Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Childhood Monster Blogfest, Extreme Ninja News, My Next Blogfest, and Movie Trivia Answers

Today at the the A to Z Blog is an interview with the awesome Lynda R. Young! Her blog is an excellent resource for writing tips, but for the Challenge, she featured her photography skills. Lynda is one of my first followers and just such a special person. Go check out her answers to my geeky questions!

Who Was Your Childhood Monster?

This blogfest is hosted by Christine Rains, author of the awesome Fearless. Tawa wants YOU!

I didn’t really have a childhood monster, but one scary creature did haunt me.

Remember the crappy 70’s movie Trilogy of Terror? The one with Karen Black and the fanged, knife-wielding tiki doll?

I was about eleven when I saw that film. We’d just moved into a new house and the furniture hadn’t arrived yet, so I had to sleep on the floor for a few nights. After watching said evil tiki doll terrorize Ms. Black, let’s just say the experience of sleeping on the floor was not fun! I won’t ruin the memory by watching the movie again (it was cheesy when I was eleven – bet it looks really bad now) but I can still hear freaky sounds that doll made…

Extreme Ninja News!

Jennifer Hillier’s new book, Freak, came out on Tuesday! Congratulations, Jennifer.

Michael Abayomi’s new book is out! Guardians and the Lost Paradise, Book I – The Journey is the first of six books. Congratulations, Michael!

Emily King is co-hosting the What I Did Last Summer – Fact or Fiction? Blogfest.

Mark Koopmans, Cassie Mae, Morgan Shamy, and Leigh Covington are hosting the What If Blogfest, which runs August 13-17.

Laura Eno, M. Pax, Ciara Knight, and Brinda Berry are hosting the Chocolate Blogfest on September 10.

VikLit at Scribblings of an Aspiring Author is holding a really awesome hundred follower giveaway. The prizes just rock!

Voting continues for Diane’s Supportive Blogger Extraordinaire Contest, Thanks DL and all the others who nominated me – you guys rock!

My Next Blogfest!

Still saving the date? September 17, 2012.

Want to know the awesome theme?

Come back Monday, August 13 to find out!

Director’s Cut Movie Trivia Answers

1 – Broderick – Military – Chimps Project X
2 – Holden – Newman – Ratings Network
3 – Costner – Protection – Singer The Bodyguard
4 – Lobotomy – Fletcher – McMurphy One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
5 – Spielberg – Genetic – Dinosaurs Jurasic Park
Big Bonus!! - Lucas – Automatons – Pleasence THX 1138

What was your childhood monster? (Anyone else remember that creepy tiki doll?) Excited for the new releases? Ready for more blogfests? Dying to know the theme of mine??? And did you answer any movie questions correctly?

Don’t forget to visit Lynda Young at the A to Z Blog!


Michael Abayomi said...

Thanks for the shout out, Alex. :D

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Thank you soooooo much for your kind words and the fun interview opportunity at the A to Z blog. You're the one who is awesome!

I'm really thrilled for Jennider Hillier's 2nd book.

Oh my gosh! A chocolate fest?? I'm sooo there!!

Kyra Lennon said...

I've never heard of Trilogy of Terror - but it sounds creepy!

So excited for Jennifer Hillier's new book - she's amazing!

Unknown said...

I read about the fabulous Tawa during the A-Z, it was a great read then so I'm sure it's even better now in published form. I didn't see the Movie Trivia Questions (I must keep up!) otherwise I'd have got 3,4 and 5 right (wow!) We had Dr. Who on TV when I was a kid and I used to sit under the table when the darleks came on "exterminate!"

shelly said...

I was afraid of the dark, my sister, what could've been under my bed and closet...and The Excorcist movie trailers.


Mark Koopmans said...

Hola, Alejandro,

Muchos Cheers for your kind shouts outs - it means a lot (so much that I have to go bilingual.)

Can't wait for Monday.. .what could it be :) ???

