Friday, February 10, 2012

Ninja News, Tumble Blogfest, and Followers Part Two

Did you guys miss me this week? Sorry, I unplugged for a while. Needed a break and I wanted to complete my guest posts for my blog tour.

Ninja News

The video contest for the A to Z Challenge continues! Be sure you check the A to Z Blog every day for tips and news.And TODAY I have tips on selecting a theme for your posts!

Lynn Rush revealed the cover art for her upcoming release, Awaited. You can find it here on Goodreads. Looks awesome, Lynn!

Don’t forget the Origins Blgofest is next Monday! Sign up HERE

Sean McLachlan’s book, A Fine Likeness, is on sale at Amazon for $2.99 through Valentine’s Day.

I’ll Tumble 4 Ya Blogfest

Hosted by Nicki Elson, Suze, and M. Pax.

Who was your 80’s celebrity crush?

Back in the mid 80’s, when MTV still played music videos (the nerve!), several videos for a band called Heart caught my eye for one reason, and one reason only:

Nancy Wilson!

She was smokin’ hot, played the guitar, and had a beautiful smile.

And the sexy outfits they put her in didn’t hurt either…

Who was YOUR 80’s crush?

Followers Part Two

Since my post on handling followers was so popular, thought I’d continue with how to get followers. Again, instead of a ‘how to,’ this is just what I’ve found works the best. There will probably be a part three as this stuff is the mechanics.

Follow other bloggers. (60-80% will return the follow. Really helps if you go back and leave a comment as well! However, don’t follow a bunch of blogs just trying to get people to follow you back – that’s shallow and lame.)
I gained between five and twenty new followers a week this way.

Participate in platform building groups.
I gained quite a few followers through the BBT group two years ago, and many of us are now part of the BBTCafe Yahoo Group.
I also participated in Rachel’s campaign last fall. I followed everyone in my genre, although I think only about fifteen followed me back.

Do a guest post on another blog
Depending on the size of the blog, this has resulted in five to fifteen new followers.

Participate in blogfests
I’ve joined them and hosted several of my own. (The latter gains a few more followers.) Usually I’ll get between ten and thirty new followers this way.

Be selected a Blog of Note
Yeah, over a hundred new followers from that honor!

Participate in challenges
Namely the A to Z Challenge! So many new blogs to explore – it really is the most effective way to gain followers. Don’t believe me? Know how many I gained last year? Over 350! (Which is nothing compared to Lee, who gained well over 600.)

But all of these followers won’t mean anything if you don’t connect, interact, and build a friendship.

Bet you can guess what part three is all about!

And yes, I just realized I'm over 1300 followers now. Whoa...

Any other news? Do you have an 80’s crush? Know of other ways to gain followers? Seeing a good movie this weekend? Can I come?


Juliana said...

"all of these followers won’t mean anything if you don’t connect, interact, and build a friendship." << So very true!

Excited about the Origins Blogfest!

Mark Koopmans said...

Hey Alex,

When it comes to followers, I've found that not messing with one's Lucky Charms always works best :)

I was never into Heart, but I'm doing the '80s Tumble Hop, too, so my heart went to Molly Ringwald of Pretty in Pink fame :)

See you at Origins and thanks as always for the tips/advice and suggestions:)

Susan Fields said...

I just posted my 80s crush, and I'm absolutely loving this blogfest! I was a preteen/teen throughout the 80s, so I had plenty of crushes! Never was big on Heart - maybe it would have helped if I were a guy. :)


I didn't have a ceush in the eighties I was busy rearing my children and anyway Daniel was only just starting in Ireland and I had never heard of him.

I will post my Origins early as I shall be on my way next week to the US, I shall close Lappy on Tuesday lunchtime, Will try to catch up on a pc during my vacation.

Look forward to your party a few days after my return.

MOCK! said...

Revealed my 80s crush when the topic first came up...

As for weekend 8 year old son and I are going to Phantom Menace and my wife and 14 year old daughter are going to Journey 2....

MOCK! said...

...and the not following back is a huge pet peeve of mine...

The Angry Lurker said...

Kelly LeBrock from Weird Science and then married Steven Seagal....followers have to be followed and commented on as well....

Miranda Hardy said...

Over 1300? Wow! Amazing.

I adored Judd Nelson, such the rebel. Lol

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Great tips for gaining followers, Alex!

Heart was such a great band.

PK HREZO said...

