Monday, January 23, 2012

Movie Reviews and Ninja News

Thanks for commenting on my guest post on blogging tips and CassaFire news at Susan Roebuck’s site last Friday, and for making Brinda Berry feel so welcome here.

Some really important announcements today but first the reviews:

Underworld: Evolution

A reviewer on JoBlo’s site said it best – if you’re a fan of the first three, you’ll dig it. (Which means if you hate the series, I doubt this movie will change your mind.) It’s not a great movie, but I was entertained for the duration.

This movie was on a smaller scale and probably with a smaller budget – but you couldn’t tell from the special effects. It also had a storyline that was touching and intricate involving Selene’s daughter. It had kick-butt action, with fights, chase scenes, and explosions (including exploding lycans.) And of course – it had Kate Beckinsale, looking as stunning as ever! My quest this year is to find Selene’s outfit and convince my wife to wear it around the house. (Wish me luck.)

Attack the Block

This British alien invasion movie was also done on a small scale with a virtually unknown cast. The movie opens with a teen gang in South London robbing one of their neighbors. (Over the course of the film, they manage to redeem themselves.) The gang kills a strange looking creature and soon find themselves defending their block against vicious aliens.
This movie was a load of fun! It’s a fun monster movie in the same vein as Tremors with even more action and humor. The actors are great – their banter hilarious - and the aliens effective. It’s colorful in language but not excessively gory.
If you’re looking for something fresh and new, rent this movie for action and laughs!

Now on to the news…

Sign ups for the A to Z Challenge open in one week! Don’t forget the video challenge/contest.

Mark at Aloha, and Hi! from Hawaii is co-writing a memoir about a singer who lost and then regained his voice. He is hosting a giveaway for singer Donald Braswell which includes several CDs.

Melissa Sugar is hosting the Get Fired Up Blogfest and encouraging others to mentor and help a struggling blogger. One of the prizes is a Kindle Fire! Read about it HERE and HERE.

If you’re getting ready to set up a book tour, Spunk on a Stick’s Tips has some great tips.

If you’re looking for some awesome writing tips, Mooderino at Moody Writing always posts the best.

Jessica Bell’s book, Twisted Velvet Chains, is now just ninety-nine cents at Amazon US and Amazon UK.

Big thanks to Helen Ginger at Straight From Hel for her review of CassaStar this weekend. Another science fiction convert!

Patricia (author pm terrell) gave me the All Around Wonderful Blog Award. Thank you, Patricia!
I am passing it along to:
LisaAnn at Kicked, Cornered, Bitten, and Chased
Patsy Collins
Marta Szemik

And finally, voting opened Saturday evening at You Gotta Read Videos for the best book trailer submitted the month of January. CassaFire is number ten and yes, I will grovel for votes. CassaStar came in second last year, and since prizes this year include free advertising on their websites, I’d really like CassaFire’s trailer to be in the top three. Go vote HERE

And if you haven’t seen the trailer for CassaFire, created by my awesome publisher, Dancing Lemur Press:

Seen either of those movies? Entered any of the blogfests? Planned your A to Z Challenge posts? Vote for my trailer? I will grovel… 


Sarah Tokeley said...

Voted :-)

I want to see both of these films, especially the second one. It sounds right up my street - sort of an alien version of an English show we have called Misfits.

Leigh Caron said...

Tee hee...I love to see a grown man grovel... OK, you can get up now, I just voted. And I am signing up for the A-Z Challenge.

Melissa Sugar said...

Thank you Alex. You are the best. I am really looking forward to the A-Z blogfest I missed it last year. Thanks again for plugging "Get Fired up". I hope we help a lot of new bloggers.


See you been visiting the cinema again, Love your reviews, it gives people an insight to the film.

Congrats for the well deserved award and to the people you passed it onto.

There is quite a few things I would like to know about blogging as I haven't got around yet to learn how to do certain things on my laptop.

Have a good day.

The Angry Lurker said...

Voted in the poll and saw Attack the Block but the initial act by the gang tainted my view of them regardless of what happened later....