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I don't think my parents let me watch the Trilogy of Terror! :) But I *was* scared by the snow monster with the blue mouth on the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer movie.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

I definitely want to know the next theme for the upcoming blogfest, and I'm looking forward to Monday when it will be revealed.

I missed out the last blogfest due to a busy schedule, and I still feel guilty about it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michael, you're welcome!

Lynda, thank you for humoring me by answering my goofy questions!

Susan, that's funny!

Shelly, that movie freaked me out as a kid as well.

Mark, you're welcome. And you'll find out...

Elizabeth, good thing Bumbles bounce.

George, no worries! This will be one everyone can enjoy.

Laura Eno said...

Thanks for the shout out on the Chocolate Fest!

Tawa is an awesome hippo in Fearless. :)

Clare said...

I have no idea what Trilogy of Terror is (being an 80's baby) but I just Googled it, and my goodness that Tiki doll is creepy. Those teeth are terrifying. No wonder you were scared of it!

Heather Murphy said...

I will have to check out these blogfests and I am dying to know what yours will be!
Congrats to all the new release authors. Happy Wednesday

Rusty Carl said...

I almost said One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest but chickened out. I'm so ashamed.

For me, Jaws freaked me out more than any movie ever. My dad was in the Navy and I was sure that a giant shark was going to take down his aircraft carrier while he was at sea. I did have a few nightmares about that.

Can't wait to find out your theme.

Old Kitty said...

I got The Bodyguard right and nearly did get the dinosaur one too! LOL!!

I've not heard of this tiki doll and never ever want to! How creepy!!!

Take care

Bryan Russell said...

I was 3 for 5 on the trivia. Could be worse.

mooderino said...

Was there a Newman in Network? Peter Finch was the star as I recall.


Miranda Hardy said...

I was never fond of Freddie Kruger as a child. He freaked me out.

Angela Brown said...

So much awesome news in the blogosphere.

I do have a childhood monster. I was terribly afraid of someone I wasn't supposed to know about because I wasn't supposed to watch the movie. But I did a sneak-a-creep and watched anyway.

Freddie Kruegger gave me the heebie-geebies and made my nights rather scary. I just knew he'd come and get me in my dreams. I'm still here so he didn't...but still, he scared the mess out of me lol!

Misha Gerrick said...

Definitely signing up for the Chocolate blogfest. ^_^

My childhood monster was actually a ghost.

Will definitely be back to see your newest blogfest theme.

Ciara said...

There is so much going on. :)
Thanks for the shout out for the Chocolate Blog fest.

Ella said...

I remember that freaky movie! Karen Black going cross-eyed chasing the doll. I also remember sleeping on a few floors(military moves). The last floor memory was my whole family sideways on a futon mattress... no fun! I ended up rolling off onto the hardwood floor.

I'm ready for your blogfest!

Off to vote :D

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I was more afraid of aliens and robbers in general than any particular monster.

I did see "Poltergeist" when I was probably too young to see it and that scene with the bodies in the pool? Sheesh, just thinking about it now makes me not want to go swimming... :o

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Laura, you're welcome.

Clare, doesn't it just look evil?

Rusty, I thought about selecting Jaws for the blogfest. Yeah, sharks in the bathtub. So lame now!

Moody, according to the game there was.

Miranda and Angela, the first Freddy movie was effective.

Ciara, you're welcome.

Ella, you can relate!

Hart Johnson said...

Ha! Thanks for the reminder of the childhood fears blogfest! I'm glad I still have tomorrow to get on top of it, too. I'm scrambling to play catch up!

Unknown said...

Congrats to everyone! I'm looking forward to the Chocolate Blogfest and I'm marking the date for yours. :)

Yes, I do remember that creepy little doll. Scared me at like 14, but now, my nephew and I, we laugh at it. We chase each other making the doll noises. It's a great comedy now. LOL

Jemi Fraser said...