Oh yeah Nancy was hot stuff for sure... such a rocker! And how could anyone resist such big hair??

Porky said...

Man, where to start with a subject as big as that?

Natalie Aguirre said...

Great tips on gaining and keeping followers. I'm always impressed by your blog because you always have so many people commenting. And I'm sure it's because you're always at everyone's blog and lend so much support to others.

Rusty Carl said...

Erin Grey? You know, the Buck Rogers lady. I had a lot of love for a little guy, she missed out.

And my secret to gaining followers? Crossing my fingers.

Laura Pauling said...

That's terrific. I don't think you give yourself enough credit though. It's also you, who they are following, not just b/c you joined those platforms.

But maybe the next topic you can cover is if do those followers put you on an RSS feed or join your newsletter b/c with GFC going away for wordpress...Actually when I follow someone it's just been a public show of I enjoy your blog, but I don't use it for anything else. I use my google feed.

I've started to care a little less about my followers badge lately when I see that it doesn't always translate into huge sales for the people that have huge followings. I work on developing the friendships I have.

I have conflicted feelings about inflating follower numbers - how many people still read a blog after something like A-Z fest? I think it's better to use these fests to have fun and meet new people and spend time with the bloggers you know, but not just to inflate a badge. What do you think? (I'm in no way knocking the A-Z fest. I thought it was great fun last year.)

Civil War Horror (Sean McLachlan) said...

I'm going to be doing Origins and A to Z. The latter one will be a real challenge. I've mapped out most of the alphabet and will be able to keep the letters focused on the Civil War, writing, and horror. Gotta keep that blog focused!

I only have 48 followers but I get more than 100 hits a day, not including spammers. I think that's because I come up in search engines a lot for Civil War related topics and so some people drop in to do some quick, specific reading but don't stick around. Hmmmm, how to change that?

Thanks for mentioning A FINE LIKENESS. The reason the sale is until the day after Valentine's Day is because I LOVE my readers!

Tonja said...

Celebrity crush? Harrison Ford.

Great tips! Congrats on 1300.

T.D. McFrost said...

I have only followed a few folks from my Platform Building group, and only because I haven't visited everyone's blog.

I like blogs that look presentable. I also follow people who have really amazing and honest bois--like one blogger who dances ballet and her husband plays extreme sports. I love that!

I can't wait for the A-Z blogfest to begin! I am going to meet A LOOOOTTT of people! :D

The Armchair Squid said...

Nice crush choice.

Rek Sesh said...

She does look hot from the 80's perspective...useful advise on the followers...if you want to know my crush, you will have to trudge through cyber slush to my post.
Lynn's cover looks awesome and the story is interesting...voices as a weapon.
Origins, that reminds me, I have write my tale and soon.

Brinda said...

My husband also thought Nancy was hot (along with Stevi Nicks). :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Juliana, it is!

Mary and Susan, I didn't like the band, just Nancy!

Yvonne, safe travels.

MOCK, Journey 2 is actually getting good reviews.

Lurker, Kelly was hot.

PK, she did have the 80's hair thing going, didn't she?

Natalie, I try!

Rusty, she was a crush as well.

Laura, that's why I said it doesn't matter the followers, it's the connections. And I have SO many new blogger buddies from last year's A to Z that I still am in daily contact with.

Sean, the A to Z will be a good way for you to experiment and see what does keep them around.

TD, you'll find a lot of amazing blogs during the A to Z Challenge.

Rek, don't forget Monday!

DL Hammons said...

Excellent choice for your crush! I was (am) an avid HEART fan. I saw them LIVE twice, and that woman can sure play guitar! :)

Timothy S. Brannan said...

I loved Nancy Wilson. But I had to go with my first true love in my post, Stevie Nicks.

Gail said...

My follower number is creeping up and I am thrilled. My problem is by the time I post, answer emails, and vist a few blogs, I seem to be out of time. With family, a full time job, helping with a family business and a farm and trying to throw together a book, I don't have much time left.

What I need is more time!!!

Trisha said...

Love your pick for 80s crush! hehe. Mine are way more embarrassing than yours. ;)

I've been thinking about my followers too, because with GFC disappearing it's going to be interesting trying to keep track of new people! oh well...changes, they are a-comin'!

JE said...

Congrats on the followers. That's quiet an accomplishment!