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for sharing about the movies so I can add them to my list. And that's awesome CassaFire's trailer is doing so well. I'm off to vote.

Unknown said...

Voted! And thanks for the movie reviews! The Hubby and I want to see Underworld--huge fans--but what's the deal with it only being in 3D? Maybe it's just here in the Boonies? Bleh.

Tonja said...

Underworld looks good - the first one was great. You got my vote - good luck!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Sarah. Think you'll get a kick out of Attack the Block.

Em-Musing, glad you;re on board for the Challenge!

Melissa, I hope it does as well.

Lurker, my wife had a hard time with it as well, but she enjoyed it anyway.

Natalie, thanks!

Alyssia, we saw it in regular 2D.

Thanks, Tonja!

Miranda Hardy said...

I can't wait to see Underworld Evolution. I loved the first three movies. Good luck with the trailer. I'll head there now.

Will said...

Voted -- I think you're around #5 now, but it will be some work to catch up. If anyone's up to it, it's our illustrious Ninja Captain!

Cate Masters said...

My vote's in, Alex! Good luck.

Jessica Bell said...

Voted! And thanks for the plug! :o) Good luck!

DL Hammons said...

We saw RED TAILS this weekend and although my wife and son liked it, I have to give it a thumbs down. I much rather would have enoyed watching Selena lob off Lycan heads! And ATTACK THE BLOCK is a small gem of a picture that I LOVED!

Lots going on in the blogosphere this week!

Tara Tyler said...

you are such a professional!
thanks for all the info & well-deserved congrats on your award =)

Laura Eno said...

Voted! I haven't even begun to think about my A to Z blog posts yet. :(
Ellie's back! Yay!

LynnRush said...

Sweet trailer, Alex. :) I'm excited about Underworld 4, but I saw a scathing review of it earlier this weekend :( I'll still see it, because I LOVE Selene. :) I'm sure i'll miss Michael, though. :( Wonder why he didn't sign on for this movie.

Matthew MacNish said...

I thought it was Selene (not Selena)?

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thank you for mentioning my blog tour series. Part 2 went up today.

Old Kitty said...

Yay for Attack the Block!!! :-)

Now off I go to vote!!!

Take care

Heather M. Gardner said...

The new Underworld is certainly on my list but I will have to wait for Blu-Ray.

Attack the Block sounds good too.

I wanted to go back on your blog and find your review, if you did one, on Green Lantern. I watched it this weekend. It wasn't too bad. As soon as I watched it I wondered what your review had been. ;)

I'm not technically ready for A to Z but I am looking forward to it!

Another great informative post. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Can't wait for Underworld. It was #1 this weekend. Yay Selene!! Good luck on the catsuit. ;)

All good things happening around the blogosphere which you know I'll be checking out. Can't wait for A to Z!

Brinda said...

Good luck on getting your wife to wear Selene's outfit. :) I have to go check out all your cool links. Also, a HUGE thanks for having me on your blog over the weekend.

Charles Gramlich said...

Cool trailer, man! I will definitely see the new Underworld.

A Daft Scots Lass said...


Rusty Carl said...

How many times can I vote? Because yours really is one of the three best book trailers I've ever seen - and the other two were from big time authors with big time budgets.

I saw Attack the Block late last summer and was really surprised at how much I liked it. I definitely recommend it. I'll check out the Underworld movie on DVD when it comes out. I'm planning on going movie crazy this summer - I'm saving up.

Anonymous said...

I'm off to vote. Great trailer!

Anonymous said...

The only movie on my list for this week is Beauty and The Beast 3D. Not sure if there are exploding lycans in it. Hopefully there will be.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Miranda, you will enjoy it then.

Thanks, Will.

DL, shame they ruined that film.

Laura, I saw that! Was so worried about Ellie.

Matthew, just a typo - I fixed it.

Heather, I thought The Green Lantern was fun. Critics are so harsh.

Brinda, thank you for being here.

Rusty, as far as voting, how many computers do you own?

Thanks everyone for voting!

Marta Szemik said...