So much fun stuff coming up! I had a couple of childhood monsters who terrified me! :)

Summer Ross said...

I miss so much when I'm away- sighs. Look forward to all the fun stuff Alex- thanks for posting! I can't wait to see what you have planned for your next blogfest.

Anonymous said...

I remember that movie. Tiki dolls with knives. Now there's an original idea. I'll check out Lynda's post at the A to Z Blog.

Cecilia Robert said...

Never heard of Trilogy of Terror. But a knife-wielding tiki doll? I think after watching that I'd be eyeing my dolls suspiciously every time -or just dump them in a bin someplace very very far. scary!

LynnRush said...

I got a few of the trivia questions correct. Those were tough--but fun!

Susan Oloier said...

I don't have a childhood monster, but a childhood dream that I've never been able to shake where the whole back yard was engulfed in flames/lava/etc.

I have Creep on my bookshelf, which I won from Jennifer. Had no idea she had a new book out. I am so behind with the times.

Julie Dao said...

I have never seen that movie, but dolls are hella creepy so I can imagine how it terrified you. My childhood monster was vampires. I still sleep with the covers around my neck to this day out of habit!

Maryannwrites said...

I never was into those terror movies at any time. I know, I'm dull. LOL
My childhood monster was in a dream and he was trying to kill me. Maybe that's why I never grew up to enjoy terror films.

Jo said...

I had never heard of that movie either. Maybe it never made it over to Britain. I had trouble with a movie called Them which was about giant ants which had mutated due to atomic testing (I think) boy were they scary, took me a long time to get over that, not sure I ever did.

Arlee Bird said...

Wow! So much going on out there. I don't remember the movie you're talking about, but I remember the Tiki craze in the 60s. Tiki necklaces were everywhere and Polynesian parties were the in thing. I'd forgotten those memories.

Tossing It Out

mshatch said...

I remember that Karen Black trilogy but it didn't scare me the way it did you. I was always scared of what I couldn't see, like whatever it was that was waiting under my bed to grab me as I got into bed every night. Which is how I learned to shut the light off at the wall and take a running leap into my bed. Which is why I'm still here to tell you all about it today ;)

you got my vote for most supportive blogger, Alex. I don't think anyone does as much as you.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Jeepers creepers there is a lot of writer and blog stuff going on.

I couldn't think of any monsters until now. There was a movie I watched when I was a kiddo where this blob thing covered people and ate the flesh off their bones. I think the movie was called The Blob but Icould be wrong. Terrifying.


Anonymous said...

I ABSOLUTELY still remember that Karen Black movie!! *shudders* And that little tiki doll thingy still gives me the creeps.

Another movie that still gives me the creeps is Stephen King's IT. That clown still makes me shiver.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Madeleine, that movie had some tense moments.

Hart, glad you're back!

Melissa, that's why I don't want to watch it- it would spoil the memory.

Cecilia, you would!

Julie, that's funny.

Jo, I remember Them.

MsHatch, that made me laugh.

Liz, then you understand the creepiness!

Rick Daley said...

I was afraid of the clown doll from Poltergeist. Creepy little bugger.

I got the movie trivia, except the numbers after THX, but I knew I had them wrong. I've never actually seen that movie (or Network, for that matter...that was just a guess).

I'm eager to hear the theme for the next blog hop!

Tonja said...

I saw Jaws when I was seven. I lived in Ohio but was convinced sharks were everywhere.

Julie Flanders said...

I'd never heard of the Trilogy of Terror movie but it freaks me out to read about it. Dolls are creepy as can be to me.

Can't wait to find out about the next blogfest!

Leigh Caron said...

Bela Lugosi in Dracula. Couldn't sleep with the windows open for fear he'd come in as a bat and bite me. I told my parents though that I was afraid of a bird coming in. Sweated my ass off that summer.

Charles Gramlich said...

The monster in my house lived in the attic. I never saw it but I was scared to death of it. Thanks to my older brothers.

