Friday, May 25, 2012

Epic Ninja News and the YOU ROCK! Award

Did you miss me Wednesday? I'm taking a few days off here and there to work on my next book. (And heads up – I won’t be posting on Monday either.)

Today I have an interview/review over at Michael Pierce Books. Michael is the author of Provex City and I’m honored to have a guest spot at his blog today.

Epic Ninja News!

Ciara Knight is revealing the cover art for her next book today – Weighted! And you can add it to your Goodreads shelf now. Congratulations, Ciara!

Weighted is a young adult post-apocalyptic with paranormal elements. It is a prequel novelette to The Neumarian Chronicles, and will be released August 2012. Book I, Escapement, will be released in 2013.
Blurb: The Great War of 2185 is over, but my nightmare has just begun. I am being held captive in the Queen’s ship awaiting interrogation. My only possible ally is the princess, but I’m unsure if she is really my friend or a trap set by the Queen to fool me into sharing the secret of my gift. A gift I keep hidden even from myself. It swirls inside my body begging for release, but it is the one thing the Queen can never discover. Will I have the strength to keep the secret? I’ll know the answer soon. If the stories are true about the interrogators, I’ll either be dead or a traitor to my people by morning.

Michael Malone’s new book, Blood Tears, comes out in paperback on June 6, but it is available as an eBook now. Congratulations, Michael! Visit his site, May Contain Nuts, for the links.

“Lady Gwen” Gardner tipped me off about this opportunity - Sharon Bayliss just signed a publishing contract with Curiosity Quills Press, and she’s having an Editor-Judged query contest (May 25-28) with a chance at a publishing contract for the winner. Go visit her site HERE to sign up. Thanks, Gwen!

Alex’s YOU ROCK! Award

Every year, I give out the YOU ROCK! Award to up to five blogger buddies. These are people who have become very special to me and been supportive friends beyond the call of duty. Past recipients include: Jeffrey Beesler at World of the Scribe, Gail at Familiar Spirits, Rusty Webb at The Blutonian Death Egg, Chuck at Apocalypse Now, George at CineMarvellous, Lee at Tossing it Out, Yvonne Lewis at Welcome to my World of Poetry, RaShelle Workman at A No. 2 Pencil Stat, and Hannah (who sadly no longer blogs) at Musings of a Palindrome.

I know SO many awesome people online that it was nearly impossible to narrow it down to five. I could give this to a hundred bloggers. So I cheated and picked seven! This year’s YOU ROCK! recipients are:

Matthew at The QQQE
I met Matthew around two years ago and at once identified with his attitude and demeanor. Can’t think of many others who are as supportive, honest, and genuine as Matthew. You think I am a commenting and networking Ninja, but my inspiration came from this man. And after working with him on a couple blogfests and the Challenge, I know he is for real. Maybe one day we’ll meet. Until then – thanks, Matthew. You the man! And you rock!

Old Kitty at Ten Lives and Second Chances
They say there are no guarantees in life, but that’s only because they haven’t met Kitty! She is one of the most consistent, stable, and faithful bloggers I know. And her comments are guaranteed to make me laugh every time! After two years of her positive, spirited presence, I don’t know what I would do without her. And Charlie. Kitty, you are a total doll and the brightest spot in the blogging world. You rock!

Ella at Ella’s Edge 
I met Ella during the first Challenge and she is the most thoughtful person I know. Her creativity knows no bounds and I watch it unfold on her blog with awe. Ella’s words flow like a peaceful stream and helped me develop an appreciation for poetry. Even more, she is a devoted friend who exchanges meaningful comments and observations. (Meaningful on her part – I probably just sound lame.) Despite the vast differences in our blogs, there is much about Ella to which I can relate. Ella, you rock on every level!

M. Pax at Wistful Nebulae
Mary is one of those people who flies just under the radar sometimes. But she is always THERE. In fact, I can’t remember a time when she wasn’t there! Mary has so many unique interests and she’s involved on every level, which I really admire. We share a lot of science fiction and geek interests, so I know hanging out with her in person would be a damn good time. She’s a gifted writer, excellent photographer, and special friend. Mary, you rock!

Roland Yeomans at Writing in the Crosshairs
I’ve followed Roland’s blog for a long time although at first I felt too inadequate to leave an intelligent comment. (Still feel like that but I comment anyway. I’m sure I amuse him.) Roland has a deeper understanding of the world than most and an appreciation for the human spirit in all its complexities. He truly paints with words. I am honored to have a friendship with this wise and devoted person. Roland, you rock!

