Continuing with cool Christmas ideas, this is one of the best! Unless you’re hoping for a new car or 3D TV…
Let me give you a run-down on the features:
EReader - Since so many compare it to a Nook or Kindle, let me start here. It’s an excellent eReader and in glorious color! The bookstore on iTunes grows bigger every day and there are apps for the Nook and Kindle so you can download those books as well. Yes, it is backlit. How many times are you really going to read it in the hot sun anyway? Besides, when it gets dark, while others scramble for a portable light, you are good to go! There is a sepia setting to help eyestrain, but I stare at a computer for ten hours a day, and it doesn’t bother me.
Internet and email - Either with WiFi or a wireless connection (for a monthly fee) and many of the sites have their own apps. (Such as YouTube, Pandora, Blastr, ESPN, etc.)
Movies - Do you realize how many movies you can download to your iPad? The more gigs, the more movies! And you can view Watch-Now NetFlix movies as well.
Music - Just like an iPod - fill 'er up! And the sound is really good. And loud. Better use ear buds.
Photos - All of your photos at your fingertips, ready to be shown to the next unsuspecting victim. (Did I mention the amazing color on the iPad?)
Games - More games than you could play in a lifetime! Some are free, some cost a couple bucks. Currently, I’m the Muddle Master.
Word-processing apps - Yes, you can download an app (mine is Pages) that allows you to type, save, and download to your Word files. The keyboard is really easy to use - turn it sideways, and it’s just inches shorter than a real keyboard.
Misc Apps - Ones for photo-processing, stargazing, Vooks (video books), comic books, weather updates, … you name it, iTunes has it!
Useless Apps - Want your iPad to sound like a light saber when you swing it? Yup, there’s an app for that! Want a talking robot that repeats your words? Check. Lots of dumb, useless apps!
You don’t need a Mac - just plug it in and download to your PC. It’s not a full laptop, but I can see why the iPad has killed net book sales. It’s even better than an iTouch on steroids.
What are you waiting for? Add the iPad to your Christmas list now! Or make someone else’s Christmas really awesome.
And Captain Ninja Alex will be happy to answer any iPad questions. Just remember, I’m biased!
Alex, you know I feel in love with an IPAD earlier in the year but unfortunately I have to go without,
But thanks for writing about it , I love it even more,
It does sound like a handy device--I didn't know you could download things onto a PC, instead of a Mac.
God I want one so badly. What has the price dropped to now?
Yvonne, don't stop hoping for one!
Golden, it's compatible with either!
I so want an iPad but I can't afford it :( Maybe the Christmas Fairy will bring me one.
We can no longer get them since they banned lithium batteries in shipments on planes. I wasn't planning on getting one anytime soon anyway, but it was nice to know I could.
Great gift idea, now, I must ask for some cash, too!
I have to admit I played around with an iPad in an Apple store a while back and ended up liking it a lot more than I thought I would, especially the eReader. I still won't actually have one but you're right about it being an awesome Christmas gift.
I was playing the game Zombies Versus Vegetables on the iPad. A tween customer checking out the iPad next to me informed me that that game sucked and then walked away.
I could deal with that word processing app. That might be helpful.
OK, OK, enough with the convincing, I will allow you to buy it for me as a Christmas present if it will make you happy
Well you have my address now.. so... erm...
Take care
that does sound neat!
I want one nut we'll have to see if Santa thinks I've been naughty or nice. I think I've been good but I guess its all about perspective.
I'm done shopping for my boys; but I sure would like one of these!! Maybe that's what I'll get myself this year. Last year I got 'myself' a laptop so I could 'finally' that writing/blogging. That has turned out pretty awesome now didn't it?! :-)
Thanks for the awesome idea, Alex!!!!
I think I'm the one person who doesnt want an iPad for Christmas! (though my hubby would probably want one) I also don't want a kindle etc.
I'm old school. I'm typing this on my typewriter. :)
how much are you getting in kickbacks?
Great information and sales pitch! Thanks, Alex. There's something waiting for you on my blog.
Oooooh I want one, I want one..But there is this nasty little rumor about me being naughty... wasn't me...
