Happy Memorial Day! I have news, pandas, and games for you today. (And news of panda games…)
Emily White just signed a book deal with Spencer Hill Press! She’s holding a giveaway this Wednesday to celebrate, so swing on by and congratulate her.
Thanks to everyone who commented on George’s guest post this past weekend! Blogger’s “Followers” widget was down Friday and Saturday, so if you didn’t get a chance to follow CineMarvellous! you can do so now.
Kung Fu Panda 2
Po and the gang set off to stop an evil peacock who has created a weapon that will end Kung Fu. Po is also on a quest to discover his past and find inner peace.
The movie is like a building storm – what begins as just another sequel ends with an epic tale that really pulls at the heartstrings. The film retains all of the charm and innocence of the first story and throws in some great action scenes and funny one-liners.
The animation is incredible. In addition to the lush, computer style animation, there’s unique, cell-styled images that are used for flashbacks. The 3D blends well, adding a rich layer of depth to the movie.
Kung Fu Panda 2 is a worthy successor to the original – don’t miss this wonderful animated film. It WAS awesome!
And next Monday is the It’s All Fun & Games Blogfest!
On June 6, 2011, list your three most favorite games and why. Board games, card games, RPG, video games, physical games - even mind games! If it’s a game you enjoy playing, it’s worth sharing. Sign up below and join the fun!
Shall we play a game?
Mind Games... hmmm? that was my first marriage, that was not any fun... happy day to you and your family.
Yay for Emily. And Kung Fu Panda 2!!! I'm so going to see that when it comes out here. I loved the first one.
I loved the first Kung Fu Panda. I had no idea they made a second one. Will have to check this out definitely. Thanks!!
The grandparents who went this weekend were all raving about Panda 2. The kidders were as fascinated by the gp as they were the movie.
Huge congratulations to Emily!! Yay!!! Happy Memorial Day to you Cap'n Alex and your Ninja Army of Pandas! Take care
Congrats to Emily! Panda 2 I was worried when I saw it coming out, whew, glad you think it worthy. :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
Go, Emily. Yay on Panda 2. thanks for the review.
I'm a huge fan of the original, so I can't wait to see the sequel. I bet it's just as great as the first film. Fantastic review!
The "Fun & Games" blogfest will be fun-tastic! :)
Thanks for mentioning me again, Alex :)
Jeremy, might want to skip that game then...
Lindsay and Dafeenah, you'll love this one as well.
Mary, that's funny!
Kitty, Ninja Pandas would be quite the culture clash.
Jules, it's great.
George, the movie gained in strength. You'll dig it. Hope you gained some new fans despite the follwers fiasco this weekend.
LOL, I love iZombie's comment!
Just boppin in to wish you and yours a GREAT Mem-Day, Alex. I'm working in the garden most of the day - FINALLY got some sun around here!
My daughter wants to watch KFP2. Her daddy and I may take her, today ...
Thanks for the congrats, Alex
I'm glad you liked the Panda Movie. I'm so looking forward to seeing it, but I was worried that it wasn't gonna be a match for the first one. I'm happy now.
Nahno ∗ McLein ™
We're off to see King Fu Panda today. Kids have been looking forward to it for some time. So have I. First one was great and hoping this one does not disappoint. Thanks for the review.
I've been wanting to go see Kung Fu Panda. We loved the first one!
Glad to hear Panda 2 is a winner.
The film sounds surprisingly good.
I can't wait to see this movie!
We are off to take kids to see Panda 2 in about 20 minutes. They are SO excited. :)
I loved Kung Fu Panda! Almost made me cry at the end.
I loved Kung Fu Panda 2, though I didn't laugh out loud nearly as much as I did in the first. It was great though for all the reasons you stated. And I can't wait for 3.
Congrats to Emily! And thanks, as always, Alex, for the info. Have a great week!
That's awesome about KFP2. I loved the first one and really want to see the sequel.
Lots of news. I'll catch the film on DVD when it comes out. Gotta have it for the grandkids.
N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium
I do love a good animated kiddie-adult flick. Maybe I'll take my nephew.
Glad it was a good movie. Will work on my three games.
Blogger has been full of glitches lately. They haven't fixed my problem yet either. :-(
Marvin, if you need extra sun, you can have ours.
Suze, go! You'll all enjoy it.
Nahno, go and enjoy.
Stephen, you'll all like it.
Ciara, hope you all dig it!
Melissa, they did hint hard at third movie, didn't they?
Robyn, you'll have as much fun as Jeremy. Maybe more!
Mary, I felt bad the follower widget was messed up during George's guest post.
Congratulations to Emily! :)
Looking forward to the blogfest.
I haven't seen KFP I yet so now I have two to see. I am ready for the blogfest!
