Tuesday, April 10, 2012


It’s the third A to Z Challenge! Blog the letters of the alphabet in order every day except Sundays The participation list is HERE – start with the blog after yours and visit at least five blogs a day. Mostly, make new friends and have fun!

My theme – I have selected a word for each day and will present to you blogger buddies who fit that description, along with movies, music, etc. My theme is to give back, highlight some awesome bloggers, and have fun in the process.


Suze at Analog Breakfast
This woman is a genius. Her posts are so thoughtful and intricate - a dance of words – and filled with several layers of meaning. You can’t breeze through her words or you’ll miss something vital. Suze touches upon the human equation in such a unique manner and it stays with you long after you’ve left her blog. And she adds depth to her words in her kind comments littered throughout the blogging world. Suze, you are a master!

Rekha at A Chronicle of Dreams
Rekha slipped quietly into my blogging radar one day and before the wisp of smoke vanished yet again, I followed her gentle footsteps. Her blog really is the place of dreams. She explores the world in such an introspective fashion, one can’t help but stop at marvel at the simple brilliance. Nothing she says is without purpose, so you need to pay attention. Rekha, thank you for your considerate words and actions!

Rodney McKay
Stargate Atlantis is one of my all time fav’s and Rodney McKay is such a great character. Brilliant and innovative married with smug and obnoxious and yet it’s balanced with such deftness (by character actor David Hewlitt) that he is truly likeable. Every time the team gets in trouble they call upon the ingenuity of one Rodney McKay.

Jane from the Mentalist
The character of Patrick Jane truly sums up ingenuity and introspection. His off-kilter approach to crime solving is a hoot to watch and his powers of deduction are right up there with Sherlock Holmes.


Jeremy Hawkins’ new book is available NOW – Retro Zombie: Art & Words! You can watch the YouTube Video or just visit Retro Zombie for more details on this cool book. Jeremy is the creator of some of the really amazing A to Z artwork and a creative writer. He’s also one of my very best friends online, so please take a moment to check out his book.

Jennifer Hillier revealed the cover for her new book, Freak. It looks awesome – congratulations, Jennifer!

And once the A to Z Challenge is over, everyone is invited to join in the Reflections Post on Monday, May 7 – share your thoughts on the Challenge!

Wow! Following Suze and Rekha? Fan of Stargate: Atlantis or The Mentalist? (My wife is in love with Rodney!) Friend of the Retro: Zombie or using one of his creations for the Challenge? And who in YOUR life is ingenious or introspective? Inquiring Ninjas want to know…


Unknown said...

I have to write fast so I can still be first! I love Patrick Jane in The Mentalist. I tune in every week!

Cassie Mae said...

Ah darn it. Someone beat me to the first comment today.

Haha, I think it's becoming a competition. :)

I recently got addicted to The Mentalist. I'm really enjoying it so far.

Suze said...

Jaw scraping the floor, here. I feel like that girl on the 'Schoolhouse Rock' song, 'Interjections.'


Thank you for your generous compliments, Al. Two words: You rock!

Know the esteem is certainly mutual.

dolorah said...

I'm still on break, but couldn't resist hopping around the blogs and witnessing some ingenius posts for this event :)


S. L. Hennessy said...

Love Stargate Atlantis and Patrick Jane - you're right, he really is like Sherlock Holmes. Speaking of which, the BBC Sherlock Holmes series is pretty inquisitive (and entertaining).

M.J. Fifield said...

I only watch The Mentalist from time to time. I like Patrick Jane's character but I find I get bored with the rest of the show.

I agree with S.L. Hennessy— the BBC Sherlock Holmes is very entertaining.

Unknown said...

Suze is a genius, you're right about that.
I'm with both Hennessy and Fifield - Sherlock all the way :)

Fellow A-Z Bloggy Buddy
Mithril Wisdom

Alexandra Heep said...

Atlantis or The Mentalist? Neither.

I like Sci Fi and used to watch Stargate, but don't really have time to follow TV much.


RaveAir said...

Rodney McKay was my favourite SGA character. I'm so sad the SyFy killed this series too and left unfinished...

And I completely agree with others: Don't miss the BBC Sherlock Holmes series!

Nancy Thompson said...

