Friday, September 9, 2011

The Big Burrito Wrap!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the first post of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! I hope I visited everyone’s site. So many poured out their heart, and the encouraging comments were awesome. Really, it was beyond what I imagined. I may have started something here! But it’s you guys who made it special. One post that caught my attention was from Youngblood, and I hope you have a chance to drop by and offer a word of encouragement. Next post date – October 5!

I have the honor of a very short and funny interview over at Lydia’s site - The World is my Oyster - today!

I was also awarded the 7x7 Link award by Karen, Nancy, and one other person whom I can’t remember! (I’m sorry.)

I’m to list previous posts of mine that are the…

Most Beautiful: I don’t know about beautiful, but my recent post on Making Connections was cool.

Most Helpful: Me, helpful? Right….

Most Popular: At 174 comments, I’d have to say the announcement that My Second Book is Go! is the most popular.

Most Controversial: I don’t do controversy, but a guest post from p.m. terrell - We Want You To Make A Few Changes stirred up some conversation.

Most Surprisingly Successful: That would be my post this week for the Insecure Witer’s Support Group! I’m still stunned…

Most Underrated: The post was about an award I’d received, but those I passed on the Friends for the Journey award are really awesome people.

Most Prideworthy: I don’t think I have one that classifies as prideworthy…

I’m passing it on to Jeffrey Beesler, Michael Di Gesu, and Rusty Webb, because I really want to se what you guys come up with!

The wonderful Yvonne Lewis tagged me – ten things about myself. In the interest of time, I’m movie-loving, guitar-playing, author, blogger, D&D geek, headbanging, Kate-obsessed, Captain Ninja Alex! God, I hope that was ten…

Don’t forget my interview at The World is my Oyster

And sometime this week I went over nine hundred followers. Whoa!

Now, what did you guys think of the first day post for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group?


Anne Gallagher said...

I never signed up for the Insecure Writer's Group but I did manage to hit a few bloggers posts. I thought it went very well (speaking only as an outside participant).

As an aside, yes, I am an extremely insecure writer but my neurosis go so deep I'd scare people with my posts, not help.

Sarah Tokeley said...
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Sarah Tokeley said...

I'm slowly making my way through the posts, there's been some really good ones so far. I think it was great success and I'm looking forward to the next one :-)


I thought it was great though I couldn't get through many of the followers.
Next month I will post mine early as on the 5th I am going to a concert at Bristol UK......three guesses as to whose.

I think you have beaten a record with all the blogs you read and congrats on the well deserved awards,


Javid Suleymanli said...

It was just great! To know people and different opinions! Thank you very much

Unknown said...

I remember some of those posts! I'll go check you out at Lydia's blog

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Anne, as you are a far better writer than I, could only help others!

Sarah, glad you enjoyed it!

Yvonne, it can only be your Danny boy!

Javid, it was really cool.

Enid Wilson said...

Congratulations for another award! I've to catch up on the post for Insecure Writer's Support Group.

Every Savage Can Reproduce

S.A. Larsenッ said...

What a fun award!! Loved reading the links. Enjoy your weekend.

Will Burke said...

I found a LOT of common ground; many of us wrote about the same issues. It's encouraging that I'm not alone in my insecurities.

Unknown said...

I signed up and didn't post...*embarrassed*

But I read and commented on quite a few and thought it went very well. :)

October 5th on Daily (w )rite I'll have my post up...promise!

Jeff Beesler said...

Though I didn't participate myself, I'd have to say it looked like a resounding success. Writers have a lot of insecurities apparently.

And thanks for the award!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Our insecurity wanes a little when it is shared. We feel more normal when we see that others feel the same way.

Great idea. AND you are helpful. :)

Unknown said...

Congrats on 900 followers. That's awesome.

Matthew MacNish said...


Lisa said...

I did not read any, but will go and sample one or two now. did not know what was going on that it was a kind of blogfest. I am slow:)

I should have participated, because I do feel insecure (at times).

Unknown said...

