Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Ninja Returns, Insecure Writers Support Group, and Ninja News!

I’m back! Did you miss me? I missed visiting you guys. Felt like something was odd every morning. However, four days away from it all with my wife was awesome. Outdoor activities were limited due to heat, but I had fun indoors as well. (Some of you will get that later…)

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. (This month we are posting on Tuesday as well.) I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

I’m well over halfway done with the first draft of CassaStorm. While I didn’t beat BuNo, 45,000 words for June is still really damn good for someone who types slow. (That would be ME!) I’m really happy how it’s all coming together.

CassaStorm ventures into several new areas. You’ll learn more about the various races and the intergalactic politics are more prominent. It’s also written from the point of view of three characters rather than just two. And now that I’m writing the third book, I realized each one has a common theme. (Never planned that – it just happened.)

The big question is whether this will be the final book. Yes, CassaStorm will complete the series. Will it be the final book for me? Well, that’s the subject of another IWSG post…

Ninja News!

LisaAnn at Kicked, Cornered, Bitten, and Chased just signed a deal with an agent – congratulations, LisaAnn!

Ali Cross’s next book, Desolate, comes out this week. Congratulations, Ali!! You can also visit her site for information on INDIE-pendence Day, a celebration of indie books that runs July 2-5.

Nicki Elson announced that The Omnific Publishing Freedom Sale will run through July 31. Kindle editions of select adult titles are now only $2.99. This includes her book, Three Daves.

Cate Masters has a new book, In the Midnight Hour. Congratulations, Cate!

M. Pax’s next book, Stopover at the Backworlds Edge, comes out July 23.

Karen Elizabeth Brown announced her next book, Medieval Muse, will be out in August.

Anyone else melt in the heat this past weekend? What are your writing insecurities today? Excited about all the new books? Did I miss anything major while on vacation? What are you doing for the Fourth of July? I’m hiding in a cool movie theater and watching the new Spiderman…


Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I'll be putting up my IWSG post tomorrow. Congrats on passing the halfway point for CassaStorm. Exciting times!!! If you want less heat come to Oz... it's freezing here in Sydney!!

mooderino said...

Welcome back.

I'm going to put my money on Cassastorm not being your last book. What about a prequel?


Empty Nest Insider said...

I agree with Mooderino that CassaStorm will probably not be your last book. Glad you enjoyed your "indoor activities!" Julie

Misha Gerrick said...

Nope. It's winter here where I live.

As for insecurities, it looks like they all came out of hiding this past week.

First there was my getting cold feet over querying. Now there's one that I will post about tomorrow. And another related one that I haven't even gotten to write about yet.


Welcome back, pleased you and your wife had a good break......did you mention HEAT?. Here it's windy, rainy and cold. I will write my "Insecurities" on Thursday id that is ok.

My pc is having the doctor out today as I am fed up with trying all ways to get my blog on other browers.


Unknown said...

Glad you had a nice break Alex! I am sure you will start up another series, you have too much imagination not to share it with others!

Jeff Beesler said...

A lot of people do like to write books in series of 3's, especially in the science fiction and fantasy genres. Can't wait to see what else you have in store for us!

Unknown said...

No matter how much you love what you do its important that you have a break from time to time. And you got heat as well?

Its summer here in Scotland and you wouldn't know it. 15c is about the warmest so far. So, yeah could be better.

My writerly worries: that book 2 gets as good a reception as book 1. Yikes - what if everyone is totally let down!

Mina Burrows said...

What do you mean your last book? Ever? or just the series? I hope not.

So glad you took time off. :) Any plans for the 4th?

Have a great day, Alex!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lynda, I'll take freezing!

Moody, a prequel?

Misha, sounds like you have the next few months covered.

Yvonne, hope he can fix it.

Michael, I can relate to that one!

Mina, for the Fourth I am hiding.

Brinda said...

Yay on CassaStorm progress. I know that must feel terrific. Glad you had some time off as well.

A.J. Walker said...

Welcome back! Looking forward to your con report!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats on making so much progress on your book. I hope it's not the last one for you.

And glad you had a good vacation. We're getting ready to leave today for hot, hot Dallas to visit family so I'll see you after next week.

Heather Murphy said...

Welcome back! I started reading CassaStar over the weekend and I love it! It's not the type of book that I normally read but I am really enjoying it. I guess now I have to read the rest of the series, so hurry up and finish CassaStorm :)

Miranda Hardy said...

