Monday, August 1, 2011

Cowboys & Aliens Review and News!

Once again, this Ninja sought refuge in a cool movie theater…

Cowboys and Aliens

Another enjoyable summer film! A good story and great mishmash of science fiction and western. It was more intense than anticipated – not cheesy at all. The effects were really good and I especially liked the aliens. Some amazing scenery as they pursued the aliens across the desert, trying to reclaim the townspeople who were taken.

Daniel Craig channeled Clint Eastwood’s Man With No Name character– he was calm and cool. I really liked how they developed Harrison Ford’s character – he began gruff and went from cookie cutter villain to a real, fleshed-out person. Olivia Wilde was sexy, Clancy Brown great, and Sam Rockwell had some great lines.

No, it wasn't perfect, but overall, a fun time at the theater. Made me want to go shoot aliens.

And this just in…

Ellie Garrett is hosting a Star Trek Blogfest on August 22. Let loose the geek! Just don’t place him in a red shirt…

Tessa is hosting the I Hate You Blogfest on August 12

Ciara Knight reviewed CassaStar last week – and it was part of her 500 followers giveaway as well. Thanks, Ciara!

And I have to thanks the following people for hosting some awesome contests. I actually won!
RaShelle’s birthday celebration - $20 Amazon card
Elizabeth’s book tour giveaway – cool dragon bookends
Amy’s Retro Blogfest – free book and a guest post on her blog August 29
Thanks ladies!

Did you see Cowboys and Aliens? Know of any good blogfests? Win any prizes? Melt from the heat this weekend?


Suzie F. said...

We saw the trailer for Cowboys and Aliens and it looked so cool! I'm glad you thought it wasn't cheesy because I was afraid that it might be. My son is dying to see this!

Summer Frey said...

I want to see this so bad, ever since the first trailer came out! I bet if they'd named it something a little...less obvious, fewer people would think it was cheesy. :) Regardless, I love Harrison Ford and will watch him in anything.

Also, Star Trek blogfest? *perks up*

Old Kitty said...

Not fair!!!! Cowboys won't be out here in the UK for another THREE WEEKS!?!?! What will I do without my Mr Craig fix!?!?!? Sigh.

Take care

Huntress said...

Anything with Daniel Craig has to be good.
After the trailer for his first James Bond movie, I said, No way could he play the role.
But, then I saw Casino Royale. um. Wow.

Now, he IS Bond. James Bond.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Suzie, go and enjoy!

Summer, it's name after a comic book series, so you'll have to blame them for the title. And do sign up for the Star Trek fest.

Kitty, I'm sorry! Watch some Bond films until then.

Huntress, he made a great Bond. I was surprised as well.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great movie!

I'll check out the blogfests. Have a great week!

Laila Knight said...

I saw the preview for Cowboys and Aliens when I went to see Harry Potter this weekend. It looks good, and I have been cringing. Whenever they take cowboys and place them in a scene with future beings it all turns out rather cheesy. It's nice to have your movie reviews to fall back on. :)

I saw that Star Trek fest, definitely thinking of participating!!!

Unknown said...

I've been getting mixed reviews on Cowboys vs. Aliens. Several told me not to see it in the theater. Maybe I'll still chance it this weekend. I have two free movie passes!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Love your new cover, Alex! It's beautiful. Sounds like an awesome book, reading the synopsis.

My son is dying to see Cowboys and Aliens. Thanks for the review!

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

I wasn't impressed with Cowboys and Aliens previews at all, and I'm not even sure I want to see it. Blending western with sci-fi/alien invasion doesn't seem like a brilliant idea to me. Plus, the title is beyond silly :)

I'm not a big Star Trek fan, but if I was I would have participated.


Loved your reviews as always,

Have a good day.

Chris Phillips said...

My wife really wants to go see C&A. Glad it wasn't cheesy.

Anonymous said...

I saw Cowboys vs. Aliens with the fam on Saturday. I give it high marks across the board and a rare A. Couldn't find anything wrong with it.

Thanks for the Blogfest links. I'll check them all out.

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Geez, Alex, this is a lot to take in on a Monday morning.
I want to see C&A but will wait for DVD.
How did you manage such a lucky July?

Ellie Garratt said...

Thank you for the blogfest shout out!

You've made me even more eager to see Cowboys and Aliens. How will I wait?

Lydia Kang said...

I'd love to see Cowboys and Aliens. Daniel Craig could sell me a cardboard box and I'd believe it was a Porsche.

Hart Johnson said...

I totally thought that looked better than I would have expected from the name alone. The name sounds campy and geeky (and while I sort of LIKE campy and geeky--not so much on the western thing)--but the trailer looks fantastic. Glad to hear it lives up.

Carol Kilgore said...

I'm so happy to hear from you that Cowboys and Aliens is good. I read two reviews - one loved it and the other panned it. So now I know the real story :)

Congrats on all your winnings!