Hey you congrats on your award and for making a fantastic blog hop. Working my way through the other talented bloggers out there that have joined. I just have one thing to say to you...Play your guitar for us!

Creepy Query Girl said...

cool! I'll check it out- and you have a lot to be proud of and alot you've accomplished in the blogosphere this year! Great job and keep at it:)

Isis Rushdan said...

I feel so cheated about the ten random things :(. Oh well, I'll get over it. I really enjoying seeing the 7X7 for people. It's a nice glimpse at previous posts I've missed.

Francine Howarth said...


Fabulous idea and a great way to air insecurities (share the angst lessens the weight), but I'm so weighed down with challenges (Rach's Campaign trail & Romantic Friday writers)I think I might drag a whole load of anguished writers into a pit of hell! ;)


Ciara said...

I'm afraid not many people found my tab. :( Oh, well. I need to get around to some other blogs. I was hit by a virus that tanked my system. I'm catching up now. Great job with the group. Off to my friend Lydia's to say hi to you again. :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I think you have found a needed group of Insecure Writers! I do not feel I am a writer at all....just a blogger:) trying to make sense

Angela said...

I think the Insecure Writer's Wednesday posts went really well. Even though I didn't write one, I really enjoyed what everyone had to say.

Congrats on your award!

Charles Gramlich said...

Off to read the interview

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Will, that was really cool, wasn't it? So many with the same insecurities.

Damy, that's all right - catch us in October!

You're welcome, Jeffrey. It was just amazing how many people came together for this.

Thanks Journaling and Carrie.

Matthew - I win!

Oceangirl, join us next month!

Siv, I don't torture my followers.

Thanks, Query Girl!

Francine, we didn't send the blogging world into a tailspin, so I doubt you could do it on your own.

Ciara, sorry about the virus!

Kim, if you're blogging, you're a writer.

Thanks, Angela!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. lots of links there .. I'm off to see the Oyster .. have a good weekend celebrating so many followers - you do do so much for everyone .. cheers Hilary

Sarah Ahiers said...

i thought it was very successful. I'm totally behind on reading most my blogs, but even i saw the posts pop up everywhere.
and 900 followers is awesome! Did you ever think your blog would reach that point?

Luanne G. Smith said...

I loved all the Insecure Writers posts. And we didn't crash the system!!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Not helpful? You're not helpful? Look at the platform you just created, on a whim, for your fellow bloggers! You don't think that was helpful?
Well, I do.
Thank you for HELPING me and so many others.

Summer Ross said...

I enjoyed it Alex! So Many writers- all voicing things that are only seen at random intervals. Plus I didn't feel alone. Thanks for doing the support group.

Anonymous said...

I did not manage to get to all posts, but really enjoyed getting to know the 'inner' writer of bloggers I have known for at least a year now. You connected many writers and readers. And lifted many spirits, I'm sure!

Sangu Mandanna said...

Congratulations on the followers, Alex, you so deserve it!

I love this post. Such a great way to collect together some of your 'most' posts!

Old Kitty said...

Yay for super duper ninja skills!! Congrats with your award and these fab posts too!!!

Take care

Anonymous said...

The Insecure Writers Group is a smashing success, as those across The Pond might say. Simply smashing! And good luk honing those ninja skills.

Jessica Salyer said...

Thanks again Alex for starting this. It means a lot to me, and I'm sure others too, to know that there's people out there that care. It's been hard to get to all the blogs, but I'm still working on it. Also congats on the 900 followers. You put my 12 to shame. ;)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sarah, no, I never did!

LG, we're still here. We'll try harder next time.

Thank you very much, Heather!

Summer, Lynn, and Sangu, thanks.

Karen, I didn't invent sliced bread, but I tried!

Thanks Kitty and Stephen.

Patricia JL said...

I think it was a good first post for the group. Hopefully, next month I won't forget and only have a post because I got lucky and had a post that worked. lol

PS Everyone Damyanti is guest posting at my blog. Come check out what she has to say. =)

Tara Tyler said...

been there, done that (ur intrview)
174 comments!!!!! 900 followers!!!!

congrats =) and i'm still seeking and learning with the "group" session. maybe i'll finish in time for the next one!