Welcome back! Glad you took some time off. 45,000 words in June is fantastic.

I enjoy the heat, which is why I live in the south. I can't imagine living anywhere else. It's the Mosquitos I have a problem with. Lol

Unknown said...

Welcome back! You're melting, too? Holy Guacamole, I cannot believe this heat. Hiding in a cool theater sounds good to me.

I'll be posting my IWSG tomorrow on the Fourth. I'm a slow typist myself so I feel your pain. I'm happy to heat that CassaStorm is progressing so well.

Congrats to everyone on all the great Ninja news!

Cate Masters said...

Congrats on the writing progress! It feels great when a plot comes together, doesn't it? :)
Thanks very much for the mention, too!
Can't take the heat, I've been indoors a few days.
Stay cool!

Michael Abayomi said...

It's good to have you back, Alex. I'm glad to hear you had some fun while you were away. I'll be putting up my IWSG post tomorrow, so hopefully you'll drop by and leave a comment like you normally do. :)

P.S: I finally saw John Carter and it was breathtaking. :D

Angela Brown said...

I'm hoping you and the wife had a great deal of fun indoors :-)

And 45k words in one month is outstanding. Way to go!

It's wonderful what you've done with the Cassa-series. I recall you mentioning that you started with CassaStar but hadn't really planned out a trilogy. Yet, with great writing and a great following, here you are at CassaStorm. That is just lots and lots of awesome!!

Suze said...

Al, welcome back. I loved reading those introductory paragraphs about CassaStorm, the themes in all three, how this third book is a bit different and what your plans may be for future projects. I will continue to read with great interest!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Welcome back Ninja

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Welcome back. You can't quit writing now, can you?

Old Kitty said...

Cap'n Ninja! Welcome back! Your ninja army is whole again!! Onwards we go to conquer new worlds!! :-)

Take care

Rusty Carl said...

Glad you made it back. And crap. I forgot to post today. I better go do that now.

shelly said...

My insecurity today is my blog platform.

It's great that you got your next book all drafted. Drafted. Right?

I'm 15,000 words into my next novel.


Unknown said...

"Indoor" activities, *chuckles*. So glad y'all had a great time. :)

I think for the first time, here in southeast Texas, we were cooler than the rest of the nation this past weekend. And we even got rain, double whammy!

I announced my contest winners last night, so I'll take today off and post IWSG post on the 4th. But, you were sweet to extend our posting time. :)))

Happy 4th of July, folks!

Juliana Haygert said...

Welcome back!
45k words already! Way to go!
I'm sure you have many other books in you to write and share with the world ;)

LD Masterson said...

As a matter of fact, I did miss you. Enough to stop by on a Tuesday (a non-blogging day for me) just to say hi.

We've got the heat and had the severe windstorms so I'm spending my Fourth organizing volunteers with our local disaster relief group.

Enjoy Spidey.

David P. King said...

CassaStorm. Love the title! Glad that you enjoyed your time off, too. :)

Hart Johnson said...

Hey, for how you talk about your normal writing speed, I think 45K is EXCELLENT June progress! Well done!

Some pressure though, on winding up a full trilogy, eh? I managed 55K of 90K, so I'm continuing this month, too--same pace until I'm done.

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

I don't know how you do it all,and with such exceptional results. Glad you and your wife had a great getaway.


Leigh Caron said...

Nice to see you back and glad you had time to be with your wife. it was strange not seeing your comments everywhere too. How do you do it? Love the title CassaStorm.

Tonja said...

Great that you could truly take a vacation. :) I think 45K words is great even for someone that types fast. Congratulations!

Laura Eno said...

Congrats to all the Ninja Newsworthy people and a huge congrats to you, Alex, for 45,000 words!

Sangu Mandanna said...

Welcome back, Alex! Sounds like CASSASTORM is going well, can't wait to hear more about it.

Jemi Fraser said...

Indoors or outdoors, vacations are always fun! Glad you enjoyed it :)

It's ridiculously hot here again this week. *sigh*

Liesel K. Hill said...

Congrats on your word count. 45,000 is quite an accomplishment! :D

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I think I can speak for all or for me, but there was some Alex withdrawal pain. Definitely a hole where you usually fit in the comments.

I think 45000 word is most awesome. Congrats.

Yes it is so hot here that there is no grass to mow and gardens are suffering. Glad you guys had a good time out and about.


Anonymous said...

