I’d asked about followers without profiles and here are the best answers:
Some people don’t have blogs, so all you can do is friend them.
Sometimes Blogger flakes and doesn’t include a link or profile.
Often a person with a Google account hasn’t gone back and claimed their blog, so it doesn’t show up.
Jeremy at iZombie Lover came up with a button to encourage those who follow to comment so we can find their blog, if they have one:
A big congratulation to M. Pax - she sold her first story this week!
And some brief movie reviews for you…
The Mechanic
Not an original story but well executed. It’ll hold your interest and there are some cool assassin tricks. Jason Statham is, well, Jason Statham, and Ben Foster turns in a decent performance. (He makes a good scummy character!) It’s hard to root for the killers though, despite their penchant for taking out bad guys. Not a memorable film, but if you dig Statham flicks, you’ll enjoy it.
Resident Evil: Afterlife
The fourth movie in this series, based on the popular game. As long as they keep making money and Milla Jovovich remains hot and athletic, Resident Evil movies will continue. This one was better than the third and there’s some amazing special effects. Would’ve been cool in 3D, but I saw it at home. A lot of things happen that aren’t explained (what was the giant creature with the axe?) and it contains numerous plot holes. But hey, depth and plot isn’t why you watch these movies, is it?
Thanks again to Stephen at Breakthrough Blogs for allowing me to visit yesterday. Hopefully I’ve encouraged more of you to sign up for the A to Z Challenge!
I want to see resident evil, but I haven't had time. maybe I can talk manly man into a weekend movie :)
Have a great saturday!
I like statham but hate statham flicks.
Congratulations to M Pax! And thanks for the too kind words on my own blog. I'm a fan of Milla and the Resident Evil films -- for me, the first was the best. And Jason is always fun to watch in action, Roland
I liked the Bronson/Vincent version of Mechanic. It was actually one of my favorites so I won't see people I don't know.
I know, I know. I'm going off to read! ;0)
Hi Alex I've already signed up for the A to Z blog challenge. I hope a lot of bloggers sign up for it. It sounds like fun and everyone can do it.
I will have to check out the movie Mechanic as Jack is a big Jason Statham fan.
Oh and the White rabbit badge is great.
Pamela Jo
Those Resident Evil movies have not stopped coming out! I love to see on-going cult series like this.
Is that really your Strat? I have an American Deluxe from '06 with three single-coils and an S-1 switch. Sometimes you need that bridge position humbucker, but I also love to have the option to switch to singe-coil. Does yours have a coil-splitting switch?
I, too, am always curious about Blogger people who don't have profiles or blogs of their own....
As for Resident Evil -- it's a series of films that is kind of a guilty pleasure for me.
I have a google account, but I don't understand about going back and claiming my blog....
And I have to admit I'm burned out on Statham. Loved him in The Italian Job-probably the last film I liked him in.
Yeah, I kinda wish I could be more Milla-like as far as being in shape and having awesome ninja skills. As an action hero(?), she rocks better than most other females out there.
Congrats to M. Pax. I liked the first Statham movie I saw but after that they all seemed the same.
Thanks Alex! :)
Makes sense that blogger flakes. It flakes on a lot of other things.
I do my best to track them down. Perhaps it's because not everyone has a gmail? Shrug. If it linked the profile to dashboard instead, we'd get the blog link.
Congrats to M Pax!
And yes, wouldn't it be nice if all followers ACTUALLY had their blog linked to themselves? That would make checking them out (and following in return) SO much easier!
Summer, watch it!
Chris, that's an odd combination.
Roland, that was a major achievement! You've had quite a week.
Mary, read!!!
Pamela, we've crossed 200 I believe!
Hanny, I have one humbucker and two single coils and a five way switch.
Andrew, you would have worse guilty pleasures.
Words, I think it helps she's not lugging around ten pounds of extra platic surgery, if you know what I mean. And log into Google and go to your account - you'll see a place where it asks if you want to claim the sites they've found that could be yours.
Susan, this movie won't be any different then!
MPax, that makes more sense.
Huge congrats to MPax!
I've had that problem with followers too - great idea :)
I agree with Resident Evil: Afterlive. And yeah, 3D was worth it in this one.
Nahno ∗ McLein ™
Congrats to MPax! Thanks for the links.
Happy weekend,
Congratulations to MPax!!!!!! Yay!!! I remember loving the first Resident Evil- the second was like Aliens 2 and then I sorta lost interest! I'm so sorry but I haven't a clue who Mr Statham is - time to google!! Yay!
