Saturday, April 2, 2011

A to Z Challenge - B (and a movie review!)

For the A to Z Challenge, I am featuring some awesome bloggers, many of whom are participating in the Challenge. These individuals have offered so much support of my book, CassaStar, and on my blogger journey. Of course, I’ll be keeping up with the world of movies, music, and pop culture stuff as well! Ninjas are just talented that way...

Bossy Betty
Sassy attitude and a great sense of humor, Betty never fails to deliver a laugh. Her blog button is a duck’s behind, so that’s a good indication of what lies ahead. She’s devoted to her followers and commenters, though. Just don’t give her any awards – they’ll turn into dead rabbits!

Breakfast Every Hour
Alex uses his blog to process his thoughts and experiences, so the posts are both personal and quirky. He’s a talented dude who doesn’t give himself enough credit, though. With some encouragement, I know this fellow writer will produce something great!

And I slipped out last night to see a movie...

Source Code

The premise (government program sends man back into another’s body for eight minutes to discover who bombed a train) sounded like it borrowed from many films before it. However, I was surprised by its originality and plot direction. It harkens back to a time of solid storytelling without elaborate special effects. The eight minutes is fresh every time, and while a few of the clues are played early, I really enjoyed the ride. Gyllenhaal was well cast in the role, and there’s real chemistry between him and Monaghan. If you like films about paradoxes or with a bit of a Twilight Zone feel to them, you will really dig Source Code. Excellent film!


Wendy Tyler Ryan said...

I'm glad you liked it. I have been looking forward to seeing this one but just wasn't sure if they'd done a good job with it.


A very good B challange, Alex.

Have a "Restful week-end."


Siv Maria said...

Thanks for the tip, I am always looking for good movies. Have you seen the speed of thought? I have been thinking about watching that one. On my way to check out Betty. Have a great day.

mooderino said...

That's a very positive review. No reservations?


John Teal said...

Thanks for the review, we have considered going to see it and probably will now.


Lisa said...

Gyllenhaal is quite a character.

Dafeenah said...

Sounds like my kind of movie. Although I have no idea when or if it will be available here. Usually I find out about movies a year after they have been released unless I happen upon a blog or something that tells me about it earlier.


K.C. Woolf said...

paradoxes and a bit of a Twilight Zone feel ... I might have to consider it!

The Words Crafter said...

Yay, I'm glad you liked the movie. I told my husband that you're my movie guru, lol :)

Gonna go check out the featured bloggers, happy Saturday!

Old Kitty said...

BB is my Icon!!! She is a STAR of many Talents and is totally amazing!!!! She's lovely!!!

Yay for Breakfast every Hour too!

Source Code is getting quite nice reviews here too!!!

Take care

Jeff Beesler said...

I'll have to consider checking out Source Code at some point. Thanks for the heads up!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Wendy, I was really surprised - great film!

Siv, no I haven't.

Mooderino, none whatsoever!

Dafeenah, stick with me and I'll keep you informed!

Words, thanks. Captain Ninja Alex, Movie Guru!

Kitty, she is a hoot!

Liz P said...

That sounds like a movie I would enjoy. I'll have to check it out!

Rhonda @Laugh Quotes said...

Thanks for introducing me to a few more bloggers.

Jules said...

Wonderful bloggers and I'm intrigued with this movie :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Donea Lee said...

So awesome that you're featuring Bloggers all month long! I'll have to go check them out. :)

And glad to hear you really liked Source Code. It's one I want to see. Thanks!

Ella said...

Oooh the movie sounds good! I like this style. I will check out these bloggers, sound like they have an unique style! I like to be surprised~
Add me to the your list ; I want to interview you, when the next book comes out. I promise it will be painless and fun! My son so far says your book is inspiring him to want to write. I wish he would finish; my turn :)!

Marie Anne said...

I love what you're doing with this, Alex! With four blogs I'm going to try to keep up with, I won't have a post on each of them every day, but there's sure to be an eclectic mix.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I enjoy Betty's blog nearly everyday and am thinking of checking out that movie. I like Jake Gyllenhaal.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Donea, it was great! And be sure to check out my Q post - hint, hint!

Ella, thank you - I'm honored! And so glad your son is enjoying my book.

Marie, I don't know how you keep up with four!!!

Ju Dimello said...