Amy said...

Congrats on the award and the surpassing of 900 followers! Heading over to check out your post now - have a great weekend! :)

Carolyn V said...

Wow. There have been so many sites! And 900 followers. Sweet!

Carol Kilgore said...

Funny interview at Lydia's! And congrats on +900 followers :)

J.B. Chicoine said...

Thanks for all the work you put into the IWSG! Can't wait till next months posts :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Patricia, I will!

Tara, I hope you do. And yeah, those number blow my mind as well.

Thanks Amy, Carolyn, and Carol!

JB, glad you enjoyed it.

Nancy Thompson said...

Thanks for doing the 7x7, Alex! I didn't do the IWSG since I was out of town, but I feel their pain. I'm having a helluva time getting started on my next book. And I loved the 10 things! Some I knew, some I didn't.

LD Masterson said...

I didn't sign up for the IWSG - plenty of insecurity, not enough time - but I am enjoying reading all the posts.

Left a couple burning questions on Lydia's site.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Congratulations on your award Alex. You truly are everywhere. Rusty always says this of you but I had no idea until I noticed your name on every blog in existence. I've no idea how you manage that.

~Sia McKye~ said...

Alex, I really do want to be part of IWSG but all my Wednesdays are booked the next 6 weeks. I don't suppose I could do mine on a Monday? If not, I'll just hang out.

Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks Alex for the award... Congrats on yours; so well deserved.

You know how I feel about Insecure Writer's Support Group ... I've managed to read several post and this is a complete success. You should be very proud for starting something so amazing.

Elizabeth Mueller said...

I know how long it takes to blog, Alex. I'm stunned at how you squeeze everyone in your day. I'm glad you have a supportive wife!

I think it's a fantastic thing you've got going here with the IWSG! I'm a bit hesitant to join it, why? I can bare my writerly bones, that's not the problem. I think it's the huge numbers, but you know? I've been thinking about the A-Z challenge and I had a true blast. It is memorable to say the least.

I think I've convinced myself. See you October 5th!

Happy Friday!


Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?

YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming fall of 2011!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

PS--congrats on your award!

Lydia Kang said...

The Insecure Writer's Support Groups posts so far have been inspiring! Great having you on my blog today, Alex.

Leovi said...

Very funny and full of irony your interview ... What the heck is Yes Goofy? JA JA JA.

Doralynn Kennedy said...

I'll check out Youngblood's post.

It's cool to rehash old posts.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nancy, then we share the pain of the next book...

LD, I'll have to look!

Thanks, Michael. I did reach the end of the Internet once...

Sia, if you post a little early or late, that's fine!

Michael, I'm just glad everyone jumped in and visited others. That's what made it amazing.

Elizabeth, glad you could join us! And thanks.

Lydia, thank you for allowing me to invade.

Leovi, I think goofy will forever remain a mystery...

Doralynn, please do! I was the only one who'd commented last I looked.

~Sia McKye~ said...

Cool, Alex! Then I'll sign up for it and do a Monday! yay!

Emily R. King said...

Congrats to being over 900 followers! That's huge!

Christine Rains said...

I didn't have time to participate, but I've been reading some of the posts. It was a fantastic idea. It's always good to know you're not alone in your fears.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Looks like I was too wrapped up in my birth-week celebration to remember to be insecure. Funny. I am still insecure, but I was feeling the love this week, for sure. I'll be on board next month. Thanks for being such a great supporter, blogger, and commenter, Alex. You're a superstar!

Arlee Bird said...

Great job on the first round of insecure writer laments. Hope it helped build some confindence.

Tossing It Out

Donna K. Weaver said...

Now that's the way to do your ten things. Wow. I only had to do seven. Phew!

RaShelle Workman said...

Congrats on your award, Alex. You're awesome!!!

Rekha said...

