Double shot today! Starting
something I’ve dubbed “CassaFacts” – little bits of information about CassaStar
and the upcoming CassaFire. If you have any questions or details you’d like to
see covered, let me know. Although the Ninja does not tell all…
Everyone wants to know what
celebrities resemble the characters. This question caught me off guard last
year, as I knew what they looked like, but never matched that look to a
And who resembles Athee? Come on, people! Kate Beckinsale, of course!
No, I’m not living out my
own fantasy. All right, maybe just a little…
Anything else you’d like to
Dave at Dave Wrote This is hosting The Noughties Blogfest today!
“List something from each year (2000-2009) that you loved.”
I’m going
to keep it simple and go with movies, music, and games.
-Memento; X-Men
Music -In Flames: Clayman; Pantera: Reinventing the Steel
Games -
Diablo II
Movies -
Fellowship of the Ring
Music -Andromeda: Extension of the Wish; Dream Theater: Live Scenes From New York
Movies -
The Two Towers
Music -
Rush: Vapor Trails; Chevelle: Wonder What’s Next; Killswitch Engage: Alive or
Just Breathing
Games -
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit II
Movies -
Return of the King
Music -
OSI: Office of Strategic Influence; Dream Theater: Train of Thought
Movies -
Spiderman II; Shaun of the Dead
Music -
Ayreon: The Human Equation; In Flames: Soundtrack to Your Escape
Games -
Half Life II
Movies -
Music -
Dream Theater: Octavarium; Shadow Gallery: Room V
Movies -
The Illusionist
Music -
Vandenplas: Cristo; Dream Theater: Score
Games -
Titan Quest
Movies -
Transformers; Ocean’s Thirteen
Music -
Serenity: Words Untold and Dreams Unlived; Nightwish: Dark Passion Play
Movies -
Iron Man; The Dark Knight
Music -
Seventh Wonder: Mercy Falls; Scar Symetry: Holographic Universe
Games -
Fallout III
Movies -
Avatar; Inglorious Basterds
Music -
Dream Theater: Black Clouds and Silver Linings; Alice in Chains: Black Gives
Way to Blue
Not bad for someone who doesn't remember what he had for dinner last night!
What did you dig about the 2000’s?
I played Need for Speed until my fingers were blistered!
Cool, Sean Bean's the angel in my upcoming release. :) Wow, haven't seen Richard Hatch in a long time.
My memory's all a blur...
Those years are all blurred together for me. I loved the Lord of the Ring movies too.
Daft Scot, it was an awesome game!
Cate, he doesn't look so good now.
Christ and Kate make an awesome match. And I love your noughtie thing...Avatar is still the best. Have a great day, Alex. :)
I use celebrities sometimes for my characters, but a lot of times i find really great pics in catalogues. The early 2000's is when I found my fav band--David Crowder Band. :)
Kate - what a great choice! It's funny the movies you picked are my favourites! I guess a good movie is a good movie.
Is it ever the shame that I'm having difficulty remembering the noughts right now?
Some damn good casting choices there, Alex, especially with Chris Pine (that's exactly how I imagined Byron too) :) Good taste in music as well :)
I don't see many movies and I listen to other's music, but, surprise, we have been drawn to the same games...Diablo and Half Life are very addictive to me.
Your Bassa was close to how I saw him. Pine is a great choice for young Byron.
Since I've never cared for Hatch I'm hoping his face won't stick in my mind while I read CasssFire.
Have a great week Alex!
That first iPhone was the best thing to come out of the noughties. Well, that and TV's. HDTV didn't get invented during that time, but the programming started to change. Don't know how I ever lived without it.
I always envisioned Bassa a little differently. Less Sean Bean-like. Hmmm, I've just realized that I can't explain. Nevermind.
Richard Hatch--big sigh. Kate? You do have an obessesion.
Love your new CassaFacts
I had a crush on Richard Hatch's Apollo when I was a teen.
Every Chevelle album would've made my list for this blogfest.