Angela said...

I don't see many movies, but I'd love to see Cowboys and Aliens. It looks surreal.

Bossy Betty said...

Thanks for all the news and reviews!

M.J. Fifield said...

I thought Cowboys and Aliens looked like it would be fun. I love me some Daniel Craig. I'll have to wait for it to come out on DVD though.

Charles Gramlich said...

glad to hear Cowboys and aliens is worth it.

Aleta said...

My husband and I saw Cowboys and Aliens this past weekend too. Greg said he would give it a 70 % approval :) I enjoyed it!

Lisa said...

i would not go see a movie with that kind of title but with your review, i just might. i like daniel craig.

Bryan Russell said...

Oh yeah, I'm hoping I can catch some cowboys and some aliens in the theater this summer.

Libby said...

I thought for sure Cowboys and Aliens was going to be super cheesy. Glad to hear it wasn't!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Laila, not cheesy - they played it straight. Hope you joine the Start Trek blogfest.

Jen, it's definitely worth it for free.

Thank you, Elizabeth!

George, it's a take on a comic book, so not much they could do with the title. And not every day you get to see Indians shoot aliens.

Stephen, I thought it was a lot of fun!

Mary, Ninja talents!

Ellie, you're welcome.

Thanks, Carol. And it is a love it or hate it kind of film. You either buy the concept or you don't.

Aleta, that's great!

Libby, it's not.

~Sia McKye~ said...

Saw the trailer for it this past weekend when I went to see Captain America. Looked interesting. I'll probably see it when it comes to DVD.

Loved Captain America! Looking forward to next Mays release of the next movie with these guys. I like Samuel Jackson and it looks like he'll do a good job with Fury (even though the original Fury wasn't black).

Another upcoming movie that interested me, Abduction, with Taylor Lautner. I think it's due out next month.

Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

Amy said...

Great movie review! I'm hoping to get to see it some time this week. Ellie's Star Trek Blogfest sounds awesome! I am so signing up for that - thank you for sharing!

Have a great week! :)

Rusty Carl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suze said...

I'm actually a mite jealous of your Amazong gift card! :D

Anonymous said...

I didn't want to read your review of C&A too closely because I can't wait to see it! I saw CAPTAIN AMERICA in 3-D a couple of days ago. LOVED it!

Wendy Tyler Ryan said...

Yes, saw Cowboys and Aliens yesterday in the uber theatre where the whole wall is the screen. Leather seats that recline with more leg and arm room. Uber surround sound. It was called AVX. I recommend it for at least the blockbuster type movies. Awesome experience.

Aside from all that - loved the movie and will probably buy it when time comes.

Pat Tillett said...

I'm really glad to hear that you liked the movie. The extended trailer I saw really looked good. Now to find the time...
Thanks Alex!

Budd said...

wouldn't mind seeing it, but looks like I am doomed to the Smurfs.

Christine Rains said...

I'm glad you got to see the film and gave it the thumbs up. I'll likely have to wait until it comes onto DVD. I watched I Am Number Four the other night. It had potential, but it didn't nab my full attention. Ooh, Star Trek blogfest. I'm there!

Mark said...

Wow, thanks for the insightful review! I totally want to see this film now:)

Arlee Bird said...

I'm looking forward to seeing Cowboys and Aliens when it comes to DVD since I no longer do theaters. I like the combo of the two genres.

I'm doing the Books to Film blogfest today. The link is on my site.

Tossing It Out

Karen Lange said...

Cowboys and Aliens, what a combo! There's a story in almost any idea you can think of, isn't there? Didn't see it, was busy cleaning this weekend. Life on the edge in KY...

Anonymous said...

Red shirt? Oops. Too late!

RaShelle Workman said...

Alex - Holy Luckypants!!! I can't believe you won three prizes. That's awesome.

I'm so looking forward to seeing COWBOYS AND ALIENS.

Luanne G. Smith said...

Yeah!! I was so hoping Cowboys and Aliens wouldn't disappoint. I want to see that one soon. Thanks for the review.

And you won things on three separate blogs? Go buy a lottery ticket too. :)

Jemi Fraser said...

I don't think I can talk hubby into Cowboys & Aliens so I'll have to wait on it :) I did get to Harry Potter this week though - fantastic!!!

Precy Larkins said...

I have seen the trailer for Cowboys and Aliens countless times in the movie theater! But, as I'm not huge on cowboys (and hubs is not huge on aliens--though I did convince him to watch Super 8 with me), I think we will be missing this one. Great review though. And congrats on winning lots of stuff! Man, you are lucky. I hardly ever win anything. :(

XD Have a great week!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sia, wasn't Captain America great? next year's Avengers will rock.

Amy, it will be a lot of fun.

Liz, it was a great movie.

