First, my contribution to the Insecure Writer’s Support Group.
As I’ve posted before, my writing is not deep. It doesn’t contain a multitude of layers riddled with many meanings. There is no hidden message wrapped in eloquent prose and stylish words. You won’t find the answer to life’s mysteries or the meaning of life. (It’s 42 anyway – in case you didn’t know.)
There is a theme though – friendship.
And despite the simplicity of what I write, I will stand by that theme to the very end.
Do you feel equally convicted when it comes to the theme of your work?
Roland Yeomans at Writing in the Crosshairs
No other blogger is as in tune with writing and the world as Roland. He knows so many writing secrets and is willing to share them with those who will listen. Whether channeling Twain or Hemingway, Roland reaches those depths we all want to achieve and yet so often fall short. It spurs this simple writer to do better. Maybe one day I will be on par with this amazing author, but I doubt it. For wisdom beyond the ages, Roland is your guy!
Put this in your brain and chew on it for a while. An idea thief is charged with planting an idea in a victims mind. The idea must be buried deep enough that the victim truly believes that it is their idea. Mind officially blown.
Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime
Next to Rush’s “Hemispheres” this is my favorite concept piece. This album had a quiet debut but has, over the years, become a game changing moment in progressive rock. A timeless concept album!
Ninja News!
Stephanie at Scribbler to Scribe had a story chosen for the Crimson Pact Volume 3 anthology – congratulations, Stephanie!!
Donna at Weaving a Tale or Two reviewed CassaFire yesterday. She reads it to her husband so they can both enjoy. Thanks, Donna!
CM Brown selected CassaStar for her teaser yesterday. (And chose I scene I really like!)
And thank you Laura Eno for mentioning CassaFire yesterday!
Any insecurities today? Think my theme is all right? What's your theme? Following Roland? Seen Inception? Queensryche fan? Inquiring Ninjas want to know…
Cool! I'm first. I'm with you about Roland. What a deep guy he is. It takes a bit of unravelling at times to get to the embedded jewels in his writing.
Can't ever go wrong with humility. Sometimes the author just trying to tell a story is more powerful...for example, "Gone With the Wind", a powerful story of survival. "Anthem", a sorta preachy story about actualizing self.
Sometimes it's the good read that sticks with us the most.
Like your choice of Inception for the letter D. Very deep that one...on several levels. Ha! :))
I love both complex writing and focussed writing (I won't call it simple--there's nothing simple about writing hehe). And I love that you stood by your theme. It's a good theme.
I must be a lone man when it comes to Inception, I didn't really enjoy it. Perhaps my mind is not wired correctly or is just not up to the challenge of following !
I agree with your characterization of Roland and his writing. So far you have been spot on with the bloggers/authors and the corresponding letter match up.
I don't think a simple theme means it lacks depth. Emotionally you can still reach people in a very deep place.
Moody Writing
The Funnily Enough
'Inception' was very interesting. I've seen it once and that's all I remember!
Definitely 42. And I have plenty of insecurities. That I'm not good enough. That I'm fooling myself that I can make it. They come and they go.
Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z
This is what I am telling you...your "D" is now up...ha ha.
Maybe I could do some editing with my post today :)
Thank you for the mention Alex, but CassaFire was just the perfect book for me to choose to correspond with the letter 'C'! I am reading Roland's book, The Legend of Victor Standish, (which he so generously gave me), at the moment and I love all the legendary characters he mentions throughout it.
A good D word Alex with so many meanings. Most enjoyable to read.
Sorry I couldn't manage the Insecure Writers Group as well as the challenge.
Happy blogging.
You can't get a better theme then friendship! And thanks for introducing us to all these great bloggers Alex, such a genius idea! :)
Yay for a shout-out to Roland! He is certainly a deep writer! And have not watched INCEPTION, but the idea behind it is definitely cool!
J.C. Martin
A to Z Blogger
I cannot wait to watch Inception over Easter!! Yes - I missed the original film theatre showing and my nice friend got me this for Easter so while it threatens to snow outside, I shall be DEEP in this film! Hoorah!!
Big yay for Roland too!!