And *groan* I'd forgotton about the Orgins Blogfest, so thanks for the reminder! ;-)

I have several eighties crushes (I was a wee little thing back then). All of the New Kids on the Block (don't laugh). And that dude who song Take On Me ... what was his name? *swoon*


Rick G said...

Nancy Wilson, you hit the nail on the head with that one.

mooderino said...

I imagine you had that kind of hair back then. Do ninjas back-comb?

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Alex, I have a question... How do you highlight certain sentences/titles?

Huntress said...

Lynn’s book cover and title are definitely the type I love. Great marketing!

Regarding blogfests: *groan* So many to choose from, so little time. But Origins and I’ll Tumble Ya looks great.

Your advice about blogging and followers needs re-posted everywhere. *note to self: re-post soon*

You do a great job, btw. *BG*

Luanne G. Smith said...

Should have seen Nancy Wilson coming...that hair!

So many guys crushed on her. :))

Nicki Elson said...

It's nice to see these tips so nicely organized - and also great to hear from the master what works.

So Nancy Wilson, eh? It's very interesting to see what catches the boys' eye. I don't even really remember the Heart videos, he. Thanks for playing along & fessing up to your 80s crush!

Tara Tyler said...

and being an awesome proactive commentor helps too!
alwys ready with a kind word, you are!

and great rockin pick for your crush. these crushes are dating us, i think!

have a hearts & flowers weekend!

Bossy Betty said...

You da bomb, Alex. Thanks for the followers tips. Glad you are one of mine and vice versa! I always appreciate your comments.

Jennifer Lane said...

Nancy Wilson has an AMAZING voice. I used to try to belt out "These Dreams" and "On My Own" with those Heart sisters (and didn't sound anything like them, ha ha).

Julie Flanders said...

Great tips on the followers, thanks for sharing.

Nancy Wilson totally rocked. I love Heart, they have such great songs.

Have a great weekend coming up!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I wonder how many cans of hairspray Nancy went through in a week?

You're right about commenting and connecting with others. Never understood those who follow a ton of blogs but never comment.

Robyn Campbell said...

I loved Heart. Still do. I watched them on TV not long ago.

Great following tips, Alex. BBT is fantastic. Dani is the best! (I need to go by the cafe)

My celebrity crush? Always has been and always will be John Lennon.

Marta Szemik said...

Thanks for the great tips Alex. I'm looking forward to more mechanics of handling it all.
80's crush: Ricky Schroder if anyone can remember the show Silver Spoons (1982-1987).

Kelly Polark said...

Great 80's pick! A rockin' hottie, for sure!

Thanks for sharing your following tips, Alex. You certainly know your blogging!!!

Anonymous said...

Nancy Wilson is a great selection! She was one awesome hottie of a rocking rock star. And we'll be seeing Safehouse with Denzel Washington today. Looking forward to that!

Jeremy [Retro] said...

first 80's crush... i think it was heather thomas from 'the fall guy' for television and music... the lead woman from the band 'scandal'.

that is some great blog follower advice, you are the jon bon jovi of this blogger...

Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
Visit The Madness:

LynnRush said...

Awesome. I'm stoked for the Origins Blog. Just wrote my post for Monday! I love hearing about how people got started in their journey for sure!! :)

I love 80s music. Crushes though...I'd have to go with Michael Jackson, George Michael, Duran Duran. :)

Have a super weekend!!!!! Thanks for the cover shout out.

Li said...

I took a much needed break this past week as well. And I love my followers - not a single one ditched me! Will be playing catch up this coming week. And I've decided to go ahead and pre-write a few posts for the A to Z challenge, as that will give me some days to concentrate on just reading posts - and finding some new blogs.

vic caswell said...

corey feldman... that is all.

Sarah Ahiers said...

i heard a rumor that we'll be losing the "followers" feature in blogger.

Charles Gramlich said...

Nancy wilson works for me!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

DL, both sisters are really talented.

Gail, I find a time machine, I'll let you know.

Trisha, that's a real bummer for blogs outside of Blogger.

Justine, don't know his name, but the band was A-ha.

Rick, score!

Mood, never like that!!!

George, I use the highlight feature, which is next to the change font color feature.

Thank you, Huntress!

LG, she was HOT!

Nicki, I never watched for their music...

Thanks, Tara!

Betty, I always enjoy visiting YOU.

Robyn, I don't always chime in, but I'm always listening...

Marta, I remember!

Jeremy, you mean Patty Smyth? She was cute.

