Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ninja News, March Movies, and an Interview

I was honored to do an interview with Bryan Thomas Schmidt, award-winning author of The Worker Prince. Bryan runs his own blog here, but my interview today is at Ray Gun Revival. He also read and reviewed CassaFire, giving it four stars. Thank you, Bryan!

For those of you who need help turning off word verification, J A Bennett posted very easy directions.

Laura Josephsen’s new book came out – Rising, Book I: Resistance – congratulations, Laura! She’s currently doing a blog tour so check her site for details.

Jeremy Bates has a book coming out in May and his publisher has twenty copies up for grabs at Goodreads. Congratulations on White Lies, Jeremy!

And now, here are your March movies! As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snarky comments by me.

2 –

Dr. Seuss' The Lorax
Animation | Family | Fantasy
A 12-year-old boy searches for the one thing that will enable him to win the affection of the girl of his dreams. To find it he must discover the story of the Lorax, the grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world.
Directors: Chris Renaud | Kyle Balda
Stars: Zac Efron, Taylor Swift, Danny DeVito, Ed Helms
They veered away from the original story – why does that not surprise me?

9 –

John Carter
Action | Adventure | Fantasy | Sci-Fi
Transplanted to Mars, a Civil War vet discovers a lush planet inhabited by 12-foot tall barbarians. Finding himself a prisoner of these creatures, he escapes, only to encounter a princess who is in desperate need of a savior.
Director: Andrew Stanton
Stars: Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins, Willem Dafoe, Bryan Cranston
Please don’t let Disney mess it up…

19 –
DVD – Tintin

20 –
DVD – The Muppets

23 –

The Hunger Games
Action | Drama | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Set in a future where the Capitol selects a boy and girl from the twelve districts to fight to the death on live television, Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her younger sister's place for the latest match.
Director: Gary Ross
Stars: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Elizabeth Banks
Not high on my list but I think a few people here are excited about this one…

30 –

Wrath of the Titans
Action | Adventure | Fantasy
Perseus embarks on a treacherous quest into the underworld to rescue Zeus, who has been targeted for capture by his traitorous son, Ares, and his brother, Hades.
Director: Jonathan Liebesman
Stars: Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson, Rosamund Pike, Ralph Fiennes
It can’t suck as bad as Clash of the Titans. Can it?

Any of those movies strike your fancy? Still holding out for next month? More excited about The Muppets? Any other exciting news? (Yes, I am well aware of what happens next Tuesday!)

Don’t forget to check out my interview at Ray Gun Revival!


Huntress said...

I choked on my coffee when I read '...but I think a few people here are excited about this one...'

Har. Do you think?

*still waiting for JJ Abrams'Star Trek II*

Suzie F. said...

Congrats to Laura and Jeremy!

Count me and my daughters among those excited about Hunger Games!

Juliana said...

Here in Brazil, John Carter and Hunger Games will be released the same day, on March 23 ... I think I'll watch one then enter line again and watch the other LOL

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Huntress, glad I could make you laugh!

Juliana, that sounds like a plan.

Laura Pauling said...

Yes, I'm one of those ones excited for the Hunger Games. Can't wait!

True Life and Fiction said...

Hey Alex, I'm going to see John Carter in a pre-screening. I'll be sure to let you know how it was and if Disney "messed it up."

Jai Joshi said...

I'm guessing that Wrath of the Titans is going to suck just as bad as Clash of the Titans. Didn't they learn the first time around?

John Carter looks interesting. And I know a lot of people very excited about Hunger Games.


Jai Joshi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jai Joshi said...

Sorry, double post!


RaveAir said...

March looks very promising month! But I have very-very bad feelings about the John Carter movie...

Old Kitty said...

The Muppets Rule!!!!

Miss Piggy did a great red carpet job interviewing BAFTA peeps and she was just gorgeous!! We love Miss Piggy!

Take care

Rusty Carl said...

Huh... I didn't realize March would have movies that I want to see, but it does. I'm not sure how they can screw up John Carter - it might not be good, but it can't be boring.

