Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I Really am a Writer

Really! I know I post about movies and stuff, but I really am a writer. Guess I can say author, since my first book came out last year. And just to prove it (because I know some of you may doubt) here’s some writing stuff for you!

Writing Tip
Crap, I got nothing… Oh wait! Listen to your critique partners, because they may have some awesome suggestions. And see the stuff you miss. Or omit. Or forget! Enough said.

What I’m Working On
The final revisions of the sequel to CassaStar. Got the last manuscript back from my test reader, and once I’ve fixed all the problems he found, I’ll send it to my publisher. (Before my June 30 deadline – cool!) Still no idea what to call the sequel. Back to oh crap…

What I’m Reading
A manuscript from Jeffrey Beesler and Feast of Souls by C.S. Friedman. Next up is a manuscript from Rusty Webb and Breakthrough by Stephen Tremp. Good, no crap there.

Online Participation
Two upcoming blogfests for me –
Getting to Know Your MC Blogfest on June 24, hosted by Elizabeth Mueller
Retro Summer Blogfest on July 20, hosted by Amy
Definitely no crap there!

Which means I can now give you some movie news! Because I just can’t help myself…

The box office results so far here in America (my little narrow view of the world):
The Hangover II - $216 million
Pirates - $209 mil
Fast Five - $205 mil
Thor - $174 mil
Rio – 136 mil

And the box office results world-wide (the figures that really matter):
Pirates – $887 million
Fast Five - $583.5 mil
Rio - $467 mil
Thor - $431.6 mil
The Hangover II - $431.2

Interesting, huh? I don’t think Disney is too worried right now.

Care to prove you’re a writer? Bet you're more convincing than me!


Jessica Bell said...

LOL. You don't have to write about writing to be writer. We do have lives! Well, it seems you do ... I think I ought to start working on that ... :-/

PK HREZO said...

Oh thanks for the links. I think pretty soon America will be owned by Disney and Wal Mart. God help us.

I love it when you give writing advice. Good to know how the magic of Alex happens. ;)

Anne Gallagher said...

Let me know when you're finished with Jeff and Rusty and Stephen. I'll send you the story you keep asking for. I've been waiting for you to finish with the edits to the sequel.

And I tried to think of another title as well but had no luck. Everything was sappy romantic and you don't want that.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

i have always told myself, just because i write... doesn't make me a writer. this might be why i am afraid to really share my work, i could be considered a closet writer. it could be i am just afraid "wiener" who only shares photos.

you keep moving forward and much success, and thank you for the blog info and upcoming blog-fest.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jessica, I bet you have a great life!

Pk, magic or blind luck, not sure which.

Anne, I do want to read it. And a sappy romance title definitely won't work.

Jessica Bell said...

LOL. Yeah: wake up. feed dog. sit at computer ... oh look at the time ... 9pm? Wow, I'd better make some dinner. Eat, read, sleep. Do it all again.

I crave the odd day I get a job when I have to venture out of the house :o)

Laura Pauling said...

Okay that totally cracked me up! And no, I don't think Disney is too worried. :)

Dafeenah said...

I never doubted you were a writer and an amazing one at that. I'll have to check these blogfests out. Maybe my internet will actually let me participate this time.

Unknown said...

Love this writing advice. It's too true. Come to think of it, I don't write about writing much, either. Can't wait to see the sequel to Cassastar. The links are very cool.

No, unfortunately The Mouse has nothing to worry about.

Li said...

Glad to see Pirates at #1, I'm an unabashed fan (of the movies, not the team!). And I must say, it's nice to visit your blog and read lots of different posts, see you hosting and involved in blogfests, and supporting other writers/bloggers instead of my bookmybookmybookmemememememeaboutmybook.(I unfollowed that guy in a heartbeat and no way will I read his book even if I'm on a deserted island.) I also have Stephen Tremp's "Breakthrough" in the queue for vacation reading, along with The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Talli Roland's the Hating Game, Cassa Star (yours of course)and Henry Roth's Call It Sleep. No wonder I seldom get to the movies! Hopefully will be spending all next week reading and no internet at all, so I won't be around. have a great week!

Ellie Garratt said...

Hehe. You don't need to prove you're a writer! Not title yet? Ooo...please think of it by my birthday, which just happens to be June 30th. Hint, hint!

