Monday, March 21, 2011

Too Many Blogfests? Room for One More?

There’s been numerous blogfests as of late. Last week I saw four writing ones alone. Was that too many? Are there too many blogfests happening right now? The A to Z Challenge starts next week and the Crusade is still going. Is it too much?

I’m just asking – feel free to chime in with your thoughts.

Because yes – I am planning my next blogfest! May or June. Not sure yet.

“Damn, Alex! Movies, TV, music – what’s left?”

I have two ideas and want you guys help me decide. Without giving away the gritty details (don’t want to spoil the surprise), which one interests you more:

Blogfest for writers, but not a writing blogfest. (That make sense? As in, no 500 word short story or anything.)

Another top ten type of blogfest on a fairly universal subject, something everyone could do.

Let me know which one intrigues you the most!

Oh, and for those on Twitter, the hashtag for the Challenge is #atozchallenge


Suzie F. said...

I haven't been able to participate in a blogfest since last summer and the A to Z is out for me too. I'd definitely be up for one in June when things slow down around here.

Both of your ideas sound great, Alex. I'm intrigued by the "Blogfest for writers, but not a writing blogfest," and I love lists.

Laura Pauling said...

I think there are enough writers out there to hold as many blogfests as you want! As long as writers are signing up for them!

Li said...

I'd like to beg you to hold it in June...I'll need May to recover from the A to Z! :)

Vicki Rocho said...

Not knowing what the non-writing, writers blogfest deals with, I'd vote for the Top 10 because it's simple and straight forward.

I don't participate in a lot of writing blogfests because they take so much work to prepare for and then it's so hard to make it through all the participant's entries.

mooderino said...

I think the more generic the subject the harder to get excited about it is. Limitations drive creativity, so a highly specific theme would work best, in my opinion.

Gail said...

I have not been bitten by the blog fest bug.

I enjoy reading others but do not devour dozens of posts simply because they are connected to a blog fest.

I prefer to shoot from the hip when I blog and when I read. I have favorites I visit but sometimes not daily.
I am not saying they are bad, just that I don't join them.


Personally I prefer the universal blogfest, btw, just looked at the number of entries for the Ato Z,
amazing is all I can say.

All being well I am off travelling again from May 24-6 June, so I hope Iwon't miss any blogfest.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Suzie, sounds good!

Laura, that's true.

li, I probably will.

Vicki, that's why it wouldn't be a 'writing' one, but you know I like the top ten lists best!

Mooderino, I just want to be sure it's something everyone can participate in.

Gail, and that's all right!

Yvonne, can't believe how many participants have signed up! And I certainly don't want to do a blogfest without you.

baygirl32 said...

I like the top 10, but would have to wait until late may/june to do it

Stephanie Lorée said...

Alex: Quite simply, yes, there are too many blogfests. It's why I have to limit myself to 2/month. In April, for example, I will only be participating in the A to Z challenge, as it's so intensive.

If you're going to host one, you know I'll participate. Just keep it simple, whatever it is. I think the universal top tens are a great break from my daily writing deluge.

Liz P said...

I enjoy the Top Tens, but I am intrigued by the non-writing writers blogfest....

Arlee Bird said...

I've become kind of addicted to blogfests and if I see one that intrigues me I'll often jump in even though I keep thinking I need to take a break from it. Yours have been so great that they are always hard to refuse.

Right now the only things that sound good to me are favorite places to take a nap or something about sleeping. How about a blogfest about dreams?

Lately, ever since you came up with that hashtag, I've been having dreams about Twitter. Maybe my dreams are telling me I need to start Twittering.

Tossing It Out

Matthew MacNish said...

Oh man, I'm not sure I would have time for anything, but I do always love to watch, whatever you do!

Karen Lange said...

Either sounds interesting, and will participate if I can!

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

K.I.S.S. and I'm in. June would be best though.
Are you trying to punish yourself for something? lol

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Alex, of course there's a room for one more, especially when it comes from you. Your blogfests are my personal favorites, and so far, I enjoyed every single one of them.

