Monday, July 9, 2012

Ninja News, Movie Reviews & News, and Special Thanks

I’m the guest of honor this week at Nutschell’s site, The Writing Nut. Today’s feature is a review. Wednesday is an interview and Friday a giveaway. So, if you don’t already follow The Writing Nut, hop on over.

Ninja News!

Candy has a new prompt up for her Follow My Lead monthly blogfest. This month you could win a copy of Catherine Stine’s Fireseed One. Check out Candy’s SITE for details!

Professional editor James Anderson has an “Ask the Editor Fridays” segment and last week’s question was “What is the difference between a Proofreader, a Copy Editor, and an Editor?” Visit James’s site for the answer!

Anne R. Allen posted six reasons why you should be grateful for bad reviews.

I’ve mentioned this before, but for those of you on Twitter, there’s a handy site called WhoUnfollowedMe. It’s amazing how many people will follow you just to get a return follow – and then dump you. (What’s sad is how many authors do this to pad their numbers.) If you’ve never checked to see who’s no longer following you, this site is a great way to stay on top of your followers.

The list for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group is much shorter now and features only participants from the last two months. Sorry, but it’s almost impossible for this Ninja to visit every blog each month, although I do try. Might be time to find a co-host…

Special thanks to my fans

A big thanks to all who have purchased my books! Both achieved Best Seller status on Amazon US and UK, which still boggles my mind. CassaStar and CassaFire continue to bounce around in the top 15,000 and higher overall on Amazon US and they are still in the top 100 for science fiction on Amazon UK. I am truly humbled by the sheer amount of people who’ve taken the time to read my books. Big thanks to those of you who’ve read and reviewed or mentioned them on your blogs as well. Whoa. And here I never even wanted to be an author…

Movie Review

Overall, very good – more than just a baseball movie. Really tackles the issues of changing the philosophies of how the game’s been played since its inception. Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill give great, understated performances. Special shout out to Kerris Dorsey as Pitt’s daughter. Amazing performance and she plays the guitar better than me!
I recommend Moneyball. It’s funny and interesting to see the inner workings of baseball. Ultimately, it’s about how a small market team changes the very course of baseball to compete with the big boys.

Movie News

Filmmaker Barry Sonnenfeld and comic book super-writer Grant Morrison recently announced their crazy Dinosaurs vs. Aliens project. Yes, you read that right. Here’s some more information:

To see the actual teaser trailer, visit Screen Crush

Tons of news today! What grabbed your attention? Have you seen Moneyball? The clip of Dinosaurs vs. Aliens? Did you go see the Amazing Spiderman this weekend?

Don’t forget to visit The Writing Nut. Thanks to my loyal followers who visit my guest spots – you know who you are!



Why shouldn't your books reach the best sellers in US and UK, they are good to read as well as being
excellently written. I will pop over to the link later in the day,

Enjoy your day.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Congrats on having both of your books on the best seller list! I'll also visit the Writing Nut later today! Julie

Denise Covey said...

Hi Alex, well this is my second visit in one day. This is what happens when you get the internet back on. I was about to visit Writing Nut when I saw your post. I'll drop by now.


Sean McLachlan said...

I've seen ads for WhoUnfollowedMe and it looks useful. Even without using it I've seen some "writers" unfollow me as soon as I followed the.
I'm worried it may be spyware. Have you had any problems with it? How much have you used it?

Unknown said...

Congrats on the stats on Cassa Fire and Cassa Star, and I am sure your third book in the series will do just as well!

I have not even heard of Dinosaurs vs
Aliens but you have peeked my interest now!

Will head over to the Writing Nut now and check out the post!

Talli Roland said...

How fantastic to see your books doing so well. You deserve it! I hope you're going to take some time and relax this summer. :)

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

I thought Moneyball was good but far from great. Strictly made for American audiences.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Yvonne.

Denise, and thanks for commenting on her post.

Sean, I've used it since last summer with no problems.

CM, sounds dumb but fun, right? And I take it no problems with my site today?

George, it did need a baseball audience.

Unknown said...

heading over over to read more about you on the nut... so am i the only one to be interested in the Dinosaurs vs. Aliens? i think not! i have been watching films that have sequels... started with Alien, Jurassic Park, now it's Lethal Weapon.... so i watched the first two in order of the title to Dinosaurs vs. Aliens... what ever happened to Jurassic IV?

have a great day!