Gail said...

The proof is in the pudding!

Old Kitty said...

I can prove to you that I bake far more awesome pizzas than pizza hut!!!

And that Daniel Craig is my husband.

Yay! take care

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Yes you are a writer. There.

I want to see Horrible Bosses. The trailer looks a hoot. I hope all the fun isn't just in the trailer, though. You know what I mean?


I wish I could fall into the catagory of writer but never in a million years will I be,

Enjoyed the post Alex also the film bits.

Have a happy day.

Tracy said...

Whatever! There are plenty "writer" blogs out there...I stay stick with your niche and be "that writer guy who talks about movies all the time". That way, when you sell the motion picture rights to one of your stories someday you'll already know how to review it. ;)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I'm so surprised Hangover 2 beat Pirates in America. WOW.

And congrats on your final revisions! I'm STILL doing mine. Siiigh ;)

Suzanne said...

I don't know -- you're pretty convincing. Congratulations on being so close to fruition with your follow-up book. And under deadline! Very impressive.

Sommer Leigh said...

If you're interested, is hosting a blogfest on June 27th with giveaways all week. The blogfest is called Something Wicked.

The Happy Whisk said...

Good job on the manuscript almost being done. Very very cool. Wishing you much fun and happiness in your next writing adventure.

Bryan Russell said...

Hell, the movie can't be any good if it hasn't reached a billion dollars yet.

Bluestocking Mum said...

I think you can safely say you're a writer when people actually READ what you've written. And you (unlike me) have a novel published.

I think it goes with the territory, questioning whether we're writers - I've certainly written a couple of posts and read many along the same lines!

Matthew MacNish said...

That's awesome that you're working with Jeff, but I don't know Rusty. I'll have to go check him out!

Anonymous said...

When I pop out of bed every fifteen minutes in the middle of the night to jot notes on the bathroom floor where nobody will be disturbed by the light - that sounds like a writer to me.

Carol Kilgore said...

You're too funny!

SharleneT said...

In looking back over my life, I can't think of a time I haven't been published and read by many people -- but, they were in niches, work-related, or community organizations, magazines, etc. But, I've never been able to call myself a writer (by definition). My first self-published cookbook has sold over 5800 copies in just two years and book two is in its final editing -- yet, I still don't call myself a writer. Why? Simple. I've been told over and over that, unless you have a bricks-and-mortar publisher and write fiction, you're not a writer. Who creates these definitions? What do you think? Just curious.

Sarah Ahiers said...

do you have a tentative pub date for the sequel yet? Or is it still too soon to know?

Suze said...

Film is a perfectly legitimate way to absorb narrative so go to the movies, Alex! I'm sure it feeds your work.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Pirates made almost a billion world-wide?! Damn, I didn't know that. Hate to see "The Hangover II" on that list. God, I truly despise this film, and its predecessor. People who paid to see this are crazy :)

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Congrats on finishing up the sequel ahead of deadline!

And...I let the publisher choose the titles now. Their marketing and copywriting departments does a better job than I do! Maybe you can get off the hook for that.

Liza said...

I wrote a little poem today, while making dinner so there would be something to for us to eat when I get home from work this evening. I'm not sure if that makes me a writer, a multi-tasker, or a bit of an idiot...

Still waiting to see Pirates...

Budd said...

Well I have read Cassastar and I had a short story published in a book that you can no longer get on amazon. I am currently working on nothing except my science fiction blog and a martial arts website. I haven't really been doing any fiction lately.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes with your writing and revisions and that deadline at the end of the month. And thanks for the shout out for Breakthrough, you busy guy you. You won't be disappointed!

Maurice Mitchell said...

Actually, I'm not a writer. I'm an artist. LOL
Based on your numbers Alex, I'm pretty sure there'll be another Pirates sequel.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Busy man, eh, Alex?

I know how you feel. I'm working on my final revisions on ms. CP'S screaming for it... LOL.

Thanks for the list. I must check Elizabeth's blogfest. She's a sweetheart.

Patricia JL said...

Don't feel bad about having no title for your sequel. I can NEVER think up titles. They hit me like lightning if I'm lucky.

Christopher Hudson said...

Hey, if you write, you're a writer.

