Friday, November 18, 2011

Anniversary, Award, Challenge Book, and oh Crap...

I'll get to the oh crap part in a minute...

I received an award from Maurice at The Geek Twins - The Pied Piper Award. (And I’m the first recipient – too cool!)

Here are the rules:
List three of your favorite followers and why. 
Pass the award onto three bloggers you feel deserve their followers the most. 

You are all my favorite! All right, just three awesome bloggers…
Bossy Betty
Karen at Coming Down the Mountain
L.G. at Bards and Prophets

The Campaigner Challenges 2011 book is now available! And one of my stories is included. (You remember the one about the twitching little freaks?) The book is on sale for $2.99USD, and all proceeds will be donated to "Help Harry Help Others," a fund-raising organization of eleven year old Harry who recently died of his inoperable brain tumor. Full details on Rachael’s BLOG Purchase it on Amazon or Smashwords

In other news…

My book is still bouncing around in the top science fiction titles on Amazon. It’s mind-boggling to think how many people have downloaded my book! Several new reviews have appeared as well. And of course, it was bound to happen – someone zapped CassaStar with a lame two-star review. (This is the oh crap part.) So a big thanks to those of you who’ve posted four and five star reviews to balance it all out!

Don’t forget my Catch Fire Blog Party on February 28, 2012! Many thanks to those who’ve already signed up. Full details HERE


I totally missed the two-year anniversary of this blog! It was November 9. Can’t believe I’ve been doing this for two years now. Never envisioned I’d be where I’m at now, but I’m really grateful for all of you and to be a part of this community. You guys rock!

Any other news? Ordering the Campaign book? Thoughts on crappy reviews? Hit any milestones? Wonder why on earth you’re still following me…?


Jeremy [Retro] said...

happy on the two year anniv... you come a long way in a short time. in my head that was meant to be a compliment. happy about your success and awards. all the best...


Tonja said...

Bummer about the one crappy review. Congrats on the anniversary and getting your story published!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Happy Blogversary.

I'm going to sign up for Feb next year

Miranda Hardy said...

Two years? Time flies. Congrats. So glad we were apart of such an awesome challenge and contribute to a great cause. I've got my copy, of course.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

A huge congrats on your 2 years of blogging. Awesome job! And a huge congrats with all your success with writing. I'm soooo looking forward to CassaFire.

Natalie Aguirre said...

That's awesome your book is one of the top Amazon science fiction books. And congrats on your blog anniversary.

Tara Tyler said...

i love your award!

there's always a stinker review, cant please em all!

and happy blogaversary to you! so it takes 2 years to reach over 1000 followers! wow =)

yay for alex!

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Happy second anniversary and congrats on the lovely award, Alex. :)

Cindy said...

Congrats on your blog anniversary. They say if your book is read by enough people someone is bound not to like no worries.

Civil War Horror (Sean McLachlan) said...

Congratulations on the two-year anniversary! Keep on building it up.

Don't worry about the two-star review, it's just part of the game. Besides, it wasn't a very coherent review anyway.

I laughed at his "no women" complaint. A member of my writer's group criticized one of my short stories for having no female characters, even though the entire tale takes place in the trenches of the Western Front. When I pointed this out she replied, "Well, why don't you have a female character pretending to be a man?" An interesting idea, except that if I did that, the story would be about her rather than what I was actually writing about!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeremy, it came across as a compliment!

Thanks, Lass!

Lynda, thank you.

Tara, I probably took longer than most though...

Cindy, that's very true.

Sean, exactly! And Monday I'll talk about that no women thing.

Old Kitty said...

Happy birthday to your blog!
We are all so much agog!
We are eating hot tamales!
And getting drunk on plenty grog!

Take care

Rusty Carl said...

A bad review or two is inevitable at some point. I've heard of some authors with huge publishing contracts that are all buy household names have obsessed over bad reviews they've seen on Amazon. It's bugging me now that I can't remember who it was, but one author in particular even got into an argument with a reviewer for the things they said on Amazon. Dangit, it was a name most SF fans would recognize too.

Anyway, I think I'll hit 200 posts in the next week or two, that feels significant.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Alex, thank you so much for the award! And as for bad reviews, that's cool because it means people outside your friends and friendly blogging community are buying your book!

Bryan Russell said...

