Ninja News
Jeff Hargett has a story in the soon-to-be-released anthology, Spells: Ten Tales of Magic, and revealed the cover last week. Congratulations, Jeff!
Michael Malone just released his latest, Carnegie’s Call – Developing the Success Habit. Congratulations, Michael!
Have you enjoyed the great sports overlap this past week? Football season, the World Series, basketball preseason, and… Oh wait, hockey is still on strike. That sucks.
Hurricane Sandy is past us (although still causing high winds) but pray for those still in her path.
And in movie news…
Skyfall is at 94% on Rotten Tomatoes and is already out in the UK and two dozen other foreign countries. Hits the USA on November 8. Can't wait!
Box office reports for the weekend reveal that Argo is still number one. (Go see it – awesome movie!) The two new releases tanked (Silent Hill and Cloud Atlas) and number two is the surprise moneymaker of the month – Hotel Transylvania. (Did anyone predict that one?)
Hosted by Tim at The Other Side.
It’s all about the monsters today!
I decided to go with my favorite monster as a kid - Godzilla.
Nothing was cooler than the Saturday afternoon monster movie featuring Godzilla. He’s ingrained in my childhood forever. He began as a terrifying creature and over the years became more of a protector and almost loveable. Godzilla changed the way I looked at monsters. And he still has the coolest roar.
Yes, he was a guy in a rubber suit! But I’ll take a guy in a rubber suit over the monstrosity that was Emmerich and Devlin’s Godzilla.
(And here’s hoping Gareth Edwards of Monsters fame can do better in 2014.)
Visit The Other Side for other participants or to join this blogfest!
Cassa Update
I am now working on edits after receiving my manuscript back from one of my critique partners. Again, I’ve been blessed with great critique partners! I’ll have to share some of the snarky comments from Cassie with you guys. If you've found humor in her blog posts, beware - those were only teasers! Wait until you hear her thoughts on CassaStorm...
Guest Post Response - Thanks
Thanks everyone for your response last Friday to my guest post controversy. Glad everyone thought the rules were fair – blogger buddies first. Cindy’s comment said it best – “That’s called loyalty.”
And since that post prompted several requests this weekend, I now have only two spots open in March, and already working on May! (April is the A to Z Challenge, so not guests during that month.)
Movie Trivia Answers
1 – Which actress is known as “The Scream Queen?” Jamie Lee Curtis
2 – The category of Best Makeup began in 1981 and was won by this film. An American Werewolf in London
3 – Who did the music for Dario Argento’s Suspiria? Goblin
4 – What actor has been in almost every single Sam Raimi film? Ted Raimi (Bruce Campbell is second)
5 – What horror/thriller won five of the biggest Oscars in 1991? Silence of the Lambs
Any book or movie news catch your attention today? Did you participate in the Monstrous Blogfest? Eager to hear more about Cassie’s critique comments? Need to comment me soon about a guest post? Did you get any trivia correct? And what IS your favorite monster?
Special announcement going out tomorrow and you’ll see it here on Wednesday. Get ready – you won’t believe it!
I'm very intrigued by this mystery announcement!
Oh, who doesn't love a mystery announcement? Can't wait! And I've always had a soft spot for Godzilla movies. They can be such fun!
I know the bald dude who's announcing this "special announcement."
Can't wait :)
Nov. 19, 2012.
I eager to wait Cassie thoughts about CassaStar, and I'm very curious about new adventures of Byron.
My friends mostly had positive feelings with the Skyfall.
Hi Alex - I note you'll be seeing the Bond movie on November 8th .. enjoy it! There's no point in me trying to see it this week .. it's half-term. It's great that CassaStar is coming on apace .. November 19th for the big announcement ... that will be interesting. I'm not surprised your guest slots have been filled - great news .. have a good week - Hilary
Have not seen Argo yet, but really have to. Skyfall should be great and that's on my list as well.
I wondered if was Sam's little brother Ted, but went with Bruce since he's done so many.
Can't wait for the announcement!
Have fun in the monster blogfest!
I always liked Frankenstein, but he didn't seem too happy about being brought to life.