Thank you for the Award Alex!
I watched Underworld Evolution over the weekend on TV and really enjoyed it.
Also submitted my video for the A-Z Challenge :) - It's more like a slide show, but it was the best I could do. I'll post it on my blog this week.

Luanne G. Smith said...

I knew you'd enjoy your moment with Kate this weekend. :)

Karen Lange said...

Thanks for all the info and links! Already been over to Melissa's, will have to check the others out.

Happy Monday!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. it's up now - I voted ... though can't comment because of the embedded comment box over there. Love the video trailer .. now I'm off to read Helen's review ..

When your book is out in print - I'll get it .. end of Feb - I think ..

Cheers Hilary

Vicki Rocho said...

You might want to save those groveling skills for convincing the wife to wear Selene's outfit...I do like the boots so maybe it won't be as hard as one might think?

Good luck with that and thanks for all the news!

Copyboy said...

Awesome trailer indeed. Yeah I should get that outfit for my wife as well.

JE said...

You had me Underworld. I haven't seen this yet, but I'm DYING to.


Mina Burrows said...

Damn...that's a killer trailer!

Bossy Betty said...

So cool, Alex! Off to vote!

N. R. Williams said...

Congrats on the award. Cool trailer, I'll head over and take a look. I'm passing on blogfest for awhile. I'm sure you'll understand.

Thank you for all your kind thoughts and comments in recent weeks. I appreciate them.

Unknown said...

Cool stuff! Thanks for coming by my blog.

Bryan Russell said...

I've heard really great things about Attack the Block from a few different people. Looks like I'll have to give it a looksee.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Thanks for the reviews! I'm off to see if Attack the Block is available on Netflix ...

farawayeyes said...


Attack the Block sounds fun. I'll check it out.

Would love to know the outcome on your wife and Selene's outfit, but that just might be TMI.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Oh my gosh...another blogfest... I think I've reached my max in these for a while.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Marta, that's awesome you did a video!

LG, I did indeed...

Hilary, thank you so much!

Vicki, you're probably right.

Jen, rent it - a lot of fun,

Copyboy, let's see whose wife wears it first!

Mina, thank you!

Nancy, we've just missed you.

Karen, that's what my wife says...

Dianne, that's how I saw it, so I know it's on NetFlix.

Faraway, I promise no photos if I succeed. That event will be for my eyes only!

Michael, I know I've hit my limit...

Emily R. King said...

I voted! And I'm psyched for Melissa's blogfest. It's a great way to spread the world about other not-so-well-known bloggers!

Christopher Hudson said...

Okay, Red Tails was't Citizen Kane ... but if you're interested in WWII and like aviation ... don't miss it. As per most Lucus films, the dialogue was a little wooden, but the attention to period detail was awesome ... and the opportunity to salute true heros admirable.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Alex,

I just voted.... Lots going on in the blogoshpere!

Congrats on the award...

Gearing up for the SCBWI conference.... Should be higly educational, intense, and hopefully fun!

Arlee Bird said...

Voted for trailer--check.

Entered a couple of blog fests--check (gotta be careful not to overdo it though).

A to Z Challenge Posts getting done--check.

And I heard so many good things about Attack the Block that I need to check that one eventually.

Wrote By Rote

Johanna Garth said...

Off to vote for your trailer, because I've seen it and LOVE it!

J.L. Campbell said...

Thanks for the round-up, Alex. I'm off to check out a few of the links.

Cherie Reich said...

I'm definitely planning my A to Z posts. Now I just need the time to write them all up. Hehe!

Now I'm off to vote for your awesome book trailer.

Budd said...

I will pass on Underworld. I have only seen the first one and didn't really care for it.

Attack the block looks good and I think I may check it out.

Hart Johnson said...

I think a lot of British stuff is great precisely because it isn't so high-budget. I think more creativity is required and more effort is spent on writing and the emotion of the plot.

Thanks so much for the links!!!

Ciara said...