Lynn, sorry it was so late!

Lisa, pre-writing is a good idea.

Charles, I knew most of the guys would agree!

Old Kitty said...

Ok, confession time! I had to google Nancy Wilson but am glad I did as I have heard of Heart (soft? Rock - or as my heavy metal loving ex used to say = pop music! LOL!) but never knew who were the band members so now I'm happy. Ahem!

See how easily you make me happy!?!? LOL!

Take care

M.J. Fifield said...

I'm pretty sure my 80's crushes were Kirk Cameron and Mark Paul Gosselar. I do recall having lots of pictures torn out of magazines of those two plastering my walls.

I love the cover for Lynn Rush's novel. It is awesome.

Have a good weekend...

Jay Noel said...

Doing the Origins Blogfest too!

My 80s crush was Olivia Newton John. Big. Time.

Personally, I really enjoyed these two part series on how to gain more followers. But the important thing is to keep them! Remaining interactive is key. Plus, I know I receive much more than I give from all of you wonderful bloggers.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Great advice. Nancy the hair!!
Anymore news? I did my pageant wrap up on my blog today!! I'm so ready to dive back into my writing world. lol

Arlee Bird said...

I forgot about Heart--great girl rockers in a great group.

You mostly covered the how to get followers. One for sure is that for the most part it's an active process.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Emily R. King said...

I'm excited for the blogfest on Monday. It's going to fun!

Jennie Bennett said...

I totally have an 80's crush on David Bowie. Just kidding! Ew, why did I even say that?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kitty, now you know!

Jay, glad you're enjoying them. And interacting is the only way to keep them.

Lee, that's right!

Tasha Seegmiller said...

This is great advice. And I love that you aren't just out to build a following - you focus on friendships. Very well done - thanks for sharing.

Ellie Garratt said...

My 80s crush was Bowie. Before that (cough, cough) it was Nik Kershaw. Oh, dear.

Just signed up for the origins blogfest!

Suze said...

Heart rocked.

M Pax said...

I missed you Wednesday. I'd hoped you hadn't fallen into a hole.

Nancy Wilson is a fine choice.

Leovi said...

Yes, definitely a great methods and tips for getting new followers. Greetings.

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

Nice choice. :) I was still pre-crush age in the 80s, so I'll have to skip this one.

~Sia McKye~ said...

Crushes, hmmm. Pierce Brosnan and...Dirk Benedict (A Team.)


Linda King said...

Thanks for the advice re followers - maybe I can improve upon my 35 (and I think one of those is me!) Nancy Wilson - great choice! I actually wanted to BE her!

Empty Nest Insider said...

Congrats on over 1300 followers! I agree that A to Z is one of the most interesting ways to gain a lot of followers in a short time. Richard Gere topped my list of 80's crushes and he still looks great for his age. Julie

Cate Masters said...

Wow, 1300 followers! Congrats!
Hm, 80s had to be Bono, I was a huge U2 fan.
Off to check out the links...

Unknown said...

Back when MTV played music...hmmm my crush was totally the Fab Fivce from Duran Duran, in particular Roger Taylor. I just adored that band.

Nancy was always my girl as she was one of the first women I saw playing guitar.

Great advice on the followers. Thanks for sharing your ninja secrets. :)

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

1300 is an unbelievable number of followers, Alex. Congrats man...I can't even imagine having that many. But you definitely deserve it. Hands down you are the "craziest" blogger I have ever networked with, and I mean that as a compliment. Watching you go just makes me sleepy because it looks like so much effort.

Lydia Kang said...

Nancy Wilson is STILL awesome. She was before the 80's, during, and after.

Pat Tillett said...

Good advice and tips on gaining followers Alex.
People may come, but they won't stay unless they like the blogger and/or the blog. Although I consider your blog a "writer's blog," you mix it up and keep it interesting. I think people like that also.

Christopher Hudson said...

Eighties weren't my decade ... and I ain't gonna tell which one was ... however, I was a little infatuated with Grace Slick.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tasha, I really never set out to amass followers. Friendships are more important.

Ellie, and I just read your entry!

Mary, just needed to get a few posts done.

Linda, it just takes time and effort. You will!

Julie, he's sixty now isn't he? Something like that?

Nancy made guitar playing sexy! Because the guys sure didn't do that.

Annalisa Crawford said...