I love how you get your visuals. I do the same. The moment the actor/ress pops into my head their character comes alive.
Laila, thanks, and Avatar rocked.
Marta, you have excellent taste then.
Jeffrey, I had to do a little online research for my picks.
Jamie, knew you'd like the music!
Gail, you're a gamer? Awesome!!!
Mary, sorry about that. Just keep thinking of Bassa.
Rusty, if I had an iPhone, that would mean something...
Journaling, glad you like my choice for Byron., I wouldn't have guessed. ;)
200 and erm 6 or 7?!?! Heroes!! And 2009 - New Star Trek Film!
2009 - I turned 40 and I rocked! LOL!! and I want to marry Sean Bean after Daniel Craig and Denzel Washington.
You ain't the only one in need of a cold shower.
Take care
Awesome. Yeah, I'd pretty much sum up the 2000s with movies as well. You hit on quite a few of my faves. I knew there was a reason I liked you!
Avatar for sure. That's super high up there. Salt, Iron Man, X-Men...GREAT ones!
What a fun blogfest. :)
Thanks for taking part in The Noughties Blogfest.
Simple is good.
I love The Lord Of The Rings, Shaun Of The Dead & Serenity and they all nearly made my list.
Dave Wrote This
we sort of when the same way on the list today... it's sad that alice in chains work went virtually unrecognized...
Jeremy [2thumbs]
Two Thumbs
It was interesting to see your actor pics, Al. :)
Great choices for your cast. It's always fun to imagine our novels as movies too.
You had me at Kate Beckinsale. :)
Sean Bean? Did somebody say Sean Bean? Excellent!
Ooh, and I had the biggest crush on Richard Hatch when I was a kid. :)
Those are great choices for those years. I also love your choices for characters. Now I know what to visualize when I read the book.
Half of our movie selections were the same. Excellent outing for the blogfest. And a great cast above, too!
I never would have guess your Athee character look alike. ;)
As for the 2000s? That's a tough questions for a Monday morning. LOL - It was easier to get up and get going!
Kitty, may your marriage wishes come true.
Lynn, that makes you a cool Ninja chick!
Dave, thanks for hosting!
Jeremy, it is! That album was sheer genius.
Charles, that's good to know.
Clarissa, hopefully it's not too far from your own vision.
Thanks, Joshua.
Southpaw, total surprise, huh?
I knew you'd find a spot for Kate :)
Alex - I can totally see those actors as your characters. And, of course, I had no doubt she would look like the beautiful Kate B. Very cool!
Such an interesting exercise on the actors. I have images in my head, but don't think of real people unless pressed, too. Mmmmm. Sean Bean. (that's what I have to say about that). *cough*
I was totally supposed to do the noughties and forgot *headslap*
Very Cool, Alex. You know, I would have been happy to serve as the model for Athee. Apparently, I didn't get your e-mail you sent requesting my picture.
The Lord of the Rings trilogy was our Christmas Eve Movie for three years running! Good memories!! :)
Hey, I'll have to give this a try! Fun idea!
awesome picks for your characters! when does the movie come out =)
and my boys were babies, no time for movies =(
thanks for your great choices, tho!
Love the dream cast!
Great movie picks, Alex. For me, 2006 was the year of "Pan's Labyrinth", plus, "The Prestige" was the better magician movie in my book.
Sadly, I was very busy today and I don't think I'll be able to post my entry for the blogfest. :(
Well, didn't see my picture on your look a-likes ... as to the blogfest, that's impressive ... I sure as heck couldn't come up with a ten-year list like that.
I can totally see those celebs as your characters, actually. Not so far off from the pictures in my mind!
Oooo I hope someone makes a movie of CassaStar and casts Sean Bean and Chris Pine... *swoons a little*
Love the actor/celebrity hook up;) Sometimes I wonder what actors would best work for some of the characters in my books. Kind of a fun exercise, I just wonder how old they'll be by the time my book's even published:)
Doesn't get much better than Chevelle & Alice in Chains, though I am partial to Lane Staley's AIC.