Carol Kilgore said...

"knife-wielding tiki doll"
Keep the doll out of the hut :)

Morgan said...

Chocolate blogfest??? *head snaps up*

Gossip_Grl said...

Lots of great summer blog hops! :) Can't wait until the 13th!

Suze said...

Thanks for the heads up on Lynda's interview!

And, for whatever reason, dolls coming to life can really scare the crud out of little kids.

S. L. Hennessy said...

Really excited about Michael's book. Got my copy and am anxious to dive in. Also looking forward to hearing the details on this new blogfest...

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Monday, August 13th is my birthday. So your news falls on it!

Nancy Thompson said...

No monsters for me. Not much scared me as a kid. I ordered my copy of Freak last night. Hate that I'm gonna have to wait 'til Monday to get it in my hands. But Jenny is gonna sign it for me in October. Yay! Can't wait to find out the theme of your blogfest. Hopefully by September, I'll actually have time to participate.

farawayeyes said...


Blogfests galore, just what I need to get me back in the swing of things, and did you say Chocolate. I'll be back on Monday.

SC Author said...

Yay, I got the Jurassic Park one right :) (By cheating.)

Kittie Howard said...

Alex, when you get a chance, please stop by Norma Beshir's blog ( for info about Desi Jumiati, a questionable blogger William Kendall fleshed out. As many as 55 blogs may be affected. Thanks!

Andrew Leon said...

I've never even heard of that movie!
Seems like there's a lot going on on Monday. Part 2 of Shadow Spinner will be on Monday also.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

i was over at Melissa Bradley's site and left me scary monster memory there... and i became reminded of the fear, the same fear that has haunted me my whole life. you can read more there, but i am avoiding the thought.

got all the trivia correct!

have a great day,


Johanna Garth said...

Can't wait to hear what your blogfest theme will be.

As for monsters, I grew up in the woods and so was terrified of the unnamed things that I imagined flitting through the trees after dark.

Anonymous said...

There were several 70s and 80s movies that scared the heck out of me, but they look cheesy today.

I cant' wait to read FREAK.

StratPlayerCJF said...

Accckkk! I DO remember that movie -- albeit vaguely. Wasn't it like three or four stories and the actress was in all of them?

But I also had another flashback when you said "tiki doll" -- Greg Brady surfing in Hawaii, lol!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rick, all clowns are creepy.

Tonja, same here!

Carol, he's not in YOUR tiki hut!

Michael, good timing then!

Nancy, that is cool.

Kittie, I will.

Jeremy, I'll check it out.

Chris, yes - Karen Black was in all three segments.

nutschell said...

Glad I never got to see that movie. It probably would have terrified me as well!


Sherry Ellis said...

Never saw the movie, but that tiki doll does sound pretty scary! i'm going to pop over to see what Lynda has to say.

The Angry Lurker said...

That child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was a bit scary when I was younger!

Jennie Bennett said...

So many fun blogfests! I wish I could them all :(

JE said...

There will never be a day I answer the movie questions correctly. Never. Even though I was glued to the tv as child.

And JAWS. Still the reason I won't go into the ocean. Not even ankle deep. And I get freaked in bigs lakes. (Hey! There are freshwater sharks!)


Maurice Mitchell said...

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Nooo! Project X! It was on the tip of my tongue.

Alyson Burdette said...

I don't remember having a childhood monster, but I did have a reccocurring nightmare as a kid about a campy horror movie called 'to the head of the class' or something like that.

Rek Sesh said...

I never had childhood monsters...pre teen scares like Exorcist and Salem's lot...made me kind of scared of the dark.
Not bad 4 right brain is recovering from the rut.
Take care.

Claire Hennessy said...

Wow, so much said in so few words. I could certainly use a lesson in that! I was scared of the Cybermen from Dr Who. They always sent me scuttling behind the sofa! I'm on holiday tomorrow but will try and remember to pop back on Monday to check out news of your Blogfest.