I am intrigued about SKYFALL and ARGO both will be a blu-ray. I am saving my cash for big screen THE HOBBITS... I have a giveaway soon that is a GODZILLA film "RARE" release coming soon.
I need to take a few weeks off to recover from the month of OCTOBER, I am around 100 post on all my sites.
YES on the trivia, I got most right...
Great NEWS ON YOUR BOOK and look forward to your Wednesday post...
Stop teasing us! LOL!! What announcement!?!?! Where!!? What?!? How!!?! LOL!
Awwww I love Godzilla!!! The proper one - the man in a rubber suit one!
And Fay Wray is the ORIGINAL! Ahem!
And I can't believe I'll be seeing Bond before the Capn! Hooorah!!
Favourite monster? King Kong (1933) "Beauty killed the beast" - best last line of a film. Although I'd not call King Kong the monster - more the peeps who tried to kill him. Poor Mr Kong, he was blinded by love!
Take care
Looking forward to the announcement. Bet it's some good news.
I'm curious to see the snark remarks. I don't take snark too well. If you do, tell me how you do it.
LG, Godzilla was just cool.
Mark, are you sure you know him?
Zoltan, thanks for you great review of CassaFire this weekend!
Hilary, I heard it broke all the UK records.
Melissa, it was Ted!
I will be watching for that giveaway, Jeremy!
Kitty, yes you will see it before me!
Leigh, I snark all right...
Oh I can't wait to read Cassie's comments.
I cant' seem to get excited about Daniel Craig, I'll probably see Skyfall on Netflix.
I was always intrigued by the Loch Ness monster and the Yeti.
OOOh, a mysterious announcement. Will keep me in suspense until Wednesday.
Cool pick for your monster. Godzilla rocks!
Can't wait to hear more about the mystery! I did finally get to see Madea's Witness Program this weekend.
As always, great posting!
I loved watching those black & white Godzilla movies. I think I prefer the old stuff.
I'm not at all surprised about Hotel Transylvania - there haven't been many kid movies out lately.
Alien isn't exactly a 'monster movie' but scary nonetheless.
Can't wait for Skyfall either. Or CassaStorm!
Alex, your welcome! ;)
I used to watch Godzilla every Saturday thanks to my Dad, and back then you had to use your imagination more. And it seems there are so many good movies out now.
Can't wait for the big announcement.
I'll be back for the mystery announcement!
I am so happy that someone picked Godzilla! I haven't seen a single Godzilla movie this entire October and you just reminded me of that.
I loved Godzilla movies as a kid and now I get to share that with my own kids. See, Godzilla brings families together! ;)
Thanks so much for your monster and for participating.
A mystery announcement? Yay! I can only imagine some of Cassie's comments! :))
Oooh I can't wait to see Skyfall! It sounds so good!!
When I was little, I was really scared of Godzilla. He just looked so scary! Lol :)
Have a nice day!
Kathy, they will make you laugh!
Brinda, so do I!
Huntress, I'd classifying them as monsters.
Cindy, another Saturday monster movie geek!
Tim, thanks for hosting the blogfest. And Godzilla was the first thing that came to my mind.
I loved those cheesy Godzilla movies! So much fun :)
Glad to hear Skyfall is getting good reviews - looking forward to it :)
I'm all about going to see Argo. Can't wait. And you have a mystery... Hmm.....
Godzilla was a very cool monster! The one that affected me the most as a child was the giant radioactive ants in "Them."
Must go look up "Skyfall" now...
Good luck with the edits!
Godzilla...ah, that takes me back to my childhood. :)
Godzilla also takes me back to my childhood.
This special announcement has left me intrigued!
A special announcement! Can't wait, Alex!
Looking forward to the big announcement!
I remember a movie I saw on TV when I was a kid called THEM and it was about giant ants. Just thinking about it scares me.
I would always love to hear more Cassie, can't wait for Skyfall and looking forward to the announcement.
Ooh, a mystery announcement. Great choice of monster. One of my roomies in university was a huge Godzilla fan. I've watched all the old films.
I thought Cloud Atlas would do better than that. People who saw it seemed to like it okay.