Ha- Bassa is pretty much how I imagined him too :)
Wow! That's quite a list of movies, games, and music. I dunno if I could remember the past decade as well as you did.
The character pics were fun. It's always great to get a peek inside a writer's head to see what it is they envisioned as they wrote.
Gosh, I can't believe it's been almost 10 yrs for the LOTR movies! Loved Need for Speed. We still have it around here somewhere.
Of course one of your characters looks like Kate B! I'd be surprised if she didn't.
Byron really needs to lighten up. Maybe he can become kind of a practical joker in the next book. I guess that would be out of character wouldn't it.
The 2000s? We're there already? I'm still stuck in the 1970s. I'd have to do some research to remember every year of the past decade.
Tossing It Out
Alex, you forgot Green Day, American Idiot in 2004. ;) *pokes* (for those of you who haven't seen my post on the blogfest, I talked about Green Day a little (a lot))
Just stopping by to thank you for dropping by last week and commenting on my interview over on the Piedmont Writer.
I really appreciate Anne offering her forum. Great lady. Great writer.
I love your casting choices! Maybe someday you'll be sitting on set in a writer's chair whispering notes to a director!!
How did I skip Shaun of the Dead in my list. Arg.
Picking Sean Bean as a model for your MC made you several points in my rating scale, Alex. He's got the tough look and the brawn.
I expected the female lead type, and there's nothing wrong with that. It could be a movie one day, so now you've considered your dream cast.
Enjoyed the post. BTW - I've done this with hubby on many occasions. It's a fun exercise and it helps you refine your character's profile.
Of those actors I love Sean Bean. Dream Theater are great.
Hart, you have a thing for Sean Bean?
Betty, I'm sorry, it must've gone missing...
DL, I keep meaning to devote a Saturday to watching all three movies.
George, that's a bummer. My wife like The Prestige better, but I think it had more to do with the male cast members.
Sangu, I'd be happy with that!
Laura, that's good!
ER, I did use the Internet to find my answers...
Julie, and The Hobbit isn't for another year!!
Lee, he does have his moments though.
Mac, Anne is awesome!
Richard Hatch got his start on All My Children. I like all of your choices for the movie version of your book, but I would really like to know which actor could play you in a movie?
well, that's kinda scary because I did imagine Bassa as Sean Bean. Ha! Sign of a great writer.
Except for the Ring trilogy I'm don't remember much! And Sean Bean (heart beats speed up a bit) nice choice!
Its fun taking a trip down memory lane. Great movies. I have yet to see Inglorious Bastards but have seen the rest. I know what I'm renting this week. Speaking of renting, I find myself watching from the iMac far more than the TV these days.
Julie, I'd like to think Ryan Reynolds could pull it off...
Lynda, I guess I did good!
Stephen, NetFlix and Hulu will change the way you watch television forever...
I love Sean Bean.He can be sexy and intense or funny. I remember Richard Hatch in All My Children and was great in Galactica. (so was his sidekick, just sayin')
Beckinsale is such a versatile actress. She can steal your breath away or be rather plain.
Looking at your music choices--we have similar taste. I've seen about half of the movies you listed. Game names? um, only because my son played them.
Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE
Yay, Serenity!! A lot of your movies made my list too.
Two that didn't make my list were Shaun of the Dead and The Illusionist. But they're both terrific films, really.
I love when writers put pictures to characters!
Oh man, Spiderman! I love him! And Iron Man. He rocks.
Usually when I stop by I'm comment 100 or above. I am 64 today. (I'm getting better.) It amazes me how you get all these comments. You really are the ninja captain! *waving*
P.S. My favorite thing about the 2000's? I began to write seriously.
Hey Alex! I think that's a great idea about your books. I started thinking about those categories in the past decade and my head started smoking... I wish I had a end of year questioneer to fill out each January. Hmmm... Dibs!
It's always nice to learn a writer's inspiration.
I dig that we moved to where we live. The PNW is awesome.