I'm not particularly excited about the idea for 'writers', I'd prefer another top ten type of blogfest. It's more universal, which means that many more bloggers would like to participate.

In my opinion... it should be about people, if you know what I mean...

Tara said...

I don't really do blogfests anymore - except yours. I can't say no to you, darn it.

Lydia Kang said...

I'm one of those oddball blog writers who don't participate in writing blogfests. Music, my favorite food, whatever, but not writing.

Charles Gramlich said...

I have a hard time getting going on blogfests, especialy during the school year. So much going on.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Baygirl, that's my thought as well.

Stephanie, that's why I like top tens - they're easy and fun.

Lee, maybe you should!

Matthew, you know you'll fall to the pressure!

No, just trying to maintain, Mary!

Nebular, I have an idea for another top ten...

Thanks, Tara!

Sarah Ahiers said...

i've always been a big fan of your top ten ones.
Even i've been thinking of doing a blogfest, something to do about alternative creative outlets or junk. Clearly, i haven't given it that much detailed thought

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

I don't know about blogfests, Alex. I'm already worried about April!


Lana D said...

I ADORE top 10 lists! It's always fun to see what other people out there like the same strange things I do!

Bossy Betty said...

I like the universal topic idea!!

CA Heaven said...

A blogfest for writers, but not a writing blogfest sounds interesting >:)

Cold As Heaven

Paul Joseph said...

I'm always a fan of top ten lists. They are easy and often nostalgic. It's fun to think through and decide what makes the cut.

Unknown said...

Your blogfests are fun and not too much work. So bring it on!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sarah, sounds promising!

Karen, after this, you'll be hooked.

Monti, no stress!

Lana, I'm leaning that way...

Paul, the one I have in mind is nostalgic.

Clarissa, I'll bring it on!

Colene Murphy said...

Bring it! I'm interested in participating in an Alex blogfest, since they seem to be so much fun!

Laura Eno said...

I don't know what you're planning, but your blogfests are always creative!
Thanks for the hashtag. I didn't realize there was one.

N. R. Williams said...

I'm fond of the short story blogfest, so don't know about the theme. It might be fun to do a 4th of July blogfest, but then our friends around the world might have trouble. Or a midsummer's night dream blog fest to celebrate that event in a non Shakespearean way.
N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium.

Chris Phillips said...

I like the top 10 ones because they can be super easy to throw together and it's a nice break from the write 500 words to describe a field ones. Do it late summer when there will probably be a dip in the amount of blogfests maybe?

Carol Kilgore said...

Top 10's are always good.

Pat Tillett said...

The top 10 BFs are fun, funny and very interesting. I'd opt for that one...

Sangu Mandanna said...

I'm intrigued by the 'blogfest-for-writers-without-writing' idea, but I have to say the Top 10 sounds more fun just because it's so universal and lists are always awesome! It's also the kind of thing people can do quickly, so more people are likely to participate.

Old Kitty said...

Not for me!! But what I always say is that if I follow you and you participate in a blogfest - I'll cheer you on!

Take care

Donea Lee said...

Ah, sorry. I will be no help at all...I blame my indecisiveness. I've really enjoyed the Top Ten blogfests! But, I'd like to see what your "not a writing blogfest" is, too. Either way, I'm in! I'll just roll with majority vote ~ :)

Ellie Garratt said...

Other than the Now Showing Blogfest, I've not signed up for any others. Not enough time!

I'd love another top ten blogfest because yours are so awesome. Here's some suggestions:

Top Ten Retro Toys
Top Ten Cancelled TV Shows
Top Ten TV Characters
Top Ten Movie Remakes

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Colene, I will!

Laura, I actually came up with the hashtag. Yeah, me! Can you believe it?

Nancy, I have something in mind.

Chris, I'm leaning towards a list blogfest.

Sangu, everyone likes the lists!

Karen, will do!

Ellie, I've something cool in mind...

Margo Benson said...

The writer one sounds intriguing but your Top Tens are always so much fun, both to do and to read...I'm in regardless!

Talli Roland said...