Take care
I unraveled all 42 of life's mysteries by reading Cassa Star. I don't know what you are talking about.
Roland is definitely one of those blogging writers who has been around the block and his comments are always so helpful! I loved the movie Inception. Let another day of A-Z madness begin!
Oooh I loved Inception!
Friendship is a great theme!
That's what I like about your writing, though. I write the same way. I want to be entertained, not straining to figure out what lies beneath each sentence. That's what I didn't like about Inception. I had to think too hard!
Great theme. Good choices in all your examples for the word Deep. And why is it I have nothing to say further? Its just too early.
I don't consciously concern myself with a theme, but sometimes one will show up. When it does, then I try, in rewrites, to improve on it.
Denise, you have to look for them.
Elizabeth, that's good to know.
Thank you Lynda.
John, it's just a big brain movie.
Melissa, thanks!
CM, I really appreciate it!
That's all right, Yvonne. A lot to put into one post.
Enjoy it, Kitty!
Thank you, Brinda.
Writing doesn't have to be deep for someone to love your book. Sometimes being to deep loses a reader anyways.
Roland is great! And he leaves great helpful comments.
Inception - I had to watch it twice just to see if I missed something the first time in order to figure out the ending. Or maybe I'm just that slow. *shrugs*
I appreciate your simplicity. I really like figuring out those deep questions myself, it's more fun. But I will keep 42 in the back of my mind in case I don't find the answer.
I do follow Roland. Sometimes he is too smart for me!
I would watch Inception if the took Dorko out. Can't stand him.
Thanks for the meaning of life. I was off by 1!
I'm feeling out of the loop--I haven't watched Inception--I don't know Roland--although it sounds like I should--and Queensryche? Wow--a blast from the past-I remember loving them--but what I loved I don't remember. :)
I feel like my books aren't deep but I def have theme. At least I hope I do. I try to.
What a coincidence. This is the second time I've come across 42 in an answer tonight! I see Douglas Adams lives on. As far as I'm aware, my WIP is themeless as well. But that's for the readers to analyze and come up with later on!
I don't consider my writing to be that deep either, Alex, because I'm not really into that which makes me think too terribly hard. That sounds awful, doesn't it? I swear I'm not an idiot redhead! LOL
Seriously, the last "deep" book I read was Into the Free by Julie Cantrell, and I very much enjoyed it. Made the keeper shelf. But I probably won't do another one of those for at least a good 6 months or so.
Inception had a few - OMG moments for me
Roland Yeomans, another one of the 'Good Guys'. I'm currently reading about Victor and Alice.
Inception - oh yeah - mind blown and then some.
Friendship as a theme? Like those guys say; 'All You Need is Love'.
I always have insecurities.
Theme is great. You rock as always.
I don't know what my theme is.
Yes, I follow Roland. He's awesome.
I own Inception but have not watched it yet. I know. I'm waiting for a time when I can give my full attention to it.
Sorry, not a Queensryche fan. You can stone me now.
I think you got my brain to work with all the questions. Thanks!!
Alex, they say to really learn something you have to teach it. So, I'm sure he's learning as he teaches. Nice job tying in Inception to Queensryche.
Roland is great. I love it when he goes on about Hemingway. Your theme is good as is all you do here.
I'm definitely convicted. My writing is not deep either.
I think Dom is in the real world at the end of Inception, that's why the top teeters.
I clicked the link for the full A-Z blog roll but the page doesn't exist! Help, I want to go deeper into the challenge but can't find the list...
You've also pointed out that Roland has donated book proceeds to charity. I'm always inspired by people with the combination of amazing talent and a big heart. You fit into that category too, Alex.
I don't think my writing is deep, either. I loved Inception (a lot of that because Tom Hardy was in it) but also because it was "deep." Yet, I didn't find it as confusing as some. And anyway...what makes a theme deep? Addressing the questions of humanity? Aren't we all doing that? A lot of the really deep stuff of yore, wasn't considered so deep then. Write on!
I'm right there with you on the "deep" reflection. This is my first time participating in the ISWG. I wrote about doubt. :)
Inception was very interesting. Agree with you that Roland is a great blogger.
I'll agree that Roland's posts shout creativity.