I'll go back and make sure I voted. Sometimes I forget what I've done. LOL. Good luck! I'm planning on joining the A-Z challenge again, but I'll admit the video thing intimidated me. I'm not even sure what I was supposed to do. I guess I'll watch this time around.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Christopher, Lucas' wooden dialogue is an understatement.

Thanks, Michael!

Lee, I'm trying not to overdo it either.

Hart, it's small scale but excellent.

Thanks everyone for voting!

Dawn Ius said...

Going to vote now!
Good luck with getting your wife to dress up in Selene's costume :-)
And Jessica has convinced me to sign up for the A-Z Blogging Challenge. Huzzah.

Empty Nest Insider said...

I just voted for you and you're still climbing up the polls! Best of luck Alex! Julie

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Sigh! I had a difficult choice this weekend (my only days off for two weeks) : see the latest UNDERWORLD or focus on my third Victor novel, THE RIVAL.

My dream won out (barely) over my fondness for Kate. I did manage to write 11,000 words this weekend on Victor. Rough draft. Now, to go back and polish these next few days.

I am off to vote for you. Thanks for being there for so many struggling writers and bloggers, Roland

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Oops. Almost forgot. I saw ATTACK THE BLOCK some days back and was immensely impressed with it.

Leovi said...

It can be fun alien invasion in this plan of humor. Greetings.

Southpaw said...

Alex, I love that if (okay when) I fall behind on visiting my blogs you always have the highlights here.

Attack the Block is not for everybody, but it made me laugh. I thought it was pretty good too.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Great reviews and connections. I'm in for A-Z challenge.

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

I voted for you, you're awesome! Good luck!

Nicki Elson said...

I'm off to vote, and getting prepped for A to Z. :)

Lydia Kang said...

Good luck getting your wife to wear that outfit, LOL!

Nancy Thompson said...

You're always so full of information, Alex. Guess I have a lot of cruising to do around the blogosphere this week! Thanks for sharing!

Carol Kilgore said...

You're sharing lots of good things today. I'm headed over to one of your links now. Thanks!

Belle Wong said...

I loved Tremors, Alex - if Attack the Block is like Tremors but with even more action and humour, it's going on my to-watch list!

LisaAnn said...

Have I mentioned lately how amazing you are?? I have no idea how you do it, but you always manage to comment on my posts. Thank you soo much; I always love hearing from you!

Colene Murphy said...


I'm so glad Attack the Block was fun! I was excited about that trailer the first time I saw it! The next Underworld, I was excited for too, but more of a movie to rent kind of excited after the second one was kinda...meh.

David P. King said...

Such a cool trailer. I said it again.

Awesome links and news. I might hit Red Tails later this week, if I can get away. Love your news posts! :)

mooderino said...

Thanks for the name check.

I saw attack the block, thought it was okay, comsidering the budget. Reminded me of those 80s movies we used to get out on VHS (those were the days).

Good luck convincing the wife withthe outfit. Maybe you should try modeling it for her first.


Moody Writing
The Funnily Enough

Unknown said...

I must see the second one - have to support fellow-Brits, don't I? (And I'm from South London...)
Phew - there's a lot of fabulous info here to check out. Thank you :-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Dawn, I'll keep you guys posted on the outfit.

Roland, there's still time to sneak out and see Kate!

Holly, I try to keep up with the blogging world.

Lydia, if I succeed, I'll let you know.

Belle, it was a lot like it, just R rated instead of PG13. (So yeah, there's some language.)

LisaAnn, thanks!

Thanks, David.

Mood, not a chance on that last one!

Thanks to all who have voted!!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Haven't seen any of the films, but I have seen your trailer. Nice. Gonna head over and check out the review of CassaStaR. Lucky her to get to read it early. *jealous*

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Oh, I loved Attack the Block. It wasn't what I expected, but you're right, it was loads of fun.

I gave you my vote!!

Anonymous said...

Now I really can't wait to watch underworld - loved the first three. Attack the Block also sounds good - esp if it's in the same vein as Tremors - which I love:)

Going to vote for your trailer now:)

Julie Flanders said...