Melissa Bradley at Melissa’s Imaginarium
I’ve come to know Melissa through a mutual admiration of all things geek. (And just where were all you cool geek girls when I was in school?) She’s a talented author, movie expert, and strong woman who knows where she’s going in life. Her friendship is unwavering and she goes to great lengths to support those dear to her heart. It’s easy to think of her as just one of the guys, but Melissa is a true lady. My dear, you rock!

Jeremy Hawkins at Retro Zombie
Last but not least, we have Jeremy. This guy is uber-cool on so many levels. Visiting his site, you might think he’s quirky, but Jeremy is the sanity in the midst of insanity. He is the voice of reason, colored by that awesome wit of his. A talented author and artist, Jeremy is beyond generous and willing to do anything to help another person. I appreciate his sincerity, his honesty, and his always positive attitude. Jeremy, you rock!

Whoa! Excited about Ciara’s next book? Plan to pick up Michael’s book or enter the query contest? Following those seven bloggers who ROCK? Seeing Men in Black III this weekend? Any other Memorial Day Weekend plans? Don’t forget to visit Michael Pierce Books. And have an awesome weekend!


Trisha said...

Congrats to all the You Rockers! Some amazing people there by the sounds of things, only some of whom I'd 'read' before.

Thanks for the heads ups on the other stuff Alex!

Jeff Beesler said...

I'm looking forward to reading CassaStorm! :-D And congrats to the well-deserving recipients of the You Rock award. They really do.

Kyra Lennon said...

I only recently came across Ciara Knight's blog, but I love it, and her new cover is fab!

PK HREZO said...

Thanks for all the great links, oh wise and wonderful Blogfather. ;)
Congrats to your well deserved recipients.

S. L. Hennessy said...

Wow, Ciara's novel sounds amazing. I'm adding it to my Goodreads list ASAP. And congrats to all the new award winners!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - those are great shout-outs and everyone deserves a big plus - they all do so much in the blogging world.

All the A - Z hosts and challengers - such an awesome contest - where we're all winners and can meet some wonderful fellow bloggers ..

Stirring words and well deserved - cheers Hilary


Congrats to all the well deserved recipients of your award. Hope you are getting on with your new book.

Trying to get used to this new interface, still no luck with IE
SO will stay with Chrome.


Unknown said...

Congrats to the seven 'You Rock' recipients! They are all worthy of this award I must say.

Ciara's cover design is just gorgeous and very moving, I love it!

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

I know most of your choices and yes, they ALL ROCK!! Like you they are some of the most inspiring bloggers on the internet. The ones I don't know I will check out because if you like them Alex, it's a pure guarantee that they're wonderful people. Congratulations to all!!!

And Ciara? Good luck with that new book of yours. The cover is BEEUUUUTIFUL!!!!!

Hugs to all!

Mina Burrows said...

Wow. Ciara's cover is beautiful. Congrats to all the You Rock participants! Have a great weekend, Alex!

Old Kitty said...

Me and Charlie are blushing! Blushing!! LOL!! We are beyond happy to have met you and all these fine beautiful bloggers too! You so ROCK!!

All the best to super Ciara - her book cover is totally amazing!! I am drooling!

Love your interview over at Michael's blog btw - but just to say the link here doesn't work so here's the one that works:


Take care

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Trisha, they are awesome people.

Jeffrey, they join the elite! And I'm writing as fast as I can.

PK, that made me chuckle - blogfather!

Thank you, Hilary.

Yvonne, I'm sorry!

Cathy, thank you!

Kitty, you are welcome! And I fixed the link. Stupid Blogger.

Brinda said...

I love Ciara's new cover. The You Rock award couldn't go to finer folks!

Mark Koopmans said...

(Jumps up and down - a lot)

"See! See, you guys! I *told* you Alex is real and not some Borg dude... Look! He's taking *multiple* days off.

I *knew* it... (happy sigh)

Have a great, safe, relaxing weekend, Boss :)

Michelle Wallace said...

*breaks out in song*
Congratulations and celebrations... la la la la la la...
... to the seven Rockin Bloggers!

Thanks for all the links, Ninja Captain!
And enjoy your days off!