And as for football, it's getting fun to watch the Broncos again...though I probably just jinxed it all to hell by saying that. :P
Looking forward to the announcement! :) Happy Monday!
I loved Godzilla when I was a child.
Ready for the big announcement.
Excellent choice of monster! Godzilla was the source of many childhood memories for me. Here's hoping the new one isn't terrible.
Like you, I'm stoked for Skyfall. I love a good Bond movie, and Daniel Craig is quickly becoming one of my favorite Bonds.
I'm also excited (but wary) for Cloud Atlas, which I'll be seeing this weekend. I'm not surprised it isn't performing well, whether it's good or not. Seems like it's going to be one of those movie you either get or don't get.
Yep, I'm curious about that special announcement. You have a way of keeping everyone coming back.
I STILL enjoy the old Godzilla movies. Nothing makes a Saturday morning better.
I really want to see ARGO and I am looking forward to the new James Bond movie. Love what Daniel Craig has done to that character.
P.S. Yes, please, on mentioning my contest on your giveaway post! Thanks so much, Alex!! :)
Godzilla! Yeah, funny how much a guy in a rubber suit can freak you out when you're a kid.
Gotta love a snarky editor, eh? And it's always nice to have an author who can appreciate it.
Ooh, looking forward tot he big news on Wed. :)
I'm glad Sandy passed you by with no major problems!
Wow, so glad I contacted you about a spot in Jan when I did, lol!
Can't wait for the special announcement.
My favorite monster would be from the kid's movie, How to Train Your Dragon. Sorry, no true monsters, I'm a big wimp and can't handle horror movies.
Can't wait until Wednesday.
Godzilla still puts fear in me. I mean he can crush a tall building with one step. Yikes.
Shari, go see it!
Laura, I knew you were cool.
Elizabeth and CM, glad I could take you back.
Madeline, bet you would laugh at it now.
LG, I think they are a very dangerous team now.
JW, I think Edwards was a good choice to direct the new one. And I figured I'd be one of those who didn't get the movie so I didn't bother seeing it.
Liz, consider it done!
Isis, your spot is secure.
Rose, but it's a cool movie.
Critique partners are awesome! I have one non-family cp, and she has helped me immensely. I'm looking forward to what Cassie has to say :-) My hubster and I watched Equilibrium this weekend, and enjoyed it. SciFi, action (too much for kids), and a message about the need for human emotion - a little 1984ish.
I think there's nothing wrong with loyalty, as far as your guest post goes. I've guest posted authors who never stopped by my blog ever again, and that feels sorta yucky.
Godzilla is a good one. Funny to see how he has been portrayed over the years from old Japanese moves to the Godzilla 2000 movie with Matthew Broderick.
Happy Monday. Can't wait for the big announcement! Woot!!!
Favorite monster- oh man do I have to pick one? I like the werewolf, dracula, freddy crugar, Jason, Micheal myers from Halloween...there are so many good ones!
Oh, I love Godzilla, especially his evolution over the years. Once even had a car nicknamed Godzilla - at one time it was a somewhat fancy Japanese sports car but by the time we got it it was well...a monster.
Major announcement coming? Oh, you tease! Got another series coming up? ;)
I love good surprises!
I want to see Cloud Atlas, although the movie has been labeled a "bomb" already.
Was out of town on Friday (when am I not out of town), so I need to catch up on said controversy.
Okay, no real controversy there. Your rules are perfectly fair!
Loads of links to check out - thanks Alex. I missed whatever happened on Friday so...because I like controversy, I'll go check that out too. The Bond movie hasn't hit the States yet? What are they waiting for? Be back on Wednesday to see what you're up to...
Ooh, special announcement! Yay!
I can't wait to see Skyfall - I've heard amazing things about it.
Did you know if you play Godzilla backwards it shows a giant monster fixing a destroyed city, then moonwalking back into the ocean.
Lots of great movies coming out. Its that time of year.
No mention for Godzuki?
I keep hoping I'll need to email people about a guest post spot but no luck yet. =)
Godzilla is my significant other's uncle's favorite. Never done much for me though I do get a kick out of the movies.