I know Suze! Gonna have to check out Rekha. I love me some Patrick Jane! I might have to do that reflections thingy. I was just commenting on a few irksome things as I dove back into the challenge today. And LOVE Jenny's new FREAK cover. Can't wait to read it!

Kyra Lennon said...

I'm really looking forward to Jennifer Hillier's next book!

Laura Barnes said...

I love the way you talk about other bloggers so respectfully. It's beautiful.

Laura B Writer

Lisa said...

I did an introspective a few days ago.

Denise Covey said...

Ah, Rekha is one of the most recent writers to join the RomanticFridayWriters group. She is posting a couple of flash fictions - for M and W.



Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Suze rocks!!!!

Sarah Tokeley said...

Rekha is another new friend from the challenge. I shall have to check Suze out.

And Rodney McKay rocks!

Pam Williams said...

I am really enjoying your blog recommendations, Alex. Your descriptions are a work of art in themselves! Thanks for all you've done for this Challenge. It's another successful year!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

I love Jane's character in the Mentalist...watched a few episodes this weekend

Annalisa Crawford said...

Yay... I already follow both of these great ladies. Not only are their blogs fantastic, they always offer great comments on mine! Great to see them highlighted today!


A great post Alex, when time permits will look up some of the people you have highlighted.

Thanks for the visit, my visit to Gracelands coincided with going to Branson MO nine years ago to see Daniel the highligh of the trip was a close call.


Nick Wilford said...

Jeremy's created many a blog header, including yours I see - he's highly talented.

I met Suze recently through A-Z and Rek in the recent Campaign. Both brilliant in their own ways!

Old Kitty said...

Awwww thank you for the intro to lovely dreamy Rekha and cerebral Suze! Good luck to Jeremy and Jennifer! Yay!

Charlie is pretty ingenious and introspective! He truly is a cat of few meows! Take care

Empty Nest Insider said...

I also met Rekha, like her creativity, and hope to get to know her better. I'll have to look up Suze soon. In addition to being talented writers, both women seem like wonderful people too! Julie

Unknown said...

Yay for The Mentalist! I love that TV show!

Jeremy [Retro] said...

I love many shows, the mentalist is one of them. What I never understand is, they know Jane see the killer... but they always fight his methods. He solves cases, that is why he is there.

THANK YOU for the shout out!
that link is wonky, try this one


Impressive, Most Impressive... to the challenge "I" is for Interesting!
Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
A to Z Co-Host
My New Book:
Retro-Zombie: Art and Words

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michael, you did it! And it's a great show.

Cassie, you tried.

Suze, and I'm old enough to remember Schoolhouse Rock. You are most welcome!

Donna, good to see you!

SL and MJ, I've watched it on NetFlix - good show.

RaveAir, it ended too abruptly. And haven't missed the Holmes series.

Nancy, that is what the reflections post is all about.

Laura, thank you.

Oceangirl, you are always introspective.

Sarah, yes he does.

Pam, that is a high compliment - thank you!

Yvonne, I just knew a Daniel concert was involved!

Nick, he is very talented.

Kitty, Charlie is one smart kitty.

The Angry Lurker said...

Atlantis was one of my favourites including the whining genius Rodney, The Mentalist has gotten harder to watch lately as it's gotten very dark and samey....

Tobi Summers said...

Aw, man, I love the Mentalist (though I somehow fell about four episodes behind). Last season's finale was heart-stopping.

Ciara said...

I like Rodney McKay too. He reminds me of my husband at times, with a little less attitude. My favorite character on tv right now is Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory. It is my middle son grown up, so I have to love him. :)

PK HREZO said...

I so agree... Suze is a wizard with words. I loved Stargate the original film but never got to watch any of the spinoffs.

Marta Szemik said...

I'm a fan of Patrick Jane, the Mentalist. I love his facial expressions when he knows something others don't. I'm a follower of Jeremy's too, but not the others. Going to check them out now:)

farawayeyes said...

Today I'm a zero. don't know these blogger (I'll check them out). Don't know these shows (no TV). Maybe not all is lost, I do know Jeremy.

Bish Denham said...

I haven't seen Stargate: Atlantis. But I do like The Mentalist. Jane can be so annoying and such a charming way.

Rusty Carl said...

