I was stunned by the response to Wednesday’s post about a Insecure Writer’s Support Group. When I wrote that post, I worried it was a lame idea. Everyone seemed so excited though! My original idea may not be big enough.
I see three ways to do this. You guys just let me know which one is best for your needs. (Because this is for you!)
1 – Scheduled post date once or twice a month for participants to either post their insecurities or offer advice and encouragement to others. I’d make a Linky List and keep it in on a separate page here.
2 – Start a new blog called the Insecure Writers Support Group (with help – I do need to sleep sometime) with weekly (or more) encouraging tips from others who have been through the wringer and survived. Maybe have separate pages to list members and their genres or position in the writing process or something. Maybe a mentor page. Maybe a way to communicate with one another. (Not sure how to do that but willing to try.)
3 – Set up a forum called the Insecure Writers Support Group, featuring topics of encouragement, calls for help, discussions, stuff like that. (Thanks to Elizabeth Mueller for the suggestion.)
Let me know which idea rocks your world.
Now for some contests and stuff:
Lydia Kang is hosting a 900 followers contest – you can win books.
Paul Joseph is hosting a back-to-school contest – win a stack of books for your favorite teacher.
Lisa at Flash Fiction is part of a big Renaissance Blogfest this October.
Ellie Garratt is hosting the Star Trek Blogfest this coming Monday. I’m all over this like a pack of rabid Tribbles…
Don’t forget my Worst Movies Ever Blogfest coming September 19!
And the wonderful Amy gave me the Blog on Fire Award. Thanks, Amy! I was supposed to answer some questions about rutabagas... Oh well! I’ll just pass it along to Bryan at The Alchemy of Writing, because the dude’s just cool!
Off to see Conan this weekend! Let me know which idea for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group sounds cool. (Or if they’re all dumb, which one sucks the least.)
I've yet to see you list a bad idea. Writers need support, really. I'd say number 1. It seems the most simple...have a feeling I might get out-voted though. Lay off the Tribbles...they're mine...and that happens to be my favorite episode. :) In your review of Conan make sure you let us ladies know if he was hot. ;)
I agree with Laila. I like number 1 the best. And thanks for the links! Will be sure to check out Lydia's - love free books.
Congrats on the award!
Gee, I wonder what would have happened if you had never shared this idea with us, but rather kept it to yourself. Doubt is perhaps the worst enemy any writer has to face.
I like the first one, Alex. It does seem simplest and allows you sleepy time. :D
Tribbles! omg... I want one...
And can't wait to see what you think of Conan. I like that Rose McGowan is in it. I'm a Charmed fan. ;)
I think no. 1 would be appropriate as many of us have other thing going on, for example you and your film reviewing, me getting on with my book and other things like house work and going down slides.
Hope you enjoy the blogfest on Monday,
Ps the rain yesterday here was so bad it made the main news bulletin. we had 3 inches of rain in 2 hours. for us that's bad.
I think no. 1 would be appropriate as many of us have other thing going on, for example you and your film reviewing, me getting on with my book and other things like house work and going down slides.
Hope you enjoy the blogfest on Monday,
Ps the rain yesterday here was so bad it made the main news bulletin. we had 3 inches of rain in 2 hours. for us that's bad.
Hmmm... Could you do all three? Kidding. I'm with the others in that maybe no 1 is better. The other two
require more work from you. The first one let's everyone get involved without so much, you know, effort from you. Setting up forums and stuff sounds like a lot.
My vote is for #1. Mostly because I know how busy we all are so having something once or twice a month I think would be most beneficial and less stressful on everyone I mean come on we're already insecure.
If you just REALLY wanted to communicate more often than that what about like a facebook group called the Insecure Writers Group then members could post status updates or ask for some encouragement and receive more informal non commital non pressurized feedback. It would also promote the once/twice a month linky list as well.
I like them all, so what ever is easy and comfortable for you is great!
I like the forum idea but I guess that would need such a lot of organisation (you'd need forum admin etc I guess!) and a new blog sounds good too cos that means people may choose to follow but that's gonna have to be sincere group effort and the one or two posts is sound as well!! LOL!