I dunno how I missed following you :) Thought I'd been doing it earlier... Now its all set!

Thanks for the fab challenge...and it came in the right time when I hit a blogging slump!

Thanks so much :)

Unknown said...

Great "b" day, Alex. Two more blogs to follow. Phew! A rest tomorrow...

Martha said...

Thanks for the visit, the follow, and the movie review. I've been thinking about trying to get out to see that one!

The more A-Z blogs I visit, I realize that I am out of my league - everyone is a writer... I am not! I will hang in there though, I hope for 24 more posts!

baygirl32 said...

love Betty! will be heading to breakfast every hour shortly

great post, as usual

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ju, thanks, and glad you're enjoying the Challenge.

Martha, don't worry if you're not a writer. Just enjoy!

Beth said...

Great movie review. I'm looking forward to this one, and kudos on featuring other bloggers.

I found you on A-Z, but am a new follower.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

happy to the "b"'s buddy, batman bought a buggy with bat-money...

now do the theme in your head.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the review. I'm taking the kids to see (ahem) a rabbit who poops Easter Candy today. Yeah. Right. Alrighty then.

Renae said...

Great review, we've been wanting to see that one.

Budd said...

Glad to hear that source code is a good movie.

Anonymous said...

Source Code is definitely on my list. Thanks for the review!

Bossy Betty said...

Thanks for featuring me Alex! I truly appreciate it! What a generous and warm-hearted way to participate in the challenge. If I had some live rabbits over here, I'd send you one. Alas...I think you know the only kind I have....

Nicole/MadlabPost said...

Hopefully, I'll be able to get around to check out The Source Code next week and I'm glad to find out from you that it's lived up to your expectations so that gives me good vibes in thinking that it will likely live up to mine.

I expected Gyllenhaal's performance to be very good in this movie. If I can get out of working, then I'll be able to check it out.

Now, I'll head on over to Bossy Betty.

Stuart Lloyd said...

Thanks for these great links, Alex. I'll be checking them out :).

Helen Ginger said...

Thanks for the blogger recommendations and the movie review. I'd been thinking about going to see Source Code, but didn't get a "go" feeling from the previews. Maybe we'll go this weekend!

Arlee Bird said...

I'm excited about seeing Source Code, but after it comes on DVD. I can wait.
I have become overwhelmed in the past couple days. Glad we're not posting tomorrow so I can catch up some.

Contrary to my usual practice of subscribing to comments, to save time during challenge I will not be doing so during April. If you want to respond to my comment , please email me directly from your email notification for the comment.

Tossing It Out
Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge

TS Hendrik said...

Thanks for the recommendation. I thought Source Code looked pretty good, but I heard a bad review of it from a friend so I was on the fence. Course he usually doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to film so I'll go with your word on this one.

Regina said...

I like the way you are doing your challenge with the blogger spotlights. Very cool!

septembermom said...

Source Code sounds good! Thanks for the review. I'm looking for a good movie to see.

FilmMattic said...

I am very much anticipating Source Code. Your review definitely elevated my intrigue. Good job!

I'm glad to be a part of your challenge!

Tiger85 said...

Great post for B. I'll have to check that movie out now. Thanks for the review. Have a good weekend. =)

Lindsay said...

Great post. And so glad that Source Code doesn't suck. Although, knowing my luck, I'll end up seeing it after it comes out on dvd.

Alison Miller said...

Great B post - I like how you do a little spotlight on someone. That's pretty neat.

the writing pad said...

Thanks for this post. I agree with the last comment - the spotlight is a lovely idea. Have been meaning to see Source Code (got excellent reviews on BBC Radio 4 the other night, when they likened it, in parts, to the ever watchable Groundhog Day). Will definitely go now :-)
Thanks again
All best

Cruella Collett said...

Great review as always - you do have a way of making me want to see movies I probably otherwise wouldn't even have heard about.

Also - great job on hosting the challenge. It looks like it'll be a wonderful month of April :)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Sweet post...honoring your bloggy friends. :)

Thanks for the review. I've been curious about that movie, but worried it was a bit like groundhog day....It sounds really good. Thanks!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Beth!

Stephen, good luck with that.

Betty, dead ones!!!

Nicole, it's an excellent film. Exceeded my expectations!

Helen, the synopsis and previews don't do it justice.

TS, trust the Ninja!

Matthew, glad you're having a good time!