Just voted - the trailer is fantastic! Good luck and I hope Cassa Fire wins. Thanks for sharing all this great info.

Cassie Mae said...

I am stoked for that fired up blogfest!!!!!! What an awesome idea :)

Tasha Seegmiller said...

It seems to be blogfest season. Running over to sign up for the fired up on right now.

M Pax said...

Will have to check out Attack the Block. Sounds amusing.

So much going on, thanks for the summary. Will go vote for CassaFire.

ediFanoB said...

Of course I voted for CassaFirE!

Seems to be a tough race.

Were is the rest of the Ninja Army?

Carrie Butler said...

1) Nice, succinct reviews!
2) I hadn't heard about the Get Fired Up Blogfest. I'll have to look into that. :)
3) You have my vote! Good luck! said...

Just placed my vote with fingers crossed for you and Byron.

Golden Eagle said...

Thanks for the reviews! Haven't seen either of them . . .

I've started planning my A-Z posts, but I'm running into a happy sort of problem--there are too many ideas for it bouncing around in my head. LOL. But I do have a rough idea of what I'll be posting about.

Voted! :)

Helena said...

If your wife can wear Selene's outfit, then she must have a great figure. And of course I'm voting for your trailer.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Donna, she still has to wait for CassaFire.

Cassie, it's a wonderful idea.

Edi, they're voting, it's just one trailer has already jumped out to a huge lead.

Golden, my overall theme is set, but I have many ideas for each post, so I know what you mean.

Helena, she does!

Thanks everyone for voting!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Melissa is a doll! I'll mosey my way over there and ponder the possibilities!

Happy Monday, Alex!


BragonDorn said...

That was an awesome trailer!

Abby Minard said...

Some awesome things going on! Heading over to vote for your trailer, Alex! Don't think I'll do A-Z this year...I'm thinking about it...but I think I may just be too busy. If it was in June or July I'd totally be able to because I'll be home every day with a 7 year old and a newborn ;p I'll check out the other blogfest though. I did sign up for the Origins one, though.

raising HDL cholesterol said...

That was a very fantastic trailer! Voted it up and I hope it'll win!

Dafeenah said...

omg that reminds me I entered a blog fest you announced last week I believe and I totally forgot to write it down so now I have no idea when or where or what! I seriously have to start writing stuff down. Now I'm off to vote!!

SpacerGuy said...

I've voted for Cassafire, can't wait for the AWESOME A-Z challenge.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I can't wait for the A2Z signups. Love your trailer.

Jemi Fraser said...

Love the trailer so I'm off to vote! :)

Anonymous said...

Exploding lycans AND Beckinsale? Count me in. Great trailer!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Dorn, thanks!

Abby, I certainly understand.

Raising, thank you!

Dafeenah, was it the Origins blogfest?

Spacerguy, thanks!

Milo - YES!

Mark Koopmans said...


And thanks SO much for the plug. Donald's story is so inspiring - and getting the word out there means a lot :)

PS.. Good luck with the pantsuit/uniform request of your wife :)

LynNerdKelley said...

I voted for your book trailer. Good luck!

Susan Oloier said...

I am happy to see you giving a shout out for Jessica's book of poetry!

Lisa said...

Your trailer is awesome. Quite a fun list of things to do. You are quite an organiser and a motivator.

Christine Rains said...

I'm not overly excited about the new Underworld film. I haven't heard much at all about Attack the Block, you comparing it to Tremors, oh my. You have me there, Alex. I'm adding it to my Netflix list.

alexia said...

I don't remember Selene having a daughter... is that a new part? I loved the first, thought the second was pretty sucky as far as special effects, and then the third was okay with that bad guy from the first one. Can't wait to check it out!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mark, you're welcome. And thanks, it will take a lot of luck!

Susan, I'll give a shout-out for Jessica anytime.

Christine, you won't be disappointed.

Alexia, when you see it, you'll understand where the daughter comes in...

TL Conway said...


Still not sure about the A to Z challenge. It feels somehow daunting, but it is where I cut my blogging teeth, so it is appealing. I'm still brainstorming to see if I can get enough topics lined up...