I've seen Inception - Loved it! I love movies that challenge the mind and make it difficult to figure out. Leonardo DiCaprio has grown into a talented actor!
Inception has messed with my mind twice now. i'm not sure that watching it again will make it any clearer, but i sure like watching the top wobble at the end.
Connections of any kind go over well in fiction. Friendship can lend its expertise to many plots.
Thanks for the IWSG! Such a cool thing!
Hmm...I thought CassaStar was pretty deep - well Byron is, that's for sure. I have CassaFire on my Kindle ready to read (it winks at me every time I open my K). To be honest, I don't think you need to go any deeper!!
Danielle, that's good to know! And you're not slow - Inception was very complicated.
Heather, which one is Dorko?
Lindi, if you like Queensryche, then you are uber cool!
Alyssia, I read to escape not think as well.
Jen, glad you did!
Christine, I won't stone you. And watch Inception only when your brain is fully functional.
Rick, I'll check that...
Thank you, Robyn!
AM, good point.
Mina, and I just read it!
Michelle, I thought it wobbled as well.
Friendship is essential!
I'm not sure I dig too deep in my writing either. Well, perhaps sometimes. I suppose it depends on my mood.
Friendship reaches people Alex. So your books definitely have depth. Yep. Following Roland. Mine are not deep either. I write adventure. But friendship is a key ingredient. :-)
What I meant was this: our books may not rate on some folks depth chart, but to the readers they rate high, because of the friendship factor. And that is what counts!
Loved Inception and fits your theme perfectly. Seen it more than once and the characters/story does indeed go deep :).
Like you, Alex, friendship (and love) are at the core of all my novels. Ernest Hemingway was simple and direct as you are. And he is considered deep.
If someone walks away from our books with a smile and perhaps a new way at looking at people or life (as with CASSFIRE AND CASSASTAR, then surely that is deep enough?
Thanks for the shout-out. It means a lot. Sometimes I feel as if I am playing to an empty house -- could come from writing my blog in the wee hours of the morning!
C.M. and farawayeyes, I hope you enjoy the adventures of Victor. JC, thanks for being happy for me. Marta, thank you for the kind words. Oops. The blood center is needing me. I have to cut this short. Thanks, everyone, for being my friend, Roland
My theme is kid's poetry: subject and form a to z. Although I don't consider Doughnuts/Donuts to be a deep topic, they are deep-fried and many people have a deep love of them. I think I wish I'd seen Inception. And I'm sorry but I have not read any of Roland's work. But I have eaten doughnuts. So I totally get it.
Deep! Those are all things that do take more time to take in. I'm still confused with Inception.
I will definitely stand by my theme - faith - even if my plot is simple. Thanks Alex!!!
Definitely don't ever sell your theme short, Alex. Friendship was what sucked me into CassaStar and kept me reading. It's a great theme. :)
And I loved Inception. It's one of my favorite movies.
Robyn, well said!
Roland, you are most welcome.
Donna, that made me smile!
Tyrean, your theme is awesome.
Thanks, Cherie!
Great theme, Alex. Going deep is what keeps readers engaged in the story, and keeps me as a writer grounded enough to tell it.
Ugh. For some reason i thought there'd be no ISWG this month because of A to Z. My super bad. Now i feel guilty about it. Sigh.
I'd say my writing has a few levels to it, but nothing major. Usually a theme or two and repeating images and occasionally a metaphor carried throughout.
I enjoyed the film, 'Inception.'
Regards 42, of course Deep Thought is never wrong ...
Great postings and your theme also you are sharing some very great blog reads, actually I have been able to follow so many great bloggers from the link list too. Can't wait to read the next installment! oops btw have not seen Inception. Will definately look for it @ Redbox
I love your theme...great to connect with other bloggers and helpful the way you describe them. So cool that Donna reads to her husband. What a wonderful thing to do about friendship! I managed to get all my insecurities into my A-Z post today. :-) Have a fantastic day!
I have one of Roland's books, but I haven't had a chance to read it, yet.
Friendship is a solid theme, Alex -- particularly in today's social media culture where "friending" and "unfriending" can be so flippant.
A friendship theme is a great theme to have.