Didn't see the BO for Super 8.

Go Bruins.

Bossy Betty said...

How about Rats Assa C? (CassaStar backwards)

(No, no, really. You can have the idea. No need to include me in the acknowledgements)

Julie Dao said...

You're a busy guy, but I would expect no less!! :) Super 8 isn't there on that list but it was GREAT movie, IMO. I'm wary about seeing Hangover 2 despite its success. Maybe I have a different sense of humor from everyone else's but I liked the first one, not LOVED it like 99 percent of the others who saw it. I thought Bridesmaids was hilarious, though.

Julie Dao said...

P.S. I forgot to mention it in my comment but I tagged you in a little meme today - you don't have to participate if you don't want to, though!

Charles Gramlich said...

Don't those blogfests take a huge amount of time? I've always been wary of them.

Carolyn Abiad said...

I try not to write about writing. Nobody understands me when I do... ;)

Laila Knight said...

Really? Hangover received higher ratings than Pirates? I have to laugh. There's nothing wrong with liking movies. Since I've become a writer I've practiced the fun habit of wondering what the writers ar thinking when they're coming up with movie plots. Those guys are worthy or admiration.

Arlee Bird said...

I had no doubts that you were a writer--and a good one at that. And motivated as well! Good for you moving so fast on the sequel. Now, what to call it?

CassaStar: The Sequel? No, too lame.

I'm sure you'll come up with something good.

Tossing It Out

Sangu Mandanna said...

Yay a writing post! You don't have to do them - we know you're a writer! I loved this one, though, because I like peeking into what other people are working on/up to now, so this was fun.

Catch My Words said...

I never felt the need to prove my writer status to anyone, but if I must: check out the May issue of AppleSeeds magazine and read my story in the Reader's Corner: Paul Revere's Ride . . . On Me. However, my facts conflict with Sarah Palin's.


Nicole Zoltack said...

It can be so hard to come up with titles! Good luck!

Jules said...

I sure hope you are a writer because I remember us promoting you as one. We all can't be wrong. (LOL)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

The Man-Cave said...

$887??! I had no idea it grossed that much. I got to see it two weekends and didn't think it was that bad at all. Of course Depp as Sparrow is hilarious!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeremy, you are no Wiener!!

Jessica, trust me, you don't!

Laura, I am here for your amusement.

Dafeenah, hope so!

Thanks, Melissa. And yes, I'm sure there will be a fifth Pirates movie.

Li, it feels weird to talk about my book, so I usually don't. I do hope you enjoy it though.

Ellie, I'll have to!

Kitty, really?

Teresa, better than no fun in a trailer.

Yvonne, you most certainly are! And a poet as well. Something I will never be.

Tracy, I like your way of thinking!

Sommer, I'll go check it out.

Bryan, somehow I think it will though.

Thank you, Bluestocking.

Matthew, Rusty is an awesome critique partner - he keeps me laughing!

Sharlene, I don't buy that. You are a writer and an author!

Sarah, too soon!

Suze, it does and inspired the first book big time.

George, I saw the first one for free but don't plan to see the second.

Elizabeth, really? That might save me.

Liza, you are a writer.

Budd, you're really branching out.

Stephen, I will get to it soon!

Karen, and you shouldn't.

Michael, may we both finish soon.

Betty, if I select that title, believe me - you will get all the credit!

Julie, The Hangover isn't my type of humor either. And thanks!

Charles, only if you're the host!

Lee, I'm trying to think of something!

Thanks, Sangu.

Joyce, who's don't?

Jules, that's one way to look at it!

Geof, scary number, hih?

Summer Ross said...

I knew you had a writer in there some where with all the movies and extra stuff- See I'm perceptive like that- lol

Glad to hear you are participating in blogfests! I'm going to try to get to one of them on my list- but not signing up until I am sure I will be able to- last minute- :)

Have a great day Alex!

LoneIslander said...

I am no writer, I'm just a noob programmer who's bored as hell. Good luck with your work though.

Mason Canyon said...

An author with a sense of humor, that's the best.

Thoughts in Progress
Freelance Editing By Mason

alexia said...

I'm neurotic and obsessive about writing (and other stuff!) - does that count?

~Sia McKye~ said...

Oh, boy. A sequel. I'm looking forward to that, Alex!