Angela Brown said...

I loved the first Underworld movies so I'm sure this one will fit for me.

Not sure how much luck you'll have convincing your wife to wear that outfit, but it might be harder just trying to find the outfit itself. Good luck on both counts :-)

Jamie Gibbs said...

I'm looking forward to the new Underworld, but I still need to see Rise of the Lycans beforehand.

Can't wait for the A-Z challenge!

Juegos de Motos said...

Nice movie!

dolorah said...

Unfortunately, Melissa Sugar is one of the blogs I can no longer comment on. The blogfest sounds great.

I watched at Underworld yesterday - didn't hold my interest. Seems everytime I looked up Michael was nearly dead again after getting beat up. Special effects only carry a movie so far with me. But, I wasn't impressed by the other movies either.


A Daft Scots Lass said...

Congrats on being today's Blog of Note, Alex!

♥ Standby for increase traffic! ♥

Ashwini Damani said...

Have to watch the movie...Movie's are a great source of lessons too !!

I keep posting about lessons from some great movies on:

Anonymous said...

Nice to see something a little different than usual winning Blog of Note. Congratulations.

Susan Fields said...

My husband loved Tremors - I'll have to suggest Attack the Block to him!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

TL, I bet you can!

Angela, thanks, I need all the luck I can get.

Jamie, the third one wasn't as good as the others, but it did explain a few things.

Lass, bring it on!

Watcher, thanks! Nice to be different.

Susan, he'll dig it then.

Jeff Beesler said...

Attack the Block actually sounds like a decent movie for me to check out.

And you don't have to grovel for my vote. Just a quick reminder to get me to vote is sufficient enough!

Author A.O. Peart said...

I'm going to vote now - such a cool trailer! Good luck.

Both movies are on my list to watch soon :-)

Unknown said...

Few things...

1) I really enjoyed the new Underworld. Totally agree with the other reviewer: if you didn't care for the first 3, you won't like this one. If you enjoyed the others, this'll do you proud.

2) Let me know how the costume groveling comes out. If one wife does it, maybe mine will follow suit. I'm thinking I've got a few months til Halloween to negotiate. : )

3) A-Z gives me ulcers. I really want to do it again. Met a ton of great new bloggers last year. Arlee is the man. That being said, I think I still have a nervous eye-twitch from last April. It seriously taxed my tiny blogging brain trying to come up with stuff to blog about 26 days in a row. I know you can take the easy way out and do tiny posts, but that just ins't in my DNA.

4) That trailer rocks, Alex! Definitely going to head over and give you a vote.

Luna said...

Got my vote in! Good luck, Alex!

E. M. Prokop said...

Hey Alex! Thanks for the reminder aobut A-Z..I'm gonna try it again this year...also, thanks for the info on the Get Fired Up Blogfest..I had not heard of that before, but it sounds interesting...I think I need help! Have a fabulous day!

Jessica Salyer said...

I voted, am contemplating doing the A to Z blog and stopped by the Mood Writing blog. That post was actually just what I needed to read today. Thanks, Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Jeffrey! If you get some down time, I really recommend that movie.

EJ - Yes, I'll keep you posted, I bet you can do it, and thanks!

Eve, that would be wonderful if you paired up with another awesome blogger for help.

Jessica, that's great - Mooderino is just amazing with her writing tips.

Patsy said...

I've voted for you - only partially on account of your impressive grovelling technique.

hayat said...

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D.G. Hudson said...

Voted for CassaFire, Alex! Love the trailer. No need to grovel.

Good luck on convincing the wife to wear the Kate outfit. There have been a few femme fatales who have made their mark in black clingy outfits.

Do you have a comparable outfit to wear if your wife agrees? Something along the lines of the guy in the CassaFire trailer??

Mark said...

I voted for ya:) Also neat movie reviews. I also really want to see the new George Lucas film Red Tails.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Patsy, it's a Ninja skill.

Oh crap, DG - way to put me on the spot!

Thanks, Mark!

