Friday, June 24, 2011

Bowing to Pressure and MC Blogfest

First, I have succumbed to the pressure – I’m going to see Green Lantern this weekend! So many of you were disappointed not to get the Alex review – didn’t realize I was such a go-to guy for movies. Anyway, Cars 2 is not receiving great reviews over at Rotten Tomatoes (it was at 38% last I looked – really low for Pixar film) and since Cars was not one of my favorites, I decided to just go enjoy Green Lantern. Expectations set to low, brain dropped at the door, and ready for eye candy.

Don’t forget SyFy’s craptastic Swamp Shark this Saturday. I hope to have a play-by-play for you next Friday.

Will at Fatherhood and Other Common Terrors posted a review of CassaStar this week – thanks, dude!

And Monday expect an AWESOME guest to appear here! An uber-cool rocker. Okay, not a real rocker. Don’t expect John Sykes or Joe Satriani. But he is cool and here for your amusement!

Today is Elizabeth Mueller’s Getting to Know Your MC Blogfest. With prizes and everything!

Three questions for my main character, Byron. Three questions as he prepares to embark on another adventure. (The as-of-yet unnamed sequel to my first book, although I recently dubbed it CassaStar II: Electric Boogaloo. That probably won’t fly with my publisher though.) Three questions – and for once, he refrained from snarking:

1 What is your greatest fear?

Cassans like to refer to it as disconnected, although you might call it a fear of intimacy. I’ve been alone all of my life. I like my privacy. Always felt letting someone in was a sign of weakness. But now I feel a bit empty and alone. I’d consider letting someone into my life if I only knew how.

2 What is your biggest accomplishment?

Most would say it was my contribution toward ending the Vindicarn War, but that brings up too many painful memories for me. I would choose becoming a pilot instead. Few of my instructors thought I’d amount to anything and I was determined to prove them wrong. Now, not only am I one of the best pilots in the fleet, I’m one of the few who can teleport multiple times.

3 What is your biggest regret?

Losing my friend and navigator during the Vindicarn War. The crash wasn’t my fault, but I replay that scene over and over in my head, wondering if I could’ve done anything different. Considering where we landed, I should’ve died as well. Sometimes I wish I had. Bassa was my first real friend. He was like a brother to me. I miss his guidance and wish he could’ve joined me in exploration. At least I’m living his dream for him. But I'll never find another friend like Bassa...

Who’s watching movies this weekend? I know Melissa has some lined up! Taking the kids to see Cars II? Suffering through Swamp Shark? Or do you just have to check out the bat-shit crazy girl in Black Swan now?


Jeff Beesler said...

Going camping this weekend, so no movies for me. Will try to get some reading and freestyle writing in if I can though.

Margo Benson said...

Aww, Byron's growing up, isn't he? Still moody, though, bless him! I enjoyed the interview, Alex.

This weekend is designated for writing!

Old Kitty said...

Oh Mr Byron!! Just put your lips together and erm.. blow. Ahem. And I'll come gatecrashing into your life asap so fast you'd not know what hit you. Apart from a lot of cat fur maybe!!! LOL!!

Take care

Ellie Garratt said...

Bless, Byron. He's still struggling with so many issues, especially potentially starring in a novel called Boogaloo. Hehehe. Just kidding.

Ellie Garratt

Mel Chesley said...

Hmm... if I'm not hurting too bad this weekend, it'll be cleaning for me and the troops! Muahahaha.... I mean.. ::coughs:: Yes. That's it. ;)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeffrey, you're up early today!

Margo, had to happen sometime.

Kitty, you would certainly liven up his life!

Ellie, he should be concerned about that Boogaloo thing.

Mel, that doesn't sound fun.


Wonderful post Alex, I'm sure you're new book will be as successful as Cassastar.
When you said about an awesome guest on Monday a sharp intake of breath came from me I though has he got Daniel??????? well a girl can but hope.

Have a good week-end at the movies.

Gail said...

Gonna enjoy the beauty that surrounds me, soft sounds, and Mother Nature...after I get all the work done!

Matthew MacNish said...

Wow. That first question really defines a character. Well done, Alex!

Amy said...

Sounds like you've had a rough go of it Byron! Can't wait to hear what happens next in the new book!

No movie plans this weekend, keeping it quiet until True Blood on Sunday. Can't wait to see if Green Lantern is any good, the previews make it seem great. :)

Unknown said...

Well, let us know how Green Lantern is. I haven't seen a movie in ages at the theatre. Great blogfest!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

No, sorry Yvonne - no Daniel!