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Congrats to the new recipients of this truly awesome award. Mel, you rock! :)

Unknown said...

LOL!You always have so many questions, Just going with YES here to all of the above :)

Matthew MacNish said...

That's an awesome award. Thanks so much, Alex! I hope you know I feel the same way about you.

Creepy Query Girl said...

Congrats to all of these 'rocking' bloggers! Definitely a most worthy list!

Ciara said...

Alex ~ Thank you so much for sharing the cover of WEIGHTED here today. You are always so supportive of your blogging friends.

Congratulations to the blog award recipients. I know each of them and it is well deserved!!!

I like what PK called you, Blogfather. :)

Kyra - It's a pleasure to get to know you. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Thanks, SL, CM, Cathy, Mina, Old Kitty, and Brinda. I'm glad you like the cover.

Sean McLachlan said...

I just read M. Pax's new novella BACKWORLDS. I'll be posting a review on Goodreads and my blog next week.

kjmckendry said...

Congrats to all you Rockers!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Love Ciara's cover! And congrats to all the You Rock winners.

Jemi Fraser said...

Awesome choices! I don't know Ella yet, but the others are fabulous folks, so I bet she is too :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mark, glad we have that straight!

George, she does!

Siv, yes works.

Ciara, you are welcome. And the blogfather thing makes me chuckle.

Sean, I'm almost through with her book.

DL Hammons said...

I follow all of your ROCKERS and totally understand why they deserve the honor!

Going to see Battleship this weekend. Not really a MIB fan, I'll wait for the Blu Ray. Enjoy your long weekend!

Annalisa Crawford said...

Weighted sounds fantastic - added to my Goodreads shelf!

I follow some of your rocks, but I'll have to check out the others!

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of anything post-apocalyptic, so I was happy to pass on that cover reveal for Ciara, too. Great recipients for the award, too.

Luanne G. Smith said...

I do love that Weighted cover. Make the most of your time off from blogging. Writing and, you know, life come first.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I believe I follow most of those bloggers.

We are seeing Men in Black this weekend and possibly going to a ball game.

LD Masterson said...

Some of ROCKing bloggers are new to me. Off to do some hopping.

Karen Lange said...

Ciara's cover is amazing! Congrats to the YOU ROCK bloggers!

Have a great weekend!

Cate Masters said...

Congrats to the rockers! Ciara's cover is great.
I plan to relax this weekend! And write. :) Have a great one. said...

They made a third Men in Black? Where have I been? Not in the theaters, not hanging out with any handsome black adorning men of dubious character.

All those people rock, as do you, Alex.
Happy Friday and weekend.

Laura Eno said...

Congrats to the You Rock recipients and Ciara's cover is awesome!

Jo said...

How on earth do you all find the time to read so many blogs. I am trying to read more but...

Congrats to the You Rock Winners, lovely cover Ciara

Li said...

Awesome picks for the award. And the cover of Weighted is really superb!

Summer Ross said...

Congrats to those who were awarded- It's fantastic of you, Alex, to do something so nice for others.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

DL, you'll dig Battleship.

LG, life is very important!

Robyn, fifteen years later, they have made a third MIB.

Jo, Ninja skills!

Ciara said...

Thanks Natalie, Annalisa, Joshua, L. G., Karen, Kate, Laura, and Joe. I'm so happy that you like the cover.

I'll be stopping by all your blogs this afternoon. I just found out I've been volunteered to drive four 14 year olds to Six Flags. Yay. :)

Alex, you know it fits. You rule the blogging world. :)

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Thanks so much, Alex! That award made my morning though I know many more deserve it more than I do.

Ciara, you were volunteered to drive four 14 year olds to Six Flags? Ouch!! Good luck. Your cover is evocative and beautiful. May your sales soar.

Alex, please rest and pace yourself. I'm heading over to your interview now. And your comments are always something that I look forward to on my blog!

Unknown said...

Oooh. Thanks for the heads up about Weighted. Sounds intriguing AND it has a cool cover! :)

Have a great weekend, and may you make loads of progress on your book!

Unknown said...

Congrats to all the You Rock blogs! Weighted sounds awesome...a new book for the list. Alex, thanks again for sharing on my blog. Have a great weekend! :)

Unknown said...

