Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Movies, Fests, and Stuff!

Thanks everyone for your awesome comments on Jeffrey’s guest post Monday! And thank you to Geof at The Man Cave for hosting me as well.

A couple movies for you…

Vanishing on 7th Street
Caught this on HDNet last week. It had some tense moments and an interesting premise but with no place to go. “Stay in the light” reminded me of Pitch Black. It could’ve (and should’ve) been so much more and I was a little frustrated in the end. The idea of a force so strong it can control the sun just made the plight of the characters seem hopeless. It wasn’t if they would vanish, it was when. Worth a watch, but Anderson’s Session 9 (filmed in a real abandoned insane asylum) is a far better film.

The A-Team
NetFlix rental. It’s preposterous, silly, over-the-top, ridiculous, noisy – and those are its good points! Let’s face it – if you went in expecting realistic action and drama, you chose the wrong movie. This movie is all about fun over-the-top action, a nonsensical plot, and the interaction of its four leads. And that’s where the movie really shines, as the four actors eat up the campy one-liners and buddy-buddy dialogue. A fun film and if the actors are willing, there will be a sequel.


A to Z Challenge! You know I have to mention that one. We’re closing in on 300 participants.

Larry at DiscConnected is hosting the Super 8 Debut Albums Blogfest on February 28. I’ve signed up, so join the fun!

Hart at Confessions of a Watery Tart is hosting the Delusional Doom Blogfest! And you know Hart doesn’t do anything halfway. Not even naked.

Any other cool events? Movies? Nakedness?


George Beremov [Nebular] said...

"Vanishing on 7th Street" had the potential to be good but its laziness and unimaginative direction ruined it completely.

"The A-Team" was so overdirected, it caused me a headache. :)

Both films were mediocre at best!

Jules said...

Wondered where they were going with the A-Team, thanks for the review. I always enjoyed the show :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nebular, Vanishing was disappointing. The A-Team was just like the show - campy - so I thought it was fun but nothing to write home about.

Jules, you'll probably get a kick out of the movie then!

Emily White said...

The A-Team was AWESOME! I just love me some things that go boom. :)

And that's just what this movie was! There'd be line, line, line, BOOM!!! Completely brilliant.

Michelle in a shell said...

Thanks for the A-team review! I've been debating whether to watch it and now I'll be sure too :)

Matthew MacNish said...

I just watched the Swedish version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo on Netflix instant last night. I enjoyed it, and thought the pacing was even better than the book. I'm curious to see how the second one goes.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I liked the A-Team TV show, can't say I'll watch the movie.

A lot of Blogfests going on that's for sure. Thanks for letting us know.

Jaccstev said...

The A-Team is not a brilliant movie, and it does not result to be a very memorable experience. However, I had a good time while I was watching it, specially during the ridiculous action scenes :)

DEZMOND said...

I also found VANISHING ON THE 7TH STREET boring but I had to watch it since I find Hayden and Thandie abnormally gorgeous and can't resist watching them in any possible (EVen bad) opportunity.

Summer Ross said...

LOL- no nakedness, but A-team was a decent one to watch. Great post!

Budd said...

loved A-Team for exactly that reason.

Kelly Polark said...

I pity the fool who doesn't read your A-Team movie review!
Do you watch Tosh.0? Last night he did a funny review of Tiptoes starring Matthew McConaughey and Kate Beckinsale. Apparently it's not that great...But great eye candy! Have you seen it?

Sarah Ahiers said...

i have plans to see the A Team, but i hadn't heard about Vanishing. I'll have to see it based on the premise alone, but i'm like you and will probably be bummed that it isn't as cool as it could be

Charles Gramlich said...

I never watched the A-team on TV so I imagine the strengths of this movie would miss me. I probably won't see it, although I did see the expendables, which probably wasn't that different.

Unknown said...

Vanishing was rather boring, haven't seen A Team, though I grew up watching the show. I'm into werewolves so I'm gearing up for Red Riding Hood. And can't wait for Zack Snyder's Sucker Punch

~Sia McKye~ said...

Actually, I enjoyed the A Team. Made me laugh. It was always a bit over the top but fun never the less.

One movie I watch this past weekend and really enjoyed it was Red, Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, Morgan Freeman, and the delectable Karl Urban--who actually had a good role in this one.

Nate Wilson said...

I definitely agree with you on Session 9. Which is strange, since I rarely ever recommend anything with David Caruso in it...

Ella said...