No one's safe from the ol' two star. Just gotta focus on your real audience.

Marta Szemik said...

Happy 2-year to you, Happy 2-year to you....
I always look forward to reading your blog.

Unknown said...

Wow, a lot of great news and congrats on the two years.

DL Hammons said...


Christine Rains said...

Happy anniversary and congrats on the award. I already have my copy of the Campaign book. I have Green Lantern to watch this weekend. I'm not expecting much from it. I saw Horrible Bosses earlier this week and it was pretty blah. And I like Jason Bateman. Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

Happy Blogiversary. Congratulations on your story.

Luanne G. Smith said...

Hey, thanks for such an awesome award! And happy double blogaversary.

Also, you know you've made it when you're selling well AND you get a two star review. That means it's not just your friends and family buying your book. :))

Have a great weekend.

Charles Gramlich said...

Those bad reviews are inevitable. Still they trouble you. But it means your book is getting more widely known.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you for the song, Kitty! made me smile.

Rusty, it's definitely not worth arguing over.

Christine, I think you'll enjoy Green Lantern.

LG, you're welcome, and that's true.

Anne Gallagher said...

Captain, congrats on the short story. That's fab. And all the other stuff too. I can't keep up with you anymore.

And hey, don't sweat a two-star review. Obviously, they didn't know what they were reading.

Matthew MacNish said...

Happy Anniversary, Alex.

Bossy Betty said...

Thanks for the award, Alex! I don't know if I really deserve my followers, but I am SO grateful for them!

I give you five stars every day!

Anonymous said...

Happy two years and nine days!

mooderino said...

Congrats on the two years.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on all the good stuff! And it's all good stuff. :)

Jessica Bell said...

Mega congrats on remaining in the charts! That's awesome! :o) And happy anniversary! :)

Tyrean Martinson said...

Happy two year anniversary!!! Your success is inspiring and your blog is always encouraging! Mega congrats on remaing in the charts on Amazon!

-boo to the bad review.

Emily R. King said...

Congrats on your blogversary! I'm glad you're doing so well on Amazon. That is incredible!

Laila Knight said...

Congrats on the award and the blogoversary, Alex! What?..two stars? They obviously need to read it again. And I have already signed up for your launch party. :) Have a great weekend.

Arlee Bird said...

You ARE the Pied Piper!

I saw that two star review and I think it's kind of good to have it. I think it adds more credibility to your reviews since it's rare that every work will be something that absolutely everyone will like. I get suspicious when I see something that has only positive reviews.
Also, if I'm thinking about buying something and there are reviews, I usually look at the worst reviews first. That review will often be the decision point as to my purchase, either from the standpoint that I think something sounds good but if someone else thinks it's so bad I might be more curious about it. And usually the negative reviews are pretty dumb anyway.

Tossing It Out

Heather said...

Alex - congrats on the anniversary! I've only been following you for a short while, but you are a source of humor and wisdom to me; so I'm glad you are out there and please, keep it up!

Laura said...

Happy anniversary! Boo for the bad review - you can't help it if he/she doesn't recognise genius :) Now off to order the anthology - great cause - thanks for the heads-up.

Luna said...

Happy Anniversary, Alex!

Thanks for the info on the Campaign book. I'll be sure to check it out! Good thing Christmas is coming up, I really need to get a Kindle. ;)

Congrats on your award and the Amazon success! Very exciting and you definitely deserve great success considering all the ways you support and help others.

Sangu Mandanna said...

Happy anniversary! And I'm so excited for you, Alex, it must be amazing that the book's still among the top sci fi titles!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Anne.

You deserve it, Betty! And thank you.

Jessica, it's starting to drop, but CassaStar had a good two-month run.

Lee, that one was kind of dumb. I usually take the top review and the bottom review and toss them when I'm reading up on a book.

Heather, you think I'm wise? Now the pressure's really on...

Thanks, everyone!!!

Leovi said...

The Campaigner Challenges 2011 book is very interesting and a good cause.
Congratulations poe the prize.

Isis Rushdan said...

Congratulations on the award and to all the winners! We hope we're all your favorite :)

What a great cause for the Campaigner book.

Javid Suleymanli said...

You're getting more popular day by day, Alex. That is awesome! And congrats for the blog birthday! By the way my memory is terrible but for some reason I remember the date of your blog party. I guess it is because of this date is 2 days after Academy Awards and I just can't wait for that!!! :)

i'm erin. said...

