Die Hard.

Congrats on CassaStorm! So exciting!

Lisa said...

So many good news and one best news! Congratulations Alex. I'll check out Aaliyah. Thank you.

Libby said...

I'm not a big Christmas movie fan but I could watch ELF again and again! So cute and funny.

klahanie said...

Hi Alex and hi Kyra,

What the Elf is going on here? Nice of you to bring up 'Boxing Day Eve' aka Christmas :) I had a hunch you might be British or Canadian because I notice you spell in correct English.

My favourite or favorite Christmas movie has to be the original version of "A Christmas Carol" starring Alastair Sim.

Well done that CassaStorm is a go, Alex. I was greatly surprised that I'm going to win the 2012 Blog Awards. Ignore me...


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Peaches, the original is great!

Chuck, I remember that film!

Gary, you are always good for a chuckle my friend!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Way to go, Alex! Congrats! My favorite Christmas movie is the first DIE HARD. Call me sentimental! ;-)

Jo said...

My favourite movie is Miracle on 34th St. Love it and even bought a copy of the original one. Like the remake as well. I also like The Santa Clause.

Congratulations on the book Alex, it will be out in time for my birthday. I will look forward to reading it.

Lisa Regan said...

Congrats on CassaStorm!!!! Woo hoo!!!

Kyra: Elf is one of my all-time favorite Xmas movies! When my daughter was 2 she watched it like 7 times a day for a month!

Unknown said...

That's awesome news about CassaStorm! And congrats on your blog nomination. I hope my vote helps!

Jeff Hargett said...

Big time congrats, Alex! You've earned it and you deserve it. Also kudos and congrats to Laura, Hildie, Stephen, Lynn, HM and Patsy as well!

And it was nice to see Kyra's smiling face peering at me from the depths of Ninja land. :::waving at Kyra:::

Kyra Lennon said...

@Madeline Mora Summonte - Gone With The Wind is amazing!

@Andrew Leon = I forgot about Scrooged!

@Susan Oloier – Movies that remind us of our childhood are always the best.
@Sarah Ahiers – Me too!
@Joylene Newell Butler – Good choices.
@Esther Spurill-Jones – Excellent movie.
@Tasha Seegmiller – The Polar Express is so pretty!
@Rusty Webb – Loving all this Elf love today!
@Nickie – Hee hee, yes Home Alone is a classic.
@Sia McKye – Ooh yeah, another great one!
@Elizabeth Seckman – Elf rocks!
@Jack – It is a lot of fun!
@Emily R. King – LOL!
@Tyrean Martinson – Excellent picks.
@Sheena Kay Graham – Thank you!
@Nancy Thompson – No matter how many times I see Elf, I always laugh when he gets over-excited about the world’s best coffee lol!
@Juliana Haygert – LOL, I understand. I used to work in a toy shop, and those songs can really get on your nerves after a while!
@Michael Offutt – I like the old classics like A Christmas Carol too. :D
@Christine Rains – I can’t believe I forgot about Scrooged!
@Empty Nest Insider – Thanks!
@Isis Rushdan – I really need to watch that movie sometime!
@Retro Z – Lol, you’re not the only one!
@Ella – Thank you!
@Angela Orlowski-Pearl – Nice to meet you too. :D

More later! :D Thanks everyone!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Roland, that works for me!

Thank you, Jo.

Lisa, thanks, and that's a lot of Elf...

Michael, I appreciate your vote regardless!

Thanks Jeff, and your comment about Kyra made me chuckle.

Kyra, having fun keeping up with the comments?

Heather Murphy said...

Favorite Christmas movie is The Christmas Story. I just love Ralphie :)
Looking forward to CassaStorm!

Hart Johnson said...

BFG is a movie!? I need to see it! I love the book. I also love Elf, though It's A Wonderful Life will always be my #1.

Kyra, good luck with your book!

And Alex-congrats on both the blog award nomination and CassaStorm!

randi lee said...

I'm a girl, yes...but that didn't stop me from dressing in a borrowed Buddy the Elf costume for my office's Christmas party last year! Randi the Elf; what's your favorite color???

randi lee said...