Mina Burrows said...

Alex that is so awesome about your books! Congrats!

I'm heading over to check out the nut & James site. Thx! :)

Laura Pauling said...

I have seen Money Ball and liked it esp. since it was a true story and had an underdog. I love stories like that. And Congrats on both Cassa books doing so well! yay!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Congratulations on your success!

Haven't seen MoneyBall.

Interesting Twitter tool...thanks!

Leigh Caron said...

Congrats on your best seller stats. You deserve it. I don't think I want to check who unfollowed me...I'll get sad.

Marta Szemik said...

Congratulations on the rankings! Those are great!
I also use to see who unfollowed me (after following). I agree, not nice, but honestly it doesn't work in the long run.

Juliana Haygert said...

Congratulations with the success in UK! And in the US too!

I know about to see the ones who doesn't follow you, but I'll check out that one, see if it's better or has a better interface ;) Thanks!

Karen Lange said...

I can always count on you to keep me informed, thanks a bunch! Hopping over to the Writing Nut now. Happy Monday!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeremy, didn't they make a Jurassic Park IV? Or was it only talk?

Elizabeth, I use it often.

Leigh, it's a little sad, but it's their loss not yours.

Marta, no it doesn't.

Thanks, everyone! That both books are selling so well just blows my mind.

Brinda said...

I've been to the WhoUnFollowedMe tool once before. I need to be able to see who is following me and I'm not following back. I wonder if there is a tool that shows a list instead of me looking at them individually....

Laura Eno said...

Congrats on your book sales! Woot!
I love WhoUnfollowedMe. It's totally irksome that people follow just to pad numbers, dumping you as soon as you follow back.

Jo said...

I have read Cassa Star and Cassa Fire and loved them both. Not surprised they reached such stellar heights.

Will check your guest blogs later today

RaveAir said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RaveAir said...

Congrats on your success!

It was strange, but at the beginning the Kindle edition of CassaFire costs about 8USD for international buyers at the, but now around 5USD.

I haven't bought the CassaFire yet, but I'll soon.


Old Kitty said...

Moneyball had great reviews here! One critique who loved it said to not be put off by the fact that it's about baseball - it's that good!!

Take care

Maurice Mitchell said...

Alex, I'm still learning the whole twitter thing so that's a handy site. I got my Dinosaurs vs. Aliens sample at free comic book day. Surprisingly, it could work!

Bish Denham said...

Congratulations Alex!

As for dinosaurs vs aliens... whatever will they think of next?

Creepy Query Girl said...

wow, congrats Alex! that is awesome awesome news! I saw moneyball and thought it was 'alright'. The end was a little depressing but, like you said, the preformances were great.

Tonja said...


I've only seen Avengers and Madagascar 3 lately.

PK HREZO said...

Yay for Amazon bestseller lists! Huzzah! Go, Alex! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy! :D

Luanne G. Smith said...

I'm shocked at how many people will follow on Twitter and then two days later unfollow again. It's so rude!

And congrats on that bestseller status. Fantastic!

Miranda Hardy said...

Congrats on your success, Alex. I'm so happy for you. You deserve many good things.

I haven't seen Moneyball, yet. I may need to check it out.

Jay Noel said...

Congrats on all of your success! You deserve it for sure.

Dinosaurs vs Aliens??? I'm not so sure.

No Spiderman for me. It was a family weekend, so we saw Brave. It was great!

Gossip_Grl said...

Congrats on making the #1 spot for both of your books. Enjoyed reading the reviews for both @The Writing Hut also

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Yay on your books climbing the book ladder.

Brad Pitt jumped out at me because he's a MO boy and I'm a MO girl and he grew up not far from me. And, I know someone who use to compete with him at high school speech meets. (Means absolutely nothing. :)

I get a little bent out of shape when I find out people unfollow me. I guess it's their right to do so, but really?


Cassie Mae said...

Wow, that is a lot of news! I bet it's hard to visit all of us insecure writers. But you've got your clones to help you out, right? ;)

Alyson Burdette said...

Congrats on your sucsess! I love Dino's so I will probably watch that one.

Julie Dao said...

YEAH! Go you! That's awesome news, Alex. Congrats on your bestseller status :D

Nick Wilford said...

Congrats on the sales figures! I like the Writing Nut. I look forward to reading your stuff there.

I had a blast doing Candilynn's first contest, but I'm stumped on this one so far. It's one of the things filtering through my brain.