Gail enjoy it first and THEN work!

Amy and Clarissa, I'll let everyone know on Monday.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Thanks for sharing some of Byron with us. As I was reading the answer to the first question I immediately felt empathetic towards him. Guess I can relate on some level. :)

Unknown said...

Oh, Byron. He needs a hug - well, if he would actually let someone hug him! Great interview.

Huntress said...

You have a heavy responsibility, dipping your toe into the waters of movie screening for your followers.
The last Harry Potter movie is the only one I am waiting for this summer. And next year's Star Trek II by JJ Abrams. Yowsa, that first one was excellent!

Carol Kilgore said...

My week has been super-hectic. I'm hoping for a little quiet time this weekend. And maybe a light-hearted chick flick.

Christopher Hudson said...

Watched a couple of classics last night on TCM ... It Came from Beneath the Sea and The Monster that Challenged the World ... real drive-in fare. It is comforting to note that the Sci Fi Channel still cranks these kind of flics out to maintain a great tradition.

Christopher Hudson said...

Watched a couple of classics last night on TCM ... It Came from Beneath the Sea and The Monster that Challenged the World ... real drive-in fare. It is comforting to note that the Sci Fi Channel still cranks these kind of flics out to maintain a great tradition.

Lydia Kang said...

I heard the same about Cars 2. I don't think I'm going to see it. Then again, I hardly see any movies any more so, not so different for me, LOL! Great blogfest entry!

Andrew Rosenberg said...

Interesting answers, Byron!
Your fear sounds more like a desire.
Wonder if it's more about fearing getting your heart broken...
Thanks for the answers!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

That's sad about Cars. Pixar's run of perfect movies couldn't go on forever.

Unknown said...

@Amy, WOOT WOOT for True Blood! I can't wait!

I've had a miserable time with movies this week. First, I sat in torturous despair through the remake of Fame, then more mind-numbing boredom followed with Your Highness. Where have all the good flicks gone?
I hope Green Lantern is worth the time, keep us posted!

Ciara said...

We were disappointed with Green Lantern and so excited to go see Cars II. I'm so bummed. :( I'm still taking the kiddos though. Okay, I skipped your CassaStar info because you are top of my TBR pile for vacation. I have three major deadlines to hit then I'm going to read three novels. I'll get back to you when I'm done. :)

Katherines Corner said...

Hoping your weekend is a nice one. Thinking of you and sending ♥

Katherines Corner said...

oops for got to mention no movies planned this weekend :-)

Suze said...

'Expectations set to low' should help. :)

And I like 'Electric Boogaloo.'

Charles Gramlich said...

I always enjoy these types of "interviews" gonna do it myself one of these days.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Salarsen, he just doesn't trust easy.

Kris, they'd have to work hard to hug him.

Huntress, I know, and I won't let everyone down again!

Christopher, they do have a tradition going!

Andrew, you're probably right.

Nina, I will let you know on Monday!

Ciara, if you haven't read it, probably a good idea to skip the blogfest answers, because it does give away a key point in the book!

Karen, Source Code was really good! Shame it got overlooked by so many this past spring.

Suze, bet my publisher has other thougths on that title!

Chris Phillips said...

Would have been a cool blogfest to participate in. I liked reading yours. Blast you, HP! Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Byrons got some conflict he needs to work through. Nothing a few sequels can't help remedy. And I thought the first Cars was average. Nothing spectacular. We'll see cars II because the kids want to see it. Now that they're out of school and I don't have to make four trips a day there and back I can finally see Super 8.

Meagan Spooner said...

Man, I want to go see the Green Lantern. Mostly because I just love how INTO it Ryan Reynolds is. You've gotta love the geeky actors! Hope it's not terrible. :P

Budd said...

have fun at gl. i really need to review cassastar.

Ricky said...

Electric Boogaloo sounds pretty cool to me !

Arlee Bird said...

Black Swan will stay on my Netflix list. I tend to like some pretty weird movies so who knows.
I hope Electric Boogaloo is a joke. This title sounds too dated and not really fitting for the CassaStar saga.


Unknown said...

LOL - since I'm reading the first CassaStar book (and loving it), this is great!

Sarah McCabe said...

My husband and I aren't big on movies, but we've been slowly working our way through the dvd set of the TV show Farscape (excellent sci fi) and are winding down to the end. After season 4 comes the wrap up miniseries The Peacekeeper Wars. I'm excited and yet I don't want it to end. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Chris!