I'm a girl, yes...but that didn't stop me from dressing in a borrowed Buddy the Elf costume for my office's Christmas party last year! Randi the Elf; what's your favorite color???

Lydia Kang said...

Hooray for your third book! Congrats Alex!

Michelle Wallace said...

That's great news, Alex! Congrats on Cassastorm!
... and you'd better start planning your new series... after all, you had no intention of being a writer, but look at you now...

Leovi said...

Yes, a smile for this new publication, congratulations.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Heather, thanks, and one of my favorites as well!

Hart, thanks! And now I know what BFG is.

Randi, that's funny!

Thank you, Lydia.

Michelle, no pressure!

Birgit said...

Congratulations! This is great news and you have earned it. As for fav Christmas film...It's A Wonderful Life" That is so well done that we forget how beautiful it really is since it is played so often. I also love Going My Way and the Original(in black & white) Miracle on 34th Street. These are great films. As for TV-Rudolph and Santa Claus is coming to Town-Love Winter Warlock. How i wish the TV station would not edit these. i miss the tacky song the Future mrs. Claus sings-it goes all hippie like and psychedelic-It's great

Arlee Bird said...

Great news on Cassastorm!!!!
That's a nice Christmas present for you.

A Faraway View

Mina Burrows said...

I'm so excited about CassaStorm, Alex. Way to go. And Kyra's on fire, huh? :)

Carrie-Anne said...

Congratulations on your upcoming release!

I don't celebrate Christmas anymore, but I still love the classic A Christmas Story. My favorite part is when the evil Santa kicks Ralphie down the slide, with the help of an elf. My little brother and I used to do that scene, with funny voices, on our answering machine.

Tamara said...

Wow! Three books. That is SO SO awesome!! And your nominated for blog of the year? I'm definitely heading over to vote for you as soon as I leave your site. :)

Hmmmm...favorite Christmas movies. Quite a few, but two that always make me laugh, no matter how many times I see them, are the first two Home Alone movies, before they got carried away and started making too many. Those movies are so cute and funny and they always put me in a Christmasy sort of mood.

Congrats again on the upcoming book. And, the older I get, the faster the years go so, no--September doesn't seem far away at all. haha

Anonymous said...

Elf is one of my fav movies of all time, not just Christmas! My family has to hide it from me year-round or I'd watch it every day . . . smiling is my favorite:-) September is too long . . . but January isn't! That's when my novel is finally coming out-woot, woot! I've read quite a few good ones on your new list!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Birgit! And they do edit some of those older Christmas cartoons, don't they?

Lee, thanks - it is!

Thank you, Mina.

Carrie-Anne, twisted but funny.

Tamara, thanks so much.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Woohoo! Can't wait for September.

Unknown said...

My favourite Christmas movie has the be the Muppet's Christmas Carol. I think that that's the only movie I make sure I watch every single year.

Unknown said...

Last to the party, but I'm on deadline. :( Great topic, Kyra! I love Christmas Vaction because we all have a little Griswold inside.

Huge congrats on CassaStorm! May it be your greatest success yet.

Karen Lange said...

Thanks for hosting Kyra, Alex! Enjoyed the post. Congrats on all your good news! :)

Unknown said...

I love this topic Kyra! I agreem Elf is a great one. For obvious reasons, Christmas sparks the child side of me, and I think that is why I gravitate to cartoons during the season. Annually I watch Rudolph, How the Granch stole Christmas (animated) and Beauty and the Beast the Enchanted Christmas. Somehow those worked into my heart and stayed there =)

Also, big Congrats on CasaStorm, Alex.

Unknown said...

THe BFG is a brilliant movie. My favourite Christmas film is National Lampoon's Christmas vacation. Gotta love 80s Chevy Chase!


Kyra Lennon said...