Looking forward to this mystery announcement...
Well, my vacation is over and I'm back wondering how it went so fast! I've missed stuff, haven't I? Controversy on Friday . . . I'll have to see what THAT was all about!
I actually knew three answers to the movie trivia. That's progress.
Love the Monstrous Monday Blogfest. Nothing better than monsters and Godzilla rules in my book. He was one with his own character arc.
Writing down Argo as "to see."
Tyrean, it's a good movie!
Lydia, same here!
Faraway, that's funny.
Thanks, Jay!
Susan, we don't get a lot of movies first anymore...
Stephen - hilarious!
Jen, that would be cool.
MJ, you can do it.
Great monster choice!
A mystery announcement... ooo, can't wait!
Glad you made it past Hurricane Sandy with no problem. We're getting snow now! It's bad enough when it's 90 degrees and you have a hurricane. But when it's 30 degrees...well,that takes it to a whole new level. LOL!
I didn't like Godzilla... then I was pretty picky on my monsters... I liked scary movies better that had more human factor to them. Both Godzilla and King Kong just seemed to be screaming masses...
Congrats to Jeff and Michael!
Can't wait to hear what Cassie had to say.
And yay for Godzilla! I think it was on every weekend when I was growing up. So much fun.
A special announcement, huh? Can't wait to hear what it is!
Thanks for all the updates, Alex:)
I'm pleased to report that I really enjoyed 'Cloud Atlas.' It was incredible, but I understand why it got mixed reviews.
I've never seen a film quite like it. It's definitely one of the most ambitious films I've ever seen. At the same time it has a simple premise. Think 'Love Actually' meets 'Blade Runner.'
Hopefully it will have an 'Argo' like recovery. 'Argo' has been slowly building an audience over time due to word of mouth.
ooo an announcement! Exciting!
I was really wanting to see Cloud Atlas. I guess just cuz it tanked doesn't mean its bad tho. I'll still check it out. And Argo.
Hotel Trans was okay... took the kids a couple weeks ago. Cool graphics but didn't leave impressed.
Welcome back, Lee!! Godzilla does rule.
Sherry, that would be weird to have a hurricane and snow.
Gwen, I know I was watching every weekend.
MsMariah, that is an unusual mix!
Pk, I heard that one was just all right. Kids don't care though.
Congrats to Jeff and Michael! I'll definitely check those out! :D Can't wait to see Argo--and Skyfall! The Hotel Transylvania thing actually doesn't surprise me. A few of the kiddie flicks that have come out lately--like ParaNorman--I was warned not to see, but amidst the controversy everyone said Hotel Transylvania was good clean fun for both kids and adult and everyone ought to treat themselves to it. I totally want to see that one too.
Also, if your January slot is still open, let me know. If not, I'll get with you about the next available. Thanks Alex!
Hi Alex! Dropping by with greetings. That's all!
Lots of great news this week!
I'm excited about Skyfall too.
Can't wait to hear the big announcement.
Oooh, a mystery announcement! Godzilla is a great choice for a monster, Alex!
I really want to see Wreck-it Ralph this weekend, but i have a NaNo write in at a cabin in a resort so it's probably not going to happen. Le Sigh.
Hmmm...favorite monster would have to be zombies! I am a recent zombie convert, which I owe to Rhiannon Frater's As The World Dies series. And I'm a huge Walking Dead Fan. Anyone else hope we get to see more of one-legged Hershel next week??
I fully expectant to see that we show on Wednesday, I expect something terrifying.
Skyfall and Argo are on my list. I thought Cloud Atlas would be good. Hmmm.
Special Announcement?
Making us wait is a teaser!
Godzilla, is one of my all time favorites! Sometimes the bigger the better!
You sure know how to keep your visitors in suspense. :)
It's such a disappointment that Cloud Atlas tanked at the box office. However, Argo is really good so that's great it is doing so well.
I used to have recurring nightmares of Godzilla when I was a kid. *shivers*. Though I currently live in Seattle, I'm from San Francisco, so I was glued to the World Series. What a celebration we had last night. I'm kinda glad Detroit won their football game against Seattle so there would be some consolation when the Tigers lost to the Giants! I'll be back for the big announcement. I hope it's good news.