The heat hasn't been bad here yet, but the sighting of a great white shark caused the lifeguards to shut down my favorite beach!

Christopher Hudson said...

Welcome back, Cap'n ... but honestly, I don't know how you keep up the pace with only four days off.

Melissa said...

Welcome back! (You had better keep writing.)

My IWSG post goes up bright and early tomorrow. I really had fun with this one. :)

Mary Aalgaard said...

On the 4th, I'll be hanging out with friends who inspire me! Hope you loved your vacay and that the movie lives up to your expectations. My son went last night for the midnight showing. I haven't talked to him about it, yet.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Natalie, stay cool!

Heather, thank you. So glad you are enjoying it.

Miranda, I like my cold weather.

Melissa, at least it dropped out of the 100's.

You're welcome, Cate.

Michael, I will be checking blogs tomorrow for sure. And John Carter was epic.

Angela, I didn't plan a series! It just happened...

Kitty, I've missed your happy comments!

Shelly, it's over halfway right now.

Candy, just didn't want the holiday to exclude some people.

Thank you, LD.

Hart, may we both finish.

Leigh - Ninja skills!

Teresa, thank you so much!

Milo, wow!

Mary, hoping the movie is good.

Thanks everyone! It's good to be back.

Anonymous said...

Its been suprisingly mild here. And we're staying local watching the fireworks from a friends balcony this year. We usually stay close to home on major holidays as traffic is crazy and so many drunk drivers are out.

Enjoy your Fourth!

Jennie Bennett said...

The heat was killer! In fact it was part of the reason I went into labor. Awesome that you got to spend time with your wife though and I can't wait to read Ali's next book!

Carol Kilgore said...

Missed you, too, Ninja Alex. But indoor activities are always fun :)

Gossip_Grl said...

I missed the new Tyler Perry movie on Friday bcuz of the weather fubar. Hoping to catch it this week. Have a safe holiday.

Lisa Regan said...

45,000 words for June! How awesome!!!! Good for you! We still have power here in southeastern PA thank God, I understand some of my colleagues are suffering badly though in the heat with no power. Hope you're doing well!

Luanne G. Smith said...

Putting my post up on Wednesday, though I know a lot of people will be out celebrating the fourth. Anyway, congrats on making such great progress on the novel. I got a lot done on my novel during June, but not THAT much. Guess that's one reason why you're published and I'm not. :P

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I was born in Detroit, so like Alex, I enjoy the cold more than the heat ... so of course, the whole frigging world is warming! I have Victor Standish's luck!

Nicki, Cate, M. Pax, and Karen ... may you have only the highest of sales!

I, for one, did miss you, Alex.

Annalisa Crawford said...

Welcome back!45,000 words is awesome! Themes in books are usually organic - a lot of writers say that!

Maynard Morrissey said...

welcome back!!

omg it's hot as fuck here in Austria, totally unbearable.
Last week we had 38 degrees Celsius (=100 Fahrenheit) - broke the record for the highest Austrian June temperature ever!

Nancy Thompson said...

Yay on CassaStorm! I can't wait to get back to that point in my writing. And thanks, Alex, for easing my insecurity of the month. I don't think you missed much while you were gone but yes, we missed you. So.., it's hot you say? We in the Pacific Northwest have heard about the heat, though we've yet to experience summer ourselves. I hear it'll start Thursday.

Cassie Mae said...

You big tease. I wanna know what's next from the brain of Alex. :D

And um 45,000 words is a lot for even fast typers. Speedy Gonzales.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

So glad you had a great vacation. It's wonderful, but really difficult, to get away from the computers! Then it's so hard to play catch-up.

Happy July 4!


Suzanne Furness said...

Welcome back, glad you enjoyed your break. Pity we can't have some of the sunshine here in UK!

LynnRush said...

Yep, I'm melting in the heat out here in the desert. Especially since I don't have a car...I bike to work. Good thing it's less than a mile. LOL!

I'm doing another blog hop this week, so no IWSG for me this week. I can't wait to hear how you like Spiderman. I went to see Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter and it was awesome. Totally loved it! :)

Andrew Leon said...

Life, the Universe, and Everything?

I'm doing so bad on movies this year :(
Nothing since Avengers. I just hope I can make it to Spider-Man.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I feel like I'm finding out about fun things like JuNoWriMo and BuNo too late. These were all one-month challenges that I discovered at the end of the month. How do you guys (you and Scribbles from Jenn) find out about this stuff? I'd like to do something this month but google isn't helping me...