@Alex – I don’t know how you keep up with all these comments, it makes my head spin LOL!
@Miranda Hardy – Chevy Chase movies are always fun :D
@Johanna Garth – That’s what happened the first time I watched it, too lol!
@Candilynn Fite – Excellent favourites!
@cleemackenzie – Same for me too! I LOVE that movie. :D
@Sherry Ellis – You’ll love it!
@Robyn Campbell – Thanks! Miracle on 34th Street is a classic. I have to see it every year. :D
@Bryan Russell – I think maybe Charlie Brown is a U.S thing. I hear about it a lot, but here in the UK, it’s not such a big thing. I may need to look into this!
@Cherie Reich – Two of my faves!
@Nicole Ducleroir – Haha, I should have been clearer about The BFG! It’s The Big Friendly Giant, based on the book by Roald Dahl. :D
@Gwen Gardner – Wow, how cool!
@Suzanne Furness – I keep meaning to see The Nativity. I will have to get onto that this year!
@Livia – Thanks!
@Suzanne Gourley/Kelley – I think it’s meant to be a kids film, but I adore it lol!
@Samantha May – The Grinch is cool!
@M Pax – Agreed!
@Jemi Fraser – Great movie!
@Charity Bradford – I’ve never seen that one!
@Elise Fallon – Lol, thank you!
@L. Diane Wolfe – Thanks! I am really getting the urge to watch The Muppets Christmas Carol now lol. :D
@Tara Tyler – OMG, how did I forget The Holiday? I fall in love every time I see it. :D
@Helena – Thank you!
@mshatch – Will Ferrell is definitely one of those people you either love or hate!
@Peaches Ledwidge – Thanks!
@Chuck – Sounds like my kind of film :D
@Brinda – Thank you!
@Shannon Lawrence – Good choices :D
@Libby – Me too!
@klahanie – Yes, I am English :D A Christmas Carol is awesome!
@Roland D Yeomans – LOL :D
@Jo – I really need to check out the original version :D
@Lisa Regan – Haha, that’s a lot of Elf!
@Jeff Hargett - *waves back*
@Heather Murphy – Excellent :D
@Hart Johnson – Yup, it’s a movie, and very, very true to the book :D
@Randi Lee – Wicked, I love that!
@Birgit – Great list of Christmas movies!
@Mina Burrows – Lol, I try my best :p
@Tamara – I haven’t seen Home Alone in a long time, but it is brilliant!
@jamieayers – I actually had to resist watching it, until very recently, but I too could watch it all year round!
@Imogen Elvis – Great!
@Melissa Bradley – I haven’t seen that one either! I have a whole new list of Christmas movies to check out now :D
@Karen Lange – Thanks!
@Emilyann Girdner – I am exactly the same!
@Jamie Gibbs – Yup, watching Chevy Chase movies never gets old!

Woo, thanks so much everyone – I had a lot of fun reading about your favourite Christmas movies!

Nicole said...

Congrats Alex! That's awesome news about CassaStorm. Fun to hear about the 365 cookbook too. One of my friends is on a new-recipe-a-week spree, so she'd love it!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Imogen, that's a good one.

Melissa, I hope so!

Thanks Karen and Emilyann!

Thank you, Nicole.

Patricia Stoltey said...

Sept. 2013 will be here way too soon, Alex. I keep trying to figure out how to slow things down...

farawayeyes said...

Holy Moly - 157 comments.

Of course my writing reflects my values and standards. I gotta be me. I gotta write what I know and what I know works.

Some exciting news here and great movie recommends.

Robyn's book looks fantastic. I think she is one of the funniest ladies around.

I saw 'Pi' the other night and it was wonderful! Looking forward to some of the others you have mentioned recently. CANNOT wait to see Les Miserables!

Bossy Betty said...

Some very cool news here! I had not known about Robyn's book! And Number Three coming from you! Yeah!

Jai Joshi said...

Kyra, I adore the BFG! It always makes me think of Christmas too because it came on during Christmas when I was a kid and it was part of the festive fun. I also always think of Chronicles of Narnia but not the movie, the BBC series that came on with I was a child. That was brilliant!


Anonymous said...

Yay for contract news!

I'll always love A Christmas Story.

The E.T. Registry is an intriguing idea.