Oh it's Friday and we should all be frolicking outside in the nice weather (well it's very sunny here and just lovely!). See you aboard NC-1701-D! Did I get that right!?!? Take care
#1 seems low maintenance and easy. Thanks for mentioning the Star Trek Blogfest. I'm not a self-proclaimed Trekkie, but I couldn't resist.
#1 seems the easiest and people can plan ahead for it.
Rabid tribbles...now there's a terrible thought!
Laila, one does seem easiest. And I'll let my wife give her two cents on the hotness of Conan.
Marlena, thanks.
Jeffrey, good thing I'm not consumed with doubt then!
Mel, I'll let you know next week!
Yvonne, that's a lot of rain.
Rusty, it does, but I'd be willing.
Dafeenah, that would work if I was actually ON Facebook.
I wish I hadn't read everyone else's comments! I really like #2 - I would love to list it as a stand-alone blog - I'd be more likely to remember and go there. If you decide on number 2 (and why would you so far?) I promise to help. Errrp. Yes, I do. I promise. I'd even set it up for you...
I'm for the first option too. Simple is better. Enjoy your weekend! :)
Number one is obviously the easiest, but a combination of numbers two and three seems like the best actual way to do it to me. (i.e. a blog with a forum attached) I think if you found a few bloggers to help you with it, it wouldn't be too much work. (Though I have no idea how you go about setting up forums so maybe it's more work than I realize.) I'd say though that if a combination of two and three isn't practical then two is the best.
Hi, Alex,
First, Tessa contacted me about the win... Thanks again. I am actually looking forward to reading your book.
Yes, number one is certainly the easiest. But I also like number three although it is more work for you.
Since it is your idea and your time, you should do what's best for you.
However you can always ask for Ninja help... Look at Lee's A-Z challenge and how that's grown. He needed help and you all jumped in. We will do that for you too!
I <3 forums. So I like that idea the most, and, of course, of loves tales from people who have survived it, lol. Best of luck :)
You always have good ideas Alex. I like idea number one. I've written a few stores myself (geared for kids). I've just been to intimidated to share them with anyone besides my husband. I'd be willing (I think) to post my stories and get some feedback. Have fun seeing Conan
I actually like the idea of a forum where writers can stop by and rant when they are in the midst of an insecurity-attack. But, whatever you come up with will be great I'm sure.
I liked the first idea the best but all of them were awesome so it shouldn't matter TOO MUCH which one you end up going with :D
Guess I'd have to agree that the first suggestion would be best. Sort of an insecure writer blogfest day.
I hope Conan is good. Or at least doesn't suck. I've enjoyed the previews for that one.
So glad you're thinking of not doing it alone.
#2 is good if you get some folks to take turns like other group blogs.
#3 is also good though I admit I don't know how they work.
Have a great weekend!
Sleep? None for you my friend.
Whichever way you go, I wish you bunches of fun.
I missed the initial Neurotic post (bad me!) but I love the idea - it would be fun. All 3 ideas have pros & cons. I'd be in - and I'd be willing to help if you need/want it! :)
I'm going to go with Number One, as well. It looks to be a runaway in your straw poll.
I first met you, as well as a lot of other terrific bloggers, through your Fun and Games blogfest. I think the Linky Lists allow us to interact with each other, without putting a huge time demand on you.
Alex-- Thanks for the comment. I think you'll enjoy Fright Night. It's more of a re-imagining of the original film than anything. There's a great homage that only fans of the original will get. They may be marketing this film to 20 year olds, but there are some things that is clearly geared towards fans of the original.
I've been reading the reviews for Conan and I think I will see it "just because." Some of the reviews are downright hilarious.
I'm also a fan of number one. I would prefer to publish my rants on my own blog in case no one wants to read them. Perhaps once a month would be enough. Like the 15th of the month could be IWSG post day.
Thanks for all the news!
These are the order of preference imop - 2,1,3. Not that i don't think a forum is a good idea, i just don't think i would participate as much.
Have fun with Conan this weekend! I'm excited to hear what you think (since i won't be able to catch it in theaters)
Here's another vote for #1. It gives me another topic to fill up blog space with. And I have so many blogs to follow now that I don't necessarily want to add a new one--with #1 the topics would just be part of blogs I probably already visit anyway.