I follow one but not the other. I'll try to rectify that today. My wife is quite introspective. She's awesome.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Thanks again for yesterday.
I have a whole new bunch of friends to go visit with!

I didn't get hooked on Stargate but I did watch some of them.

I'm going to see the Retro Zombie now. Love his theme this year!


baygirl32 said...

I have never watched the Mentalist - I've been told by a few diff people that I'd like it, but I never have time..

Unknown said...

I love Rodney from Stargate! He was American but he played a Canadian on TV!

Love Jane too. So sneaky.

And Suze too...

Alison Miller said...

The Mentalist is one of those shows I've been meaning to watch. And great shout outs! I'll have to check them out. :)

Luanne G. Smith said...

Haha...as soon as I saw the title I knew it would include Suze. :))

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

I'm so glad you highlighted Rekha. She's one of my favorite bloggers and people, yet tiptoes around with her brilliance as you so well describe.

Now, to visit Suze.
Thanks, Alex.

Rek Sesh said...

I don't know what to say rather write. Thank you so much Alex for these beautiful words! If we had eulogies, I would want people to say these precise words about me. :D
Coming from you, this shoutout is a rare honour.
I know I have been lagging in visits all around but hope to rectify it soon.
I have been by Jeremy and Suze's blogs though I don't follow them.
We don't get to see either of the shows, and you have me majorly interested in the Mentalist with the Sherlock line.
My mom is ingenious, I mean she survived the teenage me and big bro for one.

Matthew MacNish said...

Jeremy's art is the shizz. Looking forward to the book.

PR said...

Used to be addicted to Stargate! Don't know these bloggers but have checked them out and followed, they look pretty amazing, thanks :)

Anne Gallagher said...

Yes Patrick Jane. For more than one reason.

You missed my "F" post. And I thought you might enjoy it.

Gossip_Grl said...

I definately stop by Jeremy's to see who he has chosen for each letter and to vote! I will definately check out the two blogs mentioned in your post

Brinda said...

More interesting bloggers to check out and I do like the Mentalist when I get to watch it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeremy, you're welcome!

Ciara, that's funny.

PK, need to watch them - better than the movie!

Faraway, you are not a zero!

Heather, you are welcome.

Clarissa, my wife adored him.

LG, of course!

Rekha, you're welcome, and that's funny.

Anna, I still am.

Sorry Anne! I think I've bee overwhelmed...

Hektor Karl said...

Suze is great! I'm now following Rekha. I've never gotten into Stargate.

Sangu Mandanna said...

Jane makes me laugh! Love the Mentalist, so that's a great choice :-)

Dani said...

Jennifer's cover looks awesome! I'm a new follower to her. Thanks for the suggestion!

Julie Dao said...

I don't follow Suze OR Rekha so I'll have to check out their blogs!

Jennie Bennett said...

Great word choice! Some of the best I words out there. off to check out these new blogs :)

RaShelle Workman said...

I'm off to check out Jen's new cover. She's awesome!

Unknown said...

Oh, Alex...wonderful post. Thank you for turning me on to two great blogs! AND Patrick Jane! The Hubby and I are Mentalist fanatics, because his character never fails to deliver.

TS Hendrik said...

I love Rekha. She's one of my favorite blogstresses (new word, think it'll catch on?), and one of the few I knew through twitter first.

Gwen Gardner said...

You're so kind to your blogging buddies, Alex. I finding all sorts of new blogs to follow through you. I don't watch much tv, so can't really participate there. Thanks Alex!

Anonymous said...

I know Suze and Rekha. Off to visit them now and say hello! And good luck to Jeremy with Art & Words! Cool video too.

Tracy Jo said...

Jeremy's art was fantastic for A-Z! I love Patrick Jane. Okay..now I must get moving...so many things to do and people to visit just off your post! :-) Have a great day!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I have never watched "The Mentalist" but I adore t.v. programs. You are the second person in two days that has told me I'm missing out. So I'm gonna have to investigate the Mentalist.

cleemckenzie said...

The Mentalist rocks! I'll have to stop in at Analog Breakfast and A Chronicle of Dreams. Thanks for the beautiful recommendations.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

JA, and I couldn't even settle on just one word today.

RaShelle, she is! Just such a friendly person.

Alyssia, I was watching the show just last night as well!

TS, we'll make it catch on.