Off to check out the interview.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

The Lorax looks absolutely delightful and I can't wait to check it out. John Carter is my most anticipated March release, plus, it premieres on my birthday, March 9.
I'm still not completely sold on Hunger Games... there's something in this film that bothers me. Wrath of the Titans looks so much better than its mediocre predecessor, so I'll definitely give it a shot. If I were you, I would have added Mirror, Mirror, Dark Tide, and definitely The Raid - Malaysia's hardcore martial arts thriller, that blew all the critics away last year at some festivals. I'm dying to see it. Great list, Alex.

Leigh Caron said...

Yup, I'm hungry to see The Hunger Games too, but I won't be able to here in Mexico. They don't do English sub-titles. Waaaaaa!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

JL, I hope they don't! Let me know.

Jai, unfortunately, it made money.

Kitty, Muppets do rule!

George, great birthday present.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

wait what was wrong with clash of the titan?... i liked it... the rest i have no idea or real interest... i want the avengers.. while i have been sick been watching iron man 1 and 2, thor, capt america... but not the hulk, that is just garbage. maybe just maybe they won't muss up the hulk's good name.

Matthew MacNish said...

Did you see Tintin, Alex? It was very good. Definitely worth the rental if you didn't catch it in theaters, even if you don't have kids.

Talli Roland said...

Tintin? Really? Wow, that brings back memories.

Congrats to Laura and Jeremy and everyone else who has a book out!

Talli Roland said...

Tintin? Really? Wow, that brings back memories.

Congrats to Laura and Jeremy and everyone else who has a book out!

Tonja said...

I can't get enough of Titan movies. Loved the last one. The Lorax looks great too.

Anonymous said...

mmmmm I have to admit, I haven't heard of any of these other than the muppets obviously. But over here at the mo we have safe house and this is war which i REALLY want to see.x

Marta Szemik said...

I'm one of those excited about The Hunger Games. Having read the book when it first came out, I'm really looking forward to the movie. Also Wrath of the Titans, but only because I love that kind of stuff and I'm a big fan of anything to do with Greek mythology.

Tasha Seegmiller said...

I really want Hunger Games to be good, but I will wait to see what some of the feedback is before I jump - don't want to be disappointed and mad all within two hours :)

Anonymous said...

They're using the Lorax to sell SUVs. Evil!

Amy said...

Great post Alex! Rising sounds like my kind of book - I am so going to have to check it out! :)

Nice selection of movies too! Wrath of the Titans trailer sucked me in, so I might have to go see that one. The Hunger Games on the other hand, I've had that date saved as date night for my husband and I!

Liza said...

Thanks for the second tip on Word Verification. Now, can we get everyone to turn it off! It's a real time thief!

Laura Eno said...

John Carter looks...hopeful? Never saw Clash but maybe Wrath will be better. Those are the types of movies I subject my husband to on netflix. ;)

mooderino said...

They seem to be putting a lot of money into promoting Avatar 2, er, I mean John Carter. Can't say I'm very excited about it so far.

Moody Writing
The Funnily Enough

Kelly Polark said...

Hunger Games! Yes Yes yes!

And I'll probably see the Lorax because my kids want to.

DL Hammons said...

JOHN CARTER is the only movie I'm looking forward to, but my son is bonkers over HUNGER GAMES. We both read the book, but I just don't get it.

Happy Hump Day! :)

Anonymous said...

tin Tin was very good. Saw it with the kids and we'll definitely by it on DVD. Saw much of Hunger Games on YouTube as someone posted it in small sections. Not sure if its still up and running or if it was taken down. And I'm hoping John Carter is going to be as good as the previews!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeremy, much more excited for the Avengers.

Matthew, when it hits NetFlix I will!

Tasha, it could happen.

Liza, yes it is.

Laura, good for you!

DL, that's the only one I want to see.

Christopher Hudson said...


Laura Josephsen said...

Thanks so much for the shout-out, Alex!

I am very much looking to The Hunger Games. I've never heard of John Carter, but it looks interesting.

Birgit said...

Most of those films do not seem interesting although the last one may be better than never know. BTW-I saw The Artist-this is why film is great! At least in my book-excellent film!!