Money is the problem for me Alex. I want one really bad.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
ahh you're killing me! KILLING ME! i want one so bad! I had actually saved up $500 towards one, but then i had to use that money for a down payment on a new bay window for the house.
So now, i'm back to saving again.
Yeah, like I needed more convincing! I would LOVE to find one of these under the tree :)
My kids have been begging for one all summer. Until the price comes down, though...they'll just have to beg!
You are a BAD influence!!! My son really, really wants one of these.
Hiya Alex!
Does that mean you own one? Yes, me thinks. *Sigh*
Well, have fun with your portable piece of technology and don't get beamed up!
~Elizabeth :)
I don't want any of your daggum technology!
I'm biased too! I love my iPad! I have one and my husband has one. We knew when the first one was delivered that we would fight over who gets to use it, so we bought a second one. Lol. LOVE IT!
Well, you don't have to convince me, sir. I was already convinced. Although you did convince me more. I just need money.
I would love one but I think if I ask my husband to buy me any more technology, he'd shoot me.
Money is a scarcity in my life as well. But this is great info for why iPads rock a lot of people's worlds.
I'm sold, now if I could only convince Santa.
Sounds like a great device. My friend has one and she loves it.
Thoughts in Progress
Matthew, price is the same. They had a one day sale after Thanksgiving and marked them all down $50.
Bummer, Ted!
Haleine, pay no attention to that crazy teen - it's an awesome game!
Sure, Dezz - no problem!
Stephen, only Santa knows for sure.
Coreen, treat yourself!
Kelly, on a typewriter? Really?
Thanks, Carol!
Invisible, I believe you.
Falen, the iPad provides a much better view, too.
Vicki, when the next generation iPads come out in three months, the first version will drop!
Betty, at least I'm some kind of influence!
Aleta, you two are smart!!
Cheeseboy, guess I just need to convince you to make more money, huh?
Here's hoping Santa is good to everyone this year!
My eyes are just getting worse and worse. Now I need +2.5 glasses and at least a 21 inch display to be able to see anything. Sad to say, I'm probably too old for that iPad thing
Cold As Heaven
Okay, you've sold me!
*holds hand out for money to buy it*
(that is the only reason I possibly will NEVER have anything that cooo....)
I'm drooling now! I want one! Should I send you my address? You're going to get me one, right?
I am holding out for the true nerd's dream device: Notion Ink's Adam.
One tablet to rule them all...
...and no proprietary BS to bind them.
I'd accept one if someone bought it for me, but I wouldn't buy one for myself. It's got way more than I could use.
I still can't get past its oddly feminine name. Then there's the money thing, and my lack of tech savvy..xo
Cold, never too old - just too worn out.
Robin, no tech knowledge needed. It doesn't even come with instructions!
So what's that, you got one for all your blogging friends? Wow, it was so nice of you to think of us! :P
Thanks for the info, Alex. Was curious about all the features.
Argh! I so want an iPad. I look with longing into the Apple store every time I pass it. lol.
I also have my eye on a Macbook Pro. My brother is trying to talk me out of it though.
I asked Santa a.k.a 'mother' for one this christmas, she is giving me a lottery instead and telling me to keep my fingers crossed, the nerve!
It does look amazing and I do need something new... What's the price?
An iPad would definitely be cool but I wouldn't buy one for myself unless it was super cheap. My laptop will do just fine. :]
Feel free to send me one for Christmas though!
Sigh.. you make it sound so cool. I may give in and get some sort of ereader someday...
It is a mega cool gadget. You'll have to keep us updated on all it's cool doings.
If I could convince my kids they don't really want anything for Christmas, the iPad would be top on my list.
I would love an iPad, but I wouldn't give up my Kindle for one. I don't think they are really comparable. I'd compare an iPad to my netbook, if I had to compare it to something.
I plan to read my Kindle on the beach next summer as there's one a five minute walk from my house. Or on my back deck. Also, I can read my Kindle (or a regular book) without my contacts in, which is great for reading in bed. For some reason, I can't read my netbook without them, so I'm assuming that would hold true for an iPad.