Chemist Ken said...

45000 words in a month seems like light-speed to me. Amazing! I even wrote about being a slow writer on my ISWG post today.

Glad the heat didn't ruin your time away.

Ella said...

Welcome back! I didn't melt...phew!
We had a evap coil replaced. We didn't have to shut AC off. The total damages, not so lucky...

ooh, lots of great stuff to view!
I tried to do an inspiring post for IWSG :D

I want to hide in a cool movie theater, but someone mentioned going to a lake and going tubing!

Hope you and the Mrs. have a Happy 4th!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stephen I noticed the west coast escaped the heat. Darn you all!

Carol, yes they are!

Lisa, so much of Virginia is in the dark - and the heat.

Karen, sing well!

LG, no!

Thank you, Roland.

Maynard, anything over 100 is just miserable.

Rub it in, Nancy! We started months ago.

Suzanne, I'll ship some over.

Andrew, during the summer I live for movies and a cool theater.

Avantika, just follow and read a lot of blogs. That's how I keep up with it.

Ken, you have no idea how long it took...

Ella, that sounds like fun as well!

VikLit said...

Can't wait to hear what you think of Spidey, hope to see it myself soonest!

Yay on your book progress!

Unknown said...

Welcome back! Hope you enjoyed your break :)

I can't wait to see Spidey too, it looks to be pretty good (Better than Emo spiderman at any rate, hehe).

jaybird said...

Welcome Back! Glad you had some time away with the wife sans internet.

I have been weary about bringing the kids out in the heat, since one of mine passed out from heat exhaustion at Great Adventure, a few weeks back. I'm super, over the top-cautious now. They are not happy. LOL

The Husband and I can't wait to see the Amazing Spiderman!

Angela Ackerman said...

I love the INDIE-pendence Day celebration--a great idea and wonderful way to bring together a bunch of great books for people to try!

Glad you had a great holiday and you were so prolific in June!


Donna Shields said...

I like your idea for the 4th. We're BBQing poolside and enjoying the grandbaby and some relaxing. Can't forget the fireworks!

SC Author said...

We just had a crazy storm and the power went out for two hours about two days ago. So the AC went out too, and it was so hot. Our summer has been weird; it's crazy humid, and really hot, then there is a sudden storm.

SC Author said...

Oh! And I'm seeing the Spiderman movie tonight!

Bethany Elizabeth said...

Congrats on getting 45,000 words in June! :) That's fantastic! Man, I need to get off my rear and start writing, I've almost forgotten my WIP completely. School is busy, but not TOO busy. Maybe I'll write on the fourth! :D

Bethany Elizabeth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jamie, he seems more like the Spiderman in the comics - a wise ass.

Jaybird, better safe than sorry.

SC, need that AC.

Bethany, take some time tomorrow and write.

Charles Gramlich said...

I'm betting it won't be the last book.

Maurice Mitchell said...

Congrats on halfway done with the first draft of CassaStorm Alex! We're seeing Spider-Man tomorrow unless my friend in the hospital is still sick.

Jackie said...

Great job on being over the halfway mark of CassaStorm!!! 45k for the month is awesome.
Congrats, Alex! :D

Tara Tyler said...

way to go!!!
and i bet its not the last book for you...writing, to be continued!

Krista McLaughlin said...

I have definitely been melting in this heat! 100 degrees today and tomorrow. It was still 93 at 8:30 last night. Yuk.

Congrats on doing so well with BuNo! 45,000 is still an awesome accomplishment! I bet you'll still keep writing. :)

Allison said...

I find it interesting that you type slow... I learned to type really fast by writing a book, and you've already written two! :) It is frustrating when your thoughts come faster than you can type or write. I am looking forward to your Spiderman review!

Allison (Geek Banter)

Anonymous said...

Went to Ft Myers Bch yesterday and even though applied sunscreen 3x, still got burned! Goin to an air conditioned VIP tent for the 4th of July, with all you can eat food & drinks, right next to the stage;-) It helps to have friends in high places. Can't wait to see Spiderman!!!

Nicki Elson said...

Glad to hear you had a nice getaway & the heat didn't ruin things for ya. ;)

And I'm in the Ninja News!!! That's so cool! You really are amazing the way you keep up with everything.

Very nice going on the CassaStorm project - you sound very excited about the story and that's always in indication of a great book. :) have a wonderful 4th and stay cool.