Wow! Ciara's book Weighted looks fabulous. That's definitely my kind of read. Looking forward to it. :))

Congrats to all you Rockers out there. I can't wait to check out your blogs and get to know you. If Alex says you deserve his YOU ROCK award, you must be awesome. :))) I'm familiar, and know quite well, Roland, and he ROCKS for sure!

Rest up, dear Alex!

Have a super weekend, y'all!

Julie Dao said...

I think everyone in the blogging community rocks, but congrats to those people you recognized! Have a great weekend!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ciara, my sympathies!!!

Roland, you are welcome, and thank you. I'll be slacking - I mean resting - this weekend.

Amanda, I will try!

Michael, thank you for your review and questions!

Candilynn, thanks for supporting my awesome friends.

Julie, as I said, I could've given it to so many...

Gwen Gardner said...

Alex, such an eloquent tribute to the 7 You Rock! bloggers. I know most of them, but I'll be paying visits to all. Also, thank you so much for the shout-out to both me and Sharon! It's going to be a fun contest. Just a query and the first 500 words. Easy, right?!

Unknown said...

You always give the BEST links, thanks Alex!

jaybird said...

I recognize a lot of these choices, but for those I don't know, I will make sure I check them out.

Juliana Haygert said...

Congrats Ciara on the awesome cover!

And congrats to all YOU ROCK winners!
I love the writing community ... you are all awesome!

Gossip_Grl said...

We are just doing the Redbox rental tonight. The new Underworld is out. I have so much to get done before the family get together this weekend. I wish I could say I have accomplished just one small goal this week, sadly I haven't. Have a Safe Holiday Weekend.

Leovi said...

I love Melissa Bradley and delicious Imaginarium.

Rusty Carl said...

Of course I missed you Wednesday - It's such a part of my day that I sorta lost sight of what I was supposed to do that day because I didn't start it here.

Great choices for your award. You Rock!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! to Ciara and best wishes for the release of Weighted! I know all the recipients of the YOU RICK award and they really do rock! Gotta love Charlie the cat!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gwen, thanks and you're welcome. I've seen so many of the entries already today.

Juliana, you are awesome!

Gossip, watch the latest Underworld tonight and you can say you accomplished something!

Rusty, hate to mess you up! Your lack of posting has left a void as well. But we are both working and that is cool. And you still rock.

Stephen, Charlie is awesome!

M Pax said...

Congrats to Ciara, Michael, and Sharon on their new books.

Aww, thanks, Alex. You deserve an award all to yourself. Yay on getting to work on your next book. I need to go work on mine now ...

Have a great weekend.

Pearson Report said...

Great choice of "YOU ROCK" recipients - congrats to all of them. Some I already know, some I don't so I'll be making the rounds and checking them out.

Cheers, Jenny

Tyrean Martinson said...

Alex - You Rock!!! Love the way you reward and award others!
and Ciara's new book cover is awesome and the blurb sounds really intriguing too.

Marta Szemik said...

That cover is awesome! Yes, following all your rockers:)

I've been absent from blogging too, due to a book deadline, but will be back by next week (after Monday passes).

Cassie Mae said...

So many things I want to say! Let's hope I don't post a post in the comment section.

First, yes, I did miss you on Wednesday. I was waiting for my every other daily ninja news.

Second, congrats to Ciara!! That cover is freakin' gorgeous and from the blurbs I've been seeing, this sounds like one of those books I'll be jumping for joy when I get to read it.

Third (and fourth and fifth and whatever) I saw Matthew's pic and was like, "Heck yeah!!! That guy does rock!" He's one of my favorite bloggers! Not to mention his little icon thing-a-ma-bobber is Yoda! I love seeing it pop up in my comment section.

And thanks to the A to Z challenge I know all seven of these awesome peeps and kept nodding as I scrolled down. Jeremy cracks me up!

Ah, there are the coolest people in the blog world.

Karen Elizabeth Brown said...

Congratulations to the You Rock recipients! They deserve it!

Everyone I hit this morning says they are taking Monday off. It's going to be pretty quiet on Monday! Have a great day!

Nancy Thompson said...

I DID miss you, Alex! I'm going into Alex withdrawal. I have one of Ciara's book already. I'll check the new one out, too, as well as Ella & Melissa. I know most of your buds. Mary is amazing. And Matthew is my daily guilty pleasure. I love waking up to his blog & reading it before I even get out of bed. I won't be entering her contest but congrats, Sharon! Have a great weekend! Jumping over to Michael's interview now.