I'm having trouble keeping up with all the blogfests, I must admit! So many cool things going on right now.

Summer Ross said...

I wish I had more time to participate in all the writing ones I have posted- sadly the only one I'll be doing recently is the crusade challenges and the A-z challenge.

I'm very interested in the writer one- LOL But both sound good. Either way once you have all the details set I'll add it to my blogfests tab.

Luna said...

Love the top tens! But I'm curious about your other idea. Good luck deciding!

dolorah said...

I prefer writing blogfests :)

I don't think there are many April blogfests or contests out there - for the obvious reason . . Its nice to have the break actually, so thanks to all the A to Z hosts for assisting with that.

Can't wait to see what you come up with for your blogfest Alex. Its sure to be fun.


Golden Eagle said...

I like the idea of a blogfest for writers, but not a writing blogfest--but the top ten ones are a lot of fun!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Too many blogfests? No such thing. We can pick and choose the ones we want to do.

I like the top 10 idea. Gives everybody a chance and the answers are always fun to read.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'm all for the writing blogfest instead of a top ten. And I vote for June when school is over so I can participate with less stress.

Angela said...

Yeah, blogfests are fun, but they're also exhausting. Maybe if I did more, I'd have more followers.

M Pax said...

Yup, keep it simple. Whichever. I usually stay away from the ones requiring a story. I save that energy for my work.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Margo!

Thank you, Summer.

Jamie, they seem to be the most popular.

Donna, yeah, I think the Challenge trumped all.

Golden, maybe I'll do both!

Heather, that's a great attitude!

Feeling stressed, Donna?

Angela, if you're doing the Challenge, be prepared for that to change!

MPax, that's how I feel...

Laura said...

ooh -definitely the blogfest for writers but not a writing blogfest... I'll be counting down the days (mainly with the alphabet!) Lx

Denise Covey said...

Thanks for the twitter hashtag. Def a blogfest for writers. Yes, we are all overloaded. We need a control central for blogfests so we can go there and check them out.

I saw in comments somewhere that you've prepared all your A-Zs. Egad, I've done 3!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Laura, I might do both.

Denise, yes, I confess - I've written all of my posts for April!

The Words Crafter said...

BOTH! And what do you mean, next week?!!!! No way, I'm not ready!!!! The week after that, it'll be the fourth of July; dang, where is the year going?

Seriously, though. Both!!! Spread 'em out, give us something fun to look forward to.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I'm blogfested out at the moment. Maybe June (I'll be recovering from a-z in may) lol. I like the idea of the writing blogfest without the writing. I like the fast fests the best -- fast to write and fast to comment on.

Jemi Fraser said...

They both sound like fun ideas! Flip a coin ... or do them both - just spread them out :)

Kristin said...

I vote for the top ten idea that way I can participate ;)

Jane Kennedy Sutton said...

Since I haven’t participated in a blogfest…yet, I probably shouldn’t have a say, but I’d lean more toward the writer one - then again why not do both of them.

Mason Canyon said...

You can never go wrong with a Top 10.

Thoughts in Progress

Jai Joshi said...

I usually don't participate in blogs because I can never keep up with them, but I'm always interested to see what others come up with and share as their efforts for the event.

Looking forward to seeing what you've got in store, Alex.


DiscConnected said...

I know my day job is more demanding than for many (12+ hours daily).

Most of you seem to have families, though, and I wonder how the heck you find the time to do blog fests, comment, and work on your writing.

Maybe I need someone to post some time management tips...or some of those little green pills my friend used to experiment with in high school...


Cat Lavoie said...

I definitely wish I had more time to participate in all the blogfests! A-Z will be a challenge but I'm looking forward to it. Both ideas sound great but I vote for lists too!

Copyboy said...

I'm a sucker for the top tens! Like reading those.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hey, Alex....


I like top ten blogfests too...


Anonymous said...

Funny you should ask. As I was blogging about movies that are so bad they are actually good, I thought this could be a Top Ten Blogfest Alex could do. Regardless, a fairly universal subject would be better. They're fun to put together and fun to visit and see what other bloggers have.

ali cross said...

