Saturday, January 22, 2011

Blogfests and Awards!

If you’re looking for my Significant Other blogfest entry, it’s HERE

Don’t forget the Top Ten Countdown Music Blogfest THIS Monday! Ten songs. You can do it! Join us – I’d like to see 100 bloggers participate.

Here’s another cool blogfest coming soon:

Top Ten Horror/Science Fiction Movie Quotes Blog-fest. On the 6th February count down your top ten most memorable lines from your favorite horror and science fiction movies. Hosted by iZombie and Ellie Garratt Come on – join the fun!

And I received the Happy Award from Jules Thanks so much!

Sorry, I don’t remember the rules. Listing what makes us happy perhaps? My wife, my writing, my guitar, my iPad, and seeing 100 sign up for the Top Ten Countdown Music Blogfest!

Passing the happiness on to:

Amity at Dreams Are My Reality

Her comment the other day just made me happy!

See everyone on Monday for the Blogfest!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

And look - there are 100 signed up!! Now I am happy!

Unknown said...

Have a great weekend, Alex!

Mason Canyon said...

Wow, you're already past 100, no telling by Monday. Looking forward to both blogfest. Congratulations on the award.

Thoughts in Progress

Michael Di Gesu said...

Congrats on the award and 100 participants...



Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

100 participants is amazing. I like what makes you happy though I'm still envious about the iPad. Gotta get me one of them.

mshatch said...

ooh! Thanks for the link to the top ten horror and scifi quotes; that will be fun. I'm already making my list! I'd do the top ten songs but I don't think I could choose just ten plus my taste keeps changing... glad you got you 100 :)


Congrats on the award and also getting over 100 people to participate in the music blog,
Not sure if I can do the one on Feb 6th as I am going away on the 10th to Nashville and will be preparing for my trip, but who knows if I plan in advance???????

Still wish I had an Ipad.

Fellow Alumni said...

Hey Alex, so this is what you have for me on Saturday evening???... ;) I was thinking I was in for a Cassastar book copy as a surprise...:)

But I am happy just the same for the HAPPY AWARD and may pass the same as simply as you did as I dunno the rules to passing said award...:)

Thanks so much and I may join the music blogfest too though you hit the 100th mark already...

Goodnight here and have a great day there...


Fellow Alumni said...

Hey Alex, sorry I logged in from my alumni account hence not Amity appearing as commenter. Anyway, thanks so much. just wondering what made you happy with my comment...:)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks mason and the blogfest will be a blast!

Susan, you need an iPad.

Mshatch, it was tough for me to choose. Glad you signed up for the quotes fest.

Amity, I wish I could send you one! And your kind comment of appreciation just made me feel good.

Karen, the sci-fi/horror fest isn't for everyone. You're still cool!

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Though I'm not a party junkie, I've always been very into house music. Therefore, I've decided to do a top 10 all time favorite club tracks. See you on Monday, clubbers. Can't wait!:)

Karen Lange said...

Congrats, Alex! Have a good weekend!

Paul Joseph said...

I am all set for Monday, Alex. It's my very first blogfest and I couldn't think of a better topic. Now, that's not to say I haven't gone in and changed my choices a few times since composing the draft, because this is definitely not an easy list to generate. Looking forward to what everyone comes up with.

Charles Gramlich said...

The horror/sf movie quotes, I could certainly do. said...

Stay happy, Alex.

The Happy Whisk said...

Congrats on your new award and Happy Weekend :-)

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Have a happy weekend, Alex!


DEZMOND said...

Kate Beckinsale doesn't make you happy?? I shall tell her immediately.

I'm doing your blogfest Sunday afternoon :) And it will be a bit different as expected from my royal Naughtiness!

Arlee Bird said...

100 for the Top 10! Excellent!

Tossing It Out

Maurice Mitchell said...

Congrats on the well deserved award Alex! And thanks for the heads up on the quote blogfest. My brother and I are planning to jon in the fun!

Jeff Beesler said...

You're a blogfest phenomenon, Alex!

Nicki Elson said...