~Sia McKye~ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mooderino said...

Nice selection. Congrats to the chosen, you do indeed rock.

Moody Writing
The Funnily Enough

~Sia McKye~ said...

I had to come out of hibernation long enough to say, Congratulations to the award recipients!

Enjoy your time off Alex!


Charles Gramlich said...

that "Weighted" cover is pretty cool.

Christopher Hudson said...

Ciara's kicked out another book. Sheessh ... do I feel like a slacker.

Carol Kilgore said...

Congrats to the You Rock winners. Great choices, Alex. They all DO rock!

Sharon Bayliss said...

Hello Alex,

Thank you so much for the shout-out!!! And thanks Gwen, for the tip off. :)


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mary, you are welcome!

Thanks, Tyrean.

Marta, you've been missed.

Hey Cassie - half a post! Not bad. Sorry I wasn't here on Wednesday. Really working hard on the book. Matthew is awesome and Jeremy has a great sense of humor.

Karen, I'll still be lurking.

Nancy, thanks!

Sia, you do the same.

Christopher, you and me both.

Sharon, you are welcome!

Andrew Leon said...

Does this mean they can now say, "I got a rock..."
Which is an award I've been thinking about making.

Unknown said...

What a cool cover for Ciara Knight's Weighted!

Johanna Garth said...

Such a nice shout out to some amazing bloggers. I need to go visit Old Kitty's blog because I see her warm and positive comments everywhere!

Heather Murphy said...

I follow a couple of the ROCKERS and have to agree. They do rock! Nice choices

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I am very excited about Ciara's next book.

Ella said...

I did miss you ;D

Ciara's....nice! This sounds amazing!

Wow, I am humbled and in awe to be included in this group~ Thank you Alex, I feel honored to be chosen~ Congrats to everyone...
OOoh, now I need to post something worthy... :D

Off to make the rounds! Captain, I hope your weekend is safe n' happy~

T. Powell Coltrin said...

A great line-up for your Rock Award.

Here's wishing you smooth writing and a great weekend.


Jessica Salyer said...

Congrats to all the reciepients of your "YOU ROCK" award. I follow most of them and completely agree with you. Also congrats to Ciara. Your new book cover looks great!

Morgan said...

Alex, *such* great highlights. Some AWESOME people here. You know how you said you felt inadequate to leave an intelligent comment on Roland's blog? That's how I feel about you! LOL.

Oh! And get this: I spoke with my lovely mother in law today and she said she spent an hour last night looking over and reading your blog---a huge compliment! :D

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Andrew, a Ninja Rock! And you should do a rock award. Would the winners get a rock in the mail?

Johanna, you do! She is just a wonderful person.

Ella, you are most welcome!

Thanks, Teresa.

Morgan, wow!!! Tell her thanks and I hope she enjoys it. And never feel you can't comment here. This blog is not rocket science and I am just Alex.

Christine Rains said...

Ciara's next book looks fabulous! This weekend will be a lazy one. We're in the middle of a killer heat wave. The public pools open tomorrow. I hope not to end up red as a lobster. Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Congrats to the award winners! You guys have awesome blogs. I love Ciara's cover.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see MIB! I'll have to check out those 7 bloggers as well:) I just entered Sharon's contest . . . wish me luck:)

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Ciara and all of the You Rockers!

I plan on seeing Men in Black III tonight. I can't wait!

Elana Johnson said...

That is a great cover. Congrats to Ciara. And I love your blogger spotlights, because I always meet people I didn't know before.

Kimberlee Turley said...

I've been taking more time from blogging and yet I unfortunately haven't been adding much of that to writing.

I'm always amazed by how much you are able to juggle!

Anonymous said...

woo hoo!

TL Conway said...

I follow some of the You Rock bloggers, but not all. Thanks for the links.

And Ciara's cover looks Great! How exciting!

I hope you enjoy MiB3 this weekend. I REALLY want to go, but I have a hot date with my writing cave (now that the computer's back!). I look forward to the review!

Have a great weekend, Alex!

ediFanoB said...

First working week after holiday is over.
Spent more time as expected.
It is Friday evening in Germany and I'm tired.
But before I go to bed I must visit your blog.

Congrats to the YOU ROCK recipients!

Good lock for Ciara Knight and her Weighted. I must say it is not really my cup of tea. We can't love every book.

Blood Tears by Michael Malone sounds interesting.