I've been saying this all day, but I loved Heart. I apparently loved most things in the 80s - but I was pre to mid-teens and reliant on mum to buy clothes. Parental-bought 80s clothes are BAD. I wish I'd be a little bit older then, and a little bit younger now... that could work, right?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Crap, five of you commented while i was writing my comment!!

Michael, thank you very much. Yeah, it does take effort, but well worth it.

Lydia, yes!

Pat, if I focused on writing I'd bore people. And confuse them!

Annalisa, any parental-purchased clothes are bad! You should've seen what I wore in the early seventies.

Carol Kilgore said...

I saw you were MIA on Wednesday. Glad all is well. I think we're going to have a movie marathon on Sunday, but don't know what movies yet.

Happy Weekend!

Susan Oloier said...

Need to check out your A to Z tips, as I'm toying with the idea of a theme.

Johanna Garth said...

Glad you had a week off!

Eighties crush: Prince but I think I had a crush on Nancy Wilson's hair!

nutschell said...

You are the yoda of blog following. I love how you broke down your techniques and shared it with the rest of us. I agree with joining blogfests. I joined the A-Z last year and gained a lot of followers there. I still don't know how you manage to leave comments so regularly though! I find myself struggling often, bec. even when I'm itching to blog hop, I find that I have tons of other things that need to be done first. :( I need some of your powers. haha.
Happy weekend!


D.G. Hudson said...

Ah, the big-hair days of the eighties. And leather catsuits - remind me of Batman and his ilk.

If I had a music crush in the eighties, it would have been Brian Setzer of the Stray Cats. (hard rock and roll)

Discovered Stevie Ray Vaughn (Double Trouble) and Colin James about that time too. (blues - my roots)

Nice info on blog followers, and I've taken some of your advice. I can't be as prolific with posts, though. . . I admire those who can.

Margo Berendsen said...

Okay, you convinced me, I'm doing the A to Z challenge. I've tried all your other advice, with wonderful results. I have plenty of followers, so I'm not pushing to get more, but I was so close to try the A - Z anyway that this was the last little push I needed!

Yay for Nancy Wilson! Had forgotten about her.

mshatch said...

Already signed up for both the origins and a-z. Very excited about the latter as I have a cool theme planned :)

But I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with your 80's pick. Joan Jet was way hotter ;)

Dani said...

I love/loved Heart! I think I might have a girl-crush!

Your Followers Part Two is so dead on. I only have a sliver of the followers you have but I have gained over twenty new followers just from doing a recent blogfest. I comment back to everyone and return the favor if I haven't already commented on their blog.

I love what you have to say and what your all about!

Christine Rains said...

Nice choice for your crush. I guessed you'd like a rocker chick. Great advice for blogging. Have a wonderful weekend!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Carol, I didn't mean to alarm anyone...

Johanna, that's funny!

Nutschell, now I'm a Yoda Ninja! I just make this a priority.

DG, three times a week is all I can handle.

Jen, you got it!

Margo, glad you're on board! You will make so many amazing friends.

MSHatch, she was so skinny though!

Thanks, Danielle!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. you and Lee and other sparklers have set the road ahead for us .. and you're all always so helpful and full of good ideas.

Be polite is the main thing - joining in .. but not wasting time on subjects I am not interested in .. lesson learnt early on -

I do like to relate and build relationships - so head count isn't enormous .. but relationship skills is - I hope?! Cheers Hilary

Susan Kane said...

I would love to see a good movie! unfortunately, my husband likes the crash and bash movies, while I want to see something that reminds me of the honor and propensity to do good.

Maybe the whale movie, with Drew Barrymore in a wet suit?

Tracy Jo said...

I had a major crush on John Taylor, the bassist with Duran Duran! Reading all these posts today...I want to get my old cassettes out. Thanks for the information on connecting with other bloggers. Have a great weekend!

Patsy said...

I often follow people just because I've seen an interesting comment by them on another blog and have then checked out their blog. If the interesting comment is left on my own blog, I'm even more likely to follow that person so I guess leaving comments must help.

Also make sure that you set up your profile so people can actually find and follow your blog - loads of people don't.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hilary, relationships are what matter.

Susan, I'm probably with your husband on this one...

Patsy, I know! Unless they comment, can't always follow back.

Jennifer Hillier said...

My 80's crush was Madonna! (Er, does that count?) I just loved her.

"I'll Tumble 4 Ya"... now I've got that song in my head!

Great post. Happy Friday, Alex!