Stephen that's what the sequel is all about! And go see Super 8 - awesome movie.

Budd, you read it? Awesome!

Ricky, I doubt my publisher will agree.

Lee, it's a joke. I add those two words to all sequels.

Sue, thanks! Hope my blogfest entry didn't give away everything.

Sarah, Farscape was a great show. Glad they got to do the Peacekeeper Wars and wrap it up neatly.

Laila Knight said...

Alex, I'm excited about your review on Green Lantern. Regarless of critics, I'd still like to watch it and judge for myself. Electric Boogaloo :) I love this interview with you main character. I usually try to picture what it would be like to date mine. That gets to be fun.

Sangu Mandanna said...

Yay such a great insight into Byron's head!

Raquel Byrnes said...

So strong and tortured. Love that letting someone in is the hardest thing for such an accomplished man.

As for the Green Lantern...totally go and see it. I get my reviews here and was glad to know you're doing one for this movie.

Edge of Your Seat Romance

M Pax said...

I would love to see Swamp Shark. Alas, I will be astronomizing. I'm sure husband unit will watch and tell me about it and I'll catch it on reruns.

RosieC said...

Your MC has some mighty impressive accomplishments. Is it inappropriate to say I'm sorry for his loss in #3?

Already saw bat-shit crazy girl :) Actually, this weekend we're indulging ourselves in the Stieg Larsson adaptations, now that I've finished reading book 3. Should be interesting.

Golden Eagle said...

Great interview!

Well, maybe if you called it Electric Boogaloo you'd get a different, and therefore wider, audience. :P

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Somehow I missed hearing about Swamp Shark! Ha!

Good luck with the Green Lantern. Sounds like you've got the right attitude going in, so you might have some fun there. :)

Leovi said...

Congratulations on the great reviews that made you Will Burke. What a shame! I have no character you have three questions. I will leave with the child to see Car 2.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Looking forward to learning your reaction to the movie you didn't want to see. And I don't even go to movies!

Sounds like your character is heading for a romance!

I'm struggling to write the last 30 pages of Jungle Jeopardy this weekend.

Have a good weekend. Hope the movie surprises you!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Laila, I will post my thoughts on Monday! Don't think dating is an option for me. That would be weird.

Thanks, Raquel. And I'm off to see it this afternoon.

Mary, tell him you want a play-by-play.

Rosie, that was hard for him. Enjoy your weekend!

Golden, the key word there is 'different.'

Elizabeth, think it will be fun.

Leovi, let me know what you thought of Cars II.

Monti, hope you finish it! And that was just a teaser for the second book...

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Hi, Alex! Nice interview! By the last question, I'm thinking that Bassa dies? :(

I saw Green Lantern and my kids want to see it over. and over. and over. I think I should take them to see Thor! :D

Thank you for participating!

Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?
YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming fall of 2011!

PeaceLoveandSharpies said...

I haven't been able to go out anywhere since we came to visit my cousins. They are 5 annoying demons from movies are impossible.
Can't wait till we get home.

Have fun! :D

Anonymous said...

I loved CARS. I also liked Bassa and miss him!
Ann Best, Memoir Author

alexia said...

Nice to meet you, Byron! Sounds like you've had some intense adventures!

Christine Tyler said...

Sounds like a fun sci-fi! I also like the movie notes...

Empty Nest Insider said...

Great interview with Byron! I wonder what your thoughts on Bad Teacher will be. My guess is that you'll like it over Black Swan! Hope Green Lantern is better than you expected. Julie said...

That's a great interview. I'm really feeling for Byron.

Ella said...

Interesting title! I now just have to hope Green Latern isn t batshit crazy ;D. I loved hearing Byron's view

Shannon Lawrence said...

He seems so accomplished and yet so sad and alone. Sounds like Bassa is one of the only people he let in. Interesting look into your MC.

Oh yes, and I watched the bat-shit crazy girl this past week. She had some issues! I think I did a lot of slow blinking. As in...what the??

W.C.Camp said...

Wow your character has done a lot. The best thing I have solved in real life is a bad case of poison ivy!! Enjoy the Greenie Lantern and tell us how it turns out! W.C.C.

The Old Silly said...

I bowed to pressure and went to see GL too - it was actually pretty good, my opinion.

I also do what you did, well something like it, but more involved - I interview my main characters before writing the book. I have at least 12 questions I ask them, ranging from favorite color/food/etc., to sexual, religious, political persuasion, ideologies, and "what would you do if? ..." kind of Q's.