VikLit said...

Thank you for linking to my giveaway, you are too kind!

Carrie Butler said...

I'm so excited about Freak. The mailman better hurry up! :)

In the early '90s there was a show called 'Are You Afraid of the Dark?' Said show contained a creepy clown. Need I say more? *Shudder*

Great post!

Jack said...

My childhood monster came from scary ghost movies I would accadently overhear my parents watching. I was always certain there were ghosts following me in the dark.

I got one movie question. 8-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lurker, that whole movie was creepy!

Justine, there are freshwater sharks! Maybe I need to do TV trivia next?

Claire, hopefully few words is a good thing.

Vik, you are welcome!

Lisa Regan said...

This is so bizarre but my childhood monster was this creature I used to have nightmares about that looked like a cross between a goat and a pig. It was very odd. Too much fraggle rock I guess.

Jennifer Hillier said...

Yay, thanks for the mention, Alex! Appreciate it!

My childhood monster was Dracula. I watched a version with Christopher Lee (I think that's his name) and was totally spooked. For the next week in kindergarten, I kept drawing pictures of him in his black cape biting a girl's neck, with all these drops of blood falling everywhere. My teacher got really concerned and sent a note home for my mother! Ha, oh well.

Emily R. King said...

Thanks for the blog hop shout out! I look forward to hearing about yours. :)

Christine Rains said...

Wow, I remember that tiki doll. I don't remember much else about that movie, but yeah, the doll left an impression! I'm popping over to visit Lynda, and thank you so much for sharing your monster with us as well as helping promote my novella.

Anonymous said...

Childhood monsters. I'm trying to think back . . . I had some childhood nightmares where "something" waited for me at the end of the spiral staircase, the top of which I never reached because I woke up! Then there was the "monster" I felt behind me as I climbed up my mother's cellar stairs, a monster that I of course never saw. This all might have been brought on when my mother read me the story of Little Red Riding Hook. One night I woke up suddenly and thought in the dark that a wolf was sitting by my bed. I saw Psycho when I was 20, and woke up in terror that night. I no longer do horror. It's horrifying enough to read about awful things in the world. But, we are attracted to creepy things - to tiki dolls. Don't know what they are but I'll believe you when you say they're creepy!

Ink in the Book said...

My childhood monster is way to embarrassing to talk about. there are only a few who know about this freaky monster. He was, in reality, a worm and that's ALL I will ever say about that. but I was terrified for *YEARS* of a few things connected with it. Even now, I have issues that are downright embarrassing. And I'm serious!

Anonymous said...

My comment above: should be, Little Red Riding HOOD. Should have proofread better!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Miss Jack, one is better than none.

Lisa, didn't know Fraggle Rock inspired nightmares!

Jennifer, you're welcome, and that is funny.

Emily, you're welcome.

Christine, your book rocks. And that tiki doll is the only thing about the movie I remember.

Ink, worms can be creepy.

Ann, Hook might be even scarier!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Enjoyed the visit to A to Z Blog and the lovely photos. Thanks for directing us there.

Mary Montague Sikes

Bethany Elizabeth said...

I'm super excited about Jennifer's new book. :) And as far as creepy monsters go, I was terrified that a Velociraptor lived in my basement for about six months after watching Jurassic Park. :)

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Alex, my childhood monster lived under the same roof as I did: My dad. *shiver* So glad I am my own parent now. I get to bet the monster! Muahahaha! Just kidding. I will never repeat, and never have, the same mistakes my dad inflicted upon us.

Happy Wednesday, Alex dear!

Alexandra Heep said...

blogfests - I think I could get addicted. Haven't checked the links yet (I am supposed to be working on deadlines), but I have to definitely do the chocolate one. Chocolate should be a food group imo.

~Sia McKye~ said...

Oh, I so remember that doll and it's thumping with a knife. Ugh.

Congrats to the authors with releases! Ditto for the nominees for extraordinary bloggers.