I totally missed this blogfest. It seems I'm missing them all. Love monsters and Godzilla is a good one.
Sandy is due here today or tomorrow, the winds have already picked up.
I loooooooooved Godzilla as a kid! (but Godzilla 2000 did jump the shark in my opinion...) Vs. Mothra, vs. Rodan, vs. Mecha-Godzilla, vs. I'm-running-out-of-ideas-monster, they were (are) all great!
Thanks for the fun monstery post, Alex :D
Congrats on doing edits, Alex!
I can't wait for Skyfall either. The song for it is fabulous, too.
Yup, got entry in the Monster Fest. Rather unusual monster, but so am I...unusual that is ;-)
Would love to hear some Cassian news. So close to finishing CassaFire!!!!
Completely intrigued by your special announcement teaser...
Tina @ Life is Good
Sooooooo excited... and laughing at Mark's comment... when am I not laughing at Mark's comment??? ;-)
Can't wait to read the mystery announcement and glad you enjoyed Argo.
Thanks for introducing me to all these kewl bloggers, Alex. And yes, Godzilla is very creepy. I eat B-Complex for the specific reason that I heard Godzilla doesn't like the taste. So, I'm safe, right?
I've seen all the Godzilla movies - they're guilty pleasure movies for me. Nice classical monster choice.
Liesel, I might still have one opening in January!
Betty, always a pleasure!
Steven, he's the first one I though of.
Carol, if you think that is a teaser... just wait!
Michael, Argo has really held its own and well deserved.
Nancy, and ironically both Giants teams won last night!
Holly, you stay safe.
Randi, that makes you uber-cool!
Tina, hope you are enjoying it.
Morgan, that would be never.
Joylene, you are safe.
Congratulations to Jeff and Michael.
Looking forward to the mystery announcement!
Great critique partners, eh? You're going to have to share them with some of the rest of us.
Hi Alex! I like Godzilla too. I missed out on the blogfest, but I'm gonna try to check out what other people wrote.
I have to check out Skyfall. Thx!
I also really liked Argo! The scenes with Alan Arkin and John Goodman were my favorite! I can't wait to hear the mystery announcement! Julie
Part of me thinks Ted Raimi shouldn't count, but what do I know?
I'm crossing fingers but not holding my breath for the new GODZILLA. I'm just hoping it doesn't turn into CLOVERFIELD.
Thanks for the shout-out, Alex! It's much appreciated, as is the congratulations from the others who commented.
A big congrats to Michael on his release too!
Regarding the movies, my wife's been trying to talk me into seeing Cloud Atlas. Haven't decided yet. (I've not yet read the book.)
Also good to hear things are coming together with CassaStorm. Looking forward to reading it.
Thanks for the name-check, Alex. And very interested in your announcement ...
Godzilla is the monster king of the atomic age. And still the king.
Tossing It Out
Ohh! A special announcement? Can't wait. Haven't seen any of the Godzilla movies in quite some time. Might have to pull out a DVD and watch one.
I must admit I never watched a James Bond movie in cinema.
I like snarky comments.
Ken, have to think about that!
Julie, weren't those the best? Hilarious.
Joshua, I trust the director.
Jeff, editing as fast as I can...
Lee, it's good to be the king!
I managed to see Argo: great movie!
I really want to see Skyfall, but I may end up having to see it alone to see it :(
Can't wait for Lincoln.
Now I'm all excited about the news tomorrow.
For some reason I had a hiccup here on the comment box, so if this posted twice. Very sorry. :D
I've never seen Godzilla. Nerd fail! But Jurassic Park scared the poop out of me as a kid so I couldn't take another giant monster like that, lol.
I'm going to have to look over all those comments I made on your manuscript, lol. I don't remember most of them, and I blame everything on lack of sleep! yeah... we'll go with that ;)
Hi alex
My grandson is here and when he saw Godzilla he got all excited. He is into all things dinosaur and monster. Edits are hard but necessary. Hope that goes well.