Tossing It Out
Hi Alex, I like 'one'. It sounds like the least amount of work. (As you said, you do need your sleep.) Plus, I'm all about the least amount of work nowadays. ;-)
Worst movies ever....hmmmm...I tend to walk out or switch off.
*gasp* It's Monday! Wow, this month has gone by fast!
I think your idea for the critique support is great. Sounds like a lot of work, but I imagine there're plenty of people willing to help. This writing community is so wonderfully supportive.
I'd say start with #1 and see how it goes. You can always expand from there.
Happy Weekend!
Awesome ideas for insecure writers. I'm in! I'm leaning towards #2 as my favorite. You're great.
You are full of great ideas. I'd say #1.
I think any of the three are good ideas. I would probably "vote" for number one if I had to pick.
Congrats on your new award.
You're probably going to get a ton of input on which way to go with the group. I'd just like to reiterate that I'll participate-- in whichever way seems best for most people.
i'll do whatever!
i'm such a follower =)
and of course your blog is on fire, spaceships are taking off all over the place!
Great ideas for the support group. A whole blog dedicated to it sounds like a great way to really get into it. One that I would definitely frequent!
Super excited for Conan this weekend! :)
I think these are all great ideas--I am in, regardless, but I sort of like the once a month with a linky page--it seems like the way it would be easiest to maintain ongoing involvement for ME because it doesn't add anything--just gives a monthly topic and a different circle to circulate in that day.
I think either once or twice a month here, or set up a forum. A whole new blog would be too much I think. Good going, Alex!
Insecurity? I hate it when people try to psychoanalyze me based on the content of my books. Sheesh, it's just fiction.
I'm normal, and have release papers to prove it.
Jan, thank you! Elizabeth offered to help as well.
Sarah, I saw someone else had set up a chat page on her blog, so I'll look into that option.
Thanks, Michael! I appreciate that.
Carol, don't be intimidated - we are all here to help one another.
LG, maybe we can dump all the insecurities into that one day.
Thank you, Jemi!
Bryce, that's what I was thinking...
MsMariah, some are funny, complaining it's all mindless, bloody fights - of course, it's CONAN!
Sarah, I'll let you know next week!
Ricky, but so often they come back to haunt...
Donna, yes it has!
Suze, thank you.
Tara, thanks - and you made me laugh!
Hart, that's what I was thinking - a built-in blog topic.
Thanks for this, I liked the idea of 1.
I think I like the first one best.
I'llbe interested to know what you think of Conan. I'm looking forward to it (and not just because of Jason :))
Number 1 is the best one - I think - and I love the idea of having an Insecure Writers Support Group - I'm just a little behind in reading your posts.
Congrats on the award!
Looking forward to seeing Conan too.
All sounds interesting. I'm down for whatever everyone else likes:)
The first one. It will give me something new to blog about.
I think it's fab! Love the first one, Alex!
Your blog always is on fire, Alex! I came over to see what's going on with it, and of course find that you are involved in more projects than I can keep up with! You are amazing!!
Ann Best, Author of In the Mirror, A Memoir of Shattered Secrets
Sarah, you want to see him with his shirt off - admit it!
Thanks, Tyrean.
Ann, it's that Ninja training.
Like you need more input...but for what it's worth, I like 1 and 2, in that order. Now, Conan? O'Brien? My second cousin I've never met? Say hello for me. (Unless I'm more out of touch then I think I am and there is another "Conan" as in "the Barbarian")
I like 1 and 3--Linky Lists make it pretty easy to visit people, and forums allow for a lot of interaction. It also seems like a forum would cover much of what a blog would be able to do.
Congratulations on the award!
Wow, what a great idea, Alex. I like all of the ideas, so I am not sure which to choose. They all could fill a need and be convenient for busy writers.
Have a great weekend!
Most of the blogs I enjoy are written by insecure writers. The ones who have all the answers don't interest me LOL.
I like #3 the best. Free forums is super easy to use & there's a chat box options, which is nice. However, all three options are wonderful!