I watched Inception just the other day. I think if I watch it one more time, I just might understand what's going on...
My significant other is a Queenryche fan. And Rush. You two have very similar musical tastes.
I couldn't agree with you more about Roland! He is so soulful and wise. He writes from his heart and from many lives.
When I first visited his blog over a year ago I was a new writer and I instantly tuned into his soul. I am an equally sensitive writer, but I don't have his extreme knowledge of history and literature.
And Alex, you show your heart and soul in other ways, if not through your writing.
Not everyone wants to read DEEP, at least not all the time. A lot of times I love to be swept away by the fast-paced adventure or quest for planet X or a good old-fashioned love story.
Lots of great news today as always!
Roland is one of my idols. I'm really so dumbstruck with all his posts, I don't comment a lot because I have nothing to add. He's amazing.
LOVE Inception!!!!!
I think your theme of friendship is deep. Really, when you said your writing wasn't deep, I was like, what??? A lot of people relate to your theme, and to the depth your characters have. :)
Karen, thank you!
Sarah, don't worry about it.
Tracy, that is rather cool, isn't it?
Milo, so true!
MJ, he rocks then!
Thanks, Michael.
Roland rocks!
And Inception hurts my brain... I really don't care to see that again... *winks*
Love the one word theme. DEEP is great :D
I have several of Roland's books, and I've been a follower of his for quite a while.
It is no exaggeration to say the guy really is truly amazing.
And despite the depths of his writing, he delivers it in a fun, entertaining way!
- Eric
If you drop the "D" from "Deep" you get "Eep" which could be an expression for those that didn't get around to posting for IWSG this month. I'll do it next month though...I promise :)
Luv the hitchhiker's guide reference;) Depth in a story always is int he eye of the beholder to me. If a writer wants there to be depth in the story there will be. For me it's that simple.
Ah the deep. I don't think I write deep stuff but do like to have a few hints of things early on that will come out later. But for the overall theme I don't like to get too intricate and am okay with that.
My wife is a big fan of Operation Mindcrime. It might be a bit deep for me.
My overarching theme in my writing is hope, and yes, I'll stand by that.
Sometimes I worry that my writing isn't as deep as it should be, but since I know at least a handful of others love it, perhaps I'm the one being shallow.
Cassie, thank you - appreciate that!
Eric, yes he does! I have like eight of his books on my iPad right now.
Michael, that's all right - there is a lot going on right now.
Charles, tell Lana she rocks!
Erin, that's a good theme that doesn't need 'depth' to resonate with others.
I'm not a deep writer either since I tend to be pretty straight forward myself.
Thanks for the shout out.
I like that your theme is friendship and it totally makes sense because look what a great blogger friend you are to so, so many!
I was relieved to read that you feel like you write with simplicity, because that is one thing that I have been worrying about with my own writing. It's nice to know I'm not the only person who thinks about their writing like that. Just this week, I read a post that helped me to see that simplicity as a part of who I am, and that I can accept it for being who I am as a writer. And just because something is simple doesn't mean it lacks something!
Bless you, Alex, for confessing that your writing is not deep. I confess that, too. And my theme is friendship, too. I really worry about that, because people are always saying, "go deeper." You are so right about Roland. I wish I could think like him:)
I think your theme is great, Alex. As for insecurities, I'm not having any today, thank you. It's monthly massage appointment day so I'm mellow before, during, and after. :D
I *loved* Inception. One of my favorite movies.
I've said the same thing about my writing (it's not deep), but it is fun. :)
You know, I write for myself first. I want the reader to be engaged and have a good time (of course!), but I write because it means something to me. Why would I do it otherwise?
If someone isn't interested in my writing, that's okay. We all have preferences. But there will be others who come along for the ride because it means something to them too.
OMG (I promise, that's the first time I've EVER written that!), you people KNOW Queensryche!!! (See, the OMG was justified... read on!) I don't know anyone who's heard of them before. I'm so happy right now!
There's something to be said for being deep but I'm beginning to think that it means more to write the theme that is in you to write. You're living up to your own muse and heart. I think you could trade all the "deeps" in the world for that.