Congrats about the blog birthday! I just found you and think you're brilliant!

Donna K. Weaver said...

I knew mom always loved you best!

Congrats and happy anniversary.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Happy two years! Feels like I've been doing this forever.

A couple more great reviews and you won't even remember that bad one.

Johanna Garth said...

Pied Piper! What a perfect award for you :) Congrats on two years!!

~Sia McKye~ said...

Hey, Congrats on the blogaversary!

There are always crappy reviews and people who hate your book, Alex.

Reasons can range from, it's not really their favorite genre to jealousy. Hard not to respond to dorky comments on the review. Sometimes the reviewer finds some dorky thing and it colors their whole perception of the book. Strange e but true.

I have a pet peeve on glaring inaccuracies in historicals. Now if it's just one or two, depending on the story, I can let them go and read the story but mention the inaccuracies and the good things in the story, or if it has 7 or 8 I put a lower star on the review site.
Any book I can't get through I won't rate or review. And even books I don't like I don't get snarky. No point, imo.

Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

Suze said...

It's nice to be named first for an award. Congrats on that and the two-year mark. :)

Claire Hennessy said...

Happy 2 yr anniversary (LOL I've just celebrated my 2 month!). Congrats on the book (don't worry about 2 stars - at least they gave you some stars!). I have given you an award (another one!) on my blog. Sheesh, I'm doing the () thing today!

Helena said...

How wonderful to be bouncing around up there in the literary stratosphere! And of course I'm signing up for the party.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Javid, it promises to be an awesome week!

Thanks, Erin.

Sia, I'd never get snarky with an author or book. Movies are a whole different story though.

Thanks, Claire!

Thank you, Helena.

Anonymous said...

Congrats for the award.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Congrats on the award Alex.

Raquel Byrnes said...

Well...congrats on your book, the award, and of course your blogiversary! Always a bright part of my day...well done, Alex!
Edge of Your Seat Romance

Lydia Kang said...

Two years? Wow, congrats Alex! Congrats on bouncing around the bestseller lists, too!

dolorah said...

You are not universally loved? Hmm . .

Glad CassaStar is receiving so much good ratings though.

Have a great weekend Alex :)


RaShelle Workman said...

Alex - Congrats on your award. Congrats on your short story being released. Congrats on your two year blog anniversary, AND big-time congrats for your book being a bestseller. All I have to say about that is: DUH!! CassaStar is awesome.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you, Raquel!

Donna, can't please everyone.

Thanks, RaShelle! Hope your book did awesome last week. I purchased my copy.


Congrats on the well deserved award Alex also Happy Blogadversary. Is it really two years? Seems you have always been here.
Have a great week-end.

Mel Chesley said...

Woohoo!!! Congrats on the award, on the anniversary and all of that. Sure, even on the crappy 2 star review. You knew it had to happen sometime. I'll let you borrow that Troll Killer should you need it for any of those sites posting bad reviews just because they can. ;)
I'm very thankful to have found you in this blog-o-sphere! You and all the other supporters/followers/friends.
Have an awesome weekend!

Carol Kilgore said...

Happy anniversary! Boo-Hiss on the ** review. Forgettaboutit.

Happy Weekend!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

All good things, Alex! Congratulations on many things, especially the dedicated 1000-plus following after only two years. There should be some special award for that feat!!!


M Pax said...

Happy Blogaversary!

Don't sweat the bad reviews. We all have haters. Even the 'maestros' have haters. You've arrived. Don't dwell on it. Write for those who loved it. Those are the folks who count.

Jemi Fraser said...

Not everyone's going to like the same book - so I wouldn't worry about it (easy to say now when I don't have a book out there yet...)

yay on the award and the bloggyversary! :) said...

There are always embittered, jealous types who like to give crappy reviews. I bet that person didn't even read your book.
Happy blogoversary!

Golden Eagle said...

Congratulations on the award and all the other good news! :)

Happy Blogoversary!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! on all the good news! Great that CassaStar is still in the Top 100 in three catagories. Here's to bigger and better things for CassaFire.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Those durn crappy reviews. Guess we all get some. Congrats on the aniversary.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yvonne, same with you! Although I've missed your posts this week.