Wendy, I know I'm buying it on DVD.

Budd, no! Don't give money to that movie.

Christine, join the fun!

Lee, I almost did that fest, but just didn't have time to prepare.

Karen, you're living wild!

Thanks, RaShelle! I can't believe it either.

LG, what's funny is I never enter contests.

Jemi, Harry Potter was great.

Empty Nest Insider said...

I'm glad that you liked Cowboys and Aliens. This would probably be a great movie to see with my boys, unless their friends ask them first. Maybe we can bribe them with popcorn, Sno Caps and really spice things up with Hot Tamales! Julie

PK HREZO said...

I'm so glad it was good! Course I knew it would be. Gonna have to squeeze it in here soon!

Tara Tyler said...

jic you get to my lil comment...
i cant wait to see that movie!!!
and wow, so many opportunities!
hav a great week =) said...

Were I into movies, I'd see Cowboys and Aliens. I like the silly concept.
Since I'm not into movies, I'll wait for the video but won't likely rent it.
I HAD TO get ice-cream twice this weekend because of the heat.
Be well, Alex. I'll check out those blogfests. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Cowboys & Aliens isn't out yet here, unfortunately.

Thanx for the blogfest shoutout btw!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Empty Nest - that would bribe me!

Robyn, it was hot, wasn't it?

You're welcome, Tessa!

Nicki Elson said...

The menfolk of my house went to see Cowboys and Aliens this weekend, and my daughter said "I can't imagine anything more horrible - cowboys AND aliens!" But the boys liked it.

Hey--I just won a book in a giveaway too! And I also get to give one away in a contest that ended yesterday. :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Congrats on the prizes. And I'm signed up for Tessa's blogfest.

YONKS said...

I'm your newest UK follower. I can't wait to see this movie, not out here yet. Saw the trailer at Harry Potter last night. The concept does make me chuckle a bit though, the thought of the ideas men sat around a table coming up with the idea for a film. What will be next a Fantasy Romcom Cowboy Alien Zombie flick?
Glad to have found you :-)

M Pax said...

I really want to see that movie. Glad it's good. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nicki, might be a guy thing.

Hey Yonks! Blame the people who cam up with the comic book. And a western with zombies? I'm all for it.

LynNerdKelley said...

Thanks for letting us know it's a winner. Sounds like a great movie. And the theater is the perfect place to hang out on a hot summer day!

Jules said...

When I 1st saw the trailer for this I actually laughed out loud. Since you say so I will hold my judgement now. :) Interested in the new Ape movie but the effects look bad. And yes, I did melt this weekend. :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Ciara said...

OMW - I got SOOO excited. I thought the image was an announcement for the next Star Trek. Ugh, I'm so bummed now. :(
I'm hoping for date night to see Cowboys and Aliens. Just got to hint a little harder to Mr. Knight. :)
You are so welcome. It was my pleasure. There were several requests for your book.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

There is no melting where I am (winter). Good to hear about Cowboys and Aliens. So glad it's not cheesy. That's what I was most afraid of. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

Powdered Toast Man said...

I want to see Cowboys and Aliens but wasn't sure it was worth seeing in the theaters. You have sold me.

I saw Crazy, Stupid, Love and it was actually pretty good. Nice surprises and funny. Def worth seeing. I need to get aboard these blogfests.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jules, sorry you melted!

Ciara, that just really blows me away...

Lynda, no cheese - they played it straight.

PTM, get with it man!

mshatch said...

I want to see Cowboys and Aliens and (big surprise) I already signed up for the Star Trek Blogfest. In fact, I already have my post written :)

alexia said...

I want to see it! So many good ones this summer... and congrats on winning lots of free stuff!

Will Burke said...

Can't wait to see CB&A. Olivia Wilde is just smokin'!

Rusty Carl said...

My son and I went to go see Cowboys and Aliens last weekend but when we got there the theater was crowded and my son freaked out. I guess I'm not as cool as I thought I was, because my son doesn't want to be caught dead with me.

So we went to the much less popular theater down the street and watched Harry Potter instead.

That Star Trek blogfest sounds pretty awesome.

Laura Eno said...

Thanks for posting Ciara's link - I missed that one.
I've been on the fence about Cowboys and Aliens. Maybe you've swayed me. :)

Robin said...

Thanks for the review Alex. I am looking forward to seeing the movie! And congrats on your winnings!!!!

julie fedderson said...

Cowboys + Aliens = Epic Awesomeness. I'm taking my gun. I can do that, I have a permit in Nebraska after all.

Ella said...

Alex, so happy you enjoyed it! Aliens really do provide a lot of entertainment value ;D

Congrats on winning!

I went to see Captain America...I loved it! I loved the era, the colorization, how they CGI Chris to looks so gaunt. Amazing; it had a lot of great one lines and spunk~ I like that this is the beginning of the Avengers...can't wait!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Can't wait to see Cowboys and Aliens. Can't...wait.