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

Congratulations to all the You Rock winners! I already know (and love) some of these blogs, will have to check out the others! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Christine, don't burn!

Jamie, knock 'em dead!

Jeremy, I'm seeing it within the hour.

Thanks, Elana.

Kim, it's Ninja skills.

TL, I intend to do both movie and writing!

Hey Edi! Thanks for taking time to visit before you collapsed.

Nicki Elson said...

Very worthy Rockers! So cool you give this award, and your words about each and every one of them are so heartfelt and touching. I'd tell you that YOU rock, but I hope you already know that. ;)

Have a great Memorial Day weekend (and I do believe you've got a pink shoe on your Kindle...but some pictoral evidence wouldn't hurt, just sayin')

Nicki Elson said...

No NOT Kindle! Super amazing iPad, right?

Maurice Mitchell said...

Well deserved "You Rock" Awards. They're all great, but Jeremy and Melissa are top notch.

Patricia Stoltey said...

My Memorial Day plans include mostly manuscript proofing (including the read aloud stage) because my hubby will be gone most of Sat and Sun for a bridge tournament. Just me and the cat and the manuscript. :D

Jay Noel said...

Got some very worthy bloggers who got ROCK awards this year. Congrats to them!

Ciara's cover is awesome.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nicki, iPad!!! No Kindle. Will see what I can do about the photo.

Maurice, that's why there were seven...

Patricia and the cat will just go to sleep on you.

Heather M. Gardner said...

I love all of these bloggers! They are truly inspirational!
Just like you!

And yes, I did miss you on Wednesday!

I'm going to visit with Mr. Pierce right now!

Have a safe and wonderful weekend with your family, sir.


Saumya said...

Wow, congrats to all the winners!! Looking forward to checking out their blogs. No Memorial Day Plans here but I'll be catching up on blogs for sure :) Great post as always!
P.S. I gave my brother CassaStar as part of his going away to college gift.

Ciara said...

Roland - Yep, four boys, plus my two little ones. I survived, and even made it by your blog today. :)

Amanda - Glad you found it intriguing.

Michael - Thanks for adding Weighted to your list.

Candilynn - Yay, I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks, Juliana, Stephen, and M. Pax.

Tyrean - I'm glad you found the blurb intriguing.

Marta, thanks!

Cassie - Yay! I hope you enjoy the read.

Nancy - Thank you so much for your support.

Charles - Great!

Christopher - This is a short work of fiction. Just a novelette.

Thanks, Rachel!

Michael - You are always so supportive. I greatly appreciate it.

Ella - Yay!

Thanks, Jessica, Christine, Clarissa, Jeremy, Elana, TL, and Jay!!

Edifano - No worries. You are so right.

dolorah said...

The only one I didn't know was Ella. I'll have to check her out.

Have a good weekend Alex.


Melissa Sugar said...

Wow, Alex, you rock. What a post. I had to read it a second time to take it all in. Congratulations to all the rockers, I am friends with all, but one and will be sure to check out that rocker soon. I am right there with you on commenting on Roland's blog. I have been reading it for a while and it took me a while to muster the courage to leave a comment. I didn't feel quite qualified, but he made me feel very welcome (and not stupid).

This post is chock full of goodies.

You have promoted quite a few awesome books and an amazing query contest that I also want to check out. Thanks. We will miss you posting on your days off, but the book comes first. I wish I could take my own advice.

Unknown said...

I'll definitely be checking out the seven rockers today. And that cover is so beautiful. I love how the blurb is written in first person

Golden Eagle said...

Congratulations to all the award recipients! :) Those are awesome bloggers.

Heading over to Michael Pierce Books.

Suze said...

M. Pax totally rocks!

Pat Tillett said...

Some I'm aware of and some I'm not! I'll be sure to check out those I don't know. Thanks Alex...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you, Heather! You have a great weekend as well.

Saumya, thank you!!! I really appreciate that.

Donna, you'll adore her.

Melissa, sorry this became a really massive post, but I didn't want to cheapen any aspect of it. And I'm working hard on my last book.

Suze, yes she does!

Thanks, everyone!

Arlee Bird said...

Excellent Rockers chosen this year.

A Faraway View
An A to Z Co-host blog

Sherry Ellis said...