Thanks for the reviews!!! Take care
I'm going to start a list of your movie recommendations in the event I ever start watching again! Thanks, and congrats to MPax!
I don't dig Statham's flicks, but I do dig the man himself. Such a nice guy.
Congrats to MPax! Cute bunny! Nice to see you again, Alex! :)
I love that button!
Congratulations M Pax, way to go!
Thanks Alex for posting about bloggers who follow but we can't track them down. It happens to me all the time and I feel rude if I can't find them. Why oh why don't people leave a comment at least? I'm going to grab the white rabbit and put it where hopefully newbies will see it.
I'll pop over and congratulate M Pax in person.
Have a great weekend.
My son's been up in the air about seeing the Mechanic. I'll have to let him know what you thought. Like you said, Statham is Statham.
Nahno, I should've seen it in 3D then!
Kitty, he's from England!
Monti, I wouldn't start with these two...
Have you actually met him, Dezz? Heard he grew up as a hustler on the streets of London.
Hey Beth!!
Denise, hopefully they notice the bunny!
My children are already talking about The Afterlife. They are ahead of me in most things.
I'm sayin'.... I often get a follower and when I go to thank them there is no blog or email contact on their profile. I feel like these people might think I don't care but I do. I would love to thank anyone who follows.
Thanks for the great reviews.
God bless and have an amazin' weekend!!! :o)
Statham AND Jovovich flicks...a good weekend of movie watching.
Great button... Let's hope it helps.
Congrats to M. Pax. Thanks for letting us know.
Have a great weekend, Alex.
you can't beat Mila for hot and I have yet to find a resident evil I don't like :)
At this point, when someone is pitching a movie about a virus that turns people into flesh-eating zombies, are there Hollywood money men who are still thinking it hasn't been done?
As someone in the movie quotes hop said, "I'm coming to get you, Barbara!"
Night Of The Living Dead-the first and the best of the zombie movies.
But speaking of blog hops, I just put up a link tool for the "Super 8 Debut Albums" and am hoping you'll at least sign up, if not consider giving me a plug or two.
Since I am not as active with comments and following, I do not have anywhere near the following you and some of my online compadres have.
In fact, on the Movie Quotes hop, I actually LOST followers!
Which is a bummer.
That makes a nice little tie-in to where your post started (followers who do not often comment)
I work in front of a PC twelve or more hours a day, often six days a week. There are some nights I simply can't come home and look at a computer again. That's where the lack of commentary comes from.
But I do often visit the blogs of people who join in the hops, and try to comment at least periodically.
If there were only more time in a day...
Larry Cavanaugh
I've booked tickets for The Mechanic next Wednesday and I'm excited to see it.
Saw RE: Afterlife in 3D and I'm telling you.. it was the best use of 3D since Avatar. I was impressed. Glad you enjoyed it, Alex. I thought it was the best of all RE sequels so far.
Ocean, your kids are also movie geeks.
You too, Nezzy!
MsHatch, that she is!
Larry, I know! I'm fortunate that I can blog from my day job. Bummer you lost followers. Hey, if they weren't commenting, who cares, right? Will check out your new fest!
Nebular, if you're a Statham fan, you'll dig it. And we really need to get together and discuss movies some day...
I agree with the commenters, that's what I figure happens when they don't have blogs.
Cool commenting box.
Button idea is brilliant. i hope people understand and follow through.
Great job on Stephen Tremp's Breakthrough Blogs. It was good advice that all bloggers should heed if they are interested in growing their audience and community.
I may have to experiment with that button to see what happens.
How did Larry lose followers in the Movie Quote blog-fest?
Tossing It Out
I went to see Resident Evil in 3D and it freaking ROCKED! everyone in the theatre ducked when the dude with the axe scene came up. Who cares what he was! He was AWESOME! Agreed, even better than the third movie. I love this series.
I'd better gets me to see Jason Statham too!
I'd like to see the Resident Evil in 3D, it sounds good.
I have a few non-profile folks who always comment via email. That's pretty cool.
CONGERATA to M. Pax!!!
That's a kind and cute button. I'd like one that says "I'm following you. Please follow me back (common courtesy and all)". Not everyone seems to see it that way.
Hope your weekend's going well, Alex.
Plot holes? Who cares about plot holes when Alice is kicking undead ass. lol I love these movies and I'll keep seeing them as long as they keep making them.