I think Number 1 sounds the easiest to implement and then if that gets too big we could move on to Number 2.
Thank goodness you weren't too insecure to post this idea! :)
You might be Captain Ninja but you need to keep it simple. The other option would be a social media page where it truly is a spur of the moment thing.
Your the Captain, you lead we will follow. :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
Go with the first option. Starting another blog just adds to your work load. This one's popular enough that people will know how to find it. If it blows up, then spin it off.
Liza, there is a Conan the Barbarian!
Thanks, Golden.
Karen, that must make me really interesting then.
Km, yes, thank goodness!
Jules, just hope I don't go over a cliff.
Maurice, if it blows up, hope I survive!
I like #1--gives a chance for me to see new blogs via the linkage.
Watched the old Conan last night. Gonna be hard to outdo Arnold in a furry loincloth, although I'm thinking Khal Drogo has a chance by the look of the trailers. Gotta love a man with a broadsword.
Alex, happy Friday! Conan, hmmm, let us know what you think. I wish I could go. Aaa!
I think #1 sounds cool because it IS low maintenance and bloggers love bloghops. Would they all support each other and really HOP around every link to make it worth wile for the ones that actually posted?
I think #2 would be fantastic because there could be a Q & A along with the mentor page and stuff--interactive! I <3 interactive and it is really one-sided for choice #1. *sigh*
As for #3, I would love that because we could post and do tons of interacting that way, but Jennifer is right about having and admin there and I'm not sure how many of us know how to do that or have the time.
I'm thinking #2 would benefit mostly because it would give many people the chance to submit questions without having the spotlight on them, you know?
Count me in with the help in whatever you decide, Alex!
Happy Weekend--squeeeeeeeee!
Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?
YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming fall of 2011!
Thanks for the shout out, Alex. Though I'm only cool when the air conditioning is on. The rest of the time things get ugly.
Oh, and geeked about Conan, though I'm not sure I'll get to see it in the theatre...
I missed the inital post, but this is a great idea, and I would participate in whatever capacity is decided. And thanks so much for linking my contest!!
Oh, btw, I already have my list ready for the 19th. This one was pretty easy for me. Is that good or bad???
Awesome idea, Alex. Number one sounds the best to me.
I like them all, too. But #1 does seem easiest. It's nice to see we're not alone, I think.
My husband thinks spouses of writers should have their own support group. lol
I've been collecting bad movie names. :) I'm already for Ellie's on MOnday. Hope Conan is good.
As always, a really awesome idea comes from Alex! Count me in. :)
Edge of Your Seat Romance
Alex, thanks so much for the shout-out! Have a great weekend. :)
Julie, just saw it, and my wife thought Momoa looked better than Arnold.
Elizabeth, thanks again for your suggestion and offer to help!
Bryan, you're welcome. And Conan is worth the geeking.
Thanks, Paul! Glad you're ready for the blogfest, although not sure that's good or bad either.
Mary, it would give the spouses something to do. And Conan was fun.
Thanks, Raquel.
You're welcome, Lydia.
I can lead the charge when it comes to insecure writers (and rebounding writers). I'm partial to idea #1. :)
I vote for #1 also. Sleep is good and you deserve some.
Hope you're off to a great weekend, Alex.
I for one would love to be in an insecure writers group being as how (and ain't that a great phrase) I'm a writer and extremely insecure. I think writers supporting writers is a great idea. I'm thinking all of us getting together at the virtual coffee shop and taking turns reading our work and receiving feedback. I'd appreciate it very soon since the deadline for my very first freelance piece is 8/26. I've completed the interview and need to edit what I wrote. The project is Until They Have Faces.
<a href="hhttp://kmdlifeisgood.blogspot.com/
>Tina @ Life is Good</
Another vote for #1.
Now that I'm up to speed, I think it's a great idea!Writers need all the support we can get. I'd be happy to help promote this any way I can... let me know.
way to go, alex!
as for 'encouragement', ie. the 'positive strokes', of old... i'm all for doing what's simplest....
Wow, thanks everyone for your support and input. I think I know which direction we are going with this and hope it's a big benefit to everyone.