I have A-Team in my Netflix queue.
Time will tell, I could use a good laugh~

Oh,tempted by Larry's blogfest, but don't know, so difficult.

I did sign up for Hart's Doom n' Gloom one...should be fun~

Thanks for reviews n' insight~

mshatch said...

say, did you ever see District 9? I thought it was an excellent underrated scifi film - which can be so hard to do well. signed up for a-z - should be fun!

Raquel Byrnes said...

District 9 was amazing. I was surprised. What a bummer about The A Team...not surprised though.

Signed up for the A-Z challenge and put Hart's blogfest on my side bar.


Unknown said...

The A-Team movie had to be bad! I was sure it would 'miss.' Looking forward to the A-Z and Super 8 blogfests!! See you there!

Donea Lee said...

Plans to watch Adam Sandler's "Just Go with it" this weekend. Haven't caught the A-Team yet. Did see RE: Afterlife this past weekend. Looks like they set it up to possibly continue, but...where do you go after the Afterlife? :) Hart's blogfest looks fun! Going to check it out now...thx!


Used to love The A Team on the word that was some years ago.

Loved the review Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Emily, that's why it was fun.

Matthew, I saw it as well. A bit brutal, but the movie was good. Shame American studios have to remake all of these foreign films.

Jaccstev, that's the best way to sum it up!

Kelly, I've not seen that Kate-fest!

Charles, the A-Team IS better than the Expendables, I will give it that.

Melissa, Sucker Punch should rock!

Sia, I really enjoyed RED! Fine film and cool watching all those actors together.

Nate, Caruso is a love him or hate him type of guy I guess.

MsHatch, I did go to the theaters to see District 9.

Donea, I'm sure they have something planned for another Resident Evil.

Glad so many enjoyed The A-Team. Just think dumb and fun. And glad so many are doing the A to Z Challenge!

Ellie Garratt said...

I hated the A'Team and didn't even finish watching it! I suppose it was funny in the mindless entertainment way.

I'm watching the latest Resident Evil tonight.

N. R. Williams said...

I think I'll pass on the movies and I' doing two of those blogfest.
N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium

Old Kitty said...

Watery Tart IS NAKED.

I so want to see the A team!! I love how they completely set out to look just like the original!!! I mean complete clones!!!

Take care

Southpaw said...

I'll end up watching both those movies.

Sangu Mandanna said...

Wow that is a huge turn out for the A-Z blogfest! Congratulations to you and the other hosts for getting the word out, Alex! I've been so tempted to join in, but I fear I simply won't have the time or the inspiration and will just flake out more days than not! :-(

Belle Wong said...

I really like fun over-the-top movies ;)

Carol Kilgore said...

Good to know about the characters in the A-Team. It's a solid maybe here.

Unknown said...

Nakedness? I wish! But, alas, I have children in the house.

Great news and movies...thanks.

The Happy Whisk said...

Hi Alex: We just started watching Doctor Who on Instants. I like it a lot. And I really dig Netflix instants. So many shows I might not have otherwise been able to see.

Happy Wednesday and Happy Writing :-)

Arlee Bird said...

The A Team can't compete with the A to Z Team! Now heading towards 400!

Tossing It Out

M Pax said...

I probably don't have to say this, but I love campy. I'll probably love the A-Team. :D

Tiger85 said...

Thanks for your comment. I'll have to check out these movies.

Anonymous said...

I joined Ides of March. This one looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for the links. Your site is a great source for the latest and greatest.

Michael Di Gesu said...

I have to do the "Tart" of

So busy with Crusaders, blogfest, and A to Z coming up!

A very busy spring!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ellie, you had to leave your brain at the door for that one I'm afraid.

Kitty, she is indeed!

Sangu, you won't know unless you try!

Whisk, the NetFlix possibilities are endless!

Lee, you got that right!

M Pax, you probably will!

Stephen, I'm just trying to keep up...

Cheeseboy said...

Blasted! You have taken the lead on me by 9!

I thought A-Team was pretty good. My wife hated it. I think all women hate that movie. But she made me watch Eat, Pray, Barf so it all evened out.

Melissa said...

A-Team sounds awesome!

Unspoken said...

I want to watch Anderson's Sesssion. That sounds good!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cheeseboy, so glad I didn't have to watch that one! And have I really taken the lead...?

Chuck said...

I will probably pass on both those movies so thanks for the reviews! Can't wait for the A-Z...gotta get the promo on my sidebar today. BTW...just finished reading CassStar for the second time, really a good piece of work, man.