Thanks, Mel. And glad I found you as well.

Monti, a mass of friends is reward enough.

Robyn, some people are just unhappy no matter what, right?

Stephen that would be great!

Thanks everyone - appreciate all the kind words.

Tina said...

I've missed my anniversaries and milestones every time...don't know if that's good or bad...I just want to keep writing! Thanks for hanging in with me during my hiatus. It feels GREAT to be back. Thanks for coming by and welcoming me back. It means a lot! I've signed up for Catch Fire and am honored to help you promote your sequel. I just couldn't look away and read all the Amazon reviews. Totally amazingly weird adaptations of your work ;-) Can't help it. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...
Tina @ Life is Good

alexia said...

Happy two year blogoversary! My only milestones right now are my word count on my WIP. Going to hit 60k this weekend!

Ella said...

Happy Anniversary, where is the Ninja cake with Hot Tamales on it?!
I missed mine, this year, okay it was delayed!

Congrats on your award and the short story! This book looks like a great project for a worthy cause~

Don't worry about the review. I know it hurts, but Ninjas aren't going to please everyone. I know someone who is going to write a great one, so it will tip the scales in your favor ;D

Katherines Corner said...

congrats on the anniversary
boo to the reviewer..
Hugs for the weekend and
You bet, your book is on my sidebar :-)

Nancy Thompson said...

Two years? Wow, you rock! And don't worry about one lousy 2-star. You've a whole galaxy out there on your side!

Arlee Bird said...

Oh, and I forgot to wish you happy anniversary on your blog and I wish you many more. You've been a great blogging friend to me and a lot of other folks.

The Roswell Story continues on Wrote By Rote on Saturday 11/19/11

Empty Nest Insider said...

Happy Blogaversary Alex! You should be proud of your tremendous accomplishments, and not give another thought to that one spoiler. It's also great that your story is part of such a worthwhile cause. Julie

Heather M. Gardner said...

You can't please all the people all the time.
We take the bad with the good, right?
Happy blog-a-versary!
I love coming here to see what you have to say about movies and music and other blogs.
Please keep it coming!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tina, thanks so much! I really appreciate that. And happy that you are back.

Alexia, that's a lot.

Ella, thank you so much! You are just such a ray of sunshine in all you do.

Katherine, thank you.

Thanks, Nancy.

Lee, appreciate that.

Heather, I'll try not to disappoint you.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on two awesome years. Here's to many, many more with continued, building success, my friend. I'll be sure and pick up the book as well. Have to read about twitching little freaks. ;)

Cate Masters said...

Happy 2nd blogoversary! Wishing you many more.
Too cool about the Amazon list. You're my hero!

Laura Eno said...

Crappy reviews happen. You can't please everybody. It's still a kick in the gut though. Some people will try to give a thoughtful low review, while others are just mean about it.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Happy Anniversary!

Review the opinions, but never focus on a few naysayers. They can become your stummbling block and that's not productive.

I have to tell myself that always. Because negative comments actually hurt my feelings and can shut me down.

Patricia Stoltey said...

I'm still following you, Alex, because you're amazing. As for crappy reviews, we all get them. There's no way we can please every reader every time.

D.G. Hudson said...

Congrats, Alex,two years on the blog, and two great books as well.

Nice accomplishment!

I wouldn't worry about the negative comments. Like Arlee said, sometimes the 'negative' intrigues us more than the positive. If the book can generate discussion, at least others are talking about it.

MISH said...

Happy Blogaversary! And congrats on the publication!!

Robyn Campbell said...

Happy Blogaversary. I'm singing, but you can't hear me. Good thing to. It sounds a bit off key. People are staring. Humph.

Congrads on the award.

You know Alex. There is always going to be one crappy person who writes one crappy review. To crap with them. You have so many excellent reviews. Someone always has to ruin the party. *sigh* We can't please all the people all the time.

I'm just glad to know you. I can't wait to read your book. My crit partner writes sci-fi. She debuted in January, 2011. ACROSS THE UNI. Anyway, you're on your way. In other words, you rock! *waving and smiling*

Julie Musil said...

Alex, happy two year anniversary! And congratulations on the success of CassaFire. Remember...we can't please everyone (please remind me of that some day, will you?)

Helen Ginger said...