I'll watch and see how this goes -- we have a lot of insecure writers up here in Northern Colorado. :)
Hi Alex .. I think any interaction between a supportive blogger group .. as are here ... will be extra beneficial to all.
GOOD LUCK and who knows other things may spin out - sounds like it to me .. start small .. cheers and I shall enjoy reading .. Hilary
Going to see Conan tomorrow, as well. My son and I are taking my husband as his B-day present. (Think my son is more of a fan than husband is.)
You ninja army is already kind of a wonderful support group, no? :) But, what a fabulous idea!
Us writers...we need strong stomachs, is all I can say. Our constant roller-coaster emotions of I rock!/I suck! is exhausting, sometimes!
Looking forward to you Conan review! And I'm pulling together my Star Trek love for Ellie's blogfest today!! Can't wait ~ :)
I like number 1.
Hope Conan was good - looking forward to the review - and thanks for the round up on what's occurring cyber-wise, someone has to keep us all in check :)
They are all great ideas, but I'd also go with #1! Congrats on your award and thanks for always coming up with helpful ways to make us "army strong!" Julie
Thank you, Hilary!
Helen, that doesn't surprise me. The guys will enjoy it.
Donea, and you are one of the special ones in the army, because YOU are so supportive!
Laura, I'm trying to keep up!
Julie, thank YOU!
I think this great idea of serving unsafe gives writers to write a book or a movie script, and writers say the same thing I can say anyone who is faced with a situation of creativity.
I think you should start up a new blog with other writers to give advice and stuff, that would be cool.
My biggest writing insecurity is that my drool will get on the keyboard messing up what I have to type.
Congrats on your award! I think what ever is easiest. I like 3.
I think your blog should stay as is, your blog! I couldn't narrow my list, but will be visiting the Star Trek Blogfest, so fun!
I have a short stay surgery on Sept 19th; I don't know how I will be after. If able, Captain I will join in. I know I could schedule my post, but don't know how I will be on commenting. I did discover the title of the gawd awful flick. ;D
Now I have to watch this flick as an adult to see if I have the same opinion! I will try~
Whichever works the best for you, Alex..I like all three and would be happy to help you in any way I can to set up blog/forum/whatever else.
Look forward to hearing about CONAN! I finally saw COWBOYS & ALIENS. And I LOVED it!
PTM, I'm sure you're not alone. Okay, maybe you are...
Surgery? I'll be praying all goes well, Ella. You can preschedule your post for that day, letting them know you'll visit when you're up to it. People will understand.
Liz, wasn't Cowboys & Aliens fun?
I like choice #1. Forums are okay but I probably wouldn't visit as often.
Star Trek I have good and unforgettable memories. I saw this series as a kid and I think that was one of my first contacts with science fiction. But bad movies the hard drive removed from the brain as the bad memories.
I love the idea. I can't, however, imagine you taking on more than you already do. You are the newest superhero: Super Blogger.
Idea #1 - seeing a list of insecure writers writers itself would be a big encouragement, as I can console myself that am not alone in that rocking boat!
TQ for yr encouraging comment on my post Sun Sparkle.
You could try a new blog called the Insecure Writers Support Group. If it takes off, great! If not, then go for the twice a month scheduled posts. I'd be happy to help too!
Leovi, then I hope you enjoy tomorrow's Star Trek blogfest!
Missed, thank you! Wish I was Super Blogger so I could visit everyone's site!
Vaish, it was a really nice photo!
Stephen, thanks! If I do that, I'll definitely need help.
I don't see any bad ideas my sweet friend. Let us know about Conan. Big Hugs!!!
While #1 does seem easiest, I do like the idea of the other two options also. These two options seem more official and recognisable as a group thing.
I am going with #1.
Thanks, Katherine.
Lynda, trying to work out the logistics - might have to start small and grow!
I used to run a poetry forum and don't recommend it. I have other blogs and it's a time sucker. Definitely go with option #1 :)
All great ideas! You totally rock, Alex. I'm thinking #1 would be easiest and then everyone can have a hand in it, that way it's no all on you.
This will be great! I have lots of insecurities to work out when it comes to my writing confidence and doubts. Thanks for sharing this idea!
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