Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day Four CassaFire Tour, News, Trivia, and Stuff!

There were more CassaFire posts yesterday – you guys just blow this Ninja’s mind! Someone even said they had a crush on me…

Today my tour stops at the awesome blog of Elana Johnson.

I found Elana’s blog less than two years ago. At the time, she had around 1,600 followers. I was blown away by that following but bravely jumped in and followed and commented. A couple months later, she decided to do a joint blogging series on followers, comments, topics, and relationships. She asked Jen Daiker, who had over 700 followers at the time, to join her. For some odd reason, she also asked me! I think I had a little over 200 followers. It was a real honor, one I will never forget. Thank you, Elana! Not sure what you saw in this Ninja, but I appreciate that vote of confidence.

So please hop on over to Elana’s BLOG!
Don’t forget that everyone who comments here on my blog over the next two weeks will be entered to win this cool prize package from my publisher:

Ninja News

Thanks to everyone who visited Isis yesterday for my tips on building a Ninja army. It takes involvement through following, commenting, blogfests, and giving back, but more important, it takes the right attitude and spirit.

Here’s a list of helpful Facebook pages for authors to promote their book, courtesy of Dafeenah at Indie Designz

Roland continues my story of capture at the hands of aliens and subsequent rescue by him, Byron, and Athee HERE. You the man, Roland!

Caught the new Avengers movie trailer yesterday morning – looks awesome!

Random Ninja Fact

Everyone knows I like rock music – progressive rock, hard rock, and heavy metal. But what music DON’T I like? Sorry, but just can’t get into blues, jazz, or new age, don’t like pop, and really don’t like country. Yes, I’m a headbanger! I just like the depth of music in that genre.

Trivia answers from yesterday:

1 – Name the first AC/DC album to feature singer Brian Johnson. Back in Black
2 – Where was Cheap Trick’s live album recorded? (Theater and country) Budokan Theater in Japan
3 – In what movie did Black Sabbath’s The Mob Rules appear in 1981? Heavy Metal
4 – Who writes most of Rush’s lyrics? Drummer Neal Peart

Trivia Time – Locations!

Not up on your 70’s/80’s music? Let’s try locations instead!

1 – Where is Australia’s Northern Territory capital?

2 – Where does the Detroit River end?

3 – What city holds Mary Queen of Scots’ throne?

4 – Where does the Hope Diamond rest?

Anyone get all the music questions right? Care to guess on the locations? Had a blogging meltdown due to Blogger and Google changes? Have you been reading Roland’s tales of me in space? Alien probes are so evil…

Don’t forget to visit the awesome Elana Johnson!


Jeremy [Retro] said...

Ninja... must be tired.

Ciara said...

I'm headed over to Elana's blog now. You are rocking the tour, Captain Alex.

Brinda said...

I do not have the trivia answers, but "I Want You to Want Me" is one of my all-time favorites.

Kyra Lennon said...

Your trivia questions are really hard! :p

The Angry Lurker said...

The locations were harder than the rock trivia...

Natalie Aguirre said...

That was an awesome interview with Elana. Bet you're tired. You've been everywhere.

Huntress said...

What about Classic music? Mozart still rocks my world.

Number four is Smithsonian, the only question I knew.

I am working out the blogger/google realignments. Cursing. Snarling. Spitting.

Juliana said...

The Avengers trailer was awesome! Can't wait for that one.

Hopping on Elana's blog now!

SpacerGuy said...

Washington D.C.? Is the hope diamond really cursed?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeremy, Ninja IS tired!

Brinda, I've seen them perform it in concert.

Kyra and Lurker, I was going for easier! Bummer.

Huntress, yes, and I'm sorry!

Spacerguy, yes and it could be.

Gail said...

Everything sounds like it's going well. Don't you just love days, weeks, like that?

Rusty Carl said...

I missed yesterday't quiz altogether. Geez.

Okay, let's see.

1 - Pert?
2 - Detroit?
3 - Edinburgh?
4 - In the Smithsonian?

I had no idea on those, except that I saw the Hope Diamond at the Smithsonian I think, but even if I did, it could have just been on loan or something.

Off to Elana's....whoosh.

ediFanoB said...

Hope you get some rest after the tour.

I think the Ninja Army is doing a great job.

The Avenger trailer is awesome.

Sarah Tokeley said...

Hmm... I appear to be no more knowledgeable on geography than I was on heavy metal music. Never mind, I'm off to visit Elana :-)

Leigh Caron said...

You busy, busy, successful man. I'm off to Elana's now.

Old Kitty said...

Oh no. A head banger?!!?

*Shakes head and plays air guitar*

Take care

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I know the third one - Edinburgh!


Quite a long party Alex, but all the same an enjoyable one.


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I'm feeling a little dumb, looking at the trivia questions!

