Saturday, December 18, 2010

Movie Review, Stardate Christmas, and Indie Lit Awards

Yes, another weekend, another movie review. (As many as I watch, I could do this daily. God Bless NetFlix!) First, just a quick piece of exciting news – CassaStar made the long list for the Indie Lit. Awards!!! Yes, my book is among those nominated from small and independent presses. Now, it’s the long list, so not holding my breath that I’ll make the short list. But it’s still really damn cool!! Okay, on to my movie review! (Because I do have a science fiction image to uphold now.)
TRON: LEGACY It appears critics are suffering from a bad case of Scrooge. I don’t know what movie they saw, but the one I saw was an incredibly fun film! This movie utilizes 3D technology to the max, creating a mesmerizing experience. The action is well done and the light cycle scene is the stand out action piece. There’s a few moments of slow pacing that could’ve been chopped, but the movie is such a marvel to behold, you’ll hardly notice. The music by Daft Punk is a perfect fit. It reminds me of older John Carpenter scores – repeating rhythms that are very synth heavy. Before we entered the theater, my wife asked if we’d hear a Journey song, just like in the original Tron. Much to my surprise, the answer is yes! Jeff Bridges plays Jeff Bridges to a T. The effects used to reduce his age were a little odd, but fit within the context of the computer world. I thought Garrett Hedlund was good as his son, Sam. Olivia Wilde wasn’t given a lot to do, although her character is a key player. The young lady who played Gem was absolutely gorgeous while Michael Sheen’s Castor was excellent and so over the top fun. Is it a perfect movie? No! But I go to the movies to be entertained. Tron: Legacy delivers that on all levels and will amaze you with the 3D computer world. Best movie of December so far! Okay critics, now go drink some spiked eggnog and chill out!!
Finally, here’s the Stardate Christmas Tweets from this past week: Stardate Christmas 11.9 Disassembled Borg make excellent Christmas ornaments! Stardate Christmas 13.9 After firing all of our torpedoes at the Romulans, we finally defeated them with a devastating volley of fruitcake! Stardate Christmas 14.9 Worf discovered mhyrr and gagh (a Klingon delicacy) mixed together is an excellent remedy for bunions! Who knew? Stardate Christmas 15.9 Everybody sing! 5 beaming up, 4 Klingons belching, 3 Ferengis stealing, 2 tribbles mating, and a Vulcan in Pon Farr! Stardate Christmas 16.9 The Andorian Ambassador, Boughs F Hollie, became enraged during our rendition of Deck the Halls. Damn! Stardate Christmas 17.7 Next time we'll confirm the unknown ship's identity before firing photon torpedoes. Sorry kids, no Santa this year!


Jamie Gibbs said...

Congrats on making the Longlist! I'm really excited about seeing Tron Legacy; I just hope that all this snow melts soon so I can go see it!

Pat Tillett said...

Happy to hear you made the list! I'm sure there is more to come for you. I wasn't very excited about the movie, but I've seen a couple of good reviews today. So I've changed my mind! Thanks for that.

DEZMOND said...

I'm guessing that's just the first of the literary awards you've been nominated, you should ask your publisher to keep an eye open and apply your book for as many awards as possible ...

TerryLynnJohnson said...

WOW! You made THE LIST, regardless if it's the long one, that is spectacular news!!! Be proud and excited! Good for you!
And, I'm so happy you liked Tron. I've been looking forward to it, but wasn't sure after reading some reviews. Think I'll go.

The Words Crafter said...

Congratulations!!!!! That's awesome and I can't wait to hear you've made the short list. I believe!

Um, keep an eye on the tribbles and Nine seems to be know anything about that?

Cheeseboy said...

Well, I don't think the original Tron was very well received by the critics too and it has turned legendary. I am glad you liked it. I need to see it in theaters when I can get the 3D effect.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Two of my sons are at the theater right now to see it. I wonder if they'll agree. They go see anything fantasy or scifi. I wasn't planning on seeing it but if they agree with you I might have to go.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

OMG, did you really like it that much, Alex? The weird thing is, I hate T:L before I've even seen it. The trailer annoyed me to death - it's full of laughably ridiculous dialogues and stiff acting.

mshatch said...

thanks for the review and as always, loved the Christmas Stardates. Where do you find these? Or did you make them up?