Don't worry about the two stars. It's only one and readers will dismiss it as an aberration. As a reviewer, I often wonder how many stars to give. I've heard that readers tend to also ignore 5 stars.

Congratulations on all the success of CassaStar. You have a lot going on in your life!

Leovi said...

Congratulations for those two years, long live the Ninja Captain!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cate, thanks. Just a dude with a book!

Journaling, I'll never tell you something negative.

DG, true. After all, the reviewer still read the whole book, which is funny.

Robyn, thanks! And you have a great crit parter in Beth.

Julie, I'll remind you.

Prasetyo, I've tried but been unable to!

Thanks everyone.

Pat Tillett said...

Congrats on the two years and the award. You have so much going on!

I don't know L.G., but I do know Bossy Betty and Karen. Not only do they have great blogs, they are also to of the nicest folks around...

farawayeyes said...

~Happy Anniversary~

I had to 'look' for that 2star review. He certainly was articulate.

You gotta know the bad, to know how good the good it.

You're still the nicest blogger out there. that's why I'm still following.

mshatch said...

congrats on the two years :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Faraway, thanks!

ediFanoB said...

Alex, belated blogoversary!!

It seems time runs faster for science fiction authors.

Two years, two books, more than 1030 followers. I think it is impressive what you achieved within two years.

That means at your 10th blogoversary, ten books and as the number of followers will increase dramatically more then 10000 followers .....

Anyway all the best and good luck!

msmariah said...

Happy Anniversary Alex!! I totally forgot when mine was.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Edi, I do think it runs faster. And those are some lofty expectations. That many followers would scare me!

Amity said...

Hi Alex,

My dear son broke my beautiful vase while washing it in the sink...I can't get mad because he's doing a nice job of making it clean ready for another bunch of fresh flowers:)

Re: your blog's two-year anniversary? I am reminded that I am nearing, oh gosh...yes nearing,my 3rd year blogoversary...

I wish you could share a short post, I mean post on my blog anything you think significant for my 3rd year can mail your post Alex at my gmail account.

Countdown to your CATCH FIRE is also very near na, there I should not miss then I hope to be writing regularly on my blog.

Have a great week ahead Alex!

Ciao!! :)

Author A.O. Peart said...

Happy 2nd blogging anniversary, Alex. That's so cool!

Congratulations on the brand new award. You totally deserve it. I love the design.

Jamie Gibbs said...

Happy 2 year bloggiversary Alex! And congrats on the success of CassaStar, especially after a year :D

Rhonda said...

Sounds like lots of congratulations are in order.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Wow, Alex. Yours is an inspiring success story!

Talli Roland said...

Two years! Go Alex go! :) You're one of the most generous bloggers out there, and your blog shows that! And don't even get me started on negative reviews...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Amity, sorry about your vase. And you'd like me to provide something for your three year anniversary? I am honored. I'll email you later today.

Thanks Jamie. Can't believe it's been a year.

Mary, may it give someone hope.

Thank you, Talli. Yeah, negative reviews suck.

Huntress said...

And I missed your post of the belated anniversary. so, from me a belated Happy Second Anniversary of Blogging!

Love your picks for the Pied Piper Award. Karen is one of my faves also. I'll amble over and check out BB and B&P today.

Thanks, Alex for a great blog. Truly you are one of a kind.

Leovi said...

I'm so glad you're still in the upper Amazon and want to be for long.

julie fedderson said...

That's a fitting award for you, given you are the ninja master of followers. Congrats on CassaStar's success!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your two years... awesome... and great news on your book doing well in Amazon. Don't even pay attention to the 2 star review... everyone else loves it and that's what matters:)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Huntress, thank you so much!

TF, thanks!

Enid Wilson said...

Congratulations on your two years. And don't worry about the crappy reviews. I've got plenty and my books are still selling. Sometimes we can't please everyone. And good on Rachel's effort to help fund raising for charity.

My Darcy Mutates

Jennifer Hillier said...

Happy 2-year blogoversary! (Is that a word?) And HUGE congrats on the success of CassaStar. I've heard so many great things about it. And congratulations on the upcoming release! So much fabulosity here. (Is that a word?)

Maurice Mitchell said...

Crap. Now I have three more blogs to visit. Since you recommended them I'm sure they're too cool to ignore.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Enid!

Thank you, Jennifer. Your book is now legend.

Maurice, that's right!