Tracy Jo said...

Oooo...John Carter is definitely on my list. Thank you for all the information and for sharing J.A. Bennett's post about WV. Her post totally helped me. I probably won't see Hunger Games only because it is such a big deal. I was like that with The Help. What does that say about me? Ha!

Robyn Campbell said...

*snort* "Please don’t let Disney mess it up…" Ha! Love it, Alex!

TinTin is so awesome! Hoping for Hunger Games to be awesome. Do not want to be let down.

The Lorax? I want to see the original not a made-up story. Though the cast looks great. Especially DeVito. We'll go because of Taylor. ECK! (Nothing against her) She's a great role model for our 14 year-old. But I'm into classic rock & roll.

Congrads to Laura and Jeremy. He's awesome!

Arlee Bird said...

I was looking forward to John Carter, but the more previews I see the hokier it looks. Might be too much computer effects.

Hunger Games might be good, but I think it may fall flat.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Twitter: @AprilA2Z

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Alex
The description for John Carter makes it sound better than the T.V. clips I've seen. I think I'll pass.


Anonymous said...

I'd actually pay full price to see John Carter. I hope it's good. Maybe I'll read Hunger Games soon. It's in my to read stack.

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

I am excited for The Hunger Games movie, and next Tuesday. :)

Jessica Salyer said...

I'm looking forward to Hunger Games and John Carter looks good.

Julie Dao said...

I can't lie... pretty excited to see some kids killing each other a.k.a. Hunger Games.

Charles Gramlich said...

I'll see the Lorax for sure.

Karen M. Peterson said...

I think I've actually convinced my fuddy duddy friends to go to the midnight showing of The Hunger Games. Can't wait!!

Sarah Ahiers said...

Stupid clash of the titans remake. I hate it forever.
I think the lorax actually looks kind of good. And i'm crossing my fingers for John Carter.
I cannot freaking wait for the Hunger Games.
Also, i didn't get a chance to see tintin in theaters so i'm excited about that as well

Nate Wilson said...


That is all.

RaShelle Workman said...

Alex - I'm worried about John Carter. I hope it's good. Congrats on the review and interview. I'll be sure to check it out.

Only six more days!!! Whoot. =D

Bryan Thomas said...

Here's your review and the Ray Gun Revival Interview is at

Johanna Garth said...

I REALLY hope people look at those instructions for turning off word verification. It's making me go blind!

And, yes, I would be another one of those who can't wait for The Hunger Games.

Carol Kilgore said...

Put me with The Muppets out of this group.

Next Tuesday? Next Tuesday?? I can't imagine what in the world may happen next Tuesday :)

Ciara said...

I'll be seeing The Hunger Games as soon as it is released! Have you read the book? If not, you should. ;)

You are so right about Wrath of the Titans, it can't be worse.

Tyrean Martinson said...

My daughters have The Hunger Games release date circled in red pen on their calendar . . . I'm so hoping the movie does not disappoint.
Thanks for all the cool links!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Laura, you're welcome, and John Carter is based on a really old series of books.

Birgit, haven't seen it yet.

Tracy, glad JA's post helped.

Robyn, original like the did with the cartoon version of The Grinch? That would be nice!

Thanks, Rachel!

Julie, that made me laugh!

Sarah, that's how I felt about the Titans remake.

RaShelle, I know!

Thanks, Bryan! Correct link is up.

Johanna, so do I.

Brinda said...

I must be living under a rock because I haven't heard of some of these. There were several that I'd love to see.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Just purchased Cassafire for my Kindle - for some reason I didn't think it was available until the celebration . . . but now I can read it before that!

Leigh Covington said...

I'm one of the weirdos looking forward to Hunger Games! Seriously - can't wait. I just have to let go of any expectation that it might be as good as the book.

And I would hope Wrath of Titans doesn't suck. It has potential to be good. Hopefully they won't mess it up.

Rick Daley said...

I thought The Muppets was excellent. My wife and kids loved it too, and I would gladly watch it again.