I haven't seen Thor or Pirates and I want to see both.

Hmm, need to check out the blog fests.

Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

Laura said...

Man, you make me laugh. You're my find of the year so far Alex, and there's no doubting your an author :) I can't wait for the sequel... maybe that's an upcoming blogfest... "name Alex's book"... or not? (oh crap :))

No way I'd count myself as a writer until I've kept at it for at least a full year... with some pretty, framed rejection letters...

Jeff Beesler said...

Dude, you are a writer. I've read what you can do. It's powerful stuff.

raisingmarshmallows said...

Fast Five...loved it!

And I get the same thing. I don't blog about writing, but I'm a writer. People are usually shocked when they learn my WIP is a YA Sci-Fi.

M Pax said...

I have to prove it? Gulp. I'm just happy the internet is still working.

I don't blog about writing a whole lot either. I'm just me. :)

CA Heaven said...

That June 24 blogfest looks cool, even though I'm probably not a writer >:)

Cold As Heaven

Amy said...

Thank you for the mention Alex! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Summer, you're more perceptive than I am!

Lone, sorry!

Mason, I try.

Alexia, I think so!

Thanks, Sia.

Laura, your comment just made my day!! Maybe that should be a blogfest. Might freak out my publisher though. And if you're writing, you are a writer.

Thanks, Jeffrey - you the dude!

Marshmellows, I didn't know that! Guess we need to tell people now and then, huh?

Mary, I like your blogging topics.

Cold, you are! Do it.

You're welcome, Amy. Looking forward to your blogfest!

Donea Lee said...

Ok - you've convinced me. You ARE a writer! :)

That's awesome about the sequel. I hope your publisher loves it. I've been such a writerly slacker lately...maybe I need a self-imposed deadline or something...

Rusty Carl said...

I didn't need convincing that you were a writer. And I agree with Tracy that there are probably enough blogs full of tips already.

As for the < 500 million worldwide for Thor. I hope it's enough for a sequel.

RaShelle Workman said...

Wow, I'm really surprised Thor isn't higher on the list. Still haven't seen Pirates ... tomorrow. Loved X-men though. said...

You have nothing to prove, Alex. You've already made it and you keep getting better. I love your interjections of humor too (e.g., the "oh crap" stuff).

Those box office results are really interesting, especially the fact that The Hangover moved to the end of the second list.


Lydia Kang said...

Disney is laughing from somewhere inside the mountain of money they live in.

Unknown said...

I is a writer because I like to write. I is kind of good at it. Does I sound like a writer?

Probably not but you know I am. I can't help myself.

I love all you offer on your blog. It's fabulous. I love the nitty gritty of the movie world!

Tina said...

Prove I'm a writer? Don't know if I can do that, but I dream about writing, plan my days around writing, read other people's writing for encouragement and ideas, have several projects in the works, and enjoy meeting other writers to help and encourage each other. What's the test? I'd love to take it and prove I'm serious. (probably seriously delusioned, but I'll take it)
Tina @ Life is Good

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Donea, set one! I know I work well under pressure.

Rusty, thanks - and those number bode well for the Avengers movie as well.

RaShelle, enjoy!

Robyn, that is interesting, isn't it? And I am here for your amusement.

Lydia, I'm sure you're correct.

Jen, you sound like one to me! And I do dig my movies.

Julie Musil said...

Yay for critique partners catching stuff. I mean seriously, how many times do I need to gloss over a typo before catching it? #pathetic

Congratulations on polishing up your sequel before deadline!

Saumya said...

Haha you're one of my favorite writers because you don't just talk about writing :)

Leovi said...

I'm sure you're a great writer and I like to read your books in Spanish to enjoy them entirely, because my English is light years to get it. And certainly exceed that sequel to the first.

Amity said...

Once you scribble a word or two Alex, and when it comes from your heart and soul - you are a passionate writer - not just a plain writer!


In that point of view, I can also prove I am a writer huh! Coz I write with passion, too!

Have a nice day Alex...:)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tina, you're a writer!

Julie, they catch stuff big time.

Saumya, thank you!

Leovi, they ever get translated, I will let you know!

Amity, thank you so much, and every post of yours is filled with passion.

Copyboy said...