Li said...

Who knows, you might like Green Lantern - reviews have been all over the map for it. And it beats mowing the lawn or cleaning gutters, no matter how disappointing it is!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elizabeth, yeah it's a bit of a spoiler, but this is coming from Byron at the beginning of the second book. And yes, I saw Green Lantern - it was fun! Your kids would dig Thor.

Peace, I'm sorry!

Ann, I miss him as well. That was tough to do.

EmptyNest, I'm probably going to pass on that one!

Ella, Green Lantern was fun!

Shannon, that whole movie was a 'what the...?' And yes, that's Byron.

WC, now that is something!

Marvin, Green Lantern was good. And this was the first time I'd ever done questions, but I already knew the answers.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

I've been seeing your comments all over the blogosphere, so decided to check out your blog. (Not stalking you .. really!) Your Byron sounds like a very interesting character. As for "Cars", my hubby and I both loved the first movie, and are looking forward to seeing the new one. (Then again, he's a car man all the way, and his nickname for me is "Hot Rod", so how could we NOT like it?)

Talli Roland said...

Enjoy the Greenery! :) Have a great weekend, Alex.

Rusty Carl said...

I really looking forward to seeing CassaStar II myself. Tell the publisher not to dawdle.

And good luck with the name, although I think 'untitled' has a nice ring to it.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Alex,

This is the first time I sampled your writing. I like Byron. He's a real no-nonsense kind of guy. He has sensitivity, but doesn't know how to express it, frustrating him.

I hate to admit Sci-fi isn't my favorite genre, but I just may have to get your first book and give a try....

Thanks for the insight into your character and his world.

N. R. Williams said...

I really like reading character interviews. Yours was great. We have your book and hopefully life will give me time to read it soon. I'll let you know.
N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, I've never had a stalker - could be fun! And I bet you enjoy Cars II.

Rusty, not sure they'd like that title, either.

Michael, would be honored if you did! I think most of my blogging buddies who've read it said they never read science fiction. Maybe I'm on to something...

Nancy, really? Thanks! I have yours on my iBookstore shelf - only three books ahead of it now.

LoneIslander said...

good stuff bro

Helen Ginger said...

We went to see X-Men last night. I liked it. My son loved it. I think the difference was that he had read the comic books, whereas I had not. It was good, though.

Pat Tillett said...

Looking forward to your guest post and to the new book! Can't wait for that!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Helen, I've only read a few of the X-Men comics, but I did enjoy it.

Pat, it's in the hands of my publisher now!

Jai Joshi said...

I've got low expectations for Green Lantern too but I'll be interested to see what you think of it.


Cheeseboy said...

Love your answers, especially the twist you did.

Going to Cars 2 on Monday. Excited.

Jules said...

Been working for a BIG change! Can't wait to here your take on the Lantern. Happy Sunday! :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jai and Jules, I will post my thoughts tomorrow.

Cheeseboy, you have two boys - you HAVE to go see Cars II!

Damyanti Biswas said...

This weekend just whooshed by, leaving me beached and exhausted...would have really liked to catch some movies.

I like the MC answering questions, those are some fascinating answers.

Jam Lebrilla said...

If you're not too optimistic about GL, it's pretty enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

Just the preview of Green Lantern makes me want to puke. But I look forward to your review... We saw Super 8 yesterday, and it was a lot of fun!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

JML, and I did enjoy it.

Milo, that's harsh. It was fun. Now, Super 8 is just pure awesome - best movie of the summer.

Rhonda @Laugh Quotes said...

My kids are at that awkward age - the oldest being a great kid who is 13. Here in New Zealand it is illegal to leave them home alone until 14. There is no way I am paying a babysitter to watch such a responsible child. Finally - the point - we don't go to the movies. We wait until the video, so your review wasn't late for me.

Leovi said...

These three questions can guess Byron as a very human character.

Andrew said...

The Green Lantern?
I'll pass....

But, I'll still read your review.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rhonda, that's just wrong.

Leovi, he's a survivor.

Andrew, it was good!

LynNerdKelley said...

I love the way you get into your character's head. Very cool.
I heard Super 8 is really good. I never get to the movies, but we were able to rent Lincoln Lawyer. It's a good one.

Beth said...

Hope Green Lantern was good! Awesome interview.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Hope you enjoyed Green Lantern despite the reviews. Loved Byron's answers-- makes me want to read the sequel even more!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lyn, Super 8 is the best movie this summer!

Lynda, thanks and I hope you get to read it.