Weighted looks like a great book! Congratulations to all the rocking bloggers. I'll have to check out their blogs.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Ciara - Thanks for dropping by my blog today after such a challenging drive with so many teens in the car! What do you think of my cover for END OF DAYS?

Melissa - Alex is making folks afraid to visit my blog, much less comment! I always look forward to your comments and his as well. I'm just folks -- the ghosts of Ernest Hemingway and Mark Twain who visit me from time to time make sure I know that!

Anonymous said...

Well done to all the Rockers... some new places for me to visit too:) And huge congrats to Ciara - her cover is awesome.

alexia said...

Congrats everyone on the awards! No big plans this weekend for me... will probably see MIB III on Netflix.

Chuck said...

This is a treasured award Alex and I was excited you chose me last year. These are some great choices and I am sure it was really hard to narrow it down to even seven. Some I have not visited but if you promote then I will check them out. My taste varies so much even I don't know what I'll like!

Congrats to all you Rockers!

Glad to hear you are working on your new book...any target date yet?

Wanda said...

As they say it takes one to know one. You rock too Alex.

Carrie Butler said...

Great choices, Alex! A few I know and a few I'll know soon. :) Have a great weekend!

PR said...

Gratz to all the you rock winners. I follow them all and they are definitely worthy :)

Unknown said...

Oh WOWZERS!!! I am so honored and touched you included me in such incredible company. You have made this tough chick tear up and that's not easy to do. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have made my entire week!

And just like you, I was wondering where all the cool geek guys were when I was in school. :)

Geek Pride, Baby!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Roland, no! Trying to get more to visit.

Alexia, it's not a movie you need to rush out to see.

Chuck, that's funny. And I'd like to have it done and to my publisher by the end of the year.

Melissa, you are welcome! And I wasn't a cool geek guy - I was just a geek.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

How awesome to the recipients of the Rock award!!
And Yay to Ciara!!! I LOVE that cover.

Jo said...

Alex. I awarded you The Lovely Blog award in my blog today.

mshatch said...

You picked some awesome rockers, most of whom I already follow. Now to check out the rest...thanks!

Anonymous said...

Great choices, Alex! For once, I know many of these bloggers. :)

Empty Nest Insider said...

Congrats to all of the Rockers, and to Ciara on her new book! Have a great Memorial Day Weekend Alex! Julie

Michael said...

All of those blogs sound interesting, I'll have to give them a visit!

Libby said...

I love stopping by your blog. It's always full of such good energy!

Leovi said...

Alex's YOU ROCK! Award, certainly a big event.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'm cutting back on blogging a bit too so I can spend more time writing. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Weighted sounds like a must-read for me -- I love post-apocalptic YA stuff. Adding it to my queue now.

Congrats to the five 'You Rock' award recipients. I'll have to try and swing by those blogs soon.

Have a great weekend!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lynda, and so many wonderful bloggers I had to leave out...

Thanks Jo!

You as well, Julie.

Libby, I try.

Same to you, Susan.

Anonymous said...

I'll check out the interview.

Congrats to the recipients of the blog award.

Ciara said...

Roland - I LOVE it. I think that is a rocking tag line, too!

Thanks, tfWalsh, Lynda, and Empty Nest Insider.

Insomniac #4 - Yay! Thank you so much. I can't wait to hear your thoughts.

Catherine Stine said...

Ciara's Weighted cover is beautiful. That clocklike thing on top looks quite ominous. I look forward to checking it out.

Denise Covey said...

Great to see you acknowledging such great peeps Alex. I know them all!
Hope your book is going well...

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS to all the "You Rock" award winners!

Happy Memorial Day!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Insomniac, you as well.

Denise, so far so good!

Tina said...

I'd love to see MIB this weekend, but we have too many graduation parties. I'm so excited to see that you picked two co-hosts. I don't know Matthew as well as Jeremy, but congrats to you both!
Tina @ Life is Good
Post A-Z Road trip!

Unknown said...

Congrats to your recipients!

I tagged you in a blog today, btw. :)

Donna Shields said...

Great picks Alex. I plan on kicking back and relaxing. Costa's book sounds like a good read.

Patsy said...

Great choices for the 'You Rock' award!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tina, they are both awesome.

Vicki, thank you - I saw that!

Andrea Teagan said...

Thank you for all of the great information, links, and for the awesome blog hops you have hosted!


Martha said...

Congrats Alex! You deserve every award out there! :)

Leslie S. Rose said...