I love your cast of characters! It gives a whole new dimension to the characters, I think, puting a face with the name.
That sounds like a fun blogfest but, seriously, I can't remember what I liked a year ago, much less 10 years ago. Ok. Wait. I do remember IRON MAN. That was pretty cool. :)
BLOGGER.COM drives me nuts!!!!
Every comment I write fails with an error message!!
That means I have to write every message in text editor first and then try copy and paste as long as it finally works.
Now back to your post.
Alex, you chose the right actors.
LotR movies- best fantasy films I've seen ever.
I did not know that you like Nightwish: Dark Passion Play
I listen to the album which includes the instrumental version quite often.
Sia, you're a rocker chick? Whoa...
Thanks, Robyn. And that's a good thing to like about the 2000's.
Liz, I looked a lot of this up online.
Edi, maybe try a different browser? I finally gave up on IE. Too buggy.
Glad you like my actor choices.
And I dig Nightwish. Outside of Dream Theater and Rush, nothing beats European progressive rock.
What a great idea for a blogfest! I loved the LotRs trilogy. That made my 2000s excellent. And confession - I had a crush on Richard Hatch growing up. I was a Battlestar Gallactica fiend.
Great list. I actually know quite a bit of that music between my husband and That Metal Show!
I like your cast for your books too!
I was a bit late on getting my Noughties blogfest up as I almost forgot. Not surprisingly we have selected completely different movies. As for hour actors, I visualized Bassa a bit stockier. :)
That is great casting. I like every one of the head shots.
Ann Best, Author of In the Mirror, A Memoir of Shattered Secrets
This is so strange but Sean Bean is exactly the image I've formed for Bassa. Is that picture of Chris Pine from the train movie. I like him in that.
Neat blog....stopping by to take a look around.
Cool visuals! Now I must really be in another universe because until Transformer's I did not see one thing I knew. :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
I love Sean Bean. They cut off his head in Game of Thrones. /cry
Jennie, I dig the show, but no crush on Apollo. Cassiopeia, maybe...
Heather, I dig That Metal Show!!
Rhonda, Sean Bean does have his stocky moments...
Susan, score!!
Hi, Elizabeth - thanks for following.
Jules, we need a weekend movie fest...
I'm shocked to see Kate on the list!!! :)
I think Richard Hatch makes a great Byron!
That must be so amazing to have characters that you can actually envision in a movie. BTW...Richard Hatch was in both galaticas. He's awesome!
Wow, how did you remember all that.... good memory. So many wonderful movies...
Fun! I love it when people match up their characters with movie stars.
And great movie picks! I am still blown away with how amazing Inglorious Basterds is every time I see it.
Sean Bean is perfect and I love Richard Hatch and the old BSG.
Fave things about the 2000's...LOTR, and Supernatural. LOL
Copyboy, he was! Just looked a lot better in the first one..
Alexia, that makes you super cool!
I have to say that Sean Bean is my favorite thing from the 2000s. I want to kidnap him.
Sean Bean looks like my visual of Byron actually. I didn't envision any other characters. I guess I still have a crush.
Well, you tied your fantasy into mine.
I was going to marry Richard Hatch ;D I had a major crush on him. All my friends liked his partner, not me~
Dirk Benedict I think was the other actors name. Can't wait to read it~
What a shocker; Kate B as Athee (lol)
All the actors/actresses I see with my characters are too old too. I don't really pay attention to the young stuff I guess.
I think I'll have to try out some of your music picks; I like Nightwish and I've heard of Pantera but . .
I'm getting too old :)
MsMariah, if you succeed, I won't tell a soul...
Ella, glad I could tie it all together for you.
Donna, you're a cool rocker chick!
Big surprise - you selecting Kate. #notreally
The actors I pick for my characters are rarely the right age, but I don't care - I imagine them as the character anyway. The Lord of the Rings movies were all my favorite movies for those years as well.
Great actor picks for your characters! I can see Chris Pines as Byron, but your right, he does smile to much.