Dave P Perlmutter said...

47 now but always will be an 80? man in my heart, following your blog, follow mine, go on.....

Great to connect..

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Ha! My 80's celebrity crush was Scott Baio...

Andrew Leon said...

You left off the "have a best selling book" part of how to get followers. :P

And I'm not subscribing to the comments, this time (because I'm just not gonna have time to wade through the flood of emails I get when I subscribe to your comments), so you'll have to email or comment on my blof for me to see it. Sorry to be a hassle. Busy busy.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jennifer, sorry it's in your head!

Andrew, are you saying I get a lot of comments? And the connections were the reason I had a best selling book! said...

My 80's crush was Michael J. Fox. Bet you never heard that one before. A couple of my friends met him and gave me a great in-person, impromptu photograph of him, which I still have (somewhere).

Thanks for the Origins Blogfest reminder. I knew I'd signed up for something but couldn't remember what it was.

Happy weekend, my friend.

Cassie Mae said...

Great advice Alex! Connecting with people is definitely a way to gain followers... or more appropriately called, friends.

And this A to Z challenge keeps coming back to me. Should I or shouldn't I? Hmm....

Jemi Fraser said...

Those are all great suggestions! I've found many new friends those ways :)

80's crush??? Hmmm, I'm terrible with dates, but I'd say probably Bryan Adams :)

Golden Eagle said...

Congratulations on 1300+ Followers! :)

Excellent advice. And the A-Z Challenge is definitely a great way to find new followers; I gained over 70 during April last year, which is definitely a record for my blog.

I'm planning to watch Star Trek this weekend. Does that count?

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Was Magnum in the '80's? Love the stache.
A to Z is going to be fun and crazy.

Anonymous said...

You've hit the nail on the head about followers, interaction is the most important thing for me.

80's crushes, Michelle Pfeiffer and Meg Ryan!

Movies for the weekend, Twelve Angry Men and Drive on DVD, I'm looking forward to watching both for the first time.

Enjoy your weekend.

Gwen Gardner said...

Alex, you're so right about blogfests. That's how I connected to most of my followers.

80's crush? My brain was too muddled from the 70's to remember much:) But hmmm, I used to have a huge crush on Michael Landon.

Ella said...

Great advice, as always :D

I saw Heart in concert, amazing!!!
80's crush, David Lee Roth from Van not my type, but his on stage presence was hot~ lol

I mentioned A-Z today, too

Congrats on reaching over 1300 followers...yea, Whoah!

julie fedderson said...

You have to love that Nancy was married to Cameron Crowe, who did some of my favorite 80s flicks. Congrats on expanding your ninja army!

Anonymous said...

I loved Heart... still do...:) Congrats on the huge following... well done.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Robyn - Michael who? Naw, he's a good actor. Can't comment on his looks. That would be... odd.

Cassie, join us! Believe me, almost everyone will be doing it - you'll feel left out.

Jemi, Bryan Adams was during the 80's!

Golden, it makes you awesome!

Susan, very early 80's I believe.

Paul you'll dig drive! And thought both of those actresses were hot as well.

Ella, thanks for mentioning it!

Thanks everyone!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Great tips for following and being followed.

I've not heard of Nancy Wilson...Did I go through the 80s with my head in a bag? lol

Carrie-Anne said...

Good choice for your crush. My favorite spinning instructor is all about classic hard rock and metal (though we like to tease him when a 21st century song pops up in his playlist), and he considers the Wilson sisters among the best female voices in rock.

Good tips for building followers and networking. In hindsight, I wish I'd taken up blogging sooner instead of spending so many years on Angelfire!

Catherine Stine said...

Heart, yeah, I've always loved that band. Finally got to see them a couple of years ago up in Bethel Woods, NY. Still great. I'm over from the bloghop-#57, better late to join up than never. Cheers.

Jade Hart said...

wow, this is the most comments I've seen on one post :) I'm number 111! My secret crush was Johnny Depp - drool :) Thanks for the tips about followers Alex and congrats on the 1300 followers! :)

Misha Gerrick said...

I am signed up for the origins blogfest and Awaited's cover looks stunning.

I didn't have a 80s crush, since I wasn't born for most of it. ;-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lynda, the band Heart was around for many decades.

Carrie, both sisters are very talented. And what's Angelfire?

Hi Catherine! I haven't begun to attack the blogfest list.

Jade, I've had a lot more...