Congratulations again, Alex.

Talli Roland said...

It was fab to see you all over the blogosphere - what a great launch day you had! And what's this about not liking jazz music? *shakes head*

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

Oh come on, EVERYBODY has a crush on Alex!

Copyboy said...

Yeah location river is not my cup of tea. Horrible at it. haha. Wow! So fascinated by the Rush one.

Luanne G. Smith said...

I get a big fat zero on the trivia.

And stop banging your head against things. That's gotta hurt. Even if you do it to a rhythm. :P

Karen Lange said...

Hopping over to Elana's place now. Isn't the Hope Diamond at the Smithsonian?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gail, yes!

Rusty, you got three of them. Not telling which ones though.

Edi, the army is doing an amazing job!

You jam, Kitty!

Diane - yes!

Talli, it's just not my thing.

Karen, yes!

Thanks, guys!

Matthew MacNish said...

I remember that blogfest. And as I said over at Elana's: I think you guys broke the internet.

writing and living by Richard P Hughes said...

I believe the Hope Diamond is in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C.

Just started following you recently; great blog.

Brian Miller said...

thanks for dropping in are doing a great job marketing...i see your tour all over...ha. not much in the way of the trivia...tina is good peeps...

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

No idea on the trivia questions. Glad to hear the tour is going well, though! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm from Michigan and there is actually some dispute as to where the Detroit River ends. Could be Celeron Island (really four islands) or a couple of streets near Lake Erie could mark the boundary. Depends on the source you listen to. I'm interested in the answer in tomorrow's blog.

Oh, the Hope Diamond is in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC. Not sure about the other two questions.

Anonymous said...

I got zero music questions, but that was expected.

Locations, though...hmm...
1. Australia, duh. But the capital is Darwin, right?
2. I want to say Lake Erie. The other end is Lake St. Claire, starts from one of them and ends at the other!
3. Is it an actual throne seat? Or are we talking about the Stone of Scone/Stone of Destiny that was returned to Edinburgh Castle in 1996? Because that was one of the cooler things to see on the tour of Edinburgh Castle. And now I want to go back.
4. Smithsonian Natural History Museum, Washington, D.C.

Leovi said...

Yes, very lively and interesting interview. Greetings.

PR said...

3 is Edinburgh, if I have that wrong I will kick myself. As for the diamond, I stole it, so it's not where you think it is!

Universal Gibberish

StratPlayerCJF said...

Wow -- Dude, you're like the Ninja bunny. You just keep going, and going, and going....

I am in awe.


1. This is a tricky one. There are three capitals in "Australia's Northern Territory." But 'Australia's' and 'Northern' are used to further define 'Territory', so I'm going to go with "T".

2. It never ends. Or have a beginning. The water flows in a worldwide continuous cycle involving gravity, evaporation, and precipitation. Geographical borders are artificial and arbitrary.

3. I'm not sure, but I've heard it's in a special building that has Two Doors...

4. I believe that the hope is at the eternal springs. Or something like that...

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

You don't like the blues? Dare I are not a fan of Adele? *Clutch the pearls

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Matthew, I think we did.

Richard, thanks!

Brian, thanks for visiting.

Stephen, interesting.

Joshua, you rock!

Anna, yes, and uh-oh!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I don't know the answers. I'm here for appearances not brain.

I like all music, but I like some more than others.


Jennie Bennett said...

Elana is beyond awesome I've met her a few times and can attest to her coolness.

Hart Johnson said...

You're doing great, Alex! And I like all that metal stuff best too--nice and loud. Have a particular love for Grunge. Jazz and rap are probably the two I have the hardest time with, though anything to 'pop' including hip hop bugs me, too. As for the trivia, I had the first two from yesterday, but the only one I think I know today is the Detroit River. I THINK it is Lake Erie, but it might be Lake St. Claire. Or I might not know anything at all.

M.J. Fifield said...

Yep, turns out I'm not up on locations either. Maybe you should do some Firefly trivia some time. I might get some of that right. =)

Budd said...

1. Darwin
2. the detroit sewer
3. london
4. in the wreckage of the titanic in the north atlantic.

farawayeyes said...

Blogger/Google - Oh,just shoot me.

A Head Banger eh? And you seem like such a nice boy. I like my music loud, but...

You must run screaming into the night with some of the music I post. Ha Ha Ha. You have probably learned to not click that button.

Off to see what Roland has to say today!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Chris, I'll give you points for creativity!

Michael, as bluesy as I get is the band Cinderella.

Teresa, well you look great!

Hart, you got one! And you used to live near the grunge scene, didn't you?

MJ, that's a thought!

Faraway, I am nice!

Empty Nest Insider said...

You haven't slowed down one bit! I'm already behind in your tour, but I will try to catch up soon! Julie

Andrew Leon said...