I presume it was for Writers who blog not the other way around...I did check the few whom I follow anyway...
Maybe if there was something for insecure readers (the ones who couldn't lay their hands on your book as it was slightly high priced for their budget but hope to soon) I'd join for sure ;)
Congrats on your "followship" inching towards 4 digits. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sia, that would be fine!

ER, scary isn't it?

Thanks, Mary.

Rekha, sounds like we need a lot of insecure groups. And thanks!

M Pax said...

Yea on 900 followers. The IWG was a great idea.

Liza said...

Thank you Alex for organizing the Insecure Writers. I read some great posts and am hoping to get to still more.

Kelly Polark said...

If there was a King Blogger, you would be crowned, Alex!
I liked your interview over at Lydia's!!

julie fedderson said...

I think you've just had the best week ever, Captain Ninja Alex! Congrats on a fantastic kickoff week for the IWSG!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I loved the first day. I received lots of great comments and visited some terrific blogs, old favorites and new friends. I didn't visit everyone but I'm going to try and get them all next month.

Suzie F. said...

The first day of the IWSG was great! I was able to read a few from the list and a few people visited me. I hope to get to more this weekend. Thanks Alex for inspiring so many of us! said...

Hi Alex, congratulations on all of it - your awards, soaring number of fans, and successful first group. Thanks for the Valium, too. Whew. I also don't know how you do it all!

My only "issue" with the IWSG is that there seemed to be tons of folks who signed up but didn't post. I went through all of them, which took hours (as you know), but was frustrated at the time wasted in going to blogs where folks didn't post. If people are linking up just to get their blogs noticed but with no intention of participating, I wish they wouldn't.

Otherwise, it was great as are you.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kelly, thanks - appreciate that!

Robyn, I think some signed up for next month. But don't worry - I noted who posted and who didn't. Two no-posts in a row and they are off the list. And I removed three who were just advertising already.

Jemi Fraser said...

I think the Insecure Writers was a big hit! I hope life will let me participate next month! :) Off to Lydia's...

Jennie Bailey said...

Congrats on over 900 followers! I don't know how you went back through and found all those posts. And you, helpful? Very!!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Life is a harsh mistress. Work even more so. I had no time to participate when it counted.

The ghost of Ernest Hemingway stepped in for me with an article to be posted this midnight. But he is Hemingway. And holding your hands is something he just doesn't do! LOL. Hope you get the time to read his take on the insecure writer. I did. Ouch! He doesn't like my compassion much. Roland

Unknown said...

This was super fantastic and I got so many encouraging comments on my own blog. Not to mention so many cool new blogs to explore. I loved it and I look forward to more IWSG posts.

ali cross said...

Captain, you are a rockstar. Or should I say NINJASTAR!!

(hey, I can do that if I want to)

ali's blog

Unspoken said...

I think it's a fabulous idea!

Jamie Gibbs said...

Congrats on the awards, and congrats on the success of the first IWSP meeting! I won't be able to be insecure on the next post since it'll be the day before my birthday I'll be too excited, hehe :P

Rhonda @Laugh Quotes said...

Congratulations on your 7x7 and on your new group. I think I may join in next month.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jemi, it was! Sorry you had issues this week. Stupid malware.

Jennie, thanks - I cheated though, because I only went back a few months.

Roland, I'll look for it today.

Melissa, it was really awesome. I'm proud of the way everyone jumped in and encouraged others.

Thanks Ali and She Writes!

Jamie, pre-plan something uplifting then!

Rhonda, please do.

Katherines Corner said...

Hi Alex! dropping by to leave some ♥ on your blog along with wishes for a lovely weekend!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Stuart. But I just launched it - the participants did all the rest.

Hey Katherine - you do the same!

Golden Eagle said...

Congratulations on the awards! And congrats on 900+ Followers. :)

The IWSG was awesome--I met some new people, and I got much more response on my post than I expected!

Mel Chesley said...