Misha, you're a young thing!

MISH said...

My 80's crush? George Michael & Richard Gere...

Great tips Alex! I agree that connecting and building friendships is more important than having hundreds of stagnant followers to boost numbers - and with the disappearance of GFC, nobody will know how many people follow a particular blog if there's no subscribe thingiemajig on the sidebar (indicating how many followers have subscribed to receive e-mails).
Thanks for following my blog. I don't know where you find the time... You are really amazing!

Unknown said...

I soooo crushed on Jon Bon Jovi. I saw them in concert in Houston when I was in the 10th grade. Every song he sang was directly aimed at me. :)

Thanks for the blogging tips! And might I add, you do a fabulous job at keeping up with all of us. :) I seriously don't know how you do it all.

Claudia Zurc said...

Your "Followers part 2" is really helpful. I agree with everything you've said here. I do like blogfests; they're fun! I've never tried the A to Z challenge. I've invited people to be guests on my blog but never been a guest myself. Thanks for these great tips!

Leovi said...

I was in love with Chrissie Hynde of The Pretenders.

Mina Burrows said...

Hi Alex! I saw Underworld last night. Thought of you cuz of Kate. LOL! I enjoyed it.

For the 80's...Johnny Depp. Still is too. :)

Looking forward to Origins.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Definitely missed your posts this week . . but you stopped by and left comments anyway . . . one more reason that you have so many followers.
80's crush: Rick Springfield, and I didn't watch soaps, just plastered my room with posters and listened to his music.

kese said...

thanks for info... nice...

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Amazing, Alex. I think you have found a way to make 25-hour days and 8-day weeks! You are an inspiration...

<a href="”> NotesAlongtheWay</a>

Patricia Stoltey said...

You're a blogging wizard. Thanks for the tips!

Karen Kyle Ericson said...

Hi Alex! I think my 80's crush was a tie between Luke Skywalker and Harrison Ford (err Hans Solo?). I'm enjoying the Star Wars game now. Thanks for your advice. I got excited when I started checking out blogs- published authors, photographers, Christians, artists... oh my! So I followed a bunch of them. Then I realized my head was spinning so I've had to limit how many I actually comment on. But try and get to them as often as I can. I try and list them on my blogs so I don't forget. 1300!!!! That's great! Nice job!

Theresa Milstein said...

I used to listen to the song These Dreams all the time!

Angela Brown said...

Okay. I had a few crushes during the 80's. However, the one crush I was surprised I had was the one I had on Slash. I mean, there was no way to hardly ever see his face when he played. But when he played his guitar - mind you, I was a hip hop girl growing up - I could just listen all doggone day long.

Angela Brown said...

Or would Slash be more along the 90's? Either way, he was the one guitarist I loved to listen to.

Author A.O. Peart said...

Great advices on how to get more followers. Thanks for sharing. You're so right - interacting with the followers is a must, otherwise it would be just an empty number.

As for the 80's crush(es)... I had sooooo many! Loved the guys with huge, rediculous hair, wearing those super-skinny jeans :-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mish, I find time for my friends!

Candy, maybe he was singing to you...

Claudia, you need to try the Challenge.

Tyrean, someone posted a current picture of him and he looks really good for his age.

Monti, I'm like Hammy from Over the Hedge.

Karen, it can spiral out of control!

Angela, Guns 'n' Roses were mid to late 80's, so you're good picking Slash. And the dude can play!

Angela, a very empty number.

Denise Covey said...

Great post Alex. Re followers, as you say there is no point in hunting for followers if you don't connect. I've found blogfests one of the best ways but the whole heap of followers thing leaves me cold as it really is not quantiy, but quality, the old cliche rings true to me.


Nancy Thompson said...

I love it when you share these little tidbits. I love doing blogfests to meet new people, and I always get a few new follows that way. I'm doing the A to Z this year so I hope I can meet all kinds of new folks there. Also doing Rachel Harrie's latest Platform building Campaign. Not sure what to expect from that. I can't imagine getting 50 new followers all at once, let alone 350 or 600! WOWZA!! But I think there are a lot of people out there like me who "crush" on you for so many reasons.

See you on Monday for the Origins blogfest!

Anonymous said...

Nancy Wilson was hot. I loved Heart.

Thanks for the tips regarding followers.

I hope you're enjoying your weekend.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Denise, believe me - those followers from the Challenge last year overwhelmed me!