And I've been following James, but just realised he was an editor. Pretty cool.

Arlee Bird said...

I've always been wary of those who unfollowed me type programs, but on your advice I tried it and it seems pretty good. I unfollowed several, but have a lot to go. I'll have to go back to it. Also noticed there were a number who follow me that I don't follow. Guess I'll have to check them out. Sure beats going through the list like I have done on a few occasions.

Tossing It Out

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Brinda, it gives you a short list but you still have to click on each one to unfollow.

Laura, yes it is!

Jo, thank you!

RaveAir, no idea why that happened. And thank you.

Maurice, I think it could.

Bish, maybe Godzilla vs. aliens?

PK, thanks.

LG, it is rude!

Jay, I still haven't seen it yet.

Teresa, that means you're just two degrees from Brad Pitt.

Cassie, it took me four days to visit every single blog on the list!

Thanks, everyone!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I saw the "Amazing Spider-Man" this weekend and thought it was better than any of the Tobey Maguire ones. I just liked the story better and the way he was more "spider-like". One scene in particular that I liked involved him spinning a web in the sewer to catch the Lizard.

Congratulations on your books, Alex. I do have CassaFire on my Kindle. I just need to make time for it.

Jemi Fraser said...

Bestseller Ninja Captain Alex - that's got a nice ring to it! Congrats :)

farawayeyes said...

No surprise about your books. I liked them.

I also liked Moneyball.

Dino vs Aliens - I think I might pass.

I can't get too excited about the 'new' Spiderman but I did see 'Brave' and liked it.

Abby Fowers said...

Congrats on your books reaching best sellers! YAY! And not surprising at all. Now, I have to check out the dinosaurs and aliens clip. Hmmmm - interesting.

Kela McClelland said...

Congrats on the sales still being so awesome. I haven't read your books yet, :/ but I've heard so many great things about them so I'm more than positive you deserve those figures. :)

I am taking my daughters to see Spiderman today actually. YAY! They spent all weekend asking me if I would take them to see it so I decided I better get it done.

Have a wonderful Monday and congratulations again. :)

LD Masterson said...

I'm happy for your good news. Expecially that our friends across the pond have such good taste in Sci Fi.

Finally saw Spidey this weekend. Can't say it was my favorite all-time superhero film but I enjoyed it.

Bossy Betty said...

Who could resist visiting a web site with a name like that?

Rusty Carl said...

We had a great - if hot weekend. Saw Spider-Man. I agree that Moneyball was very good. Spider-Man was stunning though, an awesome superhero movie. Nothing but praise from me.

L.C. said...

Love Nutschell's site! I'm sure the review will be fantastic. Gonna go read it pronto. Thanks for the news, as always, Alex!

cleemckenzie said...

I'm a Nutschell fan. She's a super blogger. Glad you featured her.

I'm not sure how you manage all the visits you do, Alex. Are you sure you don't have a clone? That's just not fair, you know.

Wasn't crazy about Moneyball, but I'm one of those not so keen on Pitt people. That may have been the issue.

Congrats on your Best Seller status! I have your first book, but in all honesty haven't started reading yet. I will. I promise. I'm so far behind in my reading right now that if I don't step it up the tower of books is going to topple on my head. Quite a visual, isn't it? And most of them are eBooks, so that makes the situation even more dire.

Have a great week.

Lydia Kang said...

I love Nutschell! Can't wait to see your writing area.

I use Unfollow too, but I NEVER unfollow someone who's already following me.

Suzanne Furness said...

Congrats on the figures, that's great. Will pop over to Writing Nut and check it out. Thanks.

Andrew Leon said...

I'm about 80% of the way through 'star. I'm hoping to have a review up next week.

I managed to catch Spider-Man, and it looks like I will once again have the dissenting opinion. I may have a review for it before the end of the week.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nick, he is an editor!

Lee, going through the list on Twitter takes forever.

Michael, I thought it was great! And my iPad threatens to explode with books I need to read, so I understand.

Jemi, you made me smile.

Kela, take them and enjoy.

Rusty, I was really impressed with the new movie.

Lee, that means eReaders will fall on you! Not good.

Lydia, I don't either.

Andrew, diss Spiderman all you want - just hope you don't have to do that to my book.

Leovi said...

This is great news. I am glad that your books continue climbing positions in Amazon U.S.

A.J. Walker said...