I want to see the Panda movie! I'm glad you liked it. Can't wait until the 6th.
I want to see the Panda movie! I'm glad you liked it. Can't wait until the 6th.
Loved it, Alex!! My kids went nuts over it.
Hopelessly I'll have to go see it with my son, thank goodness we do not get bored. Greetings.
Glad everyone's ready for the blogfest!
Chuck, got some catching up to do.
Ciara, knew you'd dig it!
The panda movie looks terrific! My students really enjoyed the first one :)
thanks for the review. looking forward to Panda 2. and the blogfest sounds like fun, plus it's easy.
Jemi, it's great!
Michelle, some days, easy is good.
I haven't even seen the first Kung Fu Panda yet. I'm sure I will at some point, but it's not high on my priority list.
We saw Kung Fu Panda this weekend and we loved it! Is it embarrassing to admit that I cried at an animated movie? :D
Saw it today. Loved it! I was blown away by the effort they put into it. Really, they could have piled up a bunch of garbage, pasted "Kung Fu Panda 2" on it and it would have made millions. I am so pleased they didn't.
I'm glad that Kung Fu panda 2 was as good as the first. I was worried it would stink of typical sequel. Looking forward to watching it :D
Enjoyed KFP2 today! Skidoooosh! That was awesomeness. I love Jack Black.
Looking forward to your fest Alex... stil can't befriend at cinemarvellous... boo... I'll head back later
have a fab day
Ali, no - I think my wife teared up as well.
Cheeseboy, glad they didn't either!
Jo, he's found his role.
Laura, keep trying!
kiddo is trying to make it to Panda this weekend (we saw pirates last weekend)
Congrats to Emily - fantastic!
Hope you had a good weekend, Alex!
thanks for the reminder - i have to take some photos of the game closet.
And we also saw Kung Fu Panda this weekend and loved it! I really hope they make a third
I missed the first one; time to catch up on rentals! It is sooo hot here today! Hot Tamales hot, lol~
Thanks for the great review; off to see Emily~
Thank you for the reminder! and I want to see Panda 2 really bad- only I want to take my girls with me. thanks for the review.
Sarah - visuals! I like it. And I bet there will be a third.
Ella, the weather app says it feels like 97 here. Yuck!
Summer, go enjoy!
Thanks for the reminder about the games blogfest. I signed up. Looks like it will be a game-playin' weekend for me and my boys.
Hi Alex .. sounds like it's all going on here .. would love to join - but next time for me ..
I shall enjoy seeing what everyone says ..
Cheers Hilary
I think it has Shrek 2 earning potential all over it.
Mary, I won't let anyone forget!
Copyboy, if it weren't for The Hangover, that could've happened.
I soooo want to see Kung Fu 2. I love that Panda
Congrats to Emily!
Thanks for the review! I was supposed to see this on Friday night, but that didn't go as planned. I'm planning on seeing it this week so reading your post gets me more anxious! I loved Kung Fu Panda 1, and 2 sounds like it's just as good. Thanks!
Can't wait to see Panda! Glad it was worthy of a good review.
Congrats to Emily! Thanks for the great review on Panda...love Jack Black and most animated children's tales...I want to see this, so will have to go alone, because hubby won't go, or wait to see with my grand sons...
Everyone, go see the Panda movie!
Donna, tell your husband it will expand his world. And if he doesn't buy that, then take the grandsons...
I saw Kung Fu Panda 2 over the weekend myself. I wasn't sure what to expect and was pleasantly surprised. That movie rawked pretty good.
Hi Alex;
Been a long while...got some probs with my blogspot so i shifted to wordpress now, though my firt-love-blog still exists...hope you will still read me...:)
Games? This is some kind of fun...June 6 is a date? sure I will be joining...I guess I saw Kung Fu Panda several times already with kids... :)
Please update my URL in your blog list... :) thanks again Alex!
Here is the link: http://intelclub.wordpress.com/
I'm going to have to catch Panda fever!
I wasn't sure about seeing KFP2, but now I'm thinking maybe I might! Thanks for the review...
Looking forward to the fun and games blogfest!
Thanks for the review! The first Kung Fu Panda movie far exceeded my expectations, so hopefully, when I watch the sequel, I'll be similarly impressed.
Thanks for the review Alex.
I am looking forward to the bloghop next week!
Kung Fu Panda was great. Sounds like a good movie. Your reviews are always so concise. Nice job.
Rusty, yes it did!
Hey Amity! You bet I'll go find your new blog. Glad you're joining us for the blogfest.
Thanks, Elliot!
Reid, I thought the second one was just as good.
Maurice, thanks, I try to make sense.
Sorry I missed the blogfest!! I love boardgames. Looks like you had a wonderful turn-out, though! :)
And thanks for the review. I was wondering if this one was worth seeing in 3D.
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