But, an iPad is super cool, and I'd love to have both. :-)
I already got one for my birthday last week. Still can't get the smile off my face. :)
We had a big discussion at the Christmas party, you hit all the points everyone else was raving about! I want one, but it will have to wait, unless Santa is generous this year?!
I wish!!
Karen, I wish!
Lindsay, I'm a PC guy, but I love my iPad and iTouch!
Dempsey, it's better than coal!
Jai, they start at $500.
Abby, this is the perfect place to start since there's so much more!
Mary, it is more like a Netbook.
DL - good for you!!!!
Ella, let's hope he is.
The thing that keeps me from buying one the most (besides the fact that I like to eat...every day)is that it looks awkward to carry around. I drop EVERYTHING. So, yea it doesn't look very durable. And awkward to carry. Otherwise it sounds awesome!
You don't have to sell me on it.
Sent from Jesse's ipad
My husband loves his iPad. He would not give it up. Today, we bought one for our daughter for her Christmas present. I've asked for an iPod Nano for Christmas.
Do they have a poor person version? :) It's on my real wish list, job first though :D
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
Colene, it's not. If you purchase the Apple case (yes, it's $40) it's a no-slip, sturdy material. I've never felt like I was going to drop mine.
Good for you, Helen - she'll love it.
Jules, just the $499 version!
Wow, this iPad's so freakin' cool! I've got ARCHOS. Bought it from UK. Are you familiar with it, Alex? :)
Hmmm...I don't know...Really? Is this the way we will have to read in the future? I'm just not convinced.
But I love Ninja Alex! Too funny.
Hm, it never even occurred to me to consider one. But you make it sound so cooooool!!!!
I've played with one before and I REALLY liked it. I'll put it on my wish list. :)
Nebular, yes, it's the Android answer to the iPad.
Michele, as long as Ninja Alex amuses you, that's all that matters.
Elizabeth, here's hoping Santa is good to you.
The iPad is definitely cool. I just can't justify the extra cost over a nook, knowing that I wouldn't use those features since I can already use them on my phone.
I still need to wait for the cost to come down.
I am emailing this link to my husband. =)
Edge of Your Seat Romance
Alex, why do you taunt me so? Hehe. There must be a legal way I can get an iPad without having to pay through the nose for it :P
I need one, I really do. now where is that money tree growing again?
Raquel, I hope he listens!
Jamie, the next gen of iPads comes out in three months, which means the original version will come down.
I guess it all sounds pretty cool, but I guess I can do without these things for a while. Maybe when I finish reading all the books in my house and watching all of the DVDs and videos I have--that could be a long time and maybe not in my lifetime.
Tossing It Out
Oooh, shiny.
I don't think I could give up my luscious paper books, though.
And I've heard that the "keyboard" isn't great. Functional, certainly, but not the best for typing large amounts. Which makes me wonder if it could really replace a PC/laptop, or if it's more a sort of wonder toy for those who can afford wonder toys...
Lee, you might be right!
Bryan, I've had mine since the day they came out and not had any problems mastering the keypad. It's only two inches shorter than a real one as well.
I do? Damn. You're right I'd love one. If it had a keyboard it would be irresistible ...
EReader - I prefer real books
Internet and email - I have an old notebook fits to my purpose without any apps.
Movies - I prefer definitely cinema.
Music - I don't own an iPod. I'm Apple independent. My cd-player and and my mp3-player do just what I expect.
Photos - I'm not the guy to show around pictures.
Games - I prefer my Wii and my PS2.
Word-processing apps - My notebook with Open Office works fine.
Misc Apps - As I said before I'm Apple independent
Useless Apps - That's like buying cheap toy trash made in China
Why should I spend my money for an iPad?
Don't get me wrong. If you like it buy it. But I won't.
Simon, it does have a keyboard.
I'd LOVE an iPad, but not an option at the mo. Btw, do you work for Apple :-)
Aw Alex! You're killing me!! I wish hope pray I get an iPad for Christmas from the Man but I shook my present and it's not an iPad. If it is it's broken.
Eliza, no I don't, and I certainly don't endorse Mac over PC!!
Hannah, that's not good!
An organization I work with is buying me one. Can't wait to see what it can do for me...
thanks Alex!
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