As for me, it gives me something to think about. I don't know that I could identify my theme with just one word off the top of my head.
A to Z Blogger & SF/Fantasy Writer
Visions of Other Worlds
Twitter: @jmarcarelli
Loved Inception.
Deep should be simple not contrived. Sometimes I think I sound contrived without meaning to... Such a dilemma...
Inception was...creative.
Deep can be reached by the reader even if a writer doesn't make it obvious. Congrats to the ladies.
Laura's book is awesome; some really handy tips there.
Inception is an excellent movie - but I'm a sucker for anything that Christopher Nolan does.
Jamie Gibbs
Fellow A-Z Buddy
Mithril Wisdom
I am following Roland! Inception was an awesome movie (particularly for the enjoyment of Leo on screen).
Roland is indeed deep. Good choice for D.
Thanks for the comments, and Alex, Roland rocks, but so do you:)
You've single-handedly brought many of us together, and you are right on when it comes to the friendship part of the community.
You can't beat it with a stick - not even a sharp stick. :)
Damn. I forgot IWSG. Now I'm embarrassed. :-\
Roland amazes me. And I agree with Mark. You brought many of us out of the dark shadows to meet each other and become less of hermits.
Darn it, with the A to Z challenge I forgot to post my ISWG post. It's my first time I forgot; am I forgiven? :) I follow Roland and haven't seen Inception yet.
Actually I'm not feeling insecure today - still did my IWSG post though and will be checking out as many as I can.
Hi ALex -
Thanks for another shout out - you are so generous!
I think your chosen theme is undervalued and underutilised in fiction, and it was this deep current in your work that makes it so compelling
A book's theme is so very important, and I've found that that by sticking to it my story and characters stay in focus. Funny thing is, I've found that putting in literary touches like foreshadowing and symbolism can be easy; they're almost just tricks. It's telling a compelling, even simple story with characters a reader cares about that's tough.
D is indeed a good word for today.
And I love Roland Blog.
I'm not to sure I managed D for Insecure today...but I gave it a try.
Do you know where the list for all of the participants for A-Z is? I cannot find one, and your link at the top is broken (at least for me).
Not so much insecurity as it is burning muscles from a P90X workout last night.
Also, that was comment 100. Kind of cool to me. Just saying.
Your theme is extrememly thoughtful and fosters friendship.
Play off the Page
I think that's a great theme! I'm not so sure about my own; theme is something I struggle to pin down in my writing.
Donna, I'm just glad you enjoyed my book!
Lara, it doesn't. If that's how you write, stick with it.
Gwen, we don't, so we'll just have to write like us the best we can!
Tracy, well said!
Annalisa, I've been a fan for almost thirty years now. Wow, that's a scary thought...
Thank you, Jessica.
Mark, thanks - really appreciate that!
Mary, don't worry about it.
Jessica, we won't kick you out of the group, promise.
Laura, you're welcome, and thanks.
Helena, very true.
Sara, I have them listed at the top on tabbed page under my header.
Joshua, good timing!
I think it's important to have a theme that everyone can relate to. Friendship is an excellent one!
Friendship is a great theme. My books seem to have an underlying theme of family and the complex relationships within them.
Your theme is spot on, Alex. I think a simple theme is really a complex theme.
Hi, it was nice to meet you!
~blog hopping from A to Z challenge~
I am so not surprised you chose Roland or INCEPTION for DEEP!
Loved Inception.
You picked the perfect blogger for the theme 'deep' :-)
Friendship is a great theme, something I always find interesting because I suppose I have such troubles with it in the real world. Depth isn't something I worry too much about, I'll leave it up to the reader to infer whatever depth they want from my work.
Tegan Wilson
I really need to be in his crosshairs now. Gotta check it out. Love Mndcrime. Empire wasn't bad, but I was so impressed with the concept behind Mindcrime. And Eyes of a stranger kicked it.
Total "Inception" fan here. I do like a story where flailing ends wrap together in the end to complete a bigger picture.
So the #1 thing I LOVED about CassaStar is that it was about friendship. Becoming brothers. Family is so important to me, and it is was really refreshing to read about that kind of connection.
Jen from
loved inception! blew my mind, but i love that!