Bish Denham said...

We were wilting in the heat last week. By Saturday it was much nicer and so far this week has been down right comfortable. Going from 102/103 to 86 or 89 is wonderful.

ediFanoB said...

Welcome back Alex!
Of course I missed you.

Great to read that you and your wife have had a good time.

Thank you for CassaStorm news.

A world without new books from author Alex J. Cavanaugh .... UNTHINKABLE !!!

Gwen Gardner said...

45K is awesome! Glad CassaStorm is going so well. My last 5K was drivel anyway! I've been meaning to visit the Indie-pendence Day celebration. I'll go now...My post is going up tomorrow!

Cherie Reich said...

Of course we missed you!

45k really is fantastic for CassaStorm. It sounds like its a lot of fun to write.

And so much news! I really can't wait for Ali's book. I loved BECOME.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Charles, don't bet the house.

Maurice, I'm sorry!! Prayers for your friend.

Krista, thanks, and I have been writing!

Allison, will have Spiderman review up on Friday. (Awesome!!)

Jamie, that's smart thinking.

Nicki, I HAVE to keep up with things or I'll lose my Ninja status.

Bish, it is, even thought it sounds odd to say it.

Edi, I will do my best to keep going.

Golden Eagle said...

Welcome back! :) Yes, you were missed.

I wanted to melt--and still do, actually, since the hot temperatures are sticking around here.

Unknown said...

Congrats, everyone, on your books coming out! And Alex, for almost completing BuNo!

Morgan said...

I swear it's been three months in a row that I've smacked my head for forgetting to post in the insecure Writers Group... Grrrr... Next. Month... Maybe I need to calendar it...

Helena said...

The heat here in Colorado was really bad, and the dryness was worse (as in major fires). But it looks like our weather has finally turned a corner.

Isn't it funny how a story can have a theme almost before you the writer figures it out? That's happened to me too.

Christine Danek said...

Even though I'm on hiatus, I'm putting up my post tomorrow. You go on CassaStorm. Keep going.

Cherie Colyer said...

Glad you had a great four days away. 45,000 words is awesome, and at least you joined BuNo. One day I'm going to have to try one of these challenges. Have a great holiday!

DL Hammons said...

Time off is so refreshing! Really recharges the blogging batteries! Welcome back!!

Going to see the new Spiderman tomorrow. :)

LisaAnn said...

Thank you SOOO much for the ninja shout-out, and congratulations on CassaStorm's progress. Must be so bittersweet to be heading toward the ending of a series you've loved for so long, but I'm sure you are excited for the change as well!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Golden, I melted while mowing the lawn tonight.

Morgan, I can remind you...

Helena, that's good to know!

Christine, awesome!

DL, it's awesome!

LisaAnn, you're welcome. And I'm ready to move on.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Great word count for June. I'm envious. We worked in the heat over the last few days cleaning up after last week's storm. Most of it now done. At least we have electric.
Steaks on the grill and pool time for the 4th.

Sherri Lackey said...

No melting in north central Montana just wind and rain, rain and wind, etc.

Congrats on being over halfway done with your book! I'm on my last revision of my book...hopefully!

Christine Rains said...

We're definitely melting. Heat wave hasn't let up and our air-conditioning unit broke. Of course, since it's the week of the Fourth, no one is around to fix it. Glad to have you back!

Unknown said...

Glad you had a fun time away! 45,000 words in a month is spectacular. I'd love to get half that at this point. I'll be working on my IWSG post this evening. Tomorrow will be a day to stay home and catch up on the little things around the house. We've just had 4 weekends of back to back family gatherings and I just want to sit at home and do nothing (except for a little writing). Happy 4th!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Glad we're all doing IWSG again. I've heard a lot of good things about your book series and hope you write more books after this series is over.

dolorah said...

Finally, I got to the end of the comment box. Sheesh Alex, I think you were missed :)

My poor cooler unit is working overtime. It too small for the house, but if it gets over 95 outside, it doesn't cool below 80 inside.

Makes me want to buy a house with an inbuilt pool.


Rek Sesh said...

That's a wonderful wordcount. I'd be glad if I get 30000 words this month, I am a mighty slow read editing every translated thought kind of writer. ;)
Happy July 4th to all of you in the U.S of A.
Congrats to all the authors for their upcoming books.
Smashwords is having the July month sale as well. I just picked up Ali's first book for free even though a demons and angels fantasy isn't my regular read. Mighty curious after I read her short story in an anthology.
My post is up err my review, don't be upset, I tried to be as fair to the book as to the reviewer and sci fi reader in me :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - Happy Fourth of July and enjoy Spiderman ..