Thank you, Gwen.

Stephen, and that's the second video he did for the book!

Michael, you need to give it a shot.

Amy said...

Stargate Atlantis and The Mentalist are the BEST - both characters make the show's great. Great post Alex! :)

Jessica Salyer said...

Thanks for the new bloggers to visit. :)

TL Conway said...

I don't know why, but I never really got into The Mentalist. I think he always struck me as SO arrogant that it made the other characters look silly.

I'll have to check out the blogs. I've seen Suze's name pop up all over the place on this challenge!

Cherie Reich said...

I love watching The Mentalist. I'm still hoping for a Psych/The Mentalist episode. *grins*

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Two new bloggers to discover.

And Yay, Jeremy!


Mark said...

Eclectic post:) I know lots of people into Stargate Atlantis, but I just haven't caught onto it yet. Did like the original film though:)

Hart Johnson said...

Hey, thanks for the blog referrals! And thanks for the reminder to check out the mentalist--I've seen a few episodes, but.. maybe that was all Hulu had at the time? For some reason I couldn't see as much as I wanted. (though I am currently in a Breaking Bad marathon)

Anonymous said...

New blogs. Excellent! Thanks. I never got into The Mentalist. Not sure why, but I never did. Maybe too much other stuff recording.

Holly Michael said...

Great stuff!

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

I've only caught a couple episodes of The Mentalist (love it!). Also love the ingenuity and introspection. Very clever. Reminds me of a young Matlock.

Nicole said...

Glad to meet you through the A-Z! I think your theme is fantastic - I'll have to go back through your posts and see what other bloggers I can discover. :)

Jennifer Hillier said...

Thanks so much for the shout out, Alex! So happy to be one of your ninjas!

I can't believe I've never watched the Mentalist. Maybe I should rent the DVDs this summer and catch up.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Amy, yes they do!

TL, she is everywhere...

Cherie, that would be a wild twist.

Mark, eclectic post for my eclectic followers.

Hart, if you can catch them on Hulu or NetFlix, it's worth the watch.

Thanks, Nicole!

Karen, awesome you met her!

Jennifer, you are most welcome.

Erin M. Hartshorn said...

I'm loving Retro Zombie's A to Z post. Off now to check out the other blogs.


Unknown said...

Hey there alex, as always loving the suggestions keep it up. Also I was curious if you would want to be a guest on my podcast at the end of the challenge to discuss the a to z challenge and your work? let me know.


Mina Burrows said...

I'm a total Mentalist fan. And I think my son is ingenious. :)

Heading over to check out the Freak cover. Sounds cool. :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I love Rodney!!!!! I was so happy when Jennifer chose him instead of Ronin.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Thanks for the heads up on Jennifer's book cover.

*heads on over*

Tyrean Martinson said...

Following Suze and Rekha, and a fan of Stargate ATlantis and Rodney. Great post! now, off to check out Retro . . .

Rick Daley said...

I don't watch much TV, although I've been getting into "Shameless" recently. I'm about 1/3 into the first season, it's a good show.

Top of my list for ingenious is JK Rowling. I finished the Harry Potter series about a month ago and was blown away, it's some of the best story-telling I've ever read.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I, alas, will never be first to respond. But don't they save the best for last? LOL.

I truly am a fan of Patrick Jane. I buy every season they release of THE MENTALIST since I do have cable. Have a great fun day, Roland

Leigh Covington said...

It's a good thing that you make it to so many blogs because I don't know if I could keep up with all of this! :)

Laura said...

so many great new bloggers - thanks Alex! I love Analogue Breakfast

Finally delved into CassaFire last night. Oh Boy - you've done it again! Loving it - you're writing is fabulous, and Byron is just the character I fell in love with in CassaStar.

Theresa Milstein said...

Thanks for the links.

I've been enjoying Suze's blog.

Jennifer's cover is out? Gotta see it!

Leovi said...

Yes, an excellent TV series the mentalist.

michelle said...

I've been following Rekha for a while now... she's not only an awesome writer, she is quite the photographer...
Check out her A to Z Challenge photo blog at unframedprints.blogspot.com

ediFanoB said...

I just finished my post for tomorrow And now I'm tired. As soon as I have visited the last for blogs on my list I will go to bed immediately.