Big congrats to M Pax! And I love the White Rabbit button. :) Headed over to check out your interview on Stephen's blog!
Clarissa and Cheeseboy, he did a great job with the button.
Lee, no idea! He usually posts about music, so maybe movie quotes wigged someone out.
Terry, you didn't strike me as a Resident Evil girl, but that's cool! Yeah, I bet the scenes were amazing in 3D.
Pat - no-profile comments in an email. Don't think I've had any of those yet.
It is, Robyn!
Melissa, I predict at least three more then!
Thanks, Talli.
ah, if he was a hustler, than you and I were probably street gang leaders in our youth :) And I was also a wicked pickpocket operating at the dark streets of Victorian London ....
Thanks for the review blurbs. I recall another film titled "The Mechanic" - featured Chritian Bale as an emaciated tool and dye mechanic with a horrible memory plaguing and torturing him. Great acting job he turned in, quite different than any of his other movies.
Alex, what exactly do you mean by saying 'get together'? ...because if you mean 'in person', then I have to fly more than 5000 miles to meet you :) I'm from South-Eastern Europe :)
I like Jeremy's button, great idea!
I will go say, "Congrats" to M.Pax
Good point, Stratham is himself, no one can play him, better ;-D
I'm behind on the R.Evil flicks, but I know there could be a teenage marathon at my home any day. I did see the first two. Milla kicks ass~
My husband wants to see Resident Evil: Afterlife, go figure, giggle. He's seen them all. I'm sure it's all about the story thought, right?
I'm looking forward to the new movie coming out called Battle LA ( I think that's the title) comes out in March.
I can't wait to see the most recent Resident Evil. Love them all. They're for fun!
Dezz, you sneaky devil!
Hey Marvin! That was The Machinist.
Nebular, you never know when one day we'll be in each other's corner of the world...
Ella, I'm surprised by how many women really dig RE films!
Katherine, now that one sounds great!
Thanks for the brief review of The Mechanic Alex, I must try to catch it.
Hey Alex - Now I'm looking forward to seeing Resident Evil. I've gotta say the latest Predators totally bothered me. There was no point to that film. It drove me crazy. LOL
Are you going to do something sweet for your wife for V day? I'm sure you are. Have a good one.
Thanks for The Mechanic review. I'll watch it as I have some free movie passes I need to use. I'll probably have to watch a chick flick too. Don't think wifey will watch it without balancing out the day with a Rom Com.
Ricky, if you like his movies, you'll enjoy it.
RaShelle, of course! Got her some nice stuff as well.
Stephen, I'm so glad I don't have that problem!
you are so creative. You will never run out of ideas.
It is good to see how many people like what you are doing.
Keep up the good work.
I admire what you are doing.
Don't dis the guy with the big axe... he looked cool. That's all that mattered ;)
That follower button is clever. Sometimes someone new has commented and I've gone into the blog and want to follow and can't. That's frustrating.
I'm glad to hear that you don't get twitter either. Makes me feel like I'm in great company!
Thanks, Edi. And thanks for the support. You're one of the few science fiction readers who really dug my book.
Lynda, he was cool!
iZombie is cool, like the button. :) Are you watching the Grammy's?
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
you are absolutely right, resident evil has many unexplained creatures n scenes. but then again, people watch it either for milla or the actions. XD
Hopefully that button will work for you to find all of the people. It is a really neat idea.
I'd been wondering what The Mechanic was like.
Hi Alex,
Just dropping by to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day!
Hm.. Now I have a strange urge to see "The Mechanic". And that button is very clever - we should all have one!
Happy Valentine's Day, by the way (unintentional rhyme.. I hope you're getting sweeter poems than that from your wife today ;) )
Jules, sorry, I usually skip the Grammys.
Levian, and that's okay!
Thanks, Doris!
Cruella, if she writes a poem for me, I'll be shocked!
DH likes Resident Evil type things. I will let him know.
thank you, thank you... rabbits are cool...
I know that is not why I watch resident evil movies. I want to see this one. I didn't think the third one was too bad, it is visually very different from the previous two.
Ah, found it! Yeah, RE is one of those good guilty pleasure movies. Didn't catch the animated one...(did that even count), but looking forward to #4. Yay for M. Pax!
I've never seen a single Resident Evil movie. I don't feel like I'm missing out.
Statham, though...I might have to check that one out. I'll probably wait for Netflix, though.
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