Now, I don't even have the option not to subscribe :/

That's a nice FB link. I'm gonna have to take some time to check that out more thoroughly.

Morgan said...

I just got back from Roland's blog... Alex, seriously cracking up. TOO FUNNY! And I've seen your book everywhere... so happy for your success. And you know I can't wait to get my hands on it. :D

Christine Rains said...

Roland is hilarious and Elana a sweetheart. Your tour is going wonderfully!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Uh, oh. Samuel McCord just nudged back his Stetson. You don't like jazz? He says you just haven't heard the right tunes by the right artist. LOL.

Thanks for liking my sequel to your adventures with your very own Athee and Byron ... and that rascal ghost, Mark Twain.

I am so happy that your tour is going so well! Roland

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Alex
Another busy day for you. I will visit all the recommendations you listed. The only trivia question I might know is Mary Queen of Scots and I will guess Edinburgh. I hope I'm right since I'm at least 75% Scot.

I love new age and soft rock. It's the melody that I enjoy. I had choir in middle and high school and I think it's left over from that.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Christine and Morgan, thanks for liking my sequel to Alex's space adventure! Farawayeyes, I hope you get a laugh or two. Roland

Emily R. King said...

I love Elana's blog. I'll check out what's new there now.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Julie, no time to rest!

Andrew, I'm not on Facebook, but I figured it would be useful to others.

Morgan, thank you! And glad you read Roland's story.

Thanks, Christine.

Roland, sorry! Just not my thing. I'm sure Samuel will be all right though.

Nancy, you are correct!

Emily, Elana is cool.

Kela McClelland said...

I have no idea on the locations, the rock ones were much easier. Of course, thanks to my dad, I love that kind of music.

You are one awesome Ninja! How do you do it?

I'm off to Elana's blog now :) Since at the moment I am caught up on things, maybe I can stay caught up on your tour better.

Angela Brown said...

You are a busy man, Alex. Running blaze after blaze with CassaFire. Loving it.

But we've got to have a discussion about the trivia (lol!!!!). Maybe something along the lines of How many flavors does Baskin Robbins have? Or perhaps something like what mythology does the god Ra show up in? Maybe who did Aphrodite get married off to? Maybe do you think bell bottoms will make a fashion comeback?

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

blogging meltdown? least I hope it's blogger stuffing up or something because I've got almost no comments (compared to other posts) for my last post and I'm a little concerned...Maybe I've done something very wrong..eek.

Heading over to Elana's

M Pax said...

Friends conect coesn't work half the time anyway. Thanks for the link to the new app.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kela, it takes a lot of practice.

Angela, on that last one, I hope not!!

Lynda - uh-oh!!! I'm really low on comments today as well.

Mary, I got an email about it about three weeks ago and thought I'd give it a try.

Jessica Salyer said...

Heading over to Elana and Isis's now. Have you slept at all this week? ;)

Laura said...

Happy thursday Alex!
I like me a bit of rock too, but I couldn't live without Miles Davies... I'm a jazz geek... please don't ex-communicate me :)

Bryan Thomas said...

Is all this blogging the reason there's no book 3 yet? FOCUS, man! LOL Hope it's going well.

Allison said...

Ahh I can't wait to see the Avengers! So exciting. Congrats on your book release, again! :)

Leigh Covington said...

You and your book are everywhere! I love it. I'll be hopping by Elana's :)

John Wiswell said...

I'm an utter failure at all these music trivias - but am enjoying the series!

Golden Eagle said...

I saw the Hope Diamond at the Smithsonian, so I'd say that for question 4.

The new Blogger comment layout surprised me when I first saw it; but I guess with all the changes they've been making it was inevitable. :P

Off to visit Elana Johnson's blog!

Jemi Fraser said...

Just came from Elana's - great interview! :)

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Woohoo man, your little Ninja head must be spinnin'!!!

1. Darwin

2. where Lake Erie starts (?)

3. Edinburgh

4.My finger...heeehehehe!!!! A girl can dream can't she???

Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington, D.C.

What fun!!!

God bless ya and have a terrific Thursday Man!!!

Dafeenah said...

Thanks for the shout out!! I never know any of the answers to the trivia questions. :( Although I must say I totally approve of your music taste.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jessica, not much!

Hey Bryan! I'm all set to dive back into the third book in a week or so. Promise!

Golden, it's different. And yes, you are correct.

Thanks, Jemi!

Nezzy, you are good!!!

Dafeenah, you are welcome, and now I know you're also a cool rocker chick.

Anonymous said...

Love learning all your ninja facts... can't wait for the avengers movie...looks so good

Mark said...

Thanks for the news! Heading over to Elana's blog now:)

Voidwalker said...