Is this movie a riff on Cowboys vs. Aliens? they already did Cowboys vs. Dinosaurs. It was Called Valley of Gwangi, a classic Saturday afternoon flick from my childhood!

nutschell said...

Wohoo! Congrats Alex. Of course, I'm not surprised. :D Glad I finally got the chance to review your book and feature you on my Spotlight Week. (been dying to do so!) Especially excited for Wednesday's author interview *evil grin*.


RaShelle Workman said...

Alex - I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's noticed how people do that on twitter. They're missing the point of twitter. It's social media - key word social. Oh, well.

As for Aliens vs. Dinosaurs... I'm in. LOL

Emily R. King said...

Congrats on your Bestseller status! Twice in a row means you're a super star!

LynnRush said...

Congrats, Alex, on the sales of your books! How exciting. I went to see the Amazing Spiderman this weekend. Oh wow. That movie ROCKED!!

Anonymous said...

Loved Moneyball. Fav quote: Adapt or die! So true in allllll areas of life, and especially in publishing today:-)

Unknown said...

Dinosaurs vs. Aliens is so ludicrous that I have to see it. The only thing more ridiculous than that is cockneys vs. zombies (that's a legit movie)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

AJ, I remember that film!

Nutschell, better hold tight to that photo!

Lynn, it was awesome!

Jamie, very true.

Jamie - for real??

Charles Gramlich said...

Congrats on being guest of honor! I'll have to drop by for the celebrations.

Sarah Ahiers said...

Still haven't seen Moneyball. I'm a bit behind on movie watching, unfortunately

baygirl32 said...

Great news about your books! congrats

S. L. Hennessy said...

Gotta admit, Dinosaurs vs. Aliens looks pretty funny.

Did you know that that there's a Ninjas vs. Aliens movie too?

Jennifer Hillier said...

Tons of news, indeed! My eyes went straight to Anne's post about bad reviews - wow, did she ever nail it! I'm bookmarking that one! Thanks for the link, my friend. :) Happy Monday!

Tasha Seegmiller said...

Moneyball intrigues me, but I'll probably wait until it is on TV. Great review.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I'd watch Dinosaurs vs. Aliens.

Congrats on the success of your books.

Ink in the Book said...

Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog and say hi. I know you are busy:)
Congrats on the success of your books. That's exciting!

Cherie Reich said...

It's a good idea to trim the IWSG list here and there. :)

My mom, sister, and I might go see Spiderman this coming weekend.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sarah, it's on NetFlix now.

SL, no I didn't! Ninja better kick ass though.

Jennifer, she really covered some good points.

Thanks, Ink. I try to visit as many blogger buddies as possible.

Cherie, go see it!

VikLit said...

Congrats on your books doing well + thanks for the great links!

Christine Rains said...

I haven't heard of either of those movies. Just thinking of Dinosaurs vs. Aliens makes me giggle, though.

Carol Kilgore said...

Kudos on your Cassa books :) Great links in here, too. Now I'm going over to The Writing Nut.

Johanna Garth said...

You know, I discovered someone who had done that whole follow/unfollow thing and it made me feel like they were such an ungenerous person.

Patricia Stoltey said...

Those are excellent (and well-deserved) reviews, Alex.

As for Moneyball, I think it was one of the best movies I've seen in the last year.

SC Author said...

HUGE congrats on your book -- that is an AMAZING achievement!!

I thought Moneyball was a bit slow, and a bit tiring, but I think it all comes down to preference.

ediFanoB said...

I never wanted to be a blogger and I could not imagine to write reviews.

Thank you for two excellent books which made it easy to review them.

A good book is like a magnet ... and a friendly and honest author is like electrifying the magnet.

Gwen Gardner said...

Congrats on your bestsellers! That's awesome news. I recently joined twitter but don't know how to do it yet, lol. Oh well, I don't have to worry about unfollowers yet:)

LynNerdKelley said...

How cool that you're Nutschell's guest of honor this week! Woot! And double Woot for the success of both your books! Moneyball sounds like a winner to me, and I think hubby will like it, too. I'm going to read what James Anderson has to say about proofing, etc. Thanks for all the updates, Alex!

M Pax said...

Dinosaurs vs aliens is my kind of flick. :) I saw your book in the library yesterday. Was going to take a pic for ya, but my phone was dead. Next time. It looked well read.

Susan Oloier said...