Delighted you had a great time 'just being' with your wife .. I'm sure you'll have another series after this trilogy ... Congratulations on what you've done so far ..

Cheers - we could do with some dry - but not your heat! .. Hilary

Denise Covey said...

CassaStorm sounds great. Congrats on the way you're powering through it. Glad you enjoyed your time away with your wife.


PR said...

Nice work on Cassastorm. I don't think it will be your last book, if you're already asking the question there must be another book in mind? :P

Shah Wharton said...

We are melting in Dubai now too... Sweat much? Bleh...

I'm here with my first IWSG post - Hurrah! Thanks so much for this group. I;m British so not celebrating the 4th July, but I'm eating cookies and drinking a hot fresh coffee in the A/C luxury of my living room. So it feels like a celebration of sorts. :)

Thanks for all those ninja updates/shout outs. I'm off to take a peek. :)

PK HREZO said...

So exciting about your trilogy! You're on a roll! Stay cool, it sure is a scorcher this summer! :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome back. You've done well with CassaStorm. I would never have thought of you as a slow typist with that progress. I'll check out the links.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, enjoy - you've earned it!

Christine, that is awful! AC units have the worst timing.

Michael, I can understand the stay home and do nothing!

Donna, that's rough!

Rek, you'll be glad you got Ali's book. And review?

Anna, no, not really!

Shah, welcome!!

Suzie F. said...

45,000 words! You're on a roll! Good luck with CassaStorm and with staying cool.

Heather M. Gardner said...

You truly are the NINJA! In fact I saw PK call you the BlogFather! Like that too.
I wasn't even done with my post today and you were there. Thank you for all the support, Alex.

Glad you had a good time away with your family. And great news on all your writing progress.

And no, I don't think it will be your last book.


Ciara said...

Congratulations on all the new releases. I'm going to be busy downloading awesome new books today. Also, congrats on your progress, Alex. That's awesome. Yep, heat was brutal last weekend. At a 110 degrees our air-conditioner blew out. :( Oh well, it is fixed now. Have a great holiday!

Stephanie said...

Congrats on getting so much done with Cassastorm. I can't wait to read it.

I just joined the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Can't post this month, because I just posted an interview with a fellow writer, but I already have my post for August scheduled.

Arlee Bird said...

The weather in Los Angeles has been divine. We haven't even turned our AC on yet this summer. You poor folks back east.

A Faraway View

Michelle Wallace said...

Hope you had/are having a g-r-e-a-t 04 July!!(not certain about the time differences?)
So many new releases? Wow!
Congrats to everyone!!

Sherry Ellis said...

Welcome back! Yes, I missed reading your posts. They're always so informative. I may have to join the insecure writers group. I'm feeling a little insecure since I still have been unable to snag an agent. LOL! Keep cool!

cleemckenzie said...

Nothing like a few days away to recharge the old batteries. I'm looking forward to some of that recharging come Sept.

Not much heat in No. CA. 70-80 and great walking weather. Here's to a wonderful 4th. I'm going to a potluck with fireworks and wine.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Medeia, it took many hours to hit that total.

Thanks, Heather. And yes, PK dubbed me that last month.

Ciara, that is pure torture.

Stephanie, that's great!

Thanks for rubbing it in, Lee.

Michelle, mid-afternoon here so still enjoying the day.

Sherry, please join!

Lee, that sounds fun.

Hope Roberson said...

Wish it was hot here! We Washingtonians always hope the rain stays away long enough to light the fuses :) Happy 4th!

Carrie Butler said...

Welcome back, Alex! Congrats on making so much progress with CassaStorm. That's awesome! :)

Melt in the heat? You bet! I didn't have power for four days.

Myrna R. said...

Sounds like your writing is not that slow - at least by my standards.

Hope the movie is good. Stay cool.

Patsy said...

Over here we're disolving in the rain rather than melting in the heat!

Dafeenah said...

Glad you had a good vacation. Everyone needs a vacay every now and then even the cap'n. We're beyond melting. It's 115+ nearly everyday here. My sweat is sweating lol

Anonymous said...