All the blogfests--y'all have way too much energy, lol!


M Pax said...

Dolls are as creepy as clowns. Good think the Tiki doll wasn't wearing a clown mask.

Looking forward to your next blogfest.

Shannon Lawrence said...

I have Project X in my Netflix queue right now, but just can't bring myself to watch it. It just broke my heart when I was a kid, yet I remember it being a good movie.

Congrats on the book releases, all! Great links, will check them out. It's been too long since I played in a blog fest.

Leovi said...

In my childhood there were many monsters, the most striking were the local tradition of their dangerous proximity, one of them was "Matapalillos".

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Bethany, good thing they no longer exist.

Elizabeth, that's a hard way to learn, but I'm sure it's made you an amazing mother.

Sia, or the end when Karen Black was thumping the knife!

Shannon, at least most of the chimps escape.

Leovi, that just sounds menacing.

Cate Masters said...

Congrats to all on their news!

Growing up in NJ, the Jersey Devil always frightened me.

Tara Tyler said...

chucky scared the crap out of me!
excited to hear about your blogfest & glad its in sept!

Brinda said...

I am freaking out that you mentioned the Karen Black trilogy that has haunted me FOREVER. It scared me so much that I'm sure I slept with the lights on.

Thanks for mentioned the What's Your Chocolate.

Golden Eagle said...

The tiki doll sounds creepy!

Wow. It feels like only a few weeks ago when you first announced you would be hosting a blogfest in September and now the announcement is almost upon us. :P

Jackie said...

I've never heard of Trilogy of Terror, but that would've terrified me at 11!

Teresa Cypher said...

I never saw the trilogy of terror. But it sounds like it could scare the bejeezus out of an 11 year old. I grew up near Pgh PA. Every Saturday night, "Chilly Billy" Bill Cardill hosted the Chiller Theater at midnight. I saw "The Triffids" and was so deeply affected, lol, I still can't walk through cornfields--they look just like the triffids did in that movie. said...

Did someone say chocolate blogfest? Geeze, I'm slow on the uptake. Thanks for all these informational gems, as always, Alex.


Unknown said...

My childhood terror came from Dr Who (ok so my childhood wasn't that long ago), specifically from the episode "The Empty Child", with the kid who's face is a gasmask. I was terrified that my sister, who slept in the bunk under me, would have turned into that child in the dark. I learnt how to get up onto my bed in one leap in case she reached out and got me. Still can't watch that episode without getting scared...

I want to see your theme, even though I probably won't be able to participate. Don't know how good I'll be feeling at that point, after wisdom teeth surgery. But I'll be hanging round to see what's going on all right.

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Always a lineup of great information, Alex! For the news and updates!

Also, I was terrified of pretty much every horror movie and still am. Never heard of that trilogy you talked about.

Chuck said...

I really didn't have a childhood monster but watching the Outer Limits freaked me out each week.

I am kinds curious about the theme...hopefully something I am capable of participating in :)

Got all the movies right except the last one...never saw it!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cate, there was a cool X-Files episode about that.

Brinda, you know the terror!!

Golden, next week!

Teresa, I would've enjoyed Chiller Theater.

Robyn, it is so you!

Imogen, I hope you can join us that day.

Chuck, you didn't miss much. And it's a theme everyone can enjoy!

Leigh Covington said...

I was always afraid of Freddy Kruger. I used to jump out of my bed so he couldn't reach out from under it and grab me. *shakes head.*

And thanks again for the shout out about the blogfest next week!

Anonymous said...

Welllll, I think I'll need to go vote for you now . . . Cheers:-)

Anonymous said...

The dark always scared me, and still does today... I'd admit it:) But not because of a specific monster, but maybe just the unknown:)

Callie Leuck said...

Ooh, I love Lynda! Popping off now to read the interview :)

Nicole said...