Jemi Fraser said...

I wasn't planning on seeing the A Team - now I might have to :)

mamtc said...

havent watched this movie,need to

Helen Ginger said...

Well, there's always nakedness.

We watched a DVD this weekend, but I don't know the name of it. It wasn't a horror, but scenes made me scream and cover my eyes. I eventually left the room.

The Words Crafter said...

My husband loved the A-Team movie. I haven't seen it yet....

I also haven't seen the post about Hart's blogfest. Gotta go check it out. Thanks for the head's up!

Happy Thursday :)

PS...I thought you were a southern boy. It's nekkid, lol!

Lydia Kang said...

I'd watch A-Team just because it'd be shallow entertainment, which is sometimes quite fun.

dolorah said...

I remember watching The A team as a kid. It was all that and more. I didn't even have this on my list. I'm sure sometime the several odd men in my life will expect to rent it. *sighs*

What women have to put up with . .


Copyboy said...

I've tried to stay away from the A-team. But maybe it needs a viewing. I pity the fool that thinks that.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Chuck, you've read it twice? Wow, I am honored.

Helen, that's funny!

Words, I just live in the south!

Lydia, that's the whole point of the movie.

Donna, we're just odd that way I guess.

Copyboy, bad pun!

Talli Roland said...

Yay for A to Z! I'm really getting excited now.

And the A Team? What? That's a film? God, I'm outta the loop.

Blog Buttons said...

We took a pass on the Vanishing on 7th Street when it briefly showed up in theaters. But we did watch the A Team on demand. We knew we were in for some fun, we never expected anything less, so we enjoyed the ride.Hugs my friend and thank you for following my graphics blog. Katherine

Lindsay said...

Thanks for the A-Team info. I've been reluctant to watch it since I have fond memories of the TV series.
The last film I watched was Buried.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Husband picked The A-Team for his Christmas Blu-ray. We knew it would be bad and we bought it anyway. It was fun and explody and completely unrealistic. In other words: entertaining. I really liked the actors they picked to play these cheesy roles and I hope they do a sequel.

Jeff Beesler said...

Awesome reviews, Alex! And thanks again for hosting me on Monday!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Talli, you've been busy!

Hey Katherine! Yeah, I expected campy fun and it delivered.

Heather - explody! Wish I used that word in my review. You nailed it.

You're welcome, Jeffrey!

Jolene Perry said...

I'm looking forward to READING the A to Z challenge posts but April is the FIRST month we might have anything like warmth way up in Alaska, and I can tell you right now that I'll be outside getting muddy on the four-wheeler with the kids ;)
Hope y'all have fun with it!

Colene Murphy said...

Session 9 was better? I wasn't too impressed with that either. But it was so long ago that I saw it, maybe I need to give it another shot.
Actually pretty excited about The A-Team's silliness!

Karen M. Peterson said...

I loved the A-Team. So much fun!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I liked the TV version of the A-Team. Dirk Benedict was easy on the eyes, too!

Leovi said...

The A-Team now I like the original series.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I only enjoyed the ATeam because I expected nothing from it ;)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I am definitely going to see the A-Team. I liked the previews.

Anne R. Allen said...

I'm sooo glad to know the A-Team kept its silliness intact. Remakes of TV shows and comic books can be so bad when they get realistic and take themselves seriously. Sounds like a good veg-out night Netflix and popcorn movie.

Julie Musil said...

I had a feeling the A Team would be a dud. If I get it from Netflix, it would only be to watch Bradley Cooper. Not that I'm obsessed or anything :D

nutschell said...

I just joined the A-Z challenge. I'm looking forward to a month of blogging!

Ciara said...

I loved the A-Team. :)Of course no one is Face but Benedict.

Nicki Elson said...

I'm so happy to hear you didn't hate A-team. Sounds like it's worth a watch and a laugh. :)

alexia said...

Pitch Black is good... of course, that may be because I love me some Vin Diesel, especially as Riddick.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jolene, we need cheerleaders as well!

Colene, it IS silly!

Diane, I can't comment on Dirk.

Lynda, there you go!

Anne, it is - enjoy!

Julie, obsessions are all right.

Nutschell, glad to have you!!

Ciara, you're the second one to mention him.

Alexia, I can't comment on Diesel, but really enjoyed Pitch Black!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Wow, 300??? Please, any secrets on how to visit all those every day in April? :/

♥.•*¨ Elizabeth ¨*•.♥