Leovi said...

Yes, very good trailer, it certainly gets my vote.

Misha Gerrick said...

Awesome trailer. :-)

Heading over to vote now.

Sarah Ahiers said...

i think i've decided to skip the A-Z challenge again. I've just got so much going on

Roland D. Yeomans said...

A-Z will be daunting, Alex, but I am going to be there, The Father willing! Thanks for visiting my blog today, Roland

ali cross said...

I'm excited for CASSAFIRE to come out! Woot! Of course I'll vote for ya, dude!

And thanks for the heads up on ATTACK THE BLOCK ~ sounds like it's worth a looksie!

Chiseled in Rock said...

I voted! Good luck, Alex.

Lisa Gail Green said...

Wow! Thanks for all the awesome info.

PK HREZO said...

Love the trailer, Alex! And that planet looks a lot like the one I made up for my MG sci-fi story. Coolness!

Ella said...

I just voted ;D
I just wonder if you wife would wear this costume?! lol Who are you dressing up as? ;D

Good Luck Alex, I'm going to go get ready for this weekends Scare-a-thon!
My house, lots of screaming teens...
You know this generation hasn't seen some of the to find some scary ones! Any suggestions?

Tina said...

I enjoyed the CassaFire trailer. I hadn't been able to create a very good mental image of what a cosbolt looked like, and maybe that's a different ship, but it sure made me even more anxious to read the sequel. Heading over to some of the other places you suggested. And yes, I will vote ;-)

Tina @ Life is Good

Co-Host of the April 2012 Blogging from A to Z Challenge

Twitter: #atozchallenge

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sarah, don't skip!

Roland, that's great!

Ali, thank you.

PK, yours is a desert planet as well?

Ella, I don't do costumes. Classics? Do you consider the first Nightmare on Elm Street a classic?

Thanks, Tina! The one in the video is the Darten - a Cosbolt graces the cover of the first book.

Thanks for voting everyone!

Wanda said...

Well if you're willing to grovel, surely I can cast my vote :) I haven't decided if I'm up for the A-Z challenge this year or not.

Nicole Zoltack said...

I enjoyed the prequel the most out of the series. I'll see Underworld: Evolution once it comes out on DVD.

Ella said...

Yes I do ; )
Congrats on the ecollege nomination! Nice to know I m up against a nice ninja

Jeremy Bates said...

great news bits! joining up for the bloghop and will vote for the trailers... saw urs a while back and it was stellar!

Jeremy Bates said...

btw, i dont know why ur trailer is #3 in the votes right now....... it rocks!
come on, people, vote!

Juliana said...

"My quest this year is to find Selene’s outfit and convince my wife to wear it around the house. " << My husband said the same thing ... what's up with that? LOL

Johanna Garth said...

Agree with you about the reviews and congratulations on being a blog of note! I can totally see why your blog was selected!

Ellie Garratt said...

Stunning trailer!

Trisha said...

Your trailer is fantastic!!!

msmariah said...

I thought Underworld Awakening was fair to middle. Admittedly, I was entertained. I especially liked the guy who played the mega werewolf. He's also in Lost Girl I think.

I know you love Kate and I love her too, but I still think that you should go see Haywire. I think it's your kind of movie.

Give it a chance.

Congrats on the nominations. I also nominated you for several bloggies!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeremy, thanks! Think it's mostly a popularity contest, and I can only be so popular.

Juliana, your husband has good taste.

MsMariah, might not make it to see that one in the theater, but I will see it on NetFlix.

Thanks everyone!

Shannon Lawrence said...

Glad to hear that the new Underworld is enjoyable. I hadn't really considered the second movie you mentioned, but you had me at Tremors (I can watch that movie over and over-love Val and Earl!)

Good luck with your wife. :D My hubby got Trinity, oh, an eon ago. Maybe she'll wear it for Halloween.

Off to vote!

Tyrean Martinson said...

Thanks for the review! Love the fired up blogfest, and I voted!
Hope you have a great weekend!

Astrabox said...

Great trailer! thanks