Writing Pad, thanks, and it reminded me of that movie.

Petra said...

Great recommendations! A blessed and restful weekend and a happy A2Z2U!

Penned Pebbles

Theres just life said...

Looks like I need to catch this movie. It sounds good. Love your bloggers chose.

Pamela Jo

Unknown said...

Such an awesome idea for the A-Z! Loved the review as well!


Sarah Allen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah Allen said...

Great post! Movie looks interesting.

Sarah Allen
(my creative writing blog)

RaShelle Workman said...

Thanks for the review, Alex. I want to see that movie. I loved him in LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS.

Andi said...

I will watch it when it comes to Redbox. Thank you for the review...I detest wasting my time on movies with no surprises.

Tony Payne said...

I haven't seen these, sound interesting though.

Unknown said...

Alex, your reviews are so refreshing and positive. Do me, do me...hahaha. Great post.

Hart Johnson said...

Looks like an interesting movie--odd, but cool. Glad you liked it!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks Pamela and EJ!

RaShelle, you will really dig Jake in this movie then!

Bluest, the ending was a total surprise.

Kelly, thanks!

Hart, you would so dig this movie!!

TRR said...

Thanks for featuring a couple of B titled blogs. I'm sure their owners are so proud :-)

I'm glad you posted about Source Code. My boyfriend and I just saw the previews the other day and thought it looked like a combination of the Matrix and Inception. After your review, we may give it a shot.

Unknown said...

blog button is a duck's behind??? really is this true???? I have to go check it out.

Chuck said...

Two new blogs to check out and a review of a movie I really want to see...what could be better! Now I have to go find a C word...of course not THE C-word, nevermind.

Jolene Perry said...

TOTALLY going to see that.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

TRR - it is nothing like either movie!

Wasabi, go look!

Chuck, you are the C word.

Holly Jahangiri said...

I like sassy, personal, and quirky - sounds right up my alley! I'll have to drop by and visit Bossy Betty and Breakfast Every Hour.

Was wondering about Source Code, too - glad to hear you liked it, as I had some of the same concerns and hesitation, but it's the sort of movie I usually enjoy.

Holly Jahangiri

It's All a Matter of Perspective

This year, it's personal - I'm now a "survivor." Please give to Relay for Life.

Unknown said...

So glad to read your movie review. The trailers look intriguing, but sometimes trailers are misleading about the actual movie.

My husband likes action movies. This one sounds like it has a touch of romance. I think we'll both enjoy it.

Thanks for co-hosting the A to Z Challenge. So far, so fun.


Leovi said...

Love the blog of BOSSY BETTY, has very interesting pictures and words.

Mercy said...

Looks like my type of movie. Thanks for reviewing. It will go on my list to see and review myself now.

Raquel Byrnes said...

Been looking forward to this movie. I'm so glad it got a great review. This blogfest is so fun, Alex...awesome job!
Edge of Your Seat Romance

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Holly, you'll love both Betty's site and the movie!!

Lucy, the trailer is very misleading - much better!

Mercy, please do!

A Hootie Hoot said...

Glad to hear the movie was good! I saw the previews and thought the idea was at least different than most other movies out there. Will have to add this one to my list! Thanks!

Unknown said...

It's cool that you're featuring blogs! I've heard about the movie and I want to see it.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

thoughtful features.
keep it up.

Heather M. Gardner said...

The movie did look interesting. Thanks for the info.

I did go see Hop today. Predictable but funny. It was nice to listen to Hugh Laurie, with his actual accent, and of course Hank Azaria was hilarious.
See you on Monday!

Michelle in a shell said...

So nice to hear the movie was good! I've been hoping to see it. As always, thanks for your reviews!

Little Seaside Shop said...

Stopping in to say hello and thank you for being one of the hosts of this great challenge! I'm participant #1184.

MM the Queen of English said...

Thanks for the movie review. The movie's been called Groundhog Day meets 24. I loved 24, Groundhog Day, not so much.
After reading your review, I could be persuaded to see it.

MM the Queen of English

sfdada said...

Wow, Love what you're doing with this challenge. This is exactly why we keep coming back to your blog, Alex. Because you keep it: not just about you, which seems to be very you. You know?

Unknown said...

Source Code sounds great and I will definitely have to check it out along with the blogs you've mentioned.