When I saw The Muppets I recall two trailers, one for The Lorax and one for Pirates.

The Lorax spent most of its time touting the stars. Taylor Swift! Zac Effron! Danny DeVito! Ed Helms! Then we were treated to a few seconds of tween romance plot, a quick joke by Danny DeVito, and that was it. Looks like a dumb movie, IMHO.

Pirates, on the other hand, showed the story about a captain and his crew of misfits who wanted to win a talent show. I don't know who's in it, nor do I care, but I will see it because it seemed to have genuine wit...I laughed out loud several times during the trailer, even at the leper scene which has since been cut.

So my take: The Lorax is following the same formula as Snooki's autobiography (i.e., just get a famous name and they will come) where Pirates is an original story that will actually be worth seeing.

Nikki said...


Wow, I'm excited that they are making a film of The Lorax, though it's a shame that they aren't sticking to the original story. I wonder how it will be, I could never quite bring myself to watch The Cat in the Hat, since it looked pretty creepy...

Nice post :)

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I am truly waiting expectantly for JOHN CARTER. In fact, I wrote a post today (no, I am much too much a gentleman to post a link to it here) that explains that without John Carter and his creator, Edgar Rice Burroughs, there would be no STAR WARS, no SUPERMAN, no FIREFLY, and no AVATAR (all of which were based on Burroughs' ideas.)

I read and enjoyed your interview. Boy, you sure are doing something right, Alex! May the sales of CASSFIRE soar through the roof and straight to the stars! Roland

Andrew Leon said...

My son and I were just commenting on all of the 4-armed bad guys in March (both Titans and John Carter).

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jen, I'm still hoping!

Tyrean, thank you! I think my publisher wanted to be sure it was available on time.

Rick, the Pirates movie is done by the same studio that did Wallace and Gromit and Chicken Run - it's bound to be great!

Inspire, creepy is a good description of that movie.

Thanks, Roland! Yes, John Carter started a big surge in science fiction and the space barbarian genre rode high for many years.

Andrew, true! They are in both films.

Cherie Reich said...

Congrats to Laura and Jeremy on their books!

John Carter looks really cool, and I'm taking my sister to see The Hunger Games.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Did you hear that early projections indicate that John Carter may be the biggest failure in history?

Christine Rains said...

Hey, the old Clash of the Titans is a classic! Okay, it sucks a bit, but it's fun. I think I'll wait for DVD for most of those movies except The Hunger Games.

Anonymous said...

I love that you always put movies up that are coming out, and I love the snarky comments, and I am one of those people whose excited for Hunger Games :)

Unknown said...

I am DEFINITELY one of those people looking forward to The Hunger Games movie!

Patsy said...

Don't fancy any of those films - think I'll stay in and write.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michael, I know! Disney is insane if they think it will make $750 million.

Christine, the old one was great, the new one - awful!

Melanie, I shall continue the snark!

Anonymous said...

The Lorax looks cute, but I doubt I'll see it in theaters. I would like to watch Hunger Games.

Tara Tyler said...


that is all


M Pax said...

I'm hoping John Carter is good. Only one more week until CassaFire is out. :D

Carrie Butler said...

Congratulations to Laura and Jeremy! As for movies, I'm pretty excited about The Hunger Games. ;)

Leovi said...

That funny, it seems that today I'll take Dr. Seuss The Lorax.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I sooo want to see John Carter. The trailers for it look great. Hopefully the story is strong.

Golden Eagle said...

I didn't really like first book in The Hunger Games Trilogy, but I'm interested in the movie, just to see if they stuck to the plot or seriously deviated from it.

Angela Brown said...

I was distraught about Eragon after seeing the movie in the theater. The Last Airbender shredded my heart into itty bitty pieces at its movie rendition. I can only hope and pray that The Hunger Games will not be as a bad.

Emily R. King said...

Yay for Jen giving directions for turning off word verification! Man, they are annoying.

The Lorax looks great. I think I'll take my kids to it.

Helena said...

I'm psyched about The Hunger Games, but I also want to see John Carter because he was created by Edgar Rice Burroughs, who created one of my favorites -- Tarzan.