Unspoken said...

I had no idea. Never even heard of Cowboys and Aliens. Must check it! Thanks, Alex.

LoneIslander said...

I'm not planning to see Cowboys and Aliens.

Raquel Byrnes said...

I was wondering what the verdict on this movie was going to be.I had high hopes! Thanks for the review and congrats on your winnings. :)
Edge of Your Seat Romance

Anonymous said...

The movie looks just too awesome.. can't wait till it comes out here:)

Christa Desir said...

No Cowboys vs. Aliens because we are all about CAPTAIN AMERICA in my house...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

MsHatch, you're ahead of me then!

Will, you got that right.

Rusty, now that's funny.

Thanks, Rasz.

Julie, those aliens better watch out then.

Ella, Captain America was great!

Thanks, Raquel.

Talli Roland said...

Lots of good stuff happening in the blogosphere as usual! I haven't seen Captain America but I've been hearing loads of good things about it.

Luna said...

Congrats on all your wins! Yay! Ooh...yes, I got to see Cowboys and Aliens at the drive-in. Loved it! It's playing again with Captain America. Might have to go back...:)

Hope you're having a fantastic week, Alex!

M. Hufstader said...

I definitely got the "Clint Eastwood" vibe from Daniel Craig too, though I failed to mention that in my own review, so I'm glad you brought it up. Definitely a movie that makes you want to go blow up some aliens. So long as they're in an air conditioned theater.

Regina said...

I haven't watched it yet, but can't wait too. It looks really good. Congrats on your wins. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jamie, that's a great double-bill.

M, you said it!

TerryLynnJohnson said...

We're going to see it on Thursday! Can't wait! Thanks for another great review.

Golden Eagle said...

Thanks for the review! Nope, haven't seen it . . .

Congratulations on the stuff you won. :)

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Sounds great - I sure enjoyed the enormous Daniel Craig billboards near Times Square when I was in New York last month.

nutschell said...

I want to go see this movie but alas I shall be busy this weekend. I've heard mixed reviews, but all in all I think I'll enjoy it. :) can't wait to see it.

ali cross said...

I saw it Friday night! And then I saw the Ancient Aliens special on (forget the channel, darn it) on Sunday and it was really fascinating! The movie was actually based on some real-life accounts from western town papers back in the day. Weird and cool!

And thanks for the heads up on the Star Trek blogfest. I totally need in on that action!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Terry, enjoy!

Thanks, Golden.

Ali, I didn't know that.

Tonja said...

Unless someone gets here before I click submit, I'm the 90th comment. That's insane.

I'm very behind on reading blogs - I picked this one over the others - I wanted to know what you thought of the movie. I'm not sure I'm buying the story line. Aliens came to earth when there were cowboys - like old time cowboys? I think that maybe would change history a little. My daughter wants to see it, so it's a go.

Copyboy said...

I was hoping it rocked! Thanks for confirming it. hmmm, hate you blogfest? I'll have to check it out.

Julie Musil said...

My son and husband are dying to see Cowboys and Aliens. I'll wait for it on Netflix, since I'd only be watching for Daniel Craig!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks for the review Alex and congrats on your wins .... COOL.

I hope to see it this weekend.

msmariah said...

Hello, I've seen you around the blogging community, but I don't think I've ever commented on your page.

I enjoyed Cowboys & Aliens as well, but I think it would have made a better western sans the scifi. Mind you, I have a scifi blog, so I'm really into scifi, but I didn't think the two meshed well--at least not in this movie.

That said, overall it was fun to watch. I really enjoyed Harrison Ford as the ruthless rancher.

Following you now.

Magixx said...

nice review dude and in general I love ur blog, keep it up! :D

trying to watch CaA this weekend

Maurice Mitchell said...

Cowboys and aliens. Nice to hear a positive review since someone told me its just average.
Star Trek blogfest? You had me at Star Trek. Thanks for spreading the word. Congrats on your contest wins!

Unknown said...

If it makes you want to shoot aliens, then I'm all for it.

Congrats on your great review and your wins. Whoo hoo!

I'm going to have to think about that Star Trek blogfest. It sounds like a hellagood time.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, MsMariah!

Maurice, you have to do the Star Trek fest. And the movie was fun. Nothing major, but it was enjoyable.

Melissa, that blogfest just screams YOU!

TerryLynnJohnson said...

okay - must update here. We went to see the movie and it totally ROCKS! I soooo enjoyed it! I've no idea why the critics don't like it. What more could you ask for to be entertained on a rainy afternoon?
And I just want to mention - chaps anyone? oooh yeah...

Walter Knight said...

Westerns and Science fiction are difficult genres these days in Hollywood. To successfully combine both genres in "Cowboys & Aliens" was quite a feat.

Great movie.