I've been away too. Melt in the heat? It's damp, cold and miserable here in blighty, so to cheer myself up I decided to launch an ebook. It's a steep learning curve and from the looks of everyone's blogs there's lots being launched this month.
Glad to hear CassaStorm is going well.

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

Welcome back! Glad you enjoyed your vacation. :)
And I think 45,000 words in a month is mighty impressive!

Karen Elizabeth Brown said...

Thank you, Alex, for mentioning my new book, Medieval Muse. The launch date is set for August 1st. I'm very excited about this new story. I'm offering it as a free read as I get ready to release two more books soon.

S. L. Hennessy said...

I can't believe this will be your last one in the series! Does it feel weird to think it'll be ending?

I really can't wait to read it. I've been a bad follower and actually only just ordered my copy of your first book, but I'm speeding through it as we speak (or should I say write).

Your vacation sounds wonderful. Hope you had a great time!

AuthorAlden said...

Just wanted to stop by real quick and say thanks again for hosting the IWSG, Alex! I've met so many great people through it.


Jennifer Lane said...

Congrats on your progress of Cassa Storm! You're questioning if this is your final novel, not of the series, but of your career?

Glad you and your wife had some good time away from the computer!

Marta Szemik said...

OK, I got the "inside" right away ;) Sounds like you had a good time.
45K words in a month is awesome. Congratulations! Sounds like CassaStorm is coming along well.
I don't have any plans for 4th of July (we'd just celebrated Canada Day), but I do get to go to the movies now every Tuesday with the kids now that it's summer and I'm their boring entertainer. Yesterday we saw Madagascar 3. Next Tuesday it will either be Brave or Spiderman, depending on what's playing in the local theater.

klahanie said...

....okay Gary, you can stop scrolling now. This is the part where you get to leave one of your um 'prized' comments.
Oh I missed you, buddy. Good to know you and your beloved wife had a rather awesome time, despite the heat.
I've forgotten about heat and in Britain, we just had the wettest, coldest, dullest June on record. Oh well, at least we haven't had to suffer like certain parts of America have.
I'm under the impression and the consensus seems to think also, that this will not be your final book.
Here's hoping that you and all Americans did their utmost to have a peaceful, positive time. Indeed, celebrate the great diversity that makes America, America.
Hope you enjoyed the new Spiderman movie. Yeah I know, Spiderman has a really neat um 'website'.
All the best and welcome back.
Your starstruck fan, Gary :)

Callie Leuck said...

Glad you had a good vacation & congrats on knocking out so much of your book! We just watched fireworks over the harbor here, but it was a nice display & there was a band playing the typical Americana songs, so it was good time.

E. M. Prokop said...

It's so good to have a break..where I live it's been cold and rainy for most of June..today was one of the first really nice warm days of the year..that's really awesome about your book! I really do admire anyone who can write..Happy July 4th!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Carrie, that's awful!

Dafeenah, you win!

Madeleine, congratulations.

Karen, you're welcome.

SL, thanks and hope you're enjoying it. Doesn't feel weird. Think this one brings the story full circle.

JW, that's great!

Jennifer, yes - final novel for me.

Marta, glad you're getting out to the movies more now!

Gary, sorry for the scrolling. Thank you for leaving said prized comment. Heard about your rainy June. Combined with our heat, my grass would grow ten inches a day.

Callie, that sounds cool.

Kela McClelland said...

I'm insecure, but you saw that post so there's no need to recap. :p

I am excited about the new books. I grilled yesterday and did a couple fireworks for my kids. It was fun until my oldest started getting mouthy because she was tired.

I hope you had a great Fourth and that you have an awesome day today. :)

Unknown said...

Who doesn't love the delicious Ninja news!!!! It allows me time to learn about the amazing stuff happening around town!

Glad you had a blast with the wifey!!! Time away can be so refreshing... no matter what you do!

Donna B. McNicol said...

Great progress on the book! I'm loving writing my IWSG posts, hard to follow the list though since I'm finding a lot who no longer blog or who don't do the IWSG posts. I find myself sticking with tne newer folks. The Twitter hastag helps though. Thanks for all you do!!

Julie Flanders said...

Congrats on your amazing progress on CassaStorm! I'm kind of sad to read it will be the last book in the series, it's such a great universe, but I know you will have many more stories for your readers to enjoy. I can't believe I forgot the IWSG this month, will have to get back on track for August.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 45K for June. Well done. And it sounds like the time away was fantastic.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jen, it was relaxing!