Lydia Kang said...

I"m very curious about the Hunger Games and John Carter!

Jennie Bennett said...

Thanks for the mention! I still haven't seen Tin Tin or Muppets, but I want to! Although for sure I'll be seeing Hungers Games on opening night :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mary, I know!

Lynda, that's my top pick of the month.

Angela, I doubt it could be as bad as either of those movies.

Helena, yes he did! said...

I'm so disappointed that The Lorax strayed from the original story. Why'd they do that? I guess I don't have to see it afterall.

Thanks for the scoop, Alex.

Unknown said...

Just left my comment over at Bryan's site. What a interesting and lively interview. He certainly got you to spill a lot.

Frank Frazetta is one of my all time favorite artists. He's one of the few who knows what a good werewolf looks like. His Wolfman hangs in my bedroom. Eh, maybe I shouldn't have admitted that part. You're probably unfriending the weirdo right now. LOL

Cat Lavoie said...

Looking forward to seeing Tin Tin! I used to read the comics when I was a kid and (from the bits and pieces I've seen so far) it looks really good.

Anonymous said...

Great interview, Alex -- and it's at a great site. If you ever consider doing a stand-alone origin story for one of your characters, submit it to RGR. They published one of mine last fall, and it's done well for itself, thanks to the high-caliber reading regulars!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I have high hopes for John Carter and my daughter and all her friends are nuts for The Hunger Games. I'm sure I'll be dragged to the theater for it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Robyn, it doesn't sound anything like the book!

Melissa, no, but I am chuckling at her honesty! Frazetta is just amazing. I need to get a copy of his Battlestar drawing.

Cat, everyone says it's good!

Milo, thanks for the tip! I might be done writing full length novels after the third one.

Susan, for your sake, I hope it's good!

Christina Farley said...

Totally excited about the Hunger Games movie! And I'm curious about John Carter. The world building looks interesting.

Ella said...

I, too am curious about John Carter!

Hunger Games, on the fence. My kids both are anxious to see this one~
It reminds me of Stephen King's movie, "The Running Man". I am only going by what I have heard...

Off to check out your interview!
Time is ticking....the countdown is on! ;D

Jennie Bailey said...

I wish that I was more excited about John Carter. I'm scared that Disney has screwed it up. That being said, I'm there opening night! And I can't wait for the Hungers Games. :-)

Jamie Gibbs said...

The Muppets was a great movie! I still need to see TinTIn, and I'll more than likely watch Lorax too. After seeing Clash, Wrath of the Titans doesn't really do anything for me.

Empty Nest Insider said...

One of my favorite actors from Friday Night Lights is playing John Carter. I hope the movie does well. Congrats on all of your great reviews! Julie

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ella, didn't think about The Running Man. And yes, closing in on the big moment!

Jamie, doesn't do anything for me either.

Thanks, Julie!

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

Not high on your list?? Dude! /jk

I'm equal parts over the top excited about Hunger Games and terrified they will mess it up. Not that I'm a fan or anything. :)

Karen Lange said...

Enjoyed the interview! Don't know if I will see any of these flicks; might rent Tintin. Thanks for the info!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Romance in the Lorax? Horrors. For some reason, the fact they've completely changed the storyline makes me very sad...

Mina Burrows said...

Am I #100? :0)

Congrats to Laura. I'm on my way now to visit Bryan.

I want to see Hunger Games so bad... And I want to take my hellions to see Lorax. My son just did a book report on this one. :)

Mina Burrows said...

BTW, I think Bryan's link in your post is broken. :)

msmariah said...

My husband and I are looking forward to John Carter and The Hunger Games. I'm a little worried about The Hunger Games though.

Leovi said...

Alex, are present in many blogs, on Tuesday will be a great day. Greetings.

Patricia Stoltey said...

Ah yes, word verification. Everybody's talking...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, I hope for all the fans they don't mess it up.

Thanks, Karen!

Elizabeth - I know! It won't even be the same story.

Mina, thanks - I'll fix it!

Leovi, I hope so!

Mary Aalgaard said...