Yahoo---you even passed 100! I'm in the "blog office" getting my post ready for Monday, snatching the linky code, and saying hi.

Hi. :)

Pat Tillett said...

I've already adjusted my top 10 favorite songs at least 10 times. It is soooo hard!

Golden Eagle said...

Wow--100 participants! Congratulations on that, and on the award. :)

Hope you have a great weekend!

Jamie Gibbs said...

Congrats on the award! Looking forward to monday's blogfest - gonna sign myself up for the quote one too :D

Jeremy [Retro] said...

thanks for the shout out, i cannot believe you reached 100+, i will have so many songs in my head it will explode...


Colene Murphy said...

Congrats on your 100!!! And award!

Old Kitty said...

Congrats with your award and yay for your humungous blogfest!!!!! WOW! Go Alex, go!! Take care

Saumya said...

Aww, I loved what your wife wrote about you! I saw it while I was in school and meant to comment but had to close my computer. Congrats on the award :) What, do you like, collect an award a day or something? ;)

RaShelle Workman said...

Alex - Can't wait to do the blogfest! Love music. Great award you received, too. Happy. Happy. Joy. Joy. LOL =D

CA Heaven said...

I'm ready for the blogfest on Monday. Looking forward to see different people's lists >:)

Cold As Heaven

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your award, Alex, and 100 participants!

Unknown said...

I can't wait. I've already prepared my list.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nebular, that sounds great!

Paul, don't worry, I struggled as well. And thanks for making this your first fest. Think you'll enjoy it.

Charles, that one's a no-brainer for me.

Dezz, you're never one to conform!

Lee, the fest has 100!!

Nicki, looking forward to it.

Pat, I know - tell me about it!

Cool Jamie - and the quote one will be fun.

Saumya - they just keep coming! And thanks - my wife's really awesome.

RaShelle, you've watched Ren & Stimpy a few too many times!

Thanks everyone and Monday will rock!

ali cross said...

Aw, I love your list of happy! And, ta da! You have over 100 participants now! Woot!

Jai Joshi said...

Congrats on that Happy Award, and that's fabulous news about 100 signing up for the blogfest. Sounds like there's a real buzz around it!


Powdered Toast Man said...

I am all set to go. My post is ready to go. Damn that was tough.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks Ali and Jai!

PTM - tell me about it!

baygirl32 said...

wahoo! over 100 should be a good one

congrats on yet another award!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

All set for tomorrow!

Liz P said...

Awesome on the 100+ participants! I guess I'll be busy tomorrow evening visiting all those blogs!

Got my post all queued up. Looking forward to seeing everyone's entries.

Oh and congrats on the award!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

So many blogfests! It's great. I've posted my top 10 music early since it's monday here already.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Liz, it will be a busy day!

Lynda, I'll go take a peak then!

Gregg Metcalf said...

Hey Alex, next month do you want to do the 10 ten Duets?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gregg, that's an idea!

Ellie Garratt said...

Congratulations on the award and fantastic news that there are over a 100 taking part in the blogfest!

Thank you for giving our blogfest a mention!

Jessica Bell said...

Alrighty. I signed up at the last minute :o) Stephen T. McThingamyjiggy forced me to. He tied me up, handcuffed me and said he would haunt me with his poilitical yahoo for the rest of my life if I didn't do it. So here I am. ;o)

Mary Aalgaard said...

I think your music blogfest is a great idea. I'm not signing up even though I'm also a musician. I couldn't choose. My theme song is always changing.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Woohoo, ya'll know how I love a great tune but no time right now...the Ponderosa calls....

Have a blast and a half!!!

God bless and enjoy this beautiful day we are given!!! :o)

Natalie Decker said...

Thanks for this awesome Blogfest! Great songs listed by the way.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. this has obviously caught a fire .. being practically non-musical I passed the opportunity by .. but you certainly didn't need any help getting to 100+ amazing.

I was thinking someone very musical could put together a play list from these? A really good compilation for an ipod?

Cheers Hilary

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jessica, that's why he STUFFS!

Hilary, you should see what's on my iTouch! It's full.