Congrats on the success of your books!
Haven't seen Moneyball yet. Just saw Brave with my eight-year-old. Gotta love an animated film with a strong female character!

Liza said...

Congrats on your best seller status!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Congrats on your great sales. Haven't seen the dino versus aliens trailer. Who are the good guys?

Tess Julia said...

Congratulations on your books' successes. That is quite an accomplishment. Didn't see Moneyball but went to Madagascar yesterday with the kids. Laughed hysterically throughout and probably embarrassed them.

kjmckendry said...

Wow congrats on your books! That's awesome!

I liked Moneyball. Brad Pitt did a great job, but the book was much better.

Hmmm not so sure about Dinos vs. Aliens. I really dig dinos though so I hope he can pull off a good one!

Heading over to the Writing Nut now.

Kimberly Gabriel said...

Congrats on reaching the Best Seller status! How exciting!

Thanks also for the Twitter tip - I love that one!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Christine, it is a bit silly, isn't it?

Johanna, sad isn't it?

SC, it did have a slow pace but I liked it.

Edi, thank you! And you are an excellent reviewer.

Lynn, thanks!

Mary, really??? Wow! Yes, get a photo. That is awesome.

Susan, I'd guess the dinosaurs.

Honey, it's a funny movie.

Kathy, haven't read the book so can't compare.

Kim, it comes in handy!

Nancy Thompson said...

(I tried like 10 times to post this comment with my stupid iPhone. Had to get on my PC to post.)

I visited The Writing Nut & left my comment. Isn't it nice to have people support you like that? ;) It's well-deserved. I've never heard of WhoUnfollowedMe, but I use ManageFlitter for the same thing. I just wished they worked on Blogger, too. Thanks for cutting the IWSG list down. I need to troll through it again soon. I think your talent as a writer is responsible for your bestseller status. Again, well-deserved. And Oooh, I LOVED Moneyball, even though I'm more of a Giants fan.

AuthorAlden said...

Congrats on best seller status with your books! I must shamefully admit that they're still on my "to-be-read" list since I've been trying to read nothing but shorts lately. But I've got a vacation coming up soon where I plan to do lots of reading, so hopefully I'll finally get around to them!

Thanks for all of the hard work on IWSG! Can't blame you for not being able hit all of the blogs--there's a lot.


Cindy said...

Congrats on your sales. Woot!

Sorry I have not posted for the insecure writers group the last couple of times. I think I ran out of insecurities. Maybe we need a new topic?

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Congrats for the success of your books. I'm not surprised.

I often use WhoUnfollowedMe. I've also started to block the people who simply use that pattern of unfollowing the moment they get a follow out of me.

Tina said...

I've been flying all over the world today in my little A-Z road trip car...and this window was still open...but I can't find a comment though I swore I wrote one.

Thanks for the intro to James Anderson, I now am following an editor. I also asked him a question and hope I get picked to be a Friday question.

Congrats on CassaFire also hitting bestseller! I still haven't finished...reading for pleasure is very low on my list of priorities right now...most unfortunately. However, I "get" to spend some quality time at the driver's license place this week...and will bring my Kindle to survive...of all you can do online these days, why not replace a stolen driver's license? I mean, the person who stole it doesn't need another one, so only *I* would be the one needing the replacement...hey, that sounds like a blog rant for my tidbits feature...

Tina @ Life is Good
Post A-Z Road trip!

Helena said...

Congratulations on your continued bestseller status -- you deserve it.

I'm looking up the reasons why writers should be glad to get bad reviews.

Suze said...

'Both achieved Best Seller status on Amazon US and UK, which still boggles my mind. CassaStar and CassaFire continue to bounce around in the top 15,000 and higher overall on Amazon US and they are still in the top 100 for science fiction on Amazon UK.'

Al, that is fantastic -- and well-deserved!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nancy, sorry you had to work so hard to comment. Yes, would be great to have something like that for Blogger. And I have no idea what pushed the books up the list. Not my talent, so must be God.

JW, thank you - appreciate that! The list is back to manageable levels now.

Cindy, there were no lack of insecurities last week I'm afraid.

Lynda, never thought to block!

Tina, I'm sorry you have to visit the DMV for that!

Suze, it's just crazy!!

klahanie said...