Glad you're enjoying it, Donna! I'm still visiting folks and trying to eliminate those who no longer post.

Thanks, Julie! And that's all right - next month!

Claire Hennessy said...

You are so generous with your blog. Tiny bit of news about yourself and then tons about other writers. What a good role model you are to us all. I think 45,000 words is amazing. Wish I could even write 4500! Well done and thanks for ploughing through my extremely verbose blog today!

Leovi said...

I'm glad you've relaxed in these 4 days. I'm sure you are many books between your fingers to write.

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Alex
It is HOT! And Dry!

A lot going on. Can't wait to be back in the thick of things. Thanks for stopping by.

Saumya said...

45,000 words?! That is INCREDIBLE. Can't wait to read it although I wish it wasn't the last :( And yes, it is so hot that I avoid going outside at all costs. LOL, don't forget sunscreen!

Johanna Garth said...

Isn't it cool when you discover themes in your work that you didn't plan but make the whole thing feel much deeper/better/more thought out than you had intended? That's how it always works for me.

Congrats on being halfway through and can't wait to hear what you thought of Spiderman.

Patricia Stoltey said...

I think we're going to get a break in the temperatures in Northern Colorado...finally. Our 4th was without fireworks this year because of the fire danger (which meant I slept really well).

I watched a romantic comedy (Killers) on streaming Netflix and enjoyed the quiet day and evening away from the crowds.

Karen Lange said...

Glad to hear CassaStorm is coming along. Congrats on your progress!

farawayeyes said...

Did I already comment here? I thought I had. This week has been a world wind of holidays in the VI. Mango Melee on Sunday. Emancipation Day on Tues. US 4th on Wednesday and Alexander Hamilton Jump Up on Friday. Oh yeah, we love a holiday in the VI. The more obscure the better. But, for me I'm not sure where or when I am.

Jessica Salyer said...

I'm sure your wife appreciated your undivided attention.45,000 words is fantastic!

Wanda said...

Hope you had an enjoyable vacation and congrats on making over half way on your new book.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Claire, thank you so much!

Saumya, I fry without sunscreen.

Johanna, wish I could plan that stuff, but oh well!

Patricia, no fireworks was a good idea.

Faraway, you've had fun though, right?

Jessica, she did!

Thanks, Wanda.

Hildie McQueen said...

My insecurity is that I'll forget things, like this month I spaced the Insecure Writers group, hopefully after next month when I'll be a full time writer, things will be more organized as far as my online time. Welcome back Alex.

Nadja Notariani said...

Temps reached 98 degrees...but I was basking on the ocean shore! With the wind ever blowing, I didn't mind the heat at all. Although I did drink about two gallons of water! Ha!

My boys boogie-boarded, I swam a bit, and then we did little more than flop under the beach umbrella and watch the waves. Ahhh. Delish!

Now that I'm back home - and back to reality - I'm hoping to finish up my last 10K over the next two or three weeks. Then edits...Oh Boy! I'll need another trip to paradise! Ha.

Glad to hear you're enjoying your summer and finding ways to beat the heat! Happy Writing, Alex. And I think you'll find another adventure to pen once your final book in this series is complete. I mean...there are endless galaxies to explore, er...create. Right?

Mark Means said...

Alex, just wanted to say 'thank you' for all you do in regards to the IWSG! It's a monthly boost that I really appreciate :)

Ink in the Book said...

Thanks for hosting ISWG. I've already found a few new writing friends.
Have a great week and conrats on your progress. My WIP is hopping right now. Actually, I have two fighting for my attention. My muse is having a great time offering ideas!

Julie said...

Officially made my ISW post an UN-insecure writers post.... in honor of our fearless founding fathers! You know, since it was the fourth and all ( :

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hildie, there's always next month!

Nadja, hope so!

Mark, glad it's helped.

Ink, thanks for joining us.

Julie, good tie-in.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Wow! Congrats to everyone coming out with new releases! and I hope CassaStorm's not the last.

Unknown said...

I'm writing a post-apocalyptic blog book. It's fiction genre, which I hear is a very small community in the blogger world. So I had this idea to promote my blog by commenting on ppls posts on G+ (My fictional blogger has a G+ account) but like, I keep posting really creepy stuff involving the end of the world and I don't... think... I should keep... doing that. Or risk having my acct flagged and shut down,so... that's my insecurity of the day! Thx for this platform!! It rocks! If anyone wants to check out my blog it's


Thx :]