LOL, you're funny Alex. It's hard for me to wrap my head around a new blogfest (as I'm gearing up for A-Z, which is a little intimidating for me!), but I liked your top ten listy things. You could combine them, do a top ten for for writers, lol. :)

Unknown said...

pardon my ignorance but wtf is a blogfest exactly. Everyone sit around getting hammered, women taking their shirts of yelling blogggg! ?

Tamara D Hanson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ciara said...

Look at how many people are signed up for the A-Z challenge. Yeah, I don't think you'll have a problem. I look forward to it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michael, I see that!

Thanks for the input, everyone. Maybe I will do both.

Mack, not quite!

Jules said...

Sorry day late but whatever the groups decides, I'm easy like that. :)

A-Z, Lord I have to get busy. Just call me the one-eyed entrant :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

The Old Silly said...

You are perhaps the most Blog-Festingest Blog-Fester I know, dude!

The one for writers but not about/requiring writing intrigues me ...

Cheeseboy said...

Is there such thing as too much Blogfest? That's why they call it a fest, right?

Karen said...

I'm always up for a Top Ten List. Heck. Maybe you guys could pick a letter/topic for April and that's one less day we have to think of something! :-)

Kidding. I know a lot of people already have the whole month planned.

Enid Wilson said...

I vote for Top 10. But the topic can be a bit more inspiring. Maybe Top 10 best dinning scenes in a movie.

Bargain with the Devil

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Marvin, I'm working hard!

Cheeseboy, never!

Don't worry guys, I'll select something cool!

Michelle in a shell said...

I Have no opinion on blogfests but I do have an unrelated question to ask you... Did you end up getting the ipad2? If so, how do you feel about it? I feel like what I've heard is split down the middle in terms of how many people love/hate it.

Anonymous said...

Alex, we have a vote for Sharktopus for movies that are really bad they are actually good LOL!

RaShelle Workman said...

Hey Alex - I love top 10's. They're fun, easy to read and a great way to get to know others. =D My two cents.

Susan Fields said...

I guess I'd have to know what the subject of the Top Ten one was to know which I'd prefer, but I know I always enjoy reading other people's Top Ten blogfest entries. Good luck!

Nicki Elson said...

I tend toward top 10 universal. I don't like talking about writing as much as I like writing, you know?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michelle, I dig the new iPad! So fast.

Stephen, Sharktopus was not good.

Ladies, it will probably be another list fest. said...

I really liked the top 10 song blogfest. A blogfest for writers poses the question: What's a "writer"? (I don't like that question, because I don't know where I stand.)
Be well, Alex.

Missed Periods said...

I so badly want to do the A to Z one, but I have no idea how I will have the time. But if you have one in May or June, I will try my best to join. It will be my first.

Sand Castles and Snow Forts said...

Count me in for whatever! Once I survive A to Z I'll be invincible. So very new to the blog world and I'm jumping in with both feet!

Sheila Siler said...

I shall consider anything you put out there. No promises until I see it. I too would prefer June, but I won't say no to May. A to Z shall empower me!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Robyn, I'll probably go with the top ten style fest instead.

Missed, I'm leaning towards June.

Sand & Sheila, you will conquer and master and be ready for a new blogfest in June!

Dafeenah said...

I am new to the world of blogging and all things blogfest related. The A to Z is my first. I am still a little shaky on the full details of how to participate etc but I figure once it gets going I will figure it out.

So whatever you guys decide I am good with. Just let me know where and when. I am there.

The Man-Cave said...

Either one is fine. Reading people top-10's are fun but your first idea has me curious. It's a win-win.

Matt Conlon said...

I'm so glad I found this challenge! The fact that I was unaware of challenges like this prompted me to go out and find some more. I starteda new blog where challenges like this can be more easily found, so if you're looking for more challenges and blog chains, come stop by at <a href=">Join Something!</a>

I'm hoping that this will make it easier for people who are looking for inspiration to keep writing to find something to participate it!

Matt Conlon said...

Rats, I do that all the time... Here's the link fixed.

Join Something!