Not many insecurities this month. Must be why I forgot to include it in the A to Z. Friendship is a fantastic theme for a book. You see it all the time in YA so it's refreshing to see in adult literature. As for mine, it's forgiveness, which is a big thing for me. Funny though, it just sort of appeared in my book. It wasn't planned. Yet the entire story revolves around it. I LOVE Inception. I've watched it at least 15 times & it has a permanent spot on my DVR. And I used to listen to Queensryche like 20 years ago. I even saw them in concert back in San Francisco. They were great. I noticed they still play small venues. They always reminded me of Queen with their tendency towards rock opera style albums.
Ali, no surprise at all!
Tegan, I do as well, which is probably why I went with that theme.
Jesse, you got that right!
Thanks everyone!
Well of course it's 42! Loved that book in high school - might just have to read it again! :)
Yes, I follow Roland.
I would say your writing is emotionally deep. You can't express friendship without emotion.
Hi, I'm new to group this week. I think a lot of writers have a theme they're so interested in exploring that they carry it with them from work to work. Carol Goodman, for example--her books are much more similar to each other than some people's. But each book tells the story just a little differently. Somehow it works.
Dislike DiCaprio.
Kudos to Laura, I'm definitely going to check out her book. Sounds fun! I don't think I'm familiar with Roland's blog, will have to check that one out too.
Deep or not, I love the theme of your books. :)
I'm commenter #124. I bow in awe. When I write, all I try to do is tell a good story that readers can understand and relate to. Sounds easy, doesn't it - LOL.
Great choices for deep bloggers! It's interesting when you think about all of the different writing styles. Julie
LOVED Inception. And Roland is amazing. His "how to" writing book is incredible. I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Inception is a movie I just had to watch three times, as I kept finding cool stuff in it.
And Roland always makes me think.
Inception keeps me thinking and thinking. Honestly, my mind is constantly trying to unravel all that is going on. I like the blog "Writing in the Crosshairs" too. Very impressive.
Also - I have to tell you... the A-Z challenge is turning out to be really fun. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I am having a lot of fun with it. :)
Inception makes my head hurt. LOL. Great choices!
Inception is certainly a deep and twisty film. I loved it!
Laura and Roland are awesome bloggers. And I love the deep friendship in your novels. It's inspiring. :)
Love the deep, man! Alternating between mind-candy and the Tao, or such things!
Actually feeling almost confident this month :) We'll see how long that lasts!
I love your theme for the challenge! With so many blogs on the list, I like to get recommendations from others!
I think Friendship is a great theme to have in your novels. My kids love Inception but I haven't watched it yet.
I'm with you on the deepness of my novels. I think friendship is a perfect theme, and it IS a deep thing, so don't sell yourself short.
Jemi, just watched the movie on TV tonight!
Thanks, Edi.
Julie, thank you!
Emily, that book is great.
Leigh, that's great!
Appreciate that, Elana.
Thank you, everyone! You guys rock.
Inception was deep and what a diversion ;D
I love Queensryche! I have to go listen to their music now~
I need to visit Roland. He is so insightful..
Really you didn't save Queensryche for Q?!
Friendship is a great theme!
Loved Inception.
I follow Roland already and will check out the others.
Wow - there's a lot of bloggers to visit on the A-Z list. Do we get "I survived the Challenge" badge after this? If we survive, that is?
Ell, I think I used them for Q two years ago...
DG, you will survive and you will get badge!
Inception looks interesting, I like the idea ... Is it mine? Ha ha.
Hey Alex! I will be seeing Inception for sure.
BTW, I finished your book and was totally pleased by it!
What a nice use of the A-Z challenge - to praise others. Just got linked it via The Insecure Writers Group - I'd not heard of it before but no doubt will see it everywhere now and I'm mostly insecure so I will be following if not taking part in future. Good luck with the rest of the challenge.
Queensryche takes me back. Used to listen to them back in those head-banging 80s. Inception is a very cool movie. Wifey and I both liked it very much.
Hi Alex .. Roland has so much to offer - I really need to spend time with his books .. he has amazing writing abilities .. and his creative ideas - great to read about New Orleans too ..
Cheers Hilary
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