Alex, you rocked this idea! I'm still floored myself at all the comments and I even got some new followers as well. I'm still working my way down the list, though, to the other participants! Good thing we writers are patient.
Excellent job and congrats on the success!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Golden, thanks, and I've glad you got a good response! That was my hope - everyone would pull together to support one another.

Mel, that's awesome! Some of those who signed up toward the end won't be posting until next month, but some did post.

Deniz Bevan said...

Thanks for all the links! And wow, 900 followers. Congratulations!

Suze said...

Just caught your interview at 'Oyster.' Pretty kewl.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Deniz and Suze, thanks!

Angela Brown said...

Coming by to visit after checking out Angela Orlowski-Peart's blog. She mentioned you so I had to make a stop, and I'm very glad I did.

Ms Saba (aka Teacher007.5) said...

Hi Alex! I've mentioned you on my blog and passed on the Versatile Blogger Award. You can find the info here: :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Angela, I'm glad you did come visit!

Ms Saba, thank you!

Anonymous said...

I read a number of posts from the Insecure Writer's Support Group. They were all refreshingly honest.

P.S. Did you catch the bionic Sasquatch on SyFy last night?! Classic.

Unknown said...

Look at you maintaining all the awesome. I'm impressed!!!! Always so inspiring, no matter what the subject!

CONGRATS on the follower count! That's huge!!!

Donna Shields said...

I think it was big time successful. I met some new bloggers and received some new followers. And I feel a bit more calm now with my writing. You are awesome Alex. Thank you.

Talli Roland said...

Gosh, you're busy! :) I really enjoyed reading the Insecure posts - I may sign up for the next round! :)

Headed over to Lydia's!

Author A.O. Peart said...

It's on my to-do list :-) I would love to be a part of your Insecure Writer posts!!!

Rusty Carl said...

Always awesome to learn the trivia of others.

And I can't believe I won! Too cool. Thanks!

Leovi said...

Congratulations on this wonderful run of success Captain Alex Ninja.

Saumya said...

Congrats on all these amazing awards, Alex!! I'm not surprised that they all came your way; you are such an inspiring and supportive blogger!

Saumya said...

P.S. Congrats on the Insecure Writers Group! Sounds like it was wonderful.

Laila Knight said...

Holy moly you did the 7x7 thing. That means I can't stick you with it when I pass mine on on Friday. Oh well, there will be other chances. I happened upon a few of the Insecure Writer people. Your idea really rocked. I can't wait to participate next month. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Liz, no! I missed it.

Thanks so much Jen. Your numbers blow me out of the water though.

Donna, glad you got so much out of it!

Angela, please join us next month.

Rusty, you're welcome.

Leovi, thank you.

Saumya, you should join us.

Laila, sorry, I come pre-tagged!

PK HREZO said...

I'm late to the party but so far the IWSG is a smashing success! So awesome getting around to all the encouraging support. What a great idea this was. Glad I thought of it! Oh, wait... was that you? meh .... *promises to come up with good ideas in the future*

dolorah said...

The first posts went really well. I'll stop by Youngblood when I leave here.

Congrats on the award - and I'm amazed your following is so small Alex :) I think all your posts are helpful - either to spread writing insights and news, or just to cheer up fellow bloggers. Always something interesting when I stop by.


WritingNut said...

Hey Alex! I have returned.. hope you're doing well :)

I'm so sorry I missed signing up, hopefully next month. Congrats on your award! I'm off to visit Lydia to check out your interview now.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

The insecure writers post was brilliant. Thanks again for putting it all together. I salute you!

Congrats too on the cool award with all its linky goodness.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

PK, you're funny!

Donna, thank you so much. The amount of people who follow me actually scares me...

Writing Nut, please join us next month!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you've received an awesome response...Well done

Maurice Mitchell said...

Congrats Alex. That 7x7 award was fun!

Donea Lee said...

900+? Woo hoo!! Congrats!! Not hard to see why they come flocking to your blog ~ :)

Headed over to catch up on the interview at Lydia's!

Nigel G. Mitchell said...

I'd join the insecure writers group, but I'm too insecure