Wow, congrats on getting published. I really need to get my butt in gear. I am finding a lot of my fellow blogger/writers have gotten book deals. I'm jealous and excited all the same.

Good job man.

Marta Szemik said...

Alex, I don't know how you do it, but you're everywhere!
I don't like country music either (except for some songs by Shania Twain).

Tina said...

Hey my favorite Ninja! So glad your book tour is going well. I'll be heading over to her place right after this. I have eclectic taste in music, to say the least. I used to have my CDs alphabetized, what with being a mathematical AND word person. Then my little sis came to visit and created a system based on genre. Here's a paraphrase of what she said at the time, "This is hard! Some categories have just one CD, and then some CDs can fit into four categories." I reminded her of how ALPHABETIZING would solve that problem. That's when she said, "Never mind, I'm just going to put it into the "we had a great concept, hit it big with our first single, then we totally sold out to the corporate machine and now have lost our identity somewhere. But not the profits." Ok, that's not a direct quote either. My memory ain't what it used to be...
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-Host of the April A to Z Challenge
Twitter: @AprilA2Z #atozchallenge

StratPlayerCJF said...

In the category of "Dangit! I shoulda said...", I have a new answer for number 4 instead of a lame "Hope springs eternal" reference:

4. There are actually several Hope Diamonds. Five of them are located at Fair Park in Arkansas:

Anonymous said...

TF, I am here to amuse!

Voidwalker, if I can do it (twice) anyone can do it!

Marta, she's a bit of a crossover...

Tina, I bet you can't find anything now...

Magnolia Blues said...

Ha! Love how you like Metal. My husband is totally into Metal and plays guitar. Our friend is a concert photographer and travels the world taking pictures of Metal bands. It's always fun to see her pictures. You are a very gifted writer. I look forward to reading your future posts.

Rock on \m/

Chuck said...

I am with you on most of your music likes/dislikes but I really like some of the blues and bluesy music. Hell ZZ Top is basically blues!

Hey I got two of the trivia right from yesterday...amazing!

Isis site was pretty have always been right on with your recommendations.

Victoria Dixon said...

Being a ninja must energize you, but rock on! Err, blog on. Whatever. *__*

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Magnolia, I play guitar! We'd so get along.

Thanks, Chuck! Sorry, Cinderella is about as bluesy as I get.

Victoria, thank you!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I thought the Hope Diamond was at the Smithsonian but I never get your trivia questions right.
Going to visit Elana said...

Great questions, Alex. I have no answers. I'm hopping over to Elana's now.

Jennifer Hillier said...

Wow, I suck at trivia! I always, always lose at Trivial Pursuit. I don't know any of these answers... I'm so lame. :(

Ella said...

A Ninja can only be a headbanger, lol
I am so not a country fan...a few songs once in awhile.

Off to visit the link! What an amazing week Captain ;D

Shannon Lawrence said...

Those are hard trivia questions! I know I saw the Hope Diamond at the Smithsonian as a kid, but that is likely the only one I know.

Roland's tales are great fun!

Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

cd sutton said...

So many congrats to you, Alex. You deserve the best!

Jamie Gibbs said...

Yeah! Handbangers unite! The Catch Fire event has been astounding in its success. You should be uber proud :D

PK HREZO said...

Hey Alex! Congrats on your super successful book release!! WTG, bro!

Unknown said...

The party seems to still be going strong! Your book is everywhere!
1. If you are asking what the capital of the Northern Territory is, well its Darwin. If you are asking where it is,I can tell you it is situated between Queensland and Western Austrlia on the norther most coast!

2. Being honest I would answer Detroit, but looking at the comments I would be wrong. It seems it is Lake Erie?

3. Edinburgh

4. ?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, you got that one!

Jennifer, you are never lame!

Ella, it's been wild.

Shannon. you got that one right.

Jamie, thanks and rock on!

CM, you got three of them!

Thanks everyone.

Maurice Mitchell said...

I can understand not liking country and loving AC\DC, but no blues?! Shocking. B.B. King is the master. Your blog tour is epic.

Author A.O. Peart said...

Hopping over to Elana's blog now. She also has a great newsletter that I've subscribed to what seems ages ago :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Alex! Just came from Elana's blog. Great interview. Have an awesome weekend!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Maurice, sorry! Cinderella is as bluesy as I get. Glad you're enjoying the tour and thanks for following along.

Angela, she's just great all the way around.

Thanks, Susanne!

Unknown said...

You really do have amazing Ninja powers. I am trying to keep up with all your appearances and feel hopelessly behind. :(

But you've got some awesome peeps out there and this tour is rockin'. I'm not into country music either.

Have you read Neal's book Ghostrider? What an incredible journey.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Melissa, that's all right. And yes, I read Ghostrider several years ago. Sad but powerful.

Ellie Garratt said...

Go Ninja. Go!