In personal news, I won for my flash fiction House of Horrors judged by Ann Best and Nas Dean, I'm so excited. I'll be posting about it and sharing their wonderful critique on Halloween.
Congratulations to Jeff and Michael!
I'm glad the hurricane is past you, Alex. Our Nor'Easter is about to get caught up in that mess and dump a foot of rain or snow. Eek!
Can't wait to read your announcement!
I wanna see Argo and Skyfall!
Exciting news on Cassa edits! :)
Can't wait until that mystery announcement - that's gonna keep me in suspense!
I wanna see Skyfall too, will probably see it next weekend. And completely agree, Argo is an EXCELLENT film.
And one of these days, I gotta read your Cassa series. I mean really, I must because I love all your awesomeness.
I can't wait until Skyfall comes out. I love James Bond movies and I love Daniel Craig as Bond.
I'd like to see Argo AND Cloud Atlas, though I haven't a clue what it's about. :)
I hadn't even heard of Argo. And yes, you have made me curious to know what Cassie said!
Allison (Geek Banter)
Godzilla is awesome. I loved those movies as a kid. I still enjoy those campy movies.
Best to you on the edits. I'm still in writing mode.
SKYFALL. Main reason I want to watch that: Adele sang the theme song.
I've been ridiculously out of the loop for a week or so I had no idea about much of anything.
Godzilla was a great choice. I didn't see the Godzilla Vs King Kong until after is seen several Godzilla movies and the 76 remake of kong. Needless to say, that shaped my childhood.
I didn't even think of Godzilla. My oldest son loved those old movies when he was little. We had a couple on VHS.
We're still suffering Sandy. Hope electric stays on.
Clearly I was right to believe I was useless at horror movie trivia! I got every question wrong.
My favourite monster is problem those graboids in Tremors. I always wondered what they smelled like since everyone in the film always complained about the smell. Regardless, those monsters and Kevin Bacon make me laugh every time.
Stopping by for Monstrous Monday. Great classic monster in Godzilla. The monster that still haunts me from childhood is that super smart shark from JAWS *shudder* I still don't like watching that movie or swimming in the ocean.
Andrew, Argo was so well done.
Mel, just once!
Cassie, we'll blame lack of sleep.
Nancy, that's funny! Fortunately I like editing. And congratulations!
Carrie, just stay indoors.
Thanks, Jessica!
Livia, thanks - appreciate that.
Allison, you will find out soon...
Mary, can't go wrong with Godzilla.
Rusty, that's powerful.
Susan, just stay safe.
Jai, Tremors is a fun monster movie!
Sabrina, I don't swim in the ocean even now.
I think Frankenstein is my favorite monster if only because he was the first one I saw as a kid.
I am so going to see Argo and Skyfall. I heard about the real-life Argo plot years ago and so seeing the details now will be fun.
Awesome, Godzilla the iconic one that emerged from ashes. I guess his coolness keeps everyone happy. Visited Tims blog. Hes gonna visit all of us blog hoppers, isn't he great!
Helena, I didn't know about it until I saw the movie.
Spacerguy, he is cool. And he'll be busy - I visit all who participate in my blogfests, even when that's two hundred people!
Great monster.
I can't wait for the special announcement!
Godzilla! That is an awesome monster pick :) He is definitely part of my childhood as well, him and king kong. Happy Monstrous Monday!
I'd love to hear Cassie's snarky comments!Hmmm, you'll have me on the edge of my seat over this announcement now! Did you ever do Boy Scouts! "ANNOUNCEMENT! ANNOUNCEMENT! WHAT A TERRIBLE WAY TO DIE! A TERRIBLE WAY TO DIE!" hahaha
Hey, yeah, Godzilla! Good choice. I didn't think about that, but he's a good one. Gojira, as he is known in Japan.
Hopefully going to see Cloud Atlas this weekend. And oh boy, my brother and I used to love the Saturday Creature Feature. Remember THEM?