Aha, scrolling....scrolling.... scrolling down the...and now we've arrived in Australia. As opposed to China. Anybody else reading this comment and why would they, might think that I've lost all semblance of sanity.
And speaking of "The Writing Nut", I shall grace said site with one of my anxiously awaited visitations.
I would be grateful for a bad review. All the good stuff said about me is just plain embarrassing.
"Dinosaurs vs Aliens", eh. Wasn't that long ago I thought a "Thesaurus" was some kind of dinosaur with big teeth and a really loud roar!
Thanks for being a regular visitor my shy, humble and unassuming site.
All the best and happy writing to you and all your growing legion of adoring fans :)
Gidday Australia....

Anonymous said...

Love Dinosaurs vs Aliens... just bought the comic over the weekend... so much fun.

Melissa said...

I prefer Tweepi for mass-managing followers. You should check it out. :)

Stopping by to say HI and to tell you I FINALLY got the follower gadget to work on my blog. I had to make a new blog and move everything over, but now maybe I can regain the 60 followers I lost on March 1st.

Charmaine Clancy said...

I'm totally rooting for the dinosaurs! I think they can make a come-back. Thanks for the twitter link, that is a shame about people fake friending. I like my authors in my twitter feed, they share some good stuff!

James Anderson said...

Thanks for the shout out Alex.

That is great about your success on Amazon. Congrats.

Also that is a good tip to check WhoUnfollowedMe.

Powdered Toast Man said...

thats awesome that your book is getting the fame it deserves. Damn I just watched Moneyball and I was going to post a review. I will postpone that until next week. said...

So much to respond to, Alex. I'm going to check out WhoUnfollowedMe. Thanks for that and all the other great morsels of info.

Congratulations on your continued book success!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gary, you are real and genuine - that is why I visit.

Melissa, will check out your new site.

James, you're welcome.

PTM, no, go for it!

Elana Johnson said...

Congrats on your bestseller status! You're a rock star.

And I LOVED MONEYBALL. That is all.

Lindi said...

Congrats on the book sales! That's awesome. :) I joined a site called Quitter--it tells you who drops you on Twitter--some of my fav people have dropped me--don't get it, but I don't worry about it. I just follow who I want.

~Sia McKye~ said...

Interesting Twitter tool.

Congrats on your books standing and sales in the US and UK! They are good books and I'm looking forward to number 3.

I want to see Spiderman. But Hubs is out of town this month. Not sure when I'll get to see it.


Unknown said...

Congrats on the reviews and you continued success with your books. :) Looks like you've got an exciting week set up. Right now I'm trying to think of what I'm going to write for Candy's contest.

Kela McClelland said...

I know I already commented, lol, but I wanted to come back and say...I did take them and we did enjoy. My oldest loved it and my youngest only loved the scenes w/ Spiderman swinging and flipping and fighting. Lol. She's my action girl. :p

There was a preview for The Dark Knight Rises and they begged me to take them to that when it comes out. Not that they had to beg, it looks awesome. :)

Jennie Bailey said...

So impressed by Nutschell's reviews of your books! Thanks for the Unfollowed Me. I needed that. I couldn't figure out why my numbers were jumping and that was a huge eye opener for me. Some people got unfollowed tonight for pulling that. I think it's horrible - padding your numbers that way. Ugh!

Carrie Butler said...

Congratulations on your continued success, Alex! I love to hear things like that. :)

On my way over to The Writing Nut!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your bestsellerdom! I'll check out the links.

I use I don't like the idea of other tweeters massively following and dumping to pad numbers.

Morgan said...

Grrrr... to those twitter dumpers...

And Alex, I LOVE hearing your success... it's so wonderful to see and so well deserved. I think you might be the most loved person on the internet... :)

Jeremy Bates said...

Alex, yeah, dude, you can post my giveaway of "White Lies" anytime you want.

Thanks, man, I appreciate it.


Oh, have you seen :Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" yet?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lindi, I like the name of that site!

Sia, bummer.

Kela, knew you'd enjoy it. And Dark Knight Rises is a given - it's going to rock.

Jennie, thanks. And glad that site helped you.

Medeia, it's just wrong.

Morgan, thank you. Probably not, but I do try to help others.

Jeremy, I'll post it Wednesday. And unfortunately we missed that movie.

Tara Tyler said...

moneyball, much better than assumed
undaerstandable to shorten your list
and dinos v aliens? does everyone want a piece of aliens? abe is next, right?

Unknown said...