Funny that you talk about childhood monsters and Jurassic Park in the same post. When I was little, I used to think there were raptors in our shower at night. ;) I think it was the scene where the raptor sticks its head up through the painting tarp that did it for me. Looks just like a shower curtain to a kid!

Mina Lobo said...

Hmmm...that Karen Black flick rings a teeny little I've gotta look it up! But when you say tiki doll, I think that thing the Bradys wore during their Hawaiian adventure (it's not the same thing at all, though, is it?).
Some Dark Romantic

Unknown said...

I caught your comment on Robyn's Life By Chocolate blog about "women time" meaning how long they spend in the bathroom. Priceless!
I love how you go around to all the blogs and cheerlead. You rock!

Jeremy Bates said...

Hey Alex. Well, I got 2 of the cuts correct. Never watched Project X.

I'll be checking back on Aug 13 to see what your blog fest theme is. My blog ho runs from the 10th thru the 13th. Thanks for mentioning it again. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Thankfully I never saw that film. Quite scary sounding for an impressionable 11yr old. Yikes!

I only got one of the quiz answers correct. :O0!
I've got a quiz over at mine today.

Thanks for all the blog/book news

Michelle Wallace said...

I can't really pinpoint a definite childhood monster... like most kids, at some stage, I was afraid of the dark, and unknown things lurking in the shadows...

You're keeping us hanging with regards to your up-and-coming blogfest! Come on - spill the beans!!

Cally Jackson said...

I must be too young for that movie, but it definitely sounds creepy. My childhood monsters were werewolves and vampires - the classics! :-)

ediFanoB said...

I can't remember any childhood monster.
I also do not know the Trilogy of Terror. I think that has something to do with my dislike of horror.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Trilogy of Terror brings back so many memories! It was one of those movies that was so bad it was good!
Lots of interesting blogfests out there! I can't wait to hear more about yours! Julie

J.C. Martin said...

Congratulations to Jennifer! Your next blogfest? Hmm ... intriguing! I'll keep my eye out!

Unknown said...

Have already joined the Chocolate Fest, who could resist that one!

I do not recall Trilogy of Terror either, but it sounds creepy!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Aww poor eleven year old Alex. I'll be watching out for your blogfest.

Kela McClelland said...

Being that my dad had me watching horror movies from age two-I ended up having lots of childhood monsters. Plus, I've always been afraid of the dark, so it was never hard. There was a time that I just knew Freddy Krueger was going to get me in my sleep...and there was a time when IT was going to creep out of any sewer drain I walked past(whether it be in a dream or real life).

The blogfests sound fun, I may check one or two out. AND I am dying to know the theme of yours.

Hope you have a great Thursday. :)

Melissa said...

I've penciled you in for the 17th...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Leigh, you're welcome!

Thanks, Jamie.

Nicole, you're not the only one to mention raptors.

Mino, no, but that was scary as well.

Thanks, Lexa!!

Jeremy, hope lots of people signed up.

Michelle, Monday!

Edi, you might want to skip it then. Although it would be funny rather than scary now.

Julie, you know the movie!

Kela, your monster list would be really long then...

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I remember Trilogy of Terror. That doll was scary.

Votes are still coming in for the contest!

Theresa Milstein said...

Go, Jennifer Hillier!

Karen Lange said...

Don't remember the creepy tiki, but I didn't watch that stuff much. It was for the best, if your experience is any indication. lol Got a few of the movie questions right. Thanks for all the news and links!

Kimberly Gabriel said...

Very excited to learn the details of your blog hop. I'm very sorry to say I must have missed the tiki doll horror flick, but it cracked me up reading your recap of it. God bless the 70s.

Bish Denham said...

When I was around 8 I saw the movie The Incredible Shrinking Man. Gave me nightmares. For years I truly believed if I went through a fog I'd start to shrink, have to live in a doll house, battle huge spiders with a pin and then... wink out of existence.

All those blogfests sound like fun!

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mis sold ppi

Leovi said...