Favorite monster has to be the Alien from "Aliens". And, I finally got to see Prometheus and loved it! Wow! So cool. I loved it, but being a fan of Aliens that's not surprising I guess. Can't wait to see Cassie's comments:)
Lost, he's a part of it forever.
Jamie, just you wait...
Cathy, correct!
MsHatch - yes! Watched it all the time.
Good luck with your edits! I'm anxious for Wednesday and the big announcement, very curious. :)
I'm much more curious about your big announcement than I was over Donald Trump's, lol!
I'm glad you brought up American Werewolf. It was a pioneer in transformational makeup (totally made that term up *g*). You know, the scene where he changes ;)
Can't wait to hear how CassaStorm is coming along. Do you prefer the drafting or editing???
Favorite monster? Gosh, I never thought about that, but I'd have to go with Frankenstein. I'm glad the hurricane has passed you. I've been praying for those who are in its path. So scary.
I so wanted to see Hotel Transylvania but we never made it to the theater! I can't wait for your big announcement!
The best depiction of a Japanese Godzilla movie was when she was teaching her baby how to breathe fire. Baby Godzilla (or is it Godzillo?) blew smoke rings. lol I have never forgotten that scene from my childhood. I was traumatized. lol
Thanks for stopping by my page, Alex.
My favorite monster is Cookie Monster.
Fave monster? Vampires and those from mythology like the minothaur. So you;re a Godzilla fan? Can't say the guy disappoints. Does his 'job' pretty well. Oh yeah, Jamie Lee Curtis is definitely the scream queen. Seen her in horror movies, that scream is epic. And I'm glad Cassa edits are going well and wow spots are going fast on your blog. I'd like a spot in January for promoting my Sacrifice Series. Guess I better jump on it.
I've seen some of the old Godzilla movies, and I liked the new one a lot. (Especially the French men in it. "We chew gum, it makes us look more American.")
I might end up seeing Skyfall, but only if my family goes. I am saving all my movie money for Rise of the Guardians.
What? Why does everyone else get Bond first? Wah! I got two right! Mystery announcement? Now I've forgotten everything else.
Shannon at The Warrior Muse
I'm not much of an Affleck fan, but Argo keeps cropping up all the time, I'll have to go see it sometime. This evening, though, it's Cockneys vs. Zombies!
I really want to see Argo and Skyfall.
I don't think I've watched Godzilla, but I remember being afraid of him as a child.
Ooh, Alex, well it's nearly Wednesday, here at least!
Good luck with the edits! And I love Godzilla vs Mothra. I always cheer for the bug though. And man you've got me wondering what kind of spooky announcement you have for us tomorrow... (:
Angela, it was. And I prefer editing.
Lynn, we're fine here.
Jeremy, that would be Godzuki!
Patricia, that made me laugh.
Sheena-Kay, email me - I'll see if I can squeeze you in.
Shannon, we don't get movies first anymore. What is up with that???
Jamie, why does that not surprise me?
Denise, just Tuesday morning here!
Elise, not spooky!
Still smarting after the Giants swept the Tigers in the series ... ouuuuch! Maybe next year ...
godzilla is a great choice, mine is mike waszowski!
cassie os hilarious! i'm anxious to hear what she has to say!
ooo, special announcement! what could it be?!
Glad Sandy didn't affect you. Still awaiting the next Cassa book with anticipation.
Was always my favorite monster King Kong
My heart always went out to Larry Talbot, the wolfman of the Universal black and white films. He was a decent man, twisted by infected blood, haunted by what he did when a wolf.
Good luck with your edits!
Good critique partners are worth their weight in gold.
Can't wait to see Argo, and I still want to see Cloud Atlas, but not until I finish the book (I'm halfway through).
Great monster choice!
I want to hear Cassie's comments! That girl cracks me up. :)
I'll be back tomorrow for the special announcement. Can't wait!
Silence of the Lambs - how did I not get that one! I'd love to read some of Cassie's comments...I bet they'd be fun to read.
What kind of name is Goblin? LOL Anyway, Gareth will do an incredible job on Godzilla since the last US version was dreck. Your next book its on its way!
I got your number 1 right -- Jamie Lee Curtis. This was fun and gets your brain muscles working! Happy Halloween!!