Abby Minard said...

Congrats on making the list! I haven't seen the first Tron movie, but this one looks really cool. It's something my husband and I would love to go to. Glad you liked it!

Chris Phillips said...

Congrats on the list!

Len Lambert said...

Congratulations, Alex, on making the list! Woo-hoo!

I've seen promotion on TV on Tron and some people don't like it - but like you, I love sci-fi films so I'm going to watch it! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jamie, saw some images from Europe - you guys really got some snow!

Pat, even if the story doesn't wow you, the eye candy will.

Dezz, I know they've entered me in a few others. No idea which ones though!

Terry, thank you. Just go see Tron! Reviewers are being SO harsh, and it's a fun movie.

Words Crafter - I'll send Worf out to find them both right away! And thanks for your vote of confidence.

Cheeseboy, you HAVE to see it in 3D.

Nebular, lower your expectations (I did) and just go expecting eye candy only. I was SO surprised when it was far better than I'd imagined. The more I think about it, the more I liked it. May have to see it a second time!

mshatch - totally from the mind of Captain Ninja Alex!

Len, I think you'll be 'wowed' by it all!

Unknown said...

Congrats on CassaStar; that's awesome!!! :D

Also, I'm super jealous that you've seen Tron. I as soon as I can, I'm going to the theater. It looks amazing and just as fun as the first one.

Karen Lange said...

Congrats on making the list!

Dempsey Sanders said...

I'm so glad someone has finally been positive about this movie, I was getting dissapointed reading all the crtics. Great post and congrats on making the list

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Dazzling about CassaStar.

Thanks for sharing another insightful movie review. One day I'll go to a movie again...


Vicki Rocho said...

I'm not a trekkie by any means, but I live for your stardate updates! Crack me up every time.

vic caswell said...

that's awesome about making the longlist!!!!!
and i love your stardate posts so much!

Natasha said...

Awesome on the long list. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Unknown said...

I think the one thing that can be agreed is the spectacular CG effects, it's one of the best I've seen so far this year. I think I know what the critics took issue with, but this film is worth a try just for the visual treat itself. said...

Congrats on making the long list. It stands to reason that if you can go long, you can go short. xo

Unknown said...

And congratulations on CassaStar making the list! I've tried to purchase it on Amazon Kindle version but it's not made available to my region. Guess I'll have to order a physical paperback over, which is also as good ;)

Jai Joshi said...

That's so cool that you made the list! Congratulations! I'll have my fingers crossed for you.

Glad you liked Tron. I just saw another trailer for it and it whetted my appetite. I do agree that the effects used to reduce Jeff Bridges' age seem a little odd. But it does look like it worked in that world.


Jeff Beesler said...

Way to go to make the longlist! Hope you stay afloat as that list grows shorter...

Ella said...

Damn Cool post; Congrats on the long list! My son is going Monday to see Tron. It is college break and a day off from work. I have a feeling, he will agree with your review!


Congrats on the list, awesome to read.

Have a peaceful Sunday.

Old Kitty said...

Hurrraaah!! for Cassa Star!! Yay for Tron and Boo for you cancelling Christmas at 17.7!! Don't you know? Resistance is futile! :-)

Take care

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Congratulations on making the list. You should be proud.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

i am a little late on tron: l response... i loved it, it had some flaws, but i didn't care... it had many things that made the first one great... i was on the edge waiting for the next thing to happen. so i had a great time too...

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Congrats on the Lit Awards list! We saw Tron and I really enjoyed it. Much better than the first one.

BryStearns said...

Glad you enjoyed Tron so much Alex. I still cannot get excited enough to go and see it. It's just not working.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Amanda, you'll enjoy it.

Dempsey, it's not great, but it is fun and a visual feast.

Vicki thank you - glad you enjoy them!

J-Son, you're right, and it's certainly better than Transformers II.