Rosalind Adam said...

Bossy Betty sounds like a real character and Alex sounds fascinating too. I'm off to visit them.

Ricky said...

I'm plsn to see Source Code today !

Unknown said...

There are many good film reviews, so I definitely need to see this one.

Betty is hilarious thank you.
Nahno ∗ McLein

The Old Silly said...

Thanks for the review, sound pretty cool. Mostly, I'm bopping in to show my support in the challenge. Seen weveral A to Z-ers already this weekend, and you guys are tearing it up! Good job - and have a great weekend. :-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hootie, it's very original.

Clarissa, just trying to give back.

Heather, it does have quite a vocal cast.

Martha, glad you joined us!

MM, it's just a good, solid movie.

Bryan, thanks. And good to hear from you!

Rosalind, she's a character all right!

Marvin, we're trying to tear it up!

Jamie Gibbs said...

I'm so glad that Source Code is a solid movie. It's a tossup between that and SuckerPunch in the cinema on Tuesday, and though I love Zack Snyder's movies (and it looks visually amazing) I think Source Code will win me over. Time travel and paradoxes for the win!!

KM Nalle said...

Source Code sounds great. Thanks for the review. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Was wondering about Source Code (honestly, I was waiting to see what you'd say).

Enjoy your day off LOL

Tomara Armstrong said...

Thanks for the review. I'm looking forward to seeing Source Code. I heard Rotten Tomatoes rated it really well too.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jamie, go see Source Code!

Thanks, Mary - am I your official movie reviewer?

Tomara, it's a 87% now, but that's really good for RT.

Golden Eagle said...

I'll have to check out those links.

Thanks for the movie review!

Unknown said...

Great idea to feature bloggers on your post. I saw Source Code last night and love it. Keep up the great work said...

To know Betty is to love her, and breakfast every hour can't be a bad thing. I'll pay a visit.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Very nice brief review of "Source Code", Alex. I enjoyed reading it, and I CAN'T wait to see the movie. It sounds great.

Now off to Bossy Betty and Breakfast Every Hour..

Robin said...

I love your way of featuring other's great for us new bloggers out blog-hunting. I will enjoy reading your posts. Congratulations on your new book also! I know several people who would enjoy it and that solves my "what to get for this person" issue. Thanks!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Carol, it was a great movie, wasn't it?

Nebular, I think you'll really dig it.

Rasz, thank you! I hope they enjoy reading it. And I wanted to give back to the community by featuring others.

Mary Aalgaard said...

I might check that movie out.

Sarah Allan said...

Interesting take on the "B" entry!

Thank you so much for the follow (I'm definitely following back) and the encouragement. I hope to be where you are in the next year. :-)

xoxo Sarah

Larri said...

Betty's blog is one I read first thing every day she posts! How could you not love a Kansas raised girl who hangs out in California now? Great 'B' post, Alex. And thanks for the movie review. I wondered if The Source Code would be worth taking time out to see. Happy Sunday! :o)

Amy said...

Great recommendations! I'm now following them both. Thanks!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sarah, don't give up and you will!

Seams, Betty is just cool! And the movie was a real surprise.

SharleneT said...

Thanks for the sharing of your B blogs and the info on Source Code. I saw it last night (we went to separate movies together!) and loved it. Come visit when you can.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Re Source Code: gasp, solid storytelling??? what's that? ;)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sharlene, it was great!

Lynda, I know! Difficult to find in today's movies.

Will Burke said...

I was wondering about Source Code. I'll probably rent it since I don't get to the movies much.

ali cross said...

Hey, that's a happy surprise about Sourcecode. Really didn't have high expectations for that one. But now that you recommend it ... I'll look forward to seeing it!

Pat Tillett said...

Bossy Betty is the Bomb

SweetMarie83 said...

I love that you're showcasing other bloggers, that's so great. I'm always looking for great new blogs to read, so I appreciate it, and I'm sure everyone else does too!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Will, hope you get to see it eventually.

Ali, it really surprised me as well!

Pat, I'm sure she likes that assessment.

Sweet, it was the least I could do for my buddies.

Alex Ong said...

Thank you again.

Alex from Breakfast Every Hour was here.

Keena said...

I want to see it...thx for the review

TerryLynnJohnson said...

very cool. I wondered about the same eight minutes - like ground hog day. sounds like a must-see now!