Christopher, always next year!
Tara, that made me laugh.
Cate, you are busy!
Maurice! Good to hear from you.
Godzilla is an awesome monster choice! And I'm not surprised Hotel Transylvania is a hit--been looking forward to it all year!
I was AWOL on Friday, so I will have to go check out the controversy! I believe in loyalty. I'm a hillbilly by nature and it's part of our code.
Love the movie reviews! You make my men think I'm smart. :)
I am waiting to see Skyfall. Eager to know about the special announcement.
ooh, lots going on! Really an unbelievable announcement! Ok...
You are going on tour, no not with your book, but your band! We can see you live...
Do you roar like Godzilla? lol
Hope you weathered the storm! It was a bit nuts here. A house full of teenagers, but we fared well~ Sorry for others that did not...
Love Argo--really great and gripping! Those final scenes had me nail-biting and gripping the theatre seat.
I considered seeing Cloud Atlas but three hours? Three hours of an art film? I mean, it's not like I consider Battleship fine cinema, but that just seems really pretentious. Maybe I'll watch it on DVD.
Really excited for 007 to come out on my birthday!
Elizabeth, glad I could help!
Ella, glad you're all right. And if I had to sing on tour, it might sound like Godzilla.
Stephsco, good timing then! Yeah, three hours for that type of film is too long.
I liked mothra, It had those super cute tiny chicks.
Great choice of monster.
Really looking forward to finding out what this big announcement is!
Mystery announcement on Halloween...hmmm. Is it scary?
Late out today...Godzilla, yep I always guessed it...You are Japenese , or at least turning japenese ...:)Hmmm, mystery announcement? Love it!
Godzilla is always fun!
And Jeff Hargett and I are in the same anthology (Ten Tales one). It's very cool to be anthology buddies with him.
And I really want to see Skyfall. Argo looks like a great movie, and Hotel Transylvania looks very cute. I can see why people are going to it.
No, I got it wrong....
We are going to see your book in a made for TV script or play!
Sorry, intuition... I mean God's whispers aren't strong tonight!
My favorite monster? Is actually a monkey. King Kong.
Greetings Alex,
Congrats to Jeff and to Michael.
Yes, we get regular coverage of the NFL is Britain. The Sunday evening game is televised live here. The World Series was on BBC radio. The Canadian Football League is one week away from the play-offs. A league nobody seems to have heard of in Britain. Ice hockey, oh no! But just for the memory "Go Canucks Go!" And basketball, Vancouver wants the Grizzlies back!
Thank goodness that Hurricane Sandy has slowed down. Our thoughts are with those who face the aftermath and those whose loved ones are no more.
Skyfall is getting rave reviews over here.
All the best with your ongoing Cassa and snarky comments. Say it aint so....
Special announcement, eh. David Cassidy is back on tour?
All the best, Gary
Can't wait for the mystery announcement... It's definitely weird not having hockey. Sort of defines Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday nights around here.
I've been wondering if I should go see that Seven Psychopaths movie - funny or a waste of time?
Budd, that made me chuckle. All ready for your blogfest tomorrow.
Susan, not scary!
Siv, no, but I used to live in Japan.
Cherie, I didn't know that! Crap, why doesn't someone tell me these things...
Ella, as long as it's not for the SyFy Channel...
Desert, that's a big monkey.
Gary, you have the advantage of seeing sports from many sides. And Cassidy on tour would be a scary announcement, even for Halloween, don't you think?
Deniz, they are killing hockey with this strike! And I'm sorry, I didn't get to the theater to see that one. Haven't heard anyone else comment on it either.
Favorite monster: Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc. (We had to look up the spelling.) I think I'll take the kids to Argo this weekend.
Al, I hope the edits go well!
And, boy, was I off on Best Make-up ... :)
I actually prefer guys in rubber suits - sometimes they look more real than anything CGI can do! There's very little I hate more than obviously fake CGI.
Sorry to be so late in the game. Isn't it interesting, and funny, how much movies have changed since Godzilla?
what? i got my answers wrong??? just kidding, i totally sux at that stuff!
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