Cool rockers. Love the complexity of the Weighted cover. Great Wow factor.

Huntress said...

All great bloggers!

Mary Aalgaard said...

I follow several of those blogs. Missed this last Friday as I was having a big birthday bash for my boys.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Best air guitar sound I can muster... thank you for the honor... great post as always.

Jeremy [Retro]

cleemckenzie said...

I follow most of those you saluted, but missed a few, so will remedy that this week.

Hope your days off are great!

RaShelle Workman said...

Hey Alex,
Thanks for the mention! You rock!

Wanted to tell you that last Thursday the fam and I saw BATTLESHIP. It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed it. And I thought Rihanna did a great job.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Great choices, Alex. Congrats to the recipients!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Andrea, you're welcome!

Mary, that's all right - hope you survived.

Jeremy, you are welcome!

RaShelle, you rock! And yeah, it was a lot of fun. Sometimes that's all we need in a movie.

Leovi said...

Thank you very much for the information of Old Kitty at Ten Lives and Second Chances. Funny cat.

Unknown said...

thanks for the mention, Alex. You rock, sir!

LisaAnn said...

I have missed you! Thanks so much for stopping by today--on my first day back in the world of blogging--and it seems you are as busy and productive and amazing as always! :)

Katherines Corner said...

Of course you are missed when you are away. Happy to know you are wrapped in your cocoon of imagination and creating xo

Nick Wilford said...

Hope the writing is going swimmingly! Good luck to Ciara and Michael. The Weighted cover looks really cool.

I'm following four out of the seven rockers (I think - not sure about Melissa but I should be). Great choices!

Lydia Kang said...

You picked some well deserving blogs for that award! And congrats to Ciara on her awesome cover!

Hart Johnson said...

GREAT recipient choices--fabulous, supportive people, the lot of them!

Talli Roland said...

Look at all that great news! And I love Old Kitty, too. I always get a kick out of her posts!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michael, you're welcome!

LisaAnn, I've missed you. Glad you are back.

Katherine, no better place to be!

Kittie Howard said...

Great choices. Congrats to All! Know you'll accomplish much during your days off!

Tracy Jo said...

Awesome list of You Rockers! A couple of those are new to me so I will be off to visit them. Added Ciara's book to my Goodreads list. Thank you Alex for always sharing good information and bloggers! :-) Hope you had an awesome weekend!

Unknown said...

Seeing Ciara's cover all over the place and I have to say it's amazing!

You've listed a few blogs here I don't actually follow already, so I'm going to jump over and check them out. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow congrats to the You Rock awardees!
Lots of information in this post to get our teeth into, thanks Alex.

Callie Leuck said...

I don't think it's cheating if you made the rules in the first place.

Will be checking these people out :)

Misha Gerrick said...

I follow six out of the seven recipients. They're all wonderful people. Especially Mary, but I'm biased because she's one of my wonderful CPs.


Jennifer Hillier said...

I love coming here to catch up on all my bloggy peep news, especially when I've been away for awhile. You've awarded some fabulous folks here! Well-deserved. :)

Claire Hennessy said...

Wow, great list of awards. You are always so generous on your blog - always promoting others. A great role model for us all.

nutschell said...

Congrats to everyone! you all definitely rock! Hope you're enjoying your blogging break, Alex. We'll be here when you return:)


Helena said...

Old Kitty is indeed a sweet, appealing blogger -- like reading a witty haiku poem every time. The other bloggers sound great too -- I've visited most of them before and have got to stop by more often.

Hildie McQueen said...

I am amazed and impressed at how you make all your blogging friends feel special. Props to you Mr. Alex!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tracy Jo, I did!

Thanks, EJ. They are cool folks.

Callie, that's true.

Jennifer, I try to keep everyone in the loop.

Thanks, Claire!

Thanks, Hildie.

And thanks everyone!

Cherie Reich said...

Congrats to all who received Alex's YOU ROCK award! Definitely well-deserved!

And we're okay with you taking time off, as long as we get a book out of it (i.e. the one you're writing). :D

Jack said...

I want to see Men in Black 3, it looks funny. My brothers and I like the preview where he says, "I'm looking for a man, who smiles like this *frown*"

SpacerGuy said...

You weren't kidding Alex. I'm reading M Pax's 'Backworlds' which totally rocks. I'll have to make it so for the rest of the best not on my trek hit list, lol.