Tara Tyler said...

still wondering how you keep up with it all!
you have a magic time piece, right?

Jemi Fraser said...

I'm a big fan of Rodney MacKay too! Such a great character :)

Miranda Hardy said...

Great blogs to follow.

Andrew Leon said...

Ah, yes, Rodney... and his obsession with Sam. Gotta love it.

I'll checkout those blogs as soon as I can.

Tonja said...

I like Rekha too.

The Armchair Squid said...

Ingenious? That would be my lovely bride. Introspective? I'm always trying. And yes, Subacca is a genius.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Teresa thanks, but don't think I'll be able to fit it in. Really appreciate the offer!

Rick, she's a smart woman.

Roland, apparently it's tough to do!

Leigh, some days I wonder how I'm going to keep up!

Laura, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michelle, I will.

Edi, it's late there - go to bed.

Tara, no just a lot of hours...

Andrew, yes - he so wanted to impress and/or best her!

M Pax said...

I love both Suze & Rekha.

Rodney was a good character. I loved the episode where they switched him with a girl.

Kittie Howard said...

The Mentalist blows my mind!

Mary Aalgaard said...

I'm already following Suze. She's brilliant.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I loved Stargate Atlantis and really appreciated Rodney. I also enjoy The Mentalist too though sometimes I fall asleep before it's over.

Theres just life said...

Wow, Alex thank you for pointing toward Rekha. She has a wonderful blog and way of writing. I learn so much from you.

Pamela Jo

Chuck said...

Well Alex you have given me two more people to check out for the A-Z. This year has been so huge. My wife is a big fan of the Mentalist and I have caught snippets of episodes but do not watch on a regular basis (trying not to be sucked into my TV and never return).

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mary, I remember that!

Susan, you miss the best part then.

Pamela, thank you so much for following her.

Chuck, you start watching you'll be hooked.

Julie Flanders said...

Ingenious is a perfect word to describe Analog Breakfast. Have to check out Rekha's blog now.

Congratulations to Jeremy and Jennifer! I loved her first book, can't wait to read the sequel.

mshatch said...

I loved Rodney! He was such an endearing coward. Plus he was smart as hell :)

And that mentalist guy isn't hard to to look at either ;)

Heather Murphy said...

I am a huge Mentalist fan. I love Patrick Jane's sense of humor :)

Rachna Chhabria said...

Need to check out both Suze's and Rekha's blog. Thanks.

Katherines Corner said...

Oh Patrick Jane!! 'nuff said..giggle. xo P.S> I'm leaving a comment from my other blog today

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Goodness, Alex, you cover so much. I never cease to be amazed. I enjoy the Mentalist as well and will hop on by to visit the bloggers you described with convincing prose!!!


Ella said...

I love Stargate Atlantis...
I plan on watching them again! I'm trying to get hubby interested. My son and I watched it, when it first aired. Off to make the roads, this bloggers sounds amazing!

It is an A day now, lol
Alex shared more amazing finds and now I want to watch Atlantis, again ;D I'm tired and looney from an eight hour shopping trip.

Unknown said...

I love Stargate Atlantis and Rodney was a definite fave. My sister has got me interested in The Mentalist, though I have not watched an entire season, yet. Psych and White Collar are my current crime loves along with Bones.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to Jennifer's next book. I loved her first.

Suze's great and I'll take a look at Rekha's blog.

Debra Harris-Johnson said...

Thanks for highlighting the bloggers and the mentalist does it for me.

Angela Brown said...

Great blogs to highlight. I've visited Rehka's before so I can speak agreement on what you say.

michelle said...

I just realised that I typed the wrong link for Rekha's photo blog - it's unframedimprints.blogspot.com and NOT unframedprints.blogspot.com as I stated earlier... sorry...

Pat Tillett said...

It seems like everyday, you mention at least one blog I follow. Today it's Rekha. She is one talented lady. Giver her a prompt and you get yourself an excellent story in quick order.

blissflower1969 said...

I can't bring myself to watch The Mentalist because it feels like too much of a Psych copycat/knock off.

Christine Rains said...

Great I post. There's so many bloggers around here that fit this description.

Pat Tillett said...

I totally agree with you about Rekha. Her blog is one of my favorites and she is one of my favorite people!