Robin, I like the football analogy.

Jai, that kind of effect is still not quite there yet.

Kitty, I'm sure some elves survived...

Jeremy, good to hear you enjoyed it as well!

Bryan, if you do, be sure to see it in 3D - this one is a must in 3D.

Ricky said...

Aarrgghh! I decided not to go see Tron:Legacy today, looks like I made a mistake.

Saumya said...

WOW!! Congratulations! I'm excited to read your book :) Sounds like you've got a long of great things going on ;)

The Invisible Seductress said...

YES that is incredibly cool!!!!

:} :}

yay you!!!!


Charity Bradford said...

Congratulations! That's an awesome early Christmas present.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I'm hoping to see Tron tomorrow. I'm glad you gave it a good review! :) I don't expect brilliance but I don't always go to the movies for brilliance. A bit of fun is often all I ask :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Alex for making the list on the Indie Lit Awards!

You should be mighty proud of yourself. May your book sales in 2011 be bountiful.

I made mention of CassaStar on my last blog post for the year.

Merry Christmas, Alex :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ricky, there's still time before Christmas!

Saumya, thank you!

Lynda, it will be fun - just don't expect Oscar contender. (Except for the special effects of course.)

And you, Wendy! I'll go check that out.

Charles Gramlich said...

I will definitely see Tron. And am always game for anythign STar Trek.

Randy Johnson said...

Good deal on the long list. I'd wondered about Tron. I'm so old I saw the first one in the theater. I don't get out to the theaters anymore, so this one will have to wait for either DVD release or pay-per-view.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Tron review. We're going to see it this week. Yeah, photon torpedoes can really ruin someone's day.

Jemi Fraser said...

Huge Congrats on making the list!!! :) That's wonderful news!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Charles, hope my updates amuse you then!

Randy, I saw the first one in the theater as well!

Thanks everyone - I'm sure CassaStar won't make the short list, but hey, you never know!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your nomination! Great review of Tron. I admit, I'm definitely curious about seeing it.

The Man-Cave said...

I promise to come back and read your Tron review once I see it later this week. Good news on Cassastar too!

Enid Wilson said...

Congratulations Alex! I'm crossing my fingers for you. But for the movie, I don't think I'll see it. Don't like JB that much, after he knocked Colin Firth off the oscar best actor list last year.

Fire and Cross

Shannon said...

I saw Tron over the weekend, too, and I enjoyed it. Sure, the story was predictable, but the special effects, soundtrack and overall experience were a BLAST! I had a great time with it!

Stephanie Lorée said...

Went to see Tron in 3D on Saturday. I really enjoyed it. Sometimes a movie needs to be simply entertaining, but I think critics want it to be some groundbreaking work of filmography. Whatever. It was fun.

Congratz on making the list!

Scribbler to Scribe

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Shannon, glad you enjoyed it! No, it's not deep - just fun.

Stephanie, I agree. Gosh, didn't those guys watch the first Tron? What were they expecting?

Hannah said...

Congrats on making the long list!! that's fantastica!

I will most def be seeing Tron. I loved the original and still do. Classic scifi.

Budd said...

Well that is two positive reviews from people I follow. Hmmmm.

Lola Sharp said...

We saw it Saturday in 3D and enjoyed it. The effects were great as was the score/soundtrack. Plus, Sam is HOT. (for daughter and I) (Husband agrees with you on the 2 hot girls)

Overall, it was fun and entertaining.

Sarah Ahiers said...

ooh good to hear that about Tron. i don't know when we'll have time to see it but i still want to

Shannon O'Donnell said...

My 8 y.o. is begging me to take him to TRON! Soon...I'll cave soon. :-)

Ellie Garratt said...

2 tibbles mating. LOL. Sorry, still got the giggles after reading Powdered Toast Man's question.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hannah, you let me know what you thought of it!

Glad you like it, Lola! (And your husband has good taste.) Yes, wasn't the score amazing?

Ellie, that makes me smile!

Karen M. Peterson said...

I'm really looking forward to Tron: Legacy. It looks exactly as you described it: like a whole lot of fun.