Hi, Alex & Ninja followers! Thank you Alex for mentioning my July contest! I'm amazed at the amount of entries so far. :)) *Note* We had a tragedy in my family friends' circle, and this week will be busy with the viewing / funeral / preparing meals. I promise, I'm checking in with the stories, but my commenting back has been slow this week. I will get back on track after Wed.

I appreciate you going through the IWSG list, Alex. I'm sure it wasn't an easy decision or task! Hopefully, it'll make things a bit more doable for those of us checking by with the other members. :))

Sangu Mandanna said...

Congratulations on making bestseller, Alex, you so deserve it!

Jennie Bennett said...

Thanks for the Who Unfollowed me link. I seriously hat when people do that. It's rude and you can be sure I'll never buy your books!

Misha Gerrick said...

Yeah it's scary how hard it is to get through the IWSG list. Still haven't succeeded once. Sigh.

Heading over to Nutschell's now. :-D

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tara, Lincoln vs. dinosaurs might be fun!

Candy, I'm so sorry!

JA, you tell them.

Misha, this was the first time in months I was able to get through all of it.

Leovi said...

Moneyball is certainly a great movie, but my knowledge of baseball is minimal. In Europe the sport is football (soccer).

Leslie S. Rose said...

I'm a sucker for a baseball movie. Moneyball was a total surprise. Fascinating concept, and Kerris D's character was a cool brushstroke.

Nicole said...

Congrats on the continued readership! Those are some awesome numbers.

Donna K. Weaver said...

So, the premise is that the aliens won? What happened to them? lol

Anonymous said...

Dinosaurs vs. Aliens? How cool is that. Much more believable than Aliens vs. Sharktopus.

Unknown said...

I saw Moneyball finally and I actually liked it. I enjoyed the fact it was based on real events and that it included maths.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Leovi, I'm sure that made it a challenge.

Leslie, her performance was great.

Thanks, Nicole.

Donna, good question!

Stephen, don't give the SyFy Channel any ideas...

Clarissa, it was fascinating.

Golden Eagle said...

Congratulations on reaching best seller status! Woot!

Thanks for all the links.

Li said...

I've used @TwitCleaner for years. They will give you a free report which includes analyzing your followers for "shady behavior", and identifying those who are actually robo-spam, tweet nothing but links, or never interact with anyone or just a few people. It's a great tool for weeding out follow lists (unless you care about numbers, in which case it might reduce them too much).

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS on Best Seller status for both Amazon US and UK! That is AWESOME!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Golden!

Lisa - Tweet a lot of links or don't interact much? Crap, I'd weed out myself if I did that!

Thank you, Susanne!

Unknown said...

I'll have to check out Nutshell's site ASAP. I have not seen Moneyball because baseball's not really my thing. I am football all the way, but my mom and sister, huge baseball fans, loved it.

Who Unfollowed me on Twitter? Probably lots as I don't know quite how to keep up with everyone who does follow me.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Melissa, I like live games, but baseball isn't my thing either. Good movie though.

Chemist Ken said...

Finally got around to downloading CassaStar this weekend. I'm looking forward to reading it.

Have you heard of Akinator? I posted about it this week on my blog. It's a web-based game of twenty questions which tries to guess what famous person (actor, singer, real or fictional) you're thinking of. Surprisingly accurate, especially when you consider the simplistic yes-or-no questions you have to answer. With your love of movies, I'd think you'd get a kick out of the site. The link is

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

Loved Moneyball... best Brad Pitt movie EVER.

Ella said...

Wow, so much packed into this post~
I haven't seen Moneyball, yet ;D

I want to see Spiderman. My son agreed with your review~

Off to visit The Writing Nut~ ATB

dolorah said...

This all grabbed my attention :) Even the twitter thing, and I don't tweet. I need to visit these links - especially Nutschelle, I've been away too long.

I'll save this and peruse the posts this weekend.


Sheena-kay Graham said...

Hey Alex you just received a Versatile Blogger Award from me today. Congrats. I'm watching Amazing Spiderman this weekend. Still haven't seen Moneyball yet.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. delighted your books are doing so well - and I'll be over to Nutschell's sometime soon - cheers Hilary

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ken, thanks! And thanks, I've never heard of Akinator.

Ella, it's a great movie.

Donna, sorry mine are always so full.

Thanks, Sheena!

Pat Tillett said...

First off, congrats on the success Alex! You've worked hard for it!
I have seen Moneyball. Although I did think the movie was pretty good, the overall story is amazing...