It's incredible how fast you can put a novel together. I'm in awe of you.

Elizabeth Mueller said...

I love visiting you. You've got great rapport!

I carry my laptop around with me like a baby! :P

Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?
YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming fall of 2011!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Of course you're a writer! I know I couldn't be any more convincing.

Victoria Dixon said...

Hey, saw your comment about Green Lantern over on Karen Lange's site and I'm BUMMED. That was the big movie we expected to rock the super hero market this year. I haven't seen reviews yet, but dang. We're going to see X-men tonight, which is a surprise. After they butchered the Phoenix Saga, we weren't interested in another X-men movie, but they supposedly did an okay job on this one. Go figure. Desecrate the strongest of the comic stories, but they can manage one of their own. Shrugs.

baygirl32 said...

oooo lots of links to visit now

N. R. Williams said...

Perhaps I should start making movies.

Helen Ginger said...

Another fun post.

You'll make that June 30 deadline. No doubt about it!

Ciara said...

I've got nothing. My brain is fried. :) I have such a difficult time coming up with book titles. Ugh. Congrats on making your deadline.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Copyboy, it doesn't feel fast.

Thanks, Elizabeth!

Victoria, I really enjoyed the latest X-Men. And yes, the reviews for Green Lantern at Rotten Tomatoes are not positive. I'm bummed as well, because I'm a big DC fan.

Nancy, maybe I need to be a movie critic instead.

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Of course you're a writer (author)! No reason not to have fun with other stuff.

Others know the workings of a writer better than I so I let them to it. I blog for laughs, mine and others.

Victoria Dixon said...

Hey, Alex. I shared your comment from my blog with my hubby and he asked me to forward the following:

If you want to feel better about the DC to Marvel ratio of bad films, rent:
Electra, all three of the Punishers, Howard the Duck, Shield, and the original Captain America the Motion Picture. I will ad into that the original direct to video version of the Fantastic Four. ;D

Only Batman-4 (worst movie with a budget EVER) and possibly Catwoman come close to meeting the collective awfulness. LOL

Jennie Bailey said...

BEFORE your deadline? Show off!
;-) I'm a writer - I spent two hours working on my NaNo rewrites here at jury duty! I'm tuning out the jurors around me chatting and focusing on my project. That counts, doesn't it? And I always, always listen to my crit girls!

Beth Zimmerman said...

This begs the question ...

Am I a writer because I write?

Or ...

Do I write because I'm a writer?

I suspect there is some of both in there some where!

Langley Cornwell said...

Good to know about the blogfests, good luck with those. Can't wait to see what you come up with for a title, and congrats on getting it to the publisher before the deadline!

Karen Lange said...

Never doubted that you were a writer!
Not for a second. :) Thanks for the blogfest links.

Have a great weekend!

Victoria Dixon said...

And MANY congrats on reaching your deadline. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mary, I will continue to talk movies then!

Victoria, that's good! I'd forgotten about Howard the Duck.

Jennie, I get to brag on my critique partners tomorrow.

Thanks, everyone! Crap, and I still don't know what to call it...

Susan Fields said...

It's interesting how Hangover II went from first place to last place - I wonder what that says about America.

I know you're a writer, but I still enjoy the movie talk!

Leovi said...

I think often the most interesting is not in the list of blockbusters. Largely because the society that we move the product promotion is concerned enough with the final results, though not always match. For the history of cinema is full of large business failures in time and becoming cult works later.

Petra said...

Funny! Yes, I'd say you're a writer.

Dunno if I can call myself a writer although I write all the time, and sometimes even on paper (cyber paper, haha). When that happens I totally forget how quickly time flies grow extra sets of wings and swoosh! days and weeks disappear.

Lisa Ricard Claro said...

I love movies, too. :) All writers are many things, after reason "movie-lover" shouldn't be included.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, thanks!

Leovi, I can think of several films that became big hits later.

Lisa, thank you.

Pat Tillett said...

congrats on the awards and MAN you are so busy...

Anonymous said...

You're definitely a writer. So glad to hear the sequel is close to done!
Ann Best, Memoir Author

Rhonda Albom said...

Yep, you are a writer. And a movie watcher.

Reid Kemper said...

It's good to read you wrote a sequel to CassaStar! I'm looking forward to reading it.