What?! They're changing The Lorax. It's one of my favorite stories. Still, I'm glad they're bringing it new life in the movie. Now, more kids will read it.

Budd said...

my oldest "just has to see Hunger Games!" both of us have read the books.

Unknown said...

I know it's the grandpappy of Star Wars and all, but John Carter really isn't screaming out to me at this point. Which is odd, because I'm usually all about those kinds of movies. The trailers have been overly cheesy in my opinion, so that hasn't helped.

Hunger Games! Going to be huge, but will it be good? I sure hope so as I'm a big fan of the source material.

I think Wrath otT has a chance. The first had so much to live up to from a fanboy aspect that I"m not sure anything would have been good enough. A new story and fewer expectations should drastically improve the experience. Key word being should.

Mark said...

Bryan's site looks cool, thanks for hipping me to it:)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

They are going to ruin my favorite Dr. Seuss story.

Donna K. Weaver said...

I've read Laura's "Rising" and loved it.

Some great movies coming out--if they don't mess it up. I wonder what they'll really do with John Carter. Loved those books.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mary, they are changing it!

EJ, or lower expectations, whichever works.

Donna, I have the books on my iPad but haven't had a chance to read them yet.

farawayeyes said...

I'm bummed that Goodreads won't let me enter the contest for Jeremy's book(out of the country). I'm also bummed that I'll probably 'cave' and go see 'The Hunger Games' I didn't like the books, but I'm curious. Can't wait for John Carter. The Titans- I love mythology a little too much to sit through these flims. Loved TinTin, want to the The Lorax. Laura's book comes highly recommended - on my TBR. Whew!

Sarah Tokeley said...

Yeah, I'm one of the horde waiting for The Hunger Games. I only know about John Carter because of all the ridiculous hoops they went through to make the title 'boy friendly'. From what I gather, it didn't work.

Ellie Garratt said...

Definitely checking out John Carter. Keeping my fingers-crossed with that one.

Next Tuesday? Wasn't aware of anything special happening. Hehehe.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Thanks for telling us about those movies! I love the picture on the Lorax!

Mary Montague Sikes

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Faraway, sorry you can't enter!

Funny, Ellie!

Jeremy Bates said...

looking forward to john carter! and glad ur being proactive about getting rid of the word verification........

PS: thanks for posting the news about the book!

Rick said...

Sign me up to see John Carter. Burroughs has always been one of my favorites.

SpacerGuy said...

Hunger Games has nearly 7.5 million hits on youtube which is pretty good but with the exception of Donald Sutherland, I've never really heard of Jennifer Lawrence. She must be pretty amazing to get top billing.

FilmMattic said...

Excellent post, Alex! I'm quite fond of your "snarky commentary." Yep, the studio is committing what amounts to narrative upheaval on Dr. Seuss' story. If they mess it up, we'll know why. And I agree with your skepticism for John Carter. Let's please hope Disney does not destroy its imaginative potential.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeremy, you're welcome!

Spacerguy, she was Mystique in the latest X-Men - that's why.

Matthew, thanks! Really disappointed with the direction of The Lorax.

Misha Gerrick said...

I'm really looking forward to The Hunger Games. Total fangirl. ;-P

PK HREZO said...

Oh wow... they did a Titans sequel?? Yeah, it better be worth it. Total rental material.

Pat Tillett said...

John Carter is sounding good to me and I'm sure I'll see Wrath of Titans. thanks!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I am totally jazzed for Hunger Games. Titans may not be great storytelling but it's awesome eye candy.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

PK, that's what I think!

Cal, it will at least be that.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Hunger Games... that's the one movie I'm waiting for the most.

Shannon Lawrence said...

I'm looking forward to Hunger Games, The Lorax and Wrath, but not enough to see them in theaters (maybe I'll take the kids to The Lorax). I'd seen the title John Carter, but haven't seen a preview or anything like that, so I had no idea what it was about until this post. Sounds like it might be interesting. I'll have to go search out a preview on IMDB.

Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Shannon, Disney's biggest mistake was dropping the rest of the title - it began as "John Carter of Mars."