Nancy, that's sweet! You will make some really great connections with the A to Z. I wouldn't be a co-host two years running if I didn't believe in it.

Medeia, so far so good!

Heather Murphy said...

Ahh, the Wilson girls were a huge inspiration to those of us wanting to be taken serious as female musicians!

Talli Roland said...

Nancy Wilson? Really?

And so true about followers. You need to interact and build friendships - that's the fun of blogging.

Anonymous said...

I've scheduled my origins post for tomorrow morning, but won't be able to accessd the Internet til later on that day.

The 80's was my era, but I don't remember Nancy Wilson! I loved the Police, Level 42 and no doubt more than more poor brain can recall.

February Grace said...

My 80's crush was Pal Waaktaar, round of eyes, blond of hair guitarist and principle songwriter for the band a-ha (the people who brought you Take On Me and have had dozens of number one hits in every country of the world except the US.)They broke up at last, last year, after 30 years.

I cried. They're still amazing.


Jessica Salyer said...

Congrats on the followers. Over 1300, I don't know how you do it. When your still a smaller blog, do you ask bigger ones if you can guest post? And yes, I'm sorry to admit it but my 80's crush was... Corey Feldman. At least I'm not alone. I saw someone else with the same answer.

Leovi said...

I also loved the memorable Deborah Harry of Blondie.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Heather, they were pioneers!

Talli, it is! And Nancy surprises you?

Madeleline, that gave me a chuckle! You probably knew the band Heart just don't remember.

Bru, I didn't realize they'd stayed together that long. Take on Me was a great song.

Jessica, yes - ask! What's the worst they can say? A larger blog will gain you more exposure. Be sure to reciprocate with a guest post for that blogger.

Leovi, and she modeled before she was a singer. And acted afterwards.

Morgan Mandel said...

You are amazing, Alex! I don't know how you do it.

Morgan Mandel

Rosaria Williams said...

Ah, so true! Thanks for the visit, btw. I might add that if people don't enjoy stopping and reading other blogs, their own blog will never gain readership.

Enid Wilson said...

Good to know the other Wilsons in the world. She's much hotter than I.

The Spinster’s Vow

Ciara said...

Congrats on the over 1300 followers. I'm so upset at Google. I just read that I'm going to lose Google Connect on my blog because I'm with Wordpress. That's around half my followers. I'd hoped to make 1000 by summer, guess that won't happen now. :( Ugh, darn Google.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Morgan, some days I don't either.

Rosaria, exactly!

Ciara, I'm sorry! I have you in my Google Reader so I'll still be following.

Cat Lavoie said...

Nancy Wilson! Good choice.
My 80s (and early 90s...and, OK, it's still going strong) crush was John Stamos from Full House. *swoon*
I gained a lot of followers with last years A-Z Challenge so I'm definitely going to sign up this year as well. Congrats on all the followers! :)

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

80s crush... Billy Idol. lol

Going to see The Artist. Stoked over silent films in any era.

Saumya said...

wow, what a helpful post. I definitely need to be more proactive about followers.

Angela McCallister said...

I came up for air and saw you posted! Sorry I'm late (I wrote 16,000 words this weekend, and my ms is nearly done--woohoo!).

I didn't take time out to watch a movie like I'd planned, but I'd like to see The Woman In Black. I hope it's as creepy as it looks. I can't wait for Ghost Rider, though. It looks better than the first one.

dolorah said...

Wow; I was beginning to wonder if you were human enough to need a blogger break. Good to know you are :)


Maurice Mitchell said...

reat post Alex. I liked it so much I Dugg I'm gonna start following your advice and see if I can get more great blog friends.

Unknown said...

Omg, I had this stupid thing on my blog and didn't even realize it! Sorry to all my blog buddies!

Alex, thanks for the early blog party update. My goal is to be well enough to make the party!!!

Unknown said...

Ack, I tried to comment, but it said it had to be approved first. Is that new? Hope you got the comment...:))

Tina said...

Catching up on my reading ;-) I find it very interesting to learn about how others handle/keep/follow back and what their "formula" is. I agree 100% with all you've said. I think a very interesting blog-hop would be to have all the participants write a post about who they follow and why, and also what they do when they find they have new followers.
I'm bummed I missed the origins blogfest. I'd planned to join...but the A-Z hosting gig is priority right now.
Tina @ Life is Good

Co-Host of the April 2012 Blogging from A to Z Challenge