Love your moves, music and games choices. Though Fallout 111 only started my husbands love for gaming, he has since switched to Call of Duty - which led to his constant Turrets when playing. :)
Sorry I'm a day late......needed a day away from home yesterday.
Loved your interesting post as always Alex.
Have a good day.
A lot of great movies listed!
great blog dude!
My gifted (autistic spectrum son) is SO into Lord of The Rings. He's obsessed with anything sci-fi fantasy. I told my hubby he was too young to watch them, but I lost that battle. :)
Sean Bean gets all the best leading roles! And of course Kate Beckinsale would win the role of Athee. She'd probably win every contest in your book!! :P
Matthew, no, not really!
Amy, that must be quite a sight! And yes, Pine smiles ALL the time!
Ciara, I'm sure he's not scarred for life.
Julie, yeah, she probably would!
I love that idea of picturing which movie stars might play the characters in our novels.
2002...Killswitch Engage! I knew there was a reason I liked you. ;)
And no lie...when I read CassaStar, I honestly envisioned Chris Pine the whole time as Byron. Although I saw Robert Forster as Bassa, minus his accent.
Great choices. I completely forgot about The Illusionist for my list (which I liked better than The Prestige).
Are you sure you don't mean Richard Hatch, the first winner of Survivor? And who is this Kate woman you keep mentioning? I approve of both Byrons and plan to interchange their images according to my whim while reading - I hope that's okay with you.
Yes, Alice in Chains: Black Gives Way to Blue, very good indeed.
I'm reading CassaStar now and I think these are the great choices for your characters!
I would definitely say X-Man, Lord of The Ring saga (I LOVEEEEE the books and the movies - Peter Jackson is a genius), Serenity, Transformers (I know, I know, but the special effects are awesome), Iron Man, Seventh Wonder/Mercy Falls, Avatar, Inglorious Basterds (I'm always amazed how many different personas Bratt Pitt can portray -- Benjamin Button was absolutely perfect), Alice in Chains/Black Gives Way to Blue - I forgot about this one! Thanks for listing it in here. That's a pretty long list.
I would've picked Kate Beckinsale, too...
Geof, Killswitch rocks! And hey, at least I got one right for you.
Nicki, I am really sure! And that is fine. Whichever fits your mood.
Leovi, you rock!
Angela, that's good to hear! Glad I made some good choices for you.
Carolina, at least someone agrees with me!
Wild casting. I never would have guessed Hatch. I'm guessing you meant young Hatch and not old Hatch. He didn't age well.
Sean Bean? I'm so going to love these books.
I like Sean Bean, sexy, rude and bad.
My Darcy Vibrates…
I'm wit ya on all the films. I loved all those too! Good memory.
Finally getting around to these - you and my husband would be great friends - he really likes Dream Theater as well. I like one song a month by them :)
Finally getting around to these - you and my husband would be great friends - he really likes Dream Theater as well. I like one song a month by them :)
holy wow you have a lot of comments! I guess we all couldn't resist telling you something!
I liked that you put your characters to actors, it's a good visual.
What do I remember from 2000's well I graduated from high school, went to college, travelled, got married, travelled again, had some kids and yeah, life is great!
Awesome cast list! Perfect. I'd go see it...
Love seeing what your characters look like!
Maurice, definitely young Hatch! He put on a few pounds in his old age...
Donna, I hope so!
Tasha, you sound like my wife! She likes them in small doses as well.
Mel, is that why I get a lot of comments???
Isis! I've missed you.
Hey. I looked in my followers and you do follow me with google connect. :)
Are you having a hard time finding the follower button in the corner? I just want to know so I can fix it for future followers.
Ha ha ha...
I love that Kate Beckinsale part Alex...and yes, no you're not livin'- la-vida-loca-out-of-your fantasy..."another laughter"!
Sounds good I can laugh now...the past weeks I have been so serious with so many things at work...:(
Thanks for this informative and enlightening post! Reading your next sequel now sounds quite interesting because of the Beckinsale girl! Lovin' it really :)
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