Surprisingly sweet the chocolate Blogfest, I hope to participate if I forget.

Jennifer Lane said...

I totally voted for you in the contest--a no brainer!

I do remember having a scary dream at age 5 about a mean witch.

I was also enthralled by the little gnome/monster character from the Drew Barrymore segment in Cat's Eye.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kimberly, they gave us some really cheesy movies!

Bish, one more reason to fear the fog.

Thanks, Jennifer! I remember that movie.

kjmckendry said...

Chocolate Fest! I'm in! :)

Patricia Stoltey said...

When I was real little, the bathroom at bedtime was always full of elephants, giraffes, lions, etc., and my dad had to chase them out. A little older, when I was supposed to be asleep in the back seat at a "drive-in, I caught a glimpse of The Creature from the Black Lagoon." That one gave me the frights for a long time.

Timothy S. Brannan said...

I LOVED Trilogy of Terror!!

Tim Brannan
The Other Side

Michael Di Gesu said...

Gosh, it takes just FOREVER to scroll down to the end. SO many fantastic comments.

Thanks for the info, Alex. I need to start involving myself with blogfests again. Well, at least I am present in the blogosphere again. Baby steps, Right?

I remember that freaky Karen Black movie too... Weird.

Have a great Thursday and I hope to see you tomorrow.

Oh, your comment on my blog was very touching. Thank you.... swallows hard.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Patricia, you lived in a zoo!

Michael, you are welcome! And maybe you can join us on September 17. Good way to jump back into the fray.

Unknown said...

I feel so behind this week! There's so much going on. I'm looking forward to your newest blogfest. I never saw that movie, but there are a lot of dolls that are pretty creepy. Also, clowns very much freaked me out when I was a kid.

Unknown said...

Lots of interesting blogfests coming up and can't wait to see what they have in store for us.

baygirl32 said...

signed up for 1 blogfest, giving serious thought to the other 2! and saving the date for you

Unknown said...

The monster blogfest kind of snuck up on me, and all of a sudden everyone was doing it! It was fun to see everyone's childhood fears though.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michael, dolls and clowns in general are creepy.

Thanks, Baygirl!

Jamie, it was fun.

Unknown said...

Childhood monster...The first childhood monster/doll that came to mind was Chucky. Eck! Scary doll. He still gives me the shivers.

Anonymous said...

Childhood monster...other than my kindergarten art teacher?

Heather M. Gardner said...

I don't recall that particular movie. But it sounds like it scared you pretty good!

Thanks for all the info! You had me at chocolate!

Pat Tillett said...

Lynda is awesome and multi-talented.
I can't wait to see what your next blogfest is about...

LynNerdKelley said...

I was six years old when I saw the original version of The Blob. I had nightmares from it, so my mom said no more scary movies for me! I pretty much avoided them (and still do) so I never saw Trilogy of Terror, but a fanged, knife-wielding tiki doll strikes me as very funny!

Those blogfests sound great. I probably won't have time to participate. :(

And, yes, I'm wondering what the theme for your new blog fest will be!

MAJK said...

Yes Curious about your blogfest theme. More curious about Terror Trilogy - seeing if I can find it somewhere now :)

By the way I compared you to a Miracle bra on Spunk on a stick - Hope that's fine ;)


Guilie Castillo said...

Alex, it's been a while :) So pleased to find your name on the Childhood Monster blogfest list! I don't remember that movie, but my monster also came from one--all too human, though :) Thanks for sharing, and I'll be back on Monday to check out your blogfest theme--I'm so in :)

Unknown said...

I've never heard of Trilogy of Terror, but I WILL NOT watch creepy movies with dolls! FREAKY! I won't even watch the trailers. When I'm sitting in a movie and a horror trailer comes on, I'll look down at my lap and wait till it's over before I look up at the screen again!

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading Lynda's interview. She shared some beautiful pictures.

Lots of fun blogfests coming up. I'll have to check them out.